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Latest Breaking UK and World News & Opinion | LBC
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(Extrem wichtig)
Get the very latest UK and world news along with video interviews and analysis - only on LBC. Leading Britain's Conversation.
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Bilder Optimierung
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...0fe47c-a4e4-4461-ad6e-a606d1de0413&h=144Shelagh Fogarty
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...p&signature=fP7xoWAOvAR1bwGZ6bEjeczCi_E=Trump said he will end the 'mess' of the Ukraine war
...p&signature=htCJaoj5UXNLsN-LOC5lgpxMi18=Bridget Phillipson
...p&signature=E9gqVpkUqc6duhs_JQ2w9IL1G54=Hamas accepts deal to release American-Israeli hostage Edan Alexander and bodies of four dual-nationals
...p&signature=eFWOwWvud51ZrwVYRCTAUFDn8YQ=Cheryl Tweedy's stalker Daniel Bannister
...p&signature=YBgbKSHGbxLSVmZhrHTCad5Rjiw=Letby, a former nurse at Countess of Cheshire Hospital, was convicted of murdering seven babies, and attempting to murder six more
...p&signature=z2QQhADT7swyTcszt1iXdlFMjpk=Claudiu-Karol Kondor was murdered by Mark Ross
...p&signature=PHaCrwmBWRR32Ybpf9kBINfX3q8=Bank Of England In The City Of London
...p&signature=PPfPR5cva1SvM5a_OTlB_KO8zTY=A breathalyser test for tired drivers could save lives. The government must act now.
...p&signature=FTpUUNkuPFjK0XNjVdw7CVpAK00=Revolution, not evolution, required to fix ailing NHS
...p&signature=Uhfq2IR0JVIwo0dWc0V5Nqh3X4U=The government's new plan to combat foreign influence has an impressive name and not much bite.
...p&signature=o76J50_12AOVVm_hrD2ksPMvX5o=The flag was removed by police on Friday.
...p&signature=7cj__n_tZziEmXh_fbxIHNd2Mos=Claudiu-Karol Kondor was murdered by Mark Ross
...p&signature=9sA_swoOYiys2Qq8cGvOq6EN3Rc=Boy, 17, appears in court charged with the murder of Lathaniel Burrell in South London
...p&signature=TEZJt1E5Lyl9b9dmPUbtnZ-ongI=Keir Starmer Departs Downing Street for PMQs in London
...p&signature=-3Sa9RDsOSasbkH64ftwaOLMfMQ=Donald Trump
...p&signature=tXcjUYmfFpY067KSdtQSCrR5cFM=Donald Trump
...p&signature=bWWZYmMjvsPzsGeKTkPSvGzvotA=British backpacker who 'broke US visa rules' facing month in jail after being detained at border in 'Trump crackdown'
...-lbc-1741258960-editorial-mid-form-0.pngWin with LBC
...marr-1727183326-editorial-mid-form-0.pngTonight with Andrew Marr
...more-1729770399-editorial-mid-form-0.pngMore about LBC's charity
...lbc-1726638355-editorial-long-form-0.jpgHow to listen to LBC
...p&signature=tDGCUCE4dJ_CPxfxzAM84cxgtCo=Children are facing serious risks in the metaverse, including harassment, exposure to inappropriate content and psychological harm, a report shared exclusively with LBC revealed.
