- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
2.90 s
File size
464.40 kB
Media files
Number of links
658 internal / 0 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
The page title is too short. (104 pixels of 580 max pixel length) Optimize title
The page title is only one word.
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
The meta description is empty.
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de-de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de-de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1

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Page quality

(Critically important)
There are 3 text duplicates on this page:
  • Duplicate: Altlagerware: Noten ungebraucht, aber wegen lange Lagerzeit können Spu...
This page contains 3212 words. That's ok.
19.9% of the text are stop words.
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
16 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
The average number of words per sentence of 11.94 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Empty bold or strong tags were found on this page.
The following tag is repeated too often: ismn:
Some tags are too long. With 191 characters this one is longer than 70 characters:
"unser bester wandhalter: die beweglichen bügel passen sich selbstklemmend jeder gitarre beim einhängen..."
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
9 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/img/cms/icon_cms1.pngNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/icon_cms2.pngNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/icon_cms3.pngNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/icon_cms4.pngNo alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64Boccherini Sonate
data:[...] Base649 Sonate facili del barocco...
data:[...] Base648 morceaux op. 39 für...
data:[...] Base64Mozart für Violine und Cello
data:[...] Base64Wedding Music für 2 Violinen
data:[...] Base64Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel, 2...
data:[...] Base64J.S. Bach, 20 Duette
data:[...] Base64Duos für festliche Anlässe...
data:[...] Base64Duos verschiedenster Länder...
data:[...] Base64Ausstecher Violinschlüssel,...
data:[...] Base64Violine-Ausstecher
data:[...] Base64Das frohe Rheinlieder-Buch...
data:[...] Base64GEWA Violinkoffer Idea 2.0
data:[...] Base64GEWA Idea 1.8 Carbon...
data:[...] Base64GEWA Violinkoffer Air...
data:[...] Base64GEWA Violinkoffer Air...
data:[...] Base64GEWA Violinkoffer Air...
data:[...] Base64GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1...
data:[...] Base64GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1...
data:[...] Base64GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1...
data:[...] Base64GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1...
data:[...] Base64GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1...
data:[...] Base64GEWA Air 2.1 Violincase...
data:[...] Base64GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1...
data:[...] Base64GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1...
data:[...] Base64GEWA Concert Ukulele Manoa...
data:[...] Base64GEWA Sopran Ukulele Manoa M-SO
data:[...] Base64GEWA Concert Ukulele Manoa...
data:[...] Base64UniBoy für Bücher, Hefte...
data:[...] Base64Cantilena
data:[...] Base64Thomastik DOMINANT Violine...
data:[...] Base6416280 Gitarren-Wandhalter
data:[...] Base64Kaplan AMO Violinsaite E 4/4
data:[...] Base64Kaplan VIVO Violinsaite E 4/4
data:[...] Base64Brahms Johannes Ungarischer...
data:[...] Base64Jargar "Superior"...
data:[...] Base64Thomastik DOMINANT Violine...
data:[...] Base64Thomastik DOMINANT Violine,...
data:[...] Base64Guitar Kapodaster K&M
data:[...] Base64Royal OAK Viola Kolophonium...
data:[...] Base64Spiel und Spaß mit der...
data:[...] Base64Schradieck Heinrich Schule...
data:[...] Base6416250 Gitarren-Wandhalter
data:[...] Base64Schürze "All I Need Is Music"
data:[...] Base6416590 Ukulele-Wandhalter
data:[...] Base64Thomastik DOMINANT...
data:[...] Base6417595 Ukulele-/Violinen...
data:[...] Base64K&M Kapodaster für Western-...
data:[...] Base64K&M Kapodaster für...
data:[...] Base64KORG Stimmgerät,...
data:[...] Base6430920 Kapodaster
data:[...] Base64Melos Kolophonium für...
data:[...] Base64Melos Kolophonium für...
data:[...] Base64Die fröhliche Violine 1 +...
data:[...] Base64ECG23 Chromes Flat...
data:[...] Base64Spielbuch für ein...
data:[...] Base64KORG CA - 2 Chromatic Tuner
data:[...] Base64D´Addario Prelude Medium...
data:[...] Base64Thomastik-Infeld Dominant...
data:[...] Base64D'Addario Helicore 4/4... alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided
data:[...] Base64Thomastik Dominant...
data:[...] Base64Pirastro CHROMCOR...
