Burdastyle.de - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.57 s
File size
331.20 kB
Media files
Number of links
260 internal / 12 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
burda Schnittmuster und Nähmagazine. Einfach selber nähen! | BurdaStyle
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 673 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Bei burda findest du Schnittmuster und Nähmagazine als PDF-Download oder mit Postversand. Entdecke die Vielfalt von burda! Bestelle jetzt bequem online und starte dein neues Nähprojekt!
The meta description is too long: 1178 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

titleburda Schnittmuster und Nähmagazine. Einfach selber nähen! | BurdaStyle
descriptionBei burda findest du Schnittmuster und Nähmagazine als PDF-Download oder mit Postversand. Entdecke die Vielfalt von burda! Bestelle jetzt bequem online und starte dein neues Nähprojekt!
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1

Test up to 1.000 webpages of burdastyle.de with our free plan!

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No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 1210 words. That's ok.
32.3% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
8 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 14.2 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 24 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
13 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/media/logo/websites/1/logo.pngLogo von BurdaStyleLogo von BurdaStyle
...e/hero/Mobile_banner_home_470x590_HP.pngburda style Nähmagazin
...ero/Mobile_banner_home_470x590_10_1_.pngburda easy Nähmagazin 4/2024
...er_Home_mobile-burdabeginner-470x590.pngburda beginner home edition kostenlose anleitungen
...s/home/hero/home_teaser_400x500_4_1_.pngburda curvy Schnittmuster
...hero/home_teaser_400x500_HP_Stricken.pngburda stricken
...ern/Mobile_banner_home_470x590_10_1_.pngburda easy Nähmagazin 4/2024
...tikelseite_550x400_burdastyleclub_3_.pngburda style club
...e/hero/home_teaser_400x500_HP_M_tzen.pngMützen Schnittmuster als PDF oder per Post
...s/home/hero/home_teaser_400x500_8_1_.pngKleider Schnittmuster als PDF
...me/home_Schnittmuster_mantel_400x500.pngMantel und Jacken Schnittmuster als PDF oder Papierschnittbogen
/media/images/home/McCalls_April.jpgMc Call's Schnittmuster als PDF
...ges/home/SimplicityDL_Kachel_400x500.jpgSimplicity Schnittmuster als PDF
...ages/home/ButterickDL_Kachel_400x500.jpgButterick Schnittmuster als PDF
/media/images/home/Abo_Banner_1400x313.pngburda style Abo direkt abschließenburda style Abo
...ome/VOGUE_SIMPLICITY_BUTTERRICK_3_1_.pngburda style club

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
The H1 heading is empty
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Empty heading
H1 burda style – eine Marke von Hubert Burda Media
H2 Neue PDF-Schnitte
H2 Fertigschnittmuster
H2 burda style club: Jetzt club-Vorteile entdecken!
H2 Das Nähmagazin für Kreative
H3 Nähen lernen mit burda style
H3 Eine Marke, viele Magazine
H3 Schnitte als Downloads oder per Post: Im burda style Onlineshop
H3 Schnitte und Kollektionen
H3 Step-by-Step-Anleitungen
H4 Nie mehr den Faden verlieren!
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
1 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 12 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://www.burdastyle.de/Anchor Direkt zum Inhalt
/customer/account/create/Subdomain Einen Account erstellen
https://www.burdastyle.de/Subdomain IMG-ALT Logo von BurdaStyle
A-TITLE Logo von BurdaStyle
/wishlist/Subdomain A-TITLE Mein Wunschzettel
/customer/account/login/refere...Subdomain A-TITLE Konto
/checkout/cart/Subdomain A-TITLE Dein Warenkorb,
/schnittmusterSubdomain Schnittmuster
A-TITLE Schnittmuster
/schnittmuster/neuheitenSubdomain Neuheiten
A-TITLE Neuheiten
/schnittmuster/damenSubdomain Damen
/schnittmuster/damen/damen-neu...Subdomain Damen Neuheiten
A-TITLE Damen Neuheiten
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A-TITLE Oberteile
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A-TITLE Blusen
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A-TITLE Carmenbluse
/schnittmuster/damen/oberteile...Subdomain Hemdbluse
A-TITLE Hemdbluse
/schnittmuster/damen/oberteile...Subdomain Schlupfbluse
A-TITLE Schlupfbluse
/schnittmuster/damen/oberteile...Subdomain Schluppenbluse
A-TITLE Schluppenbluse
/schnittmuster/damen/oberteile...Subdomain Tunika & Longbluse
A-TITLE Tunika & Longbluse
/schnittmuster/damen/oberteile...Subdomain Wickelbluse
A-TITLE Wickelbluse
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A-TITLE Shirts & Tops
/schnittmuster/damen/oberteile...Subdomain Pullover & Cardigans
A-TITLE Pullover & Cardigans
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A-TITLE Kleider
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A-TITLE A-Linie Kleid
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A-TITLE Strickkleid
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A-TITLE Hemdblusenkleid
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A-TITLE Dirndl
