Elektroshopwagner.de - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.21 s
File size
137.80 kB
Media files
Number of links
150 internal / 10 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Elektroshop Wagner - Ihr Shop für Elektro- & Haushaltsgeräte
The length of the page title is perfect. (554 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Haushaltsgeräte günstig kaufen ✓ Küchen- & Elektrogeräte: Kühlschränke, Waschmaschinen uvm. ✓ SCHNELLE LIEFERUNG ✓ 2 Mio+ zufriedene Kunden!
The length of the meta description is perfect. (970 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Language defined in meta tags: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
The specified alternate links have no errors.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
authorElektroshop Wagner
publisherWagner eCommerce Group GmbH
copyrightWagner eCommerce Group GmbH
companyElektroshop Wagner Onlineshop für Haushaltsgeräte Küchengeräte
reply-to[email protected]
page-typeKommerzielle Organisation
descriptionHaushaltsgeräte günstig kaufen ✓ Küchen- & Elektrogeräte: Kühlschränke, Waschmaschinen uvm. ✓ SCHNELLE LIEFERUNG ✓ 2 Mio+ zufriedene Kunden!
apple-mobile-web-app-titleElektroshop Wagner
application-nameElektroshop Wagner
og:titleElektroshop Wagner - Ihr Shop für Elektro- & Haushaltsgeräte
og:descriptionHaushaltsgeräte günstig kaufen ✓ Küchen- & Elektrogeräte: Kühlschränke, Waschmaschinen uvm. ✓ SCHNELLE LIEFERUNG ✓ 2 Mio+ zufriedene Kunden!
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 890 words. That's ok.
43% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
11 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 13.74 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Empty bold or strong tags were found on this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
1 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...tes/xtc1/img/deutschlandtest-esw-top.pngElektroshop Wagner Testsiegel
/static/images/trust/trustedshops.pngTrusted Shops - Gütesiegel
/images/promotion/de_promotion_1523.pngf-tronic Angebote
...s/categories/subcategory_images/8686.jpgHaushaltsgeräte & Küche
...s/categories/subcategory_images/5482.jpgKabel & Leitungen
...s/categories/subcategory_images/2182.jpgLampen & Leuchten
...s/categories/subcategory_images/9057.jpgPhotovoltaik & Wallboxen
...s/categories/subcategory_images/8689.jpgSanitär, Heizung & Klima
...s/categories/subcategory_images/2447.jpgSchalter & Steckdosen
/images/promotion/promotion_1237.pngEurom Klimageräte
/images/promotion/de_promotion_1484.pngGROHE 10% Cashback Duschvergnügen
/images/promotion/de_promotion_1500.pngLegrand SEANO Schalterserie
/images/promotion/de_promotion_1413.pngRestposten & Sonderangebote
/images/promotion/promotion_1172.pngESW Social Media Kanäle
/images/promotion/promotion_1237.pngEurom Klimageräte
/images/promotion/de_promotion_1437.pngNEFF Slide & Hide Backöfen
/images/promotion/de_promotion_1473.pngSiemens Made in Germany
/images/promotion/de_promotion_1474.pngBosch Kühlen & Gefrieren
/images/promotion/de_promotion_1510.pngLG Luckydeals Juni 2024
/images/promotion/de_promotion_1482.pngHisense EM Cashback
/images/promotion/de_promotion_1477.jpgGorenje EM Prämie
/images/promotion/promotion_676.pngSchneider Electric Brandpage
/images/promotion/de_promotion_1525.pngNo alt attribute provided
/images/promotion/promotion_1253.pngViessmann Markenshop
/images/manufacturers/bosch.pngLogo BoschBosch
/images/manufacturers/siemens.gifLogo SiemensSiemens
...es/manufacturers/gorenje_banner_shop.pngLogo GorenjeGorenje
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...es/manufacturers/Grohe-Logo-vertikal.pngLogo GROHEGROHE
/images/manufacturers/gira.jpgLogo GiraGira
.../manufacturers/Ritto Logo Shop_Final.pngLogo RittoRitto
/images/manufacturers/Vaillant.pngLogo VaillantVaillant
...s/manufacturers/STIEBEL-ELTRON (002).pngLogo STIEBEL-ELTRONStiebel Eltron
/images/manufacturers/amica_logo_shop.jpgLogo AmicaZum Amica-Sortiment
/images/manufacturers/beko_neu.jpgLogo BekoBeko
/images/manufacturers/busch_jaeger.jpgLogo Busch JägerBusch Jaeger
...neider_LIO_Life-Green_RGB (002)_shop.pngLogo Schneider ElectricSchneider Electric
...es/manufacturers/Viessmann_Logo_shop.pngLogo ViessmannViessmann
...manufacturers/Merten Logo Shop_Final.pngLogo MertenMerten
...anufacturers/samsung-logo_shop_final.jpgLogo SamsungSamsung
...ges/manufacturers/Eurom-120x60 (002).pngLogo EuromEurom
/images/manufacturers/Hager.PNGLogo HagerHager
/images/manufacturers/bticino_logo_Shop.jpgLogo bticinobticino
/images/manufacturers/legrand_logo_shop.jpgLogo LegrandLegrand
/images/manufacturers/ABN_Shop_Final.pngLogo ABNABN
...s/payment/Google_Pay_Acceptance_Mark.svgGoogle Pay
...es/payment/Apple_Pay_Mark_RGB_041619.svgApple Pay
/images/partner/ts_widget.gifKundenbewertungen von Elektroshop Wagner
.../xtc1/img/deutschlandtest-esw-bottom.pngElektroshop Wagner Testsiegel
/static/images/flags/24/DE.pngDeutschland Deutschland
/static/images/flags/24/AT.pngÖsterreich Österreich
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/static/images/flags/24/CH.pngSchweiz Schweiz
/static/images/flags/24/SK.pngSlowakei Slowakei
/static/images/flags/24/SI.pngSlowenien Slowenien
/static/images/flags/24/ES.pngSpanien Spanien
/static/images/flags/24/CZ.pngTschechien Tschechien
/static/images/flags/24/HU.pngUngarn Ungarn
/static/images/flags/16/DE.pngDeutschland Deutschland