...p&signature=N2le5hd9YS8Km7L-j9NF3-LDEpI=LBC Investigates: What a 13-Year-Old Girl Sees on TikTok
...p&signature=MA49WqqH91DiSPuW-_h6JmwO7Ps=The Reform leader's comments follow Friday's tense showdown in Washington, with Ukraine's President 'kicked out' of the White House
...p&signature=fP7xoWAOvAR1bwGZ6bEjeczCi_E=Trump said he will end the 'mess' of the Ukraine war
...p&signature=2yI2Ahj-Wklj6zIYkiDlknVMDoM=Hamas accepts deal to release American-Israeli hostage Edan Alexander and bodies of four dual-nationals
...p&signature=GI9MEbrtCiY11ifIy3J5uD8FtHA=Close up of a dachshund sausage dog in long grass
...p&signature=lx8uGoNI0F1X9NGHTF57NBhIWjU=Cheryl Tweedy's stalker Daniel Bannister
...p&signature=NPtuqLahxWTdigM_HolJr8wgs9k=Lydia Mugambe, who took "advantage of her status" over the young Ugandan women, insisted she was “not a criminal” as police took her in, body cam footage shows.
...p&signature=6XWd6jhZwEU768gH__xyyyu62EU=Letby, a former nurse at Countess of Cheshire Hospital, was convicted of murdering seven babies, and attempting to murder six more
...p&signature=c-LrNaZrxfMdz-4I0-HXpPwtJYs=Baroness Michelle Mone and her husband have lost their bid to have core participant status at Covid inquiry
...p&signature=DlvYhqHuBpYK0tAM1BNVnExdfWw=A new pill designed to transform the treatment of endometriosis has been approved for use on the NHS. (stock image)
...p&signature=4r4FH9CgSgeI8B9XEG7K5QAQmAg=Doctors are warning of "glycerol intoxication syndrome" caused by slushies
...p&signature=oq8J1BLIgJuP5bfUocAdTMmB52s=Asda sign outside a store
...p&signature=BFjCJW6fu6gyxOfDQ65Kt-3T1w8=Credit cards sitting one on top of another
...p&signature=DdQiIKsEYCjqaobRWnJJ0LtSYrA=McDonald’s sign
...p&signature=OG1Ddr6nwtmOr6rAXI5VvOJb-jQ=Stourbridge, West Midlands, UK. 18th September, 2018. The Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, meets admirers as visits Stourbridge to unveil a new statue of Frank Foley, often called the 'British Schindler'.
...p&signature=ZdkGYk_BUOvDMaU8WPQG1nKkQy4=Meghan is launching another podcast
...p&signature=A2URuo7LYaoamWemlrq-wwuGvCo=The Prince of Wales celebrates Aston Villa's Champions League victory
...p&signature=nMvsF8NFPblrRElIWFn1wsPNXBI=Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson (PA)
...p&signature=TcItPpfd0mLLAlxSjEa67zGnl4M=A drone in the air with countryside behind
...p&signature=1NVsmQ8LiKa2jBPvzG7aMpQuvfU=ASCL president Manny Botwe
...p&signature=v_VWPZ_5WptNx4rvbJ4cMcYrD1I=Russell Brand book signing - Gateshead
...p&signature=ti-W_bZc5JGDPCGWVymTe3ruwy4=Apr. 18, 2006 - Gene Hackman and wife, Betsy . Ralph Domiguez - 1989.GENEHACKMANRETRO(Credit Image: © Globe Photos/ZUMAPRESS.com)
...p&signature=GGdq6H46St5PcQOJKrdbUmDrF9o=An Oasis movie is on the way from the creator of Peaky Blinders.
...p&signature=PnOrnHZ7Z3ziKbfyM0pDe7P0Jj4=A. Lunar Eclipse, Red supermoon, Blood moon / on 28th September 2015.
...p&signature=h0SePXNrqrk4mELqpR1dPiS5eFo=Snow is falling in Gloucestershire on the second day of the Cheltenham Festival.
...p&signature=03XAQX48ZMVP9n7MLCeEn6ST-bA=Warm Summer-like weather as people enjoy the sunshine along the riverside of the Thames River at Richmond.
...p&signature=iWNS8bRqo_Et49H8dmcmx0N-cJc=Newly appointed England head coach Thomas Tuchel during a press conference at Wembley Stadium, London.
...p&signature=Sw0NIWdz0e6mKkhHibNzg_wwLqg=Queen Camilla (centre) watching the Turners Novices' Hurdle on day two of the 2025 Cheltenham Festival at Cheltenham Racecourse.
