Daniken.at - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.33 s
File size
99.90 kB
Media files
Number of links
284 internal / 6 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Daniken - die besten Boxhandschuhe, Schienbeinschützer, Boxsäcke, etc.
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 667 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Daniken - Kampfsport Shop für Boxen, Muay Thai, MMA, Karate u. v. m. Suchst du Boxhandschuhe, Schienbeinschoner oder Fight Shorts? Hier findest du alles!
The length of the meta description is perfect. (988 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de-de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de-de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
The specified alternate links have no errors.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no
descriptionDaniken - Kampfsport Shop für Boxen, Muay Thai, MMA, Karate u. v. m. Suchst du Boxhandschuhe, Schienbeinschoner oder Fight Shorts? Hier findest du alles!
keywordskampfsport, mma, karate, boxhandschuhe, boxen, fight, sport, wien
twitter:titleDaniken - die besten Boxhandschuhe, Schienbeinschützer, Boxsäcke, etc.
twitter:descriptionDaniken - Kampfsport Shop für Boxen, Muay Thai, MMA, Karate u. v. m. Suchst du Boxhandschuhe, Schienbeinschoner oder Fight Shorts? Hier findest du alles!
og:titleDaniken - die besten Boxhandschuhe, Schienbeinschützer, Boxsäcke, etc.
og:site_nameDaniken Sporthandel KG
og:descriptionDaniken - Kampfsport Shop für Boxen, Muay Thai, MMA, Karate u. v. m. Suchst du Boxhandschuhe, Schienbeinschoner oder Fight Shorts? Hier findest du alles!

Test up to 1.000 webpages of daniken.at with our free plan!

Try For Free
No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
Words from the H1 heading are not used in the page content.
Only 2 paragraph/s was/were found on this page.
There are only 452 words on this page. Good pages should have about 800 words of useful content.
15.7% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 23 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
Multiple viewport tags are given. There should only be one.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 9 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
15 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...tatic/img/country_flags/de.png?height=25No alt attribute provided
...tatic/img/country_flags/us.png?height=25No alt attribute provided
...tatic/img/country_flags/de.png?height=25No alt attribute provided
...ken=c14cbed4-ccce-4b07-8a36-badf86ae9955Bad BoyBad Boy
...ken=640fdda2-534f-4ffc-8b9c-98987a4fc8bcBen LeeBen Lee
...ken=2206428d-6e3e-4c5b-9705-a0d15e9285f1Boxeur Des RuesBoxeur Des Rues
...ken=40e2db2c-a641-4ff3-8251-c8637638ce80Cleto ReyesCleto Reyes
...ken=fc9d4655-bab3-4726-8e65-53ea47acaa90Grant BoxingGrant Boxing
...ken=53523bc0-0194-45e9-9903-9627dbaa9dd6Green HillGreen Hill
...ken=fb401fdd-b2c1-413b-add6-23750da71bd6King Pro BoxingKing Pro Boxing
...ken=e5201626-d6dc-48a4-9232-792baaa84174No Boxing No LifeNo Boxing No Life
...ken=880aa5bf-955a-4741-ae56-4bee199dee18Paffen SportPaffen Sport
...ken=3487d0b6-5bdb-4583-8a82-f363f34a072bPhantom AthleticsPhantom Athletics
...ken=c5efb94d-5eb2-472b-9a1b-dcdb78e7b12aPit Bull West CoastPit Bull West Coast
...ken=f03556e0-359d-4963-a388-1d70ebd6255dRival BoxingRival Boxing
...ken=77625c2f-48d3-4d25-bb4d-42065e64a82cShock DoctorShock Doctor
...ken=556e7938-26b1-4cf3-a5b0-951d6f38e362Top KingTop King
...ken=cd4cd1ab-5874-40aa-86d4-b84dc0b26ce8Top TenTop Ten
...S_SUPERLACE_2_PREMIUM_KHAKI_1 Kopie2.jpgNo alt attribute providedBoxhandschuhe
...ds_BlackGold_Main_Shot-Amazon Kopie2.jpgNo alt attribute providedSchienbeinschoner
...20402/Boxer in Kapuze klein mit Text.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...Fighter mit High Kick klein mit Text.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/web/image/316991/MMA%20Banner.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...image/175168-3efc34bf/9 - Kopfschutz.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...b/image/173816-f8905add/10.x1 Shorts.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...173818-a059183b/13.x1 MMA Handschuhe.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...mage/174663-38fe1e28/9.x2 Stammkunde.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...image/173821-511a3565/17.x1 Boxsäcke.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...e/173822-963b49f3/18.x1 Full control.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...- unzerissen - weiss Kopie klein png.pngNo alt attribute providedMyCompany