data:[...] Base64Pirastro CHROMCOR...
data:[...] Base64Pirastro CHROMCOR...
data:[...] Base64Pirastro CHROMCOR...
data:[...] Base64Pirastro PASSIONE SOLO...
data:[...] Base64Thomastik Infeld Rondo...
data:[...] Base64LIEBENZELLER Kolophonium...
data:[...] Base64Aulos C-Sopran Blockflöte...
data:[...] Base64Moeck Flauto 1 Plus 1023
data:[...] Base64Wittner Piccolo Feinstimmer...
data:[...] Base64Moeck Flauto 1 Plus 1020
data:[...] Base64Bleistift schwarz/gold -...
data:[...] Base64Radiergummi in...
data:[...] Base64Lineal Klaviertastatur 15cm...
data:[...] Base64Pirastro NO.1 Universal...
data:[...] Base64Petz Mikrofaser Reinigungstuch
data:[...] Base64Larsen TZIGANE Violinsaiten...
data:[...] Base64Pirastro OBLIGATO...
data:[...] Base64Jargar Cellosaite Classic A
data:[...] Base64WITTNER antiallergic...
.../cms/philharmonicashop-zahlungsarten.jpgNo alt attribute provided

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Violinen kaufen
The H1 heading is too short (15 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 103 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Violinen kaufen
H1 Noten kaufen
H1 Violen kaufen
H1 Saiten kaufen
H2 Kontaktieren Sie uns
H2 Information
H2 Information  
H2 Kundenkonto
H2 Kundenkonto  
H3 Kostenloser Versand
H3 Schneller Versand
H3 100% Sicher bezahlen
H3 Kompetente Beratung
H3 Boccherini Sonate
H3 9 Sonate facili del barocco italiano
H3 8 morceaux op. 39 für Violine und Celllo
H3 Mozart für Violine und Cello
H3 Wedding Music für 2 Violinen
H3 Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel, 2 Duos op.70
H3 J.S. Bach, 20 Duette
H3 Duos für festliche Anlässe und besinnliche Stunden
H3 Duos verschiedenster Länder Band 1
H3 Ausstecher Violinschlüssel, Notenschlüssel, 5,5 cm
H3 Zum Ausstechen von Teig, Fondant oder Marzipan. Auch geeignet zum Basteln oder Modellieren mit bspw. Knetmasse, Salzteig oder Fimo.
H3 Violine-Ausstecher
H3 Das frohe Rheinlieder-Buch Band 2
H3 GEWA Violinkoffer Idea 2.0
H3 GEWA Idea 1.8 Carbon Violinkoffer
H3 GEWA Violinkoffer Air Avantgarde schwarz
H3 GEWA Violinkoffer Air Avantgarde grün
H3 GEWA Violinkoffer Air Avantgarde bordeaux
H3 GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1 Silber metallic
H3 GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1 Braun
H3 GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1 Schwarz matt,...
H3 GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1 Weiß matt
H3 GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1 Violett/Hochglanz
H3 GEWA Air 2.1 Violincase 4/4 Rot hochglanz
H3 GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1 beige hochglanz
H3 GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1 Weiß Hochglanz
H3 GEWA Concert Ukulele Manoa Maui
H3 GEWA Sopran Ukulele Manoa M-SO
H3 GEWA Concert Ukulele Manoa Tiki
H3 UniBoy für Bücher, Hefte und Notenpapier
H3 Cantilena
H3 Thomastik DOMINANT Violine E, Kugel/Stahl 4/4
H3 16280 Gitarren-Wandhalter
H3 Kaplan AMO Violinsaite E 4/4
H3 Kaplan VIVO Violinsaite E 4/4
H3 Brahms Johannes Ungarischer Tanz 5
H3 Jargar "Superior" Violinsaite E 4/4
H3 Thomastik DOMINANT Violine E Alu 4/4-1/4
H3 Thomastik DOMINANT Violine, E Alu 4/4
H3 Guitar Kapodaster K&M
H3 Royal OAK Viola Kolophonium Standard
H3 Spiel und Spaß mit der Blockflöte 2 | Spielbuch
H3 Schradieck Heinrich Schule der Violintechnik 2
H3 16250 Gitarren-Wandhalter
H3 Schürze "All I Need Is Music"
H3 16590 Ukulele-Wandhalter
H3 Thomastik DOMINANT Violinsaite A 4/4-1/4
H3 17595 Ukulele-/Violinen Ständer
H3 K&M Kapodaster für Western- und E-Gitarre
H3 K&M Kapodaster für klassische Gitarre
H3 KORG Stimmgerät, chromatisch, Griptune, Clip-On, schwarz
H3 30920 Kapodaster
H3 Melos Kolophonium für Violine - Dunkel
H3 Melos Kolophonium für Violine - hell
H3 Die fröhliche Violine 1 + Spielbuch
H3 ECG23 Chromes Flat Wound,Extra Light, 10-48
H3 Spielbuch für ein Melodi-Instrument und Klavier
H3 KORG CA - 2 Chromatic Tuner
H3 D´Addario Prelude Medium Violinsatz
H3 Thomastik-Infeld Dominant PRO Violine A 4/4
H3 D'Addario Helicore 4/4 Cello A-Saite
H3 Thomastik Dominant Violasaiten Satz 4/4
H3 Pirastro CHROMCOR Violinsaite A 3/4-1/2
H3 Pirastro CHROMCOR Violinsaite D 3/4-1/2
