Flerbarvape.de - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.58 s
File size
320.50 kB
Media files
Number of links
171 internal / 12 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Flerbar Einweg E-Zigarette | ab 5,00€ - Shop DE - Flerbar Vape
The length of the page title is perfect. (565 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Besuche Flerbarvape.de, den offiziellen Shop für Flerbar Vapes in Deutschland, und entdecke unser umfangreiches Sortiment an Premium Vape Produkten. Genieße exklusive Geschmacksrichtungen, erstklassige Qualität und unschlagbaren Kundenservice. Erlebe die Flerbar Einweg E-Shisha mit schneller Lieferung überall in DE
The meta description is too long: 2036 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, height=device-height, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0
descriptionBesuche Flerbarvape.de, den offiziellen Shop für Flerbar Vapes in Deutschland, und entdecke unser umfangreiches Sortiment an Premium Vape Produkten. Genieße exklusive Geschmacksrichtungen, erstklassige Qualität und unschlagbaren Kundenservice. Erlebe die Flerbar Einweg E-Shisha mit schneller Lieferung überall in DE
twitter:titleFlerbar Einweg E-Zigarette | ab 5,00€ - Shop DE - Flerbar Vape
twitter:descriptionBesuche Flerbarvape.de, den offiziellen Shop für Flerbar Vapes in Deutschland, und entdecke unser umfangreiches Sortiment an Premium Vape Produkten. Genieße exklusive Geschmacksrichtungen, erstklassige Qualität und unschlagbaren Kundenservice. Erlebe die Flerbar Einweg E-Shisha mit schneller Lieferung überall in DE
og:titleFlerbar Einweg E-Zigarette | ab 5,00€ - Shop DE - Flerbar Vape
og:descriptionBesuche Flerbarvape.de, den offiziellen Shop für Flerbar Vapes in Deutschland, und entdecke unser umfangreiches Sortiment an Premium Vape Produkten. Genieße exklusive Geschmacksrichtungen, erstklassige Qualität und unschlagbaren Kundenservice. Erlebe die Flerbar Einweg E-Shisha mit schneller Lieferung überall in DE
og:site_nameFlerbar Einweg E-Zigarette | Seite DE – Flerbar Vape - Shop DE

Test up to 1.000 webpages of flerbarvape.de with our free plan!

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Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 1723 words. That's ok.
27.3% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
19 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 15.19 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, height=device-height, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Empty bold or strong tags were found on this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
3 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...es/[email protected]?v=1709676726Flerbar Einweg E-Zigarette | Seite DE – Flerbar Vape - Shop DE
...16000-banner.png?v=1739840265&width=1324No alt attribute provided
...000-banner_2.png?v=1739840480&width=1000No alt attribute provided
...-m-peach-ice.webp?v=1716244712&width=500Flerbar M Peach Ice
...-cola-cherry.webp?v=1715983820&width=500Flerbar M Cherry Cola
...rawberry-ice.jpg?v=1709661900&width=1000Flerbar M Strawberry Ice
...ar-blue-razz.jpg?v=1709661911&width=1000Flerbar M Blue Razz
...termelon-ice.jpg?v=1709661905&width=1000Flerbar M Watermelon Ice
...assion-fruit.jpg?v=1709661894&width=1000Flerbar M Passion Fruit
...ar-blueberry.jpg?v=1709661923&width=1000Flerbar M Blueberry
...rry-lemonade.jpg?v=1709661908&width=1000Flerbar M Strawberry Lemonade
...r-m-mango-ice.jpg?v=1715982374&width=600Flerbar M Mango Ice
...-m-apple-ice.webp?v=1716243738&width=500Flerbar M - Apple Ice
...ineapple-ice.jpg?v=1709661888&width=1000Flerbar M Pineapple Ice
...bar-ice-mint.jpg?v=1709661885&width=1000Flerbar M Ice Mint
...rry-banana-2.jpg?v=1709671999&width=1120Flerbar DM600 Blueberry Banana