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Der Artikel wurde zum Vergleich hinzugefügt
Too many H1 headings
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 32 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Der Artikel wurde zum Vergleich hinzugefügt
H1 Produktvergleich
H1 Empty heading
H1 Elektroshop Wagner - Ihr kompetenter Elektro-Online-Shop
H2 Der Artikel befindet sich bereits auf diesen Merkzetteln:
H2 Der Artikel befindet sich bereits auf folgendem Merkzettel:
H2 Artikel auf den Merkzettel setzen
H2 Artikel auf anderen Merkzettel verschieben
H2 Neuen Merkzettel anlegen
H2 Merkzettel umbenennen
H2 Artikel auf den Merkzettel gesetzt
H2 Artikel ist bereits auf dem Merkzettel
H2 Artikel auf den Merkzettel verschoben
H2 Artikel ist bereits auf dem Merkzettel Duplicate text
H2 Artikel hinzugefügt
H2 Fehler beim Hinzufügen
H2 Merkzettel wechseln
H2 Fehler
H2 Bitte einloggen
H2 Zu viele Merkzettel
H2 Merkzettel voll
H2 Unsere Haushaltsgeräte können mehr
H2 Praktische Elektrogeräte genau richtig für Ihre Küche
H2 Mit unseren Elektroartikel Ihre Projekte verwirklichen
H2 Unsere Top-Marken
H2 Zahlungsweisen
H2 Sicher einkaufen
H2 Versandkosten
H2 Finden Sie noch mehr Inspiration
H2 Elektroshop Wagner
H2 Service
H2 Fehler Duplicate text
H2 Verwendung von Cookies
Baselink: https://www.elektroshopwagner.de/
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
6 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 10 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://support.elektroshopwag...New window Nofollow External Subdomain Hilfe / Kontakt
https://www.elektroshopwagner.de/Subdomain No Text
/shop_content.php/coID/207IMG-ALT Elektroshop Wagner Testsiegel
A-TITLE Elektroshop Wagner ist Bester Online Shop
https://www.trustedshops.de/be...New window Nofollow External Subdomain IMG-ALT Trusted Shops - Gütesiegel
A-TITLE Klicken Sie auf das Gütesiegel, um die Gültigkeit zu prüfen!
/search_result.php?keywordsSubdomain No Text
https://www.elektroshopwagner.de/Anchor No Text
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/product_comparison.phpSubdomain Text duplicate Vergleich starten
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A-TITLE Zu den Merkzetteln
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/wishlist.phpSubdomain Auf Merkzettel verschieben
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/wishlist.phpSubdomain Text duplicate Zum Merkzettel
/wishlist.phpSubdomain Text duplicate Weiter einkaufen
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/wishlist.phpSubdomain Text duplicate Weiter einkaufen
/login.php/account_necessary/1Subdomain Zum Login
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/wishlist.phpSubdomain Zu den Merkzetteln
/wishlist.phpSubdomain Text duplicate Zurück
/wishlist.phpSubdomain Text duplicate Zum Merkzettel
/wishlist.phpSubdomain Text duplicate Zurück
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A-TITLE Zum Warenkorb
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/search_result.php?promotion=f...IMG-ALT f-tronic Angebote
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IMG-ALT Haushaltsgeräte & Küche
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IMG-ALT Installationsmaterial
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IMG-ALT Kabel & Leitungen
/search_result.php?c=Lampen_%2...Subdomain Lampen & Leuchten
IMG-ALT Lampen & Leuchten
/search_result.php?c=Netzwerkt...Subdomain Netzwerktechnik
IMG-ALT Netzwerktechnik
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IMG-ALT Photovoltaik & Wallboxen
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IMG-ALT Sanitär, Heizung & Klima
/search_result.php?c=Schalter_...Subdomain Schalter & Steckdosen
IMG-ALT Schalter & Steckdosen
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IMG-ALT Sicherheitstechnik