H3 Pirastro CHROMCOR Violinsaite G 3/4-1/2
H3 Pirastro CHROMCOR Violinsaiten Satz 4/4
H3 Pirastro PASSIONE SOLO Violine E-Saite 4/4
H3 Thomastik Infeld Rondo Experience(R) Cello A -...
H3 LIEBENZELLER Kolophonium Gold IV für Cello
H3 Aulos C-Sopran Blockflöte Elite 302A
H3 Moeck Flauto 1 Plus 1023
H3 Wittner Piccolo Feinstimmer für Violine
H3 Moeck Flauto 1 Plus 1020
H3 Bleistift schwarz/gold - Notenmix
H3 Radiergummi in Violinschlüsselform
H3 Lineal Klaviertastatur 15cm - transparent
H3 Pirastro NO.1 Universal Violinsaite E
H3 Petz Mikrofaser Reinigungstuch
H3 Larsen TZIGANE Violinsaiten Satz 4/4
H3 Pirastro OBLIGATO Violinsaiten A-D-G 4/4
H3 Jargar Cellosaite Classic A
H3 WITTNER antiallergic Kinnhalter für Violine zentriert
H4 Unsere neuen Produkte
H4 Zum Ausstechen von Teig, Fondant oder Marzipan. Auch geeignet zum Basteln oder Modellieren mit bspw. Knetmasse, Salzteig oder Fimo. Duplicate text
H4 Top Angebot
H4 Unsere Angebote
H4 Empty heading
H4 Ausgewählte Produkte
H4 Bestsellers
H4 Ihre Vorteile
There are too many internal links (656) on this page.
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
60 links don't have an anchor text.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are no external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/mein-KontoSubdomain Anmelden
/module/poswishlist/mywishlistSubdomain Wishlist 0 IMG-ALT Geigenland
/3-instrumenteSubdomain Instrumente
/3-instrumenteSubdomain Text duplicate Instrumente
/10-violinenSubdomain Violinen
/11-violenSubdomain Violen
/14-blockflotenSubdomain Blockflöten
/312-maultrommelnSubdomain Maultrommeln
/313-percussionSubdomain Percussion
/319-mundharmonikaSubdomain Mundharmonika
/504-orff-instrumente-orff-ins...Subdomain Orff - Instrumente / Orff - Instrumentarium
/586-ukuleleSubdomain Ukulele
/666-querfloetenSubdomain Querflöten
/672-e-gitarreSubdomain E-Gitarre
/6-saitenSubdomain Saiten
/35-geigensaitenSubdomain Geigensaiten
/41-pirastroSubdomain Pirastro
/42-thomastikSubdomain Thomastik
/43-larsenSubdomain Larsen
/45-corelliSubdomain Corelli
/46-lenznerSubdomain Lenzner
/55-jargarSubdomain Jargar
/261-kaplanSubdomain Kaplan
/285-westminsterSubdomain Westminster
/44-d-addario-helicoreSubdomain D'Addario Helicore
/544-d-addario-preludeSubdomain D'Addario Prelude
/469-daddario-electric-stringsSubdomain D´addario Electric Strings
/106-fur-kleine-geigenSubdomain für kleine Geigen
/245-angeboteSubdomain Angebote
/36-bratschensaitenSubdomain Bratschensaiten
/48-pirastroSubdomain Text duplicate Pirastro
/49-thomastikSubdomain Text duplicate Thomastik
/50-larsenSubdomain Text duplicate Larsen
/51-d-addarioSubdomain D'Addario
/52-jargarSubdomain Text duplicate Jargar
/54-fur-kleine-bratschenSubdomain für kleine Bratschen
/208-primSubdomain Prim
/262-angeboteSubdomain Text duplicate Angebote
/37-cellosaitenSubdomain Cellosaiten
/115-pirastroSubdomain Text duplicate Pirastro
/116-thomastikSubdomain Text duplicate Thomastik
/144-larsenSubdomain Text duplicate Larsen
/145-jargarSubdomain Text duplicate Jargar
/146-primSubdomain Text duplicate Prim
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/148-corelliSubdomain Text duplicate Corelli
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/263-angeboteSubdomain Text duplicate Angebote
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/249-konzertgitarreSubdomain Konzertgitarre
/252-westerngitarreSubdomain Westerngitarre
/257-e-gitarreSubdomain Text duplicate E-Gitarre
/355-fur-kleine-gitarrenSubdomain für kleine Gitarren
/38-kontrabasssaitenSubdomain Kontrabasssaiten
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/118-thomastikSubdomain Text duplicate Thomastik
/204-fur-kleine-basseSubdomain für kleine Bässe
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/264-angeboteSubdomain Text duplicate Angebote
/455-d-addarioSubdomain Text duplicate D'Addario
/462-lagerwareSubdomain Lagerware
/5-etuis-hullenSubdomain Etuis & Hüllen
/56-violineSubdomain Violine
/57-kofferetuisSubdomain Kofferetuis
/61-formetuisSubdomain Formetuis
/215-zubehor-fur-violinkofferSubdomain Zubehör für Violinkoffer
/243-angeboteSubdomain Text duplicate Angebote
