Übersicht der SEO Analyse
Externe Faktoren
SEO Score
1,08 s
262,90 kB
Anzahl Links
192 Intern / 26 Extern

To-do Liste mit SEO Optimierungen

Meta-Angaben im HTML

(Extrem wichtig)
Der Titel ist zu kurz. (58 Pixel von maximal 580 Pixel Länge) Jetzt optimieren
Der Seitentitel besteht nur aus einem Wort.
Es gibt keine Wortwiederholungen im Titel.
(Extrem wichtig)
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Die Meta-Description hat eine optimale Länge. (400 Pixel von maximal 1000 Pixel Länge)
(Extrem wichtig)
Es gibt keine Probleme beim Zugriff auf die Webseite.
Canonical Link
Die Seite hat einen korrekten Canonical Link.
(Wenig wichtig)
Im Text erkannte Sprache: en
Im HTML angegebene Sprache: en
Serverstandort: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Die Sprache wird im HTML Code wie folgt angegeben: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Wenig wichtig)
Die angegebenen Alternate Links sind fehlerfrei.
Weitere Metatags
(Wenig wichtig)
Es gibt keinen rel next Meta Tag auf der Seite.
Es gibt keinen rel prev Meta Tag auf der Seite.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Domain ist keine Subdomain.
Die Länge der Domain ist gut.
Die Domain enthält keine Umlaute.
Seiten URL
(Wenig wichtig)
In der URL wurden keine Parameter entdeckt.
In der URL wurde keine Session ID entdeckt.
Die URL hat nicht zu viele Unterverzeichnisse.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Angaben zur Zeichensatzkodierung (UTF-8) sind fehlerfrei.
(Nice to have)
Die Doctype Angabe HTML 5 ist korrekt angegeben.
Die Doctype Angabe befindet sich an erster Stelle im HTML-Code.
(Nice to have)
Das Favoriten Icon (Favicon) ist korrekt verlinkt.

Meta Tags

descriptionUnited Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
GeneratorDrupal 10 (https://www.drupal.org)
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0
twitter:descriptionUnited Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
twitter:image:altUNOCHA logo
og:descriptionUnited Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
og:image:altUNOCHA logo

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(Extrem wichtig)
Der Inhalt ist mit 1512 Wörtern in Ordnung.
Der Text besteht zu 32% aus Füllwörtern.
Im Text befindet sich eine Aufzählung, dies deutet auf eine gute Textstruktur hin.
Es wurden 33 Fließtextblöcke auf der Seite gefunden.
Der Text auf der Seite ist optimal.
Es wurden keine Platzhalter Texte bzw. Bilder gefunden.
Es befinden sich keine Duplikate auf der Seite.
Die durchschnittliche Satzlänge ist mit 21.59 Wörtern gut.
(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite hat kein Frameset.
(Wenig wichtig)
Es ist kein Apple-Touch Icon angegeben.
Der angegebene Viewport (width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0) ist korrekt.
Bold- und Strongtags
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Nutzung von Strong- und Bold-Tags ist optimal. Wir empfehlen für diese Webseite die Verwendung von bis zu 30 Tags.
Bilder Optimierung
(Wenig wichtig)
Bei 1 Bildern fehlt das Alt-Attribut. Der Inhalt von Alt-Attributen wird von Suchmaschinen auch als Text gewertet und ist wichtig für die Bildersuche.
Soziale Vernetzung
(Nice to have)
Die Seite ist optimal auf Soziale Netzwerke ausgerichtet.
Zusätzliches Markup
(Nice to have)
Es wurde kein zusätzliches Markup gefunden.
(Wenig wichtig)
Die Seite verwendet HTTPS um Daten sicher zu übertragen.
Alle eingebundenen Dateien werden ebenfalls über HTTPS ausgeliefert.


