Übersicht der SEO Analyse
Externe Faktoren
SEO Score
0,07 s
1.333,00 kB
Anzahl Links
256 Intern / 18 Extern

To-do Liste mit SEO Optimierungen

Meta-Angaben im HTML

(Extrem wichtig)
Discover Italy: Official Tourism Website - Italia.it
Die Länge des Titels ist optimal. (426 Pixel von maximal 580 Pixel Länge)
Es gibt keine Wortwiederholungen im Titel.
(Extrem wichtig)
Browse the Official Tourism Website and plan your holidays to Italy. Find out where to go and what to do during your next Italian trip.
Die Meta-Description hat eine optimale Länge. (810 Pixel von maximal 1000 Pixel Länge)
(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
Die Seite hat einen korrekten Canonical Link.
(Wenig wichtig)
Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache wird im HTML Code wie folgt angegeben: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Wenig wichtig)
Die angegebenen Alternate Links sind fehlerfrei.
Weitere Metatags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es gibt keinen rel next Meta Tag auf der Seite.
Es gibt keinen rel prev Meta Tag auf der Seite.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Domain ist keine Subdomain.
Die Länge der Domain ist gut.
Die Domain enthält keine Umlaute.
Seiten URL
(Wenig wichtig)
In der URL wurden keine Parameter entdeckt.
In der URL wurde keine Session ID entdeckt.
Die URL hat nicht zu viele Unterverzeichnisse.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Angaben zur Zeichensatzkodierung (UTF-8) sind fehlerfrei.
(Nice to have)
Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
Die Doctype Angabe befindet sich an erster Stelle im HTML-Code.
(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

titleDiscover Italy: Official Tourism Website - Italia.it
descriptionBrowse the Official Tourism Website and plan your holidays to Italy. Find out where to go and what to do during your next Italian trip.
twitter:titleDiscover Italy: Official Tourism Website - Italia.it
twitter:descriptionBrowse the Official Tourism Website and plan your holidays to Italy. Find out where to go and what to do during your next Italian trip.
og:titleDiscover Italy: Official Tourism Website - Italia.it
og:descriptionBrowse the Official Tourism Website and plan your holidays to Italy. Find out where to go and what to do during your next Italian trip.

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(Extrem wichtig)
Einige Wörter aus dem Seitentitel werden nicht im Text bzw. Inhalt der Seite verwendet
Wörter aus der H1 Überschrift werden nicht im Text der Seite verwendet.
Der Seiteninhalt ist mit 6077 Wörtern sehr lang. Es macht eventuell Sinn den Text auf mehrere Seiten aufzuteilen.
Auf der Seite wurden Tippfehler entdeckt:
  • accomodation => accommodation
Es befinden sich 12 Text-Duplikate auf der Seite:
  • Duplikat 1: Trentino is sure to amaze you with its immense natural heritage, the s...
  • Duplikat 2: Piedmont is sure to enchant you with its mountains, hills, typical fla...
  • Duplikat 3: Emilia Romagna, a region of unrivalled charm, with immense artistic be...
  • Duplikat 4: Basilicata, a region of ancient origins, suspended between two seas an...
  • Duplikat 5: Apulia: the sunny region between two seas and warm hospitality in plac...
  • Duplikat 6: Molise, a tiny region with grandiose landscapes: come and discover its...
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 27.44 Wörtern hoch.
Der Text besteht zu 39.9% aus Füllwörtern.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 68 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Größe des HTML-Dokuments ist mit 1333 kB sehr groß.
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width,initial-scale=1,minimum-scale=1,user-scalable=yes) ist korrekt.
Mindestens ein Apple-Touch Icon ist definiert.
