Übersicht der SEO Analyse
Externe Faktoren
SEO Score
1,04 s
103,10 kB
Anzahl Links
243 Intern / 23 Extern

To-do Liste mit SEO Optimierungen

Meta-Angaben im HTML

(Extrem wichtig)
Western Technical College | The affordable path to a great career and a better life
Der Titel sollte kürzer als 580 Pixel sein. Er ist insgesamt 730 Pixel lang. Jetzt optimieren
Es gibt keine Wortwiederholungen im Titel.
(Extrem wichtig)
Western Technical College in La Crosse, WI offers the affordable path to a great career. Our programs provide the skills and experience needed in the workforce today through hands-on education with flexible learning options.
Die Meta-Description ist zu lang. (1384 Pixel von maximal 1000 Pixel) Jetzt optimieren
(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
Der angegebene Canonical Link verweist auf eine andere URL.
(Wenig wichtig)
Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache wird im HTML Code wie folgt angegeben: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite nutzt keine Alternate Links.
Weitere Metatags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es gibt keinen rel next Meta Tag auf der Seite.
Es gibt keinen rel prev Meta Tag auf der Seite.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Domain ist keine Subdomain.
Die Länge der Domain ist gut.
Die Domain enthält keine Umlaute.
Seiten URL
(Wenig wichtig)
In der URL wurden keine Parameter entdeckt.
In der URL wurde keine Session ID entdeckt.
Die URL hat nicht zu viele Unterverzeichnisse.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Angaben zur Zeichensatzkodierung (UTF-8) sind fehlerfrei.
(Nice to have)
Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
Die Doctype Angabe befindet sich an erster Stelle im HTML-Code.
(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes
descriptionWestern Technical College in La Crosse, WI offers the affordable path to a great career. Our programs provide the skills and experience needed in the workforce today through hands-on education with flexible learning options.
generatorDrupal 7 (http://drupal.org)
rdfs:label skos:prefLabelWelcome Center
twitter:titleWestern Technical College
twitter:descriptionWestern Technical College in La Crosse, WI offers the affordable path to a great career. Our programs provide the skills and experience needed in the workforce today through hands-on education with
og:titleWestern Technical College
og:descriptionWestern Technical College in La Crosse, WI offers the affordable path to a great career. Our programs provide the skills and experience needed in the workforce today through hands-on education with flexible learning options.

Analysiere jetzt kostenlos bis zu 1.000 Unterseiten von westerntc.edu!

Kostenlos Testen
Die Nutzung des Basis Accounts ist zeitlich unbegrenzt möglich


(Extrem wichtig)
Einige Wörter aus dem Seitentitel werden nicht im Text bzw. Inhalt der Seite verwendet
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 9.31 Wörtern sehr niedrig.
Der Inhalt ist mit 813 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 15% aus Füllwörtern.
Wörter aus der H1 Überschrift werden im Text der Seite verwendet.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 4 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Es befinden sich keine Duplikate auf der Seite.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes) ist korrekt.
Mindestens ein Apple-Touch Icon ist definiert.
Bold- und Strongtags
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Nutzung von Strong- und Bold-Tags ist optimal. Wir empfehlen für diese Webseite die Verwendung von bis zu 16 Tags.
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 1 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


/sites/all/themes/western_at/logo.pngWestern Technical College
...lt/files/pictures/Success-in-7-Logo4.pngSuccess in 7
/sites/default/files/100062_3.jpgAgri-Business Science Technology ImageAgri-Business Science Technology Image
/sites/default/files/305313_4.jpgEmergency Medical Technician - Basic ImageEmergency Medical Technician - Basic Image
/sites/default/files/102011_9.jpgGraphic Design ImageGraphic Design Image
...default/files/programs/images/105131.jpgMedical Lab Technician ImageMedical Lab Technician Image
/sites/default/files/104815_9.jpgBuilding Science & Energy Management ImageBuilding Science & Energy Management Image
...default/files/programs/images/107012.jpgDigital Media Production ImageDigital Media Production Image
/sites/default/files/105222_3.jpgFoundations of Teacher Education ImageFoundations of Teacher Education Image
/sites/default/files/106315_4.jpgIoT Integration Specialist ImageIoT Integration Specialist Image
/sites/default/files/101563_2.jpgIT-Data & Analytics Specialist ImageIT-Data & Analytics Specialist Image
...6c-bc3b-85e95b99056f_0.jpg?itok=3FhdS5xWKein ALT-Attribut angegeben
...l/public/Courtyard Cal.jpg?itok=fZstMt71Cal the Cavalier with Western letters.Cal in the Courtyard
...4344-ae5b-95cd0f01118c.jpg?itok=78bZRAD5Cavalier Cupboard
...4723-9b5d-b7d7bf621782.jpg?itok=elLfvbCgSigning Ceremony
...ic/COVID-19 Update (1).png?itok=d9m6ctZRAspen Prize
...Courtney Chambers-0595.jpg?itok=6ozFF0adCourtney Chambers
/sites/all/themes/western_at/logoEE.pngWestern Technical College Logo
...ures/higher_learning_commission_logo.pngThe Higher Learning Commission
...ault/files/pictures/WTCS_member_logo.pngWisconsin Technical College System
...es/pictures/achieving_the_dream_logo.pngAchieving the Dream


