- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.46 s
File size
53.80 kB
Media files
Number of links
147 internal / 8 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Dart Shop Luzern 6038 Gisikon - Darts vor Ort oder Online kaufen.
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 596 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Die grösste Auswahl von Dartscheiben, Dartpfeile und Dartzubehör in der Zentralschweiz. Blitzversand oder Direktkauf in 6038 Gisikon Luzern.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (880 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
descriptionDie grösste Auswahl von Dartscheiben, Dartpfeile und Dartzubehör in der Zentralschweiz. Blitzversand oder Direktkauf in 6038 Gisikon Luzern.
keywordsUnicorn, Designa, L-Style,Evolution, harrows, mission ,target, reddragon, winmau, xqmax, gary, anderson, mvg, van, gerwen, Dartshop, dart-shop, dart,darts, dartsshop, darts-shop, darts,dart shop, darts shop, dartscheibe,dartboard, pfeile, dartpfeile, Dartzubehör, dart kaufen, Snookerqueue, Billardqueue, snoooker, billard, Billardzubehör, Snookerzubehör, root, Luzern, Zentralschweiz, schweiz, swiss,gisikon

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
This page contains 652 words. That's ok.
18.6% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
8 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 15.13 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Some tags are too long. With 77 characters this one is longer than 70 characters:
"bulls, harrows, mission, red dragon, shot, target, unicorn, winmau und xqmax."
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...gos/Dart Shop Luzern Top Left
...0x380/player range mission-1140x380.webpMission Player Darts
...inmau Triple Core 1140x380-1140x380.webpWinmau Blade 6 Dartscheiben
...on Samurai Infinity Banner-1140x380.webpMission Samurai Infinity Tournament Dartboard
...s/Banners 1140x380/force90-1140x380.webpMission Force90
...ers/Banners 1140x380/hexon-1140x380.webpMission Hexon Darts
...sion Sabre Shafts 1140x365-1140x380.webpMission Sabre Alu Top Stems 1140x380/occult-1140x380.webpMission Occult Darts
...40x380/Luke Littler Banner-1140x380.webpLuke Little The Nuke
...40x380/Luke the Champ 2024-1140x380.webpLuke Humphries World Champ 2024
...ers 1140x380/reddragon2024-1140x380.webpRed Dragon The Choice of Champions
...ers 1140x380/eclipse ultra-1140x380.webpNeues Eclipse Ultra Dartboard an Lager
...ats/Red Dragon/Z0168/Z0168a-200x200.webpRed Dragon Pro-Position Dartmatte Oche TeppichRed Dragon Pro-Position Dartmatte Oche Teppich
... Winmau Blade 6 Triple Core-200x200.webpWinmau Blade 6 Triple Core Carbon PDC Sisal Dartscheibe mit Rota-Lock SystemWinmau Blade 6 Triple Core Carbon PDC Sisal Dartscheibe mit Rota-Lock System
