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/en/news/news-reader/bronze-me... | | Read more ... Bronze medal for Balan/Moshenska A-TITLE Read the article: Bronze medal for Balan/Moshenska |
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/en/news/news-reader/dtv-succe... | | Read more ... DTV successes in Austria and Greece A-TITLE Read the article: DTV successes in Austria and Greece |
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/en/news/news-reader/immametdi... | | Read more ... Immametdinov/Bezzubova winning German Championship Amateur Latin A-TITLE Read the article: Immametdinov/Bezzubova winning German Championship Amateur Latin |
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/en/news/news-reader/exciting-... | | Read more ... Exciting competitions in Tokio A-TITLE Read the article: Exciting competitions in Tokio |
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/en/news/news-reader/dtv-rangi... | | Read more ... DTV Ranging List Competition Standard in the Boston Club - Day 2 A-TITLE Read the article: DTV Ranging List Competition Standard in the Boston Club - Day 2 |
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/en/news/news-reader/dima-doga... | | Read more ... Dima Doga/Sarah Ertmer new European Champions 10-dance A-TITLE Read the article: Dima Doga/Sarah Ertmer new European Champions 10-dance |
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