- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.46 s
File size
183.60 kB
Media files
Number of links
157 internal / 3 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Wein- und Feinkosthandel | Weine & Feinkost aus Italien
The length of the page title is perfect. (507 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Amoitalia Italienischer Wein- und Feinkosthandel - 40 Jahre Erfahrung in der Gastronomie und die Leidenschaft zu unserer Heimat Italien - Jetzt entdecken ✓
The length of the meta description is perfect. (971 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Language defined in meta tags: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no
keywordsItalienische Feinkost, Wein, Grappa
descriptionAmoitalia Italienischer Wein- und Feinkosthandel - 40 Jahre Erfahrung in der Gastronomie und die Leidenschaft zu unserer Heimat Italien - Jetzt entdecken ✓
og:titleWein- und Feinkosthandel
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Page quality

(Critically important)
These Typos were found:
  • weisswein => Weißwein
This page contains 994 words. That's ok.
17.4% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
13 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 18 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The amount of tags is very high (24). We recommend using a maximum of 20 tags for this page.
The following tag is repeated too often: wein:
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
5 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...os/amo_logo_italia_rz_rgb_300px_logo.pngAmoitalia Wein- und Feinkosthandel-Logo
/public/theme/images/svgs/bars.svgNo alt attribute provided
/public/theme/images/svgs/basket.svgNo alt attribute provided
/public/theme/images/svgs/search.svgNo alt attribute provided
/public/theme/images/svgs/search.svgNo alt attribute provided
/public/theme/images/svgs/basket.svgNo alt attribute provided
..._images/thumbnail_images/Caffe_Mallo.jpgIl Mallo Caffè, Italienischer Likör
...useppe_Cocco_N°11_Taglierini_Packung.jpgBild der Giuseppe Cocco N°11 Taglierini le Matassine all’Uovo Verpackung
/images/manufacturers/giuseppe_cocco.jpgGiuseppe CoccoGiuseppe Cocco
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Taglierini 250 gr. - Giuseppe CoccoPreview: Taglierini 250 gr. - Giuseppe Cocco
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Detailansicht der feinen Taglierini le Matassine all’UovoPreview: Taglierini 250 gr. - Giuseppe Cocco
...ges/thumbnail_images/Dolcetto_Marolo.jpgMarolo Grappa di Dolcetto, Italienischer Grappa
.../thumbnail_images/Grande_front_532_0.jpgGeschenkbox Wein, italienische Feinkost
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Geschenkbox "Grande" für Ihre LiebstenPreview: Geschenkbox "Grande" für Ihre Liebsten
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Geschenkbox Wein, italienische FeinkostPreview: Geschenkbox "Grande" für Ihre Liebsten
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Geschenkbox Wein, italienische Feinkost, PräsentkorbPreview: Geschenkbox "Grande" für Ihre Liebsten
...ges/thumbnail_images/Ripasso_Falezze.jpgFalezze Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore, Italienischer Rotwein
...mages/Rosso_di_Montalcino_La_Fiorita.jpgLa Fiorita Rosso di Montalcino, Italienischer Rotwein
/images/manufacturers/la-fiorita.jpgLa FioritaLa Fiorita
...Murellis_Renata_Pizzulin_510_0_587_0.jpgMurva – Renata Pizzulin Murellis Refosco, Italienischer Rotwein
