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/courses/ | Subdomain | Enrol Now |
/courses/ | Subdomain | Find a Course |
/why-choose-vhs/ | Subdomain | Discover the VHS Difference |
/courses/ontario-secondary-sch... | Subdomain | OLC4O Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course, Open GR 12 IMG-ALT A woman sitting at a desk with a cup of coffee. |
/courses/advanced-functions-gr... | Subdomain | MHF4U Advanced Functions, University Preparation GR 12 IMG-ALT An image of a roller coaster in a city. |
/courses/introduction-to-compu... | Subdomain | ICS3U Introduction to Computer Science, University Preparation GR 11 |
/courses/physics-grade-11-univ... | Subdomain | SPH3U Physics, University Preparation GR 11 IMG-ALT A smiling young woman surrounded by equations on a chalkboard. |
/courses/science-grade-10-acad... | Subdomain | SNC2D Science, Academic GR 10 IMG-ALT An instructor conducting a science experiment. |
/courses/bem1o/ | Subdomain | BEM1O Building the Entrepreneurial Mindset, Open GR 9 IMG-ALT BEM1O Course Outline Video Poster |
/courses/english-university-gr... | Subdomain | ENG4U English University, University Preparation GR 12 IMG-ALT A man sitting at a table in a library with a laptop. |
/courses/calculus-and-vectors-... | Subdomain | MCV4U Calculus and Vectors, University Preparation GR 12 IMG-ALT A diagram showing a rocket and a camera. |
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/student-support/online-tutoring/ | Neues Fenster Subdomain | Maximize Your Success at VHS |
/contact-us/ | Subdomain | Contact us |
/student-spotlight/scholarship... | Subdomain | Isaiah Owens Julie O’Rourke Memorial Scholarship Recipient |
/news/sidnel-blessing-longuma/ | Subdomain | Sidnel Blessing Longuma Sommerville Scholarship Recipient |
/news/student-spotlight-adam-f... | Subdomain | Adam Figueroa Ontario Talent IMG-ALT Student Spotlight: Adam Figueroa text over image of the student and art created for the Guelph Black Heritage Society |
/news/student-spotlight-camila... | Subdomain | Camila Rosario Arce International Student IMG-ALT Student Spotlight Camila Rosario Arce text on background images of a river, Camila, and a mountain. |
/news/student-spotlight-pari-p... | Subdomain | Pari Patel VHS Bursary Recipient IMG-ALT Student spotlight - Pari Patel |
/news/student-spotlight-mohamm... | Subdomain | Mohammadmin Tabari Nia University of Toronto Scholarship Recipient IMG-ALT Student spotlight - mohammadamin tabari nia. |
/news/student-spotlight-cassen... | Subdomain | Cassenya Detmar Homeschool Success IMG-ALT Student spotlight cassenya detmar. |
/news/student-spotlight-laura-... | Subdomain | Laura Kohlsmith Ontario Scholar IMG-ALT student spotlight laura kohlsmith. |
/blog/ | Subdomain | View All Blogs |
/course/driven-by-curiosity-an... | Subdomain | Driven by Curiosity and Wonder: Grade 10 Science Course Relaunch IMG-ALT SNC2D Science Grade 10 Academic Relaunch |
/course/unlocking-insights-gra... | Subdomain | Unlocking Insights: Grade 12 University Mathematics for Data Management Course Relaunch IMG-ALT MDM4U: Mathematics of Data Management, Grade 12 Relaunch |
/news/embracing-change-updatin... | Subdomain | Embracing Change: Updating Our Grade 12 University Challenge and Change in Society Course Course Relaunch IMG-ALT HSB4U: Challenge and Change in Society, Grade 12 Relaunch |
/news/threads-of-time-grade-11... | Subdomain | Threads of Time: Grade 11 University English Course Relaunch IMG-ALT a notepad, laptop, drawing mannequin, pens and pencils, sticky notes,and ENG letter blocks. |
/news/getting-from-here-to-the... | Subdomain | Getting from Here to There: Grade 9 Learning Strategies New Course IMG-ALT A woman standing in front of a bookshelf with the words identify learning styles, set goals, and develop skills. |
/news/start-your-journey-grade... | Subdomain | Start Your Journey: Grade 9 De-Streamed English New Course |
/news/bonjour-for-beginners-gr... | Subdomain | Bonjour for Beginners: Grade 9 Open French New Course IMG-ALT Student holding a camera while travelling to Quebec. |
/news/whats-the-point-grade-10... | Subdomain | What's the Point?: Grade 10 Academic English Course Relaunch IMG-ALT Eng2d what's the point? grade 10 academic english. |
/courses/ | Subdomain Textduplikat | View All Blogs |
/online-tutoring/maximize-lear... | Subdomain | Maximize Learning with Online Tutoring |
/news/leading-the-way-vhs-foun... | Subdomain | Leading the Way: VHS Founders Awarded Honorary Degrees IMG-ALT A picture of John Smallwood (left) and Stephen Baker. |
/news/from-there-to-here-helpi... | Subdomain | From There to Here: Helping International Students Get to Canada IMG-ALT a picture of an international student waving a Canadian flag. |
/news/preparing-for-post-secon... | Subdomain | Preparing for Post-Secondary with VHS IMG-ALT Preparing for post secondary with vhs with a graduation hat and diploma image background. |
/news/earning-your-online-cred... | Subdomain | Earning Your Online Credit Requirement at VHS IMG-ALT Earning your online credit requirement at virtual high school. |
/news/tis-the-season-giving-ba... | Subdomain | 'Tis the Season: Giving Back with Community Involvement Hours IMG-ALT Giving back with community involvement hours. |
/news/online-tutoring-at-vhs/ | Subdomain | Online Tutoring at VHS IMG-ALT A computer screen with the words online tutoring on it. |
/news/the-ins-and-outs-of-de-s... | Subdomain | The Ins and Outs of De-Streaming IMG-ALT The ins and outs of de-streaming. |
/blog/ | Neues Fenster Subdomain Textduplikat | View All Blogs |
/courses/ | Subdomain | Enrol Today |
/courses/ | Subdomain Textduplikat | Enrol Today |
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/contact-us/ | Subdomain Textduplikat | Connect with Us |
/student-support/bursaries-and... | Subdomain | Apply Now |
/student-support/bursaries-and... | Subdomain Textduplikat | Apply Now |
(Nice to have)