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/services/in-your-area/ | | Find your local Age UK |
/contact-us/ | | Contact us | | | IMG-ALT Age UK - Let's change how we age |
/get-involved/donate/a/donate/ | | Please donate |
/get-involved/donate/a/donate/ | Text duplicate | Please donate |
/information-advice/ | | Information and advice |
/information-advice/ | Text duplicate | Information and advice |
/information-advice/money-legal/ | | Money & legal |
/information-advice/money-legal/ | Text duplicate | Money & legal |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Benefits and entitlements |
/information-advice/money-lega... | Text duplicate | Benefits and entitlements |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Attendance Allowance |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Benefit rates 2024-25 |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Benefits Calculator – what are you entitled to? |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Bereavement Support Payment |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Carer's Allowance |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Benefits for mixed age couples |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Changes to the benefits system |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Cold Weather Payment |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Council Tax Reduction |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Disability Living Allowance |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Employment and Support Allowance |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Free bus pass and transport concessions |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Free prescriptions for over 60s |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Housing Benefit |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | How to apply for a Blue Badge |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | How to challenge a benefits decision through mandatory reconsideration |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | How to get help with urgent or one-off expenses |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | How your benefits are means tested |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Income Support |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Jobseeker's Allowance |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Pension Credit |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Personal Independence Payment |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Returning to the UK after living abroad |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Search for a grant |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Support for Mortgage Interest |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | TV licence concessions |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Universal Credit |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Warm Home Discount |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Winter Fuel Payment |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | More money in your pocket information guide |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Debt and savings |
/information-advice/money-lega... | Text duplicate | Debt and savings |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Debt help and advice |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Energy advice for the home |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Financial jargon buster: financial terms explained |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | How to reduce your water bills |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | How to trace old bank accounts & lost money |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Income and tax |
/information-advice/money-lega... | Text duplicate | Income and tax |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | What is equity release and how does it work? |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Ways to reduce Council Tax |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | How does income tax work? |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | How does Inheritance Tax work? |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | How to boost your income in retirement |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Equity release information guide |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | End of life issues |
/information-advice/money-lega... | Text duplicate | End of life issues |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | LifeBook |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Legal issues |
/information-advice/money-lega... | Text duplicate | Legal issues |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Finding legal advice |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | How to be an executor information guide |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Making a will |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Power of attorney |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Power of attorney information guide |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Thinking about end of life information guide |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | What is a living will (advance decision)? |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | What is an executor? |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | What to do when someone dies |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Wills and estate planning information guide |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | What is probate? |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Pensions advice |
/information-advice/money-lega... | Text duplicate | Pensions advice |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Annuities explained |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Finding old pensions |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Pension calculator |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Pensions scams and fraud |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | State Pension |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | What are workplace pensions? |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | What pension options do I have? |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Scams and fraud |
/information-advice/money-lega... | Text duplicate | Scams and fraud |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | How to spot a catfish |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Spotting TV Licence scams |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Doorstep scams |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Postal scams |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Phone scams |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | What to do if you're the victim of a scam |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Investment scams and fraud |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Avoiding scams information guide |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Help with the cost of living |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Consumer advice |