...p&signature=XeYSS-w_actl3S4jC4FVKLtMuHA=Stuart Pearce has spoken about his health scare on a flight from America
...s_v4r/dist/gusto/img/app-store-badge.svgGet it on the app store
...v4r/dist/gusto/img/google-play-badge.svgGet it on Google Play


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Die H1-Überschrift besteht nur aus einem Wort. Es sollten mehr Informationen angegeben werden.
Die H1-Überschrift ist zu kurz (3 Zeichen). Sie sollte mindestens 20 Zeichen lang sein.
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Es befinden sich 71 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H2 On Air Now
H2 LBC Opinion
H2 US Politics
H2 Crime
H2 Health
H2 Business & Money
H2 Royals
H2 Science and Technology
H2 Entertainment
H2 Weather
H2 Sport
H3 Trending:
H3 Now Discussing
H3 Trump hails 'good and productive' talks with Russia as he urges Putin to spare lives of Ukrainian troops
H3 'No place' for 'disruptive and distractive' phones in classrooms, says Education Secretary
H3 Hamas accepts deal to release American-Israeli hostage Edan Alexander and bodies of four dual-nationals
H3 Cheryl Tweedy's stalker 'terrified son by coming to their home after dad Liam Payne's funeral', as convicted killer jailed
H3 Letby lawyer says police have made 'huge mistake' as hospital staff open to gross negligence manslaughter charges
H3 Thief jailed for life for murdering Amazon delivery driver who was trying to stop him stealing van
H3 UK economy unexpectedly shrinks by 0.1% in January marking fresh blow to Rachel Reeves
H3 A breathalyser test for tired drivers could save lives. The government must act now
H3 Revolution, not evolution, required to fix ailing NHS
H3 The government's new plan to combat foreign influence has an impressive name and not much bite
H3 Man arrested after Nazi flag flown outside church in Welsh village
H3 Thief jailed for life for murdering Amazon delivery driver who was trying to stop him stealing van Text-Duplikat
H3 Boy, 17, appears in court charged with the murder of Lathaniel Burrell in South London
H3 Labour announces candidate for upcoming by-election in Runcorn and Helsby after former MP punched constituent
H3 AI could replace some work of civil servants - as Starmer to announce crackdown on government waste
H3 Daughter of murdered MP says PM has given her 'glimmer of hope' after hopes for public inquiry
H3 Trump threatens 200% tariff on wine from the EU over tax on US whisky
H3 Trump takes on Europe: President vows to respond to latest EU counter-tariffs
H3 British backpacker who 'broke US visa rules' facing month in jail after being detained by ICE in 'Trump crackdown'
H3 Children exposed to psychological and ‘disturbingly real’ harm on metaverse, study warns
H3 LBC Investigates: What a 13-Year-Old Girl Sees on TikTok
H3 Tories slam 'morally wrong' Nigel Farage after he tells LBC Zelenskyy is to blame for Trump row
H3 Trump hails 'good and productive' talks with Russia as he urges Putin to spare lives of Ukrainian troops Text-Duplikat
H3 Hamas accepts deal to release American-Israeli hostage Edan Alexander and bodies of four dual-nationals Text-Duplikat
H3 Sausage dog mauls newborn baby to death after vets refused to euthanise it
H3 Cheryl Tweedy's stalker 'terrified son by coming to their home after dad Liam Payne's funeral', as convicted killer jailed Text-Duplikat
H3 Moment United Nations judge tells police 'I have immunity' as she's arrested after forcing woman to work as her slave
H3 Letby lawyer says police have made 'huge mistake' as hospital staff open to gross negligence manslaughter charges Text-Duplikat
H3 Michelle Mone accuses Covid inquiry of 'cover-up' after being refused special status when it looks at PPE contracts
H3 New endometriosis pill approved for use on NHS in breakthrough for women's health
H3 Children under eight should avoid drinking slushies, as doctors warn of serious consequences
H3 Asda revival no ‘quick fix’ as supermarket spending drive to knock profits
