Übersicht der SEO Analyse
Externe Faktoren
SEO Score
0,40 s
600,50 kB
Anzahl Links
14 Intern / 12 Extern

To-do Liste mit SEO Optimierungen

Meta-Angaben im HTML

(Extrem wichtig)
Postmates: Food Delivery, Groceries, Alcohol - Anything from Anywhere
Der Titel sollte kürzer als 580 Pixel sein. Er ist insgesamt 642 Pixel lang. Jetzt optimieren
Es gibt keine Wortwiederholungen im Titel.
(Extrem wichtig)
Order delivery or pickup from more than 600,000 restaurants, retailers, grocers, and more all across your city. Download the app now to get everything you crave, on-demand.
Die Meta-Description ist zu lang. (1072 Pixel von maximal 1000 Pixel) Jetzt optimieren
(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
Die Seite hat einen korrekten Canonical Link.
(Wenig wichtig)
Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en-us
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache wird im HTML Code wie folgt angegeben: en-us
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite nutzt keine Alternate Links.
Weitere Metatags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es gibt keinen rel next Meta Tag auf der Seite.
Es gibt keinen rel prev Meta Tag auf der Seite.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Domain ist keine Subdomain.
Die Länge der Domain ist gut.
Die Domain enthält keine Umlaute.
Seiten URL
(Wenig wichtig)
In der URL wurden keine Parameter entdeckt.
In der URL wurde keine Session ID entdeckt.
Die URL hat nicht zu viele Unterverzeichnisse.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Angaben zur Zeichensatzkodierung (UTF-8) sind fehlerfrei.
(Nice to have)
Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
Die Doctype Angabe befindet sich an erster Stelle im HTML-Code.
(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=2.0
robotsindex, follow
descriptionOrder delivery or pickup from more than 600,000 restaurants, retailers, grocers, and more all across your city. Download the app now to get everything you crave, on-demand.
twitter:titlePostmates: Food Delivery, Groceries, Alcohol - Anything from Anywhere
twitter:descriptionOrder delivery or pickup from more than 600,000 restaurants, retailers, grocers, and more all across your city. Download the app now to get everything you crave, on-demand.
og:titlePostmates: Food Delivery, Groceries, Alcohol - Anything from Anywhere
og:descriptionOrder delivery or pickup from more than 600,000 restaurants, retailers, grocers, and more all across your city. Download the app now to get everything you crave, on-demand.

Analysiere jetzt kostenlos bis zu 1.000 Unterseiten von postmates.com!

Kostenlos Testen
Die Nutzung des Basis Accounts ist zeitlich unbegrenzt möglich


(Extrem wichtig)
Die Wortzahl ist mit 80 Worten viel zu gering. Die Textlänge sollte mindestens 250 Wörter betragen.
Einige Wörter aus dem Seitentitel werden nicht im Text bzw. Inhalt der Seite verwendet
Es wurden keine Textblöcke erkannt.
Der Text besteht zu 21.3% aus Füllwörtern.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Größe des HTML-Dokuments ist mit 600.5 kB sehr groß.
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=2.0) ist korrekt.
Mindestens ein Apple-Touch Icon ist definiert.
Bold- und Strongtags
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Nutzung von Strong- und Bold-Tags ist optimal. Wir empfehlen für diese Webseite die Verwendung von bis zu 6 Tags.
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Alle gefundenen Bilder haben Alt-Attribute. (Alternativer Bild Text)
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Es befinden sich wenige Social-Sharing Möglichkeiten auf der Seite. Mit Plugins zum Teilen kann die Reichweite der Seite in sozialen Netzwerken erhöht werden.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


/_static/7d8b64db14e23a40.svgPostmates Home
/_static/783bb4a82e5be29e.svgDownload on the App Store
/_static/163bdc9b0f1e7c9e.pngGet it on Google Play


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Order on Postmates
Die H1-Überschrift ist zu kurz (18 Zeichen). Sie sollte mindestens 20 Zeichen lang sein.
Die Überschriftenstruktur ist fehlerfrei.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Order on Postmates
H2 Get food, drinks, groceries, and more delivered.
Es befinden sich zu wenige (7) interne Links auf der Seite.
Alle Linktexte sind einzigartig.
