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Grocery News | Grocery Dive
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(Extrem wichtig)
Grocery Dive delivers the latest news in the grocery industry, with articles covering grocery delivery, online food shopping, shopper behavior, store formats, technology, and more.
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descriptionGrocery Dive delivers the latest news in the grocery industry, with articles covering grocery delivery, online food shopping, shopper behavior, store formats, technology, and more.

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Zusätzliches Markup
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H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Don't miss tomorrow's grocery industry news
Zu viele H1 Überschriften
Es befinden sich 46 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Don't miss tomorrow's grocery industry news
H1 The Friday Checkout: Grocers are struggling with alternative formats
H2 Top stories
H2 The Latest
H3 Walmart wants shoppers across incomes to feast on its new private brand
H3 ‘Whole Paycheck’ no more? Whole Foods is ramping up value messaging.
H3 Foxtrot files for bankruptcy
H3 Walmart beats expectations in Q1 as revenue surpasses $160B
H3 Inside the Store: The Fresh Market makes foodservice shine
H3 H-E-B opens 8th e-commerce fulfillment facility
H3 Uber takes on Instacart with expanded Costco partnership
H3 Meijer opens 3 supercenters in a single day
H3 Rapidly growing Aldi aims to strengthen supplier ties
H3 Walmart confirms hundreds of coporate layoffs
H3 Online grocery sales rise broadly in April
H3 What we know so far about Grocery Outlet’s new private label
H3 Foxtrot’s assets auctioned for $2.2M in what one attendee called a ‘completely ramrodded’ process
H3 E-grocer Thrive Market records revenue boost with EBT acceptance
H3 Instacart sees smart carts as key growth driver
H3 Schnucks shuttering Eatwell Market format
H3 Harris Teeter takes on fast food chains
H3 HelloFresh to close Georgia distribution center, cut more than 700 jobs
H3 Sprouts adds more in-store coffee cafes
H3 Instacart posts strong Q1 results, names new CFO
H3 The Friday Checkout: Are Grocery Outlet’s tech woes a cautionary tale?
H3 Weis Markets reignites store growth
H3 Foxtrot’s assets to be sold this week
H3 Ahold Delhaize reports muted Q1 results as FreshDirect remains a drag
H3 Thrive Market to pay more than $1.5M to settle civil lawsuit
H3 Grocery Outlet faces headwinds from tech transitions
H3 Behind the scenes of Sprouts’ private label growth
H3 Walmart taps Swisslog to automate 3 milk facilities
H3 Instacart adds restaurant delivery with Uber Eats
H3 Dom’s Kitchen co-founder joins The Partnering Group
H3 Get the free newsletter
H3 Most Popular
H3 Library resources
H3 Company Announcements
H3 What We're Reading
H3 Events
H3 Industry Intel
H3 Grocery Dive news delivered to your inbox
H3 Get Grocery Dive in your inbox
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/signup/?signup_location=headerTextduplikat Subscribe
/topic/financial-news/Finances & Deals
/topic/discount-grocers/Discount Grocers
/topic/fresh-food/Fresh Food
/topic/corporate/Corporate Ops
/topic/center-store/Center Store
/news/grocers-struggling-with-...IMG-ALT Exterior of Schnucks Eatwell Market
/news/grocers-struggling-with-...The Friday Checkout: Grocers are struggling with alternative formats
/news/grocers-struggling-with-...Read more ➔
/news/walmart-grocery-private-...Walmart wants shoppers across incomes to feast on its new private brand
/news/whole-foods-pricing-sale...‘Whole Paycheck’ no more? Whole Foods is ramping up value messaging.
/news/foxtrot-outfox-bankruptc...Foxtrot files for bankruptcy
/news/walmart-q1-revenue-surpa...Walmart beats expectations in Q1 as revenue surpasses $160B
/news/the-fresh-market-growing...Inside the Store: The Fresh Market makes foodservice shine
/news/hebb-opens-ecommerce-ful...IMG-ALT Exterior of an H-E-B store
/news/hebb-opens-ecommerce-ful...H-E-B opens 8th e-commerce fulfillment facility
/topic/e-commerce/Textduplikat E-commerce
/news/uber-instacart-expanded-...IMG-ALT Close-up of a person browsing Costco products on Uber
/news/uber-instacart-expanded-...Uber takes on Instacart with expanded Costco partnership
/topic/technology/Textduplikat Technology
/news/meijer-new-supercenters-...IMG-ALT The parking lot of a Meijer Grocery store in Michigan
/news/meijer-new-supercenters-...Meijer opens 3 supercenters in a single day
/topic/corporate/Corporate Operations
/news/aldi-strengthen-supplier...IMG-ALT Exterior of grocery store
/news/aldi-strengthen-supplier...Rapidly growing Aldi aims to strengthen supplier ties
/topic/corporate/Textduplikat Corporate Operations
/news/walmart-hundreds-corpora...IMG-ALT Walmart storefront sign.
/news/walmart-hundreds-corpora...Walmart confirms hundreds of coporate layoffs
/topic/corporate/Textduplikat Corporate Operations
/news/grocery-online-sales-bri...IMG-ALT The back of a woman is seen as she looks at the meat section at a grocery store
/news/grocery-online-sales-bri...Online grocery sales rise broadly in April
/topic/e-commerce/Textduplikat E-commerce
/news/grocery-outlet-new-priva...IMG-ALT Grocery Outlet
/news/grocery-outlet-new-priva...What we know so far about Grocery Outlet’s new private label
/topic/center-store/Textduplikat Center Store
/news/foxtrot-assets-auction-s...IMG-ALT foxtrot
/news/foxtrot-assets-auction-s...Foxtrot’s assets auctioned for $2.2M in what one attendee called a ‘completely ramrodded’ process
/topic/financial-news/Textduplikat Finances & Deals
/news/egrocer-thrive-market-re...IMG-ALT Display of products available for purchase from Thrive Market
/news/egrocer-thrive-market-re...E-grocer Thrive Market records revenue boost with EBT acceptance
/topic/e-commerce/Textduplikat E-commerce
/news/instacart-smart-cart-che...IMG-ALT Smart shopping cart at Groceryshop
/news/instacart-smart-cart-che...Instacart sees smart carts as key growth driver
/topic/technology/Textduplikat Technology
/news/schnucks-shuttering-eatw...Textduplikat IMG-ALT Exterior of Schnucks Eatwell Market