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Daniken - die besten Boxhandschuhe, Schienbeinschützer, Boxsäcke
The H1 heading is perfect.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 50 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Daniken - die besten Boxhandschuhe, Schienbeinschützer, Boxsäcke
H3 Empty heading
H3 Empty heading
H3 Empty heading
H3 Blog
H3 Registriere Dich hier für unseren Newsletter
H4 Empty heading
H4 Empty heading
H4 Empty heading
H4 Empty heading
H5 Empty heading
H5 Empty heading
H5 Empty heading
H5 Empty heading
H5 Follow us
H6 Schuhe
H6 Shorts
H6 T-Shirts
H6 Rash Guards
H6 Schwitzanzüge
H6 Caps
H6 Hosen
H6 Hoodies
H6 Anzüge
H6 Gürtel
H6 Boxsäcke
H6 Coaching Equipment
H6 Schützer
H6 Trainingszubehör
H6 Matten
H6 Innovations
H6 Alle Boxhandschuhe
H6 Boxhandschuhe aus Kunstleder
H6 Boxhandschuhe aus Leder
H6 Boxhandschuhe aus Thailand
H6 Empty heading
H6 Wettkampf Boxhandschuhe
H6 Empty heading
H6 Empty heading
H6 MMA Handschuhe
H6 Boxhandschuhe mit Schnürung
H6 Boxhandschuhe für Kinder
H6 Sandsackhandschuhe
H6 Boxhandschuhe mit Hangelenkstütze
H6 Empty heading
H6 Empty heading
H6 Schützer für Kinder
H6 Boxhandschuhe für Kinder Duplicate text
H6 Bekleidung für Kinder
H6 Anzüge für Kinder
H6 Equipment für Kinder
H6 Boxen
H6 Muay Thai
H6 Kickboxen
H6 Ringen
H6 Taekwondo
H6 Karate
H6 Judo
H6 Empty heading
H6 Info
H6 Über uns
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
30 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 6 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://www.daniken.at/No Text
/shop/wishlistNo Text
https://www.daniken.at/shop/cartMein Warenkorb
/shop/wishlistWunschliste (0)
https://www.daniken.at/saleNo Text
/shop/all_brandsNo Text
https://www.daniken.at/my/ordersNo Text
https://www.daniken.at/Anchor Text duplicate Anmelden
https://www.daniken.at/Anchor Reset Password
https://www.daniken.at/Anchor Back to Login
https://www.daniken.at/versandVersand und Lieferung
/en/bekleidungEnglish (US)
https://www.daniken.at/IMG-ALT Daniken
https://www.daniken.at/shop/cartNo Text
/shop/wishlistNo Text
https://www.daniken.at/web/loginText duplicate Anmelden
https://www.daniken.at/shop/cartText duplicate Mein Warenkorb
/shop/wishlistText duplicate Wunschliste (0)
https://www.daniken.at/Text duplicate IMG-ALT Daniken
https://www.daniken.at/shop/cartNo Text
/shop/category/bekleidung-schu...No Text
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/shop/category/bekleidung-shor...Muay Thai Shorts
/shop/category/bekleidung-shor...Subdomain Compression Shorts
/shop/category/bekleidung-shor...Training Shorts
/shop/category/bekleidung-t-sh...Subdomain T-Shirts
/shop/category/bekleidung-t-sh...Subdomain T-Shirts Baumwolle
/shop/category/bekleidung-t-sh...Subdomain T-Shirts Polyester
/shop/category/bekleidung-t-sh...Subdomain Tank Tops Baumwolle
/shop/category/bekleidung-t-sh...Subdomain Tank Tops Polyester
/shop/category/bekleidung-rash...Subdomain Rash Guards
/shop/category/bekleidung-rash...Rash Guards kurzarm
/shop/category/bekleidung-rash...Rash Guards langarm
/shop/category/bekleidung-schw...Subdomain Schwitzanzüge
/shop/category/bekleidung-caps...Text duplicate Caps
/shop/category/bekleidung-hose...Subdomain Hosen
/shop/category/bekleidung-hose...Subdomain Compression Pants
/shop/category/bekleidung-hose...Subdomain Kickboxhosen
/shop/category/bekleidung-hose...Subdomain Kampfsporthosen
/shop/category/bekleidung-hood...Text duplicate Hoodies
/shop/category/bekleidung-hood...Zip Hoodies
/shop/category/bekleidung-kamp...Subdomain Anzüge
/shop/category/bekleidung-kamp...Subdomain BJJ Gis
