- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.22 s
File size
311.80 kB
Media files
Number of links
253 internal / 5 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Wellnesshotels mit Bewertungen » Die besten Hotels ab 70€
The length of the page title is perfect. (544 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Wellnesshotels mit Testberichten: ✅ Wellness Wochenende & Wellnessurlaub » ab 65 € ✅ Wellness Angebote mit bis zu » -40% Rabatt «
The length of the meta description is perfect. (853 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
Language for link pointing to page itself inaccurate
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
Rel next URL
The rel next and prev tags are set correctly.
(Somewhat important)
This page is hosted on a subdomain. Use a top level domain for better SEO results.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionWellnesshotels mit Testberichten: ✅ Wellness Wochenende & Wellnessurlaub » ab 65 € ✅ Wellness Angebote mit bis zu » -40% Rabatt «
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
og:titleWellnesshotels mit Bewertungen » Die besten Hotels ab 70€

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Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 1166 words. That's ok.
16.3% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
4 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 16.64 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 23 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
1 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/img/logo-cloud.svgNo alt attribute provided Heaven Logo
/img/newawards_white.svgWellness Heaven Awards Logo
/img/newawards_1.svgWellness Heaven Awards
/img/footer-logo.svgWellness Heaven Home

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Wellnesshotel Checks mit Präzision
Too many H1 headings
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 74 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Wellnesshotel Checks mit Präzision
H1 Die besten Wellnesshotels in Deutschland
H1 Die besten Wellnesshotels in Österreich
H1 Spezial-Angebote
H2 Wellnesshotel Bayern
H2 Wellnesshotel Rheinland-Pfalz
H2 Wellnesshotel Nordrhein-Westfalen
H2 Wellnesshotel Bayerischer Wald
H2 Wellnesshotel Allgäu
H2 Wellnesshotel Ostsee
H2 Wellnesshotel Hessen
H2 Wellnesshotel Schwarzwald
H2 Wellnesshotel Nordsee
H2 Wellnesshotel Sauerland
H2 Wellnesshotel Tirol
H2 Wellnesshotel Salzburger Land
H2 Wellnesshotel Vorarlberg
H2 Wellnesshotel Steiermark
H2 Wellnesshotel Kärnten
H2 Wellnesshotel Oberösterreich
H2 Schloss Elmau Luxury Spa Retreat & Cultural Hideaway
H2 Interalpen - Hotel Tyrol
H2 Alpenresort Schwarz
H2 Bio- und Wellnessresort Stanglwirt
H2 Preidlhof Luxury DolceVita Resort *****
H2 Bergvillen Luxus Chalets
H2 Hotel Chalet Mirabell *****
H2 Soneva Fushi
H2 Golf & Spa Resort Andreus*****
H2 Hotel Winkler
H2 Wellnesshotels von Wellness Heaven
H2 Die beliebtesten Wellnesshotel-Regionen
H3 zeit zu zweit
H3 Neujahrsglück
H3 Almgeflüster 4 Nächte
H3 Winter-Woid-Tage
H3 Weitblick-Tage 4=3
H3 30% Winter Auszeit
H3 Rendezvous by Reischlhof 2025
H3 EDELWEISS Insider Deals
H3 Rainbow Days 5=4 - 2025
H3 Wellnesshotel Checks mit Präzision Duplicate text
H3 Wellnesshotel-Bewertung in fünf Test-Kategorien
H3 Österreich
H3 Malediven
H3 Schweiz
H3 Deutschland
H3 Italien
H3 Spanien
H3 Bekannt aus den Medien
H3 Hotel des Monats
H3 Neue Bewertungen
H3 Posthotel Achenkirch
H3 Interalpen - Hotel Tyrol Duplicate text
H3 MOHR life resort
H3 Neu im Guide
H3 PACHMAIR 1453 apart resort
H3 PANORAMA Allgäu Spa Resort
H3 Alpine Lifestyle Hotel Ambet
H3 Mühle Resort 1900
H3 Themen
H3 Statistik
H3 Wellnesshotels Deluxe
H4 Wellness Heaven Awards
H4 Die besten Luxushotels auf den Malediven
H4 Die besten Wellnesshotels in Südtirol
H4 Die besten Wellness-Resorts auf Mauritius
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