...s/Winmau/3033 Blade 6/3033a-200x200.webpWinmau Blade 6 Sisal Dartscheibe mit Rota-Lock SystemWinmau Blade 6 Sisal Dartscheibe mit Rota-Lock System
...ot/SC7532 Bully Set/SC7532a-200x200.webpShot Michael Smith Bully Boy Home Darts Centre Set Komplett Shot Michael Smith Bully Boy Home Darts Centre Set Komplett
...s/Vampires V2 M2/D0605-23ga-200x200.webpDesigna Vampires V2 M2 90% Wolfram Stahl Dartpfeile Set 21gDesigna Vampires V2 M2 90% Wolfram Stahl Dartpfeile Set 21g
...t/Unicorn/Satinlux/4291-18g-200x200.webpUnicorn Core Plus Satinlux Softtip Dartpfeile Set 18gUnicorn Core Plus Satinlux Softtip Dartpfeile Set 18g
...rds/Karella CB-Smart/818001-200x200.webpKarella CB-Smart 2-Loch Dartautomat Elektronisches Online Dartboard SetKarella CB-Smart 2-Loch Dartautomat Elektronisches Online Dartboard Set
...90 Combos/No2 shape/M001445-200x200.webpMission Force 90 Fly Shaft Combo Schwarz No2 KurzMission Force 90 Fly Shaft Combo Schwarz No2 Kurz
.../Torus 270 M000990/M000990e-200x200.webpMission Torus 270 LED Dartscheibe Beleuchtung Mission Torus 270 LED Dartscheibe Beleuchtung
...ler various/Loadout/210383a-200x200.webpTarget Luke Littler The Nuke Loadout Tungsten Wolfram Softtip Softdart Dartpfeile Dart Set 19gTarget Luke Littler The Nuke Loadout Tungsten Wolfram Softtip Softdart Dartpfeile Dart Set 19g CB25/808901 Karella CB25-200x200.webpKarella CB25 2-Loch Dartautomat Elektronisches Dartboard SetKarella CB25 2-Loch Dartautomat Elektronisches Dartboard Set
...21105/Target Corona 121105B-200x200.webpTarget Corona Vision LED Beleuchtung SurroundTarget Corona Vision LED Beleuchtung Surround
...nufacturer logos/red dragon-130x100.webpRedDragon Darts
.../Manufacturer logos/Mission-130x100.webpMission Darts
.../Manufacturer logos/aramith-130x100.webpAramith Billardkugeln
...Manufacturer logos/Bulls NL-130x100.webpBull's Darts
...acturer logos/Unicorn Darts-130x100.webpUnicorn Darts
.../Manufacturer logos/tweeten-130x100.webpTweeten Billard
.../Manufacturer logos/harrows-130x100.webpHarrows Darts
...anufacturer logos/powerglide-130x100.JPGPowerglide Billard & Snooker
...Manufacturer logos/Carromco-130x100.webpCarromco Darts
...og/Manufacturer logos/bulls-130x100.webpBull's Darts
...g/Manufacturer logos/Winmau-130x100.webpWinmau Darts
...g/Manufacturer logos/target-130x100.webpTarget Darts
...anners/Google Bewertungen/8-370x241.webpTijana
...anners/Google Bewertungen/7-370x241.webpOliver
...anners/Google Bewertungen/6-370x241.webpMischa
...anners/Google Bewertungen/5-370x241.webpJosef
...anners/Google Bewertungen/4-370x241.webpDaniel
...anners/Google Bewertungen/3-370x241.webpFritz
...anners/Google Bewertungen/2-370x241.webpDaniel
...anners/Google Bewertungen/1-370x241.webpLukas