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Western Technical College
Zu viele H1 Überschriften
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Einige Überschriften haben keinen Inhalt.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Western Technical College
H1 Welcome to Western Technical College
H2 Search form
H2 You are here
H2 Featured Programs
H2 Calendar
H2 News
H2 Search form Text-Duplikat
H3 Leere Überschrift
H3 Wondering where to start?
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
1 Links haben keinen Linktext oder nur Inhalt in Alt- und Titelattributen.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Keiner der Linktexte ist zu lang.
Alle internen Links haben keine dynamischen Parameter.
Es befinden sich 23 externe Links auf der Seite.
https://westerntc.edu/Anchor Skip to main content
https://westerntc.edu/give-nowDonate Now
https://map.concept3d.com/?id=...Extern Subdomain Interactive Map
/current-studentsCurrent Students
/future-studentsFuture Students
https://westerntc.my.salesforc...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Request Info
https://westerntc.edu/IMG-ALT Western Technical College
https://westerntc.edu/Textduplikat Western Technical College
A-TITLE Home page
/paying-collegePaying for College
/student-lifeStudent Life
https://www.westerntc.edu/7-weeksSubdomain IMG-ALT Success in 7
/academic-programs/all-programsView all programs
/visit-westernVisit Western
https://westerntc.edu/transferUniversity Transfer
/academic-programs/all-programsAll Programs
/agri-business-science-technologyIMG-ALT Agri-Business Science Technology Image
/agri-business-science-technologyAgri-Business Science Technology
/emergency-medical-technician-...IMG-ALT Emergency Medical Technician - Basic Image
/emergency-medical-technician-...Emergency Medical Technician - Basic
/graphic-designIMG-ALT Graphic Design Image
/graphic-designGraphic Design
/medical-lab-technicianIMG-ALT Medical Lab Technician Image
/medical-lab-technicianMedical Lab Technician
/building-science-energy-manag...IMG-ALT Building Science & Energy Management Image
/building-science-energy-manag...Building Science & Energy Management
/digital-media-productionIMG-ALT Digital Media Production Image
/digital-media-productionDigital Media Production
/foundations-teacher-educationIMG-ALT Foundations of Teacher Education Image
/foundations-teacher-educationFoundations of Teacher Education
/iot-integration-specialistIMG-ALT IoT Integration Specialist Image
/iot-integration-specialistIoT Integration Specialist
/it-data-analytics-specialistIMG-ALT IT-Data & Analytics Specialist Image
/it-data-analytics-specialistIT-Data & Analytics Specialist
https://westerntc.edu/calendarFull Calendar
/event/summer-2-session-endsSummer 2 Session Ends
/event/summer-2-session-endsKein Text
/event/fall-term-session-1-beginsFall Term Session 1 Begins
/event/fall-term-session-1-beginsIMG-ALT Cal the Cavalier with Western letters.
/event/fall-session-1-endsFall Session 1 Ends
/event/fall-session-1-endsIMG-ALT ITC
https://westerntc.edu/newsAll News
/news/new-report-shows-31-mill...IMG-ALT Textbooks
/news/new-report-shows-31-mill...New Report Shows $3.1 Million In Transcripted Credit Savings
/news/new-report-shows-western...IMG-ALT Cavalier Cupboard
/news/new-report-shows-western...New Report Shows Western’s Cavalier Cupboard Usage Grew During 2023-24
/news/western-viterbo-sign-it-...IMG-ALT Signing Ceremony
/news/western-viterbo-sign-it-...Western, Viterbo Sign IT-Data And Analytics Transfer Agreement
/news/western-semifinalist-pre...IMG-ALT Aspen Prize
/news/western-semifinalist-pre...Western A Semifinalist For Prestigious National Award
/news/courtney-chambers-named-...IMG-ALT Courtney Chambers
/news/courtney-chambers-named-...Courtney Chambers Named 2024-25 Student Ambassador
/welcome-centerWelcome Center
/regional-locationsSubdomain Regional Locations
https://www.facebook.com/Weste...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Kein Text
https://twitter.com/WesternTCNeues Fenster Extern Kein Text
https://www.youtube.com/user/W...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Kein Text
https://www.instagram.com/west...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Kein Text
/equal-employer-opportunity-st...EEO Statement
/employeedirectoryStaff Directory
/maps-and-parkingMaps and Parking