46 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 5 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Wellness Heaven Logo Text
/karte/Wellnesshotel Karte
/awards/Wellness Heaven Awards
/hotelbewertung/wellness-spa/Die besten Wellnesshotels
/wellness/personalisierte-suche/Personalisierte Hotelsuche
/wellness-angebote/top/Wellness Angebote
/wellness/hoteltesterin-kolumne/Hoteltesterin Kolumne
/wellness/wellnessfuehrer-will...Wellness Heaven
/wellness/listing-varianten/Listing Varianten
/wellness/merkzettel/Anfrage an alle Details
/wellness/awards-2025/Preisträger 2025
/wellnesshotels/malediven/Top Hotels der Malediven
/wellnesshotels/italien/südtirol/Top Wellnesshotels in Südtirol
/wellnesshotels/mauritius/Top Hotels auf Mauritius
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/wellnesshotel/schloss-elmau/Schloss Elmau Luxury Spa Retreat & Cultural Hideaway
A-TITLE Wellness Bayern
A-TITLE Wellnesshotels Deutschland
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/wellnesshotel/schloss-elmau/a...Schloss Elmau Experience 3 ÜN ab 780 € 260 € / ÜN
/wellnesshotel/schloss-elmau/Text duplicate Details
/wellnesshotel/interalpen/IMG-ALT Wellnesshotel Tirol Interalpen - Hotel Tyrol
/wellnesshotel/interalpen/Interalpen - Hotel Tyrol
A-TITLE Wellness Tirol
A-TITLE Wellnesshotels Österreich
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/wellnesshotel/interalpen/ange...Interalpen-Ferienpauschale 7 ÜN ab 2130 € 304 € / ÜN
/wellnesshotel/interalpen/Text duplicate Details
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/wellnesshotel/schwarz/Alpenresort Schwarz
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A-TITLE Wellness Tirol
/wellnesshotels/oesterreich/Text duplicate Österreich
A-TITLE Wellnesshotels Österreich
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/wellnesshotel/schwarz/Text duplicate Details
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/wellnesshotel/stanglwirt/Bio- und Wellnessresort Stanglwirt
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A-TITLE Wellness Tirol
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A-TITLE Wellnesshotels Österreich
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/wellnesshotel/stanglwirt/Text duplicate Details
/wellnesshotel/preidlhof/IMG-ALT Wellnesshotel Südtirol Preidlhof Luxury DolceVita Resort *****
/wellnesshotel/preidlhof/Preidlhof Luxury DolceVita Resort *****
A-TITLE Wellness Südtirol
A-TITLE Wellnesshotels Italien
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A-TITLE Wellness Südtirol
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A-TITLE Wellnesshotels Italien
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/wellnesshotel/bergvillen/Text duplicate Details
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/wellnesshotel/hotel-chalet-mi...Hotel Chalet Mirabell *****
/wellnesshotels/italien/südtirol/Text duplicate Südtirol
A-TITLE Wellness Südtirol
/wellnesshotels/italien/Text duplicate Italien
A-TITLE Wellnesshotels Italien
/wellnesshotel/hotel-chalet-mi...No Text
/wellnesshotel/hotel-chalet-mi...Family Weeks 1 ÜN ab 271 € 271 € / ÜN
/wellnesshotel/hotel-chalet-mi...Text duplicate Preise
/wellnesshotel/hotel-chalet-mi...Text duplicate Details
/wellnesshotel/soneva-fushi/IMG-ALT Wellnesshotel Baa Atoll Soneva Fushi
/wellnesshotel/soneva-fushi/Soneva Fushi
/wellnesshotels/malediven/baa+...Baa Atoll
A-TITLE Wellness Baa Atoll
A-TITLE Wellnesshotels Malediven
/wellnesshotel/soneva-fushi/te...No Text
/wellnesshotel/soneva-fushi/an...Crusoe Villa auf Soneva Fushi 1 ÜN ab 795 € 795 € / ÜN
/wellnesshotel/soneva-fushi/an...Text duplicate Anfrage
/wellnesshotel/soneva-fushi/Text duplicate Details
/wellnesshotel/andreus-spa-res...IMG-ALT Wellnesshotel Südtirol Golf & Spa Resort Andreus*****
/wellnesshotel/andreus-spa-res...Golf & Spa Resort Andreus*****
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A-TITLE Wellness Südtirol
