- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.19 s
File size
174.50 kB
Media files
Number of links
536 internal / 4 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Crazypatterns - Creative Platform for Handicrafts
The length of the page title is perfect. (438 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Handicrafts in all their diversity. Whether it's crochet, knitting, or sewing - find inspiring DIY instructions and creative ideas for crafting on Crazypatterns.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (931 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
The specified alternate links have no errors.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
descriptionHandicrafts in all their diversity. Whether it's crochet, knitting, or sewing - find inspiring DIY instructions and creative ideas for crafting on Crazypatterns.

Test up to 1.000 webpages of with our free plan!

Try For Free
No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
Words from the H1 heading are not used in the page content.
Only 2 paragraph/s was/were found on this page.
This page contains 1527 words. That's ok.
15.7% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 19.17 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The following tag is repeated too often: crazypatterns
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/data/next/crazypatterns/images/logo.pngCrazypatterns logo logo
...tern-triangular-scarf-kalomira-70x70.pngCrochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Kalomira"
...eacock-double-knitting-pattern-70x70.jpgStole / Wrap "White Peacock" - Double knitting pattern
...n-car-rear-view-mirror-pendant-70x70.jpgBunny on Swing - Easter Decoration, Car Rear View Mirror Pendant
...8/crochet-pattern-scarf-rhodia-70x70.pngCrochet Pattern Scarf "Rhodia"
...ken-peep-peep-crochet-pattern-70x70.jpegThe Chicken Peep Peep - Crochet Pattern
...tole-kimani-be-crochet-pattern-70x70.jpgShawl / Stole „Kimani BE“ – crochet pattern
...1/107604/crochet-pattern-pilvi-70x70.jpgCrochet pattern Pilvi
...tus-in-a-flower-pot-2-variants-70x70.jpgHeart / cactus in a flower pot - 2 variants
...edle-container-crochet-pattern-70x70.jpgOwl Pen/Needle Container - Crochet Pattern
...shawl-adeon-be-crochet-pattern-70x70.jpgShawl „Adeon BE“ – crochet pattern
...attern-triangular-scarf-aiolos-70x70.pngCrochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Aiolos"
...-triangular-shawl-for-beginner-70x70.jpgTutorial "TRIANGULAR SHAWL" for Beginner
...crochet-pattern-bunny-gift-bag-70x70.pngCrochet pattern bunny gift bag
...rochet-pattern-the-robot-click-70x70.jpgCrochet pattern: The robot Click
...l-in-two-sizes-simple-colorful-70x70.jpgCrochet pattern for Easter eggs to fill in two sizes - simple & colorful
...rom-diana-s-kleiner-haekelshop-70x70.pngFlower children - Crochet Pattern from Diana´s kleiner Häkelshop
...rochet-pattern-dog-puppy-lilly-70x70.pngCrochet pattern dog puppy Lilly
...attern-triangular-scarf-elysia-70x70.pngCrochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Elysia"
...-pattern-bunny-door-decoration-70x70.pngCrochet pattern bunny door decoration
...t-pattern-triangular-scarf-eos-70x70.pngCrochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Eos"
...loco-squares-wollmeer-cal-2025-70x70.jpgLoco Squares - WollMeer-CAL 2025
...het-christmas-elf-doll-pattern-70x70.jpgCrochet Christmas Elf Doll Pattern
...stole-hoshi-be-crochet-pattern-70x70.jpgScarf / stole “Hoshi BE” - crochet pattern pattern The Penguin Wedding
...happy-sweater-maxi-size-xs-2xl-70x70.jpgKnitting Pattern | HAPPY Sweater Maxi | Size XS - 2XL
.../crochet-pattern-timo-ice-bear-70x70.jpgcrochet pattern Timo Ice Bear
...ochet-turtle-pattern-amigurumi-70x70.jpgNo sew turtle crochet pattern, easy crochet turtle pattern, amigurumi
...6771/crochet-rose-doll-pattern-70x70.pngCrochet rose doll pattern
.../12/106728/knitting-a-baby-hat-70x70.pngKnitting a baby hat
...pattern-triangular-scarf-nemea-70x70.pngCrochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Nemea"
...024/12/106707/cloth-fairy-glen-70x70.pngCloth "Fairy Glen"
...-crochet-pattern-comforter-toy-70x70.jpgCrochet owl snuggler pattern, Owl lovey crochet pattern, comforter toy
...scarf-tisca-be-crochet-pattern-70x70.pngPentagon-scarf „Tisca BE“ – crochet pattern
