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Easy Baking, Vintage Recipes & Desserts - Vintage Kitchen Notes
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(Extrem wichtig)
A recipe blog with easy baking, vintage recipes and desserts for the home baker. Sweet and savory ideas for everyday and special occasions.
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Die Domain ist sehr lang.
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descriptionA recipe blog with easy baking, vintage recipes and desserts for the home baker. Sweet and savory ideas for everyday and special occasions.
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twitter:titleEasy Baking, Vintage Recipes & Desserts
twitter:descriptionA recipe blog with easy baking, vintage recipes and desserts for the home baker. Sweet and savory ideas for everyday and special occasions.
og:titleEasy Baking, Vintage Recipes & Desserts
og:descriptionA recipe blog with easy baking, vintage recipes and desserts for the home baker. Sweet and savory ideas for everyday and special occasions.
og:site_nameVintage Kitchen Notes

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Wörter aus der H1 Überschrift werden im Text der Seite verwendet.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 7 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Der Text auf der Seite ist optimal.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
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Bilder Optimierung
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Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


.../uploads/2021/03/VKN-logos-640x200-1.pngVintage Kitchen Notes logoVintage Kitchen Notes
...ntent/uploads/2021/03/mobile-1x-logo.pnggo to homepage
...ntent/uploads/2021/03/mobile-1x-logo.pngHomepage link
...nd-cheese-quiche-in-the-pan-720x960.jpegHands holding whole ham and cheese quiche in a dark metal pan.
...auce-muffins-featured-image-720x960.jpegSeveral applesauce muffins on a beige cloth and golden colored wire rack.
.../08/Pumpkin-Bread-slicesjpg-720x960.jpegA wire rack with slices of pumpkin walnut bread on a white surface.
data:[...] Base64Three oatmeal chip walnut cookies stacked on a gray surface. Top one is bitten.
data:[...] Base64Cream-topped slice of apple crumb pie on a white plate. A silver fork, green apple pieces. White background.
data:[...] Base64Three rectangular chocolate financiers with powdered sugar on a white paper.
data:[...] Base64Close up of white platter with pigs in a blanket and bowl of ketchup.
data:[...] Base64Gingerbread baked donuts on a wire rack. White background, red checkered cloth.
data:[...] Base64Stack of biscoff chocolate chip cookies. White surface, pink background.
data:[...] Base64Serving of blueberry cobbler in a white bowl with a light blue spoon. Close up image.
data:[...] Base64Appetizers & Dips
data:[...] Base64Bread Recipes
data:[...] Base64Bars & Brownies
data:[...] Base64Candy
data:[...] Base64Desserts
data:[...] Base64Basic Recipes
data:[...] Base64Person with apron laughing in a kitchen with electric mixer in hand.
data:[...] Base64Close up of golden French bread on metal sheet pan
data:[...] Base64A single golden muffin on a white surface, open paper liner
data:[...] Base64Single slice of Oreo cheesecake being lifted on a metal cake server. Whole cheesecake below. Grey and white background.
data:[...] Base64Cut glazed lemon loaf cake on a white paper on a wooden surface.
data:[...] Base64Several stacked alfajores on a grey wire rack.
data:[...] Base64Striped blue white kitchen towel with white bowl containing serving of cherry cobbler with ice cream. A gold spoon, white marble surface.
data:[...] Base64Fall Recipes
data:[...] Base64Spring
data:[...] Base64Summer
data:[...] Base64Winter
data:[...] Base64Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
data:[...] Base64Whole and slices of coconut bundt cake with powdered sugar on a beige plate. Close up image.
data:[...] Base64Rose petals sprinkled on chocolate glazed mini bundt cake. Greenish plate.
data:[...] Base64Dry green plate with single glazed mini pumpkin bundt cake. Wooden board, cinnamon sticks.
data:[...] Base64Top view of white plate with orange bundt cake with glaze. White background.
data:[...] Base64Close up slice of cheesecake stuffed chocolate bundt cake on a plate. Whole cake in the gray background.