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IMG-ALT Türsprechanlagen
/search_result.php?c=Verteiler...Subdomain Verteilerbau
IMG-ALT Verteilerbau
/search_result.php?c=Werkzeug_...Subdomain Werkzeug
IMG-ALT Werkzeug
/search_result.php?promotion=e...IMG-ALT Eurom Klimageräte
/shop_content.php/coID/1088?ut...IMG-ALT GROHE 10% Cashback Duschvergnügen
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/shop_content.php/coID/1090?ut...IMG-ALT NEFF Slide & Hide Backöfen
/search_result.php?promotion=s...IMG-ALT Siemens Made in Germany
/search_result.php?c=Haushalts...IMG-ALT Bosch Kühlen & Gefrieren
/product_content.php/coID/256?...IMG-ALT LG Luckydeals Juni 2024
/product_content.php/coID/1086...IMG-ALT Hisense EM Cashback
/product_content.php/coID/1085...IMG-ALT Gorenje EM Prämie
/shop_content.php/coID/264?utm...IMG-ALT Schneider Electric Brandpage
/shop_content.php/coID/1087/co...No Text
/shop_content.php/coID/322?utm...IMG-ALT Viessmann Markenshop
A-TITLE Kühlschränke jetzt entdecken!
A-TITLE Jetzt günstige Geschirrspüler entdecken!
A-TITLE Top Waschmaschine entdecken!
A-TITLE Trockner günstig entdecken!
A-TITLE Verschiedene autarke Kochfelder entdecken!
A-TITLE Backofen-Set günstig entdecken!
A-TITLE Dunstabzugshaube für Ihre Küche entdecken!
/search_result.php?c=Haustechn...Text duplicate Kabel & Leitungen
A-TITLE Kabel & Leitungen in großer Auswahl entdecken!
A-TITLE Schalterprogramme für Ihr Bauprojekt entdecken!
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Bosch
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Siemens
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Gorenje
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Neff
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo LG
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Philips
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Blanco
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo GROHE
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Gira
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Ritto
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Vaillant
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo STIEBEL-ELTRON
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Amica
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Beko
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Busch Jäger
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Schneider Electric
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Viessmann
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Merten
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Samsung
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Eurom
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Hager
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo bticino
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo Legrand
/search_result.php/a/Produktda...IMG-ALT Logo ABN
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/shop_content.php/coID/13/cont...Subdomain Sichere Abwicklung
/shop_content.php/coID/16/cont...Subdomain No Text
/shop_content.php/coID/16/cont...Subdomain Zahlung und Versand
https://www.paypal-deutschland...New window Nofollow External Subdomain IMG-ALT PayPal
A-TITLE Wir bieten Ihnen die schnelle und sichere Zahlungsweise PayPal an.
/shop_content.php/coID/26Subdomain IMG-ALT Klarna.
A-TITLE Klarna.
/shop_content.php/coID/28Subdomain Anchor IMG-ALT Kreditkartenzahlung
A-TITLE Kreditkartenzahlungen per VISA und Mastercard.
/shop_content.php/coID/28Subdomain Anchor IMG-ALT Google Pay
A-TITLE Google Pay
/shop_content.php/coID/28Subdomain Anchor IMG-ALT Apple Pay
A-TITLE Apple Pay
https://www.trustedshops.de/be...New window Nofollow External Subdomain IMG-ALT Kundenbewertungen von Elektroshop Wagner
A-TITLE Kundenbewertungen von Elektroshop Wagner einsehen
/shop_content.php/coID/207Text duplicate IMG-ALT Elektroshop Wagner Testsiegel
