| Subdomain | Basel Convention A-TITLE Basel Convention website | | External Subdomain | Rotterdam Convention A-TITLE Rotterdam Convention website | | External Subdomain | Stockholm Convention A-TITLE Stockholm Convention website | | External Subdomain | Synergies A-TITLE Synergies website | | New window External Subdomain | IMG-ALT United Nations logo A-TITLE United Nations website | | New window External Subdomain | IMG-ALT United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) logo A-TITLE United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) website | | New window External Subdomain | IMG-ALT Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) logo A-TITLE Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) website |
/Home/tabid/2202/Default.aspx | Subdomain | Home |
/TheConvention/Overview/tabid/... | Subdomain | Overview |
/TheConvention/Overview/Textof... | Subdomain | Text of the Convention |
/TheConvention/Overview/Liabil... | Subdomain | Liability Protocol |
/TheConvention/Overview/Milest... | Subdomain | Milestones |
/TheConvention/Overview/Histor... | Subdomain | History |
/TheConvention/Amendments/Over... | Subdomain | Amendments |
/TheConvention/Amendments/Over... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Overview |
/TheConvention/Amendments/Back... | Subdomain | Background |
/TheConvention/Amendments/Prop... | Subdomain | Proposed amendments |
/TheConvention/Conferenceofthe... | Subdomain | Conference of the Parties |
/TheConvention/Conferenceofthe... | Subdomain | Overview and Mandate |
/TheConvention/Conferenceofthe... | Subdomain | Bureau |
/TheConvention/Conferenceofthe... | Subdomain | Rules of Procedure |
/TheConvention/Conferenceofthe... | Subdomain | Meetings |
/TheConvention/Conferenceofthe... | Subdomain | Reports and Decisions |
/TheConvention/Conferenceofthe... | Subdomain | Call for information |
/TheConvention/OpenendedWorkin... | Subdomain | Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) |
/TheConvention/OpenendedWorkin... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Overview and Mandate |
/TheConvention/OpenendedWorkin... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Bureau |
/TheConvention/OpenendedWorkin... | Subdomain | Work Programme |
/TheConvention/OpenendedWorkin... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Meetings |
/TheConvention/OpenendedWorkin... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Reports and Decisions |
/TheConvention/OpenendedWorkin... | Subdomain | Call for Information |
/TheConvention/ImplementationC... | Subdomain | Implementation & Compliance Committee |
/TheConvention/ImplementationC... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Overview |
/TheConvention/ImplementationC... | Subdomain | Mandate |
/TheConvention/ImplementationC... | Subdomain | Membership |
/Implementation/LegalMatters/C... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Work Programme |
/TheConvention/ImplementationC... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Meetings |
/TheConvention/ImplementationC... | Subdomain | Reports |
/TheConvention/ImplementationC... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Call for information |
/TheConvention/FinanceBudget/T... | Subdomain | Finance & Budget |
/TheConvention/FinanceBudget/A... | Subdomain | Arrears |
/TheConvention/FinanceBudget/T... | Subdomain | Trust Fund (BC) |
/TheConvention/FinanceBudget/T... | Subdomain | Technical Cooperation Trust Fund (BD) | | External Subdomain Text duplicate | Synergies |
/TheConvention/Communications/... | Subdomain | Communications |
/Procedures/AdmissionofObserve... | Subdomain | Admission of Observers |
/Procedures/BecomingaParty/tab... | Subdomain | Becoming a Party |
/Procedures/CompetentAuthoriti... | Subdomain | Competent Authorities |
/Procedures/FocalPoint/tabid/1... | Subdomain | Focal Point |
/Procedures/NationalDefinition... | Subdomain | National Definitions |
/Procedures/NationalReporting/... | Subdomain | National Reporting |
/Procedures/NotificationMoveme... | Subdomain | Notification & Movement Documents |
/Procedures/ImportExportProhib... | Subdomain | Import / Export Prohibitions |
/Procedures/ReportingonIllegal... | Subdomain | Reporting on Illegal Traffic |
/Procedures/RequestEmergencyAs... | Subdomain | Request Emergency Assistance |
/Implementation/ProgrammeofWor... | Subdomain | Programme of Work |