Bold- und Strongtags
(Wenig wichtig)
Einige Tags werden wiederholt. z.B.: find out more
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 18 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


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...id=1600&hei=900&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpCammini Aperti: ready for the 2025 Jubilee edition
...id=1600&hei=900&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpLiguria, a wealth of beauty between bays and historic towns
...id=1600&hei=900&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webp5 travel ideas for a special Saint Valentine’s Day in Italy
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...id-2?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpAlpe di Siusi and Val Gardena: a skier's paradise
...ro-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpeight romantic destinations for a wedding promise or honeymoon in Italy
...ro-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webp4 reasons to choose the Amalfi Coast in winter
...le 1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpWhy the Acireale Carnival is the most beautiful in Sicily
...ro-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpWhat to do in Cervinia on winter weekends
...ro-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpThe best trails in UNESCO heritage sites in Italy: 10,000 steps amid nature and beauty
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...12-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpArtistic masterpieces and gastronomic marvels in Modena
...00-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpCilento, between unspoilt beaches, wild nature and charming hamlets
...ut-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpTN Madonna di Campiglio
...ma-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpParma, Statua Verdi
...01-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpMatera Chiese Rupestri
...17-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpCastel del Monte
...14-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpCampagna Molisana
...ro-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpItalian rural villages
...62-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpCycling around nature and historic hamlets in Abruzzo
...ro-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpTax breaks for moving to the charming villages of central Apennines and southern Italy
...37-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpCastelmola, a window on the sea a few steps from Taormina
...ro-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpFrosolone: one of the most beautiful Italian villages, in Molise
...-2-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webp3 of the best wellness itineraries in Emilia Romagna
...ro-2?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpA wellness weekend at the Euganean Spas
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...ro-3?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpIschia, the island of wellbeing among thermal gardens and natural springs
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...ro-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpOutdoor spas in Lazio
...co-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpcaramanico hot springs
...wid=400&hei=470&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpDiscover Italy: Official Tourism Website - Italia.it
...0000?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpCarnival is served: a tour exploring the sweet and savoury specialities of Italy
...no-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpA romantic food and wine tour in the historic villages of Trentino
...ro-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpLiguria, Genoa: 10 gastronomic experiences in the Ancient Maritime Republic
...te-1?wid=400&hei=470&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpThe Bronte Pistachio
...44-1?wid=280&hei=250&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpFesta del Redentore
..._3-2?wid=280&hei=250&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpcarnevale acireale
...ri-2?wid=280&hei=250&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpViareggio Carnival 2025
...WD00?wid=280&hei=250&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpAlmond Blossom Festival
...04-1?wid=280&hei=250&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpItaly v Scotland- Guinness Six Nations 2024
..._1-2?wid=280&hei=250&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpCarnevale di Ronciglione 2024
...2907?wid=280&hei=250&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpCento Carnival of Europe 2025 - A world of color
...3642?wid=280&hei=250&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpSalone Nautico Venezia 2025
...3649?wid=280&hei=250&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpSalone dell'Alto Artigianato Italiano 2025
...00-1?wid=280&hei=250&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpPescare Show
..._1-1?wid=280&hei=250&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpmaratona terni
...tero?wid=280&hei=250&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpCaravaggio 2025
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...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webCourmayeur - Pavillon du Mont Frety
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...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webIsola Bella
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webMilan's Cathedral
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...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webLivigno, Carosello 3000
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webTN Madonna di Campiglio
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...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webTN Riva del Garda
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webLago di Tovel
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webSouth Tyrol
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webTN Passo Pordoi - vista Marmolada
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webTN Riva del Garda
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webLago di Tovel
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webArena di Verona
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...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webDolomiti Bellunesi
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webFriuli-Venezia Giulia
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webFusine lake
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webForo Romano di Aquileia
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...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webGenova - Acquario
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webParma, Statua Verdi
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webFC Cycling Portico di Romagna
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...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webColline Toscane
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webIsola d'Elba
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webPG Assisi
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webPG Lago Trasimeno
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webPG Castelluccio di Norcia
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webPU Marmitte dei Giganti
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webMC Lago di Cingoli
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webPalazzo Ducale di Urbino
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webMurales Orgosolo
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webCala Luna
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...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webGiardino di Ninfa
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...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webPescara - Trabocco
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webCampo Felice
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webCampo Imperatore
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...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webCampagna Molisana
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webCB Sepino
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webIS Abbazia San Vincenzo al Volturno
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webCampitello Matese
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webCastel del Monte
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webIsole Tremiti
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webTeatro Margherita - Bari
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webMatera Chiese Rupestri
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webParco Nazionale del Pollino
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webPZ Castelmezzano
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webMT Nova Siri Escursione a cavallo
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webVV Capo vaticano
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webParco Nazionale della Sila
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webSpiaggia di Arcomagno - Scalea
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webAgrigento - Valle dei Templi
...?wid=260&hei=160&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webIsole Eolie - Vulcano
...wid=760&hei=340&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpCarrara: a pearl in marble
...36-1?wid=135&hei=135&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpNecropoli di Pantalica
...ro-2?wid=135&hei=135&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpthe streets of fashion in italy itineraries for fashionistas
...ro-1?wid=135&hei=135&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpnove albe piu belle italia
...hp_3?wid=300&hei=350&fit=vfit,1&fmt=webpRediscover your Italian roots
...wid=300&hei=350&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpItalian cuisine around the world: a treasure that knows no boundaries
...wid=200&hei=250&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpCreate your ideal journey
...wid=200&hei=250&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpCreate your ideal journey
...wid=200&hei=250&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpCreate your ideal journey
...wid=200&hei=250&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpCreate your ideal journey
...wid=200&hei=250&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpCreate your ideal journey
...wid=200&hei=250&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpCreate your ideal journey
...wid=200&hei=250&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpCreate your ideal journey
...wid=200&hei=250&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpCreate your ideal journey
...wid=200&hei=250&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpCreate your ideal journey
...wid=200&hei=250&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpCreate your ideal journey
...wid=200&hei=250&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpCreate your ideal journey
...wid=200&hei=250&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpCreate your ideal journey
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...wid=400&hei=490&fit=constrain,1&fmt=webpContinue living like an Italian
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...mmedia.italia.it/is/image/mitur/logoeu-1logo Finanziato dall unione europea


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Italia. Open to meraviglia.