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 Unser Dart- und Billardshop Luzern liegt im Herzen der Schweiz. Besuchen Sie uns direkt in Gisikon LU und geniessen die kompetente Beratung von unserem freundlichen Team vor Ort, wo alle Artikel au...
H2 Empty heading
H3 Empfohlen
H4 Red Dragon Pro-Position Dartmatte Oche Teppich
H4 Winmau Blade 6 Triple Core Carbon PDC Sisal Dartscheibe mit Rota-Lock System
H4 Winmau Blade 6 Sisal Dartscheibe mit Rota-Lock System
H4 Shot Michael Smith Bully Boy Home Darts Centre Set Komplett
H4 Designa Vampires V2 M2 90% Wolfram Stahl Dartpfeile Set 21g
H4 Unicorn Core Plus Satinlux Softtip Dartpfeile Set 18g
H4 Karella CB-Smart 2-Loch Dartautomat Elektronisches Online Dartboard Set
H4 Mission Force 90 Fly Shaft Combo Schwarz No2 Kurz
H4 Mission Torus 270 LED Dartscheibe Beleuchtung
H4 Target Luke Littler The Nuke Loadout Tungsten Wolfram Softtip Softdart Dartpfeile Dart Set 19g
H4 Karella CB25 2-Loch Dartautomat Elektronisches Dartboard Set
H4 Target Corona Vision LED Beleuchtung Surround
H5 Informationen
H5 Kundendienst
H5 Extras
H5 Konto
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
1 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 8 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/index.php?route=information/c...Subdomain No Text
/index.php?route=account/accountSubdomain Mein Konto
A-TITLE Mein Konto
/index.php?route=account/registerSubdomain Registrierung
/index.php?route=account/loginSubdomain Anmelden
/index.php?route=account/wishlistSubdomain Wunschliste (0)
A-TITLE Wunschliste (0)
/index.php?route=checkout/cartSubdomain Warenkorb
A-TITLE Warenkorb
/index.php?route=checkout/chec...Subdomain Kasse
/index.php?route=common/homeSubdomain IMG-ALT
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/andere-sportartikel/baseballSubdomain Baseball
/andere-sportartikel/basketballSubdomain Basketball
/andere-sportartikel/billard-u...Subdomain Billard & Snooker
/andere-sportartikel/boxen-mma...Subdomain Boxen MMA & Heimtraining
/andere-sportartikel/cricket-kitSubdomain Cricket Kit
/andere-sportartikel/elektroni...Subdomain Elektronik & Funartikel
/andere-sportartikel/golfSubdomain Golf
/andere-sportartikel/restpostenSubdomain Restposten & B-Ware
/andere-sportartikel/rollbrett...Subdomain Rollbrett & Trottinett
/andere-sportartikel/spieltisc...Subdomain Spieltische & Spielzeug
/andere-sportartikel/squashSubdomain Squash
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/andere-sportartikel/tischtennisSubdomain Tischtennis
/andere-sportartikelSubdomain Zeige alle Andere Sportarten
/dartscheibenSubdomain Boards & Zubehör
/dartscheiben/abwurflinienSubdomain Abwurflinien Oche
/dartscheiben/dartscheiben-auf...Subdomain Auffangringe
/dartscheiben/BeleuchtungSubdomain Beleuchtung LED
/dartscheiben/dartscheiben-ele...Subdomain Dartscheiben - Elektronisch
/dartscheiben/dartscheiben-sta...Subdomain Dartscheiben - Steeldart
/dartscheiben/dartscheiben-zub...Subdomain Dartscheiben Zubehör
/dartscheiben/dartstaenderSubdomain Dartständer
/dartscheiben/geschenk-setsSubdomain Geschenk Sets
/dartscheiben/kabinetteSubdomain Kabinette
/dartscheiben/dartmattenSubdomain Matten
/dartscheibenSubdomain Zeige alle Boards & Zubehör
/dartpfeileSubdomain Dartpfeile
/dartpfeile/softtip-dartsSubdomain Softtip
/dartpfeile/stahldartSubdomain Steeldarts
/dartpfeileSubdomain Zeige alle Dartpfeile
/dartzubehoerSubdomain Dartzubehör
/dartzubehoer/dart-trainingSubdomain Dart Training
/dartzubehoer/trikot-shirtsSubdomain Dart Trikot
/dartzubehoer/fanartikelSubdomain Fan- und Funartikel
/dartzubehoer/fly-locher-und-r...Subdomain Fly Locher & Ringe
/dartzubehoer/flyschonerSubdomain Flyschoner
/dartzubehoer/pokaleSubdomain Pokale
/dartzubehoer/taschenSubdomain Taschen
/dartzubehoer/vereinsbedarfSubdomain Vereinsbedarf
/dartzubehoer/reparatur-und-we...Subdomain Werkzeug
/dartzubehoerSubdomain Zeige alle Dartzubehör
/dartflysSubdomain Flights
/dartflys/einteilig-fly-shaft-...Subdomain Dart Fly Shaft Einteilig
/dartflys/flys-slimSubdomain Dart Flys Slim