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A-TITLE Jeanskleid
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A-TITLE Wickelkleid
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A-TITLE Etuikleid
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A-TITLE Shiftkleid
/schnittmuster/damen/kleider/t...Subdomain Tunikakleid
A-TITLE Tunikakleid
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/schnittmuster/damen/rockeSubdomain Röcke
/schnittmuster/damen/jacken-ma...Subdomain Jacken & Mäntel
A-TITLE Jacken & Mäntel
/schnittmuster/damen/jacken-ma...Subdomain Klassischer Mantel
A-TITLE Klassischer Mantel
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A-TITLE Jeansjacke
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A-TITLE Kurzjacke
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A-TITLE Blouson & Bomberjacke
/schnittmuster/damen/jacken-ma...Subdomain Bikerjacke
A-TITLE Bikerjacke
/schnittmuster/damen/jacken-ma...Subdomain Capes & Ponchos
A-TITLE Capes & Ponchos
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A-TITLE Dufflecoat
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A-TITLE Egg-Shape-Mantel
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A-TITLE Kastenjacke
/schnittmuster/damen/jacken-ma...Subdomain Maxi-Mantel
A-TITLE Maxi-Mantel
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A-TITLE Pelzmantel
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A-TITLE Blazer
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A-TITLE Westen
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A-TITLE Sportswear & Yoga
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A-TITLE Jumpsuits
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A-TITLE Homewear
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A-TITLE Nachtwäsche
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A-TITLE Bademode
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A-TITLE Anzüge & Kostüme
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A-TITLE Hosenanzüge
/schnittmuster/damen/umstandsmodeSubdomain Umstandsmode
A-TITLE Umstandsmode
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A-TITLE Kostüme & Fasching
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A-TITLE Herren
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A-TITLE Shirts & Longsleeves
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A-TITLE Hemden
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A-TITLE Pullover & Sweatjacken
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A-TITLE Jacken & Mäntel
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A-TITLE Homewear & Nachtwäsche
/schnittmuster/herren/bademode...Subdomain Bademode & Sportswear
A-TITLE Bademode & Sportswear
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A-TITLE Kinder
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A-TITLE Mädchen
/schnittmuster/kinder/madchen/...Subdomain Text duplicate Shirts & Tops
A-TITLE Shirts & Tops
/schnittmuster/kinder/madchen/...Subdomain Text duplicate Blusen
A-TITLE Blusen
/schnittmuster/kinder/madchen/...Subdomain Text duplicate Pullover & Cardigans
A-TITLE Pullover & Cardigans
/schnittmuster/kinder/madchen/...Subdomain Text duplicate Kleider
A-TITLE Kleider
/schnittmuster/kinder/madchen/...Subdomain Text duplicate Röcke
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A-TITLE Hosen & Shorts
/schnittmuster/kinder/madchen/...Subdomain Overalls
A-TITLE Overalls
/schnittmuster/kinder/madchen/...Subdomain Text duplicate Westen
A-TITLE Westen
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A-TITLE Jacken & Mäntel
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A-TITLE Trachten
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A-TITLE Homewear & Schlafanzüge
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A-TITLE Bademode & Badezubehör
/schnittmuster/kinder/madchen/...Subdomain Text duplicate Kostüme & Fasching
A-TITLE Kostüme & Fasching
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A-TITLE Accessoires
/schnittmuster/kinder/madchen/...Subdomain Hüte & Mützen
A-TITLE Hüte & Mützen
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A-TITLE Taschen & Rucksäcke
/schnittmuster/kinder/madchen/...Subdomain Kinderschürzen
A-TITLE Kinderschürzen
/schnittmuster/kinder/jungenSubdomain Jungen
A-TITLE Jungen
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A-TITLE Shirts & Tops
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A-TITLE Hemden
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A-TITLE Pullover & Cardigans
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A-TITLE Sakkos & Anzüge
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A-TITLE Shorts
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A-TITLE Overall
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A-TITLE Westen
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A-TITLE Jacken & Mäntel
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A-TITLE Trachten
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A-TITLE Homewear & Schlafanzüge