...berry-banana.jpg?v=1709672010&width=1120Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Blueberry Banana
...ssionfruit-2.jpg?v=1709672661&width=1120Flerbar DM600 Pineapple Peach Passionfruit
...passionfruit.jpg?v=1709672667&width=1120Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Pineapple Peach Passionfruit
...bow-skittz-2.jpg?v=1709672688&width=1120Flerbar DM600 Rainbow Skittz
...inbow-skittz.jpg?v=1709672693&width=1120Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Rainbow Skittz
...iple-mango-2.jpg?v=1709672418&width=1120Flerbar DM600 Triple Mango
...triple-mango.jpg?v=1709672427&width=1120Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Triple Mango
...cherry-ice-2.jpg?v=1709672744&width=1120Flerbar DM600 Strawberry Raspberry Cherry
...y-cherry-ice.jpg?v=1709672750&width=1120Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Strawberry Raspberry Cherry
...zz-ice-pop-2.jpg?v=1709671954&width=1120Flerbar DM600 Blue Razz Ice Pop
...razz-ice-pop.jpg?v=1709671969&width=1120Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Blue Razz Ice Pop
...k-lemonade-2.jpg?v=1709672372&width=1120Flerbar DM600 Tasty Pink Lemonade
...ink-lemonade.jpg?v=1709672381&width=1120Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Tasty Pink Lemonade
...la-bottles-2.jpg?v=1709672309&width=1120Flerbar DM600 Fizzy Cola Bottles
...cola-bottles.jpg?v=1709672318&width=1120DM600 Hyppe Fizzy Cola Bottles
...e-mr-black-2.jpg?v=1709672197&width=1120Flerbar DM600 Mr. Black
...ppe-mr-black.jpg?v=1709672206&width=1120Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Mr. Black
...ummy-bears-2.jpg?v=1709672064&width=1120Flerbar DM600 Gummy Bears
...-gummy-bears.jpg?v=1709672081&width=1120Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Gummy Bears
...rmelon-ice-2.jpg?v=1709672836&width=1120Flerbar DM600 Watermelon Ice
...termelon-ice.jpg?v=1709672842&width=1120Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Watermelon Ice
...h-mint-ice-2.jpg?v=1709672625&width=1120Flerbar DM600 Fresh Mint Ice
...esh-mint-ice.jpg?v=1709672628&width=1120Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Fresh Mint Ice
...eat-pod-gold.webp?v=1716245054&width=500Flerbar Basisgerät füt Pod System - Gold
...reat-pod-rot.jpg?v=1716245054&width=1120Flerbar Basisgerät füt Pod System - Rot
...each-ice-pod.jpg?v=1709671655&width=1120Flerbar Pod Peach Ice
...lue-razz-pod.jpg?v=1709671740&width=1120Flerbar Pod Blue Razz
...rry-cola-pod.jpg?v=1709671762&width=1120Flerbar Pod Cherry Cola
...erry-ice-pod.jpg?v=1709671544&width=1120Flerbar Pod Strawberry Ice
...lueberry-pod.jpg?v=1709671752&width=1120Flerbar Pod Blueberry
...pple-ice-pod.jpg?v=1709671709&width=1120Flerbar Pod Apple Ice
...ango-ice-pod.jpg?v=1709671500&width=1120Flerbar Pod Mango Ice
...on-fruit-pod.jpg?v=1709671645&width=1120Flerbar Pod Passion Fruit
...em-lemon-pod.jpg?v=1709671485&width=1120Flerbar Pod Lemon
...elon-ice-pod.jpg?v=1709671523&width=1120Flerbar Pod Watermelon Ice
...-alberry-pod.jpg?v=1709671684&width=1120Flerbar Pod Alberry
...rawberry-ice.jpg?v=1709661900&width=1000Flerbar M Strawberry Ice
...rawberry-ice.jpg?v=1709661900&width=1000Flerbar M Strawberry Ice
...-26_150649625.png?v=1714136814&width=855No alt attribute provided
...r-tipps-blog.png?v=1724334355&width=1024Flerbar Einweg E-Zigaretten für Einsteiger: Alles, was du wissen musst
...-vergleich-1.png?v=1724014859&width=1024Der Unterschied zwischen Flerbar M, Flerbar DM600 und Flerbar Pod-Systemen
...ar-vs-fler-1.png?v=1724005361&width=1024Ist Flerbar von Fler? – Die Wahrheit

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Flerbar Einweg E-Zigarette | Seite DE – Flerbar Vape - Shop DE Flerbar Einweg E-Zigarette | Seite DE – Flerbar Vape - Shop DE
Too many H1 headings
The H1 heading is too long.