/Implementation/CartagenaDecla... | Subdomain | Cartagena Declaration |
/Implementation/StrategicFrame... | Subdomain | Strategic Framework |
/Implementation/Controllingtra... | Subdomain | Controlling transboundary movements |
/Implementation/Controllingtra... | Subdomain | e-approaches for notification and movement |
/Implementation/Controllingtra... | Subdomain | Export and Import Control Tool |
/Implementation/Controllingtra... | Subdomain | Improving the PIC procedure |
/Implementation/CountryLedInit... | Subdomain | Country Led Initiative |
/Implementation/CountryLedInit... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Meetings |
/Implementation/CountryLedInit... | Subdomain | Environmentally Sound Management |
/Implementation/Ewaste/Overvie... | Subdomain | E-waste |
/Implementation/Ewaste/EwasteA... | Subdomain | E-waste Amendments |
/Implementation/Ewaste/Technic... | Subdomain | Technical Guidelines |
/Implementation/TechnicalAssis... | Subdomain | PACE II |
/Implementation/Ewaste/Ewastei... | Subdomain | Projects |
/Implementation/Wastebatteries... | Subdomain | Waste batteries |
/Implementation/Wastebatteries... | Subdomain | Small intersessional working group |
/Implementation/Wastebatteries... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Meetings |
/Implementation/Wastebatteries... | Subdomain | Technical guidelines |
/Implementation/Wastebatteries... | Subdomain | Development of WLAB TGs |
/Implementation/Wastebatteries... | Subdomain | Development of OWB TGs |
/Implementation/Wastetyres/Ove... | Subdomain | Waste tyres |
/Implementation/Wastetyres/Sma... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Small intersessional working group |
/Implementation/Wastetyres/Tec... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Technical guidelines |
/Implementation/Wastetyres/Mee... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Meetings |
/Implementation/HarmonizedSyst... | Subdomain | Harmonized System Codes |
/Implementation/HarmonizedSyst... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Overview |
/Implementation/HarmonizedSyst... | Subdomain | Decisions |
/Implementation/HarmonizedSyst... | Subdomain | Progress reports |
/Implementation/HarmonizedSyst... | Subdomain | Follow-up to OEWG-12 |
/Implementation/HazardCharacte... | Subdomain | Hazard Characteristics |
/Implementation/TechnicalMatte... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Technical Guidelines |
/Implementation/HouseholdWaste... | Subdomain | Household Waste Partnership |
/Implementation/HouseholdWaste... | Subdomain | Overall Guidance Document |
/Implementation/HouseholdWaste... | Subdomain | Pilot projects |
/Implementation/HouseholdWaste... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Membership |
/Implementation/LegalMatters/B... | Subdomain | Legal Matters |
/Implementation/LegalMatters/B... | Subdomain | Ban Amendment |
/Implementation/LegalMatters/L... | Subdomain | Legal Clarity |
/Implementation/LegalMatters/C... | Subdomain | Compliance |
/Implementation/TechnicalAssis... | Subdomain | ENFORCE |
/Implementation/LegalMatters/I... | Subdomain | Illegal Traffic |
/Implementation/LegalMatters/L... | Subdomain | Legal Frameworks |
/Implementation/LegalMatters/S... | Subdomain | Ships |
/Implementation/LegalMatters/T... | Subdomain | Trade and Environment |
/Implementation/MercuryWastes/... | Subdomain | Mercury Wastes |
/Implementation/MercuryWastes/... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Technical Guidelines |
/Implementation/MercuryWastes/... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Meetings |
/Implementation/Plasticwaste/O... | Subdomain | Plastic waste |
/Implementation/Plasticwaste/A... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Amendments |
/Implementation/Plasticwaste/T... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Technical guidelines |
/Implementation/Plasticwaste/T... | Subdomain | SGP on plastic waste |
/Implementation/Plasticwaste/P... | Subdomain | Plastic Waste Partnership |
/Implementation/Plasticwaste/C... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Call for information |
/Implementation/Plasticwaste/T... | Subdomain | Plastic projects map |
/Implementation/Plasticwaste/G... | Subdomain | Guidance |
/Implementation/POPsWastes/Ove... | Subdomain | POPs Wastes |
/Implementation/POPsWastes/Tec... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Technical Guidelines |