/information-advice/money-lega... | Text duplicate | Consumer advice |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Are landlines being phased out? |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Health & wellbeing |
/information-advice/health-wel... | Text duplicate | Health & wellbeing |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Conditions and illnesses |
/information-advice/health-wel... | Text duplicate | Conditions and illnesses |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Arthritis |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Bladder and bowel problems information guide |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Bowel problems |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Coronavirus |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Dementia |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Depression and anxiety |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Diabetes |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Eye health |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Hearing loss |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | High blood pressure |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Influenza (flu) prevention |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Malnutrition |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Osteoporosis |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Shingles |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Urinary incontinence |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Urinary tract infections (UTIs) |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Health services |
/information-advice/health-wel... | Text duplicate | Health services |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Dental services for older people |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | 9 health tests that could save your life |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Getting the most from your medicines |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Getting help when feeling unwell |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | NHS continuing healthcare |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Your hospital stay |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | GP services for older people |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Leaving hospital |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Complaining about NHS services and hospitals |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | What standards you should expect from NHS services |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Your hospital stay information guide |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Being active |
/information-advice/health-wel... | Text duplicate | Being active |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Getting active when you find exercise difficult |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Getting active but not sure where to start |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Helping someone to get active |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Preventing falls |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | How to look after your feet |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Walking tips |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Physical activity videos to use at home |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Staying steady information guide |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Mind and body |
/information-advice/health-wel... | Text duplicate | Mind and body |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | 10 tips for ageing better |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | 5 tips to boost your mood |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Getting a good night's sleep |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Your mind matters |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Mindfulness |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Smoking |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Staying cool in a heatwave |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Staying sharp |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Menopause |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Preventing and treating burns |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Loneliness |
/information-advice/health-wel... | Text duplicate | Loneliness |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Feeling lonely? information guide |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Things to do to feel less lonely |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | A Life Less Lonely |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | I'm worried about someone feeling lonely |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | I'm feeling lonely |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Looking after your health and money this winter |
/information-advice/health-wel... | Text duplicate | Looking after your health and money this winter |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Keeping warm and well in winter |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Keep your spirits up |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Managing money in winter |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Winter wrapped up information guide |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Winter illnesses |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Relationships and family |
/information-advice/health-wel... | Text duplicate | Relationships and family |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Financial and legal tips before remarrying |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Planning for end of life |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | LGBT+ |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Protection from abuse and neglect |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Dating in later life |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Sex in later life |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | How to deal with grief after a bereavement |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | How to adjust to living alone |
/information-advice/health-wel... | | Top tips for grandparents |
/information-advice/worried-ab... | | Worried about someone? |
/information-advice/care/ | | Care & support |