data:[...] Base64Close up stack of ricotta blueberry pancakes with syrup. White plate.
data:[...] Base64Glass bowl with pumpkin butter on a wooden board. A jar and small pumpkin on the white background.
data:[...] Base64Spooning apple butter from a jar on a gray wooden board.
data:[...] Base64Quick blueberry compote in white bowl with silver spoon. Blue white cloth surface.
data:[...] Base64Lifting a spoon full of lemon curd from a white bowl. Colorful cloth as background.
data:[...] Base64Spooning dulce de leche from a metal can on a light gray surface.
data:[...] Base64Spooning caramel sauce from a mason jar on a wooden board. White background.
data:[...] Base64Close up top view of coconut muffins on a white checkered cloth. Light gray surface.
data:[...] Base64Sliced glazed ham on a white platter with orange slices and thyme.
data:[...] Base64Whole savory crepe cake on a plate. White marbled surface, bowl with mayo.
data:[...] Base64Tin molds with golden popovers. White paper on a wooden surface. Light gray background.
data:[...] Base64Close up of two ham and cheese sliders stacked on a white plate. Gray background.
data:[...] Base64Several slices of apple-stuffed pork roast on a yellowish plate over an orange napkin.
data:[...] Base64Ham spread in a white bowl. Silver spoon inside. Two-tone sesame crackers.
data:[...] Base64One slice of chocolate topped oreo cheesecake on a metal cake server, grey background
data:[...] Base64Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben
data:[...] Base64Peanut butter chocolate fudge tart on a white plate. Silver fork, white background.
data:[...] Base64Whole baked cherry galette on a white surface.
data:[...] Base64Close up of chocolate cream tart with whole cherries on top. Gray background.
data:[...] Base64Bitten chocolate-covered Oreo truffle over several whole more in a white bowl.
data:[...] Base64Top view of glass jar with chimichurri sauce and silver spoon, white surface
data:[...] Base64White marble surface with glass bowls containing creamy rice pudding. Cinnamon sticks and lemon peel strips around.
data:[...] Base64Scoops of strawberry ice cream in white bowl, more strawberries around, white surface, grey background.
data:[...] Base64Close up of jar with dulce de leche on a white surface
data:[...] Base64Single slice of ricotta pie on parchment over wooden table, with book, pan in background
data:[...] Base64Whole and slice of dulce de leche cheesecake on a pink cake stand. White background.
data:[...] Base64Close up of halved warm milk chocolate chip cookie on white parchment paper.
data:[...] Base64Close up slice of plum upside-down cake being lifted. Cups in the background.
data:[...] Base64Top view of jar with apple cider mix. White ceramic spoon. White surface.
data:[...] Base64Top view of pear upside down cake on a white plate. Pecans, coffee cups, silver forks. Whitish background.
data:[...] Base64Stack of plum crumble bars. Whitish surface and background. Whole plums.
data:[...] Base64Three blueberry scones stacked on a white marble surface with greyish blue background.
...ds/2023/10/Profile-pics-Paula-nuevo.jpegPerson with apron laughing in a kitchen with electric mixer in hand.
data:[...] Base64White plate with two slices of lemon poppy seed cake, a silver fork, grey background.
data:[...] Base64Slice of vanilla dulce de leche cake on a white plate. More cake in the background.
data:[...] Base64Cake server with slice being pulled out of glazed chocolate bundt cake, white background.
data:[...] Base64Squares of vanilla cake with chocolate chips on parchment paper.
data:[...] Base64A berry topped chocolate torte on a pink cake stand with one slice being removed. Grey and white background.
data:[...] Base64Whitish background and plate with eaten slice of jam covered cheesecake with a silver fork.
data:[...] Base64Close up of several homemade graham cracker on a white surface.
data:[...] Base64Close up of white plate with stack of cookies with pouring peanut butter. Light gray background.
data:[...] Base64Stack of glazed lemon shortbread cookies on a green colored wooden board.
data:[...] Base64Glazed ricotta cookies with lemon zest on white parchment paper.
data:[...] Base64Two leaning shortbread dulce de leche cookies on a white paper and wire rack. Light grey background.
data:[...] Base64Three chocolate cookies stacked. Top one is bitten. White and red background.