/shop/category/bekleidung-kamp...Subdomain Karate Anzüge
/shop/category/bekleidung-kamp...Subdomain Taekwondo Anzüge
/shop/category/bekleidung-kamp...Subdomain Judo Anzüge
/shop/category/bekleidung-gurt...Subdomain Gürtel
/shop/category/bekleidung-gurt...Subdomain BJJ Gürtel
/shop/category/bekleidung-gurt...Subdomain Kampfsport Gürtel
/shop/category/equipment-boxsa...Text duplicate Boxsäcke
/shop/category/equipment-boxsa...Water Bags
/shop/category/equipment-boxsa...Boxsäcke für Kinder
/shop/category/equipment-boxsa...Heavy bag set
/shop/category/equipment-boxsa...Bag hangers
/shop/category/equipment-coach...Coaching Equipment
/shop/category/equipment-coach...Thai Pads
/shop/category/equipment-coach...Belly pads
/shop/category/equipment-coach...Box Timer
/shop/category/equipment-coach...Boxring-Eck Accessoires
/shop/category/equipment-schut...Knie & Ellbogenschützer
/shop/category/equipment-train...Trainings Accessoires
/shop/category/equipment-matte...Matten 2cm
/shop/category/equipment-matte...Matten 2,5cm & 3cm
/shop/category/equipment-matte...Matten 4cm
/shop/category/boxhandschuhe-a...Alle Boxhandschuhe
/shop/category/boxhandschuhe-b...Boxhandschuhe aus Kunstleder
/shop/category/boxhandschuhe-b...Boxhandschuhe aus Leder
/shop/category/boxhandschuhe-b...Boxhandschuhe aus Thailand
/shop/category/boxhandschuhe-w...Wettkampf Boxhandschuhe
/shop/category/boxhandschuhe-m...MMA Handschuhe
/shop/category/boxhandschuhe-b...Boxhandschuhe mit Schnürung
/shop/category/boxhandschuhe-b...Boxhandschuhe für Kinder
/shop/category/boxhandschuhe-b...Boxhandschuhe mit Hangelenkstütze
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-s...Schützer für Kinder
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-s...Text duplicate Schienbeinschoner
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-s...Text duplicate Kopfschützer
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-s...Text duplicate Tiefschützer
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-s...Andere Schützer
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-b...Text duplicate Boxhandschuhe für Kinder
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-b...Text duplicate MMA Handschuhe
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-b...Text duplicate Sandsackhandschuhe
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-b...Text duplicate Boxbandagen
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-b...Bekleidung für Kinder
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-b...Text duplicate Shorts
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-b...Text duplicate T-Shirts
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-b...Text duplicate Hoodies
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-b...Text duplicate Hosen
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-b...Text duplicate Schuhe
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/shop/category/kinder-kinder-k...BJJ Gi
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/shop/category/kinder-kinder-k...Text duplicate Taekwondo Anzüge
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-k...Text duplicate Judo Anzüge
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-t...Equipment für Kinder
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-t...Text duplicate Boxsäcke
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-t...Text duplicate Schlagpolster
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-t...Text duplicate Springseile
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-t...Text duplicate Sporttaschen