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/65-violaSubdomain Viola
/71-kofferetuisSubdomain Text duplicate Kofferetuis
/72-formetuisSubdomain Text duplicate Formetuis
/216-zubehor-fur-violakofferSubdomain Zubehör für Violakoffer
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/69-celloetuisSubdomain Celloetuis
/70-cellohullenSubdomain Cellohüllen
/297-zubehor-fur-celloetuisSubdomain Zubehör für Celloetuis
/67-kontrabassSubdomain Kontrabass
/98-jakob-winterSubdomain Jakob Winter Bögen Text duplicate Bögen
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/509-violaSubdomain Text duplicate Viola
/510-celloSubdomain Text duplicate Cello
/7-zubehorSubdomain Zubehör
/126-zubehor-fur-violineSubdomain Zubehör für Violine
/130-kinnhalterSubdomain Kinnhalter
/608-kinnhalterschraubenSubdomain Kinnhalterschrauben
/131-schulterstutzeSubdomain Schulterstütze
/132-saitenhalterSubdomain Saitenhalter
/133-kolophoniumSubdomain Kolophonium
/134-feinstimmerSubdomain Feinstimmer
/135-dampferSubdomain Dämpfer
/293-kinnhalter-zubehorSubdomain Kinnhalter Zubehör
/336-violinstanderSubdomain Violinständer
/481-stimmgeraetSubdomain Stimmgerät
/493-bogenkorrektorSubdomain Bogenkorrektor
/127-zubehor-fur-violaSubdomain Zubehör für Viola
/136-kinnhalterSubdomain Text duplicate Kinnhalter
/607-kinnhalterschraubenSubdomain Text duplicate Kinnhalterschrauben
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/141-dampferSubdomain Text duplicate Dämpfer
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/142-kolophoniumSubdomain Text duplicate Kolophonium
/155-saitenhalterSubdomain Text duplicate Saitenhalter
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/159-parkettschonerSubdomain Parkettschoner
/290-dampferSubdomain Text duplicate Dämpfer
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/490-cellostaenderSubdomain Celloständer
/129-zubehor-fur-kontrabassSubdomain Zubehör für Kontrabass
/143-kolophoniumSubdomain Text duplicate Kolophonium
/154-saitenhalterSubdomain Text duplicate Saitenhalter
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/300-kapodasterSubdomain Kapodaster
/301-gitarrenstanderSubdomain Gitarrenständer
/295-zubehor-fur-blockfloteSubdomain Zubehör für Blockflöte
/151-metronomeSubdomain Metronome
/152-stimmgerateSubdomain Stimmgeräte
/153-notenstanderSubdomain Notenständer
/282-pultleuchtenSubdomain Pultleuchten
/298-zubehor-fur-pultleuchtenSubdomain Zubehör für Pultleuchten
/289-reinigung-und-pflegeSubdomain Reinigung und Pflege
/291-griffhilfenSubdomain Griffhilfen
/8-noten-bucherSubdomain Noten & Bücher
/224-violineSubdomain Text duplicate Violine
/229-violinschulenSubdomain Violinschulen
/246-etuedenSubdomain Etüden
/358-leichte-spielliteraturSubdomain Leichte Spielliteratur
/359-mittelschwere-spielliteraturSubdomain Mittelschwere Spielliteratur
/360-schwere-spielliteraturSubdomain Schwere Spielliteratur
/394-konzertSubdomain Konzert
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/225-violaSubdomain Text duplicate Viola
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/304-leichte-spielliteraturSubdomain Text duplicate Leichte Spielliteratur
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/353-etuedenSubdomain Text duplicate Etüden
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/226-celloSubdomain Text duplicate Cello
/231-celloschuleSubdomain Celloschule
/302-etuedenSubdomain Text duplicate Etüden
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/305-spielliteraturSubdomain Text duplicate Spielliteratur
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/322-wochenangeboteSubdomain Wochenangebote
/496-lagerwareSubdomain Text duplicate Lagerware
/241-blockfloteSubdomain Blockflöte
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/364-gitarreSubdomain Gitarre No Text
/227-kontrabassSubdomain Text duplicate Kontrabass No Text
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/388-klarinetteSubdomain Klarinette
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/316-linealeSubdomain Lineale
/317-mappchenSubdomain Mäppchen
/318-klebebanderSubdomain Klebebänder
/326-notizenSubdomain Notizen
/357-kartenSubdomain Karten
/323-accessoiresSubdomain Accessoires
/371-schmuckSubdomain Schmuck
