Diese Seite ist für den Seobility Bot nicht erreichbar. Unser Bot wird von der Robots.txt Datei ausgeschlossen. Der Seobility Bot crawlt nichts was Seobility oder * ausschließt.
Problematische URL: http://usgbc.org
# # robots.txt # # This file is to prevent the crawling and indexing of certain parts # of your site by web crawlers and spiders run by sites like Yahoo! # and Google. By telling these "robots" where not to go on your site, # you save bandwidth and server resources. # # This file will be ignored unless it is at the root of your host: # Used: http://example.com/robots.txt # Ignored: http://example.com/site/robots.txt # # For more information about the robots.txt standard, see: # http://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html User-agent: Googlebot User-agent: Bingbot Crawl-delay: 5 # CSS, JS, Images Allow: /core/*.css$ Allow: /core/*.css? Allow: /core/*.js$ Allow: /core/*.js? Allow: /core/*.gif Allow: /core/*.jpg Allow: /core/*.jpeg Allow: /core/*.png Allow: /core/*.svg Allow: /profiles/*.css$ Allow: /profiles/*.css? Allow: /profiles/*.js$ Allow: /profiles/*.js? Allow: /profiles/*.gif Allow: /profiles/*.jpg Allow: /profiles/*.jpeg Allow: /profiles/*.png Allow: /profiles/*.svg #Ui Pages Allow: /people/* Allow: /education/* Allow: /articles/* Allow: /credits/* Allow: /projects/* Allow: /chapters/* Allow: /organization/* Allow: /community/* Allow: /resources/* Allow: /store/* Allow: /merchandise/* Allow: /help/* Allow: /contactus Allow: /leedaddenda/* # Directories Disallow: /core/ Disallow: /profiles/ # Files Disallow: /sites/default/files/*.pdf Disallow: /sites/default/files/*.doc Disallow: /sites/default/files/*.docx Disallow: /sites/default/files/*.xls Disallow: /sites/default/files/*.xlsx Disallow: /sites/default/files/*.ppt Disallow: /sites/default/files/*.pptx Disallow: /README.txt Disallow: /web.config # Paths (clean URLs) Disallow: /admin/ Disallow: /comment/reply/ Disallow: /filter/tips Disallow: /node/add/ Disallow: /search/ Disallow: /user/register/ Disallow: /user/password/ Disallow: /user/login/ Disallow: /user/logout/ # Paths (no clean URLs) Disallow: /index.php/admin/ Disallow: /index.php/comment/reply/ Disallow: /index.php/filter/tips Disallow: /index.php/node/add/ Disallow: /index.php/search/ Disallow: /index.php/user/password/ Disallow: /index.php/user/register/ Disallow: /index.php/user/login/ Disallow: /index.php/user/logout/ User-agent: Twitterbot Crawl-delay: 5 # CSS, JS, Images Allow: /core/*.css$ Allow: /core/*.css? Allow: /core/*.js$ Allow: /core/*.js? Allow: /core/*.gif Allow: /core/*.jpg Allow: /core/*.jpeg Allow: /core/*.png Allow: /core/*.svg Allow: /profiles/*.css$ Allow: /profiles/*.css? Allow: /profiles/*.js$ Allow: /profiles/*.js? Allow: /profiles/*.gif Allow: /profiles/*.jpg Allow: /profiles/*.jpeg Allow: /profiles/*.png Allow: /profiles/*.svg #Ui Pages Allow: /people/* Allow: /education/* Allow: /articles/* Allow: /credits/* Allow: /projects/* Allow: /chapters/* Allow: /organization/* Allow: /community/* Allow: /resources/* Allow: /store/* Allow: /merchandise/* Allow: /help/* Allow: /contactus Allow: /leedaddenda/* User-agent: * Disallow: /