Keiner der Linktexte ist zu lang.
Alle internen Links haben keine dynamischen Parameter.
Es befinden sich 12 externe Links auf der Seite.
https://www.uber.com/business/...Extern Subdomain Create a business account
/restaurant/en-US/signupSubdomain Add your restaurant
https://www.uber.com/drive/del...Extern Subdomain Sign up to deliver
https://postmates.com/Anchor Skip to content
https://postmates.com/IMG-ALT Postmates Home
/login-redirect/?campaign=sign...Nofollow Log in
/login-redirect/?campaign=sign...Nofollow Sign up
/login-redirect/?campaign=sign...Nofollow Sign In
https://itunes.apple.com/us/ap...Extern Subdomain IMG-ALT Download on the App Store
https://play.google.com/store/...Extern Subdomain IMG-ALT Get it on Google Play
https://help.uber.com/postmatesExtern Subdomain Get Help
https://www.postmates.com/gift/Nofollow Subdomain Buy gift cards
/restaurant/en-US/signupNofollow Subdomain Textduplikat Add your restaurant
https://www.uber.com/drive/del...Extern Subdomain Textduplikat Sign up to deliver
https://postmates.com/promoSave on your first order
https://postmates.com/near-meNearby restaurants
https://postmates.com/locationView all cities
/pickup/near-mePickup near me
/?mod=selectLanguage&ps=1Nofollow English
https://www.facebook.com/Postm...Extern Subdomain Facebook
https://twitter.com/PostmatesExtern Twitter
https://www.instagram.com/post...Extern Subdomain Instagram
/legal/privacy/Nofollow Subdomain Privacy Policy
https://www.uber.com/termsExtern Subdomain Terms
https://help.uber.com/postmate...Extern Subdomain Pricing
https://privacy.uber.com/priva...Extern Subdomain Do not sell or share my personal information


(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite leitet weiter auf "https://postmates.com/"
Es wird kein X-Powered HTTP-Header mitgesendet.
Der Webserver nutzt GZip zur komprimierten Übertragung der Webseite (HTML).
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Größe des HTML-Dokuments ist mit 601 kB sehr groß.
Die Antwortzeit der HTML-Seite ist mit 0,40 Sekunden unter der Zielmarke von 0,40 Sekunden.


dateWed, 05 Feb 2025 06:55:45 GMT
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Disallow: /et-AT/
Disallow: /et-AU/
Disallow: /et-AZ/
Disallow: /et-BE/
Disallow: /et-BG/
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Disallow: /et-BY/
Disallow: /et-CA/
Disallow: /et-CL/
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Disallow: /et-DA/
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Disallow: /et-GB/
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Disallow: /et-VN/
Disallow: /et-ZA/
Disallow: /et/
Disallow: /fe-BE/
Disallow: /fi-AE/
Disallow: /fi-AT/
Disallow: /fi-AU/
Disallow: /fi-AZ/
Disallow: /fi-BE/
Disallow: /fi-BG/
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Disallow: /fi-BY/
Disallow: /fi-CA/
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Disallow: /fi-CO/
Disallow: /fi-CR/
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Disallow: /fi-DA/
Disallow: /fi-DE/
Disallow: /fi-DK/
Disallow: /fi-EE/
Disallow: /fi-EG/
Disallow: /fi-ES/
Disallow: /fi-FI/
Disallow: /fi-FR/
Disallow: /fi-GB/
Disallow: /fi-GE/
Disallow: /fi-GR/
Disallow: /fi-GT/
Disallow: /fi-HK/
Disallow: /fi-HR/
Disallow: /fi-HU/
Disallow: /fi-ID/
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Disallow: /fi-KH/
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Disallow: /fi-UA/
Disallow: /fi-US/
Disallow: /fi-VN/
Disallow: /fi-ZA/
Disallow: /fr-AE/
Disallow: /fr-AT/
Disallow: /fr-AU/
Disallow: /fr-AZ/
Disallow: /fr-BG/
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Disallow: /fr-BY/
Disallow: /fr-CN/
Disallow: /fr-CO/
Disallow: /fr-CZ/
Disallow: /fr-DA/
Disallow: /fr-DE/
Disallow: /fr-DK/
Disallow: /fr-EE/
Disallow: /fr-EG/
Disallow: /fr-ES/
Disallow: /fr-FI/
Disallow: /fr-GB/
Disallow: /fr-GE/
Disallow: /fr-GR/
Disallow: /fr-HK/
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Disallow: /fr-HU/