..._subtheme/img/logos/ocha-lockup-blue.svgOCHA logo
...25-02/SDN_012025_UNOCHA_DSC08995 (1).jpgChildren at the Gharb Al Matar IDP settlement in Kassala, Sudan, continue learning despite the challenges of conflict and forced displacement.
...92873246-e7e1-405c-8e36-94a5493b77a4.jpgHomes and a hospital suffer severe damage following a Russian attack on Odesa City, Ukraine, on 18 January 2025.
...3_2_25/public/2025-02/DRC woman camp.jpgDisplaced families in Bulengo camp, Democratic Republic of the Congo, face an uncertain future as they are forced to dismantle their shelters, struggling to survive without access to food, clean water, or medicine.
...c/2025-02/SDN_012025_UNOCHA_DSC00128.jpgFamilies shelter in a former bus station turned displacement site in Gedaref, Sudan. Nearly 6,600 people have sought refuge here after fleeing violence in the Sinjar/Sannar region as Sudan’s displacement crisis deepens.
...25-02/SDN_012025_UNOCHA_DSC00417 (1).jpgFamilies displaced by conflict shelter in a former bus station turned displacement site in Gedaref, Sudan. Nearly 6,600 people have sought refuge here after fleeing violence in the Sinjar/Sannar region, as Sudan’s displacement crisis deepens.
...width_3_2_25/public/2025-01/U45A5627.JPGA mother and her child sit outside their makeshift shelter at the Lushagala displacement site in Goma, North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
...2/LHF B&Z 34017 Food Parcels to IDPs.JPGFood parcels being distributed to people displaced by conflict in Saida, Lebanon by Basmeh & Zeitooneh, a Lebanese non-governmental organization. The aid had been made possible by the OCHA-managed Lebanon Humanitarian Fund. Photo: Basmeh & Zeitooneh
...ublic/2024-02/20240219_193829000_iOS.jpgA man wearing an OCHA vest and helmet is helping upload an ambulance stretcher with a person lying on it into an ambulance, which has its back doors open. Another ambulance can be seen parked alongside it.
...2_25/public/2024-12/Afghanistan CERF.JPGA year after the Herat earthquakes, the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund and Central Emergency Response Fund support has helped students get back to learning with tents and educational kits in Afghanistan's Herat Province. Photo: OCHA/Abdullah Zahid.
...lic/2024-12/BFA_072024_UNOCHA_image7.jpgDisplaced children in Burkina Faso access education through radio-based learning, funded by the Regional Humanitarian Fund, offering an alternative path to schooling.
..._25/public/2023-06/20221103-A7R02420.jpgA woman looks into the camera
...he Far North region-October 2023(25).JPGKaren Perrin, OCHA’s head of office in Cameroon, plants a tree in the Minawao refugee camp in the country’s northern border, as part of a reforestation project in response to the drought. Photo: OCHA//Bibiane Mouangue
...l_width_3_2_25/public/2024-02/Photo4.jpgWomen and children sit under an informal shelter covered by grass mats in what appears to a cooking area. A pot of rice is cooking on a firewood stove.
...2024-04/Chad photo for country page.jpegThree women and a young man look at the camera. Some of the women are clutching a plastic sheet. A UN vehicle and tents can be seen in the background.
...04 Union Wounaan Field Visit) 0139_0.jpgASG Mission Union Wounaan Field Visit
.../69_El Salvador2022_Tremeau_1R6A0679.jpgPortrait of a family in El Salvador
...th_3_2_25/public/2023-06/P1010269-X2.jpgChildren in a desert landscape
...ull_width_3_2_25/public/2023-06/ED18.jpgA woman, Esha Mohammed, walks along the dry landscape
...6/051_Guatemala2022_Tremeau_L1008050.jpgA grandmother with her two grandchildren