/news/schnucks-shuttering-eatw...Schnucks shuttering Eatwell Market format
/topic/corporate/Textduplikat Corporate Operations
/news/harris-teeter-5-dollar-m...IMG-ALT Alcohol aisle inside a grocery store.
/news/harris-teeter-5-dollar-m...Harris Teeter takes on fast food chains
/topic/prepared-foods/Textduplikat Foodservice
/news/hellofresh-closure-layof...IMG-ALT A HelloFresh box
/news/hellofresh-closure-layof...HelloFresh to close Georgia distribution center, cut more than 700 jobs
/topic/corporate/Textduplikat Corporate Operations
/news/sprouts-second-partnersh...IMG-ALT Sprouts Farmers Market
/news/sprouts-second-partnersh...Sprouts adds more in-store coffee cafes
/topic/prepared-foods/Textduplikat Foodservice
/news/instacart-first-quarter-...IMG-ALT The Instacart+ subscription service on an smartphone
/news/instacart-first-quarter-...Instacart posts strong Q1 results, names new CFO
/topic/financial-news/Textduplikat Finances & Deals
/news/grocery-technology-woes-...IMG-ALT A man sits in front of a computer with lines of code upon it. The room is dark.
/news/grocery-technology-woes-...The Friday Checkout: Are Grocery Outlet’s tech woes a cautionary tale?
/topic/technology/Textduplikat Technology
/news/weis-markets-reignites-s...IMG-ALT Exterior of supermarket
/news/weis-markets-reignites-s...Weis Markets reignites store growth
/topic/corporate/Textduplikat Corporate Operations
/news/foxtrots-assets-sale/715...IMG-ALT Exterior of a Foxtrot store in Washington, D.C.
/news/foxtrots-assets-sale/715...Foxtrot’s assets to be sold this week
/topic/financial-news/Textduplikat Finances & Deals
/news/ahold-delhaize-first-qua...IMG-ALT Exterior of grocery story with sign
/news/ahold-delhaize-first-qua...Ahold Delhaize reports muted Q1 results as FreshDirect remains a drag
/topic/corporate/Textduplikat Corporate Operations
/news/thrive-market-pay-1-mill...IMG-ALT Judge’s gavel, Themis sculpture and collection of legal books on the brown background.
/news/thrive-market-pay-1-mill...Thrive Market to pay more than $1.5M to settle civil lawsuit
/topic/corporate/Textduplikat Corporate Operations
/news/grocery-outlet-technolog...Textduplikat IMG-ALT Grocery Outlet
/news/grocery-outlet-technolog...Grocery Outlet faces headwinds from tech transitions
/topic/financial-news/Textduplikat Finances & Deals
/news/behind-the-scenes-sprout...IMG-ALT Interior of Manassas, Virginia, Sprouts
/news/behind-the-scenes-sprout...Behind the scenes of Sprouts’ private label growth
/topic/fresh-food/Textduplikat Fresh Food
/news/walmart-swisslog-warehou...IMG-ALT A Swisslog Ventura crane in a warehouse
/news/walmart-swisslog-warehou...Walmart taps Swisslog to automate 3 milk facilities
/topic/technology/Textduplikat Technology
/news/instacart-adds-restauran...IMG-ALT An image of two phones showcasing Instacart's new restaurant delivery feature.
/news/instacart-adds-restauran...Instacart adds restaurant delivery with Uber Eats
/topic/technology/Textduplikat Technology
/news/don-fitzgerald-doms-kitc...IMG-ALT Rendering of exterior of Dom's Kitchen & Market store
/news/don-fitzgerald-doms-kitc...Dom’s Kitchen co-founder joins The Partnering Group
/topic/corporate/Textduplikat Corporate Operations
/?page=2More stories
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/news/foxtrot-assets-auction-s...Textduplikat IMG-ALT foxtrot
/news/foxtrot-assets-auction-s...Textduplikat Foxtrot’s assets auctioned for $2.2M in what one attendee called a ‘completely ramrodded’ process
/news/whole-foods-pricing-sale...IMG-ALT Inside a Whole Foods Market store in Washington, D.C., with end caps signifying a sale.
/news/whole-foods-pricing-sale...Textduplikat ‘Whole Paycheck’ no more? Whole Foods is ramping up value messaging.
/news/walmart-grocery-private-...IMG-ALT Grocery products.
/news/walmart-grocery-private-...Textduplikat Walmart wants shoppers across incomes to feast on its new private brand
/news/uber-instacart-expanded-...Textduplikat IMG-ALT Close-up of a person browsing Costco products on Uber
/news/uber-instacart-expanded-...Textduplikat Uber takes on Instacart with expanded Costco partnership
http://resources.industrydive....Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain How Omnichannel Marketing Drives In-Store Results
http://resources.industrydive....Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain How to Tap into Consumer Transaction Data and Neutralize the Competition
https://ciodive.tradepub.com/c...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Navigating the Need for a Highly Available, Secure Application Infrastructure
/library/View all
/press-release/20240425-new-te...New Tech Solution helps Retailers Boost Profits and Connect with Customers
/press-release/20240505-iintel...IINTELIGISTICS UNVEILS ONE-CLICK FSMA 204 REPORT
/press-release/20240507-legion...Legion Secures $50M Growth Investment Led by Riverwood Capital To Accelerate Market Growth and...
/press-release/20240514-solo-b...UPDATED 16May2024 - SOLO® Bold Hold™: A New Era in Paper Plate Innovation
/press-release/Textduplikat View all
/press-release/get-started/Post a press release
https://www.axios.com/local/ri...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Famous Asian grocery chain opens in Richmond area
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https://www.wkbw.com/news/maki...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Saving at the grocery store: Aldi drops the prices of 250 summer staples to save shoppers money
IMG-ALT offsite link
https://www.smithsonianmag.com...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain The Supermarket Scanner Changed the Way We Buy Groceries Forever
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/what-we-are-readingTextduplikat View all
http://resources.industrydive....Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain The Future of Omnichannel Grocery
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# NOTE: Allow is a non-standard directive for robots.txt. It is allowed by Google bots. See https://developers.google.com/search/reference/robots_txt#allow