The heading structure is perfect.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Flerbar Einweg E-Zigarette | Seite DE – Flerbar Vape - Shop DE Flerbar Einweg E-Zigarette | Seite DE – Flerbar Vape - Shop DE
H1 FAQ: Alles rund um die Flerbar E-Zigarette
H2 Flerbar M
H2 Flerbar Hyppe DM600
H2 Flerbar Pod System
H2 Meistverkauftes Produkt
H2 Flerbar Vape Einweg E-Zigaretten Shop in Deutschland
H2 Flerbar Vorstellungsvideo
H2 Hast Du noch Fragen?
H2 Flerbar News
H2 Newsletter
H3 Flerbar M - Strawberry Ice
H3 Flerbar Einweg E-Zigaretten für Einsteiger: Alles, was du wissen musst
H3 Der Unterschied zwischen Flerbar M, Flerbar DM600 und Flerbar Pod-Systemen
H3 Ist Flerbar von Fler? – Die Wahrheit
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
3 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 12 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://flerbarvape.de/Anchor Direkt zum Inhalt
/collections/allAlle Flerbar Sorten
/collections/d16000Flerbar D16000
/collections/flerbar-hyppe-dm600Flerbar DM600 Hyppe
/collections/flerbar-pod-systemFlerbar Pod Systeme
/collections/flerbar-liquidFlerbar Liquid
/collections/weitere-e-zigarettenWeitere E-Zigaretten
https://www.instagram.com/fler...New window External Subdomain Instagram
https://www.youtube.com/channe...New window External Subdomain YouTube
https://www.linkedin.com/compa...New window External Subdomain LinkedIn
/collections/flerbar-mFlerbar M
/collections/flerbar-nikotinfreiFlerbar M Nikotinfrei
/pages/uber-unsÜber uns
/pages/b2b-anfragenB2B Anfragen
https://flerbarvape.de/Flerbar Einweg E-Zigarette | Seite DE – Flerbar Vape - Shop DE
IMG-ALT Flerbar Einweg E-Zigarette | Seite DE – Flerbar Vape - Shop DE
https://flerbarvape.de/searchNo Text
https://flerbarvape.de/accountNo Text
https://flerbarvape.de/cart0 Warenkorb
/collections/allZu unseren Produkten
https://flerbarvape.de/Text duplicate Home
/collections/allText duplicate Alle Flerbar Sorten
/collections/flerbar-mText duplicate Flerbar M
/collections/flerbar-nikotinfreiText duplicate Flerbar M Nikotinfrei
/collections/d16000Text duplicate Flerbar D16000
/collections/flerbar-hyppe-dm600Text duplicate Flerbar DM600 Hyppe
/collections/flerbar-pod-systemText duplicate Flerbar Pod Systeme
/collections/flerbar-liquidText duplicate Flerbar Liquid
/collections/weitere-e-zigarettenText duplicate Weitere E-Zigaretten
/pages/uber-unsText duplicate Über uns
/pages/kontaktText duplicate Kontakt
/pages/b2b-anfragenText duplicate B2B Anfragen
/collections/d16000No Text
/collections/flerbar-hyppe-dm600Flerbar DM600 Hyppe Bei uns findest du alle Flerbar Hyppe DM600 Flerbar Hyppe DM600 Kaufen
/collections/flerbar-pod-systemFlerbar Pod Systeme Bei uns findest du alle Flerbar Pod Systeme Flerbar Pod Systeme Kaufen
/collections/flerbar-mFlerbar M Bei uns findest du alle Flerbar M Vape Einweg E-Zigarette Flerbar M Kaufen
/collections/flerbar-mFlerbar M Anzeigen
/products/flerbar-m-peach-iceIMG-ALT Flerbar M Peach Ice
/products/flerbar-m-peach-iceFlerbar M - Peach Ice
/products/flerbar-m-cherry-colaIMG-ALT Flerbar M Cherry Cola
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-m-cherry-colaFlerbar M - Cherry Cola
/products/flerbar-m-strawberry...IMG-ALT Flerbar M Strawberry Ice
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-m-strawberry...Flerbar M - Strawberry Ice
/products/flerbar-m-blue-razzIMG-ALT Flerbar M Blue Razz
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-m-blue-razzFlerbar M - Blue Razz
/products/flerbar-m-watermelon...IMG-ALT Flerbar M Watermelon Ice
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-m-watermelon...Flerbar M - Watermelon Ice
/products/flerbar-m-passion-fruitIMG-ALT Flerbar M Passion Fruit
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-m-passion-fruitFlerbar M - Passion Fruit
/products/flerbar-m-blueberryIMG-ALT Flerbar M Blueberry
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-m-blueberryFlerbar M - Blueberry
