| Anchor | Skip to main content | | | Student Health and Counseling Services A-TITLE Home | | Extern Subdomain | IMG-ALT UC Davis Logo | | Extern Subdomain Textduplikat | IMG-ALT UC Davis Logo | | | IMG-ALT Site Logo | Dedicated to a Healthy Student Body A-TITLE Home | | Extern Subdomain | Health eMessaging |
/about/locationshours | | Hours and Locations |
/uc-ship-waiver-information | | Insurance Waivers |
/services/acute-crisis-care | | Acute / Crisis Care | | | Make an Appointment |
/health-and-wellness/eight-dim... | | Eight Dimensions of Wellness |
/health-topic/missed-birth-con... | Subdomain | Missed Birth Control Guidelines |
/new-students | | New Student Resources |
/health-topics | | Health Topics | | | About |
/accreditation | | Accreditation A-TITLE Information about accreditation of SHCS |
/about/advisory-committees | | Advisory Committees |
/about/common-fees-services | | Common Fees for Services |
/about/eligibility-and-billing | | Eligibility and Billing |
/about/employment | | Employment |
/about/employment/counseling-s... | | Counseling Services Training Program |
/about/employment/health-educa... | | Health Education and Promotion (HEP) Student Coordinators |
/about/employment/student-volu... | | Student Volunteering Opportunities |
/about/locationshours | | Locations/Hours |
/schedule-or-cancel-appointment | | Schedule or Cancel an Appointment |
/meet-our-staff | | Meet Our Staff |
/patient-resources | | Patient Resources |
/advance-directives | | Advance Directives A-TITLE Advance Directives |
/patients-rights-and-responsib... | | Patient's Rights and Responsibilities A-TITLE Patient's Rights and Responsibilities |
/about/patient-centered-medica... | | Patient-Centered Medical Home |
/about/contact-us | | Contact Us |
/about/how-get-help-when-were-... | | How to Get Help When We're Closed |
/sick-notes | Subdomain | Sick Notes | | | Services |
/services/acute-crisis-care | Textduplikat | Acute / Crisis Care |
/services/primary-care | | Primary Care |
/primary-care/sti-screenings | | STI/HIV Testing |
/gendercareteam | | Gender Care Team |
/specialty-services | | Specialty Services |
/services/counseling-services | | Counseling | | | Group Services |
/services/counseling/individua... | | Individual Counseling |
/crisis-care-and-urgent-help-r... | | Crisis Care and Urgent Help Resources |
/cs-college-counselors | | Academic Satellite Program |
/community-advising-network-ca... | | Community Advising Network |
/services/counseling/eating-di... | | Eating Disorder Services |
/gendercareteam | Textduplikat | Gender Care Team | | | Groups and Workshops A-TITLE Skills Workshops - podcasts |
/gendercareteam | Textduplikat | Gender Care Team | | | Health Education and Promotion |
/services/psychiatry | | Psychiatry |
/services/pharmacy | | Pharmacy |
/services/optical-services | | Eye Care Services |
/services/other-services | | Other Services |
/services/other-services/inter... | | Intervention Services |
/services/other-services/lab-a... | | Lab and X-Ray Services |
/services/other-services/physi... | | Physical Therapy |
/services/other-services/trave... | | Travel Clearance |
/services/other-services/dieti... | | Dietitian |
https://program-requests.shcs.... | Extern Subdomain | Outreach Programs & Requests |
/services/clinical-attendant-p... | | Clinical Attendant Policy A-TITLE Clinical Attendant Policy | | | Health and Wellness |
/health-and-wellness/eight-dim... | Textduplikat | Eight Dimensions of Wellness |
/health-and-wellness/mental-we... | | Mental Well-Being |
/health-and-wellness/sleep | | Sleep Health |
/health-and-wellness/mental-we... | | Stress Reduction |
/health-and-wellness/mental-we... | | UCD Nap Map |
https://mentalhealth.ucdavis.e... | Extern Subdomain | Urgent Help and Crisis Resources |
/health-and-wellness/nutrition... | | Nutrition and Food |
https://aggiecompass.ucdavis.e... | Extern Subdomain | Food Access |
/health-and-wellness/nutrition... | | Fruits and Veggies |
/health-and-wellness/nutrition... | | Hydrate to Feel Great |
/health-and-wellness/nutrition... | | Pack a Snack |
/health-and-wellness/nutrition... | | Teaching Kitchen |
/weight-stigma | | Weight Stigma |
/health-and-wellness/physical-... | | Physical Activity |
/health-and-wellness/physical-... | | Find Your Space |
/health-and-wellness/physical-... | | Get Started |
/health-and-wellness/physical-... | | How to Get Started with Dance |
/health-and-wellness/physical-... | | How to Get Started with Walking |
/health-and-wellness/physical-... | | How to Get Started with Yoga |
/health-and-wellness/physical-... | | Helmet Hair Don't Care |
/health-and-wellness/physical-... | | Stay Motivated |
/health-and-wellness/alcohol-t... | | Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs |
/health-and-wellness/alcohol-t... | | Overdose information |
/naloxonenarcan | | Narcan / Naloxone | | Extern Subdomain | Safe Party |
/health-and-wellness/alcohol-t... | | Marijuana and Your Health |
/health-and-wellness/alcohol-t... | | Basics |
/health-and-wellness/alcohol-t... | | Methods of Use |
