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MyBodyModel - Custom Croquis Model Template App | Create & Download Realistic Croquis Templates For Sketching
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Make custom croquis model templates using your own realistic measurements, and download them as PDF’s you can make fashion sketches on.
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og:titleMyBodyModel - Custom Croquis Model Template App | Create & Download Realistic Croquis Templates For Sketching
og:descriptionMake custom croquis model templates using your own realistic measurements, and download them as PDF’s you can make fashion sketches on.

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  • Duplikat: At MyBodyModel we believe that every body is a good body. Be your own ...
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/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/leah-OPT.jpgLeah B. Thibault, Knitting Pattern Designer
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...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngWith so many great jacket sewing patterns out there, it can be hard to choose where to start! Sierra used her digital MyBodyModel as a virtual fitting room to “try on” the different silhouettes, colors, and fabrics that are on her wishlist – including both neutral and BOLD choices! And she created a jacket smorgasbord! 🧥🧥🧥 Sierra explains: “I have fabric for most of these jackets, and I have a feeling that I’m going to be making outerwear for the foreseeable future. I am really excited to play with design details on my croquis before making the final garment.” Head on over to the blog for more outerwear inspo! (link in bio). Do you have any jacket sewing patterns on your wishlist? Do you prefer neutral or BOLD fabric choices for your jackets? Let us know in the comments! Ready to start designing clothes for YOUR body? Create a custom fashion croquis (body outline sketch) based on your measurements with MyBodyModel. It's free to see your body model preview - and then you can create a printable and digital fashion sketchbook, featuring your personal croquis! Start your free preview today at mybodymodel.com. #SewingPlanner #MyBodyModel #FashionSketching #BulletJournal #SketchAndSew #MyBodyModelStyle #SewingProcess #SewingSketch #FibreMood
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngIt’s our friend Diane again giving us one more reason why she loves her MyBodyModel app—auditioning fabrics! 🤩🤩 Diane explains: “Another way I use the Sketch Club app is to audition fabrics in my sketches. By taking a photo of the fabric (or using a photo from the vendor’s website) you can sketch over the fabric and get an idea of how it will look made up in your garment.” Hop on over to the blog for more ways people are using MyBodyModel to creat dazzling finished products! (link in bio) Ready to start designing clothes for YOUR body? Create a custom fashion croquis (body outline sketch) based on your measurements with MyBodyModel. It's free to see your body model preview - and then you can create a printable and digital fashion sketchbook, featuring your personal croquis! Start your free preview today at mybodymodel.com. #SewingPlanner #MyBodyModel #FashionSketching #SketchAndSew #MyBodyModelStyle #SewingProcess #SewingSketch
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngWith the ebbs and flows of life, sometimes we just don’t feel as inspired to pursue our creative endeavors. But it’s how we recover from these dips that make all the difference. Kelsey had to work herself out of her own creative funk and luckily, she documented the process that she used to get her sew-jo back. For her it was using MyBodyModel to sketch and plan a new me-made capsule wardrobe. Once she dug into the colors, fabrics, and templates, the inspiration began to flow once again. Here’s what Kelsey had to say: “But like with everything in life, it’s easy to lose focus and passion for something you once loved. As the year progressed, I found that I wasn’t intentional about what I was making. I found myself jumping from one project to the next and the joy that I had once found while sewing was starting to fade away. I knew something had to shift because I didn’t want to let go of this hobby.” With the help of MyBodyModel she was able to regroup and spoiler - the result was an assortment of beautiful new sketches and a renewed vigor for her beloved sewing.💕💕 Have you ever been in a creative funk? What did you do to find inspiration? Hop on over to our blog for more creative inspiration! (link in bio) Ready to start designing clothes for YOUR body? Create a custom fashion croquis (body outline sketch) based on your measurements with MyBodyModel. It's free to see your body model preview - and then you can create a printable and digital fashion sketchbook, featuring your personal croquis! Start your free preview today at mybodymodel.com. #SewingPlanner #MyBodyModel #FashionSketching #SketchAndSew #MyBodyModelStyle #SewingProcess #SewingSketch
