- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
1.98 s
File size
504.20 kB
Media files
Number of links
144 internal / 15 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Homepage - Appetito
The page title is too short. (189 pixels of 580 max pixel length) Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Appetito is the new online publication dedicated to Italian food and drink, with new stories, recipes and news published daily.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (761 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionAppetito is the new online publication dedicated to Italian food and drink, with new stories, recipes and news published daily.
og:titleHomepage - Appetito
og:descriptionAppetito is the new online publication dedicated to Italian food and drink, with new stories, recipes and news published daily.

Test up to 1.000 webpages of with our free plan!

Try For Free
No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
This page contains 861 words. That's ok.
27.5% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
23 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 19.56 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
The file size of the HTML document is very large (504.2 kB).
A viewport "width=device-width" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 17 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
22 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...5/Appetito_Logo_Tagline_horiz.jpg?w=2880Appetito home
...o_Tagline_horiz_LG_dark-mode2.png?w=2880Appetito dark mode logo
...oads/sites/53/2023/10/banner1.jpg?w=2880Bona Furtuna
...to_Alisandra_headshot.jpg?resize=100,100Alisandra Puliti.
...tito_Ali_CafeGinori.jpg?resize=2880,1620Table setting at Café Ginori at the Hotel de la Ville in Rome.
...2023/06/Andrew_Italy.jpeg?resize=100,100No alt attribute provided
...ppetito_Anna_cover2.jpg?resize=2880,1620Anna Gass' new show on A&E Networks is called "Instant Italian."
...anielMancini_headshot.jpg?resize=100,100No alt attribute provided
...ito_DanMan_meatball.png?resize=2880,1620A sausage, pepper and onion meatball from Daniel Mancini.
...Photo-JamesRippingale.jpg?resize=100,100Toni Mazzaglia
...olden-View-Evening1.jpg?resize=2880,1620A table for two at Golden View in Florence. Photo courtesy of Golden View.
...3_03_06_at_4.16.22_PM.png?resize=100,100No alt attribute provided
...-Bottle-and-Box-2-2.jpg?resize=2880,1620Bona Furtuna Olive oil bottle with box
...ella-Arpaia-Headshot1.jpg?resize=100,100No alt attribute provided
...NationalMeatballDay.jpg?resize=2880,1920The famous stuffed meatballs of Donatella Arpaia.
...2023/06/Andrew_Italy.jpeg?resize=100,100No alt attribute provided
...ackground=595959&color=e6e6e6&w=100&q=75No alt attribute provided
...n_Fried-Sand-Smelt1.jpg?resize=2880,1920Fried Sand Smelt.
...2023/06/Andrew_Italy.jpeg?resize=100,100No alt attribute provided
.../Appetito_AglioOlio.jpg?resize=2880,1920Pasta Aglio e Olio by Andrew Cotto. Photo courtesy of Erika Katz.
...2023/06/Andrew_Italy.jpeg?resize=100,100No alt attribute provided
...to_ChickenFranchese.png?resize=2880,1920Chicken Francese by Andrew Cotto. Photo courtesy of Erika Katz.
...ackground=595959&color=e6e6e6&w=100&q=75No alt attribute provided
...Cristiano_fullpanel.jpg?resize=2880,1920Host, Andrew Cotto (left) and ITA Talks panelists (from left to right): Giuseppi Di Martino, Cristiano Villani, and Richard Martin.
...3/2023/06/MorganHines.jpg?resize=100,100No alt attribute provided
...lla_Heart_Pasta_2-1.jpg?resize=2880,1920Barilla heart pasta
...2023/06/Andrew_Italy.jpeg?resize=100,100No alt attribute provided
...-M.A.-Bowers-Inc-11.jpg?resize=2880,1920The dining room at Donna Mare Italian Chophouse in Miami Beach.
...ackground=595959&color=e6e6e6&w=100&q=75No alt attribute provided
...25/01/ITA_panelists.jpg?resize=2880,1920A view from the audience of the ITA Talks panel in progress.
...2023/06/Andrew_Italy.jpeg?resize=100,100No alt attribute provided
...o_ItalianLentilSoup.jpg?resize=2880,1620Italian Lentil Soup.
...o_Joanna_headshot-21.jpeg?resize=100,100Joanna Moeller.
...tito_Joanna_chicken.jpg?resize=2880,1620Oven-Braised Chicken Cacciatore by Joanne Moeller.
...3/2023/06/MorganHines.jpg?resize=100,100No alt attribute provided
...53/2024/12/DSC08602.jpg?resize=2880,1620Lobster Risotto
...ito_Danielle_headshot.jpg?resize=100,100No alt attribute provided
.../53/2023/06/image3.jpeg?resize=2880,1620Pasta with a sauce made of lamb and topped with mint
...etito_Justin-Patulli-.png?resize=100,100No alt attribute provided
..._Justin_LondraLead.jpeg?resize=2880,1920Romantic ambience overlooking the beauty of Venice Photo Credit: Dario Garofalo.
...etito_Justin-Patulli-.png?resize=100,100No alt attribute provided
...l-lined-up-for-kick.jpg?resize=2880,1920soccer ball seen from above
.../Sea-Salt-and-Herb-Blend-on-WB.jpg?w=220No alt attribute provided
...ackground=595959&color=e6e6e6&w=100&q=75No alt attribute provided
...5/03/Appetito_Otto2.jpg?resize=2880,1920Alessandra "Ale" Gambini (left) with her partner Maurizio Otto and their daughter Angelica.
...3/2023/06/MorganHines.jpg?resize=100,100No alt attribute provided
...3-02-at-11.52.23-AM.png?resize=2880,1920No alt attribute provided
...ackground=595959&color=e6e6e6&w=100&q=75No alt attribute provided
...2/Andrew_ErikaKatz2.png?resize=2880,1920Appetito's Andrew Cotto on set with Erika Katz, host of Beyond The Burner.
...23/06/Appetito_Logo_NoTagline.jpg?w=2880Appetito home
...o_Tagline_horiz_LG_dark-mode2.png?w=2880Appetito dark mode logo