...manufacturers/renata-pizzulin-logo_1.jpgRenata PizzulinRenata Pizzulin
...humbnail_images/Barolo_Solera_Marolo.jpgGrappa di Barolo Solera 0,7 L
...mages/thumbnail_images/Premium_front.jpgGeschenkbox Wein, italienische Feinkost
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Geschenkbox "Premium" für Ihre LiebstenPreview: Geschenkbox "Premium" für Ihre Liebsten
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Geschenkbox Wein, italienische FeinkostPreview: Geschenkbox "Premium" für Ihre Liebsten
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Geschenkbox Wein, italienische Feinkost, PräsentkorbPreview: Geschenkbox "Premium" für Ihre Liebsten
...mbnail_images/Sagrantino_Pardi_505_0.jpgSagrantino di Montefalco 2017
/images/manufacturers/Cantina-Pardi.jpgCantina PardiCantina Pardi
...ppe_Cocco_Pappardelle_Larghe_Packung.jpgPappardelle Larghe 250 gr. - Giuseppe Cocco
/images/manufacturers/giuseppe_cocco.jpgGiuseppe CoccoGiuseppe Cocco
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Pappardelle Larghe 250 gr. - Giuseppe CoccoPreview: Pappardelle Larghe 250 gr. - Giuseppe Cocco
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Pappardelle Larghe 250 gr. - Giuseppe CoccoPreview: Pappardelle Larghe 250 gr. - Giuseppe Cocco
...thumbnail_images/Piccolo_front_530_0.jpgGeschenkbox Wein, italienische Feinkost
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Geschenkbox "Piccolo" für Ihre LiebstenPreview: Geschenkbox "Piccolo" für Ihre Liebsten
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Geschenkbox Wein, italienische FeinkostPreview: Geschenkbox "Piccolo" für Ihre Liebsten
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Geschenkbox Wein, italienische FeinkostPreview: Geschenkbox "Piccolo" für Ihre Liebsten
...nail_images/Adlefio_Sugo_Ciliegino_1.jpgSizilianische Kirschtomatensauce 0,33 l
/images/content/start-magazin.jpgFeinkost Magazin
/images/content/start-ueber-uns.jpgÜber uns
/images/content/start-rotwein.jpgRotwein aus Italien
/images/content/start-roseweine.jpgRoséwein aus Italien
/images/content/start-weisswein.jpgWeisswein aus Italien
/images/content/start-spumanti.jpgSpumanti aus Italien
/images/content/start-feinkost.jpgItalienische Feinkost
/images/content/start-grappa.jpgItalienischer Grappa
...go_baglio_del_cristo_di_campobello_1.jpgCristo di Campobello
...anufacturers/Cantine-sociale-di-Avio.jpgCantine sociale di Avio
...facturers/Castello-di-Querceto-label.jpgCastelo di Querceto
/images/manufacturers/Borgo-Turrito.jpgBorgo Turrito
.../manufacturers/de_Tarczal_logo_web_1.jpgDe Tarczal
...manufacturers/azagrmarcodestefanis_1.jpgMarco Destefanis
...olamo-russo-san-lorenzo-etna-600x419.jpgGirolamo Russo
/images/manufacturers/la-fiorita.jpgLa Fiorita
/images/manufacturers/Maso-di-VillA.jpgMaso di Villa
/images/manufacturers/Cantina-Pardi.jpgCantina Pardi
...manufacturers/renata-pizzulin-logo_1.jpgRenata Pizzulin
...nufacturers/logo_daterivetti_500x500.jpgDante Rivetti
.../manufacturers/Logo-Castello-Sonnino.jpgCastello Sonnino
/images/manufacturers/Cantina-Tani.jpgCantina Tani
/images/manufacturers/giuseppe_cocco.jpgGiuseppe Cocco
...anufacturers/abbazia_santa_anastasia.pngAbbazia Santa Anastasia
/images/gepruefter_shop.pngGeprüfter Shop IT-Rechtkanzlei

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 Immer der beste Gastgeber sein
H2 Unsere Empfehlungen
H3 Il Mallo
H3 Giuseppe Cocco