Die H1-Überschrift ist perfekt.
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Es befinden sich 107 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.
Einige Überschriften haben keinen Inhalt.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Italia. Open to meraviglia.
H1 Cammini Aperti: ready for the 2025 Jubilee edition
H1 Liguria, a wealth of beauty between bays and historic towns
H1 5 travel ideas for a special Saint Valentine’s Day in Italy
H2 Landscapes that will take your breath away, rich history, and delicious food, your trip to Italy will be nothing short of unforgettable.
H2 Unmissable sites
H2 Jubilee 2025
H2 Live Italy
H2 Discover Italy
H2 The source of inspiration for your Italian adventures
H2 Rediscover your Italian roots
H2 Italian cuisine around the world: a treasure that knows no boundaries
H2 Italcares
H2 Create your ideal journey
H2 Social Wall
H3 13 February is the World Day of Radio
H3 Alpe di Siusi and Val Gardena: a skier's paradise
H3 8 romantic destinations to propose or honeymoon in Italy
H3 The Amalfi Coast in winter: 4 excellent reasons to visit
H3 Why the Acireale Carnival is the most beautiful in Sicily
H3 What to do in Cervinia on winter weekends
H3 Rome
H3 Naples
H3 Milan
H3 Bologna
H3 Turin
H3 Venice
H3 The best trails in UNESCO heritage sites in Italy: 10,000 steps amid nature and beauty
H3 The 15 Italian UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage excellences
H3 Artistic masterpieces and gastronomic marvels in Modena
H3 The Dolomites: the most beautiful architectural work in the world
H3 Cilento, between unspoilt beaches, wild nature and charming hamlets
H3 Alberobello, the Trulli capital, a fairy tale experience
H3 Trentino
H3 Piedmont
H3 Emilia-Romagna
H3 Basilicata
H3 Apulia
H3 Molise
H3 Small and proud, with a focus on sustainability. Here are the most charming rural villages to visit in Italy
H3 Cycling around nature and historic hamlets in Abruzzo
H3 Tax breaks for moving to the charming villages of central Apennines and southern Italy
H3 Seaside Villages
H3 Castelmola, a window on the sea a few steps from Taormina
H3 Frosolone: one of the most beautiful Italian villages, in Molise
H3 3 of the best wellness itineraries in Emilia Romagna
H3 A wellness weekend at the Euganean Spas
H3 Ischia, the island of wellbeing among thermal gardens and natural springs
H3 Outdoor spas in Lazio, oases of relaxation and wellness to suit all tastes
H3 Montecatini Terme, historical thermal centre in Tuscany
H3 Terme di Caramanico, a haven of wellness and relaxation
H3 Restaurants
H3 Carnival is served: a tour exploring the sweet and savoury specialities of Italy
H3 A romantic food and wine tour in the historic villages of Trentino
H3 Liguria, Genoa: 10 gastronomic experiences in the Ancient Maritime Republic
H3 The Bronte Pistachio
H3 Calabria: journey of discovery through Calabrian gastronomy and local products
H3 Vinitaly and the city
H3 Festa del Redentore
H3 Slow Wine Fair 2025
H3 Acireale welcomes you with its colorful Carnival
H3 Viareggio Carnival 2025
H3 Almond Blossom Festival
H3 MiArt
H3 Run Rome The Marathon
H3 The Carnival of Ronciglione 2025
H3 Sa Sartiglia: experiencing timeless emotion in Oristano Carnival
H3 Cento Carnival of Europe 2025 - A world of color
H3 Arezzo Antiques Fair
H3 Salone Nautico Venezia 2025
H3 Salone dell'Alto Artigianato Italiano 2025
H3 Salone del Mobile 2025
H3 Pescare Show
H3 In Terni for the Valentine's Day Marathon
H3 Milan - Sanremo cycling race
H3 Caravaggio 2025
H3 Carrara: a pearl in marble
H3 Syracuse, the Pantalica Necropolis World Heritage Site
H3 The shopping streets: seven ad hoc itineraries for fashionistas
H3 9 places in Italy where waking at sunset up feels dreamy
H3 Italy seen by you
H3 Continue living like an Italian
H4 Map
H4 Save your favorite places
H5 Get updates
H6 Leere Überschrift
H6 Aosta Valley
H6 Piedmont Text-Duplikat
H6 Lombardy
H6 Trentino Text-Duplikat
H6 South Tyrol
H6 Veneto
H6 Friuli-Venezia Giulia
H6 Liguria
H6 Emilia-Romagna Text-Duplikat
H6 Tuscany
H6 Umbria
H6 Marche
H6 Sardinia
H6 Lazio
H6 Abruzzo
H6 Campania
H6 Molise Text-Duplikat
H6 Apulia Text-Duplikat
H6 Basilicata Text-Duplikat
H6 Calabria
H6 Sicily
Einige der Linktexte der internen Links sind zu lang.
