Emilundpaula.de - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.16 s
File size
113.00 kB
Media files
Number of links
369 internal / 10 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Emil & Paula: Deko und Inneneinrichtung | Online-Shop
The length of the page title is perfect. (497 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Emilundpaula.de - Ihr Onlineshop für wunderschöne Wohnaccessoires und Produkte, die das Leben schöner machen! Unter anderem: Fashion, Porzellan & Geschirr uvm. ➤ Blitzschnelle Lieferung ➤ Versandkostenfrei ab 60€
The meta description is too long: 1384 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, user-scalable=no
descriptionEmilundpaula.de - Ihr Onlineshop für wunderschöne Wohnaccessoires und Produkte, die das Leben schöner machen! Unter anderem: Fashion, Porzellan & Geschirr uvm. ➤ Blitzschnelle Lieferung ➤ Versandkostenfrei ab 60€
keywordsRice, GreenGate, PIP Studio, Bloomingville, House Doctor, Djeco, Done by Deer, Ferm Living, Krasilnikoff, Miss Étoile, Oliver Furniture, Sticks and Stones, Ib Laursen, Oilily
og:titleEmil & Paula: Deko und Inneneinrichtung | Online-Shop
og:descriptionEmilundpaula.de - Ihr Onlineshop für wunderschöne Wohnaccessoires und Produkte, die das Leben schöner machen! Unter anderem: Fashion, Porzellan & Geschirr uvm. ➤ Blitzschnelle Lieferung ➤ Versandkostenfrei ab 60€
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
This page contains 1503 words. That's ok.
25.8% of the text are stop words.
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
5 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 13.47 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, user-scalable=no" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 30 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
24 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/out/emilandpaula_flow/img/Logo_EP.svgonline kaufen | Emil & Paula
/out/emilandpaula_flow/img/Logo_EP.svgonline kaufen | Emil & Paula
/out/emilandpaula_flow/img/Logo_EP.svgonline kaufen | Emil & Paula
/out/emilandpaula_flow/img/Logo_EP.svgonline kaufen | Emil & Paula
/out/emilandpaula_flow/img/Logo_EP.svgonline kaufen | Emil & Paula
...pictures/promo/winter_sale_slider(1).jpgWINTER SALEWINTER SALE
/out/emilandpaula_flow/img/spinner.gifWINTER SALEWINTER SALE
/out/emilandpaula_flow/img/spinner.gifOliver FurnitureOliver Furniture
/out/emilandpaula_flow/img/spinner.gifFDB MøblerFDB Møbler
/out/emilandpaula_flow/img/spinner.gifFerm LivingFerm Living
/out/emilandpaula_flow/img/spinner.gifHouse DoctorHouse Doctor
/out/emilandpaula_flow/img/spinner.gifGreenGate Neue KolletionGreenGate Neue Kolletion
/out/pictures/promo/bungalow_kranz.jpgBungalow Denmark
/out/pictures/promo/house_doctor(1).jpgHouse Doctor
/out/pictures/promo/tisch_1(2).jpgGedeckter TischGedeckter Tisch
/out/emilandpaula_flow/img/spinner.gifFUNDAMENTAL.BERLIN Vase Muse Medium Clear Copper
.../540_470_80/fundamental_1020203521_d.jpgFUNDAMENTAL.BERLIN Vase Muse Medium Clear Copper
/out/emilandpaula_flow/img/spinner.gifEssenza Bettwäsche Minte Dusty green
..._470_80/minte_dusty_green_sfeer_02_d.jpgEssenza Bettwäsche Minte Dusty green
/out/emilandpaula_flow/img/spinner.gif&klevering Vase droplet pink
...rated/product/2/540_470_80/ss22_49_d.jpg&klevering Vase droplet pink
/out/emilandpaula_flow/img/spinner.gifFDB Møbler J46 Stuhl Violet Hair
...470_80/23_03_fdb_fup27931_srgb_low_d.jpgFDB Møbler J46 Stuhl Violet Hair