H3 Regulator seeks views on scrapping or increasing £100 contactless card limit
H3 McDonald’s franchises told to tackle sexual harassment or face regulator action
H3 Prince William reveals superstitions and match day rituals when watching beloved Aston Villa
H3 Meghan launches new 'confessions' podcast just a week after facing savage criticism over Netflix lifestyle show
H3 "See you in Paris" Prince William punches the air as Aston Villa win in Champions League
H3 Disruptive phones have no place in schools, Education Secretary says
H3 Drones used to sow tree seeds in scheme to restore lost South West rainforests
H3 Technology ‘being weaponised’ against schools and teachers – union leader
H3 Russell Brand sued for £220,000 by publisher over failure to write two self-help books
H3 Gene Hackman's estate attempt to block release of police body-cam footage following death of Hollywood star
H3 Creator of Peaky Blinders to produce Oasis movie alongside reunion tour
H3 Blood moon 2025: Rare lunar eclipse to be visible in the UK this week - here's how to see it
H3 Snow falls on Cheltenham Festival with -1 temperatures and travel warnings for racegoers
H3 UK records two warmest days of the year this weekend as temperatures soar to 20C - hotter than Italy and Spain
H3 Thomas Tuchel announces his first England squad including two uncapped defenders and a recall for Marcus Rashford
H3 Queen Camilla joins racegoers at Cheltenham Festival for 'style Wednesday'
H3 Stuart Pearce breaks silence on medical emergency during transatlantic flight
H3 Also on LBC
H3 Useful Links
H3 Download the app
H3 Follow Us
Einige der Linktexte der internen Links sind zu lang.
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
2 Links haben keinen Linktext oder nur Inhalt in Alt- und Titelattributen.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Alle internen Links haben keine dynamischen Parameter.
Es befinden sich 15 externe Links auf der Seite.
https://www.lbc.co.uk/Anchor Skip to content
https://www.lbc.co.uk/business/Business & Money
https://www.lbc.co.uk/tech/Science & Technology
https://wa.me/443456060973Neues Fenster Extern Kein Text
/radio/presenters/shelagh-foga...Neues Fenster Kein Text
https://www.lbc.co.uk/Anchor Skip to navigation
/radio/presenters/shelagh-foga...IMG-ALT Shelagh Fogarty
/radio/presenters/shelagh-foga...Textduplikat Shelagh Fogarty
/javascript-required/Textduplikat Listen
https://wa.me/443456060973Neues Fenster Extern Kein Text
/radio/presenters/shelagh-foga...Neues Fenster Kein Text
https://www.lbc.co.uk/Anchor A-TITLE Trending toggle
https://www.lbc.co.uk/safety/Subdomain Online Safety
/politics/parties/labour/keir-...Subdomain Keir Starmer
/hot-topics/nhs/Subdomain NHS
/news/war-ukraine/Subdomain Ukraine
/politics/us-election/donald-t...Subdomain Donald Trump
/hot-topics/israel-gaza-attack/Subdomain Israel-Gaza
/hot-topics/crime-police/Subdomain Police
https://www.lbc.co.uk/weather/Subdomain Textduplikat Weather
/hot-topics/royals/Subdomain Royal News
/radio/presenters/shelagh-foga...Textduplikat Shelagh Fogarty
https://global-player.onelink....Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Textduplikat Listen
/world-news/trump-mess-ukraine...Subdomain Trump hails 'good and productive' talks with Russia as he urges Putin to spare lives of Ukrainian troops
IMG-ALT Trump said he will end the 'mess' of the Ukraine war
/politics/uk-politics/educatio...Subdomain 'No place' for 'disruptive and distractive' phones in classrooms, says Education Secretary
IMG-ALT Bridget Phillipson
/world-news/hamas-accepts-deal...Subdomain Hamas accepts deal to release American-Israeli hostage Edan Alexander and bodies of four dual-nationals
IMG-ALT Hamas accepts deal to release American-Israeli hostage Edan Alexander and bodies of four dual-nationals
/crime/cheryl-tweedy-stalker-j...Subdomain Cheryl Tweedy's stalker 'terrified son by coming to their home after dad Liam Payne's funeral', as convicted killer jailed
IMG-ALT Cheryl Tweedy's stalker Daniel Bannister
