- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
1.10 s
File size
2,089.50 kB
Media files
Number of links
389 internal / 13 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
DMujeres Beauty Market
The length of the page title is perfect. (224 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Compra tus productos de belleza favoritos desde casa. Envíos a nivel nacional. Paga con tu tarjeta de crédito preferida y obtén descuentos.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (861 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: es
Language defined in HTML: es-ec
Language defined in meta tags: es-ec
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: es-ec
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
generator[email protected]
descriptionCompra tus productos de belleza favoritos desde casa. Envíos a nivel nacional. Paga con tu tarjeta de crédito preferida y obtén descuentos.
copyrightDMujeres Beauty Market
authorDMujeres Beauty Market
robotsindex, follow
og:titleDMujeres Beauty Market
og:descriptionCompra tus productos de belleza favoritos desde casa. Envíos a nivel nacional. Paga con tu tarjeta de crédito preferida y obtén descuentos.

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Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 1044 words. That's ok.
10.4% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
5 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 14.5 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
Multiple viewport tags are given. There should only be one.
No Apple touch icon is specified.
The file size of the HTML document is very large (2089.5 kB).
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 21 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
5 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...3___b76918afd2560d9d30f4fac2e168eb28.jpgDía de la Protección de la Naturaleza​Naturaleza
...f___227ad7c57b66236288b7396423514d2a.jpgCyber Day​Cyber Day
...4___4050aebe4d30152f15b69587508580ea.jpgNail Lover​Nail Lover
...7___7fd421d80149669b496ff963e2279810.jpgFlormar Longer Than Ever Mascara​Flormar Longer Than Ever Mascara
...5___e31d471eaef42b43d55b9ba25971cf0b.pngNo alt attribute provided
...4___387199364b8b0b734f0c037b328aab5d.pngNo alt attribute provided
...f___5fde390fab01625c67dc1b54289af5e8.pngNo alt attribute provided
...4___77c091b9efb868e3b39d66f90c4c8e72.pngNo alt attribute provided
...730000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueCrema Facial Anti Manchas 50 ml.
...000000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueDetox Agua Micelar Iluminadora
...530000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueCrema Facial Cannabis 50 ml.
...300000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueBody Care Crema de Manos Regenerante
...730000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueDetox Contorno Ojos y Crema Suave
...500000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueDetox Bruma Facial Energizante
...530000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueDetox Sérum Renovador
...270000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueBeauty of Joseon Ginseng Cleansing Oil | Aceite Limpiador de Ginseng 210ml.
...970000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueHFS Cubre Pezones de Silicona Pequeña
...530000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueHFS Tiras Adhesiva para Piel y Ropa 36und.
...100000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueHFS Cubre Pezones de Silicona Grande
...730000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueTree Hut Exfoliante de Azúcar de Karité y Sandía 510gr.
...8___c76db2d5d4540d1c2dda3e5580cbdc3a.jpgProfesionales de UñasProfesionales de Uñas
...a___d175535b75591f44049d0c04113ceeee.jpgMencarePara Ellos
...c___19a72f215e31d74a253e3308d4604116.jpgMiercoles de Firenze - CapilarMiercoles de Cuidado Capilar
...400000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueTechnique Tinte 90 g.
...870000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueElvive Tratamiento Oleo Extraordinario 100 ml.
...170000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueTinte Lisap LK-OPC Oil Protection Complex Tubo
...500000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueProtector Termico Cera Capilar 250 ml
...300000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueTratamiento Keratin Organic Smooth 1000 ml.
...800000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueCrema Oxigenada Kuul Change Me 135 ml.
...300000&width=500&height=auto&aspect=trueElvive Shampoo Hialuronico Pure 370 ml.
...1___ab8f226666b4df7fb5d907d372e183a1.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...6___8c236a08262c145049f99ff81035cf23.jpgShampoo Seco - Bond SaverShampoo Seco - Blog
...e___b74f7f1dfcaded9cee6da0c96a83be4d.jpg10 pasos para una piel radiante - SkinCare - Piel RadianteSkinCare - Piel Radiante
...2___bd3bcaf8ad5e6cd37dfdda4f4b0ed97a.jpgAmor por tus RizosAmor por tus Rizos
...4___521efd6a0725388f44db310bb0a9ef62.jpgClub Profesional​Club Profesional

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
The H1 heading consists of only one word. There should be more information given.