.../106665/crochet-pattern-bonsai-70x70.jpgCrochet Pattern Bonsai
...-knotted-lovey-crochet-pattern-70x70.jpgCrochet Puppy snuggler pattern, Dog knotted lovey crochet pattern
...ute-star-crochet-for-beginners-70x70.png5-Minute Star ⭐ Crochet for Beginners! Gnome - Lucky Charm - Crochet Pattern pattern amigurumi rooster with hen, Easter decorations
...mas-decoration-reindeer-in-cup-70x70.jpgCrochet Pattern Christmas decoration reindeer in cup
.../coolius-the-un-sporty-snowman-70x70.pngCoolius the (un)sporty snowman
...ern-flat-triangular-scarf-naia-70x70.pngCrochet Pattern Flat Triangular Scarf "Naia"
...l-socks-crocheted-easy-quickly-70x70.jpgEasySoks20 Crochet pattern for beautiful socks crocheted easy & quickly
...rom-diana-s-kleiner-haekelshop-70x70.pngGlowing Christmas ball - Crochet Pattern from Diana´s kleiner Häkelshop
...r-crochet-pattern-by-niggyarts-70x70.jpgLittle Dachshund in sweater - crochet pattern by NiggyArts
...ration-easy-even-for-beginners-70x70.jpgLarge star with light door decoration - easy even for beginners
.../11/106297/crochet-angel-wings-70x70.pngCrochet angel wings
...2024/11/106269/christmas-gnome-70x70.jpgChristmas Gnome
...-gift-tags-with-video-tutorial-70x70.jpgCute Trees for Garland, Tree Decorations, Gift Tags - with Video Tutorial
...11/106097/crochet-pattern-satu-70x70.jpgCrochet pattern Satu
...illage-silent-night-holy-night-70x70.jpgChristmas decoration & gift boxes winter village Silent Night, Holy Night
...s/2024/11/106070/gnome-rudolph-70x70.pngGnome Rudolph
...uble-face-knitting-instruction-70x70.jpgPotholders ‘Star Chef’ – A Double Face Knitting Instruction
...ragon-crochet-pattern-1-20m-47-70x70.pngXXL Christmas Dragon Crochet Pattern | 1,20m | 47'
...torial-poncho-crochet-advanced-70x70.pngTutorial "PONCHO CROCHET" Advanced
...24/crochet-pattern-kijas-traum-70x70.jpgCrochet pattern Kijas Traum
...ches-for-decor-christmas-gifts-70x70.pngKNIT MINI HAT only knit stitches for decor, Christmas, gifts
...attern-triangular-scarf-phoibe-70x70.pngCrochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Phoibe"
...tems/2024/11/105876/gnome-paul-70x70.jpgGnome Paul Pattern Pirsi the red panda Tree, Fir for Lighting in 3 Sizes - with video tutorial
...ochet-pattern-for-cute-snowmen-70x70.jpgCrochet Pattern for Cute Snowmen
...y-tale-double-knitting-pattern-70x70.jpgScarf "Winter Fairy Tale" - Double knitting pattern
...nood-loop-moebius-for-advanced-70x70.jpgTutorial "SNOOD LOOP MÖBIUS" for Advanced
...arf-muri-knitting-instructions-70x70.jpgSleeve Scarf ‘Muri’ – Knitting Instructions - Shawl
...105799/crochet-pattern-hiraeth-70x70.jpgCrochet pattern Hiraeth
...y-blanket-crochet-instructions-70x70.pngCrochet Heart Blanket - Baby Blanket Crochet Instructions gnome hanging decoration – easy to make from scraps of yarn
...-flat-triangular-scarf-despina-70x70.pngCrochet Pattern Flat Triangular Scarf "Despina"
...-pattern-microwavable-rice-bag-70x70.jpgDolphin neck pillow + heating pad pattern (microwavable rice bag)
...ial-snood-crochet-for-advanced-70x70.jpgTutorial "SNOOD CROCHET" for Advanced
...0/105498/crochet-pattern-ghost-70x70.pngCrochet pattern ghost
...triangular-scarf-endless-scarf-70x70.jpgCrochet pattern Infinito 10.0 crocheted triangular scarf / endless scarf
...25/crochet-pattern-halata-star-70x70.jpgCrochet pattern Halata Star
...r-twinkle-star-crochet-pattern-70x70.jpgTealight Holder "Twinkle Star" - Crochet Pattern
...pattern-triangular-scarf-kyria-70x70.pngCrochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Kyria"
...arf-mirfana-be-crochet-pattern-70x70.jpgFlat triangular scarf „Mirfana BE“ – crochet pattern
...y-autumn-kite-crochet-pattern-70x70.jpegFunny autumn Kite - Crochet Pattern
...easy-basic-for-diy-enthusiasts-70x70.jpgCrochet Pattern "Oh Christmas Tree", Easy Basic for DIY enthusiasts
.../crochet-patternsanta-gift-box-70x70.pngCrochet patternSanta gift box

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Discover Creative DIY Patterns Start Your New Project Now!
The H1 heading is perfect.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
There are 52 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Discover Creative DIY Patterns Start Your New Project Now!
H2 What is Crazypatterns?