/news/lucy-letby/lucy-letby-nu...Subdomain Letby lawyer says police have made 'huge mistake' as hospital staff open to gross negligence manslaughter charges
IMG-ALT Letby, a former nurse at Countess of Cheshire Hospital, was convicted of murdering seven babies, and attempting to murder six more
/crime/delivery-driver-thief-j...Subdomain Thief jailed for life for murdering Amazon delivery driver who was trying to stop him stealing van
IMG-ALT Claudiu-Karol Kondor was murdered by Mark Ross
/news/uk/uk-economy-unexpected...Subdomain UK economy unexpectedly shrinks by 0.1% in January marking fresh blow to Rachel Reeves
IMG-ALT Bank Of England In The City Of London
https://www.lbc.co.uk/opinion/LBC Opinion
https://www.lbc.co.uk/opinion/See more LBC Opinion
/opinion/views/tired-drivers-s...Subdomain A breathalyser test for tired drivers could save lives. The government must act now
IMG-ALT A breathalyser test for tired drivers could save lives. The government must act now.
/opinion/views/revolution-to-f...Subdomain Revolution, not evolution, required to fix ailing NHS
IMG-ALT Revolution, not evolution, required to fix ailing NHS
/opinion/views/starmer-new-pla...Subdomain The government's new plan to combat foreign influence has an impressive name and not much bite
IMG-ALT The government's new plan to combat foreign influence has an impressive name and not much bite.
https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/uk/UK NEWS
https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/uk/See more UK NEWS
/news/uk/man-arrested-as-nazi-...Man arrested after Nazi flag flown outside church in Welsh village
IMG-ALT The flag was removed by police on Friday.
/crime/delivery-driver-thief-j...Textduplikat Thief jailed for life for murdering Amazon delivery driver who was trying to stop him stealing van
IMG-ALT Claudiu-Karol Kondor was murdered by Mark Ross
/crime/boy-17-charged-with-the...Boy, 17, appears in court charged with the murder of Lathaniel Burrell in South London
IMG-ALT Boy, 17, appears in court charged with the murder of Lathaniel Burrell in South London
https://www.lbc.co.uk/politics/UK POLITICS
https://www.lbc.co.uk/politics/See more UK POLITICS
/politics/parties/labour/labou...Labour announces candidate for upcoming by-election in Runcorn and Helsby after former MP punched constituent
/politics/parties/labour/keir-...AI could replace some work of civil servants - as Starmer to announce crackdown on government waste
IMG-ALT Keir Starmer Departs Downing Street for PMQs in London
/politics/parties/labour/keir-...Textduplikat Keir Starmer
/news/uk/katie-amess-david-ame...Daughter of murdered MP says PM has given her 'glimmer of hope' after hopes for public inquiry
/politics/us-politics/US Politics
/politics/us-politics/See more US Politics
/usa/politics/trump-200-percen...Trump threatens 200% tariff on wine from the EU over tax on US whisky
IMG-ALT Donald Trump
/usa/politics/donald-trump/tru...Trump takes on Europe: President vows to respond to latest EU counter-tariffs
IMG-ALT Donald Trump
/usa/politics/british-backpack...British backpacker who 'broke US visa rules' facing month in jail after being detained by ICE in 'Trump crackdown'
IMG-ALT British backpacker who 'broke US visa rules' facing month in jail after being detained at border in 'Trump crackdown'
https://www.lbc.co.uk/win/Subdomain IMG-ALT Win with LBC
https://www.globalplayer.com/p...Extern Subdomain IMG-ALT Tonight with Andrew Marr
https://www.makesomenoise.com/Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain IMG-ALT More about LBC's charity
https://www.globalplayer.com/l...Extern Subdomain IMG-ALT How to listen to LBC
/news/exclusive/LBC EXCLUSIVES
/news/exclusive/See more LBC EXCLUSIVES
/news/exclusive/children-expos...Children exposed to psychological and ‘disturbingly real’ harm on metaverse, study warns
IMG-ALT Children are facing serious risks in the metaverse, including harassment, exposure to inappropriate content and psychological harm, a report shared exclusive...