Disallow: /fr-ID/
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Disallow: /fr-MX/
Disallow: /fr-MY/
Disallow: /fr-NL/
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Disallow: /fr-PH/
Disallow: /fr-PL/
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Disallow: /fr-SI/
Disallow: /fr-SK/
Disallow: /fr-TH/
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Disallow: /fr-TW/
Disallow: /fr-UA/
Disallow: /fr-US/
Disallow: /fr-VN/
Disallow: /fr-ZA/
Disallow: /fr-fr/
Disallow: /gb-zh/
Disallow: /ha-JP/
Disallow: /he-AE/
Disallow: /he-AT/
Disallow: /he-AU/
Disallow: /he-AZ/
Disallow: /he-BE/
Disallow: /he-BG/
Disallow: /he-BR/
Disallow: /he-BY/
Disallow: /he-CA/
Disallow: /he-CL/
Disallow: /he-CN/
Disallow: /he-CO/
Disallow: /he-CZ/
Disallow: /he-DA/
Disallow: /he-DE/
Disallow: /he-DK/
Disallow: /he-EE/
Disallow: /he-EG/
Disallow: /he-ES/
Disallow: /he-FI/
Disallow: /he-FR/
Disallow: /he-GB/
Disallow: /he-GE/
Disallow: /he-GR/
Disallow: /he-HK/
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Disallow: /he-HU/
Disallow: /he-ID/
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Disallow: /he-UA/
Disallow: /he-US/
Disallow: /he-VN/
Disallow: /he-ZA/
Disallow: /hi-AE/
Disallow: /hi-AT/
Disallow: /hi-AU/
Disallow: /hi-AZ/
Disallow: /hi-BE/
Disallow: /hi-BG/
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Disallow: /hi-BY/
Disallow: /hi-CA/
Disallow: /hi-CL/
Disallow: /hi-CN/
Disallow: /hi-CO/
Disallow: /hi-CR/
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Disallow: /hi-DA/
Disallow: /hi-DE/
Disallow: /hi-DK/
Disallow: /hi-EE/
Disallow: /hi-EG/
Disallow: /hi-ES/
Disallow: /hi-FI/
Disallow: /hi-FR/
Disallow: /hi-GB/
Disallow: /hi-GE/
Disallow: /hi-GR/
Disallow: /hi-HK/
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Disallow: /hi-HU/
Disallow: /hi-ID/
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Disallow: /hi-UA/
Disallow: /hi-US/
Disallow: /hi-VN/
Disallow: /hi-ZA/
Disallow: /hi/
Disallow: /hn-en/
Disallow: /hn/
Disallow: /hr-AT/
Disallow: /hr-AU/
Disallow: /hr-AZ/
Disallow: /hr-BE/
Disallow: /hr-BG/
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Disallow: /hr-BY/
Disallow: /hr-CA/
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Disallow: /hr-DK/
Disallow: /hr-EE/
Disallow: /hr-EG/
Disallow: /hr-ES/
Disallow: /hr-FI/
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Disallow: /hr-HK/
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Disallow: /hr-UA/
Disallow: /hr-US/
Disallow: /hr-VN/
Disallow: /hr-ZA/
Disallow: /hr/
Disallow: /hu-AT/
Disallow: /hu-AU/
Disallow: /hu-AZ/
Disallow: /hu-BE/
Disallow: /hu-BG/
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Disallow: /hu-BY/
Disallow: /hu-CA/
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Disallow: /hu-CN/
Disallow: /hu-CO/
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Disallow: /hu-DA/
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Disallow: /hu-DK/
Disallow: /hu-EE/
Disallow: /hu-EG/
Disallow: /hu-ES/
Disallow: /hu-FI/
Disallow: /hu-FR/
Disallow: /hu-GB/
Disallow: /hu-GE/
Disallow: /hu-GR/
Disallow: /hu-GT/
Disallow: /hu-HK/
Disallow: /hu-HR/
Disallow: /hu-HU/
Disallow: /hu-ID/
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Disallow: /hu-UA/
Disallow: /hu-US/
Disallow: /hu-VN/
Disallow: /hu-ZA/
Disallow: /id-AT/
Disallow: /id-AU/
Disallow: /id-AZ/
Disallow: /id-BE/
Disallow: /id-BG/
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Disallow: /id-BY/
Disallow: /id-CA/
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Disallow: /id-DA/
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Disallow: /id-FI/
Disallow: /id-FR/
Disallow: /id-GB/
Disallow: /id-GE/
Disallow: /id-GR/
Disallow: /id-GT/
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Disallow: /id-HU/
Disallow: /id-ID/
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Disallow: /id/
Disallow: /it-AE/
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Disallow: /it-AU/