H4 Settings
H4 Easy Peasy Feltflower
H4 Scarf "Winter Fairy Tale" - Double knitting pattern
H4 Boys baby / toddler shirt and pants sewing pattern eBook pdf TOM+NOAH
H4 Sweat Jacket Winnie Size 34-54 Pattern + Sewing Instructions
H4 Boys baby toddler shirt sewing pattern pdf TOM, sizes 6m to 7y
H4 Jumpsuit Vigo+Elna Gr. 80-140 Pattern
H4 Christian Cross embroidery design
H4 Knitting pattern baby blanket "Love Always" - easy
H4 Crochet Pattern Angel in Square
H4 Toni Kids Pants – Elastic Waist Pants with Pockets EU 98–164 / US 2T–14
H4 Scarf «Reflections» - A Double Knitting Pattern
H4 Knitting pattern for basic Christmas ball ornament 5 Christmas balls
H4 Sweater Lya sizes 34-54 Sewing instructions & Patterns
H4 Underwear Helena size 34-54 pattern
H4 Heating belt with grain filling – tutorial & sewing pattern
H4 KNIT MINI HAT only knit stitches for decor, Christmas, gifts
H4 Potholders ‘Star Chef’ – A Double Face Knitting Instruction
H4 Shawl „Adeon BE“ – crochet pattern
H4 Flower children - Crochet Pattern from Diana´s kleiner Häkelshop
H4 Coin purse sewing pattern, mouse wallet, neck pouch + math mouse
H4 Chino pants Fria size 34-54 pattern + sewing instructions
H4 Potholders "Sea Love" - double knitting pattern
H4 Knitting a baby hat
H4 Knitting pattern - felt slipper / socks -any sizes!
H4 Scarf "Monster Parade" - Double knitting pattern
H4 Roses - 3 sizes
H4 Shawl / Stole „Kimani BE“ – crochet pattern
H4 Sew fabric basket, Turtle sewing pattern a unique sewing project
H4 Knitting pattern hat "caterpillar"
H4 Dolphin neck pillow + heating pad pattern (microwavable rice bag)
H4 Sleeve Scarf ‘Muri’ – Knitting Instructions
H4 Craft instructions miniature market stall
H4 Crochet pattern for Easter eggs to fill in two sizes - simple & colorful
H4 18-inch Dolls Lavender Dress Knitting Pattern
H4 Crochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Elysia"
H4 Knitting and felting: One Step Felt Boots
H4 Crochet cow snuggler pattern, cow lovey crochet pattern, comforter toy
H4 Knitting pattern baby / kids' blanket "Sweet Dreams" - easy
H4 Crochet pattern: Nora the pirate bunny and the golden Easter eggs
H4 Owl Pen/Needle Container - Crochet Pattern
H4 Heart / cactus in a flower pot - 2 variants
H4 Crochet pattern bunny door decoration
H4 The Chicken Peep Peep - Crochet Pattern
H4 Crochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Aiolos"
H4 Bunny on Swing - Easter Decoration, Car Rear View Mirror Pendant
H4 Crochet pattern Pilvi
H4 Crochet Pattern Scarf "Rhodia"
H4 Stole / Wrap "White Peacock" - Double knitting pattern
H4 Wide Selection
There are too many internal links (536) on this page.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 4 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Knitting Crochet Sewing Crafts
IMG-ALT Crazypatterns logo
/en/newNew patterns
/en/toptrendsCurrent Trends
/en/freeFree patterns
/en/xalCAL, KAL & Co.
/en/authorsPopular authors
/en/users/registrationRegister for free »
/en/freeText duplicate Free patterns
/en/salePatterns with discount
/en/users/registrationRegister for free
/en/users/loginLog in
/en/bestsellers• Bestseller
/en/new• New patterns
/en/featured• Featured
/en/toptrends• Current Trends
/en/sale• Discounts
/en/free• Free patterns
/en/authors• Popular authors
/en/xal• CAL, KAL & Co.
/en/crochetText duplicate Crochet
/en/knittingText duplicate Knitting
/en/sewingText duplicate Sewing
/en/craftsText duplicate Crafts
/en/stitchText duplicate Embroidery
/en/plotterText duplicate Plotting
/en/blog• Blog
/en/gallery• Gallery
/en/newsletter• Newsletter
/en/faq• FAQ
/en/help-use• Help duplicate Home
/en/bestsellersText duplicate • Bestseller
/en/newText duplicate • New patterns
/en/featuredText duplicate • Featured
/en/toptrendsText duplicate • Current Trends
/en/saleText duplicate • Discounts
/en/freeText duplicate • Free patterns
/en/authorsText duplicate • Popular authors
/en/xalText duplicate • CAL, KAL & Co.