...ploads/2021/04/Featured-in-photo-2.1.jpgSeveral colorful logos on a white canvas.


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Easy Baking, Vintage Recipes & Desserts
Die H1-Überschrift ist perfekt.
Es befinden sich 29 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Easy Baking, Vintage Recipes & Desserts
H2 Vintage Recipes
H2 LATEST Recipes
H2 Cobblers & Dump Cakes
H2 Search the archives
H2 Trending Now
H2 It's great to have you here!
H2 All Time Favorites
H2 Browse by Season
H2 Bundt & Pound Cakes
H2 Brunch & Breakfast
H2 Toppings & Sauces
H2 Muffins & Quick Breads
H2 Vintage Classics
H2 Cheesecakes
H2 Pies & Tarts
H2 All the Chocolate
H2 ✨ Heritage Recipes
H2 Cookie Jar
H2 Fruit Recipes
H2 Scones & Biscuits
H2 Primary Sidebar
H2 Footer
H3 See all Categories
H3 Vintage Cakes
H3 Vintage Cookies
H3 As seen in
H3 About
H3 Contact
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
3 Links haben keinen Linktext oder nur Inhalt in Alt- und Titelattributen.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Keiner der Linktexte ist zu lang.
Alle internen Links haben keine dynamischen Parameter.
Es befinden sich keine externen Links auf der Seite.
LinkAttributeLinktext Skip to primary navigation Skip to main content Skip to primary sidebar
/recipe-index/Recipe Index
/categoria/appetizers/Appetizers & Dips
/categoria/brownies-and-bars/Bars & Brownies
/categoria/breads/Bread Recipes
/categoria/brunch-breakfast/Brunch & Breakfast
/categoria/cakes/Cakes & Cupcakes
/categoria/cheese/Cheese Recipes
/categoria/chocolate/Chocolate Recipes
/categoria/condiments-sauces-d...Condiments & Sauces
/categoria/cookies-crackers/Cookies & Crackers
/categoria/fruits/Fruit Recipes
/categoria/grains-legumes/Grains & Legumes
/categoria/muffins/Muffins and Quick Breads
/categoria/pasta/Pasta Recipes
/categoria/pies-tarts/Pies & Tarts
/categoria/readers-favorite-re...Readers' Favorite Recipes
/categoria/freezer-baking-dess...Freezer Friendly
/categoria/heritage-recipes/Heritage Recipes
/categoria/seasonal-recipes/Seasonal Recipes
/categoria/seasonal-recipes/fa...Fall Recipes
/categoria/vintage-recipes/Vintage Recipes
/categoria/special-holiday-rec...Holiday Recipes
/categoria/special-holiday-rec...St. Patrick's Day
/categoria/special-holiday-rec...Valentine's Day
/categoria/basic-recipes/Basic recipes
/about-this-blog/About this blog
/about-this-blog/The author
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/cookie-policy/Cookie Policy
/accessibility/Accessibility statement Vintage Kitchen Notes logo
A-TITLE Vintage Kitchen Notes Kein Text go to homepage
/newsletter/Subscribe Kein Text Homepage link
/recipe-index/Textduplikat Recipes
/categoria/special-holiday-rec...Textduplikat Holidays
/categoria/seasonal-recipes/Textduplikat Seasonal
/about-this-blog/Textduplikat About
/newsletter/Textduplikat Subscribe
/leftover-ham-and-cheese-quiche/Ham and Cheese Quiche
IMG-ALT Hands holding whole ham and cheese quiche in a dark metal pan.
/applesauce-muffins/Applesauce Muffins (easy recipe)
IMG-ALT Several applesauce muffins on a beige cloth and golden colored wire rack.
/double-pumpkin-walnut-bread-m...Pumpkin Walnut Bread
IMG-ALT A wire rack with slices of pumpkin walnut bread on a white surface.