..._3_2_25/public/2024-04/haiti child_0.jpgA woman sits inside an informal tent holding a baby in her arms.
...25/public/2024-01/exposure forgotten.jpgA woman in an OCHA vest talks to a woman facing her. They are standing in a verandah of a house.
...EN_20221012_OCHA_DroughtSamburu0421.jpegTwo women sat on the ground speaking with one another
...ublic/2024-07/MAD_012024_UNOCHA-1210.jpgA nurse takes the blood pressure of a woman at a mobile clinic in a village in Madagascar’s Amboasary region. Photo: OCHA/ Viviane Rakotoarivony .
...width_3_2_25/public/2024-03/IMG_4015.JPGA woman helps children drink water from a tap outside.
...Floods Bla - Juillet 2024 - Donation.jpgA woman displays her aid card after receiving relief supplies from humanitarian partners. Mali, floods
...in Mocimboa da Praia, Cabo Delgado..jpegA woman stands with a pointer and watches as a child writes on a blackboard placed against a wall. Children are seated on the floor in front of the board. Soe bags can be seen placed against a dilapidated wall.
...width_3_2_25/public/2025-01/DSC01883.jpgA woman in a displacement camp in Kachin State, Myanmar, holds a young child.
..._25/public/2024-07/OCHA_NIGER_Day2_0.jpgA medical team from the NGO, Action Pour le Bien Être, with a patient in a camp for the internally displaced in Ouallam, Niger. A project financed by the OCHA-managed Regional Humanitarian Fund for West and Central Africa supports efforts to respond to gender-based violence, provision of emergency shelter, non-food items and healthcare service. Photo; OCHA/Michele Cattani
...width_3_2_25/public/2024-07/DSC00206.jpgFalmata Goni and her baby at a stabilization centre managed by International Rescue Committee in Bama local government area, Borno State. 2 May 2023. The centre is supported by OCHA. Photo: OCHA/Adedeji Ademigbuji
..._25/public/2024-09/20230731-DSC_0038.jpgA woman receives a checkup from an International Medical Corps (IMC) health worker at the Sirmaqabe IDP settlement in Galkayo, Somalia, July 2023.
... fleeing from Sudan into South Sudan.jpgChildren, women and men flee the conflict in Sudan in a bus headed for Maban, South Sudan.
...width_3_2_25/public/2024-12/file (1).jpgSudan
...width_3_2_25/public/2023-06/IMG_5825.jpgSyrian children smiling at the camera
...01/UKR_112024_UNOCHA_HNRP19_DSC09673.jpgOlena, 85, stands outside her damaged home in Kharkiv, Ukraine, supported by humanitarian aid after a May 2024 attack.
.../public/2024-07/2. WHD_Venezuela (1).jpgCommunity members in Petare in Venezuela's Miranda State, participate in a workshop on humanitarian principles during a commemoration of World Humanitarian Day. Photo: OCHA/Clara González
...2022-AUG-YHF-VISIBALITY-ABYAN- (23).jpgA man in a white jacket with a stethoscope sits behind a desk - a woman with a baby in her arms and a young boy standing next to her sits across the desk.
...blic/2023-07/L1006320 Barbaros Kayan.jpgHumanitarian coordinate ina tent in Turkiye
...024-12/UN71076938_241121{_ED_}33669_.jpgEdem Wosornu, OCHA's Director of the Operations and Advocacy Division, addresses a Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East (Syria) in November 2024. Photo: UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe
...h_3_2_25/public/2023-07/i-TwDjpNW-X4.jpgMeeting of dignitaries at the ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment
...width_3_2_25/public/2024-04/IMG_4130.jpgOlha and her children are kept warm in a shelter in a village in the Chernihiv Region, north Ukraine, as part of a winter campaign by aid workers.
..._25/public/2023-07/DSC08919WHD THUMB.jpgInformation Management team at work
...f-4962-91be-0e0b8708dda6.png?2609981-1-0Kein ALT-Attribut angegeben