/out/pictures/promo/wohnen(3).jpgDeko & Wohnen
.../img/payments_delivery/footer_Paypal.pngNo alt attribute provided
...img//payments_delivery/footer_Sofort.pngNo alt attribute provided
...flow/img/payments_delivery/logo_visa.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...ow/img/payments_delivery/logo_master.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...mg/payments_delivery/footer_Rechnung.pngNo alt attribute provided
...mg/payments_delivery/footer_Vorkasse.pngNo alt attribute provided
...low/img/payments_delivery/footer_dhl.pngNo alt attribute provided
.../payments_delivery/footer_dhlExpress.pngNo alt attribute provided
.../img/payments_delivery/footer_Paypal.pngNo alt attribute provided
...img//payments_delivery/footer_Sofort.pngNo alt attribute provided
...flow/img/payments_delivery/logo_visa.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...ow/img/payments_delivery/logo_master.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...mg/payments_delivery/footer_Rechnung.pngNo alt attribute provided
...mg/payments_delivery/footer_Vorkasse.pngNo alt attribute provided
...low/img/payments_delivery/footer_dhl.pngNo alt attribute provided
.../payments_delivery/footer_dhlExpress.pngNo alt attribute provided
.../img/payments_delivery/footer_Paypal.pngNo alt attribute provided
...img//payments_delivery/footer_Sofort.pngNo alt attribute provided
...flow/img/payments_delivery/logo_visa.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...ow/img/payments_delivery/logo_master.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...mg/payments_delivery/footer_Rechnung.pngNo alt attribute provided
...mg/payments_delivery/footer_Vorkasse.pngNo alt attribute provided
...low/img/payments_delivery/footer_dhl.pngNo alt attribute provided
.../payments_delivery/footer_dhlExpress.pngNo alt attribute provided
/out/emilandpaula_flow/img/bestellt_bis.pngbestellt bis

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Schöne Deko und Möbel für eine individuelle Inneneinrichtung
The H1 heading is perfect.
The heading structure is perfect.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Schöne Deko und Möbel für eine individuelle Inneneinrichtung
H2 Inneneinrichtung mit typisch nordischem Flair
H2 Vielfältige Deko für ein ansprechendes Ambiente
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
9 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 10 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://www.emilundpaula.de/Subdomain Emil & Paula Interior
https://www.emilundpaulakids.de/External Subdomain Emil & Paula Kids
https://www.emilundpaula.de/Subdomain IMG-ALT online kaufen | Emil & Paula
A-TITLE Emil & Paula
https://www.emilundpaula.de/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT online kaufen | Emil & Paula
A-TITLE Emil & Paula
https://www.emilundpaula.de/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT online kaufen | Emil & Paula
A-TITLE Emil & Paula
https://www.emilundpaula.de/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT online kaufen | Emil & Paula
A-TITLE Emil & Paula
https://www.emilundpaula.de/NEU/Subdomain NEU
/Lieblingsmarken/Subdomain MARKEN
/applicata/Subdomain applicata
A-TITLE applicata
https://www.emilundpaula.de/Audo/Subdomain Audo
/Bloomingville/Subdomain Bloomingville
A-TITLE Bloomingville
/Broste-Copenhagen/Subdomain Broste Copenhagen
A-TITLE Broste Copenhagen
/Bungalow/Subdomain Bungalow Denmark
A-TITLE Bungalow Denmark
/Cavallini/Subdomain Cavallini