/information-advice/care/ | Text duplicate | Care & support |
/information-advice/care/arran... | | Finding and arranging social care |
/information-advice/care/arran... | Text duplicate | Finding and arranging social care |
/information-advice/care/arran... | | Care needs assessment |
/information-advice/care/arran... | | Homecare: how to find the care you need at home |
/information-advice/care/arran... | | Care homes |
/information-advice/care/payin... | | Paying for care |
/information-advice/care/payin... | Text duplicate | Paying for care |
/information-advice/care/payin... | | Financial assessment explained |
/information-advice/care/payin... | | Paying for residential care |
/information-advice/care/payin... | | Paying for homecare |
/information-advice/care/payin... | | How much does care cost? |
/information-advice/care/helpi... | | Help & advice for carers |
/information-advice/care/helpi... | Text duplicate | Help & advice for carers |
/information-advice/care/helpi... | | What is a carer's assessment? |
/information-advice/care/helpi... | | Financial support for carers |
/information-advice/care/helpi... | | Balancing working and caring responsibilities |
/information-advice/care/helpi... | | Caring for someone with dementia |
/information-advice/care/helpi... | | Looking after yourself as a carer |
/information-advice/care/helpi... | | What is respite care? |
/information-advice/care/helpi... | | What to do when your caring role changes or ends |
/information-advice/care/helpi... | | Carer's checklist |
/information-advice/care/housi... | | Housing options in later life |
/information-advice/care/housi... | Text duplicate | Housing options in later life |
/information-advice/care/housi... | | Assisted living and extra-care housing |
/information-advice/care/housi... | | Safety in the home |
/information-advice/care/housi... | | How to make your home safer and more comfortable |
/information-advice/care/housi... | | Specialist housing options |
/information-advice/care/housi... | | Renting and social housing |
/information-advice/care/housi... | | Homelessness |
/information-advice/care/housi... | | Moving in with children and family |
/information-advice/care/housi... | | Park homes (mobile homes) |
/information-advice/care/housi... | | Sheltered housing |
/information-advice/care/probl... | | Problems with care |
/information-advice/care/probl... | Text duplicate | Problems with care |
/information-advice/care/probl... | | How to complain about care to your local council |
/information-advice/care/probl... | | Problems with homecare |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Work & learning |
/information-advice/work-learn... | Text duplicate | Work & learning |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Making the most of the internet |
/information-advice/work-learn... | Text duplicate | Making the most of the internet |
/services/in-your-area/it-trai... | | Computer training courses |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Glossary of online terms |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Getting started on the internet |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Staying safe online |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Keeping in touch using a video call |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Making your device easier to use |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | How to download apps |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Email essentials |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | What's WhatsApp? |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Using social media |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Is online banking safe? |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | How to transfer money and make payments |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Shopping safely online |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Online password security |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Age UK's digital instruction guides |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Discrimination and rights |
/information-advice/work-learn... | Text duplicate | Discrimination and rights |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Ageism |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Changes to immigration status – what is an eVisa? |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | EU citizens and settled status after Brexit |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Help for Ukrainian nationals in the UK |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Human rights |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | The Equality Act |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Windrush Compensation Scheme information guide |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Windrush Scheme |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Your rights at work |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Education and training |
/information-advice/work-learn... | Text duplicate | Education and training |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Build up your skills |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Classes and courses |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Higher education and university |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | u3a – Later life learning |
/services/in-your-area/it-trai... | Text duplicate | Computer training courses |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Looking for work |
/information-advice/work-learn... | Text duplicate | Looking for work |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Be your own boss |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | CVs and job applications |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Job interview tips |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Retirement |
/information-advice/work-learn... | Text duplicate | Retirement |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Preparing emotionally for retirement |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Paul Lewis: Retirement planning advice |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Living abroad after retirement |
/information-advice/work-learn... | | Retirement age |
/information-advice/for-profes... | | For professionals |
/information-advice/for-profes... | Text duplicate | For professionals |
/information-advice/for-profes... | | End of life hub for professionals |
/information-advice/for-profes... | | Benefits hub for professionals |
/information-advice/for-profes... | | Mental health hub for professionals |
/information-advice/for-profes... | | Winter hub for professionals |
/services/information-advice/g... | | Information guides and factsheets |
/services/ | | Services |
/services/age-uk-advice-line/ | | Find out more |
