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Intelligent, easy-to-read analysis of the financial news, with practical investment advice and share tips from the UK's best selling financial magazine.
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...dn.net/a7k733JVX79B8xYwsaxHGa-230-80.jpgCouple in Barcelona, Spain, one of the cheapest countries to live in
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...dn.net/stGLLqJSg7HzzcVr4qCKeM-230-80.jpgVolodymyr Zelenskiy, Ukraine's president, meets US President Donald Trump
...dn.net/KNEwAQBaZ7wRPjdqsCkNRB-230-80.jpgKirill Dmitriev, chief executive officer of Russian Direct Investment Fund
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...dn.net/b4getMCrQbWt5rcCYdsaue-230-80.jpgPlant growing out of Green Piggy Bank, best savings rates concept.
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...dn.net/7SxDQu2EaK4URkVJuRc4oX-320-80.jpgOojal Dhanjal
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...dn.net/aySPr5uUyUNLcg6qDazyZi-230-80.jpgVideo still: book value
...dn.net/Ln84RC8nLNFYzozHjNUsnc-230-80.jpgEdinburgh Fringe street theatre
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...dn.net/C9b5GxpBuPpAiEygGYLCa6-230-80.jpgWhat is passive investing?
...dn.net/gws2hH4uXF7uibcdrKiX5G-230-80.jpgAirelles Val d'Isère exterior
...dn.net/3FCPWxghS8xZdZm6dH8L6P-230-80.jpgVillas at Ozen Life Maadhoo


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Die H1-Überschrift besteht nur aus einem Wort. Es sollten mehr Informationen angegeben werden.
Die H1-Überschrift ist zu kurz (9 Zeichen). Sie sollte mindestens 20 Zeichen lang sein.
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Es befinden sich 65 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Moneyweek
H2 Nationwide Building Society bonus - who will get the £50 payment following the Virgin Money deal?
H2 Cash in on the growth prospects of Europe's companies
H2 April price hikes – which bills are going up this spring?
H2 Is the AI boom another dotcom bubble?
H2 Is now a good time to invest in gold?
H2 Return to office: is work from home coming to an end?
H2 How to pick a Sipp
H2 Sign up for MoneyWeek's newsletters
H2 Most Popular
H2 When will UK interest rates fall further? Latest Bank of England predictions
H2 Is the AI boom another dotcom bubble? Text-Duplikat
H2 Share tips 2025: this week’s top picks
H2 Best regular savings accounts – get up to 8%
H2 How to pick a Sipp Text-Duplikat
H2 Cash in on the growth prospects of Europe's companies Text-Duplikat
H2 Investing
H2 Where to invest as interest rates fall
H2 What is the S&P 500?
H2 Why CEOs deserve a pay rise
H2 Best investing apps
H2 Personal Finance
H2 Car finance claims: FCA signals plans for compensation scheme
H2 Best fixed rate cash ISAs – earn up to 4.46%
H2 Women’s financial freedom: How money has changed in 50 years
H2 The cheapest countries to live in
H2 Economy
H2 Europe prepares to stand alone as Trump turns on Ukraine
H2 Zelenskyy moves to appease Donald Trump – what happens now?
H2 Kirill Dmitriev: Putin’s emissary to Trumpworld
H2 Property
H2 Halifax: House prices dip in February but will continue to rise
H2 What is an offset mortgage and should you consider one?
H2 Time to remortgage? Everything you need to know to get best deal
H2 Savings
H2 The best cash ISAs – March 2025
H2 Would capping cash ISAs help close the gender investment gap?
H2 The best one-year fixed savings accounts – earn up to 4.58%
H2 Best savings rates – earn as much as 4.75%
H2 Meet the team
H2 More from MoneyWeek
H2 What is an ETF? Everything you need to know about exchange-traded funds
H2 What is book value?
H2 Money talks at the Edinburgh Fringe
H2 What is an investment trust?
H2 I wish I knew what passive investing was, but I’m too embarrassed to ask
H2 Val d’Isère is a valley of delights
H2 Review: The Ozen Collection – a dream stay in the Maldives
H2 Useful links
H3 Kalpana Fitzpatrick
H3 Andrew Van Sickle
H3 Jessica Sheldon
H3 Katie Williams
H3 Dan McEvoy
H3 Daniel Hilton
H3 Marc Shoffman
H3 Ruth Emery
H3 Chris Carter
H3 Dr Matthew Partridge
H3 Emily Hohler
H3 Stuart Watkins
H3 Oojal Dhanjal
H3 Subscribe
H3 MoneyWeek
H3 Most Popular Text-Duplikat
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/personal-finance/best-fixed-r...Best fixed rate cash ISAs
/investments/funds/605420/the-...Top funds and stocks
/investments/605633/share-tipsShare tips 2025
/personal-finance/savings/6055...Best savings accounts
/economy/live/trumps-trade-war...Trump’s trade war
/personal-finance/nationwide-t...Nationwide Building Society bonus - who will get the £50 payment following the Virgin Money deal? Customers of Nationwide will share in the success of its re...