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
There are 32 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 Featured
H2 Recipes
H2 News
H2 Subscribe to our free newsletter
H2 Winter Cooking
H2 The Latest
H2 Stay in touch
H2 Categories
H2 Menu
H3 Café Ginori Opens at the Hotel de la Ville in Rome
H3 Anna Francese Gass on Her New Show “Instant Italian”
H3 A “Mastermind’s” Recipe for National Meatball Day
H3 Where to Find a Romantic Dinner in Florence
H3 An Annual Subscription to Appetito Gets You Organic EVOO & More!
H3 How to Make Donatella’s Famous Stuffed Meatballs
H3 How an American Fries Sand Smelt in the Venetian Lagoon
H3 The Simple Perfection of Pasta Aglio e Olio
H3 Chicken Francese Mio Modo (my way)
H3 Appetito Hosts ITA Talks: ‘Al Dente Delights’
H3 Heart-Shaped Barilla Love Pasta Returns
H3 Donna Mare Italian Chophouse Is Now Open in Miami Beach
H3 Appetito Hosts ITA Talks: Olive Oil, Vinegar and Mineral Water
H3 Italian Lentil Soup is the Best
H3 Braising Series with Joanna Moeller: Oven-Braised Chicken Cacciatore
H3 L’Americana’s Saffron Risotto With Lobster for a Luxe Winter Dish
H3 Lamb Ragù for a Cozy and Delicious Winter Day
H3 Venetian Cuisine Q&A with Chef Daniele Galliazzo of Londra Palace Venezia
H3 Serie A: Chicken Caesar Salad Pizza & Looking Ahead to the Final 10 Matches
H3 Bona Furtuna
H3 Honoring Ale Gambini, One Year Later
H3 Sunday Shop: Briogeo, Spin, Golden Hour
H3 Appetito’s Editor-in-Chief Dishes on the Podcast “Beyond The Burner”
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
20 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 15 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text to Content Appetito home Appetito dark mode logo
/loginLog In
/aboutAbout Appetito
/advertise-with-appetitoAdvertise with Appetito
/privacyPrivacy Policy
/tip-jarTip Jar
/loginText duplicate Log In
/productsText duplicate Subscribe Subdomain Appetito Instagram Appetito X (formerly Twitter) Subdomain Appetito Facebook Subdomain Appetito Pinterest Subdomain Appetito YouTube Subdomain Appetito TikTok Today's stories are presented by
IMG-ALT Bona Furtuna
/features/cafe-ginori-opens-at...Café Ginori Opens at the Hotel de la Ville in Rome
/author/alisandra-pulitiIMG-ALT Alisandra Puliti.
/author/alisandra-pulitiAlisandra Puliti
/features/cafe-ginori-opens-at...IMG-ALT Table setting at Café Ginori at the Hotel de la Ville in Rome.
/category/featuresText duplicate Features
/features/anna-francese-gass-o...Anna Francese Gass on Her New Show “Instant Italian”
/author/andrew-cottoNo Text
/author/andrew-cottoAndrew Cotto
/features/anna-francese-gass-o...IMG-ALT Anna Gass' new show on A&E Networks is called "Instant Italian."
/category/recipesText duplicate Recipes
/recipes/a-masterminds-recipe-...A “Mastermind’s” Recipe for National Meatball Day
/author/daniel-manciniNo Text
/author/daniel-manciniDaniel Mancini
/recipes/a-masterminds-recipe-...IMG-ALT A sausage, pepper and onion meatball from Daniel Mancini.
/category/guidesText duplicate Guides
/guides/where-to-spend-a-roman...Where to Find a Romantic Dinner in Florence
/author/toni-mazzagliaIMG-ALT Toni Mazzaglia
/author/toni-mazzagliaText duplicate Toni Mazzaglia
/guides/where-to-spend-a-roman...IMG-ALT A table for two at Golden View in Florence. Photo courtesy of Golden View.
/category/newsText duplicate News
/news/purchase-an-annual-subsc...An Annual Subscription to Appetito Gets You Organic EVOO & More!
/author/appetito-studiosNo Text
/author/appetito-studiosAppetito Studios
/news/purchase-an-annual-subsc...IMG-ALT Bona Furtuna Olive oil bottle with box
/category/recipesText duplicate Recipes
