# # ACHTUNG!!! # # An dieser Datei KEINE Änderungen vornehmen!!! # Dies ist eine automatisch erstellte Datei! # Änderungen werden ohne Sicherung automatisch # überschrieben! # #------------------------------------------------- # Version: 2024-12-18 08:23 # Generiert: 18.12.2024 08:23 # durch Script: esRemoteAccessSettings.class.php #------------------------------------------------- # 80legs (http://www.80legs.com/webcrawler.html) User-agent: 008 Disallow: / # Abonti (http://www.abonti.com) User-agent: Abonti Disallow: / # AcoonBot (http://www.acoon.de/robot.asp) User-agent: Acoon Disallow: / User-agent: AcoonBot Disallow: / User-agent: OpenAcoon Disallow: / # Ahrefs.com (http://ahrefs.com/robot/) User-agent: AhrefsBot Disallow: / # Amazonbot (https://developer.amazon.com/de/support/amazonbot) User-agent: Amazonbot # Amazon's user agent Disallow: /do-not-crawl/ # disallow this directory # Baiduspider (http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.htm) User-agent: baiduspider Disallow: / # Birubot [Bot] User-agent: Birubot Disallow: / # Bixo Labs (http://bixolabs.com) User-agent: bixolabs Disallow: / # BLEXBot (http://webmeup.com/crawler.html) User-agent: BLEXBot Disallow: / # BotOnParade (www.bots-on-para.de/bot.html) User-agent: BotOnParade Disallow: / # BUbiNG (http://law.di.unimi.it/BUbiNG.html) User-agent: BUbiNG Disallow: / # CareerBot (http://www.career-x.de/bot.html) User-agent: careerbot Disallow: / # CCBot/2 (commoncrawl.org) User-agent: CCBot Disallow: / # ClaudeBot User-agent: ClaudeBot Disallow: / # Cliqzbot (http://cliqz.com/company/cliqzbot) User-agent: Cliqzbot Disallow: * # discobot (http://discoveryengine.com/discobot.html) User-agent: discobot Disallow: / # DotBot (http://www.opensiteexplorer.org/dotbot) User-agent: dotbot Disallow: / User-agent: rogerbot Disallow: / # Exabot/3.0 (http://www.exabot.com/go/robot) User-agent: Exabot Disallow: / # Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php) User-Agent: facebookexternalhit Disallow: * # Gigabot (http://www.gigablast.com/spider.html) User-agent: gigabot Disallow: / # Gnip [Bot] (http://www.gnip.com) User-agent: UnwindFetchor Disallow: / # GPTBot (https://openai.com/gptbot) User-agent: GPTBot Disallow: / # Huawei Symantec (http://www.huaweisymantec.com/en/IRL/spider/) User-agent: HuaweiSymantecSpider Disallow: / # iCjobs Stellenangebote Jobs (www.icjobs.de/bot.htm) User-agent: ICCrawler - iCjobs Disallow: / # IdealoBot (https://partner.idealo.com/de/bot/) User-agent: idealo-bot Disallow: / # LCC (http://corpora.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/crawler_faq.html) User-agent: LCC Disallow: / # Linguee Bot (http://www.linguee.com/bot) User-agent: Linguee Disallow: / # Majestic-12 (http://www.majestic12.co.uk/bot.php) User-agent: MJ12bot Disallow: / # meanpathbot/ (http://www.meanpath.com/meanpathbot.html) User-agent: meanpathbot Disallow: / # MojeekBot/0.2 (http://www.mojeek.com/bot.html) User-agent: MojeekBot Disallow: / # NerdByNature (http://www.nerdbynature.net/bot) User-agent: NerdByNature.Bot Disallow: / # oBot/2.3.1 (http://filterdb.iss.net/crawler/) User-agent: oBot Disallow: / # OneRiot [Bot] (http://www.oneriot.com) User-agent: OneRiot Disallow: / # OpenLinkProfiler (http://OpenLinkProfiler.org/bot) User-agent: spbot Disallow: / # PagePeeker User-agent: PagePeeker Disallow: / # PetalBot (https://aspiegel.com/petalbot) User-agent: PetalBot Disallow: / # Plukkie (http://www.botje.com/plukkie.htm) User-agent: plukkie Disallow: / # Ruby User-agent: Ruby Disallow: / # ScoutJet (http://www.scoutjet.com/) User-agent: ScoutJet Disallow: / # ScreamingBot (https://www.screamingfrog.co.uk/seo-spider/) User-agent: Screaming Frog SEO Spider Disallow: / # Search17Bot (http://www.search17.com/bot.php) User-agent: search17 Disallow: / # SearchmetricsBot (http://www.searchmetrics.com/en/searchmetrics-bot/) User-agent: SearchmetricsBot Disallow: / # SeekportBot (https://bot.seekport.com) User-agent: SeekportBot Disallow: / # SemrushBot (http://www.semrush.com/bot.html) User-agent: SemrushBot Disallow: / User-agent: SemrushBot-SA Disallow: / # serpstatbot (https://serpstatbot.com/) User-agent: serpstatbot Disallow: / # Sosospider (http://help.soso.com/webspider.htm) User-agent: Sosospider Disallow: / # Speedy Spider (http://www.entireweb.com/about/search_tech/speedy_spider/) User-agent: Speedy Disallow: / # Spinn3r (http://spinn3r.com/robot) User-agent: Spinn3r Disallow: / # TurnitinBot (http://www.turnitin.com/robot/crawlerinfo.html) User-agent: TurnitinBot Disallow: / # TwengaBot (http://www.twenga.com/bot.html) User-agent: twenga2.com Disallow: / User-agent: twenga.com Disallow: / # WBSearchBot (http://www.warebay.com/bot.html) User-agent: WBSearchBot Disallow: / # XoviBot/2 (http://www.xovibot.net/) User-agent: XoviBot Disallow: / # Yandex (http://yandex.com/bots) User-agent: Yandex Disallow: / # Zookabot (http://zookabot.com) User-agent: Zookabot Disallow: / # # Erweiterungen des Shopbetreibers # # # ACHTUNG!!! # # An dieser Datei KEINE Aenderungen vornehmen!!! # Dies ist eine automatisch erstellte Datei! # Aenderungen werden ohne Sicherung automatisch # ueberschrieben! # #------------------------------------------------- # Version: 2012-05-07 09:55 # Generiert: 07.05.2012 09:55 # durch Script: esRemoteAccessSettings.class.php #------------------------------------------------- # 80legs (http://www.80legs.com/webcrawler.html) User-agent: 008 Disallow: / # AcoonBot (http://www.acoon.de/robot.asp) User-agent: Acoon Disallow: / User-agent: AcoonBot Disallow: / User-agent: OpenAcoon Disallow: / # Ahrefs.com (http://ahrefs.com/robot/) user-agent: AhrefsBot disallow: / # alexa.com (http://www.alexa.com/site/help/webmasters) User-agent: ia_archiver Disallow: / # BacklinkCrawler (http://www.backlinktest.com/crawler.html) User-agent: BacklinkCrawler Disallow: / # Baiduspider (http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.htm) User-agent: baiduspider Disallow: / # Birubot [Bot] User-agent: Birubot Disallow: / # Bixo Labs (http://bixolabs.com) User-agent: bixolabs disallow: / # BotOnParade (www.bots-on-para.de/bot.html) User-agent: BotOnParade Disallow: / # CareerBot (http://www.career-x.de/bot.html) User-agent: careerbot Disallow: / # discobot (http://discoveryengine.com/discobot.html) User-agent: discobot Disallow: / # Exabot/3.0 (http://www.exabot.com/go/robot) User-agent: Exabot Disallow: / # Gigabot (http://www.gigablast.com/spider.html) User-agent: gigabot Disallow: / # Gnip [Bot] (http://www.gnip.com) User-agent: UnwindFetchor Disallow: / # Huawei Symantec (http://www.huaweisymantec.com/en/IRL/spider/) User-agent: HuaweiSymantecSpider Disallow: / # iCjobs Stellenangebote Jobs (www.icjobs.de/bot.htm) User-agent: ICCrawler - iCjobs Disallow: / # Majestic-12 (http://www.majestic12.co.uk/bot.php) User-agent: MJ12bot Disallow: / # MojeekBot/0.2 (http://www.mojeek.com/bot.html) User-agent: MojeekBot Disallow: / # NerdByNature (http://www.nerdbynature.net/bot) User-agent: NerdByNature.Bot Disallow: / # oBot/2.3.1 (http://filterdb.iss.net/crawler/) user-agent: oBot disallow: / # OneRiot [Bot] (http://www.oneriot.com) User-agent: OneRiot disallow: / # Plukkie (http://www.botje.com/plukkie.htm) User-agent: plukkie Disallow: / # Ruby User-agent: Ruby disallow: / # ScoutJet (http://www.scoutjet.com/) User-agent: ScoutJet Disallow: / # Search17Bot (http://www.search17.com/bot.php) User-agent: search17 Disallow: / # SEOkicks-Robot (http://www.seokicks.de/robot.html) User-agent: seokicks Disallow: / # seoprofiler (http://www.seoprofiler.com/bot) User-agent: spbot Disallow: / # Sosospider (http://help.soso.com/webspider.htm) User-agent: Sosospider Disallow: / # spbot/seoprofiler.com (http://www.seoprofiler.com/bot) User-agent: spbot Disallow: / # Speedy Spider (http://www.entireweb.com/about/search_tech/speedy_spider/) User-agent: Speedy Disallow: / # Spinn3r (http://spinn3r.com/robot) User-agent: Spinn3r Disallow: / # The ShopWiki Crawler (http://www.shopwiki.com/wiki/Help:Bot) User-agent: ShopWikiDisallow: / # TurnitinBot (http://www.turnitin.com/robot/crawlerinfo.html) User-agent: TurnitinBot Disallow: / # TwengaBot (http://www.twenga.com/bot.html) User-agent: twenga2.com Disallow: / User-agent: twenga.com Disallow: / # WBSearchBot (http://www.warebay.com/bot.html) User-agent: WBSearchBot Disallow: / # Yandex (http://yandex.com/bots) User-agent: Yandex Disallow: / # Zookabot (http://zookabot.com) User-agent: Zookabot Disallow: / # # Erweiterungen des Shopbetreibers #
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