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...079/muzika-abb-125-band1-detail-200x.jpg | Love verse in Roman cursive | |
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...5943/muzika-abb-96-band1-detail-200x.jpg | Roman Uncial Script | |
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...467/muzika-abb-105-band1-detail-200x.jpg | Roman Uncial Script | |
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...717/muzika-abb-110-band1-detail-200x.jpg | Roman Capitalis Quadrata | |
...6844/vergilius-vaticanus-detail-200x.jpg | Rustic Capitals from “Vergilius Vaticanus” | |
...6981/muzika-abb-99-band1-detail-200x.jpg | Capitalis from “Vergils Aeneis” | |
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...255/muzika-abb-145-band1-detail-200x.jpg | Carolingian Minuscle from the “Homilien of St. Maximus” | |
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...527/muzika-abb-140-band1-detail-200x.jpg | Uncial Script | |
...350/st-cuthbert-gospel-detail-1-200x.jpg | Uncial from St. Cuthbert’s Gospel | |
...uzika-abb-174-detail-1000x650px-200x.jpg | Early Carolingian Minuscule | |
...651/matthaeus-evangelium-detail-200x.jpg | Irish Half-Uncial from the “Gospel of Matthew” | |
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...613/muzika-abb-138-band1-detail-200x.jpg | Square Capital (ornamental shape) | |
...55291720/book-of-kells-detail-1-200x.jpg | Irish Semi-Uncials from the “Book of Kells” | |
...uzika-abb-177-detail-1000x650px-200x.jpg | Carolingian Minuscule from “The Life of St. Martin” | |
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...819/muzika-abb-136-band1-detail-200x.jpg | Square Capitals | |
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...933/muzika-abb-202-band1-detail-200x.jpg | Gothic Book Minuscule | |
...uzika-abb-180-detail-1000x650px-200x.jpg | Carolingian Minuscule from 12th century homilies | |
...023/muzika-abb-165-band1-detail-200x.jpg | Curial Minuscule | |
...a-beneventana-breviary-detail-1-200x.jpg | Beneventana from the Brevier of Montecassino | |
...660950490/nibelungenlied-detail-200x.jpg | Early Gothic Minuscule from the Nibelungen Manuscript C | |
...195/muzika-abb-155-band1-detail-200x.jpg | Littera Beneventana | |
...salterium-schaffhausen-detail-1-200x.jpg | Early Gothic Minuscule from the Psalterium from Schaffhausen | |
...694005693/florentiner-urkunde-1-200x.jpg | Italian Chancery Script | |
...he-majuskel-grabplatte-detail-1-200x.jpg | Early Gothic Majuscule of a tomb slab | |
...91615/alphonso-psalter-detail-1-200x.jpg | Textura from the “Alphonso-Psalter” | |
...codex-manesse-detail-1000x650px-200x.jpg | Textura from the “Codex Manesse” | |
...ikal-von-metz-detail-1000x650px-200x.jpg | Textura from the Metz Pontifical | |
...he-majuskel-bauinschrift-detail-200x.jpg | Gothic Majuscule of a Building Inscription | |
...3019437/elms-weltchronik-detail-200x.jpg | Textura from the Chronicle of the World by Rudolf von Ems | |
...766/muzika-abb-182-band1-detail-200x.jpg | Gothic Majuscle | |
...sche-kursive-plenarium-detail-1-200x.jpg | Gothic Cursive from a Plenarium of Hermetschwil Monastery | |
...367/muzika-abb-241-band1-detail-200x.jpg | Lettre Bâtarde | |
...uzika-abb-208-detail-1000x650px-200x.jpg | Textura | |
...655/muzika-abb-294-band1-detail-200x.jpg | German handwritten Bastarda | |
...4944/muzika-abb-26-band2-detail-200x.jpg | Humanistic Minuscule | |
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...5035/muzika-abb-52-band2-detail-200x.jpg | Venetian Antiqua from “De praeparatione evangelica” | |
...pistulae-ad-familiares-detail-1-200x.jpg | Venetian Antiqua from “Epistulae ad familiares” | |
...da-elementa-geometrica-detail-1-200x.jpg | Rotunda from Euclid’s “elementa geometrica” | |
...434/muzika-tafel-lxxxv-detail-1-200x.jpg | Lettre Bâtarde from “Vigilles de Charles VII” | |
...11-1655303649/de-aetna-detail-1-200x.jpg | Aldin’s Antiqua from “De Aetna” | |
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...5637/muzika-abb-10-band2-detail-200x.jpg | Constructed Renaissance Majuscules from “Divina Proportione” | |
...725/muzika-abb-308-band1-detail-200x.jpg | Prayer Book Fraktur | |
...8b1-1694335751/aldus-manutius-1-200x.jpg | Renaissance Italic | |
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...olutionibus-manuskript-detail-1-200x.jpg | Cancellaresca from the manuscript of “De revolutionibus orbium coelestium” by N. Kopernikus | |
...6727/muzika-abb-76-band2-detail-200x.jpg | French Renaissance Antiqua | |
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...914-1697974430/fugger-rotunda-1-200x.jpg | Callipgraphic Rotunda from “Ein nützlich und wolgegrundt Formular” | |
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...8295/muzika-abb-80-band2-detail-200x.jpg | Antiqua of the French Renaissance Type | |
...8376/muzika-abb-81-band2-detail-200x.jpg | Italica of the French Renaissance Type | |
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...898/muzika-abb-107-band2-detail-200x.jpg | English Baroque Antiqua from “Publii Virgilii Maronis Bucolica, Georgica et Aeneis” | |
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...55291787/brief-goethes-detail-1-200x.jpg | German Kurrent script from a letter of Goethe | |
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...tte-fraktur-stempel-ag-detail-1-200x.jpg | Bold Fraktur from the type foundry D. Stempel AG | |
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...uetterlinschrift-deutsch-detail-200x.jpg | Sütterlin Script from “Neuer Leitfaden für den Schreibunterricht” | |
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...0375/hesse-steppenwolf-detail-1-200x.jpg | Fraktur from the book title of the novel “Steppenwolf” | |
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(Nice to have)