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Disallow: /it-BY/
Disallow: /it-CA/
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Disallow: /it-EG/
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Disallow: /it-GB/
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Disallow: /it-GR/
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Disallow: /it-UA/
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Disallow: /ja-AE/
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Disallow: /ja-jp/
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Disallow: /ka-AU/
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Disallow: /kk-GB/
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Disallow: /kk-US/
Disallow: /km-AU/
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Disallow: /ko-AE/
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Disallow: /ko-BY/
Disallow: /ko-CA/
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Disallow: /ko-DA/
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Disallow: /ko-EE/
Disallow: /ko-EG/
Disallow: /ko-ES/
Disallow: /ko-FI/
Disallow: /ko-FR/
Disallow: /ko-GB/
Disallow: /ko-GE/
Disallow: /ko-GR/
Disallow: /ko-GT/
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Disallow: /ko-HU/
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Disallow: /la/
Disallow: /lt-AE/
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Disallow: /lt-AU/
Disallow: /lt-AZ/
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Disallow: /lt-BY/
Disallow: /lt-CA/
Disallow: /lt-CL/
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Disallow: /lt-CO/
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Disallow: /lt-DA/
Disallow: /lt-DE/
Disallow: /lt-DK/
Disallow: /lt-EE/
Disallow: /lt-EG/
Disallow: /lt-ES/
Disallow: /lt-FI/
Disallow: /lt-FR/
Disallow: /lt-GB/
Disallow: /lt-GE/
Disallow: /lt-GR/
Disallow: /lt-HK/
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Disallow: /lt-UA/
Disallow: /lt-US/
Disallow: /lt-VN/
Disallow: /lt-ZA/
Disallow: /lv-LV/
Disallow: /lv-US/
Disallow: /ms-AE/
Disallow: /ms-AT/
Disallow: /ms-AU/
Disallow: /ms-AZ/
Disallow: /ms-BE/
Disallow: /ms-BG/
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Disallow: /ms-BY/
Disallow: /ms-CA/
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Disallow: /ms-DA/
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Disallow: /ms-EG/
Disallow: /ms-ES/
Disallow: /ms-FI/
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Disallow: /ms-GT/
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Disallow: /my-zh/
Disallow: /my/
Disallow: /nb-AE/
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Disallow: /nb-AU/
Disallow: /nb-AZ/
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Disallow: /nb-BY/
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Disallow: /nl-AT/
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Disallow: /nl-DK/
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Disallow: /nl-EG/
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Disallow: /nl-FR/
Disallow: /nl-GB/
Disallow: /nl-GE/
Disallow: /nl-GR/
Disallow: /nl-HK/
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Disallow: /nl-ID/
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Disallow: /nl-UA/
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Disallow: /nl-ZA/
Disallow: /oc/
Disallow: /pe-en/
Disallow: /pe-en/
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Disallow: /pe/
Disallow: /ph/
Disallow: /pl-AT/
Disallow: /pl-AU/
Disallow: /pl-AZ/
Disallow: /pl-BE/
Disallow: /pl-BG/
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Disallow: /pl-BY/
Disallow: /pl-CA/
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Disallow: /pl-CN/
Disallow: /pl-CO/
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Disallow: /pl-DA/
Disallow: /pl-DE/
Disallow: /pl-DK/
Disallow: /pl-EE/
Disallow: /pl-EG/
Disallow: /pl-ES/
Disallow: /pl-FI/
Disallow: /pl-FR/