A-TITLE Cavallini
/Design-Letters/Subdomain Design Letters
A-TITLE Design Letters
/Dottir-Nordic-Design/Subdomain Dottir Nordic Design
A-TITLE Dottir Nordic Design
/FDB-Mobler/Subdomain FDB Møbler
/Ferm-Living-Shop/Subdomain ferm LIVING
/GreenGate/Subdomain GreenGate
A-TITLE GreenGate
/House-Doctor/Subdomain House Doctor
A-TITLE House Doctor
/Londji/Subdomain Londji
A-TITLE Londji
/Normann-Copenhagen/Subdomain Normann Copenhagen
A-TITLE Normann Copenhagen
/Oliver-Furniture/Subdomain Oliver Furniture
A-TITLE Oliver Furniture
https://www.emilundpaula.de/OYOY/Subdomain OYOY
/raawii/Subdomain raawii
A-TITLE raawii
https://www.emilundpaula.de/Rice/Subdomain Rice
/Lieblingsmarken/Subdomain Alle Marken anzeigen
/Einrichtung-Wohnaccessoires-D...Subdomain WOHNEN
/Schoene-Moebel/Subdomain Lieblingsstücke Möbel
/Tische-Beistelltische/Subdomain Tische & Beistelltische
/Regale/Subdomain Regale
/Stuehle-Hocker/Subdomain Stühle & Hocker
/Baenke/Subdomain Bänke
/Kommoden-Sideboards-Schraenke/Subdomain Kommoden, Sideboards & Schränke
/Sessel-Sofas-Poufs/Subdomain Sessel, Sofas & Poufs
/Schoene-Moebel/Subdomain Mehr aus Lieblingsstücke Möbel
/Wohnaccessoires/Subdomain Wohnaccessoires
/Wundervolle-Vasen/Subdomain Vasen & Blumentöpfe
/Kerzen-und-Windlichter/Subdomain Kerzen & Windlichter
/Schalen-Deko-Tabletts/Subdomain Schalen & Deko-Tabletts
/Deko-Objekte-Anhaenger-Girlan...Subdomain Dekoration
/Garderoben-Wandregale-Haken/Subdomain Wanddekoration
/Buero-Schreibtisch/Subdomain Büro & Schreibtisch
/Wohnaccessoires/Subdomain Mehr aus Wohnaccessoires
/Wohntextilien/Subdomain Wohntextilien
/Wohntextilien/Bettwaesche/Subdomain Bettwäsche
/Bettwaesche-Kissen-fuer-Kinder/Subdomain Bettwäsche & Kissen für Kinder
/Quilts-Plaids-Tagesdecken/Subdomain Quilts, Plaids, Tagesdecken
/Kissen-und-Kissenhuellen/Subdomain Kissen & Kissenhüllen
/Teppiche/Subdomain Teppiche & Vorhänge
/Aufbewahren/Subdomain Aufbewahrung
/Metallkoerbe-Drahtkoerbe/Subdomain Metallkörbe & Drahtkörbe
/Aufbewahrungskoerbe-Kisten/Subdomain Aufbewahrungskörbe & Kisten
/Koerbe-Boxen-Kunststoff/Subdomain Körbe & Boxen Kunststoff
/Aufbewahrungsdosen-Gefaesse/Subdomain Aufbewahrungsdosen & Gefäße
/Garten-und-Picknick/Subdomain Outdoor & Garten
/Grill-Feuer/Subdomain Grill & Feuer
/Partydekoration-Partygeschirr/Subdomain Partydekoration & Partygeschirr
/Salatschuesseln-Besteck/Subdomain Salatschüsseln & Besteck
/Gartenmoebel-Teppiche/Subdomain Gartenmöbel & Teppiche
/Laternen-Lichterketten/Subdomain Laternen & Lichterketten
/Kuehltaschen-Picknickkoerbe/Subdomain Kühltaschen & Picknickkörbe
/Garten-und-Picknick/Subdomain Mehr aus Outdoor & Garten
/Badezimmer/Subdomain Badezimmer
/Handtuecher-Badezimmeraccesso...Subdomain Handtücher & Badezimmeraccessoires
/Kosmetiktaschen/Subdomain Kosmetiktaschen
/Seifen-und-Cremes/Subdomain Duftende Seifen & Cremes
/Lampe-Lampenschirm/Subdomain Lampen & Lampenschirme
/Tischlampe/Subdomain Tischlampen
/Schreibtischlampe/Subdomain Schreibtischlampen
/Stehlampen/Subdomain Stehlampen
/Deckenlampen/Subdomain Deckenlampen
/Beleuchtung-fuer-Kinderzimmer/Subdomain Beleuchtung für Kinderzimmer
/Wandlampen/Subdomain Wandlampen
/Lampe-Lampenschirm/Subdomain Mehr aus Lampen & Lampenschirme
/gedeckter-Tisch/Subdomain TISCH
/Geschirr-Porzellan/Subdomain Geschirr & Porzellan
/Becher-Tassen-Latte-Cups/Subdomain Becher, Tassen & Latte Cups
/Teller/Subdomain Teller
/Schuesseln-Schalen/Subdomain Schüsseln & Schalen
/Kannen-Kruege/Subdomain Kannen & Krüge
