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/ausstellungen/aktuell/ | | Exhibitions |
/en/exhibitions/current/ | | Current |
/en/exhibitions/upcoming/ | | Upcoming |
/en/exhibitions/archives/ | | Archive |
/en/exhibitions/collection/ | | Collection |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalogue/ | | Online Catalogue |
/besuch/besuch-planen/ | | Visit |
/en/visit/plan-your-visit/ | | Plan your visit |
/en/visit/about-us/ | | About us |
/en/visit/accessibility/ | | Accessibility |
/en/visit/insights/ | | Insights |
https://shop.aargauerkunsthaus... | Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain | Shop |
/en/visit/adults/ | | Adults |
/en/visit/families-and-children/ | | Families |
/en/visit/schools/ | | Schools |
/en/visit/commitment/ | | Commitment |
/en/events/ | | Events | | | Aargauer Kunsthaus |
/en/exhibition/johannes-robert... | | Johannes Robert Schürch See all |
/en/exhibition/johannes-robert... | | 14.9.2024–12.1.2025 |
/en/exhibition/collection-25-i/ | | Collection 25 I |
/en/exhibition/collection-25-i/ | | 14.1.–6.7.2025 |
/en/exhibition/marianne-kuhn/ | | Marianne Kuhn Collection in Focus |
/en/exhibition/marianne-kuhn/ | | 1.2.–22.6.2025 |
/en/exhibition/neutrality-model/ | | Neutrality Model |
/en/exhibition/neutrality-model/ | | 1.2.–11.5.2025 |
/en/visit/about-us/ | Textduplikat | About us |
/en/events/opening-3/?date=202... | | Fri 31.1.2025 6 pm – 10 pm Opening Neutrality Model IMG-ALT Installationsansicht von farbig beleuchteten Statuen |
/en/events/childrens-vernissag... | | Fri 31.1.2025 6 pm – 8 pm Children’s vernissage Neutrality Model IMG-ALT Foto einer Flagge mit drei Farbkreisen, die sich überschneiden und Farbmischungen anzeigen |
/en/events/preview-kunstverein... | | Fri 31.1.2025 5 pm – 6 pm Preview Kunstverein Neutrality Model IMG-ALT Eine futuristische Schaltzentrale ohne Menschen mit leeren Bürostühlen |
/en/events/dialogue-tour-with-... | | Sun 2.2.2025 1 pm – 2 pm Dialogue tour with Guerreiro do Divino Amor Neutrality Model IMG-ALT Collage mit Helvetia, die auf einem Hügel steht, umgeben von kleinen Symbolen, die an die Schweiz erinnern |
/en/events/artwork-of-the-mont... | | Tue 4.2.2025 12.15 pm – 12.45 pm Artwork of the Month February Neutrality Model IMG-ALT Modell einer Landschaft mit kleinen Militärspielfiguren in einer Tallandschaft |
/en/events/residenzzentrum-tan... | | Thu 6.2.2025 7 pm – 8 pm Residenzzentrum Tanz+. Showcase by Lucas del Rio IMG-ALT Foto von drei Tänzer:innen,welche die Hände hinter dem Kopf verschränken. |
/en/events/book-launch-markus-... | | Wed 12.2.2025 6 pm – 8 pm Book launch. Markus Raetz – Zeemansblik Collection 25 I IMG-ALT Buchcover des Katalogs Markus Raetz Zeemansblik , dass eine Silhouette eines Fernglasausblicks auf ein Meer zeigt. |
/en/events/panel-discussion-ne... | | Thu 20.2.2025 6.30 pm – 8 pm Panel discussion. Neutrality and Prosperity Neutrality Model IMG-ALT Ein Foto eines Büroraumes mit einem Bild an der Wand, auf dem ein Dollar- und ein Yen-Zeichen zu sehen ist. |
/en/events/la-transparence-nes... | | Sat 22.2.2025 1 pm – 2.30 pm La transparence n’est pas. Performance and talk with Davide-Christelle Sanvee Neutrality Model IMG-ALT Foto einer beschlagenen Glasscheibe, auf der LOOK geschrieben steht |
/en/events/preview-kunstverein... | | Mon 3.3.2025 5 pm – 6 pm Preview Kunstverein Flowers to Art 2025 IMG-ALT Foto einer Blumeninstallation in Front eines abstrakten Kunstwerkes mit einem Farbverlauf |
/en/events/panel-discussion-ne... | | Thu 13.3.2025 6.30 pm – 8 pm Panel discussion. Neutrality and knowledge Neutrality Model IMG-ALT Personen sitzen an Computer in einer Schaltzentrale und diskutieren |
/en/events/ | Textduplikat | Events |
/werk/ohne-titel-25/ | | Silvia Bächli, Ohne Titel, 1982 i IMG-ALT Silvia Bächli, Ohne Titel, 1982 |
/werk/jung75/ | | Florence Jung, Jung75, 2020 i IMG-ALT Florence Jung, Jung75, 2020 |
/werk/coverversions-after-leng... | | Peter Emch, Coverversions after Leng Mei, 2006 - 2009 i IMG-ALT Peter Emch, Coverversions after Leng Mei, 2006 - 2009 |
/werk/the-name-of-fear-aarau-s... | | Rivane Neuenschwander, The Name of Fear/Aarau (Spritzen/Mobbing), 2020 i IMG-ALT Rivane Neuenschwander, The Name of Fear/Aarau (Spritzen/Mobbing), 2020 |
/werk/erwachen/ | | Hans Arp, Erwachen, 1938 i IMG-ALT Hans Arp, Erwachen, 1938 |
/werk/baron-karl-august-victor... | | Anton Graff, Baron Karl August Victor von Broizem, 1775 - 1778 i IMG-ALT Anton Graff, Baron Karl August Victor von Broizem, 1775 - 1778 |
/werk/peripheral-vision/ | | Philippe Decrauzat, Peripheral vision, 2009 i IMG-ALT Philippe Decrauzat, Peripheral vision, 2009 |
/werk/abhaeutungen/ | | Christian Rothacher, Abhäutungen, 1972 i IMG-ALT Christian Rothacher, Abhäutungen, 1972 |