The H1 heading is too short (7 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
There are 31 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Mencare
H2 Destacados
H2 Productos en acción
H2 Promos Days
H2 Más Vendidos
H2 Blog
H2 Categorías
H3 EcoBeauty ♻️🌳
H3 📲🏃🏽‍♀️ ¡Del 18 al 20 de noviembre!
H3 ¡Ahora los lunes son de expertos en uñas!
H3 Una nueva era de pestañas empezó💃🏼
H3 Crema Facial Anti Manchas 50 ml.
H3 Detox Agua Micelar Iluminadora
H3 Crema Facial Cannabis 50 ml.
H3 Body Care Crema de Manos Regenerante
H3 Detox Contorno Ojos y Crema Suave
H3 Detox Bruma Facial Energizante
H3 Detox Sérum Renovador
H3 Nuevos Productos
H3 Beauty of Joseon Ginseng Cleansing Oil | Aceite Limpiador de Ginseng 210ml.
H3 HFS Cubre Pezones de Silicona Pequeña
H3 HFS Tiras Adhesiva para Piel y Ropa 36und.
H3 HFS Cubre Pezones de Silicona Grande
H3 Tree Hut Exfoliante de Azúcar de Karité y Sandía 510gr.
H3 Technique Tinte 90 g.
H3 Elvive Tratamiento Oleo Extraordinario 100 ml.
H3 Tinte Lisap LK-OPC Oil Protection Complex Tubo
H3 Protector Termico Cera Capilar 250 ml
H3 Tratamiento Keratin Organic Smooth 1000 ml.
H3 Crema Oxigenada Kuul Change Me 135 ml.
H3 Elvive Shampoo Hialuronico Pure 370 ml.
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
4 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 13 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Subdomain ¿Necesitas ayuda? DMujeres Beauty Market Subdomain Tiendas
https://beautyexperts.dmujeres...New window External Subdomain Beauty Expert
/profesionalClub Profesional Login cuenta ¿Eres profesional?
/cabello/acondicionador/caspa-...Caspa y Caída
/cabello/acondicionador/contro...Control Rizos
/cabello/acondicionador/efecto...Efecto Liso
/cabello/acondicionador/limpie...Limpieza Profunda
/cabello/acondicionador/protec...Protección Color
/cabello/acondicionador/todo-t...Todo Tipo de Cabello
/cabello/alisamiento-y-ondulacionAlisamiento y Ondulación
/cabello/alisamiento-y-ondulac...Acondicionadores Post Alisado
/cabello/alisamiento-y-ondulac...Alisadores con Keratina
/cabello/alisamiento-y-ondulac...Alisadores Químicos
/cabello/alisamiento-y-ondulac...Onduladores Permanentes
/cabello/alisamiento-y-ondulac...Sérum Post Alisado
/cabello/alisamiento-y-ondulac...Shampoo Post Alisado
/cabello/alisamiento-y-ondulac...Shampoo Pre Alisado
/cabello/alisamiento-y-ondulac...Kits Post Tratamientos
/cabello/coloracion/anti-manchasAnti Manchas
/cabello/coloracion/semi-perma...Semi Permanente
/cabello/herramientas-peluqueriaHerramientas Peluquería
/cabello/herramientas-peluquer...Navajas y Hojas de Afeitar
/cabello/herramientas-peluquer...Peines Barbero
/cabello/implementos-peluqueriaImplementos Peluquería
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/cabello/implementos-peluqueri...Cabezas de Práctica
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/cabello/implementos-peluqueri...Tinas Tinte
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/cabello/productos-de-estilo/b...Text duplicate Brillo
/cabello/productos-de-estilo/c...Cremas de Peinar
/cabello/productos-de-estilo/c...Cremas Fijadoras
/cabello/productos-de-estilo/l...Lacas Fijadoras
/cabello/proteccion-termicaProtección Térmica
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/cabello/shampoo/en-secoEn Seco
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/cabello/shampoo/hombres-4-en-1Hombres 4 en 1
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/cabello/tratamientos/cremas-d...Text duplicate Cremas de Peinar
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/cabello/tratamientos/repolari...Text duplicate Repolarización
/cabello/tratamientos/sprayText duplicate Spray
/maquillaje/herramientas/espon...Esponjas y Aplicadores
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/maquillaje/implementos/porta-...Porta Cosméticos
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/maquillaje/ojos/mascaras-de-p...Máscaras de Pestañas