/shop/category/kinder-kinder-t...Trainings Zubehör
/shop/category/sportarten-boxe...Text duplicate Boxhandschuhe
/shop/category/sportarten-boxe...Text duplicate Boxbandagen
/shop/category/sportarten-boxe...Text duplicate Boxschuhe
/shop/category/sportarten-boxe...Text duplicate Boxhosen
/shop/category/sportarten-boxe...Boxer Tops
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/shop/category/sportarten-boxe...Text duplicate Mundschützer
/shop/category/sportarten-boxe...Text duplicate Tiefschützer
/shop/category/sportarten-muay...Muay Thai
/shop/category/sportarten-muay...Text duplicate Boxhandschuhe
/shop/category/sportarten-muay...Text duplicate Boxbandagen
/shop/category/sportarten-muay...Text duplicate Schienbeinschoner
/shop/category/sportarten-muay...Text duplicate Muay Thai Shorts
/shop/category/sportarten-muay...Text duplicate Kopfschützer
/shop/category/sportarten-muay...Text duplicate Mundschützer
/shop/category/sportarten-muay...Text duplicate Tiefschützer
/shop/category/sportarten-muay...Text duplicate Knie & Ellbogenschützer
/shop/category/sportarten-mma-...Text duplicate MMA Handschuhe
/shop/category/sportarten-mma-...Text duplicate Schienbeinschoner
/shop/category/sportarten-mma-...Text duplicate Ringerschuhe
/shop/category/sportarten-mma-...Text duplicate Fight Shorts
/shop/category/sportarten-mma-...Compression Shirts
/shop/category/sportarten-mma-...Text duplicate Compression Pants
/shop/category/sportarten-mma-...Text duplicate Kopfschützer
/shop/category/sportarten-mma-...Text duplicate Mundschützer
/shop/category/sportarten-mma-...Text duplicate Tiefschützer
/shop/category/sportarten-mma-...Text duplicate Knie & Ellbogenschützer
/shop/category/sportarten-kick...Text duplicate Boxhandschuhe
/shop/category/sportarten-kick...Text duplicate Boxbandagen
/shop/category/sportarten-kick...Text duplicate Schienbeinschoner
/shop/category/sportarten-kick...Text duplicate Kickboxhosen
/shop/category/sportarten-kick...Text duplicate Füßschützer
/shop/category/sportarten-kick...Text duplicate Kopfschützer
/shop/category/sportarten-kick...Text duplicate Mundschützer
/shop/category/sportarten-kick...Text duplicate Tiefschützer
/shop/category/sportarten-bjj-...Text duplicate BJJ Gis
/shop/category/sportarten-bjj-...Text duplicate BJJ Gürtel
/shop/category/sportarten-bjj-...Text duplicate Compression Shirts
/shop/category/sportarten-bjj-...Text duplicate Compression Pants
/shop/category/sportarten-bjj-...Text duplicate Fight Shorts
/shop/category/sportarten-bjj-...Text duplicate Knie & Ellbogenschützer
/shop/category/sportarten-ring...Text duplicate Ringerschuhe
/shop/category/sportarten-ring...Text duplicate Schützer
/shop/category/sportarten-taek...Text duplicate Taekwondo Anzüge
/shop/category/sportarten-taek...Text duplicate Gürtel
/shop/category/sportarten-taek...Text duplicate Schützer
/shop/category/sportarten-kara...Text duplicate Karate Anzüge
/shop/category/sportarten-kara...Text duplicate Gürtel
/shop/category/sportarten-kara...Text duplicate Schützer
/shop/category/sportarten-judo...Text duplicate Judo Anzüge
/shop/category/sportarten-judo...Text duplicate Gürtel
/shop?brand=9No Text
/shop?brand=3IMG-ALT adidas
/shop?brand=4IMG-ALT Asics
/shop?brand=6IMG-ALT Bad Boy
http://daniken.myodoo.at/shop?...External Subdomain No Text
/shop?brand=54IMG-ALT Ben Lee
/shop?brand=7IMG-ALT Booster
/shop?brand=55IMG-ALT Boxeur Des Rues
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/shop?brand=48IMG-ALT Cleto Reyes
/shop?brand=8No Text
/shop?search&brand=8No Text
/shop?brand=9IMG-ALT Daedo
/shop?brand=2Text duplicate IMG-ALT Daniken