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
3 Links haben keinen Linktext oder nur Inhalt in Alt- und Titelattributen.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Alle internen Links haben keine dynamischen Parameter.
Es befinden sich 18 externe Links auf der Seite.
https://www.italia.it/enNofollow Anchor Skip menu
https://www.italia.it/enKein Text
https://www.italia.it/enKein Text
/en/italy/italian-citiesSee all
/en/italy/italian-regionsTextduplikat See all
/en/italy/tourist-destinationsTourist destinations
/en/italy/lake-garda-endless-e...Lake Garda
/en/italy/lake-maggiore-villag...Lake Maggiore
/en/italy/tourist-destinationsTextduplikat See all
/en/campania/isole-del-golfo-c...Capri, Procida, Ischia
/en/sardinia/costa-smeraldaCosta Smeralda
/en/italy/beach-destinationsTextduplikat See all
/en/trentino/madonna-di-campiglioMadonna di Campiglio
/en/veneto/cortina-dampezzoCortina d'Ampezzo
/en/italy/mountain-destinationsTextduplikat See all
/en/tuscany/capalbio-and-marem...Maremma Toscana
/en/italy/things-to-do/nature/...Textduplikat See all
https://www.italia.it/en/italyAll destinations
/en/italy/things-to-do/art-cul...UNESCO sites
/en/italy/things-to-do/nature/...National Parks
/en/italy/things-to-doKein Text
/en/italy/things-to-do/food-an...Food & Wine
/en/italy/things-to-do/art-cul...Art & Culture
/en/italy/things-to-do/shoppin...Shopping & Markets
/en/italy/things-to-do/health-...Health, Hot springs and Wellness
/en/italy/nautical-tourismNautical Tourism
/en/italy/things-to-do/luxury-...Luxury experiences
/en/italy/things-to-doTextduplikat See all
/en/italy/seasonsTextduplikat See all
/en/italy/travel-ideasTravel ideas
/en/italy/travel-ideas/solo-ho...Solo holidays
/en/italy/travel-ideas/couple-...Couple holidays
/en/italy/travel-ideas/family-...Family holidays
/en/italy/travel-ideas/young-p...Young people holidays
/en/italy/travel-ideasTextduplikat See all
/en/italy/things-to-do/food-an...Food and Wine
/en/italy/things-to-do/eventsTextduplikat Events
IMG-ALT eventi hub autunno
/en/italy/seasons/winterTextduplikat Winter
IMG-ALT 1068246746
/en/italy/travel-agenciesTravel Agencies
/en/italy/tourist-guidesTourist Guides
/en/italy/where-to-sleepTourist accomodation
/en/italy/rail-transportRail transport
/en/italy/beach-facilitiesBeach Facilities
/en/italy/meetings-and-exhibitionMeetings and Exhibition
/en/italy/food-and-wineTextduplikat Food and Wine
/en/practical-informationKein Text
/en/italy/practical-informatio...Travel to Italy
/en/italy/practical-informatio...Currency and Payments
/en/italy/practical-informatio...Getting around Italy
/en/italy/practical-informatio...Time zones and bank holidays
/en/italy/practical-informatio...Phone & Web
/en/practical-informationTextduplikat See all
/en/italy/practical-informatio...Textduplikat Assistance
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IMG-ALT Spanish flag
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IMG-ALT English flag
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/en/open-to-meravigliaFind out more
/en/italy/things-to-do/cammini...Textduplikat Find out more
/en/liguria/guide-history-factsTextduplikat Find out more
/en/italy/things-to-do/5-trave...Textduplikat Find out more
/en/italy/things-to-do/world-r...Art and culture Like 13 February is the World Day of Radio The centrality of radio as a medium is marked by an international anniversary: 13 February. The Un...