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngThere are so many benefits to using a digital sketchbook—all the fun of having a full artist studio without having to worry about storing everything or keeping track of supplies and drawings. Plus it’s just so much fun! While we all may love the feel and process of working on paper, we’re finding it increasingly rewarding and enjoyable to work in a digital format. Guest blogger Dr. T did some digging and found her favorite free digital art apps that are fantastic to use with MyBodyModel for digital sewing planning and fashion design. Here’s the list! 😍Adobe Draw 😍 Adobe Sketch 😍 Autodesk SketchBook 😍 Concepts 😍 MediBang Paint 😍 Tayasui Sketches “I’d highly recommend testing out several of the free apps yourself to see which you like the best. I think that the apps you will enjoy the most will depend on what sort of art style you enjoy, and how much control you like to have over the different tools, and how simple or complicated you want your app to be.” Hop on over to our blog for more digital fashion illustration recommendations! (link in bio) What drawing apps have you tried for fashion illustration with MyBodyModel? Do you have a favorite drawing app for iOS or Android? Let us know in the comments below! Ready to start designing clothes for YOUR body? Create a custom fashion croquis (body outline sketch) based on your measurements with MyBodyModel. It's free to see your body model preview - and then you can create a printable and digital fashion sketchbook, featuring your personal croquis! Start your free preview today at mybodymodel.com. #SewingPlanner #MyBodyModel #FashionSketching #SketchAndSew #MyBodyModelStyle #SewingProcess #SewingSketch
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngBe your own body model and design your wardrobe with the confidence that your clothes will look and feel as amazing as you are. ✨ Here are 5 ways to use MyBodyModel: ✨See how clothes will look on your body shape ✨Try out patterns, fabrics, & yarn before committing ✨Plan an intentional wardrobe ✨Try new looks & explore your personal style ✨Plan your sewing or knitting projects with confidence! Make sure to get your FREE preview if you haven’t already! Just head to mybodymodel.com to get started! (link in bio) Ready to start designing clothes for YOUR body? Create a custom fashion croquis (body outline sketch) based on your measurements with MyBodyModel. It's free to see your body model preview - and then you can create a printable and digital fashion sketchbook, featuring your personal croquis! Start your free preview today at mybodymodel.com. #SewingPlanner #MyBodyModel #FashionSketching #SketchAndSew #MyBodyModelStyle #SewingProcess #SewingSketch
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngRecently, we featured some of our favorite MyBodyModel-inspired fashion mood boards. Akin to fashion mood boards is the cork board approach to planning your seasonal sewing and knitting projects and Sarah is here to tell us all about it! 1.) Once I have decided what I’d like to try and make for a given season, I sit down and sketch all the styles using MyBodyModel. I label each style with the name of the pattern I plan to use and attach them to my cork board. Seeing this board in my sewing room everyday really helps me to stay motivated throughout the season! 