/werk/demets-augenblicke/ | | Daniela Keiser, Demets Augenblicke, 1999 i IMG-ALT Daniela Keiser, Demets Augenblicke, 1999 |
/werk/with-blue-miko-in-black/ | | Leiko Ikemura, With Blue Miko in Black, 1997 i IMG-ALT Leiko Ikemura, With Blue Miko in Black, 1997 |
/werk/heiteres-figuerchen/ | | Trudi Demut, Heiteres Figürchen, 1975 - 1984 i IMG-ALT Trudi Demut, Heiteres Figürchen, 1975 - 1984 |
/werk/keep-it-simple-aus-der-s... | | Augustin Rebetez, Keep it simple (aus der Serie "The Good Life"), 2022 i IMG-ALT Augustin Rebetez, Keep it simple (aus der Serie |
/werk/ast149/ | | Stéphane Dafflon, AST149, 2009 i IMG-ALT Stéphane Dafflon, AST149, 2009 |
/werk/orden/ | | Heinz Reifler, Orden, 1972 i IMG-ALT Heinz Reifler, Orden, 1972 |
/werk/ohne-titel-39/ | | Robert Müller, Ohne Titel, Um 1978 - 1987 i IMG-ALT Robert Müller, Ohne Titel, Um 1978 - 1987 |
/werk/ohne-titel-aus-der-serie... | | Beni Bischof, Ohne Titel (aus der Serie: Bambi), 2016 i IMG-ALT Beni Bischof, Ohne Titel (aus der Serie: Bambi), 2016 |
/werk/haeuserblock-in-paris-po... | | Cuno Amiet, Häuserblock in Paris. Porte de Châtillon, Boulevard Brune, 1936 i IMG-ALT Cuno Amiet, Häuserblock in Paris. Porte de Châtillon, Boulevard Brune, 1936 |
/werk/nu-akt/ | | Guido Nussbaum, Nu-Akt, 1980 i IMG-ALT Guido Nussbaum, Nu-Akt, 1980 |
/werk/glamour/ | | Sylvie Fleury, Glamour, 1996 i IMG-ALT Sylvie Fleury, Glamour, 1996 |
/werk/hungerberg/ | | Max Matter, Hungerberg, 1968 i IMG-ALT Max Matter, Hungerberg, 1968 |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalogue/ | Textduplikat | Online Catalogue |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Silvia Bächli |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Arbeit auf Papier |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | 20. Jahrhundert |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Florence Jung |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Performance |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | 21. Jahrhundert |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Peter Emch |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Druckgrafik |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | 21. Jahrhundert |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Rivane Neuenschwander |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Objekt |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | 21. Jahrhundert |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Hans Arp |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Plastik/Skulptur |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | 20. Jahrhundert |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Anton Graff |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Gemälde |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | 18. Jahrhundert |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Philippe Decrauzat |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | Gemälde |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | 21. Jahrhundert |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Christian Rothacher |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | Arbeit auf Papier |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | 20. Jahrhundert |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Daniela Keiser |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Installation |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | 20. Jahrhundert |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Leiko Ikemura |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | Gemälde |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | 20. Jahrhundert |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Trudi Demut |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | Plastik/Skulptur |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | 20. Jahrhundert |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Augustin Rebetez |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | Arbeit auf Papier |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | 21. Jahrhundert |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Stéphane Dafflon |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | Gemälde |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | 21. Jahrhundert |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Heinz Reifler |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | Objekt |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | 20. Jahrhundert |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Robert Müller |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | Arbeit auf Papier |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Ja |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Beni Bischof |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | Arbeit auf Papier |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | Ja |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Cuno Amiet |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | Gemälde |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | 20. Jahrhundert |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Guido Nussbaum |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Fotografie |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | 20. Jahrhundert |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Sylvie Fleury |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | Plastik/Skulptur |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | 20. Jahrhundert |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | | Max Matter |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | Gemälde |
/en/exhibitions/online-catalog... | Textduplikat | 20. Jahrhundert |
/en/insights/re-mix-animated-f... | | Animated films meet works of art Animation filmmakers animate the artworks in the Aargauer Kunsthaus Read more |
/en/insights/faq-flowers-to-art/ | | FAQ Flowers to Art Here you will find all the answers to the most important questions. Read more IMG-ALT Eine florale Interpretation eines Kunstwerkes aus der Sammlung des Aargauer Kunsthauses |
/en/insights/looking-behind-th... | | Looking behind the veil of misery Co-curator Nicole Rampa in conversation with journalist Patricia Banzer Read more IMG-ALT Porträt von Patricia Banzer und Nicole Rampa |
/en/insights/master-of-immediacy/ | | Master of immediacy The exhibition "See all" attempts to bring the artist Johannes Robert Schürch out of oblivion as one of the protagonists of early moderni... IMG-ALT Installationsansicht von Kunstwerken von Johannes Robert Schürch im Aargauer Kunsthaus |
/en/insights/existential-and-u... | | Existential and universal presents a filmic insight into the exhibition by Johannes Robert Schürch. Read more IMG-ALT Selbstporträt des Künstlers Johannes Robert Schürch, der den Betrachter im Spiegel anschaut |
/en/insights/poems-simone-lapp... | | Poems, Simone Lappert For the exhibition "Johannes Robert Schürch. Seeing everything", the writer Simone Lappert has written lyrical contributions and record... IMG-ALT Portrait von Simone Lappert |
/en/insights/martians-rovers-a... | | Martians, rovers and fossils at the Kunsthaus Pauline Julier presents her works and her work in the film. Read more IMG-ALT Pauline Julier steht im Innenhof des Kunsthauses |
/en/insights/17554/ | | Open Letter. Black Artists and Cultural Workers in Switzerland How will you proactively support Black artists and cultural professionals in the future? Read ... IMG-ALT Installationsansicht Stranger in the Village. Rassismus im Spiegel von James Baldwin mit unterschiedlichen Kunstwerken im Aargauer Kunsthaus |
/en/insights/art-makes-you-wor... | | Art makes you work Our collection publication addresses the changes in the way contemporary art is handled. Read more IMG-ALT Ausstellungsansicht mit verschiedenen Gemälden im Aargauer Kunsthaus |
/en/insights/new-acquisitions/ | | New acquisitions Every year, the Aargauer Kunsthaus acquires numerous new works. Read more IMG-ALT Ausstellungsansicht der Sammlung mit verschiedenen abstrakten Kunstwerken und Vogelfiguren auf dem Boden |
/en/insights/ready-for-a-journ... | | Ready for a journey through space and time? presents a filmic insight into the exhibition by Pauline Julier. Read more |
/en/insights/5-questions-to-pa... | | Five Questions for Pauline Julier The artist and filmmaker Pauline Julier answers five of our questions. Read more IMG-ALT Die Künstlerin Pauline Julier sitzt in in ihrer Einzelausstellung im Aargauer Kunsthaus. |
/en/insights/from-the-classroo... | | From the Classroom to the Kunsthaus A Hodler figure as a footballer, Anker's girl travelling through time in the 21st century. A multi-faceted digital tour u... IMG-ALT Kinder schauen mit einem Tablet in der Hand auf ein Sammlungswerk und erleben dank Augmented Reality eine animierte Version des Kunstwerkes |
/en/insights/picture-of-the-mo... | | Artwork of the Month Our video series gives you an insight into the artwork and the artist behind it. Read more IMG-ALT Ein Mann steht im Aargauer Kunsthaus vor einem Gemälde von Gerhard Richter. |
/en/insights/new-website/ | | Redesign website A brief overview of the most important functions of the website. Read more IMG-ALT Screenshot der Webseite |