IMG-ALT 13 February is the World Day of Radio
/en/south-tyrol/things-to-do/s...Sport Like Alpe di Siusi and Val Gardena: a skier's paradise Surrounded by the magnificent Dolomite peaks, the Alpe di Siusi is a concentration of beauty. Th...
IMG-ALT Alpe di Siusi and Val Gardena: a skier's paradise
/en/italy/things-to-do/places-...Romance Like 8 romantic destinations to propose or honeymoon in Italy But what are the most romantic destinations to answer "Yes" to that fateful question, o...
IMG-ALT eight romantic destinations for a wedding promise or honeymoon in Italy
/en/campania/things-to-do/reas...Sea Like The Amalfi Coast in winter: 4 excellent reasons to visit If you are tired of seeing it only on the screen, the winter period is the right time to ex...
IMG-ALT 4 reasons to choose the Amalfi Coast in winter
/en/sicily/things-to-do/acirea...Art and culture Like Why the Acireale Carnival is the most beautiful in Sicily Of all the famous carnivals in Italy, the carnival in Acireale holds a very re...
IMG-ALT Why the Acireale Carnival is the most beautiful in Sicily
/en/aosta-valley/things-to-do/...Mountain Like What to do in Cervinia on winter weekends What to do in Cervinia in the Aosta Valley on winter weekends enjoying the beauty of the surroundings...
IMG-ALT What to do in Cervinia on winter weekends
/en/lazio/romeCity Like Rome She never hides her years, but still wears them well: after all, Rome is the Eternal City. A walk through the streets of Rome is a stroll thro...
/en/campania/naplesCity Like Naples From its charming waterfront under the shadow of Vesuvius, to its beautiful and bustling historic centre: Naples is a stunning city. Its pos...
IMG-ALT Napoli
/en/lombardy/milanCity Like Milan Milan, the metropolis that finds a perfect and dynamic balance between history and modernity. While it is considered one of the world's fashi...
/en/emilia-romagna/bolognaCity Like Bologna Bologna, the delightful capital of Emilia-Romagna, is a lively city, with its blend of fascinating culture, history and delicious tradition...
IMG-ALT bologna-torri-emilia-romagna-gettyimages.jpg
/en/piedmont/turinCity Like Turin Discovering Turin, a multifaceted city rich in historic splendour. Elegant and earnest, Turin boasts a one-of-a-kind artistic and cultural he...
/en/veneto/veniceCity Like Venice For many, the most beautiful city in the world. Venice has an eternal and poignant charm, and is today among the world capitals of contempor...
IMG-ALT Venice
/en/italy/italian-citiesDiscover all cities
/en/italy/things-to-do/getting...Art and culture Like The best trails in UNESCO heritage sites in Italy: 10,000 steps amid nature and beauty Here we introduce you to the best trails in Italy...
IMG-ALT The best trails in UNESCO heritage sites in Italy: 10,000 steps amid nature and beauty
/en/italy/things-to-do/intangi...Art and culture Like The 15 Italian UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage excellences And Italy is truly unique in this. Alongside incredible historical sites,...
IMG-ALT italian artisan
/en/emilia-romagna/modena/thin...UNESCO Like Artistic masterpieces and gastronomic marvels in Modena The historic centre of Modena is best explored on foot. Once in the city, wandering along...
IMG-ALT Artistic masterpieces and gastronomic marvels in Modena
/en/italy/things-to-do/dolomitesUNESCO Like The Dolomites: the most beautiful architectural work in the world It was Le Corbusier, the famous French naturalised Swiss architect, town planne...
IMG-ALT 978545708
/en/campania/things-to-do/cilentoUNESCO Like Cilento, between unspoilt beaches, wild nature and charming hamlets As a crossroads of peoples and a treasure trove of ancient traditions, the te...
IMG-ALT Cilento, between unspoilt beaches, wild nature and charming hamlets
/en/puglia/things-to-do/albero...UNESCO Like Alberobello, the Trulli capital, a fairy tale experience The capital of the trulli, extraordinary testimonies of dry-stone construction with coni...
IMG-ALT 627087300
/en/italy/things-to-do/art-cul...All UNESCO sites
https://www.italia.it/en/trentinoRegion Like Trentino Trentino is sure to amaze you with its immense natural heritage, the spectacular splendour of the Dolomites and fascinating sites steepe...