Disallow: /pl-GB/
Disallow: /pl-GE/
Disallow: /pl-GR/
Disallow: /pl-GT/
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Disallow: /pl-HU/
Disallow: /pl-ID/
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Disallow: /pl-UA/
Disallow: /pl-US/
Disallow: /pl-VN/
Disallow: /pl-ZA/
Disallow: /pt-AE/
Disallow: /pt-AT/
Disallow: /pt-AU/
Disallow: /pt-AZ/
Disallow: /pt-BE/
Disallow: /pt-BG/
Disallow: /pt-BY/
Disallow: /pt-CA/
Disallow: /pt-CL/
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Disallow: /pt-CO/
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Disallow: /pt-DA/
Disallow: /pt-DE/
Disallow: /pt-DK/
Disallow: /pt-EE/
Disallow: /pt-EG/
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Disallow: /pt-FI/
Disallow: /pt-FR/
Disallow: /pt-GB/
Disallow: /pt-GE/
Disallow: /pt-GR/
Disallow: /pt-GT/
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Disallow: /pt-ID/
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Disallow: /pt-UA/
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Disallow: /ro-AE/
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Disallow: /ro-BY/
Disallow: /ro-CA/
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Disallow: /ro-CO/
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Disallow: /ro-DA/
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Disallow: /ro-EG/
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Disallow: /ro-UA/
Disallow: /ro-US/
Disallow: /ro-VN/
Disallow: /ro-ZA/
Disallow: /ro-en/
Disallow: /ro/
Disallow: /ru-AE/
Disallow: /ru-AT/
Disallow: /ru-AU/
Disallow: /ru-AZ/
Disallow: /ru-BE/
Disallow: /ru-BG/
Disallow: /ru-BR/
Disallow: /ru-BY/
Disallow: /ru-CA/
Disallow: /ru-CN/
Disallow: /ru-CO/
Disallow: /ru-CZ/
Disallow: /ru-DA/
Disallow: /ru-DE/
Disallow: /ru-DK/
Disallow: /ru-EE/
Disallow: /ru-EG/
Disallow: /ru-ES/
Disallow: /ru-FI/
Disallow: /ru-FR/
Disallow: /ru-GB/
Disallow: /ru-GE/
Disallow: /ru-GR/
Disallow: /ru-GT/
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Disallow: /ru-ID/
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Disallow: /ru-US/
Disallow: /ru-VN/
Disallow: /ru-ZA/
Disallow: /ru-en/
Disallow: /ru/
Disallow: /sa-ar/
Disallow: /sa-en/
Disallow: /sa/
Disallow: /se-SE/
Disallow: /search
Disallow: /sf/
Disallow: /si-LK/
Disallow: /sk-AE/
Disallow: /sk-AT/
Disallow: /sk-AU/
Disallow: /sk-AZ/
Disallow: /sk-BE/
Disallow: /sk-BG/
Disallow: /sk-BR/
Disallow: /sk-BY/
Disallow: /sk-CA/
Disallow: /sk-CL/
Disallow: /sk-CN/
Disallow: /sk-CO/
Disallow: /sk-CZ/
Disallow: /sk-DA/
Disallow: /sk-DE/
Disallow: /sk-DK/
Disallow: /sk-EE/
Disallow: /sk-EG/
Disallow: /sk-ES/
Disallow: /sk-FI/
Disallow: /sk-FR/
Disallow: /sk-GB/
Disallow: /sk-GE/
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Disallow: /sk-UA/
Disallow: /sk-US/
Disallow: /sk-VN/
Disallow: /sk-ZA/
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Disallow: /sl-US/
Disallow: /sp-MX/
Disallow: /sr-AU/
Disallow: /sr-RS/
Disallow: /sr-US/
Disallow: /sv-AE/
Disallow: /sv-AT/
Disallow: /sv-AU/
Disallow: /sv-AZ/
Disallow: /sv-BE/
Disallow: /sv-BG/
Disallow: /sv-BR/
Disallow: /sv-BY/
Disallow: /sv-CA/
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Disallow: /sv-CO/
Disallow: /sv-CR/
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Disallow: /sv-DA/
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Disallow: /sv-DK/
Disallow: /sv-EE/
Disallow: /sv-EG/
Disallow: /sv-ES/
Disallow: /sv-FI/
Disallow: /sv-FR/
Disallow: /sv-GB/
Disallow: /sv-GE/
Disallow: /sv-GR/
Disallow: /sv-GT/
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Disallow: /sv-ID/
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Disallow: /sv-UA/
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Disallow: /sv-VN/
Disallow: /sv-ZA/
Disallow: /sv-se/
Disallow: /sw-BR/
Disallow: /sw-US/
Disallow: /sw/
Disallow: /tc-HK/
Disallow: /th-AE/
Disallow: /th-AT/
Disallow: /th-AU/
Disallow: /th-AZ/
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Disallow: /th-BG/