/news/uk/lbc-investigates-what...LBC Investigates: What a 13-Year-Old Girl Sees on TikTok
IMG-ALT LBC Investigates: What a 13-Year-Old Girl Sees on TikTok
/news/exclusive/ukraine-russia...Tories slam 'morally wrong' Nigel Farage after he tells LBC Zelenskyy is to blame for Trump row
IMG-ALT The Reform leader's comments follow Friday's tense showdown in Washington, with Ukraine's President 'kicked out' of the White House
https://www.lbc.co.uk/world-news/WORLD NEWS
https://www.lbc.co.uk/world-news/See more WORLD NEWS
/world-news/trump-mess-ukraine...Textduplikat Trump hails 'good and productive' talks with Russia as he urges Putin to spare lives of Ukrainian troops
IMG-ALT Trump said he will end the 'mess' of the Ukraine war
/world-news/hamas-accepts-deal...Textduplikat Hamas accepts deal to release American-Israeli hostage Edan Alexander and bodies of four dual-nationals
IMG-ALT Hamas accepts deal to release American-Israeli hostage Edan Alexander and bodies of four dual-nationals
/world-news/sausage-dog-mauls-...Sausage dog mauls newborn baby to death after vets refused to euthanise it
IMG-ALT Close up of a dachshund sausage dog in long grass
https://www.lbc.co.uk/crime/Textduplikat Crime
https://www.lbc.co.uk/crime/See more Crime
/crime/cheryl-tweedy-stalker-j...Textduplikat Cheryl Tweedy's stalker 'terrified son by coming to their home after dad Liam Payne's funeral', as convicted killer jailed
IMG-ALT Cheryl Tweedy's stalker Daniel Bannister
/news/uk/united-nations-judge-...Moment United Nations judge tells police 'I have immunity' as she's arrested after forcing woman to work as her slave
IMG-ALT Lydia Mugambe, who took "advantage of her status" over the young Ugandan women, insisted she was “not a criminal” as police took her in, body cam footage sho...
/news/lucy-letby/lucy-letby-nu...Textduplikat Letby lawyer says police have made 'huge mistake' as hospital staff open to gross negligence manslaughter charges
IMG-ALT Letby, a former nurse at Countess of Cheshire Hospital, was convicted of murdering seven babies, and attempting to murder six more
/news/health/See more Health
/politics/uk-politics/michelle...Michelle Mone accuses Covid inquiry of 'cover-up' after being refused special status when it looks at PPE contracts
IMG-ALT Baroness Michelle Mone and her husband have lost their bid to have core participant status at Covid inquiry
/news/uk/new-endometriosis-pil...New endometriosis pill approved for use on NHS in breakthrough for women's health
IMG-ALT A new pill designed to transform the treatment of endometriosis has been approved for use on the NHS. (stock image)
/news/health/children-under-ei...Children under eight should avoid drinking slushies, as doctors warn of serious consequences
IMG-ALT Doctors are warning of "glycerol intoxication syndrome" caused by slushies
https://www.lbc.co.uk/business/Textduplikat Business & Money
https://www.lbc.co.uk/business/See more Business & Money
/business/78f36bfb6bb54edda7a2...Asda revival no ‘quick fix’ as supermarket spending drive to knock profits
IMG-ALT Asda sign outside a store
/business/b68f07a26f474ecf9292...Regulator seeks views on scrapping or increasing £100 contactless card limit
IMG-ALT Credit cards sitting one on top of another
/business/948c5ba863c64a6e9b5e...McDonald’s franchises told to tackle sexual harassment or face regulator action
IMG-ALT McDonald’s sign
/hot-topics/royals/Textduplikat Royals
/hot-topics/royals/See more Royals
/news/uk/prince-william-reveal...Prince William reveals superstitions and match day rituals when watching beloved Aston Villa
IMG-ALT Stourbridge, West Midlands, UK. 18th September, 2018. The Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, meets admirers as visits Stourbridge to unveil a new statue of F...