IMG-ALT TN Madonna di Campiglio
https://www.italia.it/en/piedmontRegion Like Piedmont Piedmont is sure to enchant you with its mountains, hills, typical flavours and uniquely elegant cities An extraordinary heritage of art...
IMG-ALT Piedmont
/en/emilia-romagnaRegion Like Emilia-Romagna Emilia Romagna, a region of unrivalled charm, with immense artistic beauty and unparalleled hospitality Emilia Romagna with its Ri...
IMG-ALT Parma, Statua Verdi
/en/basilicataRegion Like Basilicata Basilicata, a region of ancient origins, suspended between two seas and with mountains of great beauty Basilicata is a region where th...
IMG-ALT Matera Chiese Rupestri
https://www.italia.it/en/pugliaRegion Like Apulia Apulia: the sunny region between two seas and warm hospitality in places rich in history Located in the heart of the Mediterranean, it is ...
IMG-ALT Castel del Monte
https://www.italia.it/en/moliseRegion Like Molise Molise, a tiny region with grandiose landscapes: come and discover its history and culinary tradition Molise is a region steeped in histor...
IMG-ALT Campagna Molisana
/en/italy/italian-regionsDiscover all regions
/en/italy/things-to-do/italian...Villages Like Small and proud, with a focus on sustainability. Here are the most charming rural villages to visit in Italy The small charming towns that in a...
IMG-ALT Italian rural villages
/en/abruzzo/things-to-do/abruz...Cycling tourism Like Cycling around nature and historic hamlets in Abruzzo Cycling in Abruzzo means immersing yourself in natural settings with parks, hills,...
IMG-ALT Cycling around nature and historic hamlets in Abruzzo
/en/italy/things-to-do/tax-bre...Mobility Like Tax breaks for moving to the charming villages of central Apennines and southern Italy An advantageous tax system is in fact dedicated to forei...
IMG-ALT Tax breaks for moving to the charming villages of central Apennines and southern Italy
/en/italy/things-to-do/small-t...Villages Like Seaside Villages The common denominator shared by these four Italian villages, in addition to their beauty, is the sea. They can also be seen o...
IMG-ALT 1258116880
/en/sicily/things-to-do/castel...Villages Like Castelmola, a window on the sea a few steps from Taormina It is no coincidence that it is considered one of the most beautiful villages in Ital...
IMG-ALT Castelmola, a window on the sea a few steps from Taormina
/en/molise/things-to-do/italia...Villages Like Frosolone: one of the most beautiful Italian villages, in Molise Listed among Italy's Most Beautiful Villages, Frosolone is a small paradise su...
IMG-ALT Frosolone: one of the most beautiful Italian villages, in Molise
/en/italy/things-to-do/art-cul...Discover all villages
/en/emilia-romagna/things-to-d...Relax and wellness Like 3 of the best wellness itineraries in Emilia Romagna The power of nature has incredible effects on psycho-physical well-being and Emi...
IMG-ALT 3 of the best wellness itineraries in Emilia Romagna
/en/veneto/things-to-do/albano...Relax and wellness Like A wellness weekend at the Euganean Spas In Veneto, wellness and nature combine perfectly at the spas of Abano and Montegrotto. These ...
IMG-ALT A wellness weekend at the Euganean Spas
/en/campania/ischia/things-to-...Relax and wellness Like Ischia, the island of wellbeing among thermal gardens and natural springs 'Mens sana in corpore sano' said the Romans, perhaps thinki...
IMG-ALT Ischia, the island of wellbeing among thermal gardens and natural springs
/en/lazio/things-to-do/5-most-...Relax and wellness Like Outdoor spas in Lazio, oases of relaxation and wellness to suit all tastes If we love to enjoy the beneficial power of spas, we owe i...
IMG-ALT Outdoor spas in Lazio
/en/tuscany/things-to-do/monte...UNESCO Like Montecatini Terme, historical thermal centre in Tuscany Among the Italian jewels recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site there is also one of ...
IMG-ALT 157437595
/en/abruzzo/things-to-do/spa-c...Relax and wellness Like Terme di Caramanico, a haven of wellness and relaxation Despite its modest altitude (just over 600 metres), Caramanico is the heart o...
IMG-ALT caramanico hot springs
/en/italy/things-to-do/health-...Discover all thermal spas
/en/italy/where-to-eatLike Restaurants Pizzerias, trattorias, farmhouses, taverns and wine bars: Italian cuisine satisfies every palate, even the most difficult.
IMG-ALT Discover Italy: Official Tourism Website - Italia.it
/en/italy/things-to-do/carniva...Food and wine Like Carnival is served: a tour exploring the sweet and savoury specialities of Italy The most colourful festivity of the year is upon us. Carn...