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A-TITLE Wellnesshotels Italien
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/wellnesshotels/italien/südtirol/Text duplicate Südtirol
A-TITLE Wellness Südtirol
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A-TITLE Wellnesshotels Italien
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/wellnesshotel/hotel-winkler/b...Text duplicate Preise
/wellnesshotel/hotel-winkler/Text duplicate Details
A-TITLE Seite 2 Wellnesshotel Checks mit Präzision
A-TITLE Seite 3 Wellnesshotel Checks mit Präzision
A-TITLE Seite 4 Wellnesshotel Checks mit Präzision
/wellnesshotels/10/A-TITLE Navigation nach vorne. Weitere Wellnesshotel Checks mit Präzision
/wellness/testbericht-experten/Text duplicate Hoteltester
/wellness/testbericht-kriterien/Testverfahrens window Nofollow External Subdomain Porträt in der Süddeutschen Zeitung window Nofollow External Subdomain Interview in der WELT
/wellness/bewertungsalgorithmus/500 Testkriterien
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/Text duplicate Deutschland
A-TITLE Wellnesshotels Deutschland
/wellnesshotels/oesterreich/Text duplicate Österreich
A-TITLE Wellnesshotels Österreich
/wellnesshotels/italien/Text duplicate Italien
A-TITLE Wellnesshotels Italien
/wellnesshotels/malediven/Text duplicate Malediven
A-TITLE Malediven
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/wellnesshotels/deutschland/rh...Wellnesshotels Rheinland-Pfalz
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/no...Wellnesshotels Nordrhein-Westfalen
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/ba...Wellnesshotels Bayerischer Wald
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/al...Wellnesshotels Allgäu
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/os...Wellnesshotels Ostsee
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/he...Wellnesshotels Hessen
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/sc...Wellnesshotels Schwarzwald
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/no...Wellnesshotels Nordsee
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/sa...Wellnesshotels Sauerland
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/wellnesshotels/oesterreich/ti...Wellnesshotels Tirol
/wellnesshotels/oesterreich/sa...Wellnesshotels Salzburger Land
/wellnesshotels/oesterreich/vo...Wellnesshotels Vorarlberg
/wellnesshotels/oesterreich/st...Wellnesshotels Steiermark
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/wellnesshotels/oesterreich/ob...Wellnesshotels Oberösterreich
/wellnesshotels/oesterreich/Text duplicate Österreich
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/wellnesshotels/deutschland/Text duplicate Deutschland
/wellnesshotels/italien/Text duplicate Italien
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/wellnesshotels/oesterreich/Text duplicate Österreich
/wellnesshotels/italien/Text duplicate Italien
/wellnesshotels/schweiz/Text duplicate Schweiz
/wellnesshotels/malediven/Text duplicate Malediven
/wellnesshotels/spanien/Text duplicate Spanien
/wellnesshotels/vereinigte-ara...Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
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/hotels/winter-special/No Text
/wellness/wellness-gewinnspiel/No Text
/awards/No Text
/wellnesshotel/posthotel/testb...No Text
/wellnesshotel/interalpen/test...No Text
/wellnesshotel/mohr-life/testb...No Text
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/wellnesshotel/panorama-allgaeu/No Text
/wellnesshotel/hotel-ambet/No Text
/wellnesshotel/muehle-resort-o...No Text
/hotels/wellness+wochenende/Wellness Wochenende
/hotels/wellnessreisen/Wellnessreisen Wellness Heaven Home External Twitter External Subdomain Facebook External Subdomain Instagram
/wellness/pressemeldungen/Text duplicate Presse
/karte/Text duplicate Wellnesshotel Karte
/hotelbewertung/wellness-spa/Text duplicate Die besten Wellnesshotels