/products/flerbar-m-strawberry...IMG-ALT Flerbar M Strawberry Lemonade
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-m-strawberry...Flerbar M - Strawberry Lemonade
/products/flerbar-m-mango-iceIMG-ALT Flerbar M Mango Ice
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-m-mango-iceFlerbar M - Mango Ice
/products/flerbar-m-apple-iceIMG-ALT Flerbar M - Apple Ice
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-m-apple-iceText duplicate Flerbar M - Apple Ice
/products/flerbar-m-pineapple-iceIMG-ALT Flerbar M Pineapple Ice
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-m-pineapple-iceFlerbar M - Pineapple Ice
/products/flerbar-m-ice-mintIMG-ALT Flerbar M Ice Mint
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-m-ice-mintFlerbar M - Ice Mint
/collections/flerbar-hyppe-dm600Flerbar Hyppe DM600 Anzeigen
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...IMG-ALT Flerbar DM600 Blueberry Banana
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Blueberry Banana
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...IMG-ALT Flerbar DM600 Pineapple Peach Passionfruit
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Pineapple Peach Passionfruit
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...IMG-ALT Flerbar DM600 Rainbow Skittz
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Rainbow Skittz
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...IMG-ALT Flerbar DM600 Triple Mango
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Triple Mango
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...IMG-ALT Flerbar DM600 Strawberry Raspberry Cherry
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Strawberry Raspberry Cherry
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...IMG-ALT Flerbar DM600 Blue Razz Ice Pop
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Blue Razz Ice Pop
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...IMG-ALT Flerbar DM600 Tasty Pink Lemonade
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Tasty Pink Lemonade
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...IMG-ALT Flerbar DM600 Fizzy Cola Bottles
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Fizzy Cola Bottles
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...IMG-ALT Flerbar DM600 Mr. Black
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Mr. Black
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...IMG-ALT Flerbar DM600 Gummy Bears
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Gummy Bears
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...IMG-ALT Flerbar DM600 Watermelon Ice
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Watermelon Ice
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...IMG-ALT Flerbar DM600 Fresh Mint Ice
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-hyppe-dm600-...Flerbar Hyppe DM600 - Fresh Mint Ice
/collections/flerbar-pod-systemFlerbar Pods Prefilled Mehrweg Anzeigen
/products/flerbar-basisgerat-f...IMG-ALT Flerbar Basisgerät füt Pod System - Gold
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-basisgerat-f...Flerbar Basisgerät für das Pod System
/products/flerbar-pod-peach-iceIMG-ALT Flerbar Pod Peach Ice
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-pod-peach-iceFlerbar Pod Peach Ice 2x2ml
/products/flerbar-pod-blue-razzIMG-ALT Flerbar Pod Blue Razz
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-pod-blue-razzFlerbar Pod Blue Razz 2x2ml
/products/flerbar-pod-cherry-colaIMG-ALT Flerbar Pod Cherry Cola
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-pod-cherry-colaFlerbar Pod Cherry Cola 2x2ml
/products/flerbar-pod-strawber...IMG-ALT Flerbar Pod Strawberry Ice
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-pod-strawber...Flerbar Pod Strawberry Ice 2x2ml
/products/flerbar-pod-blueberryIMG-ALT Flerbar Pod Blueberry
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-pod-blueberryFlerbar Pod Blueberry 2x2ml
/products/flerbar-pod-apple-iceIMG-ALT Flerbar Pod Apple Ice