/en/crochetText duplicate Crochet
/en/crochet-animals-plants• Other animals
/en/crochet-a-rabbit• Rabbits
/en/crochet-birds• Bird Life
/en/crochet-other-amigurumi• Misc
/en/crochet-a-dog-a-cat• Dogs & cats
/en/crochet-dolls• Crochet dolls
/en/crochet-dino-dragon• Dinos & dragons
/en/crochet-sea-fish• Aquatic animals
/en/crochet-teddys• Teddy bears
/en/crochet-doll-clothes• Doll clothes
/en/crochet-an-elephant• Elephants
/en/crochet-a-mouse-a-rat• Mice & rats
/en/crochet-owl• Owls
/en/crochet-angels• Crochet angels
/en/crochet-vehicles• Vehicles
/en/crochet-an-unicorn• Unicorns
/en/crochet-a-snail• Snails
/en/crochet-a-monkey• Monkeys
/en/crochet-easter• Easter
/en/crochet-christmas• Christmas
/en/crochet-birth• Birth
/en/crochet-mother-day• Mother's Day
/en/crochet-holidays-lucky-charm• Lucky Charm
/en/crochet-valentine-day• Valentine's Day
/en/crochet-other-holidays• Other occasions
/en/crochet-birthday• Birthday
/en/crochet-halloween• Halloween
/en/crochet-carnival• Carnival
/en/crochet-school-enrollment• School enrollment
/en/crochet-wedding• Wedding
/en/crochet-new-year• New Year
/en/crochet-for-home-decoHome & Decoration
/en/crochet-home-deco-otherText duplicate • Misc
/en/crochet-keychains• Keychains
/en/crochet-flowers-plants• Flowers & plants
/en/crochet-basket• Baskets & bowls
/en/crochet-home-deco-cushions• Pillows & poufs
/en/crochet-home-deco-blankets• Blankets
/en/crochet-table-runners-doilies• Table runners & doilies
/en/door-wreath-crochet• Door Wreaths
/en/crochet-egg-cosy• Egg cosy
/en/crochet-oven-cloth• Potholder
/en/crochet-doorstopper• Doorstopper
/en/crochet-bookmarks• Bookmarks
/en/crochet-coaster• Coasters
/en/christmas-calendar• Christmas Calendar
/en/crochet-fluits-vegetables• Fruits & Vegetables
/en/crochet-woman-sweater• Sweater & Poncho
/en/crochet-woman-jackets• Jackets & vests
/en/crochet-ladies-shirts-tunics• Shirts & tunics
/en/crochet-ladies-tops• Tops
/en/crochet-caps-hats• Caps & Hats
/en/crochet-woman-socks• Socks & legwarmers
/en/crochet-ladies-shrugs• Shrugs
/en/crochet-woman-gloves• Gloves & Cuffs
/en/crochet-slippers• Slippers
/en/crochet-woman-headbands• Headbands
/en/crochet-accessoires• Accessories
/en/crochet-triangle-shawls• Triangle shawls
/en/crochet-woman-shawls• Other schawls
/en/crochet-crescent-shawls• Crescent shawls
/en/crochet-motif-shawls• Motif shawls
/en/crochet-rectangle-shawls• Rectangle shawls
/en/crochet-snuggle-blankets• Snuggle blankets
/en/crochet-baby-toys• Toys for babies
/en/crochet-shoes• Shoes
/en/crochet-blankets• Baby blankets & sacks
/en/crochet-jackets• Jackets
/en/crochet-baby-pacifier-chai...• Handrings, Teether & Rattles
/en/crochet-hatsText duplicate • Caps & Hats
/en/crochet-baby-clothing-sets• Clothing sets
/en/crochet-plants• Pants & Rompers
/en/crochet-baby-clothing• Other clothing
/en/crochet-socks• Socks
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/en/crochet-toys• Toys for kids
/en/crochet-kids-caps-hatsText duplicate • Caps & Hats
/en/groceries• Groceries
/en/crochet-kids-socksText duplicate • Socks & legwarmers
/en/crochet-children-dresses• Dresses
/en/crochet-children-clothing-...Text duplicate • Clothing sets
/en/crochet-children-sweaters• Sweaters & Poncho
/en/crochet-kids-shoesText duplicate • Shoes
/en/crochet-kids-headbandsText duplicate • Headbands
/en/crochet-kids-accessoiresText duplicate • Accessories
/en/crochet-fast• Fast to crochet
/en/crochet-other• Other
/en/crochet-pixel• Pixel crochet
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/en/crochet-loops• Loops / Cowls
/en/crochet-collar-scarves• Collar scarves
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/en/crochet-woman-caps-hatsText duplicate • Caps & Hats
/en/crochet-man-slippersText duplicate • Slippers
/en/crochet-bags• Other bags
/en/crochet-shoulder-bags• Shoulder bags
/en/crochet-shoppers• Shoppers
/en/crochet-handle-bags• Handle bags
/en/crochet-backpacks• Backpacks
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/en/applications-vehiclesText duplicate • Vehicles
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/en/knitting-holidaysText duplicate • Other occasions
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/en/knitting-pillowText duplicate • Pillows & poufs
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/en/knitting-otherText duplicate • Misc
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/en/sewing-holidays• Celebrations
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/en/sewing-home-otherText duplicate • Other
/en/sewing-amigurumiCuddly toys
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/en/sewing-for-pet• For pets
/en/sewing-man• Men
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/en/christmas-craftsText duplicate • Christmas
/en/home-deco-diy• Home & Deco
/en/other-sets• Other craft sets
/en/jewelry-craftsJewelry crafts
/en/jewelry-bracelet• Bracelets
/en/jewelry-earrings• Earrings
/en/digital-scrapbookingDigital Scrapbooking
/en/pictures-graphics• Pictures / graphics
/en/filofaxing-download• Filofaxing
/en/digital-paper• Digital paper
/en/stitchText duplicate Embroidery
/en/motiv-embroideryMotif embroidery files