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/cuidado-de-la-piel/ojos/parchesText duplicate Parches
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/cuidado-de-la-piel/problemas-...Imperfecciones de la Piel
/cuidado-de-la-piel/spa/ceras-...Ceras Depilatorias
/cuidado-de-la-piel/spa/herram...Text duplicate Herramientas
/cuidado-de-la-piel/spa/implem...Text duplicate Implementos
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/cuidado-de-la-piel/spa/pre-de...Pre Depilación
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/cuidado-de-la-piel/spa/tratam...Tratamientos Faciales
/cuidado-de-la-piel/spa/cuidad...Cuidado de Piesñas
/unas/cuidado-de-unasCuidado de Uñas
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/unas/esmalte-de-unasEsmalte de Uñas
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/unas/esmalte-de-unas/esmalte-gelEsmalte Gel
/unas/esmalte-de-unas/secantes...Secantes de Uñas
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/unas/herramientas/cepillos-li...Text duplicate Cepillos Limpieza
/unas/herramientas/corta-cutic...Corta Cutículas
/unas/herramientas/sets-manicu...Sets Manicure y Pedicure
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/unas/implementos/separadores-...Separadores de Dedos
/unas/implementos/zapatillas-p...Zapatillas para Pedidure
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/unas/removedores-y-disolvente...Removedores de Esmaltes
/unas/removedores-y-disolvente...Removedores de Uñas
/unas/unas-acrilicasUñas Acrílicas
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/unas/unas-en-gelUñas en Gel
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/hombres/bano-y-cuerpo/desodor...Text duplicate Desodorantes
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/hombres/implementos-barberia/...Text duplicate Porta Herramientas
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/electricos/spa/depilacion-iplDepilación IPL
/electricos/spa/masajeador-per...Masajeador Personal
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/mobiliarios/spa/organizadoresText duplicate Organizadores Subdomain A-TITLE Blog Spot Text Día de la Protección de la Naturaleza​
A-TITLE EcoBeauty ahora Text Cyber Day​
A-TITLE Cyber Day duplicate Comprar ahora
/profesionales-unasSubdomain No Text
/profesionales-unasSubdomain IMG-ALT Nail Lover​
A-TITLE Profesionales en Uñas
/profesionales-unasSubdomain Comprar Ahora
/flormar-flormar-longer-than-e...No Text
/flormar-flormar-longer-than-e...IMG-ALT Flormar Longer Than Ever Mascara​
A-TITLE Flormar Longer Than Ever Mascara
/flormar-flormar-longer-than-e...Text duplicate Comprar ahora
/babaria-crema-facial-anti-man...Comprar Babaria Crema Facial Anti Manchas 50 ml. $23,40 Comprar
IMG-ALT Crema Facial Anti Manchas 50 ml.
/naobay-detox-agua-micelar-ilu...-50 % Comprar Naobay Detox Agua Micelar Iluminadora $6,18 $12,36 Comprar
IMG-ALT Detox Agua Micelar Iluminadora
/babaria-crema-facial-cannabis...Comprar Babaria Crema Facial Cannabis 50 ml. $19,70 Comprar
IMG-ALT Crema Facial Cannabis 50 ml.
/naobay-body-care-crema-de-man...-40 % Comprar Naobay Body Care Crema de Manos Regenerante $6,18 $10,31 Comprar
IMG-ALT Body Care Crema de Manos Regenerante
/naobay-detox-contorno-ojos-y-...-40 % Comprar Naobay Detox Contorno Ojos y Crema Suave $8,64 $14,40 Comprar
IMG-ALT Detox Contorno Ojos y Crema Suave
/naobay-detox-bruma-facial-ene...-40 % Comprar Naobay Detox Bruma Facial Energizante $8,64 $14,40 Comprar
IMG-ALT Detox Bruma Facial Energizante
/naobay-detox-serum-renovador-...-40 % Comprar Naobay Detox Sérum Renovador $12,36 $20,59 Comprar
IMG-ALT Detox Sérum Renovador
/cuidado-de-la-pielVer más
/beauty-of-joseon-beauty-of-jo...Nuevo Comprar Beauty of Joseon Beauty of Joseon Ginseng Cleansing Oil | Aceite Limpiador de Ginseng 210ml. $29,00 Comprar
IMG-ALT Beauty of Joseon Ginseng Cleansing Oil | Aceite Limpiador de Ginseng 210ml.