/shop?brand=10IMG-ALT Everlast
/shop?brand=11IMG-ALT Fairtex
/shop?brand=57IMG-ALT Grant Boxing
/shop?brand=62IMG-ALT Green Hill
/shop?brand=12IMG-ALT Hayabusa
/shop?brand=13IMG-ALT King Pro Boxing
/shop?brand=13No Text
/shop?brand=66IMG-ALT Kingz
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/shop?brand=16IMG-ALT Mizuno
/shop?brand=16No Text
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/shop?brand=58IMG-ALT No Boxing No Life
/shop?brand=20IMG-ALT Paffen Sport
/shop?brand=60IMG-ALT Phantom Athletics
/shop?brand=20No Text
/shop?brand=61IMG-ALT Pit Bull West Coast
/shop?brand=22IMG-ALT Quantum
/shop?brand=53IMG-ALT RDX
/shop?brand=19IMG-ALT Rival Boxing
/shop?brand=53No Text
/shop?brand=52IMG-ALT Safejawz
/shop?brand=24IMG-ALT Shock Doctor
/shop?brand=44IMG-ALT Tokaido
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/shop?brand=64IMG-ALT Winning
/shop?brand=65IMG-ALT Yokkao
/shop?brand=1IMG-ALT 8Weapons
/shop?brand=33No Text
http://daniken.myodoo.at/shop?...External Subdomain No Text
/shop/category/sportarten-taek...No Text
https://orf.at/New window External No Text
/shop/category/boxhandschuhe-a...No Text
/shop/category/equipment-schut...No Text
/shop/category/sportarten-boxe...No Text
/shop/category/sportarten-muay...No Text
/shop/category/sportarten-mma-630No Text
/shop/category/equipment-schut...No Text
/shop/category/bekleidung-shor...No Text
/shop/category/boxhandschuhe-m...No Text
/stammkundenrabattNo Text
/shop?label=2Text duplicate SALE
/shop/category/equipment-boxsa...No Text
/shop/category/banner-reflex-e...No Text
https://www.daniken.at/blogView all
https://www.daniken.at/No Text
https://www.facebook.com/danik...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.instagram.com/dani...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://wa.me/00436767709996New window External No Text
/website/social/pinterestNew window No Text
https://www.daniken.at/myText duplicate Bestellstatus
https://www.daniken.at/versandText duplicate Versand und Lieferung
/rucksendungText duplicate Rücksendung
/datenschutzText duplicate Datenschutzrichtlinien
/zahlungsartenText duplicate Zahlungsoptionen
/grossentabellenText duplicate Größentabellen
https://www.daniken.at/uber-unsÜber uns

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://www.daniken.at/"
HTTP header
The web server version is sent within the HTTP header.
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.33 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (100 kB).

HTTP Response Header

servernginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu)
dateWed, 19 Feb 2025 01:27:20 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8
set-cookie27 Characters

External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 36 referring domains.
This page has 11,373,619 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 34 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.

Search preview

Daniken - die besten Boxhandschuhe, Schienbeinschützer, Boxsäcke, e...
Daniken - Kampfsport Shop für Boxen, Muay Thai, MMA, Karate u. v. m. Suchst du Boxhandschuhe, Schienbeinschoner oder Fight Shorts? Hier findest du alles!

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

besten Boxhandschuhe72%Check
MMA Handschuhe68%Check

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Cookie Policy

We use cookies to make our site work and also for analytics and advertising purposes. You can enable or disable optional cookies as desired. See the following links for more information.

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