/en/hearts-embroider• Hearts, stars & Shapes
/en/embroider-animalsText duplicate • Animals
/en/special-occasions-embroiderText duplicate • Celebrations
/en/hand-embroidery• Cross Stitch Pattern
/en/plotterText duplicate Plotting
/en/plotter-files• Plotter files
/en/blogText duplicate • Blog
/en/galleryText duplicate • Gallery
/en/newsletterText duplicate • Newsletter
/en/faqText duplicate • FAQ
/en/help-useText duplicate • Help Text
/en/start/crochetText duplicate Crochet
/en/start/knittingText duplicate Knitting
/en/start/sewingText duplicate Sewing
/en/start/craftsText duplicate Crafts
/en/items/51233/easy-peasy-fel...IMG-ALT Easy Peasy Feltflower
/en/items/51233/easy-peasy-fel...Text duplicate Easy Peasy Feltflower
/en/items/105825/scarf-winter-...IMG-ALT Scarf "Winter Fairy Tale" - Double knitting pattern
/en/items/105825/scarf-winter-...Text duplicate Scarf "Winter Fairy Tale" - Double knitting pattern
/en/items/100158/boys-baby-tod...IMG-ALT Boys baby / toddler shirt and pants sewing pattern eBook pdf TOM+NOAH
/en/items/100158/boys-baby-tod...Text duplicate Boys baby / toddler shirt and pants sewing pattern eBook pdf TOM+NOAH
/en/items/87242/sweat-jacket-w...IMG-ALT Sweat Jacket Winnie Size 34-54 Pattern + Sewing Instructions
/en/items/87242/sweat-jacket-w...Text duplicate Sweat Jacket Winnie Size 34-54 Pattern + Sewing Instructions
/en/items/99923/boys-baby-todd...IMG-ALT Boys baby toddler shirt sewing pattern pdf TOM, sizes 6m to 7y
/en/items/99923/boys-baby-todd...Text duplicate Boys baby toddler shirt sewing pattern pdf TOM, sizes 6m to 7y
/en/items/89036/jumpsuit-vigo-...IMG-ALT Jumpsuit Vigo+Elna Gr. 80-140 Pattern
/en/items/89036/jumpsuit-vigo-...Text duplicate Jumpsuit Vigo+Elna Gr. 80-140 Pattern
/en/items/62851/christian-cros...IMG-ALT Christian Cross embroidery design
/en/items/62851/christian-cros...Text duplicate Christian Cross embroidery design
/en/items/104284/knitting-patt...IMG-ALT Knitting pattern baby blanket "Love Always" - easy
/en/items/104284/knitting-patt...Text duplicate Knitting pattern baby blanket "Love Always" - easy
/en/items/107311/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern Angel in Square
/en/items/107311/crochet-patte...Text duplicate Crochet Pattern Angel in Square
/en/items/93023/toni-kids-pant...IMG-ALT Toni Kids Pants – Elastic Waist Pants with Pockets EU 98–164 / US 2T–14
/en/items/93023/toni-kids-pant...Text duplicate Toni Kids Pants – Elastic Waist Pants with Pockets EU 98–164 / US 2T–14
/en/items/104577/scarf-reflect...IMG-ALT Scarf «Reflections» - A Double Knitting Pattern
/en/items/104577/scarf-reflect...Text duplicate Scarf «Reflections» - A Double Knitting Pattern
/en/items/105421/knitting-patt...IMG-ALT Knitting pattern for basic Christmas ball ornament 5 Christmas balls
/en/items/105421/knitting-patt...Text duplicate Knitting pattern for basic Christmas ball ornament 5 Christmas balls
/en/items/86892/sweater-lya-si...IMG-ALT Sweater Lya sizes 34-54 Sewing instructions & Patterns
/en/items/86892/sweater-lya-si...Text duplicate Sweater Lya sizes 34-54 Sewing instructions & Patterns
/en/items/88225/underwear-hele...IMG-ALT Underwear Helena size 34-54 pattern
/en/items/88225/underwear-hele...Text duplicate Underwear Helena size 34-54 pattern
/en/items/88616/heating-belt-w...IMG-ALT Heating belt with grain filling – tutorial & sewing pattern
/en/items/88616/heating-belt-w...Text duplicate Heating belt with grain filling – tutorial & sewing pattern
/en/items/106014/knit-mini-hat...IMG-ALT KNIT MINI HAT only knit stitches for decor, Christmas, gifts
/en/items/106014/knit-mini-hat...Text duplicate KNIT MINI HAT only knit stitches for decor, Christmas, gifts
/en/items/106054/potholders-st...IMG-ALT Potholders ‘Star Chef’ – A Double Face Knitting Instruction
/en/items/106054/potholders-st...Text duplicate Potholders ‘Star Chef’ – A Double Face Knitting Instruction
/en/items/107510/shawl-adeon-b...IMG-ALT Shawl „Adeon BE“ – crochet pattern
/en/items/107510/shawl-adeon-b...Text duplicate Shawl „Adeon BE“ – crochet pattern
/en/items/107341/flower-childr...IMG-ALT Flower children - Crochet Pattern from Diana´s kleiner Häkelshop
/en/items/107341/flower-childr...Text duplicate Flower children - Crochet Pattern from Diana´s kleiner Häkelshop
/en/items/102726/coin-purse-se...IMG-ALT Coin purse sewing pattern, mouse wallet, neck pouch + math mouse
/en/items/102726/coin-purse-se...Text duplicate Coin purse sewing pattern, mouse wallet, neck pouch + math mouse
/en/items/88000/chino-pants-fr...IMG-ALT Chino pants Fria size 34-54 pattern + sewing instructions
/en/items/88000/chino-pants-fr...Text duplicate Chino pants Fria size 34-54 pattern + sewing instructions
/en/items/104163/potholders-se...IMG-ALT Potholders "Sea Love" - double knitting pattern
/en/items/104163/potholders-se...Text duplicate Potholders "Sea Love" - double knitting pattern
/en/items/106728/knitting-a-ba...IMG-ALT Knitting a baby hat
/en/items/106728/knitting-a-ba...Text duplicate Knitting a baby hat
/en/items/11223/knitting-patte...IMG-ALT Knitting pattern - felt slipper / socks -any sizes!