/hollywood-fashion-secrets-hfs...Nuevo Comprar Hollywood Fashion Secrets HFS Cubre Pezones de Silicona Pequeña $15,00 Comprar
IMG-ALT HFS Cubre Pezones de Silicona Pequeña
/hollywood-fashion-secrets-hfs...Nuevo Comprar Hollywood Fashion Secrets HFS Tiras Adhesiva para Piel y Ropa 36und. $9,00 Comprar
IMG-ALT HFS Tiras Adhesiva para Piel y Ropa 36und.
/hollywood-fashion-secrets-hfs...Nuevo Comprar Hollywood Fashion Secrets HFS Cubre Pezones de Silicona Grande $20,00 Comprar
IMG-ALT HFS Cubre Pezones de Silicona Grande
/tree-hut-tree-hut-exfoliante-...Nuevo Comprar Tree Hut Tree Hut Exfoliante de Azúcar de Karité y Sandía 510gr. $20,44 Comprar
IMG-ALT Tree Hut Exfoliante de Azúcar de Karité y Sandía 510gr.
/profesionales-unasSubdomain IMG-ALT Profesionales de Uñas
A-TITLE Profesionales de Uñas IMG-ALT Mencare
A-TITLE Mencare IMG-ALT Miercoles de Firenze - Capilar
A-TITLE Miercoles de Cuidado Capilar
/rene-chardon-technique-tinte-...Comprar Rene Chardon Technique Tinte 90 g. $6,15 Comprar
IMG-ALT Technique Tinte 90 g.
/loreal-elvive-tratamiento-ole...Comprar L'oreal Elvive Tratamiento Oleo Extraordinario 100 ml. $13,60 Comprar
IMG-ALT Elvive Tratamiento Oleo Extraordinario 100 ml.
/lisap-tinte-lisap-lk-opc-oil-...-15 % Comprar Lisap Tinte Lisap LK-OPC Oil Protection Complex Tubo $9,57 $11,25 Comprar
IMG-ALT Tinte Lisap LK-OPC Oil Protection Complex Tubo
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IMG-ALT Protector Termico Cera Capilar 250 ml
/azeida-tratamiento-keratin-or...-30 % Comprar Azeida Tratamiento Keratin Organic Smooth 1000 ml. $64,16 $91,66 Comprar
IMG-ALT Tratamiento Keratin Organic Smooth 1000 ml.
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IMG-ALT Crema Oxigenada Kuul Change Me 135 ml.
/loreal-elvive-shampoo-hialuro...Comprar L'oreal Elvive Shampoo Hialuronico Pure 370 ml. $10,10 Comprar
IMG-ALT Elvive Shampoo Hialuronico Pure 370 ml. duplicate Ver más Subdomain A-TITLE Virgo Subdomain Leer blog Subdomain IMG-ALT Shampoo Seco - Bond Saver
A-TITLE Shampoo Seco Subdomain Text duplicate Leer blog Subdomain IMG-ALT 10 pasos para una piel radiante - SkinCare - Piel Radiante
A-TITLE SkinCare - Piel Radiante Subdomain Text duplicate Leer blog Subdomain IMG-ALT Amor por tus Rizos
A-TITLE Amor por tus Rizos Subdomain Text duplicate Leer blog Subdomain IMG-ALT Club Profesional​
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A-TITLE Cabello duplicate Cabello
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A-TITLE Maquillaje
/maquillajeText duplicate Maquillaje duplicate IMG-ALT Uñas
A-TITLE Uñas duplicate Uñas
/cuidado-de-la-pielIMG-ALT SkinCare
A-TITLE SkinCare
/cuidado-de-la-pielText duplicate SkinCare

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