- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
1.75 s
File size
946.90 kB
Media files
Number of links
361 internal / 30 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Gelous | Gel Manicure Starter Kits, Nail Lamps & Gel Polish
The length of the page title is perfect. (536 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Get long-lasting, vegan & cruelty-free gel manicures at home. Buy Starter Kits, Nail Lamps, Gel Polish colours, Manicure Tools & more. Shipping in Australia.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (965 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
This page is hosted on a subdomain. Use a top level domain for better SEO results.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
descriptionGet long-lasting, vegan & cruelty-free gel manicures at home. Buy Starter Kits, Nail Lamps, Gel Polish colours, Manicure Tools & more. Shipping in Australia.
authorGelous Australia
og:site_nameGelous Australia
og:titleGelous | Gel Manicure Starter Kits, Nail Lamps & Gel Polish
og:descriptionGet long-lasting, vegan & cruelty-free gel manicures at home. Buy Starter Kits, Nail Lamps, Gel Polish colours, Manicure Tools & more. Shipping in Australia.

Test up to 1.000 webpages of with our free plan!

Try For Free
No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 3298 words. That's ok.
28.9% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
40 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 23.37 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
The file size of the HTML document is very large (946.9 kB).
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Some tags are too long. With 72 characters this one is longer than 70 characters:
"vegan, cruelty-free and 10 free (non-toxic) uv/led gel nail polish range"
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64Gelous Gel Nail Polish - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gelous Gel Nail Polish - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gelous Lamp & Polishes - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gelous Nail Art - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64No alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64Gelous Walking on Eggshells Gel Manicure Starter Kit - photographed in Australia on model
data:[...] Base64Gelous Pearlescent Moonstone gel nail polish - photographed in Australia on model
data:[...] Base64Gelous Gel Nail Polish Bundle - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gelous Velvet Blush gel nail polish - photographed in Australia on model
data:[...] Base64Gelous French Manicure gel nail polish - photographed in Australia on model
...ectionsHome_StarterKits.jpg?v=1719819391Gelous Walking on Eggshells Gel Manicure Starter Kit - photographed in Australia on model
...onsHome_GelNailPolish_5.jpg?v=1738703403Gelous Pearlescent Moonstone Gel Nail Polish - photographed in Australia on model
...ectionsHome_BundleDeals.jpg?v=1726097032Gelous Anti-UV Gloves - photographed in Australia on model
...tionsHome_NewArrivals_6.jpg?v=1738703418Gelous Velvet Blush Gel Nail Polish - photographed in Australia with model using
...ItWorks_Home_Prep_Round.png?v=1736372793Pink tick
...tWorks_Home_Paint_Round.png?v=1736372555Pink tick
...ItWorks_Home_Cure_Round.png?v=1736373027Pink tick
data:[...] Base64Gel Nail Polish Bundle Deal - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gel Nail Polish Bundle Deal - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gelous gel nail polish Best Sellers Ultimate Starter Kit - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gelous gel nail polish Best Sellers Ultimate Starter Kit - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gelous Milky Pink Builder in a Bottle (BIAB) gel nail polish swatch - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gelous Milky Pink Builder in a Bottle (BIAB) gel nail polish swatch - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gel Nail Polish E-File Pen product photo - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gel Nail Polish E-File Pen product photo - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gelous Velvet Blush gel nail polish - photographed in Australia on model
data:[...] Base64Gelous Velvet Blush gel nail polish - photographed in Australia on model
data:[...] Base64Gelous Gel Nail Polish Remover 200ml product photo - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gelous Gel Nail Polish Remover 200ml product photo - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gelous Sugar and Spice matte gel nail polish swatch - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gelous Sugar and Spice matte gel nail polish swatch - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gelous Gel Nail Polish Storage Case product photo - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gelous Gel Nail Polish Storage Case product photo - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64Gelous Hot Pink Jelly gel nail polish - photographed in Australia on model
data:[...] Base64Gelous Hot Pink Jelly gel nail polish - photographed in Australia on model
data:[...] Base64French Nail Pack with Spilt Milk and Just White product photo - photographed in Australia
data:[...] Base64French Nail Pack with Spilt Milk and Just White product photo - photographed in Australia
...lous_Logo_Branding_Page.png?v=1735976792Gelous Logo Logo
.../Facebook_Review_Symbol.png?v=1692955034Facebook Logo

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Gelous Australia
The H1 heading is too short (16 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
Some headings occur twice on the page.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Gelous Australia
H1 4.9
H1 5.0
H2 How It Works
H2 Trending Now
H2 Why Gelous?