/services/befriending-services... | | Sign up for telephone befriending |
/services/in-your-area/ | | Find services near you |
/services/charity-shops/ | | Find charity shops near you |
/services/age-uk-advice-line/ | | Age UK Advice Line |
/services/befriending-services/ | | Befriending services |
/services/silverline/ | | The Silver Line Helpline |
/services/in-your-area/day-cen... | | Day Centres |
/services/in-your-area/exercise/ | | Exercise and physical activity |
/services/in-your-area/handype... | | Handyperson services |
/services/information-advice/g... | Text duplicate | Information guides and factsheets |
/services/in-your-area/it-trai... | | IT Training |
/services/in-your-area/social-... | | Social activities |
/services/silver-sunday/ | | Silver Sunday A-TITLE Silver Sunday |
/services/ | Text duplicate | Services |
/services/befriending-services... | Text duplicate | Sign up for telephone befriending |
/services/in-your-area/ | Text duplicate | Find services near you |
/services/charity-shops/ | Text duplicate | Find charity shops near you |
/services/age-uk-advice-line/ | Text duplicate | Age UK Advice Line |
/services/befriending-services/ | Text duplicate | Befriending services |
/services/silverline/ | Text duplicate | The Silver Line Helpline |
/services/in-your-area/day-cen... | Text duplicate | Day Centres |
/services/in-your-area/exercise/ | Text duplicate | Exercise and physical activity |
/services/in-your-area/handype... | Text duplicate | Handyperson services |
/services/information-advice/g... | Text duplicate | Information guides and factsheets |
/services/in-your-area/it-trai... | Text duplicate | IT Training |
/services/in-your-area/social-... | Text duplicate | Social activities |
/services/silver-sunday/ | Text duplicate | Silver Sunday |
/get-involved/ | | Get involved |
/get-involved/ | Text duplicate | Get involved |
/get-involved/donate/ | | Donate |
/get-involved/donate/ | Text duplicate | Donate |
/get-involved/donate/a/donate/ | | Make a donation |
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg... | | Leave a legacy donation in your will |
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg... | Text duplicate | Leave a legacy donation in your will |
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg... | | How to leave a gift in your will |
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg... | | Get your free gifts in wills guide |
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg... | | Request your free will writing guide |
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg... | | Making and amending your will to include a gift to Age UK |
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg... | | Information for executors |
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg... | | The difference a gift in your will could make |
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg... | | Ways to write your will |
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg... | | Free Wills Month 2025 |
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg... | | Will Aid November 2024 |
/get-involved/donate/charity-s... | | Donate to our shops |
/get-involved/donate/charity-s... | Text duplicate | Donate to our shops |
/get-involved/donate/charity-s... | | Sustainability |
/get-involved/donate/charity-s... | | Shop online |
/get-involved/donate/donate-in... | | Donate in memory |
/get-involved/donate/donate-in... | Text duplicate | Donate in memory |
/get-involved/donate/donate-in... | | Make a donation in memory |
/get-involved/donate/donate-in... | | Fundraise for Age UK in memory of your loved one |
/get-involved/donate/donate-in... | | Make a one-off donation |
/get-involved/donate/donate-in... | | Funeral donations and collections |
/get-involved/donate/donate-in... | | Set up a Tribute Fund |
/get-involved/donate/donate-in... | | Meaningful ways to remember your loved one |
/get-involved/donate/make-a-ma... | | Make a major gift |
/our-impact/the-difference-you... | | The difference your money makes |
/get-involved/donate/our-profe... | | Our professional fundraisers |
/get-involved/fundraise/ | | Fundraise |
/get-involved/fundraise/ | Text duplicate | Fundraise |
/get-involved/fundraise/the-bi... | | The innocent Big Knit – get knitting for Age UK |
/get-involved/fundraise/the-bi... | Text duplicate | The innocent Big Knit – get knitting for Age UK |
/get-involved/fundraise/the-bi... | | innocent Big Knit updates |
/get-involved/fundraise/sporti... | | Run for charity |
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra... | | Fundraising ideas |
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra... | Text duplicate | Fundraising ideas |
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra... | | Most popular ideas |
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra... | | Sporty ideas |
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra... | | Fundraise at work |
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra... | | Fundraise at school |
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra... | | Fundraise while you celebrate |
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra... | | Fundraise as a community |
/get-involved/fundraise/fundra... | | A-Z of fundraising ideas |
/get-involved/fundraise/share-... | | Get your free fundraising guide |
/get-involved/fundraise/pay-fu... | | Pay in your fundraising |
/get-involved/fundraise/resour... | | Fundraising resources |
/get-involved/fundraise/sporti... | | Leeds Abbey Dash |
/get-involved/fundraise/stream... | | Stream for Ages |
/get-involved/fundraise/stream... | Text duplicate | Stream for Ages |
/get-involved/fundraise/stream... | | Your free downloads |
/get-involved/play/ | | Lottery and raffle |
/get-involved/play/ | Text duplicate | Lottery and raffle | | | Play the Age UK lottery |
/lottery/tuesday-treat/ | | Tuesday Treat Draw | | | Play the Age UK raffle |
/get-involved/play/age-uk-lott... | | Gift the Lottery | | External Subdomain | Player Zone |
/lottery/how-your-entry-helps/ | | How every entry helps |
/lottery/areyouawinner/ | | Are you a winner? |
/get-involved/play/rules/ | | Lottery and Raffle rules |
/get-involved/volunteer/ | | Volunteering |
/get-involved/volunteer/ | Text duplicate | Volunteering |
/get-involved/volunteer/teleph... | | Telephone Friendship Service volunteering |
/get-involved/volunteer/silver... | | The Silver Line Helpline volunteering |
/get-involved/volunteer/connec... | | Connect and Support Service volunteering |
/get-involved/volunteer/shop-v... | | Age UK shops volunteering |
/get-involved/volunteer/local-... | | Local Age UK volunteering |
/our-impact/campaigning/ | | Support our campaigns |
/get-involved/corporate-partne... | | Corporate partnerships |
/get-involved/corporate-partne... | Text duplicate | Corporate partnerships |
/get-involved/corporate-partne... | | Why partner with Age UK |