/schnittmuster/kinder/jungen/b...Subdomain Text duplicate Bademode & Badezubehör
A-TITLE Bademode & Badezubehör
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A-TITLE Kostüme & Fasching
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A-TITLE Accessoires
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A-TITLE Hüte & Mützen
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A-TITLE Taschen & Rucksäcke
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A-TITLE Bekleidung
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A-TITLE Bodies
/schnittmuster/kinder/baby/bek...Subdomain Strampler
A-TITLE Strampler
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A-TITLE Shirts & Pullover
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A-TITLE Jacken & Mäntel
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/schnittmuster/kinder/baby/bek...Subdomain Text duplicate Kleider
A-TITLE Kleider
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A-TITLE Wäsche & Bademode
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A-TITLE Kostüme & Fasching
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A-TITLE Accessoires
/schnittmuster/kinder/baby/aus...Subdomain Ausstattung
A-TITLE Ausstattung
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A-TITLE Aufbewahrung & Organizer
/schnittmuster/kinder/baby/aus...Subdomain Tragetücher & Stilltücher
A-TITLE Tragetücher & Stilltücher
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A-TITLE Einrichtung & Ausstattung
/schnittmuster/kinder/spielzeugSubdomain Spielzeug
A-TITLE Spielzeug
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A-TITLE Puppenkleider
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A-TITLE Kuscheltiere
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A-TITLE Sale %
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A-TITLE Kleider Sale
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A-TITLE Jacken & Mäntel Sale
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A-TITLE Oberteile Sale
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A-TITLE Hosen & Röcke Sale
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A-TITLE Bestseller
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A-TITLE Nähanleitungen
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A-TITLE Bekleidung
/schnittmuster/nahanleitungen/...Subdomain Text duplicate Accessoires
A-TITLE Accessoires
/schnittmuster/nahanleitungen/...Subdomain Wohnen
A-TITLE Wohnen
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A-TITLE Kostenlose Schnittmuster Nähanleitungen
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A-TITLE Magazine
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A-TITLE burda style
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A-TITLE burda easy
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A-TITLE burda curvy
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A-TITLE burda stricken
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A-TITLE burda beginner
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A-TITLE burda kids
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A-TITLE burda baby
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A-TITLE burda accessoires
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A-TITLE burda best of
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A-TITLE nähen, gewusst wie
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A-TITLE burda Naehbücher
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A-TITLE Stricken & Häkeln
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A-TITLE Stricken
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A-TITLE Pullover
/stricken-haekeln/stricken/dam...Subdomain Pullunder
A-TITLE Pullunder
/stricken-haekeln/stricken/dam...Subdomain Strickjacken
A-TITLE Strickjacken
/stricken-haekeln/stricken/dam...Subdomain Text duplicate Kleider
A-TITLE Kleider
/stricken-haekeln/stricken/dam...Subdomain Top
/stricken-haekeln/stricken/dam...Subdomain Poncho
A-TITLE Poncho
/stricken-haekeln/stricken/dam...Subdomain Shirts
A-TITLE Shirts
/stricken-haekeln/stricken/herrenSubdomain Text duplicate Herren
A-TITLE Herren
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A-TITLE Kinder
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A-TITLE Accessoires
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A-TITLE Wohnen
/stricken-haekeln/haekelnSubdomain Häkeln
A-TITLE Häkeln
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A-TITLE Bekleidung
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A-TITLE Accessoires & Wohnen
/nahzubehorSubdomain Nähzubehör
A-TITLE Nähzubehör
/nahzubehor/nahenSubdomain Nähen
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A-TITLE Lernmaterial
/nahzubehor/heritage-kollektionSubdomain Heritage Kollektion
A-TITLE Heritage Kollektion
https://burdastyle-abo.de/?hnr...External Abo
https://burdastyle-abo.de/burd...External Club
/stoffe-kaufenSubdomain Stoffe
A-TITLE Stoffe
/burda-style-01-25Subdomain IMG-ALT Banner_HP_EVT_1400x450_HP
/burda-style-01-25New window Subdomain IMG-ALT burda style Nähmagazin