H2 Our Recent Reviews
H2 Follow Us On Instagram
H2 Get In Touch
H2 Shop In Store
H2 Connect With Us
H2 Search our shop
H3 Lasts over two weeks
H3 Cures in 60 seconds
H3 No smudging
H3 We keep it clean
H3 Easy to apply & remove
H3 Get your order fast
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
3 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are too many external links (30) on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text AU shipping for orders $100+
A-TITLE All collections
/collections/newNew window Velvet Polishes
/pages/gelous-it-listJoin The Gelous It List Loyalty Program
A-TITLE Gelous It List window External A-TITLE Gelous Australia on Facebook window External A-TITLE Gelous Australia on Instagram window External Subdomain A-TITLE Gelous Australia on Pinterest window External Subdomain A-TITLE Gelous Australia on Tiktok window External Subdomain A-TITLE Gelous Australia on YouTube
/account/loginLogin Cart Gelous Australia
/collections/gel-nail-polishGel Nail Polish
/collections/nail-artNail Art
/collections/tools-and-treatmentsTools & Treatments
/pages/about-usAbout Us
/pages/work-with-usWork With Us
/pages/how-it-worksHow It Works
/pages/gel-nail-polish-applica...Application Guide
/pages/gel-nail-polish-removal...Removal Guide
/pages/gel-nail-polish-storage...Storage Guide
/pages/gel-nail-lamp-user-guideGel Nail Lamp User Guide
/pages/e-file-pen-user-guideE-File User Guide
/pages/tips-tricksTips & Tricks
/pages/frequently-asked-questionsAll FAQ's Subdomain Tutorials Application & Removal Text duplicate Nail Art Text duplicate Tips & Tricks
/blogs/gelous-blogsBlogs Subdomain Community Group
/pages/gelous-it-listThe Gelous It List
/account/loginText duplicate Login duplicate 0 Cart
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/collections/nail-artText duplicate Nail Art
/collections/tools-and-treatmentsText duplicate Tools & Treatments
/pages/about-usText duplicate About Us
/pages/reviewsText duplicate Reviews
/pages/work-with-usText duplicate Work With Us
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/pages/gel-nail-polish-removal...Text duplicate Removal Guide
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/pages/how-it-worksText duplicate How It Works
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/pages/gel-nail-polish-removal...Text duplicate Removal Guide
/pages/gel-nail-polish-storage...Text duplicate Storage Guide
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/account/loginText duplicate Login duplicate A-TITLE Gelous Australia duplicate 0 Cart
/collections/gel-nail-polishIMG-ALT Gelous Gel Nail Polish - photographed in Australia
/collections/gel-nail-polishGel Polish by Colour
/collections/gel-nail-polish/N...Nudes & Browns
/collections/gel-nail-polish/B...Blacks & Whites
/collections/gel-nail-polishText duplicate IMG-ALT Gelous Gel Nail Polish - photographed in Australia
/collections/gel-nail-polishGel Polish by Type
/collections/polish-bundlesPolish Bundles
/collections/primers-baseBase Coats & Primers
/collections/builder-gelsBuilder Gels
/collections/top-coatsTop Coats
/collections/gel-nail-polish/G...Glitters & Metallics
/collections/gel-nail-polish/N...Neons & Brights
/collections/gel-nail-polish/S...Special Finishes
/collections/bundle-dealsIMG-ALT Gelous Lamp & Polishes - photographed in Australia
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/collections/starter-kitsStarter Kits
/collections/polish-bundlesText duplicate Polish Bundles
/collections/nail-art-bundlesNail Art Bundles
/collections/tools-treatments-...Tools & Treatments Bundles
/collections/nail-artIMG-ALT Gelous Nail Art - photographed in Australia
/collections/nail-artText duplicate Nail Art
/collections/nail-art-bundlesText duplicate Nail Art Bundles
/collections/rhinestones-pearlsRhinestones & Pearls
/collections/chrome-powdersChrome Powders
/collections/nail-stickersNail Stickers
/collections/nail-transfersNail Transfers
/collections/nail-art-toolsNail Art Tools
/collections/tools-and-treatmentsNo Text
/collections/tools-and-treatmentsText duplicate Tools & Treatments
/collections/gel-nail-lampsGel Nail Lamps
/collections/tools-treatments-...Tool & Treatments Bundles
/collections/e-files-drill-bitsE-Files & Drill Bits
/collections/application-remov...Application & Removal Tools
/collections/tools-and-accesso...Tools & Accessories
/collections/hand-and-nail-tre...Hand & Nail Treatments
/collections/nail-repairNail Repair
/collections/removersNail Polish Removers
/collections/newNo Text
/collections/newNew Arrivals
/collections/saleText duplicate Sale
/products/gift-card-digitalGift Cards
A-TITLE Gift Card - Digital
/pages/gelous-it-listTHE GELOUS IT LIST
/pages/about-usNew window Subdomain Vegan, Cruelty-Free & 10-Free
A-TITLE Our products are proudly vegan, cruelty-free and 10-free