/en/insights/how-i-see-it/ | | How I see it Come to the museum and invent an exhibition with us! We are looking for young people who want to change the Kunsthaus together with us. Read more IMG-ALT Ein Gemälde eines weiblichen Gesichts, dass mit einem suspekten Gesichtsausdruck nach rechts schaut. |
/en/insights/our-podcast-on-th... | | Our podcast on the collection 30 stories about works from the collection are available as podcasts in German, French and Italian. Read more IMG-ALT Logo des Podcasts |
/en/insights/freelance-work-an... | | Freelance work and commissioned art The curators provide insights into the comprehensive presentation of Augusto Giacometti. Read more IMG-ALT Eine Frau steht vor einem Werk von Augusto Giacometti und schaut in eine VR Brille |
/en/insights/focus-on-the-colour/ | | Focus on the colour Augusto Giacometti's work was characterised by his brilliant use of colour. Read more IMG-ALT Gemalte Ansicht einer Brücke über den Bahngeleisen |
/en/insights/working-with-cont... | | Working with Contemporary Art The collection publication addresses the changes in the way contemporary art is handled. Read more IMG-ALT Buchcover Mit Gegenwartskunst umgehen |
/en/insights/cultural-canton-o... | | Cultural Canton of Aargau Making culture heard. This claim is at the origin of the idea of offering a joint platform to various cultural flagships from the e... IMG-ALT Ein maskiertes Orchester spielt auf ihren Instrumenten in der Natur |
/en/insights/aargauer-kunsthau... | | Aargauer Kunsthaus Collection – DIY! In this exhibition room, you can use an app to create your own exhibition with pictures from our collection. Read more IMG-ALT Personen wählen BIlder auf einem Bildschirm aus, die auf eine Wand neben ihnen projetziert werden. |
/en/insights/volunteers/ | | Volunteers Anyone interested can become actively involved in the Aargauer Kunsthaus and support our programmes. Read more IMG-ALT Eine Freiwillige verteilt Handouts an Besucherinnen |
/en/insights/provenance-research/ | | Provenance Research The one-year provenance research project sponsored by the BAK intensively analysed a total of 54 works from the Aargauischer Kunstverein.... IMG-ALT Registrarin nimmt ein BIld aus dem Sammlungsdepot |
/en/insights/art-as-a-reflecti... | | Art as a reflection on racism Baldwin's words are still an inspiration for many artists today. Read more IMG-ALT Installationsansicht eines Werkes von James Bantone mit zwei schwarzgekleideten Kinderfiguren in einem grünen Raum während der Ausstellung Stranger in the Vi... |
/en/insights/reopening-aargaue... | | Reopening Aargauer Kunsthaus The extensive renovation work on the floors, lighting and façade of the Aargauer Kunsthaus has been completed. Read more IMG-ALT Aussenansicht des Aargauer Kunsthauses mit Neubau und Plakatständern vor dem Gebäude |
/en/insights/meditative-tour-m... | | Meditative tour. Mindful (art) moments The public can explore various mindfulness exercises with selected works in the collection exhibition. Read more IMG-ALT Drei Besucherinnen hören mit Kopfhörer eine Meditationsanleitung vor einem Gemälde von Franz Gertsch |
/en/insights/11832/ | | Vitamin videos It may get loud and uncomfortable. That suits Augustin Rebetez just fine. Read more IMG-ALT Wandbeschriftung Fassade Augustin Rebetez |
/en/insights/good-vibes-for-a-... | | Good Vibes for a Good Life Augustin Rebetez’s work is sure to have an effect on you. Read more IMG-ALT Foto von Augustin Rebetez |
/en/visit/insights/ | Textduplikat | Insights |
/en/visit/plan-your-visit/ | Textduplikat | Plan your visit |
https://shop.aargauerkunsthaus... | Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain | Tickets | | Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain | IMG-ALT Logo Aargauer Kunstverein |
/en/visit/commitment/ | Textduplikat | IMG-ALT Logo Aargauer Kunstverein | | Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Textduplikat | IMG-ALT Logo Aargauer Kunstverein |
/en/visit/commitment/ | Textduplikat | IMG-ALT Logo Aargauer Kunstverein | | | de | | | en |
/en/visit/about-us/ | Textduplikat | About us |
/en/visit/about-us/ | Anchor Textduplikat | Collection |
/en/loans/ | | Loans |
https://shop.aargauerkunsthaus... | Extern Subdomain Textduplikat | Tickets |
https://shop.aargauerkunsthaus... | Extern Subdomain | Webshop |
/en/media/ | | Media |
/en/visit/accessibility/ | Textduplikat | Accessibility |
/en/job-opportunities/ | | Job Opportunities |
/en/visit/commitment/ | Anchor | Sponsors + Partners |
/en/imprint/ | | Imprint |
/en/privacy-policy/ | | Privacy Policy | | Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain | Facebook | | Neues Fenster Extern | Instagram | | Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain | Youtube |
/en/newsletter/ | Neues Fenster | Newsletter |
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