/regional-locationsTextduplikat Regional Locations
https://info.westerntc.edu/sit...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Policies
http://westerntcnews.org/Neues Fenster Extern News Center
/weather-cancellationsWeather Cancellations
/emergency-informationEmergency Information
/campus-safetyCampus Safety
/sex-based-harassment-and-disc...Sex-Based Harassment and Discrimination
/student-rights-concerns-and-d...Student Rights, Concerns, and Disclosures
/privacy-noticePrivacy Notice
https://westerntc.edu/bookstoreBookstore and Spirit Shop
https://westerntc.edu/lundacenterLunda Center
/union-marketUnion Market
/wellness-centerWellness Center
https://westerntc.edu/passwordNeues Fenster Password Reset for Students
https://passwordreset.microsof...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Password Reset for Faculty/Staff
https://westerntc.my.site.com/appNeues Fenster Extern Subdomain Apply Now
https://westerntc.my.salesforc...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Textduplikat Request Info
/performance-excellence-and-ac...IMG-ALT The Higher Learning Commission
https://www.wtcsystem.edu/Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain IMG-ALT Wisconsin Technical College System
http://achievingthedream.org/Neues Fenster Extern IMG-ALT Achieving the Dream
https://westerntc.edu/programsTextduplikat Programs
/academic-programsAcademic Programs
/online-programsOnline Programs
/university-transferTextduplikat University Transfer
/associate-of-artsAssociate of Arts Degree
/associate-of-scienceAssociate of Science Degree
/transfer-agreements-programAgreements By Program
/uw-madison-transferUW-Madison Pathway
/viterbo-university-co-admissionViterbo University Co-Admission
/MSOE-Technical-SalesMSOE Technical Sales
/career-pathwaysCareer Pathways
/non-traditional-occupationsNon-Traditional Occupations
https://westerntc.edu/find-classFind a Class
https://westerntc.edu/admissionsTextduplikat Admissions
https://westerntc.edu/how-applyHow to Apply
/military-connected-servicesMilitary Connected Services
/military-credit-prior-learningMilitary Credit for Prior Learning
/forms-and-military-policiesForms and Military Policies
/resources-and-contactsResources and Contacts
https://westerntc.edu/give-nowDonate to Veteran Military Center
/admissions-coachesAdmissions Coaches
/assessment-servicesAssessment Services
https://westerntc.edu/accuplacerACCUPLACER Testing
https://westerntc.edu/teas-examATI TEAS Exam
https://westerntc.edu/hesi-examHESI A2 Exam
/gedhsed-testingGED/HSED Testing
/proctor-servicesProctor Services
/keyboarding-proficiency-testKeyboarding Proficiency Test
/transfer-optionsTransfer Options
/credit-prior-learningCredit for Prior Learning
/standardized-examsStandardized Exams
/institutional-challenge-examsInstitutional Challenge Exams
/military-training-and-serviceMilitary Training and Service
/workforce-training-and-certif...Workforce Training and Certifications
/portfolio-assessmentPortfolio Assessment
/transfer-creditCredit Transfer
/international-studentsInternational Students
/paying-collegeTextduplikat Paying for College
/financial-aidFinancial Aid
/application-processApplication Process
https://westerntc.edu/types-aidTypes of Aid
/sites/default/files/paying-fo...Net Price Calculator
/financial-wellnessFinancial Wellness
https://westerntc.academicwork...Extern Subdomain Apply for Scholarships
/donating-scholarshipsDonating to Scholarships
/additional-scholarship-opport...Additional Scholarship Opportunities
/funding-military-connected-st...Military Connected Students
/payment-optionsPayment Options
/tuition-payment-calendarTuition Payment Calendar
/forms-you-may-needForms You May Need
/covid19-fundsCOVID-19 Funds
/student-lifeTextduplikat Student Life
https://westerncavaliers.com/Extern Athletics
/government-clubs-and-organiza...Government, Clubs, and Organizations
/dining-servicesDining Services
/union-marketTextduplikat Union Market
/market-moneyMarket Money
/food-service-employmentTextduplikat Employment
/career-servicesCareer Services
/life-resourcesLife Resources
/counseling-and-case-managemen...Counseling and Case Management
/access-servicesAccess Services
/health-and-wellnessHealth and Wellness
/military-connected-servicesTextduplikat Military Connected Services
/equity-inclusion-community-en...Equity, Inclusion, & Community Engagement