/health-and-wellness/alcohol-t... | | Policy |
/health-and-wellness/alcohol-t... | | Recovery Resources |
/health-and-wellness/alcohol-t... | | Other Drugs |
/health-and-wellness/sexual-we... | | Sexual Well-Being |
/health-and-wellness/sexual-we... | | At 21 |
/health-and-wellness/sexual-we... | | Get Yourself Tested |
/health-and-wellness/sexual-we... | | I Love Birth Control |
/health-and-wellness/sexual-we... | | Love Lab |
/health-and-wellness/sexual-we... | | Sexcessful Communication |
/wellnesstogo | | Wellness To Go |
/zerohivstigma | | Zero HIV Stigma |
/uc-davis-health-equity-fund | Subdomain | Health Equity Fund |
/health-topics | Textduplikat | Health Topics |
/resources-especially | | Resources For A-TITLE Resources For |
/resources-undocumented-students | | AB540 and Undocumented Students |
/african-diaspora-students | | African Diaspora Students |
/resources-asianpacific-island... | | Asian and Pacific Islander Students |
/resources-chicanx-and-latinx-... | | Chicanx and Latinx Students |
/resources-international-students | | International Students |
/resources/resources-lgbt-stud... | | LGBTQIA+ Students |
/resources-menasa | | MENASA Students |
/resources/resources-native-am... | | Native American Students |
/resources/resources-veteran-s... | | Student Veterans |
/resources-students-disabilities | | Students with Disabilities |
/resources/resources-womxn | | Womxn |
/new-students | | New Students |
/insurance | | Insurance |
/insurance/uc-ship-benefits-in... | | UC SHIP Benefits Information |
/insurance/uc-ship-benefits-in... | | How to Use UC SHIP |
/insurance/uc-ship-benefits-in... | | UC SHIP Medical Benefits |
/insurance/uc-ship-benefits-in... | | UC SHIP Dental Benefits |
/uc-ship-vision-benefits | | UC SHIP Vision Benefits A-TITLE Information about UC SHIP vision benefits |
/uc-ship-prescription-benefits | | UC SHIP Prescription Benefits A-TITLE Information about UC SHIP prescription benefits |
/insurance/uc-ship-forms | | UC SHIP Forms |
/uc-ship-waiver-information | | UC SHIP Waiver Information |
/waiver-criteria | | UC SHIP Waiver Criteria |
/uc-ship-waiver-information | | Waiving UC SHIP | | | UC Davis Health Equity Fund |
/uc-ship-id-cards | | UC SHIP ID Cards A-TITLE How to obtain a UC SHIP ID Card |
/voluntary-student-dependent | | Voluntary Student/Dependent Coverage A-TITLE Information about Dependent coverage with UC SHIP |
/insurance-information-interna... | | Insurance Information for International Students A-TITLE Information for international students and insurance | | | Feedback |
/feedback-0 | | General SHCS Feedback A-TITLE General feedback on SHCS services |
/reporting-discrimination-sexu... | | Reporting Discrimination, Sexual Violence, and Sexual Harassment | | Extern Subdomain Textduplikat | Make an Appointment |
/new-students | Subdomain | New Student Entrance Requirements |
/services/acute-crisis-care | | Acute Care |
/services/counseling-services | | Mental Health Support |
/uc-ship-waiver-information | Subdomain Textduplikat | Insurance Waivers | | | Health and Well-Being | | Extern Subdomain | IMG-ALT Aggies Talk Health Podcast |
https://studentaffairs.ucdavis... | Extern Subdomain | IMG-ALT Comprehensive Reproductive Healthcare |
/diversity-equity-and-inclusio... | Subdomain | IMG-ALT Support Health Equity, Inclusion and Institutional Change |
/services/primary-care | | Medical Services | | Extern Subdomain | Student Health & Wellness Center |
/services/counseling-services | | Counseling Services | | Extern Subdomain | North Hall |
/services/primary-care/immuniz... | | Required Immunizations and TB screening |
/insurance/uc-ship-waiver-info... | | Obtain a waiver for UC SHIP | | Extern | IMG-ALT Therapy Assistance Online Banner |
/lgbtq-healthcare-equality-leader | Subdomain | IMG-ALT LGBTQ Healthcare Equality Leader 2020 Banner | | Extern Subdomain | Log In to Health eMessaging |
/new-students | Subdomain | How to Satisfy Your Entrance Requirements |
/about/how-get-help-when-were-... | | What to Do When SHCS Is Closed |
/reporting-discrimination-sexu... | Subdomain | Report Sexual Misconduct |
/health-self-care-insurance-an... | | Educational Resources in Partnership with the All of Us Research Program |
/area-service/counseling-servi... | | Counseling Services - North Hall | | Extern Subdomain Textduplikat | North Hall |
/area-service/student-health-a... | | Student Health and Wellness Center | | Extern Subdomain Textduplikat | Student Health and Wellness Center | | Extern Subdomain | IMG-ALT SHCS YouTube | | Extern Subdomain | IMG-ALT SHCS LinkedIn | | Extern Subdomain | IMG-ALT SHCS Instagram | | Extern Subdomain | IMG-ALT SHCS Facebook | | Extern Subdomain | IMG-ALT UC Davis footer logo | | Extern Subdomain | University of California, Davis | | | Questions or comments? | | Extern | Privacy & Accessibility | | Extern Subdomain | Principles of Community |
http://www.universityofcalifor... | Extern Subdomain | University of California | | | Sitemap | | Extern Subdomain | SiteFarm |
(Nice to have)