/pages/how-it-worksNew window Subdomain Lasts 2+ weeks
A-TITLE Salon-quality gel nails that last 2+ weeks
/pages/reviewsNew window Subdomain 10,000+ 5 star reviews
A-TITLE Read thousands of Gelous Gel Nail Polish reviews
/pages/reviewsNew window Subdomain 5-star reviews
A-TITLE Read thousands of Gelous Gel Nail Polish reviews
/pages/about-usNew window Subdomain Vegan & cruelty-free
A-TITLE Our products are proudly vegan, cruelty-free and 10-free
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A-TITLE Salon-quality nails that last 2+ weeks
/collections/newNo Text
/collections/newShop New All
/collections/starter-kitsStarter Kits Customisable Starter Kits
/collections/gel-nail-polishGel Nail Polish Gel Nail Polish
/collections/bundle-dealsBundle Deals Bundle Deals
/collections/newNew New Arrivals
/collections/french-manicuresFrench Manicures French Manicures
/collections/starter-kitsIMG-ALT Gelous Walking on Eggshells Gel Manicure Starter Kit - photographed in Australia on model
/collections/starter-kitsCustom Starter Kits
/collections/gel-nail-polishIMG-ALT Gelous Pearlescent Moonstone Gel Nail Polish - photographed in Australia on model
/collections/gel-nail-polishText duplicate Gel Nail Polish
/collections/bundle-dealsIMG-ALT Gelous Anti-UV Gloves - photographed in Australia on model
/collections/bundle-dealsText duplicate Bundle Deals
/collections/newIMG-ALT Gelous Velvet Blush Gel Nail Polish - photographed in Australia with model using
/collections/newText duplicate New Arrivals
/pages/how-it-worksLearn More
/collections/starter-kitsShop Starter Kits
/products/gel-nail-polish-bundleBundle Deal
IMG-ALT Gel Nail Polish Bundle Deal - photographed in Australia
/products/gel-nail-polish-bundleGel Nail Polish Bundle | Customisable
/products/best-sellers-ultimat...Text duplicate Bundle Deal
IMG-ALT Gelous gel nail polish Best Sellers Ultimate Starter Kit - photographed in Australia
/products/best-sellers-ultimat...Best Sellers Ultimate Starter Kit
/products/milky-pink-builder-gelIMG-ALT Gelous Milky Pink Builder in a Bottle (BIAB) gel nail polish swatch - photographed in Australia
/products/milky-pink-builder-gelMilky Pink Builder Gel
/products/e-file-penIMG-ALT Gel Nail Polish E-File Pen product photo - photographed in Australia
/products/e-file-penE-File Pen
IMG-ALT Gelous Velvet Blush gel nail polish - photographed in Australia on model
/products/velvet-blushVelvet Blush
/products/gelous-gel-nail-poli...IMG-ALT Gelous Gel Nail Polish Remover 200ml product photo - photographed in Australia
/products/gelous-gel-nail-poli...Gelous Gel Nail Polish Remover
/products/sugar-and-spiceIMG-ALT Gelous Sugar and Spice matte gel nail polish swatch - photographed in Australia
/products/sugar-and-spiceSugar and Spice
/products/gelous-storage-caseIMG-ALT Gelous Gel Nail Polish Storage Case product photo - photographed in Australia
/products/gelous-storage-caseGelous Storage Case
/products/hot-pink-jellyText duplicate New
IMG-ALT Gelous Hot Pink Jelly gel nail polish - photographed in Australia on model
/products/hot-pink-jellyHot Pink Jelly
/products/french-nail-pack-wit...Text duplicate Bundle Deal
IMG-ALT French Nail Pack with Spilt Milk and Just White product photo - photographed in Australia
/products/french-nail-pack-wit...French Nail Pack with Nail Stamper
/collections/gel-nail-polishUV/LED Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
/collections/gel-nail-polishText duplicate Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
/collections/gel-nail-lampsUV/LED Gel Nail Lamp
A-TITLE Gel Nail Lamps
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A-TITLE Polish & Lamp Packs
/collections/tools-and-treatmentsManicure Tools
A-TITLE Tools & Treatments
/collections/gel-nail-polishGel Nail Polishes
A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
/collections/gel-nail-lampsGel Nail Lamp
A-TITLE Gel Nail Lamps
/collections/gel-nail-polishText duplicate UV/LED Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
/products/lint-free-wipesLint Free Wipe
A-TITLE Lint Free Wipes (100 pack)
/collections/removersGel Nail Polish Remover
A-TITLE Removers
/products/nail-primerNail Primer
A-TITLE Nail Primer
/collections/gel-nail-polishText duplicate Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
/collections/base-and-top-coatsBase Coat
A-TITLE Base & Top Coats
/collections/builder-gelsBuilder Gel
A-TITLE Builder Gels
/collections/colour-gel-nail-p...Colour Coat
A-TITLE Colour Gel Nail Polish
/collections/gel-nail-polishNail Gel
A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
/collections/packs-and-lampsUV/LED Lamp
A-TITLE Packs & Lamps
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A-TITLE How it works
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A-TITLE Frequently Asked Questions
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A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