/Servierplatten-Etageren/Subdomain Servierplatten & Etageren
/Glas-Besteck/Subdomain Glas & Besteck
/Geschirr-Porzellan/Subdomain Mehr aus Geschirr & Porzellan
/Melamin-Geschirr/Subdomain Melamin-Geschirr
/Geschirr-Melamin/Subdomain Geschirr Melamin
/Besteck-Salatbesteck-Melamin/Subdomain Besteck, Salatbesteck Melamin
/Schuesseln-Dosen-Melamin/Subdomain Schüsseln & Dosen Melamin
/Tabletts-Kuchenplatten-Melamin/Subdomain Tabletts & Kuchenplatten Melamin
/Melamin-Kindergeschirr/Subdomain Melamin Kindergeschirr
/Tischwaesche-und-Servietten/Subdomain Tischwäsche
/Tischdecken/Subdomain Tischdecken
/Tischlaeufer/Subdomain Tischläufer
/Platzsets/Subdomain Platzsets
/Servietten/Subdomain Servietten
/Markengeschirr/Subdomain Markengeschirr
/Geschirr-GreenGate/Subdomain Geschirr GreenGate
/Porzellan-PIP-Studio/Subdomain Porzellan PIP Studio
/IB-LAURSEN-Geschirr/Subdomain IB LAURSEN Geschirr
/Broste-Copenhagen-Geschirr/Subdomain Broste Copenhagen Geschirr
/House-Doctor-Porzellan-Glas/Subdomain House Doctor Porzellan & Glas
/Porzellan-Bloomingville/Subdomain Porzellan Bloomingville
/Markengeschirr/Subdomain Mehr aus Markengeschirr
/Kueche-Haushalt/Subdomain KÜCHE
/Aufbewahren-Vorrat/Subdomain Aufbewahren & Vorrat
/Thermoflaschen-und-behaelter/Subdomain Thermokannen, Thermoflaschen & -behälter
/Dosen-Boxen-Vorrat/Subdomain Dosen, Boxen & Vorrat
/Kochen-Backen/Subdomain Kochen & Backen
/Backen-Cupcakes/Subdomain Backen & Cupcakes
/Kuechenutensilien-Co/Subdomain Küchenutensilien & Co
/Back-Ofenformen/Subdomain Back- & Ofenformen
/Ruehrschuesseln-Messbecher/Subdomain Rührschüsseln & Messbecher
/Bretter-Tabletts/Subdomain Bretter & Tabletts
/Gourmetkueche-von-Nicolas-Vahe/Subdomain Gourmetküche von Nicolas Vahé
/Kuechentextilien/Subdomain Küchentextilien
/Geschirrtuecher/Subdomain Geschirrtücher
/Kuechenschuerzen/Subdomain Küchenschürzen
/Topflappen-Ofenhandschuhe/Subdomain Topflappen & Ofenhandschuhe
/Haushalt/Subdomain Haushalt
/Spuelbuersten-schwaemme-und-t...Subdomain Spülbürsten, -schwämme & -tücher
/Seifen-und-Spuelmittel/Subdomain Seifen & Spülmittel
/Haushaltshelfer/Subdomain Haushaltshelfer
/Lifestyle/Subdomain GESCHENKE & LIFESTYLE
/Geschenke/Subdomain Geschenkideen
/Geschenke-fuer-sie/Subdomain Geschenke für sie
/Geschenke-fuer-ihn/Subdomain Geschenke für ihn
/Geschenke-fuer-Kinder/Subdomain Geschenke für Kinder
/Geschenke-zum-Muttertag/Subdomain Geschenke zum Muttertag
/Geschenke-zur-Hochzeit/Subdomain Geschenke zur Hochzeit
/Valentinstag/Subdomain Valentinstag
/Geschenke/Subdomain Mehr aus Geschenkideen
/Taschen-Co/Subdomain Taschen & Portemonnaies
/Shopper-Markttaschen/Subdomain Shopper & Markttaschen
/Handtaschen-Reisetaschen/Subdomain Handtaschen & Reisetaschen
/Rucksaecke/Subdomain Rucksäcke
/Geldboersen-Portemonnaies/Subdomain Geldbörsen & Portemonnaies
/Kosmetiktaschen-Beautycases/Subdomain Kosmetiktaschen & Beautycases
/Accessoires/Subdomain Accessoires
/Schmuck-Accessoires/Subdomain Schmuck & Accessoires
/Fashion-Lifestyle/Subdomain Fashion & Lifestyle
/Homewear/Subdomain Homewear
/Bademaentel/Subdomain Bademäntel
/Papeterie-DIY/Subdomain Papeterie, Büro & DIY
/Geschenktueten-Baender-Sticker/Subdomain Geschenktüten, Bänder & Sticker
/Notizbuecher/Subdomain Notizbücher
/Buero-Schreibtischzubehoer/Subdomain Büro- & Schreibtischzubehör
/Basteln-und-DIY/Subdomain Basteln & DIY
/Federmaeppchen/Subdomain Federmäppchen & Etuis
/Schreibwaren-Briefumschlaege/Subdomain Schreibwaren & Briefumschläge
