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Find a broad range of up to date information on home and everyday life hygiene including scientific reviews, guidelines, training resources and factsheets etc
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Find a broad range of up to date information on home and everyday life hygiene including scientific reviews, guidelines, training resources and factsheets etc
Find a broad range of up to date information on home and everyday life hygiene including scientific reviews, guidelines, training resources and factsheets etc
Find a broad range of up to date information on home and everyday life hygiene including scientific reviews, guidelines, training resources and factsheets etc
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The International Scientific Forum (IFH) was established in 1997 to develop and promote hygiene in home and everyday life settings based on sound scientific principles.
Hygiene Publications, Reviews, Resources and Downloads
What is Home Hygiene?
Find Out More About IFH
Newsletter Sign up
Scientific Reviews
Scientific Publications
Factsheets & Advice
Consumer Information
Home Healthcare
Developing and promoting hygiene in home and everyday life to meet 21st Century needs
Developing public understanding of hygiene is key to changing public hygiene behaviour
Developing and promoting Targeted Hygiene in public spaces such as offices, schools, hospitality venues, hospitals
The role of hygiene in home and everyday life in tackling antibiotic resistance (AMR)
Are we too clean? - the hygiene hypothesis misnomer
Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection – what you need to do to protect yourself against infection – and make sure you do not spread infection to others
SafeConsume is an EU project funded by Horizon2020. The overall objective is to reduce the health burden from foodborne illnesses.
Home Hygiene & Health
Home Hygiene & Health Text-Duplikat
The Leading Source of Scientific, Professional & Consumer Information
The Leading Source of Scientific, Professional & Consumer Information Text-Duplikat
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What is Home Hygiene? Protecting the family from infections via food & water hygiene, handwashing, laundry etc. Care of family members who are infected, or a...
Find Out More About IFH Find out more about what the IFH does. Please share the review with your colleagues View or download the most recent Activity Review ...
Newsletter Sign up IFH sends out regular newsletters and alerts which feature the latest news, research publications and resources on hygiene in the home and...
Find a broad range of up to date information on home and everyday life hygiene including scientific reviews, guidelines, training resources and factsheets etc
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