/hot-topics/royals/meghan-laun...Meghan launches new 'confessions' podcast just a week after facing savage criticism over Netflix lifestyle show
IMG-ALT Meghan is launching another podcast
/hot-topics/royals/prince-will..."See you in Paris" Prince William punches the air as Aston Villa win in Champions League
IMG-ALT The Prince of Wales celebrates Aston Villa's Champions League victory
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/tech/df8a4fb9fd0c40eb89aa8e8e...Disruptive phones have no place in schools, Education Secretary says
IMG-ALT Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson (PA)
/tech/5f80427bdbc1449f8a1d08b8...Drones used to sow tree seeds in scheme to restore lost South West rainforests
IMG-ALT A drone in the air with countryside behind
/tech/b4856ba037364036b6550975...Technology ‘being weaponised’ against schools and teachers – union leader
IMG-ALT ASCL president Manny Botwe
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/news/uk/russell-brand-sued-fo...Russell Brand sued for £220,000 by publisher over failure to write two self-help books
IMG-ALT Russell Brand book signing - Gateshead
/news/entertainment/gene-hackm...Gene Hackman's estate attempt to block release of police body-cam footage following death of Hollywood star
IMG-ALT Apr. 18, 2006 - Gene Hackman and wife, Betsy . Ralph Domiguez - 1989.GENEHACKMANRETRO(Credit Image: © Globe Photos/ZUMAPRESS.com)
/news/entertainment/oasis-movi...Creator of Peaky Blinders to produce Oasis movie alongside reunion tour
IMG-ALT An Oasis movie is on the way from the creator of Peaky Blinders.
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/tech/blood-moon-2025-how-to-s...Blood moon 2025: Rare lunar eclipse to be visible in the UK this week - here's how to see it
IMG-ALT A. Lunar Eclipse, Red supermoon, Blood moon / on 28th September 2015.
/news/sport/cheltenham-festiva...Snow falls on Cheltenham Festival with -1 temperatures and travel warnings for racegoers
IMG-ALT Snow is falling in Gloucestershire on the second day of the Cheltenham Festival.
/news/uk/uk-two-warmest-days-y...UK records two warmest days of the year this weekend as temperatures soar to 20C - hotter than Italy and Spain
IMG-ALT Warm Summer-like weather as people enjoy the sunshine along the riverside of the Thames River at Richmond.
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/news/sport/thomas-tuchel-anno...Thomas Tuchel announces his first England squad including two uncapped defenders and a recall for Marcus Rashford
IMG-ALT Newly appointed England head coach Thomas Tuchel during a press conference at Wembley Stadium, London.
/hot-topics/royals/queen-camil...Queen Camilla joins racegoers at Cheltenham Festival for 'style Wednesday'
IMG-ALT Queen Camilla (centre) watching the Turners Novices' Hurdle on day two of the 2025 Cheltenham Festival at Cheltenham Racecourse.
/news/sport/stuart-pearce-brea...Stuart Pearce breaks silence on medical emergency during transatlantic flight
IMG-ALT Stuart Pearce has spoken about his health scare on a flight from America
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