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Disallow: /th-BY/
Disallow: /th-CA/
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Disallow: /th-CO/
Disallow: /th-CZ/
Disallow: /th-DA/
Disallow: /th-DE/
Disallow: /th-DK/
Disallow: /th-EE/
Disallow: /th-EG/
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Disallow: /th-FI/
Disallow: /th-FR/
Disallow: /th-GB/
Disallow: /th-GE/
Disallow: /th-GR/
Disallow: /th-GT/
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Disallow: /th-ID/
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Disallow: /th-UA/
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Disallow: /th-en/
Disallow: /th/
Disallow: /tl-AE/
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Disallow: /tl-AU/
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Disallow: /tl-BE/
Disallow: /tl-BG/
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Disallow: /tl-BY/
Disallow: /tl-CA/
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Disallow: /tl-CR/
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Disallow: /tl-DA/
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Disallow: /tl-FI/
Disallow: /tl-FR/
Disallow: /tl-GB/
Disallow: /tl-GE/
Disallow: /tl-GR/
Disallow: /tl-HK/
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Disallow: /tl-HU/
Disallow: /tl-ID/
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Disallow: /tl-UA/
Disallow: /tl-US/
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Disallow: /tr-AE/
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Disallow: /tr-AU/
Disallow: /tr-AZ/
Disallow: /tr-BE/
Disallow: /tr-BG/
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Disallow: /tr-BY/
Disallow: /tr-CA/
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Disallow: /tr-CO/
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Disallow: /tr-DA/
Disallow: /tr-DE/
Disallow: /tr-DK/
Disallow: /tr-EE/
Disallow: /tr-ES/
Disallow: /tr-FI/
Disallow: /tr-FR/
Disallow: /tr-GB/
Disallow: /tr-GE/
Disallow: /tr-GR/
Disallow: /tr-GT/
Disallow: /tr-HK/
Disallow: /tr-HR/
Disallow: /tr-HU/
Disallow: /tr-ID/
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Disallow: /tr-UA/
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Disallow: /ua-en/
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Disallow: /ua/
Disallow: /uk-AE/
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Disallow: /uk-AZ/
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Disallow: /uk-BY/
Disallow: /uk-CA/
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Disallow: /uk-CO/
Disallow: /uk-CR/
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Disallow: /uk-DA/
Disallow: /uk-DE/
Disallow: /uk-DK/
Disallow: /uk-EE/
Disallow: /uk-EG/
Disallow: /uk-ES/
Disallow: /uk-FI/
Disallow: /uk-FR/
Disallow: /uk-GB/
Disallow: /uk-GE/
Disallow: /uk-GR/
Disallow: /uk-GT/
Disallow: /uk-HK/
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Disallow: /ur-CA/
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Disallow: /ur-GB/
Disallow: /ur-JP/
Disallow: /ur-US/
Disallow: /ur/
Disallow: /us-ar/
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Disallow: /us-es/
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Disallow: /us-ja/
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Disallow: /vi-AE/
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Disallow: /vi-BY/
Disallow: /vi-CA/
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Disallow: /vi-CN/
Disallow: /vi-CO/
Disallow: /vi-CZ/
Disallow: /vi-DA/
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Disallow: /vi-DK/
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Disallow: /vi-EG/
Disallow: /vi-ES/
Disallow: /vi-FI/
Disallow: /vi-FR/
Disallow: /vi-GB/
Disallow: /vi-GE/
Disallow: /vi-GR/
Disallow: /vi-GT/
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Disallow: /vi-SK/
Disallow: /vi-TH/
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