/wellness-centerTextduplikat Wellness Center
/wellness-center-servicesTextduplikat Services
/facilities-and-equipmentFacilities and Equipment
/health-and-wellnessTextduplikat Health and Wellness
/peer-wellness-coachingPeer Wellness Coaching
/student-health-centerStudent Health Center
https://westerntc.edu/bookstoreTextduplikat Bookstore and Spirit Shop
/learning-commonsLearning Commons/Library
/writing-centerWriting Center
https://westerntc.edu/math-centerMath Center
/science-centerScience Center
https://westerntc.edu/peer-tutorsPeer Tutors
https://westerntc.edu/palsPALS (Personalized Applied Learning Strategies)
/additional-resources-and-serv...Additional Resources and Services
https://westerntc.edu/applyTextduplikat Apply
https://westerntc.edu/give-nowTextduplikat Donate Now
https://map.concept3d.com/?id=...Extern Subdomain Textduplikat Interactive Map
https://westerntc.edu/alumniTextduplikat Alumni
/services-and-benefitsServices and Benefits
/stay-connectedStay Connected
/career-resourcesCareer Resources
/alumni-associationAlumni Association
https://westerntc.edu/give-nowGive Now
https://westerntc.edu/foundationTextduplikat Foundation
https://westerntc.edu/about-usAbout Us
https://westerntc.edu/seedsAnnual Campaign
/alumni-associationTextduplikat Alumni Association
/student-storiesStudent Stories
/support-westernSupport Western
/donate-to-scholarshipsTextduplikat Scholarships
https://westerntc.edu/BricksBrick Campaign
/student-leadership-opportunitiesStudent Leadership Opportunities
https://westerntc.edu/golfScholarship Golf Outing
/staff-professional-developmentStaff Professional Development
/legacy-givingLegacy Giving
/alumni-campaignAlumni Campaign
https://westerntc.edu/give-nowTextduplikat Give Now
/exchanging-ideas-and-approach...Textduplikat Business/Community
/business-and-industry-servicesBusiness and Industry Services
https://westerntc.edu/lundacenterTextduplikat Lunda Center
/public-safety-trainingPublic Safety Training
/cpr-and-first-aidCPR and First Aid
/emergency-medical-services-emsEmergency Medical Services (EMS)
/fire-servicesFire Services
/law-enforcementLaw Enforcement
/location/public-safety-traini...Facility Rental
/form/facility-rental-request-...Facility Rental Request Form
/community-engagementCommunity Engagement
/volunteeringugetconnectedVolunteering / UGetConnected
/community-based-learningCommunity-Based Learning
/community-servicesServices / Project In-take Forms
https://westerntc.edu/eventsTextduplikat Events
/post-job-openingsPost Job Openings
/rfps-and-bidsRFPs and Bids
/current-studentsTextduplikat Current Students
https://mywestern.westerntc.edu/Extern Subdomain MyWestern
https://www.outlook.com/studen...Extern Subdomain Email
https://blackboard.westerntc.edu/Extern Subdomain Blackboard
https://westerntc.edu/passwordTextduplikat Password Reset for Students
/it-help-deskIT Help Desk
/sites/default/files/documents...Academic Calendar
/staff-directoryStaff Contacts
/future-studentsTextduplikat Future Students
/welcome-centerTextduplikat Welcome Center
/high-school-cornerHigh School Corner
/high-school-admissions-coachingAdmissions Coaching
/visit-westernTextduplikat Visit Western
/earn-college-credit-high-schoolEarn College Credit in High School
https://westerncavaliers.com/Extern Textduplikat Athletics
https://westerntc.secure.force...Extern Subdomain Request Information
/educator-resourcesEducator Resources
/learner-support-and-transitionGED, ELL, and College Prep
/complete-high-schoolComplete High School
/learn-englishLearn English
https://westerntc.edu/accuplacerPlacement Testing
/pre-college-coursesPre-College Courses
/re-entry-servicesRe-Entry Services
/adult-basic-educationAdult Basic Education
https://westerntc.edu/housingTextduplikat Housing
/cost-and-feesCost and Fees
https://westerntc.edu/floor-plansFloor Plans
/video-and-photosVideo and Photos
https://westerntc.edu/meal-planMeal Plan
/military-connected-servicesTextduplikat Military Connected Services
/visit-westernTextduplikat Visit Western
/campus-toursCampus Tours
https://map.concept3d.com/?id=...Extern Subdomain Textduplikat Interactive Map
/regional-locationsTextduplikat Regional Locations
/form/group-tour-requestGroup Tour Request
/returning-adultReturning Adult
https://westerntc.my.salesforc...Extern Subdomain Textduplikat Request Info