/Implementation/POPsWastes/Mee... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Meetings |
/Implementation/POPsWastes/Wor... | Subdomain | Workshops |
/Implementation/ShipDismantlin... | Subdomain | Ship Dismantling |
/Implementation/TechnicalAssis... | Subdomain | Capacity Building |
/Implementation/ShipDismantlin... | Subdomain | Legal Aspects |
/Implementation/ShipDismantlin... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Technical Guidelines |
/Implementation/Speciallyengin... | Subdomain | Specially engineered landfill and Incineration |
/Implementation/Speciallyengin... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Technical Guidelines |
/Implementation/Speciallyengin... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Meetings |
/Implementation/TechnicalMatte... | Subdomain | Technical Matters |
/Implementation/TechnicalMatte... | Subdomain | Development of Technical Guidelines |
/Implementation/TechnicalAssis... | Subdomain | Technical Assistance |
/Implementation/CapacityDevelo... | Subdomain | Capacity Development |
/Implementation/CapacityDevelo... | Subdomain | Webinars |
/Implementation/CapacityDevelo... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Workshops |
/Implementation/CapacityDevelo... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Projects |
/Implementation/CapacityDevelo... | Subdomain | Tools |
/Implementation/Publications/B... | Subdomain | Publications |
/Implementation/Wastecontainin... | Subdomain | Waste containing nanomaterials |
/Implementation/PublicAwarenes... | Subdomain | Public Awareness |
/Implementation/PublicAwarenes... | Subdomain | All activities |
/Implementation/Publications/B... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Publications |
/Countries/StatusofRatificatio... | Subdomain | Status of Ratifications |
/Countries/StatusofRatificatio... | Subdomain | Parties & Signatories |
/Countries/StatusofRatificatio... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Ban Amendment |
/Countries/StatusofRatificatio... | Subdomain | Plastic Waste amendments |
/Countries/StatusofRatificatio... | Subdomain | The Protocol |
/Countries/CountryContacts/tab... | Subdomain | Country Contacts |
/Countries/CountryProfiles/tab... | Subdomain | Country Profiles |
/Countries/ImportExportRestric... | Subdomain | Import / Export Restrictions |
/Countries/NationalReporting/O... | Subdomain Text duplicate | National Reporting |
/Countries/NationalReporting/E... | Subdomain | Electronic Reporting System |
/Countries/NationalReporting/F... | Subdomain | Format and manuals for national reporting |
/Countries/NationalReporting/G... | Subdomain | Guidance on inventory of hazardous wastes |
/Countries/NationalReporting/T... | Subdomain | Toolkits for waste inventory |
/Countries/NationalReporting/R... | Subdomain | Reporting Dashboard |
/Countries/NationalReporting/N... | Subdomain | National Reports |
/Countries/NationalDefinitions... | Subdomain Text duplicate | National Definitions |
/Countries/NationalLegislation... | Subdomain | National Legislation |
/Countries/AgreementsorArrange... | Subdomain | Agreements or Arrangements |
/Partners/UNEP/Overview/tabid/... | Subdomain | UNEP |
/Partners/RegionalCentres/Over... | Subdomain | Regional Centres |
/Partners/FAO/tabid/3881/Defau... | Subdomain | FAO |
/Partners/MEAs/TheMinamataConv... | Subdomain | MEAs |
/Partners/IGOs/GEF/tabid/3883/... | Subdomain | IGOs |
/Partners/BusinessandIndustry/... | Subdomain | Business and Industry |
/Partners/NGOs/tabid/1351/Defa... | Subdomain | NGOs |
/Partners/AcademiaandResearch/... | Subdomain | Academia and Research |
/ | Text duplicate | Basel Convention |
/Home/tabid/2202/Default.aspx | Subdomain Text duplicate | Home |
/Home/Login/tabid/2276/Default... | Subdomain | Login A-TITLE Login |
/Implementation/LegalMatters/L... | Subdomain | IMG-ALT Experts on the review of Annexes resume their sixth meeting in Geneva |
/Implementation/LegalMatters/L... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Experts on the review of Annexes resume their sixth meeting in Geneva |
/Implementation/LegalMatters/L... | Subdomain | On 3-6 September 2024, experts on the review of Annexes resume their sixth meeting in Geneva to finalize the amendments proposal on Annex IV to the Basel Con... |
/TheConvention/Conferenceofthe... | Subdomain | IMG-ALT Basel Convention COP Bureau meeting report now available! |