H1 Überschrift
(Extrem wichtig)
Die H1 Überschrift enthält die Phrase Homepage! Verwende stattdessen wichtige Keywords
Die H1-Überschrift besteht nur aus einem Wort. Es sollten mehr Informationen angegeben werden.
Die H1-Überschrift ist zu kurz (8 Zeichen). Sie sollte mindestens 20 Zeichen lang sein.
Einige Überschriftentexte kommen doppelt auf der Seite vor.
Es befinden sich 59 Überschriften auf der Seite. Die Anzahl der Überschriften sollte in einem besseren Verhältnis zum Text stehen.


Überschriften HierarchieInhalt
H1 Homepage
H2 Top menu
H2 Search form
H2 What we do
H2 Where we work
H2 How you can help
H2 Latest news and stories
H2 Current responses
H2 How we respond
H2 We coordinate
H2 We advocate
H2 We develop policy
H2 We fund
H2 We inform
H2 Global Humanitarian Overview 2025
H2 What we do Text-Duplikat
H2 Where we work Text-Duplikat
H2 Latest
H2 Our priorities
H2 Events
H2 Take action
H2 Subscribe
H2 OCHA Services and related platforms
H3 Today's top news: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Ukraine, Myanmar, Central America
H3 Today's top news: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan, Occupied Palestinian Territory
H3 UN relief chief urges support for Sudan, says "civilians paying the highest price"
H3 UN urges global action to protect and support civilians devastated by Sudan’s war
H3 Democratic Republic of the Congo
H3 Lebanon
H3 Occupied Palestinian Territory
H3 Afghanistan
H3 Burkina Faso
H3 Burundi
H3 Cameroon
H3 Central African Republic
H3 Chad
H3 Colombia
H3 El Salvador
H3 Eritrea
H3 Ethiopia
H3 Guatemala
H3 Haiti
H3 Honduras
H3 Kenya
H3 Madagascar
H3 Malawi
H3 Mali
H3 Mozambique
H3 Myanmar
H3 Niger
H3 Nigeria
H3 Somalia
H3 South Sudan
H3 Sudan
H3 Syrian Arab Republic
H3 Ukraine
H3 Venezuela
H3 Yemen
H3 Global Humanitarian Overview 2025 [EN/AR/FR/ES]
Einige der Linktexte der internen Links sind zu lang.
Einige der Linktexte wiederholen sich.
Es gibt 12 Links mit einem trivialem Linktext.
Die Anzahl an internen Links ist ok.
Alle internen Links haben keine dynamischen Parameter.
Es befinden sich zu viele externe Links (26) auf der Seite.
https://www.unocha.org/Anchor Skip to main content
/media-centreMedia centre
A-TITLE Front page
/asia-and-pacificAsia and the Pacific
https://www.unocha.org/pacificPacific Islands
/latin-america-and-caribbeanLatin America and the Caribbean
/middle-east-and-north-africaMiddle East and North Africa
/occupied-palestinian-territorySubdomain Occupied Palestinian Territory
/syrian-arab-republicSyrian Arab Republic
/southern-and-eastern-africaSouthern and Eastern Africa
/south-sudanSouth Sudan
/west-and-central-africaWest and Central Africa
/burkina-fasoBurkina Faso
/central-african-republicCentral African Republic
/democratic-republic-congoDemocratic Republic of the Congo
/we-advocateWe advocate
/we-coordinateWe coordinate
https://www.unocha.org/we-fundWe fund
https://www.unocha.org/we-informWe inform
https://www.unocha.org/ochaThis is OCHA
/our-leadershipOur leadership
/our-fundingOur funding
https://www.unocha.org/contact-usContact us
/accountability-affected-peopleAccountability to affected people
/anticipatory-actionAnticipatory action
/civil-military-coordinationCivil-military coordination
/climate-changeClimate change
/engagement-private-sectorEngagement with the private sector
/evaluations-and-reviewsEvaluations and Reviews
/explosive-weapons-populated-a...Explosive weapons in populated areas
/flagship-initiativeFlagship Initiative
/gender-equality-and-empowerme...Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls
/humanitarian-accessHumanitarian access
/internal-displacementInternal displacement
/protection-sexual-exploitatio...Protection from sexual exploitation and abuse
/protection-civiliansProtection of civilians
/latest/news-and-storiesNews and stories
https://careers.un.org/Extern Subdomain Jobs
https://crisisrelief.un.org/Extern Subdomain Donate
https://www.facebook.com/share...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Share on Facebook
https://twitter.com/intent/twe...Neues Fenster Extern Share on Twitter
https://www.linkedin.com/share...Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Share on LinkedIn
/we-coordinateTrivialer Linktext
Read more
A-TITLE We coordinate
/headquartersTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
Read more
A-TITLE Headquarters
https://crisisrelief.un.org/Neues Fenster Extern Subdomain Textduplikat Trivialer Linktext
Read more
/latest/news-and-storiesView all
IMG-ALT Homes and a hospital suffer severe damage following a Russian attack on Odesa City, Ukraine, on 18 January 2025.
/news/todays-top-news-democrat...Today's top news: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Ukraine, Myanmar, Central America