IMG-ALT A view of a Nationwide Building Society branch on October 15, 2024 in London, England
/investments/share-tips/cash-i...Cash in on the growth prospects of Europe's companies Opinion
IMG-ALT Paris skyline with Eiffel Tower at sunset
/personal-finance/how-much-wil...April price hikes – which bills are going up this spring?
IMG-ALT Woman reading a bill and managing her personal finances
/investments/tech-stocks/is-th...Is the AI boom another dotcom bubble?
IMG-ALT Bubble in front of a stock market investing chart superimposed over a map of the world
/investments/gold/is-now-a-goo...Is now a good time to invest in gold?
IMG-ALT A golden bull breaking through the finance and investing section of a newspaper
/economy/small-business/return...Return to office: is work from home coming to an end?
IMG-ALT Woman working at office
/502970/how-to-pick-a-sippHow to pick a Sipp Features
IMG-ALT A middle-aged couple putting coins into a piggybank, representing investing into their pensions or Sipps
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/economy/uk-economy/605427/whe...When will UK interest rates fall further? Latest Bank of England predictions Economists believe the Bank of England could cut interest rates further over the...
/investments/tech-stocks/is-th...Is the AI boom another dotcom bubble? 25 years on from the dotcom bubble bursting, is it time for investors to consider the sustainability of the AI boom in ...
/investments/605633/share-tipsShare tips 2025: this week’s top picks Share tips Share tips 2025: MoneyWeek’s roundup of the top picks this week – here’s what the experts think you should ...
/personal-finance/savings/6054...Best regular savings accounts – get up to 8% Savings With regular savings accounts you can now earn as much as 8%. If you’re looking to stash small amounts a...
/502970/how-to-pick-a-sippHow to pick a Sipp Features Self-invested personal pensions (Sipps) let you manage your pension plan, but charges vary greatly between providers. We explain ...
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/investments/where-to-invest-a...Where to invest as interest rates fall We highlight four areas investors could consider as interest rates continue to fall. Should you be bullish or defensiv...
https://moneyweek.com/investmentsTextduplikat Investing
/investments/what-is-sp-500What is the S&P 500? The S&P 500 is one of the world’s most popular stock market indices and has almost tripled in value over the last decade. But what is th...
https://moneyweek.com/investmentsTextduplikat Investing
/investments/why-ceos-deserve-...Why CEOs deserve a pay rise Opinion The CEOs of big companies often come under fire for being grossly overpaid. But the truth, as per some economists, is the...
IMG-ALT CEO in office, looking out of window
https://moneyweek.com/investmentsTextduplikat Investing
/investments/best-investing-appsBest investing apps Looking for an easy-to-use app to help you start investing, keep track of your portfolio or make trades on the go? We round up the best i...
IMG-ALT woman checking the stock market on smartphone, having breakfast at coffee shop
https://moneyweek.com/investmentsTextduplikat Investing
https://moneyweek.com/investmentsVIEW MORE INVESTING
/personal-finance/the-next-ppi...Car finance claims: FCA signals plans for compensation scheme Lenders are setting more money aside as the road to the end of the car finance saga appears to ...
/personal-financeTextduplikat Personal Finance
/personal-finance/best-fixed-r...Best fixed rate cash ISAs – earn up to 4.46% We look at the best fixed rate cash ISAs on the market right now for savers who are willing to lock their cash a...
/personal-financeTextduplikat Personal Finance
/personal-finance/women-money-...Women’s financial freedom: How money has changed in 50 years Just 50 years ago, women couldn’t apply for a bank account or get a mortgage without a man. This...
/personal-financeTextduplikat Personal Finance
/personal-finance/spain-tops-l...The cheapest countries to live in Thinking of moving abroad? These are the cheapest countries to live in according to the 2024 Expat Insider survey By Oojal ...
IMG-ALT Couple in Barcelona, Spain, one of the cheapest countries to live in
/personal-financeTextduplikat Personal Finance
/economy/europe-stand-alone-tr...Europe prepares to stand alone as Trump turns on Ukraine Support for old military alliances is wavering in the US under Donald Trump. Europe’s leaders are ru...
IMG-ALT UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer Hosts European Leaders to Plan Next Steps on Ukraine
https://moneyweek.com/economyTextduplikat Economy
/economy/zelenskyy-appease-don...Zelenskyy moves to appease Donald Trump – what happens now? Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelenskyy is conceding ground to secure the least-worst deal possib...
IMG-ALT Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Ukraine's president, meets US President Donald Trump
https://moneyweek.com/economyTextduplikat Economy
/economy/people/kirill-dmitrie...Kirill Dmitriev: Putin’s emissary to Trumpworld Profile Kirill Dmitriev is a product of America’s finest institutions and has emerged as the Russian presiden...
IMG-ALT Kirill Dmitriev, chief executive officer of Russian Direct Investment Fund
https://moneyweek.com/economyVIEW MORE ECONOMY
/investments/house-prices/hali...Halifax: House prices dip in February but will continue to rise House prices dipped by 0.1% in February as the window to beat stamp duty changes narrowed, bu...