H3 Marolo
H3 Falezze
H3 La Fiorita
H3 Murva – Renata Pizzulin
H3 Marolo Duplicate text
H3 Pardi
H3 Giuseppe Cocco Duplicate text
H3 Adelfio
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 3 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/info/corriere.htmlSubdomain Corriere
A-TITLE Corriere
/info/nerodavola-syrah-blog.htmlSubdomain Harmonie und Kontrast: Die Vielseitigkeit von Nero d’Avola und Syrah
A-TITLE Harmonie und Kontrast: Die Vielseitigkeit von Nero d’Avola und Syrah
/info/toskana-weinregion-chian...Subdomain Die Weinregion Toskana:
A-TITLE Die Weinregion Toskana:
/info/cantina-fratelli-pardi.htmlSubdomain Pardi
/info/dei-principi-di-spadafor...Subdomain Spadafora
A-TITLE Spadafora
/info/unsere-winzer.htmlSubdomain Unsere Winzer
A-TITLE Unsere Winzer
/info/ueber-uns.htmlSubdomain Über uns
A-TITLE Über uns
/info/einflussfaktoren-weinges...Subdomain Einflussfaktoren auf den Geschmack eines Weines
A-TITLE Einflussfaktoren auf den Geschmack eines Weines
/info/tamasotti-blog1.htmlSubdomain I Tamasotti
A-TITLE I Tamasotti
/info/kalabrien-blog.htmlSubdomain Kalabrien - traditionell & kulinarisch
A-TITLE Kalabrien - traditionell & kulinarisch
/info/kalabrien.htmlSubdomain Kalabrien - Delikatessen
A-TITLE Kalabrien - Delikatessen
/info/sizilien-blog.htmlSubdomain Sizilien
A-TITLE Sizilien
/info/weinabo.htmlSubdomain Das Amoitalia Weinabo
A-TITLE Das Amoitalia Weinabo
A-TITLE Anmeldung
/shop.php?do=CreateRegistreeSubdomain Konto erstellen
A-TITLE Konto erstellen
/password_double_opt.phpSubdomain Passwort vergessen?
A-TITLE Passwort vergessen?
/wish_list.phpSubdomain Merkzettel
A-TITLE Merkzettel anzeigen
/info/corriere.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate Corriere
A-TITLE Corriere
/info/nerodavola-syrah-blog.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate Harmonie und Kontrast: Die Vielseitigkeit von Nero d’Avola und Syrah
A-TITLE Harmonie und Kontrast: Die Vielseitigkeit von Nero d’Avola und Syrah
/info/toskana-weinregion-chian...Subdomain Text duplicate Die Weinregion Toskana:
A-TITLE Die Weinregion Toskana:
/info/cantina-fratelli-pardi.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate Pardi
/info/dei-principi-di-spadafor...Subdomain Text duplicate Spadafora
A-TITLE Spadafora
/info/unsere-winzer.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate Unsere Winzer
A-TITLE Unsere Winzer
/info/ueber-uns.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate Über uns
A-TITLE Über uns
/info/einflussfaktoren-weinges...Subdomain Text duplicate Einflussfaktoren auf den Geschmack eines Weines
A-TITLE Einflussfaktoren auf den Geschmack eines Weines
/info/tamasotti-blog1.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate I Tamasotti
A-TITLE I Tamasotti
/info/kalabrien-blog.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate Kalabrien - traditionell & kulinarisch
A-TITLE Kalabrien - traditionell & kulinarisch
/info/kalabrien.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate Kalabrien - Delikatessen
A-TITLE Kalabrien - Delikatessen
/info/sizilien-blog.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate Sizilien
A-TITLE Sizilien
/info/weinabo.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate Das Amoitalia Weinabo
A-TITLE Das Amoitalia Weinabo IMG-ALT Amoitalia Wein- und Feinkosthandel-Logo
A-TITLE Amoitalia Wein- und Feinkosthandel
/advanced_search.phpErweiterte Suche
A-TITLE Erweiterte Suche