IMG-ALT Carnival is served: a tour exploring the sweet and savoury specialities of Italy
/en/trentino/things-to-do/a-fo...Relax and wellness Like A romantic food and wine tour in the historic villages of Trentino The valleys of Trentino contain many romantic villages - considere...
IMG-ALT A romantic food and wine tour in the historic villages of Trentino
/en/liguria/things-to-do/10-pl...Food and wine Like Liguria, Genoa: 10 gastronomic experiences in the Ancient Maritime Republic We therefore recommend a ten-stage food tour through the timel...
IMG-ALT Liguria, Genoa: 10 gastronomic experiences in the Ancient Maritime Republic
/en/sicily/catania/bronte/thin...Food and wine Like The Bronte Pistachio Fresh or dried, the pistachio is one of the most precious ingredients of Sicilian cuisine and is also the symbol of t...
IMG-ALT The Bronte Pistachio
/en/calabria/things-to-do/cala...Food and wine Like Calabria: journey of discovery through Calabrian gastronomy and local products Yes, because every dish of Calabrian gastronomy is an expre...
IMG-ALT 525178593
/en/italy/italian-citiesTextduplikat Discover all cities
/en/italy/things-to-do/art-cul...Textduplikat All UNESCO sites
/en/italy/italian-regionsTextduplikat Discover all regions
/en/italy/things-to-do/art-cul...Textduplikat Discover all villages
/en/italy/things-to-do/health-...Textduplikat Discover all thermal spas
/en/italy/things-to-do/spiritu...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Find out more
/en/italy/things-to-do/spiritu...Neues Fenster Textduplikat Find out more
/en/veneto/verona/things-to-do...Food and wine Like Vinitaly and the city Veneto, Verona
IMG-ALT vinitaly
/en/veneto/venice/things-to-do...Spirituality Like Festa del Redentore Veneto, Venezia
IMG-ALT Festa del Redentore
/en/emilia-romagna/bologna/thi...Event Like Slow Wine Fair 2025 Emilia-Romagna, Bologna
IMG-ALT sana_slow_wine
/en/sicily/things-to-do/event-...Event Like Acireale welcomes you with its colorful Carnival Sicilia, Acireale
IMG-ALT carnevale acireale
/en/tuscany/viareggio/things-t...Event Like Viareggio Carnival 2025 Toscana, Viareggio
IMG-ALT Viareggio Carnival 2025
/en/sicily/agrigento/things-to...Event Like Almond Blossom Festival Sicily, Agrigento
IMG-ALT Almond Blossom Festival
/en/lombardy/milan/things-to-d...Art and culture Like MiArt Lombardia, Milano
/en/lazio/rome/things-to-do/ev...Sport Like GUINNESS SIX NATIONS 2025 Lazio, Roma
IMG-ALT Italy v Scotland- Guinness Six Nations 2024
/en/lazio/rome/things-to-do/ev...Sport Like Run Rome The Marathon Lazio, Roma
IMG-ALT run_rome_the_marathon
/en/lazio/ronciglione/things-t...Event Like The Carnival of Ronciglione 2025 Lazio, Ronciglione
IMG-ALT Carnevale di Ronciglione 2024
/en/sardinia/oristano/things-t...Traditions Like Sa Sartiglia: experiencing timeless emotion in Oristano Carnival Sardegna, Oristano
IMG-ALT sartiglia
/en/emilia-romagna/things-to-d...Event Like Cento Carnival of Europe 2025 - A world of color Emilia-Romagna, Cento
IMG-ALT Cento Carnival of Europe 2025 - A world of color
/en/tuscany/arezzo/things-to-d...Shopping Like Arezzo Antiques Fair Toscana, Arezzo
IMG-ALT fiera_antiquaria-arezzo_1
/en/veneto/venice/things-to-do...Sea Like Salone Nautico Venezia 2025 Veneto, Venice
IMG-ALT Salone Nautico Venezia 2025
/en/veneto/venice/things-to-do...Handcrafts and design Like Salone dell'Alto Artigianato Italiano 2025 Veneto, Venice
IMG-ALT Salone dell'Alto Artigianato Italiano 2025
/en/lombardy/milan/things-to-d...Handcrafts and design Like Salone del Mobile 2025 Lombardia, Rho
IMG-ALT salone_mobile_2023
/en/emilia-romagna/rimini/thin...Business Like Pescare Show Emilia-Romagna, Rimini
IMG-ALT Pescare Show
/en/umbria/things-to-do/event-...Event Like In Terni for the Valentine's Day Marathon Umbria, Terni
IMG-ALT maratona terni
/en/italy/things-to-do/event-m...Event Like Milan - Sanremo cycling race Liguria, Sanremo
IMG-ALT 644633041
/en/lazio/rome/things-to-do/ev...Art and culture Like Caravaggio 2025 Lazio, Roma
IMG-ALT Caravaggio 2025
/en/italy/things-to-do/eventsTextduplikat Find out more
/en/aosta-valleyIMG-ALT AO Castello di Ch�tel Argent
https://www.italia.it/en/piedmontIMG-ALT Piedmont