/news/todays-top-news-democrat...Textduplikat Trivialer Linktext
Read more
/news/todays-top-news-democrat...IMG-ALT Displaced families in Bulengo camp, Democratic Republic of the Congo, face an uncertain future as they are forced to dismantle their shelters, struggling to ...
/news/todays-top-news-democrat...Today's top news: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan, Occupied Palestinian Territory
/news/todays-top-news-democrat...Textduplikat Trivialer Linktext
Read more
/news/un-relief-chief-urges-su...IMG-ALT Families shelter in a former bus station turned displacement site in Gedaref, Sudan. Nearly 6,600 people have sought refuge here after fleeing violence in th...
/news/un-relief-chief-urges-su...UN relief chief urges support for Sudan, says "civilians paying the highest price"
/news/un-relief-chief-urges-su...Textduplikat Trivialer Linktext
Read more
/news/un-urges-global-action-p...IMG-ALT Families displaced by conflict shelter in a former bus station turned displacement site in Gedaref, Sudan. Nearly 6,600 people have sought refuge here after ...
/news/un-urges-global-action-p...UN urges global action to protect and support civilians devastated by Sudan’s war
/news/un-urges-global-action-p...Textduplikat Trivialer Linktext
Read more
/democratic-republic-congoTextduplikat Democratic Republic of the Congo
/democratic-republic-congoLearn more
https://www.unocha.org/lebanonTextduplikat Lebanon
https://www.unocha.org/lebanonTextduplikat Learn more
/occupied-palestinian-territoryTextduplikat Occupied Palestinian Territory
/occupied-palestinian-territoryTextduplikat Learn more
/afghanistanTextduplikat Afghanistan
/afghanistanTextduplikat Learn more
/burkina-fasoTextduplikat Burkina Faso
/burkina-fasoTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/burundiTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/cameroonTextduplikat Cameroon
https://www.unocha.org/cameroonTextduplikat Learn more
/central-african-republicTextduplikat Central African Republic
/central-african-republicTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/chadTextduplikat Chad
https://www.unocha.org/chadTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/colombiaTextduplikat Colombia
https://www.unocha.org/colombiaTextduplikat Learn more
/el-salvadorEl Salvador
/el-salvadorTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/eritreaTextduplikat Eritrea
https://www.unocha.org/eritreaTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/ethiopiaTextduplikat Ethiopia
https://www.unocha.org/ethiopiaTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/guatemalaTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/haitiTextduplikat Haiti
https://www.unocha.org/haitiTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/hondurasTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/kenyaTextduplikat Kenya
https://www.unocha.org/kenyaTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/madagascarTextduplikat Madagascar
https://www.unocha.org/madagascarTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/malawiTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/maliTextduplikat Mali
https://www.unocha.org/maliTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/mozambiqueTextduplikat Mozambique
https://www.unocha.org/mozambiqueTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/myanmarTextduplikat Myanmar
https://www.unocha.org/myanmarTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/nigerTextduplikat Niger
https://www.unocha.org/nigerTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/nigeriaTextduplikat Nigeria
https://www.unocha.org/nigeriaTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/somaliaTextduplikat Somalia
https://www.unocha.org/somaliaTextduplikat Learn more
/south-sudanTextduplikat South Sudan
/south-sudanTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/sudanTextduplikat Sudan
https://www.unocha.org/sudanTextduplikat Learn more
/syrian-arab-republicTextduplikat Syrian Arab Republic
/syrian-arab-republicTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/ukraineTextduplikat Ukraine
https://www.unocha.org/ukraineTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/venezuelaTextduplikat Venezuela
https://www.unocha.org/venezuelaTextduplikat Learn more
https://www.unocha.org/yemenTextduplikat Yemen
https://www.unocha.org/yemenTextduplikat Learn more
/we-coordinateTextduplikat We coordinate
/we-coordinateTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
Read more
/we-advocateTextduplikat We advocate
/we-advocateTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
Read more
/we-develop-policyWe develop policy