/shopping_cart.phpSubdomain Ihr Warenkorb 0,00 EUR
/Wein-Italien/Subdomain Weine
/Wein-Italien/Subdomain Weine anzeigen
/Wein-Italien/weinarten/Subdomain Weinarten
A-TITLE Weinarten
/Wein-Italien/weinarten/Subdomain Weinarten anzeigen
A-TITLE Weinarten
/Wein-Italien/weinarten/rotweine/Subdomain Rotweine
A-TITLE Rotweine
/Wein-Italien/weinarten/weissw...Subdomain Weißweine
A-TITLE Weißweine
/Wein-Italien/weinarten/rose/Subdomain Roséweine
A-TITLE Roséweine
/Wein-Italien/weinarten/schaum...Subdomain Schaumweine
A-TITLE Schaumweine
/Wein-Italien/weinarten/desser...Subdomain Dessertweine
A-TITLE Dessertweine
/Wein-Italien/regionen/Subdomain Regionen
A-TITLE Regionen
/Wein-Italien/regionen/Subdomain Regionen anzeigen
A-TITLE Regionen
/Wein-Italien/regionen/abruzzen/Subdomain Abruzzen
A-TITLE Abruzzen
/Wein-Italien/regionen/apulien/Subdomain Apulien
A-TITLE Apulien
/Wein-Italien/regionen/friaul/Subdomain Friaul
A-TITLE Friaul
/Wein-Italien/regionen/marken/Subdomain Marken
A-TITLE Marken
/Wein-Italien/regionen/piemont/Subdomain Piemont
A-TITLE Piemont
/Wein-Italien/regionen/sardinien/Subdomain Sardinien
A-TITLE Sardinien
/Wein-Italien/regionen/sizilien/Subdomain Text duplicate Sizilien
A-TITLE Sizilien
/Wein-Italien/regionen/toskana/Subdomain Toskana
A-TITLE Toskana
/Wein-Italien/regionen/trentin...Subdomain Trentino-Südtirol
A-TITLE Trentino-Südtirol
/Wein-Italien/regionen/umbrien/Subdomain Umbrien
A-TITLE Umbrien
/Wein-Italien/regionen/venetien/Subdomain Venetien
A-TITLE Venetien
/Wein-Italien/weinabo/Subdomain Weinabo
A-TITLE Weinabo
/Wein-Italien/weinabo/Subdomain Weinabo anzeigen
A-TITLE Weinabo
/Wein-Italien/weinabo/3-flasch...Subdomain 3 Flaschen / Monat
A-TITLE 3 Flaschen / Monat
/Wein-Italien/weinabo/6-flasch...Subdomain 6 Flaschen/ Monat
A-TITLE 6 Flaschen/ Monat
/Wein-Italien/Subdomain Text duplicate Weine anzeigen
/feinkost/Subdomain Feinkost
A-TITLE Feinkost
/feinkost/Subdomain Feinkost anzeigen
A-TITLE Feinkost
/feinkost/antipasti/Subdomain Antipasti
A-TITLE Antipasti
/feinkost/olivenoele-saucen-10/Subdomain Olivenöle & Saucen
A-TITLE Olivenöle & Saucen
/feinkost/pasta/Subdomain Pasta
/feinkost/dolci/Subdomain Dolci
/feinkost/salumi-formaggi/Subdomain Salumi & Formaggi
A-TITLE Salumi & Formaggi
/feinkost/Subdomain Text duplicate Feinkost anzeigen
A-TITLE Feinkost
/grappa-co/Subdomain Grappa & Co.
A-TITLE Grappa & Co.
/Geschenkboxen/Subdomain Geschenke
A-TITLE Geschenke
/Geschenkboxen/Subdomain Geschenke anzeigen
A-TITLE Geschenke
/Geschenkboxen/geschenkboxen-f...Subdomain Geschenkboxen für Gewerbekunden
A-TITLE Geschenkboxen für Gewerbekunden
/Geschenkboxen/geschenkboxen-f...Subdomain Geschenkboxen für Privatkunden
A-TITLE Geschenkboxen für Privatkunden
/Geschenkboxen/Subdomain Text duplicate Geschenke anzeigen
A-TITLE Geschenke
/info/ueber-amoitalia.htmlSubdomain Über Amoitalia
A-TITLE Über Amoitalia
/info/ueber-amoitalia.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate Über Amoitalia
A-TITLE Über Amoitalia Startseite
/grappa-co/caffe.htmlSubdomain IMG-ALT Il Mallo Caffè, Italienischer Likör
/grappa-co/caffe.htmlSubdomain Caffè
/feinkost/pasta/giuseppe-cocco...Subdomain IMG-ALT Bild der Giuseppe Cocco N°11 Taglierini le Matassine all’Uovo Verpackung
/index.php?manufacturers_id=40IMG-ALT Giuseppe Cocco
/feinkost/pasta/giuseppe-cocco...Subdomain Taglierini 250 gr. - Giuseppe Cocco
A-TITLE Entdecken Sie Giuseppe Cocco N°11 Taglierini le Matassine all’Uovo für ...