A-TITLE Elektroshop Wagner ist Bester Online Shop
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/shop_content.php/coID/1Subdomain Anchor IMG-ALT Schweiz
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/shop_content.php/coID/1Subdomain Anchor IMG-ALT Ungarn
https://www.facebook.com/elekt...New window Nofollow External Subdomain A-TITLE Facebook
https://www.instagram.com/elek...New window Nofollow External Subdomain A-TITLE Instagram
https://www.pinterest.de/elekt...New window Nofollow External Subdomain A-TITLE Pinterest
https://www.youtube.com/@elekt...New window Nofollow External Subdomain A-TITLE YouTube
https://www.tiktok.com/@elektr...New window Nofollow External Subdomain A-TITLE TikTok
/shop_content.php/coID/279/con...Subdomain Soziales Engagement
/shop_content.php/coID/250/con...Subdomain Über uns
/shop_content.php/coID/18/cont...Subdomain Unsere Partner
/shop_content.php/coID/243/con...Subdomain Ratgeber: Wallboxen
/shop_content.php/coID/1087/co...Subdomain Ratgeber: Heizungssanierung
/shop_content.php/coID/278/con...Subdomain Ratgeber: Gasheizungen von Vaillant
/shop_content.php/coID/276/con...Subdomain Ratgeber: Smart Home im eigenen Haus planen
/shop_content.php/coID/271/con...Subdomain Ratgeber: Elektroinstallation in Haus & Wohnung planen
/shop_content.php/coID/268/con...Subdomain Ratgeber: Split Klimaanlagen
/shop_content.php/coID/266/con...Subdomain Ratgeber: Neues EU-Energielabel ab März 2021
/shop_content.php/coID/252/con...Subdomain Ratgeber: Gas- & Rauchmelder
/shop_content.php/coID/249/con...Subdomain Ratgeber: Taster & Schalter
/shop_content.php/coID/1/conte...Subdomain Liefer- und Versandbedingungen
/shop_content.php/coID/220/con...Subdomain Ratgeber: Infrarotheizungen
/shop_content.php/coID/209/con...Subdomain Bauformen Kühl- und Gefrierschränke
/shop_content.php/coID/208/con...Subdomain Bauformen Geschirrspülmaschinen
/shop_content.php/coID/28/cont...Subdomain Zahlungsweisen
/shop_content.php/coID/303/con...Subdomain Ratgeber: Energiesparen im Haushalt
/shop_content.php/coID/20/cont...Subdomain Umwelt und Entsorgung
/shop_content.php/coID/10/cont...Subdomain Text duplicate Hilfe / Kontakt
/shop_content.php/coID/25/cont...Subdomain Unsere AGB
/shop_content.php/coID/2/conte...Subdomain Datenschutz
/shop_content.php/coID/31/cont...Subdomain Widerrufsrecht
/shop_content.php/coID/4/conte...Subdomain Impressum
/shop_content.php/coID/1/cart/1Nofollow Subdomain Versandkosten

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://www.elektroshopwagner.de/"
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.21 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (138 kB).

HTTP Response Header

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External factors

(Nice to have)
This website is not classified "for adult only".
This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 512 referring domains.
This page has 3,408 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 315 different ip addresses.
Facebook popularity
(Somewhat important)
The page has 0 shares and comments on Facebook.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


User-agent: *

Disallow: /address_book_process.php
Disallow: /account.php
Disallow: /account_edit.php
Disallow: /account_history.php
Disallow: /account_history_info.php
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#Produktfilter Verfuegbarkeit sperren
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# Entry Country ID in URL sperren
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# Wishlist sperren
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Elektroshop Wagner - Ihr Shop für Elektro- & Haushaltsgeräte
Haushaltsgeräte günstig kaufen ✓ Küchen- & Elektrogeräte: Kühlschränke, Waschmaschinen uvm. ✓ SCHNELLE LIEFERUNG ✓ 2 Mio+ zufriedene Kunden!

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