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-pod-apple-iceFlerbar Pod Apple Ice 2x2ml
/products/flerbar-pod-mango-iceIMG-ALT Flerbar Pod Mango Ice
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-pod-mango-iceFlerbar Pod Mango Ice 2x2ml
/products/flerbar-pod-passion-...IMG-ALT Flerbar Pod Passion Fruit
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-pod-passion-...Flerbar Pod Passion Fruit 2x2ml
/products/flerbar-pod-lemonIMG-ALT Flerbar Pod Lemon
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-pod-lemonFlerbar Pod Lemon 2x2ml
/products/flerbar-pod-watermel...IMG-ALT Flerbar Pod Watermelon Ice
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-pod-watermel...Flerbar Pod Watermelon Ice 2x2ml
/products/flerbar-pod-alberryIMG-ALT Flerbar Pod Alberry
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
/products/flerbar-pod-alberryFlerbar Pod Alberry 2x2ml
/products/flerbar-m-cherry-colaStrawberry Ice Kaufen
/cdn/shop/products/flerbar-str...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Flerbar M Strawberry Ice
/products/flerbar-m-strawberry...Text duplicate Flerbar M - Strawberry Ice
/collections/vendors?q=FlerbarText duplicate Flerbar
https://www.facebook.com/share...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://pinterest.com/pin/crea...New window External No Text
https://twitter.com/share?text...New window External No Text
https://www.facebook.com/share...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://pinterest.com/pin/crea...New window External No Text
https://twitter.com/share?text...New window External No Text
/collections/flerbar-mText duplicate Flerbar M
A-TITLE Flerbar M
/collections/flerbar-hyppe-dm600Flerbar Hyppe DM600
A-TITLE Flerbar Hyppe DM600
/collections/flerbar-pod-systemText duplicate Flerbar Pod Systeme
A-TITLE Flerbar Pod System
/blogs/allgemeines/welche-e-zi...Flerbar ist nicht von Fler
A-TITLE Erfahre mehr über Fler und Flerbar
/blogs/allgemeines/flerbar-ein...IMG-ALT Flerbar Einweg E-Zigaretten für Einsteiger: Alles, was du wissen musst
/blogs/allgemeines/flerbar-ein...Text duplicate Flerbar Einweg E-Zigaretten für Einsteiger: Alles, was du wissen musst
/blogs/allgemeines/der-untersc...IMG-ALT Der Unterschied zwischen Flerbar M, Flerbar DM600 und Flerbar Pod-Systemen
/blogs/allgemeines/der-untersc...Text duplicate Der Unterschied zwischen Flerbar M, Flerbar DM600 und Flerbar Pod-Systemen
/blogs/allgemeines/welche-e-zi...IMG-ALT Ist Flerbar von Fler? – Die Wahrheit
/blogs/allgemeines/welche-e-zi...Text duplicate Ist Flerbar von Fler? – Die Wahrheit
/collections/flerbar-mText duplicate Flerbar M
/collections/flerbar-hyppe-dm600Text duplicate Flerbar DM600 Hyppe
/collections/flerbar-pod-systemFlerbar Pod System
/collections/d16000Text duplicate Flerbar D16000
https://www.instagram.com/fler...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.youtube.com/channe...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.linkedin.com/compa...New window External Subdomain No Text

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://flerbarvape.de/"
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.58 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (321 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateFri, 14 Mar 2025 13:06:57 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8
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Flerbar Einweg E-Zigarette | ab 5,00€ - Shop DE - Flerbar Vape
Besuche Flerbarvape.de, den offiziellen Shop für Flerbar Vapes in Deutschland, und entdecke unser umfangreiches Sortiment an Premium Vape Produkten. Genieße exklusive Geschmacksrichtungen, erstklassige Qualität und unschlagbaren Kundenservice. Erlebe die Flerbar Einweg E-Shisha mit schneller Lieferung überall in DE

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Flerbar Einweg85%Check
Flerbar Einweg E-Zigarette81%Check

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