/grappa-co/grappa-di-dolcetto-...Subdomain IMG-ALT Marolo Grappa di Dolcetto, Italienischer Grappa
/index.php?manufacturers_id=32IMG-ALT Marolo
/grappa-co/grappa-di-dolcetto-...Subdomain Grappa di Dolcetto 0,7 L
A-TITLE Grappa di Dolcetto 0,7 L
/Geschenkboxen/geschenkboxen-f...Subdomain IMG-ALT Geschenkbox Wein, italienische Feinkost
/Geschenkboxen/geschenkboxen-f...Subdomain Geschenkbox "Grande" für Ihre Liebsten...
A-TITLE Geschenkbox "Grande" für Ihre Liebsten
/Wein-Italien/weinarten/rotwei...Subdomain IMG-ALT Falezze Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore, Italienischer Rotwein
/index.php?manufacturers_id=12IMG-ALT Falezze
/Wein-Italien/weinarten/rotwei...Subdomain Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore 2016
A-TITLE Valpolicella Ripasso Superiore 2016
/Wein-Italien/weinarten/rotwei...Subdomain IMG-ALT La Fiorita Rosso di Montalcino, Italienischer Rotwein
/index.php?manufacturers_id=14IMG-ALT La Fiorita
/Wein-Italien/weinarten/rotwei...Subdomain Rosso di Montalcino 2020
A-TITLE Rosso di Montalcino 2020
/Wein-Italien/weinarten/rotwei...Subdomain IMG-ALT Murva – Renata Pizzulin Murellis Refosco, Italienischer Rotwein
/index.php?manufacturers_id=18IMG-ALT Renata Pizzulin
/Wein-Italien/weinarten/rotwei...Subdomain Murellis Refosco 2020
A-TITLE Murellis Refosco 2020
/grappa-co/grappa-di-barolo-so...Subdomain IMG-ALT Grappa di Barolo Solera 0,7 L
/index.php?manufacturers_id=32Text duplicate IMG-ALT Marolo
/grappa-co/grappa-di-barolo-so...Subdomain Text duplicate Grappa di Barolo Solera 0,7 L
A-TITLE Grappa di Barolo Solera 0,7 L
/Geschenkboxen/geschenkboxen-f...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Geschenkbox Wein, italienische Feinkost
/Geschenkboxen/geschenkboxen-f...Subdomain Geschenkbox "Premium" für Ihre Liebsten...
A-TITLE Geschenkbox "Premium" für Ihre Liebsten
/Wein-Italien/weinarten/rotwei...Subdomain IMG-ALT Sagrantino di Montefalco 2017
/index.php?manufacturers_id=17IMG-ALT Cantina Pardi
/Wein-Italien/weinarten/rotwei...Subdomain Text duplicate Sagrantino di Montefalco 2017
A-TITLE Sagrantino di Montefalco 2017
/feinkost/pasta/giuseppe-cocco...Subdomain IMG-ALT Pappardelle Larghe 250 gr. - Giuseppe Cocco
/index.php?manufacturers_id=40Text duplicate IMG-ALT Giuseppe Cocco
/feinkost/pasta/giuseppe-cocco...Subdomain Pappardelle Larghe 250 gr. - Giuseppe Cocco...
A-TITLE Entdecken Sie die Premium Pappardelle Larghe von Giuseppe Cocco. Authentisch ...
/Geschenkboxen/geschenkboxen-f...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Geschenkbox Wein, italienische Feinkost
/Geschenkboxen/geschenkboxen-f...Subdomain Geschenkbox "Piccolo" für Ihre Liebsten...