https://www.italia.it/en/piedmontTextduplikat Discover
https://www.italia.it/en/lombardyIMG-ALT Milan's Cathedral
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https://www.italia.it/en/trentinoIMG-ALT TN Madonna di Campiglio
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/en/south-tyrolIMG-ALT South Tyrol
/en/south-tyrolTextduplikat Discover
https://www.italia.it/en/venetoIMG-ALT Arena di Verona
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/en/friuli-venezia-giuliaIMG-ALT Friuli-Venezia Giulia
/en/friuli-venezia-giuliaTextduplikat Discover
https://www.italia.it/en/liguriaIMG-ALT Cinque Terre - Riomaggiore
https://www.italia.it/en/liguriaTextduplikat Discover
/en/emilia-romagnaIMG-ALT Parma, Statua Verdi
/en/emilia-romagnaTextduplikat Discover
https://www.italia.it/en/tuscanyIMG-ALT Firenze
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https://www.italia.it/en/umbriaIMG-ALT PG Assisi
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https://www.italia.it/en/sardiniaTextduplikat IMG-ALT Sardinia
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https://www.italia.it/en/lazioIMG-ALT Bracciano
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https://www.italia.it/en/abruzzoIMG-ALT Pescara - Trabocco
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https://www.italia.it/en/campaniaIMG-ALT Campania
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https://www.italia.it/en/moliseIMG-ALT Campagna Molisana
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https://www.italia.it/en/pugliaIMG-ALT Castel del Monte
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/en/basilicataIMG-ALT Matera Chiese Rupestri
/en/basilicataTextduplikat Discover
https://www.italia.it/en/calabriaIMG-ALT VV Capo vaticano
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https://www.italia.it/en/sicilyIMG-ALT Agrigento - Valle dei Templi
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/en/italy/travel-magazineView all
/en/tuscany/massa-carrara/thin...Handcrafts and design Like Carrara: a pearl in marble 2 minutes
IMG-ALT Carrara: a pearl in marble
/en/sicily/siracusa/things-to-...UNESCO Like Syracuse, the Pantalica Necropolis World Heritage Site 4 minutes
IMG-ALT Necropoli di Pantalica
/en/italy/things-to-do/fashion...Shopping Like The shopping streets: seven ad hoc itineraries for fashionistas 5 minutes
IMG-ALT the streets of fashion in italy itineraries for fashionistas
/en/italy/things-to-do/9-best-...Nature Like 9 places in Italy where waking at sunset up feels dreamy 4 minutes
IMG-ALT nove albe piu belle italia
/en/italy/travel-magazineDiscover them all
https://www.italia.it/en/italeaTextduplikat Find out more
/en/italy/things-to-do/food-an...Textduplikat Find out more
/en/italy/things-to-do/health-...Textduplikat Find out more
/en/italy/things-to-do/natureTextduplikat Nature
IMG-ALT Create your ideal journey
/en/italy/things-to-do/art-cul...Art and culture
IMG-ALT Create your ideal journey
/en/italy/things-to-do/food-an...Food and wine
IMG-ALT Create your ideal journey
IMG-ALT Create your ideal journey
/en/italy/things-to-do/leisureTextduplikat Leisure
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/en/italy/things-to-do/eventsTextduplikat Events
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/en/italy/things-to-do/health-...Relax and wellness
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/en/italy/things-to-do/spiritu...Textduplikat Spirituality
IMG-ALT Create your ideal journey
/en/italy/things-to-do/shoppin...Textduplikat Shopping & Markets
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/en/italy/things-to-do/bycicle...Cycling Tourism
IMG-ALT Create your ideal journey
IMG-ALT Create your ideal journey
/en/italy/things-to-do/tours-e...Textduplikat Excursions
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Browse the Official Tourism Website and plan your holidays to Italy. Find out where to go and what to do during your next Italian trip.

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Discover Italy63%Check
Italy Italian60%Check
Wine Tour58%Check
Southern Italy56%Check
Cycling tourism55%Check

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