/dartflys/dartflys-standardSubdomain Dart Flys Standard
/dartflysSubdomain Zeige alle Flights
/gutscheineSubdomain Gutscheine
/dartschaefteSubdomain Shafts
/dartschaefte/dartschaefte-aus...Subdomain Aluminium Schäfte
/dartschaefte/dartschaefte-aus...Subdomain Carbon & Titan Schäfte
/dartschaefte/einteilig-shaft-...Subdomain Dart Shaft Fly Einteilig
/dartschaefte/dartschaefte-aus...Subdomain Kunststoff Schäfte
/dartschaefteSubdomain Zeige alle Shafts
/dartspitzenSubdomain Spitzen
/dartspitzen/convertal-metalls...Subdomain Schraubspitzen aus Metall
/dartspitzen/spitzen-softdartSubdomain Softdart Spitzen
/dartspitzen/stahldart-spitzenSubdomain Stahldart Spitzen
/dartspitzenSubdomain Zeige alle Spitzen
/stahldart/mission-steeldartsSubdomain IMG-ALT Mission Player Darts
/index.php?route=product/searc...Subdomain IMG-ALT Winmau Blade 6 Dartscheiben
/mission-samurai-infinity-thin...Subdomain IMG-ALT Mission Samurai Infinity Tournament Dartboard
/index.php?route=product/searc...Subdomain IMG-ALT Mission Force90
/index.php?route=product/searc...Subdomain IMG-ALT Mission Hexon Darts
/index.php?route=product/searc...Subdomain IMG-ALT Mission Sabre Alu Top Stems
/index.php?route=product/searc...Subdomain IMG-ALT Mission Occult Darts
/index.php?route=product/searc...Subdomain IMG-ALT Luke Little The Nuke
/index.php?route=product/searc...Subdomain IMG-ALT Luke Humphries World Champ 2024
/index.php?route=product/searc...Subdomain IMG-ALT Red Dragon The Choice of Champions
/unicorn-eclipse-ultra-pro-dar...Subdomain IMG-ALT Neues Eclipse Ultra Dartboard an Lager
/abholungNew window Subdomain Besuchen Sie uns direkt in Gisikon LU
/red-dragon-pro-position-dartm...Subdomain IMG-ALT Red Dragon Pro-Position Dartmatte Oche Teppich
/red-dragon-pro-position-dartm...Subdomain Text duplicate Red Dragon Pro-Position Dartmatte Oche Teppich
/winmau-blade-6-triple-core-ca...Subdomain IMG-ALT Winmau Blade 6 Triple Core Carbon PDC Sisal Dartscheibe mit Rota-Lock System
/winmau-blade-6-triple-core-ca...Subdomain Text duplicate Winmau Blade 6 Triple Core Carbon PDC Sisal Dartscheibe mit Rota-Lock System
/winmau-blade-6-dartscheibe-mi...Subdomain IMG-ALT Winmau Blade 6 Sisal Dartscheibe mit Rota-Lock System
/winmau-blade-6-dartscheibe-mi...Subdomain Text duplicate Winmau Blade 6 Sisal Dartscheibe mit Rota-Lock System
/shot-bully-boy-michael-smith-...Subdomain IMG-ALT Shot Michael Smith Bully Boy Home Darts Centre Set Komplett
/shot-bully-boy-michael-smith-...Subdomain Text duplicate Shot Michael Smith Bully Boy Home Darts Centre Set Komplett
/designa-stahldart-set-vampire...Subdomain IMG-ALT Designa Vampires V2 M2 90% Wolfram Stahl Dartpfeile Set 21g
/designa-stahldart-set-vampire...Subdomain Text duplicate Designa Vampires V2 M2 90% Wolfram Stahl Dartpfeile Set 21g
/unicorn-core-satinlux-softtip...Subdomain IMG-ALT Unicorn Core Plus Satinlux Softtip Dartpfeile Set 18g
/unicorn-core-satinlux-softtip...Subdomain Text duplicate Unicorn Core Plus Satinlux Softtip Dartpfeile Set 18g
/karella-cb-smart-2-loch-elekt...Subdomain IMG-ALT Karella CB-Smart 2-Loch Dartautomat Elektronisches Online Dartboard Set
/karella-cb-smart-2-loch-elekt...Subdomain Text duplicate Karella CB-Smart 2-Loch Dartautomat Elektronisches Online Dartboard Set
/mission-force90-fly-shaft-com...Subdomain IMG-ALT Mission Force 90 Fly Shaft Combo Schwarz No2 Kurz
/mission-force90-fly-shaft-com...Subdomain Text duplicate Mission Force 90 Fly Shaft Combo Schwarz No2 Kurz
/mission-torus-270-led-dartsch...Subdomain IMG-ALT Mission Torus 270 LED Dartscheibe Beleuchtung
/mission-torus-270-led-dartsch...Subdomain Text duplicate Mission Torus 270 LED Dartscheibe Beleuchtung
/target-luke-littler-the-nuke-...Subdomain IMG-ALT Target Luke Littler The Nuke Loadout Tungsten Wolfram Softtip Softdart Dartpfeile Dart Set 19g
/target-luke-littler-the-nuke-...Subdomain Text duplicate Target Luke Littler The Nuke Loadout Tungsten Wolfram Softtip Softdart Dartpfeile Dart Set 19g
/karella-cb25-2-loch-elektroni...Subdomain IMG-ALT Karella CB25 2-Loch Dartautomat Elektronisches Dartboard Set