2.) Once I start working on a garment I transfer the sketch and swatch to my sewing notebook where I document the making process and keep fitting notes. This is quick and easy because when I first put the sketches and swatches on the corkboard, I just roll up a little piece of Scotch tape and use that to stick them on the board. Then, when I’m ready to put them in my notebook, I just pluck them off and stick them right in the book! ✨And here’s an additional tip for staying inspired! “I try not to think of my seasonal sewing plans as set in stone – the corkboard is aspirational only! If a new pattern comes out that I’m super excited about, I’ll go ahead and make it. If I’m not feeling a certain garment I had planned to make, I don’t force myself to make it.” Sarah also started knitting, so she’s been using the corkboard method for her knitting projects as well! Hop on over to our blog for more corkboard inspiration! (Link in bio) What do you think? Are you inspired to give the corkboard method a try? Ready to start designing clothes for YOUR body? Create a custom fashion croquis (body outline sketch) based on your measurements with MyBodyModel. It's free to see your body model preview - and then you can create a printable and digital fashion sketchbook, featuring your personal croquis! Start your free preview today at mybodymodel.com. #SewingPlanner #MyBodyModel #FashionSketching #SketchAndSew #MyBodyModelStyle #SewingProcess #SewingSketch
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngWe love a moodboard. It really gets us in the mood! 😍 Many members of our community have found creative ways to plan their wardrobes with the help of mood boards! Here are just a few! 😍 MyBodyModel sketcher Sarah decided to create mood boards for her upcoming makes using her custom body model croquis. She searched online for inspiration photos, fabric swatches, and technical drawings for sewing patterns, and she used her Microsoft Surface tablet to sketch several “work/casual” looks for her collection. Sarah created beautifully designed digital mood boards to look back upon — all without the need to shuffle through stacks of fashion magazine clippings or bulky fabric swatches! 😍 Tiffaney created a mood board to inspire her future makes based on style inspiration from her style icons. She then pulled out her MyBodyModel croquis and set to testing out patterns on her body. I found my pencils, erasers, fine-tipped markers, and colored markers and got to work. She then created a summer collection mood board called TROPICAL CITRUS 😍 Mirielle’s mood board is just one aspect of her creative process. She likes to create her mood board to explore her style preference and then plan her wardrobe from that place of inspiration. Hop on over to our blog for an array of moodboard inspiration! (link in bio) Ready to start designing clothes for YOUR body? Create a custom fashion croquis (body outline sketch) based on your measurements with MyBodyModel. It's free to see your body model preview - and then you can create a printable and digital fashion sketchbook, featuring your personal croquis! Start your free preview today at mybodymodel.com. #SewingPlanner #MyBodyModel #FashionSketching #SketchAndSew #MyBodyModelStyle #SewingProcess #SewingSketch
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngPart ✌️of recommended apps for digital sketching! Recently, we highlighted guest blogger Dr. T’s recommendations on her top 6 favorite free digital art apps for digital planning and fashion design. Next up? Her 3 favorite paid apps. 😍 Notability 😍 Procreate 😍 Sketch Club Dr. T goes on to explain that all of these apps have features that make them great tools for using with MyBodyModel as part of a digital planning process. But in the end it depends what you are looking for in an app. ✅ Want something super simple? I’d go with Adobe Draw or Adobe Sketch. ✅ Want an all-in-one notebook planner and quick sketch app? Notability, hands down. ✅ Want maximum functionality for minimum price? Medibang Paint is a great bargain. ✅ Want to create beautiful works of art? Procreate, SketchBook, and Sketches are all great options. She goes on to say: “I’d highly recommend testing out several of the free apps yourself to see which you like the best. I think that the apps you will enjoy the most will depend on what sort of art style you enjoy, and how much control you like to have over the different tools, and how simple or complicated you want your app to be.” Hop on over to our blog for more digital fashion illustration recommendations! (Link in bio) Ready to start designing clothes for YOUR body? Create a custom fashion croquis (body outline sketch) based on your measurements with MyBodyModel. It's free to see your body model preview - and then you can create a printable and digital fashion sketchbook, featuring your personal croquis! Start your free preview today at mybodymodel.com.