/Schoenes-fuer-Kinder/Subdomain Schönes für Kinder
/Balkon-Deko/Subdomain Balkon Deko
/Wohnzimmer-Deko/Subdomain Wohnzimmer Deko
/Herbst-Deko/Subdomain Herbst
/Sommerfreuden/Subdomain Sommer
/Weihnachtszauber/Subdomain ✭X-MAS✭
/Wellness-Geschenke/Subdomain Wellness Geschenke
/Angebote/Subdomain WINTER SALE
/Angebote/SUPER-SALE-mehr-als-50/Subdomain SUPER SALE mehr als 50 %
/Geschirr-Sale/Subdomain Geschirr & Tischwäsche Winter Sale
/Wohnaccessoires-Sale/Subdomain Wohnaccessoires Winter Sale
/Moebel-Sale/Subdomain Möbel Winter Sale
/Lampen-Sale/Subdomain Lampen Winter Sale
/Kueche-Sale/Subdomain Küche Winter Sale
/Badezimmer-Sale/Subdomain Badezimmer Winter Sale
/Weihnachten-Sale/Subdomain Weihnachten Winter Sale
/Kids-Sale/Subdomain Kids Winter Sale
/Accessoire-Sale/Subdomain Accessoire Winter Sale
https://www.emilundpaula.de/NEU/Subdomain Text duplicate NEU
/FRUeHLING/Subdomain Text duplicate FRÜHLING
/Lieblingsmarken/Subdomain Text duplicate MARKEN
/applicata/Subdomain Text duplicate applicata
https://www.emilundpaula.de/Audo/Subdomain Text duplicate Audo
/Bloomingville/Subdomain Text duplicate Bloomingville
/Broste-Copenhagen/Subdomain Text duplicate Broste Copenhagen
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/by-KlipKlap/Subdomain by KlipKlap
/byNORD/Subdomain byNORD
/Cavallini/Subdomain Text duplicate Cavallini
/Dear-April/Subdomain Dear April
/Design-Letters/Subdomain Text duplicate Design Letters
/Dottir-Nordic-Design/Subdomain Text duplicate Dottir Nordic Design
/Erika-Vaitkute/Subdomain Erika Vaitkute
/Essenza/Subdomain Essenza
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/Ferm-Living-Shop/Subdomain Text duplicate ferm LIVING
/GreenGate/Subdomain Text duplicate GreenGate
/Handed-By/Subdomain Handed By
/House-Doctor/Subdomain Text duplicate House Doctor
/Humdakin/Subdomain Humdakin
/IB-LAURSEN/Subdomain Text duplicate IB LAURSEN
/Kas-Kopenhagen/Subdomain Kas Kopenhagen
/Kay-Bojesen/Subdomain Kay Bojesen
/klevering/Subdomain &klevering
/Londji/Subdomain Text duplicate Londji
/Lorena-Canals/Subdomain Lorena Canals
/Lyngby/Subdomain Lyngby
/Matias-Moellenbach/Subdomain Matias Moellenbach
/Meraki/Subdomain Meraki
/Meri-Meri/Subdomain Meri Meri
/Lieblingsmarken/Monograph/Subdomain Monograph
/MUUBS/Subdomain MUUBS
/Nicolas-Vahe/Subdomain Nicolas Vahé
/Normann-Copenhagen/Subdomain Text duplicate Normann Copenhagen
/Oliver-Furniture/Subdomain Text duplicate Oliver Furniture
https://www.emilundpaula.de/OYOY/Subdomain Text duplicate OYOY
/Pip-Studio/Subdomain PIP Studio
/raawii/Subdomain Text duplicate raawii
/Raumgestalt-Wohnideen/Subdomain Raumgestalt
https://www.emilundpaula.de/Rice/Subdomain Text duplicate Rice
/Schneid-Studio/Subdomain Schneid Studio
/Steiner-1888/Subdomain Steiner 1888
/Sticks-and-Stones/Subdomain Sticks and Stones
/Storefactory/Subdomain Storefactory
/Studio-Hausen/Subdomain Studio Hausen
/Studio-Noos/Subdomain Studio Noos
/Susi-Cala-Schmuck/Subdomain Susi Cala Schmuck
/UMAGE/Subdomain UMAGE
/Veark/Subdomain Veark
/Einrichtung-Wohnaccessoires-D...Subdomain Text duplicate WOHNEN
/Schoene-Moebel/Subdomain Text duplicate Lieblingsstücke Möbel
/Wohnaccessoires/Subdomain Text duplicate Wohnaccessoires
/Wohntextilien/Subdomain Text duplicate Wohntextilien
/Aufbewahren/Subdomain Text duplicate Aufbewahrung
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/Badezimmer/Subdomain Text duplicate Badezimmer
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/Geschirr-Porzellan/Subdomain Text duplicate Geschirr & Porzellan