/get-involved/corporate-partne... | | Ways we could work together |
/get-involved/corporate-partne... | Text duplicate | Ways we could work together |
/get-involved/corporate-partne... | | Can your company support the Age UK Telephone Friendship Service? |
/about-us/jobs/ | | Latest jobs with Age UK |
/our-impact/ | | Our impact |
/get-involved/letschange/ | | Make change happen A-TITLE Let's change how we age |
/our-impact/the-difference-you... | | See the difference your donations make |
/our-impact/campaigning/ | | Campaigning with older people |
/discover/ | | Discover - news, stories and features |
/latest-press/ | | Media Centre |
/our-impact/policy-research/ | | Policy and research |
/our-impact/programmes/ | | Wellbeing programmes |
/our-impact/politics-and-gover... | | Politics and government |
/our-impact/ | Text duplicate | Our impact |
/our-impact/the-difference-you... | Text duplicate | See the difference your donations make |
/our-impact/campaigning/ | Text duplicate | Campaigning with older people |
/discover/ | Text duplicate | Discover - news, stories and features |
/latest-press/ | Text duplicate | Media Centre |
/our-impact/policy-research/ | Text duplicate | Policy and research |
/our-impact/programmes/ | Text duplicate | Wellbeing programmes |
/our-impact/politics-and-gover... | Text duplicate | Politics and government |
/products/ | | Buy products |
/products/ | Text duplicate | Buy products | | External Subdomain | Over-50s Insurance | | External Subdomain Text duplicate | Over-50s Insurance | | External Subdomain | Car insurance | | External Subdomain | Home insurance | | External Subdomain | Motor breakdown cover | | External Subdomain | Travel insurance | | External Subdomain | Travel insurance with medical conditions | | External Subdomain | Independent living | | External Subdomain Text duplicate | Independent living |
/products/mobility-and-indepen... | | Bathing Solutions |
/products/mobility-and-indepen... | | Stairlifts and Homelifts |
/products/mobility-and-indepen... | | Personal Alarms | | External Subdomain | Financial services | | External Subdomain Text duplicate | Financial services | | External Subdomain | Funeral Plans | | External Subdomain | Legal services | | External Subdomain | Healthcare | | External Subdomain Text duplicate | Healthcare |
https://www.ageukincontinence.... | External Subdomain | Incontinence products |
/contact-us/ | Text duplicate | Contact us |
/get-involved/donate/a/donate/ | | IMG-ALT An older man in profile, looking pensive |
/get-involved/donate/a/donate/ | | Donate now |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | No Text |
/information-advice/money-lega... | Text duplicate | Winter Fuel Payment |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | No Text |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Cost of living support |
/information-advice/care/helpi... | | IMG-ALT An older man and woman looking at the laptop |
/information-advice/care/helpi... | | Help for carers |
/information-advice/care/arran... | | No Text |
/information-advice/care/arran... | | Finding and arranging care |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | IMG-ALT Lady on laptop |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Benefits calculator |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | No Text |
/information-advice/money-lega... | Text duplicate | Power of attorney |
/get-involved/volunteer/ | | No Text |
/get-involved/volunteer/ | | See all opportunities |
/get-involved/fundraise/ | | IMG-ALT Woman giving high fives to the crowd whilst running in the Age UK Leeds Abbey Dash |
/get-involved/fundraise/ | | Fundraise for us |
/get-involved/donate/a/donate/ | | No Text |
/get-involved/donate/a/donate/ | Text duplicate | Make a donation |
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg... | | IMG-ALT Woman reading through the options of leaving gifts in her will |
/get-involved/donate/leave-leg... | | Leave a gift in your will |
/get-involved/volunteer/ | | IMG-ALT Older person |
/get-involved/volunteer/ | | Volunteer with us |
/services/charity-shops/ | | IMG-ALT Age UK shop volunteers |
/services/charity-shops/ | | Shop with us |
/our-impact/campaigning/ | | IMG-ALT Age UK campaigns |
/our-impact/campaigning/ | | Campaign with us |
/email/newsletter-registration/ | | Sign up to our newsletters |
/our-impact/campaigning/save-t... | | IMG-ALT An older couple look anxiously at their heating bill |
/our-impact/campaigning/save-t... | | Sign the petition |
/discover/2025/january/reclaim... | | No Text |
/discover/2025/january/reclaim... | | Reclaiming retirement |
/discover/2025/january/a-dj-se... | | No Text |
/discover/2025/january/a-dj-se... | | A DJ set with a difference |
/discover/2024/december/hope-t... | | No Text |
/discover/2024/december/hope-t... | | Hope through adversity |
/discover/2024/november/katie-... | | No Text |
/discover/2024/november/katie-... | | Katie Boulter supports ace walking tennis sessions |
/discover/ | | Read more articles A-TITLE Link to Discover page |
/services/age-uk-advice-line/ | | About the advice line | | External Subdomain | Facebook A-TITLE Facebook | | New window External | Twitter A-TITLE Twitter | | External Subdomain | Youtube A-TITLE Youtube | | External | Instagram A-TITLE Instagram |
/about-us/what-we-do/ | | What we do |
/about-us/jobs/ | | Work for us |
https://www.ageinternational.o... | External Subdomain | Age International |
/latest-press/ | | Media / Press |
/discover/ | | Latest news |
/about-us/people/ | | Who we are |
/services/age-uk-advice-line/ | Text duplicate | Age UK Advice Line |
/services/befriending-services/ | Text duplicate | Befriending services |
/services/charity-shops/ | | Charity shops |
/services/in-your-area/ | | In your area |
/information-advice/money-lega... | | Benefits Calculator |
/information-advice/money-lega... | Text duplicate | TV licence concessions |
/information-advice/money-lega... | Text duplicate | Pension Credit |
/information-advice/money-lega... | Text duplicate | Making a will |
/get-involved/letschange/ | | Let's change how we age |
/our-impact/campaigning/save-t... | | Save Winter Fuel Payment campaign |
/get-involved/together-were-no... | | Our Christmas appeal |
/our-impact/the-difference-you... | | The difference your support makes |
/help/linking-policy/ | | Linking policy |
/help/terms-and-conditions/ | | Terms and conditions |
/help/privacy-policy/ | | Privacy policy |
/services/information-advice/g... | | Publications |
/help/cookies/ | | Cookies |
/about-us/people/safeguarding/ | | Safeguarding |
/about-us/ | | About us | | | Sitemap |
/contact-us/ | Text duplicate | Contact us |
/about-us/modern-slavery-and-h... | | Modern slavery statement |
https://www.fundraisingregulat... | New window Nofollow External Subdomain | IMG-ALT Registered with the Fundraising Regulator | | Anchor | Back to top |
(Nice to have)