/324-backen-und-geschirrSubdomain Backen und Geschirr
/327-schirmeSubdomain Schirme
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/warenkorb?action=showSubdomain Kasse
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/3-instrumenteSubdomain Text duplicate Instrumente
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/11-violenSubdomain Text duplicate Violen
/14-blockflotenSubdomain Text duplicate Blockflöten
/312-maultrommelnSubdomain Text duplicate Maultrommeln
/313-percussionSubdomain Text duplicate Percussion
/319-mundharmonikaSubdomain Text duplicate Mundharmonika
/504-orff-instrumente-orff-ins...Subdomain Text duplicate Orff - Instrumente / Orff - Instrumentarium
/586-ukuleleSubdomain Text duplicate Ukulele
/666-querfloetenSubdomain Text duplicate Querflöten
/672-e-gitarreSubdomain Text duplicate E-Gitarre
/6-saitenSubdomain Text duplicate Saiten
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/43-larsenSubdomain Text duplicate Larsen
/45-corelliSubdomain Text duplicate Corelli
/46-lenznerSubdomain Text duplicate Lenzner
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/261-kaplanSubdomain Text duplicate Kaplan
/285-westminsterSubdomain Text duplicate Westminster
/44-d-addario-helicoreSubdomain Text duplicate D'Addario Helicore
/544-d-addario-preludeSubdomain Text duplicate D'Addario Prelude
/469-daddario-electric-stringsSubdomain Text duplicate D´addario Electric Strings
/106-fur-kleine-geigenSubdomain Text duplicate für kleine Geigen
/245-angeboteSubdomain Text duplicate Angebote
/36-bratschensaitenSubdomain Text duplicate Bratschensaiten
/48-pirastroSubdomain Text duplicate Pirastro
/49-thomastikSubdomain Text duplicate Thomastik
/50-larsenSubdomain Text duplicate Larsen
/51-d-addarioSubdomain Text duplicate D'Addario
/52-jargarSubdomain Text duplicate Jargar
/54-fur-kleine-bratschenSubdomain Text duplicate für kleine Bratschen
/208-primSubdomain Text duplicate Prim
/262-angeboteSubdomain Text duplicate Angebote
/37-cellosaitenSubdomain Text duplicate Cellosaiten
/115-pirastroSubdomain Text duplicate Pirastro
/116-thomastikSubdomain Text duplicate Thomastik
/144-larsenSubdomain Text duplicate Larsen
/145-jargarSubdomain Text duplicate Jargar
/146-primSubdomain Text duplicate Prim
/147-helicoreSubdomain Text duplicate Helicore
/148-corelliSubdomain Text duplicate Corelli
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/39-gitarrensaitenSubdomain Text duplicate Gitarrensaiten
/249-konzertgitarreSubdomain Text duplicate Konzertgitarre
/252-westerngitarreSubdomain Text duplicate Westerngitarre
/257-e-gitarreSubdomain Text duplicate E-Gitarre
/355-fur-kleine-gitarrenSubdomain Text duplicate für kleine Gitarren
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A-TITLE Boccherini Sonate
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A-TITLE 9 Sonate facili del barocco italiano
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A-TITLE 8 morceaux op. 39 für Violine und Celllo
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A-TITLE Wedding Music für 2 Violinen
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A-TITLE J.S. Bach, 20 Duette
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A-TITLE Duos verschiedenster Länder Band 1
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A-TITLE Ausstecher Violinschlüssel, Notenschlüssel, 5,5 cm
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A-TITLE Violine-Ausstecher
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A-TITLE Das frohe Rheinlieder-Buch Band 2
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A-TITLE GEWA Violinkoffer Idea 2.0
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A-TITLE GEWA Idea 1.8 Carbon Violinkoffer
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A-TITLE GEWA Violinkoffer Air Avantgarde schwarz
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A-TITLE GEWA Violinkoffer Air Avantgarde grün
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A-TITLE GEWA Violinkoffer Air Avantgarde bordeaux
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A-TITLE GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1 Silber metallic