...ugins/instagram-feed/img/placeholder.pngSaving fabric and frustration, one sewing and knitting project at a time! 🏆 MyBodyModel is an app that makes custom fashion croquis templates (body outline sketches) with your real body measurements. Get your own printable and digital fashion sketchbook and draw your fashion designs on a body model that looks like you. Here’s how: ✍️ Step 1: Take your measurements Start by taking your measurements using our free measurements guide found on our website—all you need is a measuring tape! You can take your measurements by yourself or with a helper. ✍️ Step 2: Create your free preview Input your measurements into the MyBodyModel website, then preview your croquis for free! Our app uses your measurements to create a digital representation of your body shape, and you can fine-tune the croquis as much as you'd like before purchasing. ✍️Step 3: Download and sketch Download your customized croquis and sketchbook for drawing on paper or digital sketching. Then start planning with confidence! At MyBodyModel we firmly believe that every body is a good body and by being able to sketch and see how clothes will look on your body shape, you can design your wardrobe with confidence. Ready to get started? Head to mybodymodel.com and plan your sewing or knitting projects with confidence. (Link in bio) Ready to start designing clothes for YOUR body? Create a custom fashion croquis (body outline sketch) based on your measurements with MyBodyModel. It's free to see your body model preview - and then you can create a printable and digital fashion sketchbook, featuring your personal croquis! Start your free preview today at mybodymodel.com. #SewingPlanner #MyBodyModel #FashionSketching #SketchAndSew #MyBodyModelStyle #SewingProcess #SewingSketch


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Fashion Templates Of Your Body
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H1 Fashion Templates Of Your Body
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H2 5 ways to use My Body Model:
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http://helensclosetpatterns.com/Neues Fenster Extern Helen Wilkinson
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/sketch-sew/mybodymodel-design...Neues Fenster Subdomain Katie Kortman
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http://instagram.com/indigodra...Neues Fenster Extern Kim McBrien Evans, Knitting Pattern DesignerIndigodragonfly
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http://brittanyjjones.com/Neues Fenster Extern Brittany J. Jones, Sewing BloggerBrittany J. Jones
IMG-ALT Brittany J. Jones, Sewing Blogger
http://cookinandcraftin.blogsp...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Meg, Sewing BloggerCookin' and Craftin'
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http://sewprettyinpink.wordpre...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Andie W., Sewing BloggerSew Pretty in Pink
IMG-ALT Andie W., Sewing Blogger
http://www.mscleaver.com/Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Leah B. Thibault, Knitting Pattern DesignerMs. Cleaver Creations
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https://www.instagram.com/p/DG...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain With so many great jacket sewing patterns out ther
IMG-ALT With so many great jacket sewing patterns out there, it can be hard to choose where to start! Sierra used her digital MyBodyModel as a virtual fitting room t...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DF...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain It’s our friend Diane again giving us one more r
IMG-ALT It’s our friend Diane again giving us one more reason why she loves her MyBodyModel app—auditioning fabrics! 🤩🤩 Diane explains: “Another way I use the Sketch...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DF...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain With the ebbs and flows of life, sometimes we just
IMG-ALT With the ebbs and flows of life, sometimes we just don’t feel as inspired to pursue our creative endeavors. But it’s how we recover from these dips that make...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DF...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain There are so many benefits to using a digital sket
IMG-ALT There are so many benefits to using a digital sketchbook—all the fun of having a full artist studio without having to worry about storing everything or keepi...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DF...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Be your own body model and design your wardrobe wi
IMG-ALT Be your own body model and design your wardrobe with the confidence that your clothes will look and feel as amazing as you are. ✨ Here are 5 ways to use MyBo...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DF...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Recently, we featured some of our favorite MyBodyM
IMG-ALT Recently, we featured some of our favorite MyBodyModel-inspired fashion mood boards. Akin to fashion mood boards is the cork board approach to planning your ...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DF...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain We love a moodboard. It really gets us in the mood
IMG-ALT We love a moodboard. It really gets us in the mood! 😍 Many members of our community have found creative ways to plan their wardrobes with the help of mood bo...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DF...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Part ✌️of recommended apps for digital sketchi
IMG-ALT Part ✌️of recommended apps for digital sketching! Recently, we highlighted guest blogger Dr. T’s recommendations on her top 6 favorite free digital art apps ...
https://www.instagram.com/p/DF...Neues Fenster Nofollow Extern Subdomain Saving fabric and frustration, one sewing and knit
IMG-ALT Saving fabric and frustration, one sewing and knitting project at a time! 🏆 MyBodyModel is an app that makes custom fashion croquis templates (body outline s...
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MyBodyModel - Custom Croquis Model Template App | Create & Down...
Make custom croquis model templates using your own realistic measurements, and download them as PDF’s you can make fashion sketches on.

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body model86%Check
Templates Body83%Check
croquis model78%Check
Fashion Templates73%Check
croquis templates73%Check
custom croquis model73%Check

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