/en/items/11223/knitting-patte...Text duplicate Knitting pattern - felt slipper / socks -any sizes!
/en/items/106445/scarf-monster...IMG-ALT Scarf "Monster Parade" - Double knitting pattern
/en/items/106445/scarf-monster...Text duplicate Scarf "Monster Parade" - Double knitting pattern
/en/items/107308/roses-3-sizesIMG-ALT Roses - 3 sizes
/en/items/107308/roses-3-sizesText duplicate Roses - 3 sizes
/en/items/107712/shawl-stole-k...IMG-ALT Shawl / Stole „Kimani BE“ – crochet pattern
/en/items/107712/shawl-stole-k...Text duplicate Shawl / Stole „Kimani BE“ – crochet pattern
/en/items/87555/sew-fabric-bas...IMG-ALT Sew fabric basket, Turtle sewing pattern a unique sewing project
/en/items/87555/sew-fabric-bas...Text duplicate Sew fabric basket, Turtle sewing pattern a unique sewing project
/en/items/107933/knitting-patt...IMG-ALT Knitting pattern hat "caterpillar"
/en/items/107933/knitting-patt...Text duplicate Knitting pattern hat "caterpillar"
/en/items/105638/dolphin-neck-...IMG-ALT Dolphin neck pillow + heating pad pattern (microwavable rice bag)
/en/items/105638/dolphin-neck-...Text duplicate Dolphin neck pillow + heating pad pattern (microwavable rice bag)
/en/items/105787/sleeve-scarf-...IMG-ALT Sleeve Scarf ‘Muri’ – Knitting Instructions
/en/items/105787/sleeve-scarf-...Text duplicate Sleeve Scarf ‘Muri’ – Knitting Instructions
/en/items/94437/craft-instruct...IMG-ALT Craft instructions miniature market stall
/en/items/94437/craft-instruct...Text duplicate Craft instructions miniature market stall
/en/items/107370/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet pattern for Easter eggs to fill in two sizes - simple & colorful
/en/items/107370/crochet-patte...Text duplicate Crochet pattern for Easter eggs to fill in two sizes - simple & colorful
/en/items/104420/18-inch-dolls...IMG-ALT 18-inch Dolls Lavender Dress Knitting Pattern
/en/items/104420/18-inch-dolls...Text duplicate 18-inch Dolls Lavender Dress Knitting Pattern
/en/items/107210/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Elysia"
/en/items/107210/crochet-patte...Text duplicate Crochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Elysia"
/en/items/22993/knitting-and-f...IMG-ALT Knitting and felting: One Step Felt Boots
/en/items/22993/knitting-and-f...Text duplicate Knitting and felting: One Step Felt Boots
/en/items/108038/crochet-cow-s...IMG-ALT Crochet cow snuggler pattern, cow lovey crochet pattern, comforter toy
/en/items/108038/crochet-cow-s...Text duplicate Crochet cow snuggler pattern, cow lovey crochet pattern, comforter toy
/en/items/104971/knitting-patt...IMG-ALT Knitting pattern baby / kids' blanket "Sweet Dreams" - easy
/en/items/104971/knitting-patt...Text duplicate Knitting pattern baby / kids' blanket "Sweet Dreams" - easy
/en/items/107883/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet pattern: Nora the pirate bunny and the golden Easter eggs
/en/items/107883/crochet-patte...Text duplicate Crochet pattern: Nora the pirate bunny and the golden Easter eggs
/en/items/107516/owl-pen-needl...IMG-ALT Owl Pen/Needle Container - Crochet Pattern
/en/items/107516/owl-pen-needl...Text duplicate Owl Pen/Needle Container - Crochet Pattern
/en/items/107556/heart-cactus-...IMG-ALT Heart / cactus in a flower pot - 2 variants
/en/items/107556/heart-cactus-...Text duplicate Heart / cactus in a flower pot - 2 variants
/en/items/107132/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet pattern bunny door decoration
/en/items/107132/crochet-patte...Text duplicate Crochet pattern bunny door decoration
/en/items/107863/the-chicken-p...IMG-ALT The Chicken Peep Peep - Crochet Pattern
/en/items/107863/the-chicken-p...Text duplicate The Chicken Peep Peep - Crochet Pattern
/en/items/107423/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Aiolos"
/en/items/107423/crochet-patte...Text duplicate Crochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Aiolos"
/en/items/108129/bunny-on-swin...IMG-ALT Bunny on Swing - Easter Decoration, Car Rear View Mirror Pendant
/en/items/108129/bunny-on-swin...Text duplicate Bunny on Swing - Easter Decoration, Car Rear View Mirror Pendant
/en/items/107604/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet pattern Pilvi
