We are inspired by the culture that surrounds us, the quality that we expect when traveling and the connections we enjoy in our lives.
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We create places for connection.
The neighborhoods we want to live in.
And now we inspire ...
Nestled between vineyards. Swimming towards the mountains. Start your day with a yogasession and meander between light food and easy living.
Back to basic and back to yourself. Essential old walls enclose the perfect hotel room. Nothing more. The modern interpretation of local food to an international level delights your senses.
Spend some days at a friend’s villa in North Italy. Relax around the pool with likeminded visitors and notice how the garden calms your mind.
The 800 years are palpable as nature blends with architecture; exquisite simplicity and almost forgotten treasures accompany the arrival.
Practice mindfulness in the arise Body and Mind Studios located in Lana and Bolzano and learn from international teachers at one of the the arise retreats.
A Mountain Retreat. Inspired by the culture that surrounds us and century old traditions. Somewhere off the grid, to find a true connection with nature, people, and yourself.
Connections we enjoy
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