/walnut-chocolate-chip-oatmeal...Walnut Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
IMG-ALT Three oatmeal chip walnut cookies stacked on a gray surface. Top one is bitten.
/categoria/vintage-recipes/Browse recipes →
/chocolate-financiers-fruit/Chocolate Financiers (fudgy almond cakes)
IMG-ALT Three rectangular chocolate financiers with powdered sugar on a white paper.
/pigs-in-a-blanket/Pigs in a Blanket (with puff pastry)
IMG-ALT Close up of white platter with pigs in a blanket and bowl of ketchup.
/baked-gingerbread-donuts/Baked Gingerbread Donuts
IMG-ALT Gingerbread baked donuts on a wire rack. White background, red checkered cloth.
/biscoff-chocolate-chip-cookies/Biscoff Chocolate Chip Cookies
IMG-ALT Stack of biscoff chocolate chip cookies. White surface, pink background.
/categoria/vintage-recipes/IMG-ALT Serving of blueberry cobbler in a white bowl with a light blue spoon. Close up image.
/categoria/cobblers-dump-cakes/browse recipes →
/recipe-index/recipe index →
/categoria/appetizers/Textduplikat IMG-ALT Appetizers & Dips
/categoria/breads/Textduplikat IMG-ALT Bread Recipes
/categoria/brownies-and-bars/Textduplikat IMG-ALT Bars & Brownies
/categoria/candy/IMG-ALT Candy
/categoria/desserts/Textduplikat IMG-ALT Desserts
/categoria/basic-recipes/IMG-ALT Basic Recipes
/recipe-index/all Categories
/about-this-blog/IMG-ALT Person with apron laughing in a kitchen with electric mixer in hand.
/about-this-blog/More about this blog →
/french-bread-recipe/Baguette Recipe (no knead)
IMG-ALT Close up of golden French bread on metal sheet pan
/easy-moist-oatmeal-muffins-re...Oatmeal Muffins
IMG-ALT A single golden muffin on a white surface, open paper liner
/oreo-cheesecake/Oreo Cheesecake
IMG-ALT Single slice of Oreo cheesecake being lifted on a metal cake server. Whole cheesecake below. Grey and white background.
/lemon-lime-pound-cake/Lemon Pound Cake
IMG-ALT Cut glazed lemon loaf cake on a white paper on a wooden surface.
/the-best-alfajores-recipe-ever/Alfajores Recipe (Argentinian alfajores de maicena)
IMG-ALT Several stacked alfajores on a grey wire rack.
/dump-cake-recipe/Dump Cake Recipe
IMG-ALT Striped blue white kitchen towel with white bowl containing serving of cherry cobbler with ice cream. A gold spoon, white marble surface.
/categoria/seasonal-recipes/fa...Textduplikat IMG-ALT Fall Recipes
/categoria/seasonal-recipes/sp...Textduplikat IMG-ALT Spring
/categoria/seasonal-recipes/su...Textduplikat IMG-ALT Summer
/categoria/seasonal-recipes/wi...Textduplikat IMG-ALT Winter
/mini-bundt-cakes-assorted-top...Mini Bundt Cakes (assorted toppings)
/coconut-pecan-loaf-cake/Coconut Pecan Pound Cake
IMG-ALT Whole and slices of coconut bundt cake with powdered sugar on a beige plate. Close up image.
/mini-chocolate-cakes/Glazed Mini Chocolate Bundt Cakes
IMG-ALT Rose petals sprinkled on chocolate glazed mini bundt cake. Greenish plate.
/mini-pumpkin-bundt-cakes/Mini Pumpkin Bundt Cakes (with Cinnamon Glaze)
IMG-ALT Dry green plate with single glazed mini pumpkin bundt cake. Wooden board, cinnamon sticks.
/orange-bundt-cake/Orange Bundt Cake
IMG-ALT Top view of white plate with orange bundt cake with glaze. White background.
/chocolate-bundt-cake-with-sou...Chocolate Cheesecake Bundt Cake
IMG-ALT Close up slice of cheesecake stuffed chocolate bundt cake on a plate. Whole cake in the gray background.