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A-TITLE GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1 Braun
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A-TITLE GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1 Schwarz matt, Geigenkasten
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A-TITLE GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1 Weiß matt
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A-TITLE GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1 Violett/Hochglanz
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A-TITLE GEWA Air 2.1 Violincase 4/4 Rot hochglanz
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A-TITLE GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1 beige hochglanz
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A-TITLE GEWA Violinkoffer Air 2.1 Weiß Hochglanz
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A-TITLE GEWA Concert Ukulele Manoa Maui
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A-TITLE GEWA Sopran Ukulele Manoa M-SO
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A-TITLE GEWA Concert Ukulele Manoa Tiki
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A-TITLE Cantilena
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A-TITLE Thomastik DOMINANT Violine E, Kugel/Stahl 4/4
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A-TITLE Kaplan AMO Violinsaite E 4/4
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A-TITLE Kaplan VIVO Violinsaite E 4/4
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A-TITLE Brahms Johannes Ungarischer Tanz 5
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A-TITLE Jargar "Superior" Violinsaite E 4/4
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A-TITLE Thomastik DOMINANT Violine E Alu 4/4-1/4
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A-TITLE Thomastik DOMINANT Violine, E Alu 4/4
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A-TITLE Guitar Kapodaster K&M
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A-TITLE Royal OAK Viola Kolophonium Standard
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A-TITLE Schradieck Heinrich Schule der Violintechnik 2
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A-TITLE 16590 Ukulele-Wandhalter
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A-TITLE Thomastik DOMINANT Violinsaite A 4/4-1/4
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A-TITLE 17595 Ukulele-/Violinen Ständer
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A-TITLE K&M Kapodaster für klassische Gitarre
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A-TITLE 30920 Kapodaster
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A-TITLE Melos Kolophonium für Violine - Dunkel
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A-TITLE Melos Kolophonium für Violine - hell
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A-TITLE Pirastro CHROMCOR Violinsaiten Satz 4/4
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A-TITLE Pirastro PASSIONE SOLO Violine E-Saite 4/4
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A-TITLE Thomastik Infeld Rondo Experience(R) Cello A - Saite
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A-TITLE LIEBENZELLER Kolophonium Gold IV für Cello
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A-TITLE Wittner Piccolo Feinstimmer für Violine
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A-TITLE Bleistift schwarz/gold - Notenmix
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A-TITLE Radiergummi in Violinschlüsselform
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A-TITLE Lineal Klaviertastatur 15cm - transparent
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A-TITLE Pirastro NO.1 Universal Violinsaite E
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A-TITLE Petz Mikrofaser Reinigungstuch
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A-TITLE Larsen TZIGANE Violinsaiten Satz 4/4
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A-TITLE Pirastro OBLIGATO Violinsaiten A-D-G 4/4
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A-TITLE Jargar Cellosaite Classic A
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