/TheConvention/Conferenceofthe... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Basel Convention COP Bureau meeting report now available! |
/TheConvention/Conferenceofthe... | Subdomain | The Basel Convention COP 17 Bureau meeting took place in Geneva on 29 June 2024. |
/Implementation/Plasticwaste/T... | Subdomain | IMG-ALT Participants gather during the regional workshop on enforcement of the plastic waste amendments under the Basel Convention |
/Implementation/Plasticwaste/T... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Participants gather during the regional workshop on enforcement of the plastic waste amendments under the Basel Convention |
/Implementation/Plasticwaste/T... | Subdomain | Focal Points, Competent Authorities, and Customs Administration from the French-speaking countries gathered in Dakar, Senegal on 9 and 10 July 2024 to discus... |
/Implementation/PublicAwarenes... | Subdomain | IMG-ALT Basel Convention Compliance Mechanism supports countries’ efforts to develop stronger national legislation and address the illegal traffic of wastes |
/Implementation/PublicAwarenes... | Subdomain Text duplicate | Basel Convention Compliance Mechanism supports countries’ efforts to develop stronger national legislation and address the illegal traffic of wastes |
/Implementation/PublicAwarenes... | Subdomain | The Basel Convention Implementation and Compliance Committee convened its sixteenth meeting in Geneva on 23 and 24 June and from 29 June to 2 July 2024. | | New window External Subdomain | IMG-ALT Syndicate |
/TheConvention/Conferenceofthe... | Subdomain | Basel Convention COP Bureau meets in Geneva on 29 June 2024 |
/TheConvention/OpenendedWorkin... | Subdomain | The 14th meeting of the Basel Convention OEWG opened in Geneva 25 June 2024 |
/TheConvention/ImplementationC... | Subdomain | 16th meeting of the Implementation and Compliance Committee meets in Geneva |
/TheConvention/OpenendedWorkin... | Subdomain | Schedule for Side Events during the Basel Convention OEWG-14 now available! |
/Implementation/PublicAwarenes... | Subdomain | View all activities |
/Secretariat/MeetingsCalendar/... | Subdomain | View all meetings |
/Secretariat/MeetingsCalendar/... | Subdomain Text duplicate | View all meetings |
/TheConvention/Overview/Textof... | | Convention text |
/TheConvention/Conferenceofthe... | | Conference of the Parties (COP) |
/TheConvention/Conferenceofthe... | | Follow-up to COP-14 |
/TheConvention/OpenendedWorkin... | | Open-ended Working Group |
/TheConvention/ImplementationC... | | Implementation and Compliance Committee |
/Countries/NationalLegislation... | | Checklist for Legislator |
/Implementation/LegalMatters/I... | Text duplicate | Illegal Traffic |
/Implementation/PartnershipPro... | | Partnerships |
/Implementation/TechnicalMatte... | Text duplicate | Technical Guidelines |
/Countries/StatusofRatificatio... | Text duplicate | Status of Ratifications |
/Countries/CountryContacts/tab... | Text duplicate | Country Contacts |
/Home/MeetingsCalendar/tabid/2... | | Calendar |
/TheConvention/Publications/Br... | Text duplicate | Publications |
/WebsiteMap/tabid/3527/Default... | | Site Map | | New window External Subdomain Text duplicate | UNEP | | New window External Subdomain Text duplicate | FAO | | New window External Subdomain | United Nations |
/Partners/RegionalCentres/Over... | | BCRC | | New window External Subdomain | InforMEA | | New window External Subdomain | IMG-ALT Follow BRS Secretariat on Twitter | | New window External Subdomain | IMG-ALT Follow BRS Secretariat on Facebook | | New window External Text duplicate | IMG-ALT Follow BRS Secretariat on Twitter | | New window External Subdomain Text duplicate | IMG-ALT Follow BRS Secretariat on Facebook | | New window External Subdomain Text duplicate | IMG-ALT Follow BRS Secretariat on Facebook | | New window External Subdomain | IMG-ALT Follow BRS Secretariat on Linkedin | | New window External | IMG-ALT Follow BRS Secretariat on Trello |
/default.aspx?tabid=2528 | | Feedback |
/default.aspx?tabid=2529 | Text duplicate | Feedback |
/default.aspx?tabid=322 | Text duplicate | Feedback |
/default.aspx?tabid=2715 | Text duplicate | Feedback |
/Home/tabid/2202/ctl/Terms/Def... | Nofollow Subdomain | Terms Of Use |
/Home/tabid/2202/ctl/Privacy/D... | Nofollow Subdomain | Privacy Statement |
(Nice to have)