/recipes/how-to-make-donatella...How to Make Donatella’s Famous Stuffed Meatballs
/author/donatella-arpaiaNo Text
/author/donatella-arpaiaDonatella Arpaia
/recipes/how-to-make-donatella...IMG-ALT The famous stuffed meatballs of Donatella Arpaia.
/category/recipesText duplicate Recipes
/recipes/how-an-american-fries...How an American Fries Sand Smelt in the Venetian Lagoon
/author/andrew-cottoNo Text
/author/allison-zurfluhNo Text
/author/andrew-cottoText duplicate Andrew Cotto
/author/allison-zurfluhAllison Zurfluh
/recipes/how-an-american-fries...IMG-ALT Fried Sand Smelt.
/category/recipesText duplicate Recipes
/recipes/the-simple-perfection...The Simple Perfection of Pasta Aglio e Olio
/author/andrew-cottoNo Text
/author/andrew-cottoText duplicate Andrew Cotto
/recipes/the-simple-perfection...IMG-ALT Pasta Aglio e Olio by Andrew Cotto. Photo courtesy of Erika Katz.
/category/recipesText duplicate Recipes
/recipes/chicken-francese-mio-...Chicken Francese Mio Modo (my way)
/author/andrew-cottoNo Text
/author/andrew-cottoText duplicate Andrew Cotto
/recipes/chicken-francese-mio-...IMG-ALT Chicken Francese by Andrew Cotto. Photo courtesy of Erika Katz.
/category/newsText duplicate News
/news/appetito-hosts-ita-talks...Appetito Hosts ITA Talks: ‘Al Dente Delights’
/author/appetito-editorsNo Text
/author/appetito-editorsAppetito Editors
/news/appetito-hosts-ita-talks...IMG-ALT Host, Andrew Cotto (left) and ITA Talks panelists (from left to right): Giuseppi Di Martino, Cristiano Villani, and Richard Martin.
/category/newsText duplicate News
/news/heart-shaped-barilla-lov...Heart-Shaped Barilla Love Pasta Returns
/author/morgan-hinesNo Text
/author/morgan-hinesMorgan Hines
/news/heart-shaped-barilla-lov...IMG-ALT Barilla heart pasta
/category/newsText duplicate News
/news/donna-mare-italian-choph...Donna Mare Italian Chophouse Is Now Open in Miami Beach
/author/andrew-cottoNo Text
/author/andrew-cottoText duplicate Andrew Cotto
/news/donna-mare-italian-choph...IMG-ALT The dining room at Donna Mare Italian Chophouse in Miami Beach.
/category/newsText duplicate News
/news/appetito-hosts-ita-talks...Appetito Hosts ITA Talks: Olive Oil, Vinegar and Mineral Water
/author/appetito-editorsNo Text
/author/appetito-editorsText duplicate Appetito Editors
/news/appetito-hosts-ita-talks...IMG-ALT A view from the audience of the ITA Talks panel in progress.
/category/recipesText duplicate Recipes
/recipes/italian-lentil-soup-i...Italian Lentil Soup is the Best
/author/andrew-cottoNo Text
/author/andrew-cottoText duplicate Andrew Cotto
/recipes/italian-lentil-soup-i...IMG-ALT Italian Lentil Soup.
/category/recipesText duplicate Recipes
/recipes/braising-series-with-...Braising Series with Joanna Moeller: Oven-Braised Chicken Cacciatore
/author/joanna-moellerIMG-ALT Joanna Moeller.
/author/joanna-moellerJoanna Moeller
/recipes/braising-series-with-...IMG-ALT Oven-Braised Chicken Cacciatore by Joanne Moeller.
/category/recipesText duplicate Recipes
/recipes/lamericanas-saffron-r...L’Americana’s Saffron Risotto With Lobster for a Luxe Winter Dish
/author/morgan-hinesNo Text
/author/morgan-hinesText duplicate Morgan Hines
/recipes/lamericanas-saffron-r...IMG-ALT Lobster Risotto
/category/recipesText duplicate Recipes
/recipes/lamb-ragu-for-a-cozy-...Lamb Ragù for a Cozy and Delicious Winter Day
/author/danielle-caminitiNo Text
/author/danielle-caminitiDanielle Caminiti
/recipes/lamb-ragu-for-a-cozy-...IMG-ALT Pasta with a sauce made of lamb and topped with mint
/category/featuresText duplicate Features
/features/venetian-cuisine-qa-...Venetian Cuisine Q&A with Chef Daniele Galliazzo of Londra Palace Venezia
/author/justin-patulliNo Text