/investments/property/house-pr...House Prices
/personal-finance/mortgages/wh...What is an offset mortgage and should you consider one? Offset mortgages are a good way to put your money to work. We explain what they are and if they might...
/personal-finance/mortgagesTextduplikat Mortgages
/517329/time-to-remortgage-sho...Time to remortgage? Everything you need to know to get best deal A mortgage is likely to be your highest monthly expense which makes securing the best rate a...
/personal-financeTextduplikat Personal Finance
/investments/propertyVIEW MORE PROPERTY
/personal-finance/savings/isas...The best cash ISAs – March 2025 Savings The best cash ISAs can help you make the most of your tax-free savings. Here are the top rates to grow your money – t...
IMG-ALT Money growth Saving money. Upper tree coins to shown concept of growing business
/personal-finance/savings/isas...Cash ISAS
/personal-finance/cash-isas-ca...Would capping cash ISAs help close the gender investment gap? Opinion If cash ISAs are capped, will more women will start investing? Kalpana Fitzpatrick look...
IMG-ALT Female on a sofa trading
/personal-financeTextduplikat Personal Finance
/personal-finance/savings/6055...The best one-year fixed savings accounts – earn up to 4.58% Savings Earn up to 4.58% on one-year fixed savings accounts. We've found all the best deals avail...
IMG-ALT Fixed savings accounts shown by 3D abstract background of piggy bank
/personal-finance/savingsTextduplikat Savings
/32213/the-best-savings-accoun...Best savings rates – earn as much as 4.75% Savings With interest rates cut to their lowest level since 2023, lenders are dropping their rates. Here are the b...
IMG-ALT Plant growing out of Green Piggy Bank, best savings rates concept.
/personal-finance/savingsTextduplikat Savings
/personal-finance/savingsVIEW MORE SAVINGS
/authors/kalpana-fitzpatrickKalpana Fitzpatrick Editor, MoneyWeek.com
IMG-ALT Kalpana Fitzpatrick
A-TITLE Kalpana Fitzpatrick
/author/andrew-van-sickleAndrew Van Sickle Editor, MoneyWeek
IMG-ALT Andrew Van Sickle
A-TITLE Andrew Van Sickle
/author/jessica-sheldonJessica Sheldon Deputy digital editor
IMG-ALT Jessica Sheldon
A-TITLE Jessica Sheldon
/author/katie-williamsKatie Williams Writer
IMG-ALT Katie Williams
A-TITLE Katie Williams
/author/dan-mcevoyDan McEvoy Senior writer
IMG-ALT Dan McEvoy
A-TITLE Dan McEvoy
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IMG-ALT Daniel Hilton
A-TITLE Daniel Hilton
/author/marc-shoffmanMarc Shoffman Contributing editor
IMG-ALT Marc Shoffman
A-TITLE Marc Shoffman
/author/ruth-emeryRuth Emery Contributing editor
IMG-ALT Ruth Emery
A-TITLE Ruth Emery
/author/chris-carterChris Carter Wealth editor
IMG-ALT Chris Carter
A-TITLE Chris Carter
/author/dr-matthew-partridgeDr Matthew Partridge Shares editor
IMG-ALT Dr Matthew Partridge
A-TITLE Dr Matthew Partridge
/author/emily-hohlerEmily Hohler Politics editor
IMG-ALT Emily Hohler
A-TITLE Emily Hohler
/author/stuart-watkinsStuart Watkins Comment editor
IMG-ALT Stuart Watkins
A-TITLE Stuart Watkins
/author/oojal-kourOojal Dhanjal Editorial producer
IMG-ALT Oojal Dhanjal
A-TITLE Oojal Dhanjal
/investments/investment-strate...What is an ETF? Everything you need to know about exchange-traded funds Many investors use ETFs, or exchange-traded funds, as part of a passive investment st...
/investments/investment-strate...What is book value? Explainer A popular way to value a company is to use the price/book ratio, which compares a company’s share price with its book value. Bu...
IMG-ALT Video still: book value
/spending-it/money-talks-at-th...Money talks at the Edinburgh Fringe Matthew Partridge rounds up the best money-themed shows at the Edinburgh Festival. By Dr Matthew Partridge Published 13 A...
IMG-ALT Edinburgh Fringe street theatre
/investments/investment-strate...What is an investment trust? “Active” investment funds come in two main varieties, one of which is investment trusts. But what exactly is an investment trust...
IMG-ALT investing graphic
/investments/investment-strate...I wish I knew what passive investing was, but I’m too embarrassed to ask Videos Passive investing is when you buy a fund that aims to track the performance o...
IMG-ALT What is passive investing?
/spending-it/travel-holidays/v...Val d’Isère is a valley of delights MoneyWeek Travel Matthew Partridge reviews Airelles Val d’Isere and Hotel Mont-Blanc in the famous French ski resort By D...
IMG-ALT Airelles Val d'Isère exterior
/spending-it/travel-holidays/r...Review: The Ozen Collection – a dream stay in the Maldives MoneyWeek Travel Ozen Life Maadhoo and Ozen Reserve Bolifushi, where luxury meets nature, are almo...
IMG-ALT Villas at Ozen Life Maadhoo
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