/wellness/personalisierte-suche/Text duplicate Personalisierte Hotelsuche
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/lexikon/Wellness Lexikon
/wellness/wellness-gewinnspiel/Text duplicate Gewinnspiel
/wellness/wellnessfuehrerguide...Hoteliers: Guide Eintrag
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/awards/Text duplicate Wellness Heaven Awards
/wellness/wellnessfuehrer-will...Text duplicate Wellness Heaven
/wellness/testbericht-philosop...Text duplicate Philosophie
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/wellnesshotels/deutschland/ba...Text duplicate Wellnesshotels Bayern
/wellnesshotels/oesterreich/Wellnesshotels Österreich
/wellnesshotels/oesterreich/ti...Text duplicate Wellnesshotels Tirol
/wellnesshotels/italien/Wellnesshotels Italien
/wellnesshotels/italien/südtirol/Text duplicate Wellnesshotels Südtirol
/wellnesshotels/malediven/Hotels Malediven Sitemap
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/al...Wellnesshotel Allgäu
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/sc...Wellnesshotel Schwarzwald
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/rh...Wellnesshotel Rheinland-Pfalz
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/he...Wellnesshotel Hessen
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/no...Wellnesshotel NRW
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/ba...Wellnesshotel Bayerischer Wald
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/os...Wellnesshotel Ostsee
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/no...Wellnesshotel Nordsee
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/sa...Wellnesshotel Sauerland
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/ba...Wellnesshotel Baden-Württemberg
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/bo...Wellnesshotel Bodensee
/wellnesshotels/deutschland/ni...Wellnesshotel Niedersachsen
/wellnesshotels/oesterreich/sa...Wellnesshotel Salzburger Land
/wellnesshotels/oesterreich/vo...Wellnesshotel Vorarlberg
/wellnesshotels/oesterreich/st...Wellnesshotel Steiermark
/wellnesshotels/oesterreich/kä...Wellnesshotel Kärnten
/wellnesshotels/spanien/Wellnesshotel Spanien
/wellnesshotels/schweiz/Wellnesshotel Schweiz
/wellnesshotels/mauritius/Hotels Mauritius
/wellnesshotel/schloss-elmau/t...Schloss Elmau Bewertung
/wellnesshotel/stanglwirt/test...Stanglwirt Bewertung
/wellnesshotel/kranzbach/testb...Kranzbach Bewertung
/wellness/hotelzimmer-mit-sauna/Hotelzimmer mit Sauna
/wellness/die-besten-hotels-er...Wellnesshotel Adults only
/wellness/top-wellnesshotels-m...Wellnesshotel mit Hund
/wellness-angebote/freundinnen/Wellness Freundinnen Wochenende

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
The X-powered header is sent within the response header. (unnecessary)
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.22 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (312 kB).

HTTP Response Header

content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8
dateSun, 08 Dec 2024 10:02:48 GMT

External factors

This page has only a few links from other websites.
This page only has backlinks from 14 referring domains.
This page only has 908 backlinks.
This page only has few backlinks from 13 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


User-agent: *
Disallow: /out.php
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Disallow: /js/uploader/server/php/files/*

User-agent: ia_archiver
Disallow: /

Search preview
Wellnesshotels mit Bewertungen » Die besten Hotels ab 70€
Wellnesshotels mit Testberichten: ✅ Wellness Wochenende & Wellnessurlaub » ab 65 € ✅ Wellness Angebote mit bis zu » -40% Rabatt «

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Wellness Hotel79%Check
Wellness Hotels72%Check
Wellness Heaven Hotel69%Check
Wellness Heaven67%Check
Wellness Angebote65%Check
Wellness Wochenende65%Check
besten Hotels62%Check

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