/en/items/107604/crochet-patte...Text duplicate Crochet pattern Pilvi
/en/items/107908/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern Scarf "Rhodia"
/en/items/107908/crochet-patte...Text duplicate Crochet Pattern Scarf "Rhodia"
/en/items/108189/stole-wrap-wh...IMG-ALT Stole / Wrap "White Peacock" - Double knitting pattern
/en/items/108189/stole-wrap-wh...Text duplicate Stole / Wrap "White Peacock" - Double knitting pattern
/en/bestsellersView all patterns
/en/galleryphoto gallery
/en/items/108407/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Kalomira"
/en/items/108189/stole-wrap-wh...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Stole / Wrap "White Peacock" - Double knitting pattern
/en/items/108129/bunny-on-swin...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Bunny on Swing - Easter Decoration, Car Rear View Mirror Pendant
/en/items/107908/crochet-patte...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern Scarf "Rhodia"
/en/items/107863/the-chicken-p...Text duplicate IMG-ALT The Chicken Peep Peep - Crochet Pattern
/en/items/107712/shawl-stole-k...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Shawl / Stole „Kimani BE“ – crochet pattern
/en/items/107604/crochet-patte...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Crochet pattern Pilvi
/en/items/107556/heart-cactus-...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Heart / cactus in a flower pot - 2 variants
/en/items/107516/owl-pen-needl...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Owl Pen/Needle Container - Crochet Pattern
/en/items/107510/shawl-adeon-b...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Shawl „Adeon BE“ – crochet pattern
/en/items/107423/crochet-patte...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Aiolos"
/en/items/107410/tutorial-tria...IMG-ALT Tutorial "TRIANGULAR SHAWL" for Beginner
/en/items/107392/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet pattern bunny gift bag
/en/items/107382/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet pattern: The robot Click
/en/items/107370/crochet-patte...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Crochet pattern for Easter eggs to fill in two sizes - simple & colorful
/en/items/107341/flower-childr...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Flower children - Crochet Pattern from Diana´s kleiner Häkelshop
/en/items/107270/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet pattern dog puppy Lilly
/en/items/107210/crochet-patte...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Elysia"
/en/items/107132/crochet-patte...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Crochet pattern bunny door decoration
/en/items/107034/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Eos"
/en/items/106996/loco-squares-...IMG-ALT Loco Squares - WollMeer-CAL 2025
/en/items/106983/crochet-chris...IMG-ALT Crochet Christmas Elf Doll Pattern
/en/items/106925/scarf-stole-h...IMG-ALT Scarf / stole “Hoshi BE” - crochet pattern
/en/items/106871/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT crochet pattern The Penguin Wedding
/en/items/106815/knitting-patt...IMG-ALT Knitting Pattern | HAPPY Sweater Maxi | Size XS - 2XL
/en/items/106822/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT crochet pattern Timo Ice Bear
/en/items/106814/no-sew-turtle...IMG-ALT No sew turtle crochet pattern, easy crochet turtle pattern, amigurumi
/en/items/106771/crochet-rose-...IMG-ALT Crochet rose doll pattern
/en/items/106728/knitting-a-ba...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Knitting a baby hat
/en/items/106725/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Nemea"
/en/items/106707/cloth-fairy-glenIMG-ALT Cloth "Fairy Glen"
/en/items/106701/crochet-owl-s...IMG-ALT Crochet owl snuggler pattern, Owl lovey crochet pattern, comforter toy
/en/items/106671/pentagon-scar...IMG-ALT Pentagon-scarf „Tisca BE“ – crochet pattern
/en/items/106665/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern Bonsai
/en/items/106655/crochet-puppy...IMG-ALT Crochet Puppy snuggler pattern, Dog knotted lovey crochet pattern
/en/items/106614/5-minute-star...IMG-ALT 5-Minute Star ⭐ Crochet for Beginners!