/categoria/cakes/bundt-pound-c...Bundt & Pound Cakes →
/categoria/brunch-breakfast/Get the recipes
/pumpkin-butter/Homemade Pumpkin Butter
IMG-ALT Glass bowl with pumpkin butter on a wooden board. A jar and small pumpkin on the white background.
/apple-butter-recipe/Apple Butter Recipe
IMG-ALT Spooning apple butter from a jar on a gray wooden board.
/easy-blueberry-compote/Blueberry Compote
IMG-ALT Quick blueberry compote in white bowl with silver spoon. Blue white cloth surface.
/lemon-curd/Homemade Lemon Curd
IMG-ALT Lifting a spoon full of lemon curd from a white bowl. Colorful cloth as background.
/dulce-de-leche-from-condensed...Dulce de Leche from Condensed Milk
IMG-ALT Spooning dulce de leche from a metal can on a light gray surface.
/caramel-sauce/Caramel Sauce
IMG-ALT Spooning caramel sauce from a mason jar on a wooden board. White background.
/categoria/toppings-sauces/Toppings & Sauces →
/categoria/muffins/Textduplikat Browse recipes →
/maple-bourbon-glazed-ham/Maple Bourbon Glazed Ham
IMG-ALT Sliced glazed ham on a white platter with orange slices and thyme.
/savory-crepe-cake/Savory Crepe Cake
IMG-ALT Whole savory crepe cake on a plate. White marbled surface, bowl with mayo.
/popovers/Popovers (5 ingredients)
IMG-ALT Tin molds with golden popovers. White paper on a wooden surface. Light gray background.
/ham-cheese-sliders/Ham and Cheese Sliders
IMG-ALT Close up of two ham and cheese sliders stacked on a white plate. Gray background.
/pork-roast-apple-stuffing/Pork Roast with Apples
IMG-ALT Several slices of apple-stuffed pork roast on a yellowish plate over an orange napkin.
/ham-salad-spread/Old Fashioned Ham Salad (spread)
IMG-ALT Ham spread in a white bowl. Silver spoon inside. Two-tone sesame crackers.
/categoria/vintage-recipes/vin...Vintage Classics →
/mothers-day-brunch-recipe-ideas/IMG-ALT One slice of chocolate topped oreo cheesecake on a metal cake server, grey background
/lemon-shortbread-cookies/Kein Text
/categoria/cheesecakes/Get the recipes →
/apple-frangipane-tart/Apple Frangipane Tart
/chocolate-peanut-butter-tart/Chocolate Peanut Butter Tart (no bake)
IMG-ALT Peanut butter chocolate fudge tart on a white plate. Silver fork, white background.
/cherry-galette/Cherry Galette
IMG-ALT Whole baked cherry galette on a white surface.
/easy-black-forest-tarts/Black Forest Tarts
IMG-ALT Close up of chocolate cream tart with whole cherries on top. Gray background.
/categoria/pies-tarts/Pies & Tarts →
/categoria/chocolate/IMG-ALT Bitten chocolate-covered Oreo truffle over several whole more in a white bowl.
/categoria/chocolate/Textduplikat Get the recipes →
/authentic-chimichurri-from-ar...Chimichurri Sauce (authentic recipe)
IMG-ALT Top view of glass jar with chimichurri sauce and silver spoon, white surface
/cinnamon-rice-pudding/Cinnamon Rice Pudding
IMG-ALT White marble surface with glass bowls containing creamy rice pudding. Cinnamon sticks and lemon peel strips around.
/easy-no-churn-strawberry-ice-...Strawberry Ice Cream (no churn)
IMG-ALT Scoops of strawberry ice cream in white bowl, more strawberries around, white surface, grey background.
/dulce-de-leche-recipe-tips/Homemade Dulce de Leche
IMG-ALT Close up of jar with dulce de leche on a white surface
/best-lemon-ricotta-pie/The Best Ricotta Pie (Italian recipe)
IMG-ALT Single slice of ricotta pie on parchment over wooden table, with book, pan in background
/dulce-de-leche-cheesecake/Dulce de Leche Cheesecake
IMG-ALT Whole and slice of dulce de leche cheesecake on a pink cake stand. White background.