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# Rules for specific crawlers below. Note that these don't stack. If you create a specific user-agent rule
# you should copy the rules over from '*' above by hand.

# Allow Twitter to see all links
User-agent: Twitterbot
Crawl-delay: 5

# Allow Googlebot-News to see header images and favicons, BUT make it follow all the directives from our * group
# See below link for why we have to repeat these directives
# https://developers.google.com/search/reference/robots_txt#order-of-precedence-for-user-agents
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# Don't let PetalBot crawl at all
User-agent: PetalBot
Disallow: /

# Block ChatGPT bot https://platform.openai.com/docs/gptbot
User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /

# Block sentione.com
User-agent: sentibot
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# block seoclarity.net/bot.html
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Disallow: / 

# block omgili.com/crawler.html
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User-Agent: omgili
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# All Facebook crawler user-agent to see all
User-agent: facebookexternalhit/1.1

User-agent: AhrefsBot
# We want this bot to crawl way slower http://ahrefs.com/robot/
Crawl-Delay: 30

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Disallow: /topic/
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User-agent: Amazonbot
# Restrict what Amazonbot (Alexa) can see, and a
Crawl-Delay: 10

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Disallow: /healthcheck/
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Disallow: /api/
Disallow: /static/images/
Disallow: /subscriber/

# no deep queries to search
Disallow: /search/*
Allow: /search/$

# don't index our dynamic images
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Disallow: /imgproxy/

Disallow: /topic/
Disallow: /editors/
Disallow: /signup/*
Allow: /signup/$

User-agent: amazon-QBusiness    # Amazon Q Web Crawler
Disallow: /

User-agent: amazon-kendra # Amazon Kendra Web Crawler
Disallow: /


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