123-reg.co.uk - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.84 s
File size
1,128.20 kB
Media files
Number of links
61 internal / 15 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Domains, websites, email and web hosting services | 123 Reg
The length of the page title is perfect. (555 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Pick up your.co.uk or .uk domain name for a penny — just ‪£0.01 for the first year! The perfect start for any UK business.| 123 Reg
The length of the meta description is perfect. (796 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en-gb
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en-gb
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1
descriptionPick up your.co.uk or .uk domain name for a penny — just ‪£0.01 for the first year! The perfect start for any UK business.| 123 Reg
twitter:site@123 Reg
twitter:titleDomains, websites, email and web hosting services | 123 Reg
twitter:descriptionPick up your.co.uk or .uk domain name for a penny — just ‪£0.01 for the first year! The perfect start for any UK business.| 123 Reg
og:titleDomains, websites, email and web hosting services | 123 Reg
og:descriptionPick up your.co.uk or .uk domain name for a penny — just ‪£0.01 for the first year! The perfect start for any UK business.| 123 Reg
og:site_name123 Reg

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Words from the H1 heading are not used in the page content.
This page contains 1243 words. That's ok.
31.7% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
19 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 11.68 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
The file size of the HTML document is very large (1128.2 kB).
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 25 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
data:[...] Base64trustpilot-logo
data:[...] Base64Homepage-WSB
data:[...] Base64Homepage-domains
data:[...] Base64Homepage-emailhosting
data:[...] Base64Homepage couk - makingwoodgood
data:[...] Base64Think you need a small fortune to start an online business_ - White
data:[...] Base64homepage-established
data:[...] Base64homepage-everything
data:[...] Base64homepage-begfriendly
data:[...] Base64homepage-hereforyou
data:[...] Base64homepage-ready
data:[...] Base64homepage-value
data:[...] Base64Homepage-terence
data:[...] Base64Homepage-jenny
data:[...] Base64Web Hosting-mike
data:[...] Base64Homepage-blog
data:[...] Base64Homepage-supportcentre
data:[...] Base64Homepage-businessguide
data:[...] Base64trustpilot-logo

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
The simple way for a UK business to succeed online
The H1 heading is perfect.
The heading structure is perfect.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 The simple way for a UK business to succeed online
H2 The penny just dropped.
H2 Your own domain name, a stunning website, superfast hosting - all right here.
H2 Think you need a small fortune to start an online business?
H2 Build your online brand with our range of products
H2 Why choose 123 Reg?
H3 Established UK brand
H3 Everything in one place
H3 Beginner friendly
H3 Here for you
H3 Ready to get started?
H3 Great value since 2000
H3 What our clients say about us
H3 Expand your knowledge with these resources
H4 Need help? Call us on 0345 450 2310
H4 Questions? Call us on 0345 450 2310
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 15 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://www.123-reg.co.uk/Anchor Skip to main content
https://www.123-reg.co.uk/Subdomain No Text
https://www.123-reg.co.uk/Subdomain No Text
/domain-names/Subdomain Domain Names
/domain-names/new-gtlds/Subdomain Generic Top-Level Domains
/domain-names/cheap-domains/Subdomain Cheap Domains
/domain-names/privacy-protection/Subdomain Domain Ownership Protection
/domain-names/premium-domains/Subdomain Premium Domains
/domain-names/transfer/Subdomain Domain Transfer
/website-builder/Subdomain Website Builder
/ecommerce/Subdomain Online Store Builder
/web-hosting/Subdomain Web Hosting
/web-hosting/wordpress/Subdomain Managed WordPress Hosting
/vps-hosting/Subdomain Virtual Private Servers (VPS)
/web-hosting/premium/Subdomain Premium Hosting
/ssl-certificates/Subdomain SSL Certificates
/email-hosting/Subdomain Email Hosting
/office-365/Subdomain Microsoft 365
/contact/Subdomain More ways to get in touch
/support/Subdomain Support
http://sso.123-reg.co.uk/?app=...External Subdomain Sign In
https://sso.123-reg.co.uk/regi...External Subdomain Create an account
http://account.123-reg.co.uk/p...External Subdomain Control Panel
https://webmail.123-reg.co.uk/...External Subdomain Webmail
https://www.123-status.co.uk/External Subdomain Check Service Status
https://cart.123-reg.co.uk/External Subdomain Checkout Now
A-TITLE Checkout Now
https://www.trustpilot.com/rev...New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT trustpilot-logo
/domain-names/register-co-uk-d...Subdomain £0.01* Get recognised with .co.uk
IMG-ALT co.uk-tld
/domain-names/Subdomain Search our domain names
/domain-names/transfer/Subdomain Transfer your domains to us
/domain-names/register-com-dom...Subdomain .com domains from only ‪£0.01‬
/website-builder/Subdomain Buy Website Builder
/domain-names/Subdomain Buy Domain Names
/email-hosting/Subdomain Buy Email Hosting
/domain-names/register-co-uk-d...Subdomain Register .co.uk Domains
/domain-names/cheap-domains/Subdomain Buy Cheap Domains
/web-hosting/Subdomain Get Web Hosting
/office-365/Subdomain Get Microsoft 365
/ecommerce/Subdomain Get Online Shop
/web-hosting/wordpress/Subdomain Get WordPress Hosting
/ssl-certificates/Subdomain Get SSL Certificates
/web-hosting/premium/Subdomain Get Premium Hosting
/customer-stories/Subdomain View customer stories
/customer-stories/Subdomain Learn more
/blog/123-reg-stories/d-for-do...New window Subdomain Text duplicate Learn more
/blog/123-reg-stories/the-floo...New window Subdomain Text duplicate Learn more
https://www.123-reg.co.uk/blog/New window Subdomain Visit our Blog
/support/New window Subdomain Go to our Support Centre
/blog/business-2/how-to-start-...New window Subdomain Start Learning
https://www.trustpilot.com/rev...New window External Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT trustpilot-logo
https://www.trustpilot.com/rev...New window External Subdomain 4.4 out of 5 stars based on 19,199 reviews
/contact/Subdomain contact us
/about-us/Subdomain About Us
https://www.123-reg.co.uk/terms/Subdomain Terms and Conditions
/terms/privacy/Subdomain Privacy Policy
/terms/cookie-law-terms/Subdomain Manage cookies
/careers/Subdomain Careers
/affiliate-programme/Subdomain Affiliates
/domain-names/Subdomain Domains
/email-hosting/Subdomain Email
/web-hosting/Subdomain Text duplicate Web Hosting
/web-hosting/wordpress/Subdomain WordPress Hosting
/ssl-certificates/Subdomain Text duplicate SSL Certificates
/website-builder/Subdomain Text duplicate Website Builder
/ecommerce/Subdomain Text duplicate Online Store Builder
/office-365/Subdomain Text duplicate Microsoft 365
/support/Subdomain Support Centre
https://www.123-reg.co.uk/blog/Subdomain Blog
/sitemap/Subdomain Site Map
https://supportcenter.123-reg....External Subdomain Report Abuse
https://www.123-reg.co.uk/No Text
https://www.facebook.com/123re...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.twitter.com/123regNew window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.instagram.com/123r...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.linkedin.com/compa...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.youtube.com/user/1...New window External Subdomain No Text

