# robots.txt fuer http://saevert.de/robots.txt # Alle Robots ausschließen User-agent: * Disallow: /index1.htm Disallow: /index4.htm Disallow: /2bilder.htm Disallow: /2bericht.htm Disallow: /2stat.htm Disallow: /2aktuell.htm Disallow: /2forum.htm Disallow: /2dwetter.htm Disallow: /2schweiz.htm Disallow: /2austria.htm Disallow: /2euro.htm Disallow: /2welt.htm Disallow: /2dienste.htm Disallow: /2hurr.htm Disallow: /2tornado.htm Disallow: /2gewitt.htm Disallow: /2hagel.htm Disallow: /2sturmfl.htm Disallow: /2hochw.htm Disallow: /2monsun.htm Disallow: /2damm.htm Disallow: /2foehn.htm Disallow: /2drought.htm Disallow: /2sand.htm Disallow: /2fire.htm Disallow: /2elnino.htm Disallow: /2ozon1.htm Disallow: /2ozon2.htm Disallow: /2lawine.htm Disallow: /2blizzar.htm Disallow: /2ice.htm Disallow: /2quake.htm Disallow: /2tsunami.htm Disallow: /2vulcano.htm Disallow: /popocat.htm Disallow: /2astron.htm Disallow: /2sofi.htm Disallow: /2aurora.htm Disallow: /2meteor.htm Disallow: /2bruch.htm Disallow: /2heuschr.htm Disallow: /2termite.htm Disallow: /2ungezie.htm Disallow: /2seuchen.htm Disallow: /2reisen.htm Disallow: /2versich.htm Disallow: /2schutz.htm Disallow: /2filme.htm Disallow: /2flugzeu.htm Disallow: /2flug.htm Disallow: /2schiff.htm Disallow: /2nebel.htm Disallow: /2verkehr.htm Disallow: /2links.htm Disallow: /2impress.htm Disallow: /english/index1.htm Disallow: /english/index4.htm Disallow: /logfiles/ # Alle Robots ausschließen User-agent: * Disallow: /english/
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(Nice to have)