/Melamin-Geschirr/Subdomain Text duplicate Melamin-Geschirr
/Tischwaesche-und-Servietten/Subdomain Text duplicate Tischwäsche
/Markengeschirr/Subdomain Text duplicate Markengeschirr
/Kueche-Haushalt/Subdomain Text duplicate KÜCHE
/Aufbewahren-Vorrat/Subdomain Text duplicate Aufbewahren & Vorrat
/Kochen-Backen/Subdomain Text duplicate Kochen & Backen
/Kuechentextilien/Subdomain Text duplicate Küchentextilien
/Haushalt/Subdomain Text duplicate Haushalt
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/Geschenke/Subdomain Text duplicate Geschenkideen
/Taschen-Co/Subdomain Text duplicate Taschen & Portemonnaies
/Accessoires/Subdomain Text duplicate Accessoires
/Fashion-Lifestyle/Subdomain Text duplicate Fashion & Lifestyle
/Papeterie-DIY/Subdomain Text duplicate Papeterie, Büro & DIY
/Schoenes-fuer-Kinder/Subdomain Text duplicate Schönes für Kinder
/INSPIRATION/Subdomain Text duplicate INSPIRATION
/Balkon-Deko/Subdomain Text duplicate Balkon Deko
/Wohnzimmer-Deko/Subdomain Text duplicate Wohnzimmer Deko
/Herbst-Deko/Subdomain Text duplicate Herbst
/Sommerfreuden/Subdomain Text duplicate Sommer
/Weihnachtszauber/Subdomain Text duplicate ✭X-MAS✭
/Wellness-Geschenke/Subdomain Text duplicate Wellness Geschenke
/Angebote/Subdomain Text duplicate WINTER SALE
/Angebote/SUPER-SALE-mehr-als-50/Subdomain Text duplicate SUPER SALE mehr als 50 %
/Geschirr-Sale/Subdomain Text duplicate Geschirr & Tischwäsche Winter Sale
/Wohnaccessoires-Sale/Subdomain Text duplicate Wohnaccessoires Winter Sale
/Moebel-Sale/Subdomain Text duplicate Möbel Winter Sale
/Lampen-Sale/Subdomain Text duplicate Lampen Winter Sale
/Kueche-Sale/Subdomain Text duplicate Küche Winter Sale
/Badezimmer-Sale/Subdomain Text duplicate Badezimmer Winter Sale
/Weihnachten-Sale/Subdomain Text duplicate Weihnachten Winter Sale
/Kids-Sale/Subdomain Text duplicate Kids Winter Sale
/Accessoire-Sale/Subdomain Text duplicate Accessoire Winter Sale
/mein-merkzettel/Subdomain Merkzettel
/newsletter/Subdomain Newsletter
/Angebote/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT WINTER SALE
/Oliver-Furniture/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Oliver Furniture
A-TITLE Oliver Furniture
/FDB-Mobler/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT FDB Møbler
/applicata/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT applicata
A-TITLE applicata
/Ferm-Living-Shop/New window Subdomain IMG-ALT Ferm Living
A-TITLE Ferm Living
/House-Doctor/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT House Doctor
A-TITLE House Doctor
/GreenGate-NEU/Subdomain IMG-ALT GreenGate Neue Kolletion
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HTTP Response Header

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dateWed, 15 Jan 2025 10:37:00 GMT

External factors

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This page has backlinks from 230 referring domains.
This page has 958 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 189 different ip addresses.

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Emil & Paula: Deko und Inneneinrichtung | Online-Shop
Emilundpaula.de - Ihr Onlineshop für wunderschöne Wohnaccessoires und Produkte, die das Leben schöner machen! Unter anderem: Fashion, Porzellan & Geschirr uvm. ➤ Blitzschnelle Lieferung ➤ Versandkostenfrei ab 60€

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Geschirr Porzellan48%Check

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