A-TITLE Geschenkbox "Piccolo" für Ihre Liebsten
/feinkost/olivenoele-saucen-10...Subdomain IMG-ALT Sizilianische Kirschtomatensauce 0,33 l
/index.php?manufacturers_id=33IMG-ALT Adelfio
/feinkost/olivenoele-saucen-10...Subdomain Text duplicate Sizilianische Kirschtomatensauce 0,33 l
A-TITLE Sizilianische Kirschtomatensauce 0,33 l
/info/corriere.htmlIMG-ALT Feinkost Magazin
/info/ueber-uns.htmlText duplicate IMG-ALT Über uns
/weine/rotweine/IMG-ALT Rotwein aus Italien
/weine/rose/IMG-ALT Roséwein aus Italien
/weine/weissweine/IMG-ALT Weisswein aus Italien
/weine/schaumweine/IMG-ALT Spumanti aus Italien
/feinkost/IMG-ALT Italienische Feinkost
/grappa-co/IMG-ALT Italienischer Grappa
/?manufacturers_id=1IMG-ALT Menegotti
/?manufacturers_id=2IMG-ALT Cristo di Campobello
/?manufacturers_id=3IMG-ALT Boffa
/?manufacturers_id=4IMG-ALT Cantine sociale di Avio
/?manufacturers_id=5IMG-ALT Castelo di Querceto
/?manufacturers_id=6IMG-ALT Cennatoio
/?manufacturers_id=7IMG-ALT Ciato
/?manufacturers_id=8IMG-ALT Borgo Turrito
/?manufacturers_id=9IMG-ALT Dalzocchio
/?manufacturers_id=10IMG-ALT De Tarczal
/?manufacturers_id=11IMG-ALT Marco Destefanis
/?manufacturers_id=12Text duplicate IMG-ALT Falezze
/?manufacturers_id=13IMG-ALT Girolamo Russo
/?manufacturers_id=14Text duplicate IMG-ALT La Fiorita
/?manufacturers_id=15IMG-ALT Liessi
/?manufacturers_id=16IMG-ALT Maso di Villa
/?manufacturers_id=17Text duplicate IMG-ALT Cantina Pardi
/?manufacturers_id=18Text duplicate IMG-ALT Renata Pizzulin
/?manufacturers_id=19IMG-ALT Dante Rivetti
/?manufacturers_id=20IMG-ALT Castello Sonnino
/?manufacturers_id=21Text duplicate IMG-ALT Spadafora
/?manufacturers_id=22IMG-ALT Tamasotti
/?manufacturers_id=23IMG-ALT Cantina Tani
/?manufacturers_id=24IMG-ALT Tercic
/?manufacturers_id=32Text duplicate IMG-ALT Marolo
/?manufacturers_id=37IMG-ALT Serenelli
/?manufacturers_id=38IMG-ALT Ulrich
/?manufacturers_id=39IMG-ALT Marchioli
/?manufacturers_id=40Text duplicate IMG-ALT Giuseppe Cocco
/?manufacturers_id=42IMG-ALT Abbazia Santa Anastasia
/info/mein-kontakt.htmlSubdomain Kontakt
A-TITLE Kontakt
/info/sitemap.htmlSubdomain Sitemap
A-TITLE Sitemap
/info/Versand-und-Zahlungsbedi...Subdomain Versand- & Zahlungsbedingungen
A-TITLE Versand- & Zahlungsbedingungen window External Subdomain IMG-ALT amoitalia@facebook window External Subdomain IMG-ALT amoitalia@instagram window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Geprüfter Shop IT-Rechtkanzlei
/info/Widerrufsrecht-und-Muste...Subdomain Widerrufsrecht & Muster-Widerrufsformular
A-TITLE Widerrufsrecht & Muster-Widerrufsformular
/info/privatsphaere-und-datens...Subdomain Privatsphäre und Datenschutz
A-TITLE Privatsphäre und Datenschutz
/info/impressum.htmlSubdomain Impressum
A-TITLE Impressum
/info/allgemeine-geschaeftsbed...Subdomain AGB

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.46 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (184 kB).

HTTP Response Header

expiresThu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
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This website is not classified "for adult only".
This page has only a few links from other websites.
This page only has backlinks from 2 referring domains.
This page only has 30 backlinks.
This page only has few backlinks from 2 different ip addresses.
Facebook popularity
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The page has 0 shares and comments on Facebook.

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Wein- und Feinkosthandel | Weine & Feinkost aus Italien
Amoitalia Italienischer Wein- und Feinkosthandel - 40 Jahre Erfahrung in der Gastronomie und die Leidenschaft zu unserer Heimat Italien - Jetzt entdecken ✓

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