/categoria/heritage-recipes/Heritage Recipes →
/mothers-day-brunch-recipe-ideas/IMG-ALT Close up of halved warm milk chocolate chip cookie on white parchment paper.
/lemon-shortbread-cookies/Kein Text
/lemon-shortbread-cookies/Kein Text
/categoria/cookies-crackers/Textduplikat Get the recipes →
/plum-hazelnut-yogurt-cake/Plum Upside Down Cake (gluten-free)
IMG-ALT Close up slice of plum upside-down cake being lifted. Cups in the background.
/homemade-apple-cider-mix/Homemade Apple Cider Mix
IMG-ALT Top view of jar with apple cider mix. White ceramic spoon. White surface.
/pear-pecan-upside-down-cake/Pear Upside Down Cake
IMG-ALT Top view of pear upside down cake on a white plate. Pecans, coffee cups, silver forks. Whitish background.
/plum-tart/Plum Crumble Bars
IMG-ALT Stack of plum crumble bars. Whitish surface and background. Whole plums.
/categoria/fruits/Fruit Recipes →
/categoria/scones-biscuits/Textduplikat Browse recipes →
/aboutMore about me →
/limoncello-glazed-citrus-popp...Lemon Poppy Seed Bundt Cake
IMG-ALT White plate with two slices of lemon poppy seed cake, a silver fork, grey background.
/buttermilk-cake-dulce-de-lech...Dulce de Leche Cream Cake
IMG-ALT Slice of vanilla dulce de leche cake on a white plate. More cake in the background.
/chocolate-port-bundt-cake/Chocolate Bundt Cake
IMG-ALT Cake server with slice being pulled out of glazed chocolate bundt cake, white background.
/chocolate-chip-pound-cake-wit...Chocolate Chip Cake
IMG-ALT Squares of vanilla cake with chocolate chips on parchment paper.
/chocolate-almond-torte/Chocolate Torte
IMG-ALT A berry topped chocolate torte on a pink cake stand with one slice being removed. Grey and white background.
/the-perfect-sour-cream-cheese...Sour Cream Cheesecake
IMG-ALT Whitish background and plate with eaten slice of jam covered cheesecake with a silver fork.
/homemade-graham-crackers/Homemade Graham Crackers
IMG-ALT Close up of several homemade graham cracker on a white surface.
/peanut-butter-cookies/Peanut Butter Cookies
IMG-ALT Close up of white plate with stack of cookies with pouring peanut butter. Light gray background.
/lemon-shortbread-cookies/Lemon Shortbread Cookies
IMG-ALT Stack of glazed lemon shortbread cookies on a green colored wooden board.
/lemon-ricotta-cookies/Lemon Ricotta Cookies
IMG-ALT Glazed ricotta cookies with lemon zest on white parchment paper.
/dulce-de-leche-cookies/Dulce de Leche Cookies
IMG-ALT Two leaning shortbread dulce de leche cookies on a white paper and wire rack. Light grey background.
/chocolate-cookies/Double Chocolate Cookies
IMG-ALT Three chocolate cookies stacked. Top one is bitten. White and red background.
/categoria/vintage-recipes/vin...Vintage Cookies →
/about-this-blogTextduplikat The author
/privacy-policyPrivacy Policy
/amazon-affiliatesNeues Fenster Amazon Associate
/cookie-policyTextduplikat Cookie Policy
/subscription-form/Neues Fenster SIGN UP!


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Easy Baking, Vintage Recipes & Desserts - Vintage Kitchen Notes
A recipe blog with easy baking, vintage recipes and desserts for the home baker. Sweet and savory ideas for everyday and special occasions.

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Vintage Recipes90%Check
Vintage Recipes Desserts87%Check
Vintage Kitchen85%Check
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Vintage Kitchen Notes80%Check

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