/we-develop-policyTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
Read more
https://www.unocha.org/we-fundTextduplikat We fund
https://www.unocha.org/we-fundTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
Read more
https://www.unocha.org/we-informTextduplikat We inform
https://www.unocha.org/we-informTextduplikat Trivialer Linktext
Read more
/events/global-humanitarian-ov...Visit the page
A-TITLE Global Humanitarian Overview 2025
/publications/report/world/glo...Subdomain Global Humanitarian Overview 2025 [EN/AR/FR/ES]
/publications/report/world/glo...Subdomain Textduplikat Trivialer Linktext
Read more
https://www.unocha.org/we-fundHumanitarian financing
/we-develop-policyHumanitarian policy
https://www.unocha.org/we-informInformation management
/ocha-annual-reportOCHA Annual Report
A-TITLE OCHA Annual Report
/asia-and-pacificTextduplikat Asia and the Pacific
https://www.unocha.org/europeTextduplikat Europe
/latin-america-and-caribbeanTextduplikat Latin America and the Caribbean
/middle-east-and-north-africaTextduplikat Middle East and North Africa
/southern-and-eastern-africaTextduplikat Southern and Eastern Africa
/west-and-central-africaTextduplikat West and Central Africa
/world-humanitarian-dayTextduplikat Campaigns
/latest/eventsTextduplikat Events
https://careers.un.org/lbw/Hom...Extern Subdomain Textduplikat Jobs
/latest/news-and-storiesTextduplikat News and stories
/publicationsTextduplikat Publications
/accountability-affected-peopleTextduplikat Accountability to affected people
/anticipatory-actionTextduplikat Anticipatory action
/civil-military-coordinationTextduplikat Civil-military coordination
/climate-changeTextduplikat Climate change
/engagement-private-sectorTextduplikat Engagement with the private sector
/evaluations-and-reviewsEvaluations and reviews
/flagship-initiativeTextduplikat Flagship Initiative
/gender-equality-and-empowerme...Gender equality
/humanitarian-accessTextduplikat Humanitarian access
/internal-displacementTextduplikat Internal displacement
/localizationTextduplikat Localization
/protection-sexual-exploitatio...Textduplikat Protection from sexual exploitation and abuse
/protection-civiliansTextduplikat Protection of civilians
/events/ecosoc-humanitarian-af...ECOSOC Humanitarian Affairs Segment
/events/global-humanitarian-po...Global Humanitarian Policy Forum
/events/protection-civilians-weekProtection of Civilians Week
/events/humanitarian-networks-...Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Weeks
/events/high-level-eventsPledging conferences
/events/global-humanitarian-ov...Global Humanitarian Overview
https://crisisrelief.un.org/Extern Subdomain Textduplikat Donate
/world-humanitarian-dayTextduplikat Campaigns
https://www.un.org/en/about-us...Extern Subdomain Copyright
https://www.un.org/en/about-us...Extern Subdomain Terms of Use
https://www.un.org/en/about-us...Extern Subdomain Privacy
https://www.facebook.com/UNOCHAExtern Subdomain Facebook
https://twitter.com/unochaExtern Twitter
https://www.youtube.com/user/o...Extern Subdomain YouTube
https://www.linkedin.com/compa...Extern Subdomain LinkedIn
https://instagram.com/un_ochaExtern Instagram
https://cerf.un.org/Extern Subdomain Central Emergency Response Fund
https://fts.unocha.org/Extern Subdomain Financial Tracking Service
https://gdacs.org/Extern Global Disaster Alert & Coordination System
https://data.humdata.org/Extern Subdomain Humanitarian Data Exchange
https://humanitarianaction.info/Extern Humanitarian Action
https://www.insarag.org/Extern Subdomain International Search and Rescue Advisory
https://interagencystandingcom...Extern Inter-Agency Standing Committee
https://pfdata.unocha.org/Extern Subdomain Pooled Funds Data Hub
https://reliefweb.int/Extern ReliefWeb
https://response.reliefweb.int/Extern Subdomain ReliefWeb Response
/ocha-digital-servicesNeues Fenster Subdomain More OCHA Services Opens in a new window


(Extrem wichtig)
Die Seite leitet weiter auf "https://www.unocha.org/"
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(Wenig wichtig)
Die Antwortzeit der HTML-Seite ist mit 1,08 Sekunden sehr langsam. Ein angepeiltes Ziel sollten 0,4 Sekunden sein. Suchmaschinen-Crawler können sonst Inhalte nicht so schnell aufnehmen und auch Besucher erwarten eine schnelle Webseite.
Die Dateigröße des HTML-Dokuments ist mit 263 kB in Ordnung.


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# Sitemap


United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

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Humanitarian Affairs53%Check
OCHA Services52%Check
humanitarian response50%Check
Global Humanitarian49%Check
Humanitarian policy49%Check
humanitarian crisis48%Check

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