/karella-cb25-2-loch-elektroni...Subdomain Text duplicate Karella CB25 2-Loch Dartautomat Elektronisches Dartboard Set
/target-corona-led-surroundSubdomain IMG-ALT Target Corona Vision LED Beleuchtung Surround
/target-corona-led-surroundSubdomain Text duplicate Target Corona Vision LED Beleuchtung Surround
/dart/Dartscheiben-StahldartNew window Subdomain Sisal Dartboards
/dart/dartscheiben-elektronischNew window Subdomain E-Dartscheiben
/dart/stahldartNew window Subdomain Tungsten Stahldarts Dartfeile
/dart/softtip-dartsNew window Subdomain Wolfram Softdarts
/dart/flysNew window Subdomain Text duplicate Flights
/dart/dartschaefte-aus-nylonNew window Subdomain Schäfte
/dart/dartmattenNew window Subdomain Dartteppiche
/dart/auffangringeNew window Subdomain Text duplicate Auffangringe
/dart/taschenNew window Subdomain Dartetuis
/dart/dart-zubehorNew window Subdomain Text duplicate Dartzubehör
/dart/dartmattenNew window Subdomain Dartmatte
/dart/auffangringeNew window Subdomain Surround
/BullsNew window Subdomain Bulls
/harrows-dartsNew window Subdomain Harrows window External Subdomain Mission
/red-dragonNew window Subdomain Red Dragon
/shotNew window Subdomain Shot
/target-dartsNew window Subdomain Target window External Subdomain Unicorn,
/WinmauNew window Subdomain Winmau
/XQMax-DartsNew window Subdomain XQMax
/red-dragonSubdomain IMG-ALT RedDragon Darts
/Mission DartsSubdomain IMG-ALT Mission Darts
/aramithSubdomain IMG-ALT Aramith Billardkugeln
/bulls-nlSubdomain IMG-ALT Bull's Darts
/unicorn-dartsSubdomain IMG-ALT Unicorn Darts
/tweetenSubdomain IMG-ALT Tweeten Billard
/harrows-dartsSubdomain IMG-ALT Harrows Darts
/powerglide-poolSubdomain IMG-ALT Powerglide Billard & Snooker
/CarromcoSubdomain IMG-ALT Carromco Darts
/BullsSubdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Bull's Darts
/WinmauSubdomain IMG-ALT Winmau Darts
/target-dartsSubdomain IMG-ALT Target Darts
/abholungSubdomain Adresse & Öffnungszeiten
/datenschutzSubdomain Datenschutz
/Impressum1Subdomain Impressum
/unsere-AGBSubdomain Unsere AGB
/versandSubdomain Versand
/index.php?route=information/c...Subdomain Kontakt
/index.php?route=product/manuf...Subdomain Hersteller
/index.php?route=product/specialSubdomain Angebote
/index.php?route=account/accountSubdomain Konto
/index.php?route=account/orderSubdomain Auftragsverlauf
/index.php?route=account/newsl...Subdomain Newsletter Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text Subdomain No Text
https://discountsports.wordpre...External Subdomain No Text window Nofollow External Plataforma de E-commerce
A-TITLE plataforma ecommerce

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.46 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (54 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateSun, 16 Feb 2025 10:48:09 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8
set-cookie43 Characters

External factors

This page has only a few links from other websites.
This page only has backlinks from 17 referring domains.
This page only has 32 backlinks.
This page only has few backlinks from 15 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


User-agent: *
Disallow: /*route=account/
Disallow: /*route=affiliate/
Disallow: /*route=checkout/
Disallow: /*route=product/search
Disallow: /index.php?route=product/product*&manufacturer_id=
Disallow: /admin
Disallow: /catalog
Disallow: /download
Disallow: /system
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Disallow: /*&filter=
Disallow: /*?filter_name=
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Disallow: /*&filter_sub_category=
Disallow: /*?filter_description=
Disallow: /*&filter_description=
Disallow: /*?tracking=
Disallow: /*&tracking=


Search preview
Dart Shop Luzern 6038 Gisikon - Darts vor Ort oder Online kaufen.
Die grösste Auswahl von Dartscheiben, Dartpfeile und Dartzubehör in der Zentralschweiz. Blitzversand oder Direktkauf in 6038 Gisikon Luzern.

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Darts Centre Set55%Check

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