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A-TITLE Nail File (100 grit / 180 grit)
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A-TITLE Base & Top Coats
/products/lint-free-wipesText duplicate Lint Free Wipe
A-TITLE Lint Free Wipes (100 pack)
/collections/removersText duplicate Gel Nail Polish Remover
A-TITLE Removers
/products/manicure-removal-clipsNail Polish Removal Clips
A-TITLE Manicure Removal Clips (10 pack)
/products/orangewood-cuticle-s...Orangewood Cuticle Sticks
A-TITLE Orangewood Cuticle Sticks
/collections/gel-nail-polishText duplicate Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
/products/e-file-penText duplicate E-File Pen
A-TITLE E-File Pen
/collections/builder-gelsText duplicate Builder Gel
A-TITLE Builder Gels
/products/cuticle-oilCuticle Oil
A-TITLE Cuticle Oil
A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish Application Guide
A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish Removal Guide
/pages/gel-nail-polish-storage...Storage Guides
A-TITLE Storage Guide
/products/gelous-gel-nail-poli...Gelous Nail Polish Remover
A-TITLE Gelous Nail Polish Remover
/products/nail-primerGelous Nail Primer
A-TITLE Nail Primer
/collections/gel-nail-polishUV Nail Polish
A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
/collections/base-coats-and-pr...Gelous Base Coat
A-TITLE Base Coats & Primers
/collections/colour-gel-nail-p...Gelous Colour Coats
A-TITLE Colour Gel Nail Polish
/collections/top-coatsGelous Top Coat
A-TITLE Top Coats
/collections/gel-nail-lampsText duplicate UV/LED Gel Nail Lamp
A-TITLE Gel Nail Lamps
/collections/gel-nail-lampsUV LED Gel Nail Lamp
A-TITLE Gel Nail Lamps
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A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
/collections/gel-nail-lampsText duplicate Gel Nail Lamp
A-TITLE Gel Nail Lamps
/collections/gel-nail-polishGel Polishes
A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
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A-TITLE Polish & Lamp Packs
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A-TITLE Basic Kit
/products/essentials-kitEssentials Kit
A-TITLE Essentials Kit
/products/starter-kitStarter Kit
A-TITLE Starter Kit
/products/super-starter-kitSuper Starter Kit
A-TITLE Super Starter Kit
/products/ultimate-kitUltimate Kit
A-TITLE Ultimate Kit
/collections/gel-nail-lampsNew window UV/LED Nail Lamps
A-TITLE Gel Nail Lamps
/collections/base-and-top-coatsNew window Base Coats
A-TITLE Base & Top Coats
/collections/base-and-top-coatsNew window Text duplicate Top Coats
A-TITLE Base & Top Coats
/collections/gel-nail-polishNew window Colour Coats
A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
/collections/tool-packsmanicure tool packs
A-TITLE Tool Packs
/collections/primers-baseRubber Base Coat
A-TITLE Primers & Base Coats
/collections/gel-nail-polishNew window Specialty Gel Nail Polishes
A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
/collections/top-coatsRubber Top Coat
A-TITLE Top Coats
/products/nail-primerNew window Text duplicate Nail Primer
A-TITLE Nail Primer
/collections/builder-gelsNew window Text duplicate Builder Gel
A-TITLE Builder Gels
/collections/removersNew window Nail Polish Remover
A-TITLE Nail Polish Removers
/collections/gel-nail-polishNew window Text duplicate Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
/collections/gel-nail-polishNew window UV/LED Gel Polish
A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
/collections/gel-nail-polish/B...Black Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Blacks-&-Whites
/collections/gel-nail-polish/B...White Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Blacks-&-Whites
/collections/gel-nail-polish/B...Blue Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Blues
/collections/gel-nail-polish/G...Green Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Greens
/collections/gel-nail-polish/G...Glitter Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Glitters-&-Metallics
/collections/gel-nail-polish/G...Metallic Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Glitters-&-Metallics
/collections/gel-nail-polish/G...Grey Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Greys
/collections/gel-nail-polish/N...Neon Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Neons
/collections/gel-nail-polish/N...Nude Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Nudes-&-Browns
/collections/gel-nail-polish/N...Brown Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Nudes-&-Browns
/collections/gel-nail-polish/O...Orange Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Oranges
/collections/gel-nail-polish/y...Yellow Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/yellows
/collections/gel-nail-polish/P...Pink Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Pinks