(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite leitet weiter auf "https://westerntc.edu/"
Es wird kein X-Powered HTTP-Header mitgesendet.
Der Webserver nutzt GZip zur komprimierten Übertragung der Webseite (HTML).
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Antwortzeit der HTML-Seite ist mit 1,04 Sekunden sehr langsam. Ein angepeiltes Ziel sollten 0,4 Sekunden sein. Suchmaschinen-Crawler können sonst Inhalte nicht so schnell aufnehmen und auch Besucher erwarten eine schnelle Webseite.
Die Dateigröße des HTML-Dokuments ist mit 103 kB in Ordnung.


dateSun, 11 Aug 2024 12:49:07 GMT
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x-generatorDrupal 7 (http://drupal.org)
link<https://www.westerntc.edu/>; rel="canonical",<https://www.westerntc.edu/>; rel="shortlink"
cache-controlpublic, max-age=3600
last-modifiedSun, 11 Aug 2024 12:15:39 GMT
expiresSun, 19 Nov 1978 05:00:00 GMT

Externe Faktoren

(Nice to have)
Die Seite wird nicht als "nur für Erwachsene" eingestuft.
Die Seite ist exzellent von anderen Webseiten verlinkt.
Die Seite hat Backlinks von 1.157 verweisenden Domains.
Die Seite hat insgesamt 44.776 Backlinks.
Die Seite hat Backlinks von 891 verschiedenen IP Adressen.

Links von Wikipedia

Es wurden keine Links von Wikipedia gefunden.


# robots.txt
# This file is to prevent the crawling and indexing of certain parts
# of your site by web crawlers and spiders run by sites like Yahoo!
# and Google. By telling these "robots" where not to go on your site,
# you save bandwidth and server resources.
# This file will be ignored unless it is at the root of your host:
# Used:    http://example.com/robots.txt
# Ignored: http://example.com/site/robots.txt
# For more information about the robots.txt standard, see:
# http://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html

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# Paths (no clean URLs)
Disallow: /?q=admin/
Disallow: /?q=comment/reply/
Disallow: /?q=filter/tips/
Disallow: /?q=node/add/
Disallow: /?q=search/
Disallow: /?q=user/password/
Disallow: /?q=user/register/
Disallow: /?q=user/login/
Disallow: /?q=user/logout/


Western Technical College | The affordable path to a great career a...
Western Technical College in La Crosse, WI offers the affordable path to a great career. Our programs provide the skills and experience needed in the workforce today through hands-on education with flexible learning options.

Wichtigste Suchbegriffe

Folgende Keywords wurden erkannt. Überprüfe die Optimierung dieser Keywords für Deine Seite.

Western Technical86%Check
Western Technical College83%Check
Technical College79%Check
Visit Western65%Check
2024 Western65%Check

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