/en/items/106605/mushroom-gnom...IMG-ALT Mushroom Gnome - Lucky Charm - Crochet Pattern
/en/items/106593/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet pattern amigurumi rooster with hen, Easter decorations
/en/items/106589/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern Christmas decoration reindeer in cup
/en/items/106548/coolius-the-u...IMG-ALT Coolius the (un)sporty snowman
/en/items/106474/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern Flat Triangular Scarf "Naia"
/en/items/106465/easysoks20-cr...IMG-ALT EasySoks20 Crochet pattern for beautiful socks crocheted easy & quickly
/en/items/106436/glowing-chris...IMG-ALT Glowing Christmas ball - Crochet Pattern from Diana´s kleiner Häkelshop
/en/items/106413/little-dachsh...IMG-ALT Little Dachshund in sweater - crochet pattern by NiggyArts
/en/items/106375/large-star-wi...IMG-ALT Large star with light door decoration - easy even for beginners
/en/items/106297/crochet-angel...IMG-ALT Crochet angel wings
/en/items/106269/christmas-gnomeIMG-ALT Christmas Gnome
/en/items/106140/cute-trees-fo...IMG-ALT Cute Trees for Garland, Tree Decorations, Gift Tags - with Video Tutorial
/en/items/106097/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet pattern Satu
/en/items/106071/christmas-dec...IMG-ALT Christmas decoration & gift boxes winter village Silent Night, Holy Night
/en/items/106070/gnome-rudolphIMG-ALT Gnome Rudolph
/en/items/106054/potholders-st...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Potholders ‘Star Chef’ – A Double Face Knitting Instruction
/en/items/106051/xxl-christmas...IMG-ALT XXL Christmas Dragon Crochet Pattern | 1,20m | 47'
/en/items/105993/tutorial-ponc...IMG-ALT Tutorial "PONCHO CROCHET" Advanced
/en/items/106024/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet pattern Kijas Traum
/en/items/106014/knit-mini-hat...Text duplicate IMG-ALT KNIT MINI HAT only knit stitches for decor, Christmas, gifts
/en/items/105961/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Phoibe"
/en/items/105876/gnome-paulIMG-ALT Gnome Paul
/en/items/105900/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern Pirsi the red panda
/en/items/105868/christmas-tre...IMG-ALT Christmas Tree, Fir for Lighting in 3 Sizes - with video tutorial
/en/items/105841/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern for Cute Snowmen
/en/items/105825/scarf-winter-...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Scarf "Winter Fairy Tale" - Double knitting pattern
/en/items/105804/tutorial-snoo...IMG-ALT Tutorial "SNOOD LOOP MÖBIUS" for Advanced
/en/items/105787/sleeve-scarf-...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Sleeve Scarf ‘Muri’ – Knitting Instructions
/en/items/105800/libera-shawlIMG-ALT Libera - Shawl
/en/items/105799/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet pattern Hiraeth
/en/items/105790/crochet-heart...IMG-ALT Crochet Heart Blanket - Baby Blanket Crochet Instructions
/en/items/105668/christmas-gno...IMG-ALT Christmas gnome hanging decoration – easy to make from scraps of yarn
/en/items/105617/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern Flat Triangular Scarf "Despina"
/en/items/105638/dolphin-neck-...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Dolphin neck pillow + heating pad pattern (microwavable rice bag)
/en/items/105525/tutorial-snoo...IMG-ALT Tutorial "SNOOD CROCHET" for Advanced
/en/items/105498/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet pattern ghost
/en/items/105496/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet pattern Infinito 10.0 crocheted triangular scarf / endless scarf
/en/items/105425/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet pattern Halata Star
/en/items/105323/tealight-hold...IMG-ALT Tealight Holder "Twinkle Star" - Crochet Pattern
/en/items/105223/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern Triangular Scarf "Kyria"
/en/items/105265/flat-triangul...IMG-ALT Flat triangular scarf „Mirfana BE“ – crochet pattern
/en/items/105263/funny-autumn-...IMG-ALT Funny autumn Kite - Crochet Pattern
/en/items/105216/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet Pattern "Oh Christmas Tree", Easy Basic for DIY enthusiasts
/en/items/105174/crochet-patte...IMG-ALT Crochet patternSanta gift box
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/en/crochet-holidaysText duplicate Celebrations
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/en/crochet-for-kidsText duplicate Kids
/en/crochet-other2Text duplicate Misc
/en/crochet-shawlText duplicate Scarves
/en/crochet-manText duplicate Men
/en/crochet-bags2Text duplicate Bags
/en/crochet-applications-patternsText duplicate Applications
/en/knittingText duplicate Knitting
/en/knitting-womanText duplicate Women
/en/knitting-for-babiesText duplicate Babies
/en/knitting-kidsText duplicate Kids
/en/knit-scarfsText duplicate Shawls
/en/knit-shawlsText duplicate Scarves
/en/knitting-for-holidaysText duplicate Celebrations
/en/knitting-home-decoText duplicate Home & Decoration
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/en/digital-scrapbookingText duplicate Digital Scrapbooking
/en/contacts/supportContact Support
/en/about-usAbout us
/en/terms-of-use-customerGeneral Terms & Conditions
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