/author/justin-patulliJustin Patulli
/features/venetian-cuisine-qa-...IMG-ALT Romantic ambience overlooking the beauty of Venice Photo Credit: Dario Garofalo.
/category/features/serie-aSerie A
/features/serie-a/serie-a-chic...Serie A: Chicken Caesar Salad Pizza & Looking Ahead to the Final 10 Matches
/author/justin-patulliNo Text
/author/justin-patulliText duplicate Justin Patulli
/features/serie-a/serie-a-chic...IMG-ALT soccer ball seen from above Today's stories are presented by Bona Furtuna From estate-grown Extra Virgin Olive Oil and air-dried Ancient Grain Pasta, to organic Marinara Pasta Sauce, Sa...
/category/featuresText duplicate Features
/features/honoring-ale-gambini...Honoring Ale Gambini, One Year Later
/features/honoring-ale-gambini...IMG-ALT Alessandra "Ale" Gambini (left) with her partner Maurizio Otto and their daughter Angelica.
/category/guides/sunday-shopSunday Shop
/guides/sunday-shop/sunday-sho...Sunday Shop: Briogeo, Spin, Golden Hour
/author/morgan-hinesNo Text
/author/morgan-hinesText duplicate Morgan Hines
/guides/sunday-shop/sunday-sho...No Text
/category/featuresText duplicate Features
/features/appetitos-editor-in-...Appetito’s Editor-in-Chief Dishes on the Podcast “Beyond The Burner”
/author/appetito-editorsNo Text
/author/appetito-editorsText duplicate Appetito Editors
/features/appetitos-editor-in-...IMG-ALT Appetito's Andrew Cotto on set with Erika Katz, host of Beyond The Burner. all posts duplicate IMG-ALT Appetito home duplicate IMG-ALT Appetito dark mode logo Subdomain Text duplicate Appetito Instagram Text duplicate Appetito X (formerly Twitter) Subdomain Text duplicate Appetito Facebook Subdomain Text duplicate Appetito Pinterest Subdomain Text duplicate Appetito YouTube Subdomain Text duplicate Appetito TikTok
/category/featuresText duplicate Features
/category/recipesText duplicate Recipes
/category/newsText duplicate News
/category/guidesText duplicate Guides
/category/reviewsText duplicate Reviews
/category/travelText duplicate Travel
/aboutText duplicate About Appetito
/advertise-with-appetitoText duplicate Advertise with Appetito
/privacyText duplicate Privacy Policy
/review-policyReview Policy
/aboutText duplicate About Appetito
/advertise-with-appetitoText duplicate Advertise with Appetito
/privacyText duplicate Privacy Policy
/review-policyText duplicate Review Policy Lede

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
The X-powered header is sent within the response header. (unnecessary)
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is very slow (1.98 seconds). The response time should be less than 0.4 seconds. Slow websites are bad for search engine bots and also result in bad user experience.
The file size of the HTML document is very large (504 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateSun, 09 Mar 2025 15:21:26 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8
set-cookie196 Characters
x-rqvie2 111 254 443

External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 189 referring domains.
This page has 601 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 135 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


# ---------------------------
User-agent: *

# ---------------------------

User-agent: *
Disallow: /api/

Search preview
Homepage - Appetito
Appetito is the new online publication dedicated to Italian food and drink, with new stories, recipes and news published daily.

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Appetito hosted59%Check
Italian Food53%Check
News Stories52%Check
Italian Cuisine50%Check
Gass New50%Check

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