/schnittmuster?model_issue=472...Subdomain Zu den Schnitten
A-TITLE burda style 01/25
/burda-schnittmuster-damen-lan...New window Subdomain A-TITLE burda Schnittmuster Damen Langarmshirt #111
/burda-schnittmuster-madchen-t...New window Subdomain A-TITLE burda Schnittmuster Damen Trägerrock
/burda-schnittmuster-damen-ste...New window Subdomain A-TITLE burda Schnittmuster Damen Steppjacke
/burda-schnittmuster-damen-str...New window Subdomain A-TITLE burda Schnittmuster Damen Streifenkleid
/burda-schnittmuster-damen-pai...New window Subdomain A-TITLE burda Schnittmuster Damen Paillettenminikleid
/burda-schnittmuster-madchen-m...New window Subdomain A-TITLE burda Schnittmuster Mädchen Minikleid
/burda-schnittmuster-damen-pai...New window Subdomain A-TITLE burda Schnittmuster Damen Paillettenblazer
/schnittmuster?model_issue=472...Subdomain No Text
/burda-easy-04-24Subdomain IMG-ALT burda easy Nähmagazin 4/2024
/schnittmuster?brand_name=4076...Subdomain burda easy Schnitte entdecken
A-TITLE burda easy 03/24 schnittmuster
/schnittmuster?delivery_method...Subdomain IMG-ALT Mobile_banner_home_470x590_11_1_
/burda-schnittmuster-damen-jac...New window Subdomain A-TITLE burda Schnittmuster Damen Folklore-Bluse mit Blumenmuster 10/24 #103 Gr. 36-48
/burda-schnittmuster-damen-mid...Subdomain A-TITLE burda Schnittmuster Damen Midikleider mit Gürtel, Langarm mit Manschetten #5777 Gr. 36-46
/burda-schnittmuster-damen-kur...Subdomain A-TITLE burda Schnittmuster Damen Kurzjacke & Mantel mit Cape-Effekt #5769 Gr. 36-46
/burda-schnittmuster-damen-mar...Subdomain A-TITLE burda Schnittmuster Damen Marlene-Hosen #5801 Gr. 36-46
/burda-schnittmuster-damen-roc...Subdomain A-TITLE burda Schnittmuster Damen Röcke mit Seitenschlitz: Minirock, Jacquard-Rock, Bleistiftrock #5773 Gr. 34-48
/schnittmuster?delivery_method...Subdomain Fertigschnittmuster entdecken
A-TITLE burda style Katalogschnitte H/W
/burdabeginnerNew window Subdomain IMG-ALT burda beginner home edition kostenlose anleitungen
/burdabeginnerNew window Subdomain Kostenlose PDF-Anleitungen
A-TITLE burda beginner home edition kostenlose anleitungen
/magazine/burda-styleSubdomain IMG-ALT burda-style-S
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A-TITLE burda curvy Magazin
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A-TITLE Curvy Schnittmuster
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A-TITLE Brautkleider Schnittmuster
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A-TITLE Brautkleider Schnittmuster
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A-TITLE Kinder Schnittmuster
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A-TITLE burda easy Schnittmuster
https://www.burdastyle.de/clubSubdomain IMG-ALT burda style club
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https://www.burdastyle.de/clubSubdomain Text duplicate >> Mehr erfahren!
A-TITLE burda style club Abo-Vorteile entdecken!
/magazineSubdomain >> ALLE NÄHMAGAZINE ANSEHEN
A-TITLE Magazine
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A-TITLE Papier-Schnittmuster per Post
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A-TITLE Download-Schnittmuster
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A-TITLE Mützen Schnittmuster
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/diy-weihnachten-naehideen-hae...Subdomain >> Weihnachtliche Näh- und Geschenkideeen
A-TITLE Sommerkleider Schnittmuster
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/schnittmuster/damen/jacken-ma...Subdomain >> Mäntel und Jacken zum Selbernähen
A-TITLE Mantel Jacken Schnittmuster
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A-TITLE Nähmagazine burda
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A-TITLE Schnittmuster PDF downloaden
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A-TITLE Schnittmuster Postversand
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A-TITLE A0 Schnittmuster zum Ploten
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A-TITLE burda curvy schnitte
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A-TITLE Bestseller Sommerschnitte
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A-TITLE Bestseller Sommerschnitte
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/schnittmuster?brand_name=4168Subdomain >> Zu den Vogue Schnitten
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/Newsletter-AnmeldungSubdomain Newsletter abonnieren & 15% Rabatt erhalten >>
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https://burdastyle-abo.de/?hnr...New window External Magazin im Abo erhalten & attraktive Prämie sichern >>
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https://www.burdastyle.de/contactSubdomain Kontaktiere uns >>
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A-TITLE burda style club
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A-TITLE Alle Download-Schnitte
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burda Schnittmuster79%Check
Im burda69%Check
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burda stricken67%Check
Marke burda style67%Check

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