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://www.123-reg.co.uk/"
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.84 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
The file size of the HTML document is very large (1,128 kB).

HTTP Response Header

content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8
cache-controlno-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
x-akamai-transformed9 - 0 pmb=mTOE,1
dateMon, 09 Dec 2024 17:03:53 GMT
set-cookie81 Characters

External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 14,416 referring domains.
This page has 271,792 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 3,232 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


Sitemap: https://www.123-reg.co.uk/sitemap.xml
Sitemap: https://www.123-reg.co.uk/support/sitemap_index.xml
Sitemap: https://www.123-reg.co.uk/blog/sitemap_index.xml
# robots.txt
User-agent: *
Disallow: /secure
Disallow: /banners/
Disallow: */admin/
Disallow: /order/
Disallow: /products/
Disallow: /full_whois.cgi
Disallow: /blog/wp-admin
Disallow: /blog/search/
Disallow: /blog/archives/darwin-awards-pet-porn-and-hand-grenades
Disallow: /blog/interviews/darwin-awards-pet-porn-and-hand-grenades
Disallow: */DisplayFile.aspx
Disallow: */displayfile.aspx
Disallow: /support/*SendMail.aspx*
Disallow: /support/*sendmail.aspx*
Disallow: /affiliate.cgi
Disallow: /affiliate2.cgi
Disallow: /*medium=Affiliate*
Disallow: /*medium=affiliate*
Disallow: /support/search.aspx*
Disallow: */cj_redirect_in.cgi
Disallow: /tel-domain-registration/
Disallow: /123com.shtml
Disallow: /extras/
Disallow: /empty-basket/
Disallow: /support/StartChat.aspx
Disallow: /staff/*
Disallow: /*?domain=*
Disallow: */domainfind
Disallow: *?fine
Disallow: *?domainToCheck

Search preview

Domains, websites, email and web hosting services | 123 Reg
Pick up your.co.uk or .uk domain name for a penny — just ‪£0.01 for the first year! The perfect start for any UK business.| 123 Reg

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

123 Reg73%Check
Online Business64%Check
Call Us61%Check
Domain Name58%Check

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Cookie Policy

We use cookies to make our site work and also for analytics and advertising purposes. You can enable or disable optional cookies as desired. See the following links for more information.

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