/collections/gel-nail-polish/RedsRed Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Reds
/collections/gel-nail-polish/P...Purple Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Purples
/collections/gel-nail-polish/S...Magnetic Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Special-Finishes
/collections/gel-nail-polish/S...Galaxy Cat Eye Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Special-Finishes
/collections/gel-nail-polish/S...Speckle Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Special-Finishes
/collections/gel-nail-polish/N...Fluro Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Neons-&-Brights
/collections/gel-nail-polish/p...Pearlescent Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/pearlescent
/collections/gel-nail-polish/c...Temperature-Changing Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/colour-changing
/collections/gel-nail-polish/c...Thermal Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/colour-changing
/collections/gel-nail-polish/N...Bright Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Neons-&-Brights
/products/french-nail-packFrench Manicure Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE French Nail Pack
/collections/gel-nail-polish/S...Sheer Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Sheer
/collections/gel-nail-polish/P...Pastel Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE /collections/gel-nail-polish/Pastels
/products/blooming-gelBlooming Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE Blooming Gel
/collections/builder-gelsBuilder in a Bottle Gel Nail Polish
A-TITLE Builder Gels
/collections/base-and-top-coatsRubber Base Coats
A-TITLE Base & Top Coats
/products/clear-rubber-top-coatRubber Top Coats
A-TITLE Clear Rubber Top Coat
/products/gel-nail-polish-bundleGel Nail Polish Bundle
A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish Bundle
/products/nail-art-brushes-11-...New window Nail Art Brushes.
A-TITLE Nail Art Brushes - 11 Pack
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A-TITLE Nail Art Tools
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A-TITLE Dotting Tools (5 Pack)
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A-TITLE Silicone Tools (4 Pack)
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A-TITLE Resin Nail Art Palette
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A-TITLE Pedicure Removal Clips (10 pack)
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A-TITLE Nail Painting Finger Rest
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A-TITLE Pedicure Toe Separators - 2 Pack
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A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish Removal Tool
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A-TITLE Gelous Gel Nail Polish Remover
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A-TITLE Express Gel Nail Polish Remover (15ml)
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A-TITLE Fibre Gel Nail Repair Glue
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A-TITLE Cuticle Oil
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A-TITLE The Aromatherapy Co. Fleur D'Oranger Hand Cream
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A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
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A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
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A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
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A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
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A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
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A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
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A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
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A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
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A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
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A-TITLE Gel Nail Polish
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A-TITLE Facebook Reviews
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Gelous | Gel Manicure Starter Kits, Nail Lamps & Gel Polish
Get long-lasting, vegan & cruelty-free gel manicures at home. Buy Starter Kits, Nail Lamps, Gel Polish colours, Manicure Tools & more. Shipping in Australia.

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Gel Polish86%Check
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Gel Nail Polish79%Check
Gelous Gel Nail Polish79%Check
gel manicures76%Check
Gelous Nail74%Check

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