- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.13 s
File size
308.40 kB
Media files
Number of links
176 internal / 9 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Friends of Tea - Nachhaltiger, organisch angebauter Tee - Online Shop
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 632 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Ihr nachhaltiger Tee-Onlineshop für hochwertigen und fair gehandelten Tee. Du erhältst schwarzen Tee, Oolong-Tee, grünen Tee und auch den besten Matcha-Tee. Wir importieren direkt aus den Teegärten und kümmern uns um einen nachhaltigen, klimaneutralen Handel.
The meta description is too long: 1667 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
The specified alternate links have no errors.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, height=device-height, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0
descriptionIhr nachhaltiger Tee-Onlineshop für hochwertigen und fair gehandelten Tee. Du erhältst schwarzen Tee, Oolong-Tee, grünen Tee und auch den besten Matcha-Tee. Wir importieren direkt aus den Teegärten und kümmern uns um einen nachhaltigen, klimaneutralen Handel.
twitter:titleFriends of Tea - Nachhaltiger, organisch angebauter Tee - Online Shop
twitter:descriptionIhr nachhaltiger Tee-Onlineshop für hochwertigen und fair gehandelten Tee. Du erhältst schwarzen Tee, Oolong-Tee, grünen Tee und auch den besten Matcha-Tee. Wir importieren direkt aus den Teegärten und kümmern uns um einen nachhaltigen, klimaneutralen Handel.
og:titleFriends of Tea - Nachhaltiger, organisch angebauter Tee - Online Shop
og:descriptionIhr nachhaltiger Tee-Onlineshop für hochwertigen und fair gehandelten Tee. Du erhältst schwarzen Tee, Oolong-Tee, grünen Tee und auch den besten Matcha-Tee. Wir importieren direkt aus den Teegärten und kümmern uns um einen nachhaltigen, klimaneutralen Handel.
og:site_nameFriends of Tea

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
This page contains 1217 words. That's ok.
24.7% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
11 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 13.9 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, height=device-height, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 24 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
2 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Friends of Tea Friends of Tea
Too many H1 headings
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 64 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Friends of Tea Friends of Tea
H1 Himalayan Imperial Black
H2 Fair gehandelte Tees aus aller Welt
H2 Unsere Tees - Hochwertige und nachhaltige Qualität
H2 Milk Oolong aus Taiwan
H2 Harendong Medium Oolong
H2 Kagoshima Matcha
H2 Four Seasons Oolong
H2 Himalayan Imperial Black Duplicate text
H2 Hon Gyokuro Kusanagi
H2 Kabuse Sencha Superior
H2 Hand Rolled Himalayan Tips
H2 Harendong Light Oolong
H2 Matcha Superior
H2 Japan Kukicha
H2 Jasmintee Dragon Pearls
H2 Jasmin High Grade Jinjing
H2 Dong Ding Oolong
H2 Shan Lin Xi Oolong
H2 Jin Xuan Oolong
H2 Oolong Tee
H2 Schwarzer Tee
H2 Grüner Tee
H2 Jasmintee
H2 Rooibos & Honeybush Tee
H2 Kräutertees
H2 Alles für den perfekten Aufguss
H2 KINTO Kyusu Teekanne (300ml)
H2 KINTO Teetasse mit Untertasse
H2 Himalayan Imperial Black Duplicate text
H2 KINTO Kyusu Teekanne (300ml) Duplicate text
H2 KINTO Teetasse mit Untertasse Duplicate text
H2 Himalayan Imperial Black Duplicate text
H2 Matcha Superior Duplicate text
H2 Matcha Superior Duplicate text
H2 Qualität und Herkunft unserer Tees
H2 Frischer Tee ohne Zwischenhändler
H2 Unsere Soziale Verantwortung
H2 Spannendes aus der Welt des Tees
H2 Was ist die ideale Wasser Temperatur für die Zubereitung von Tee?
H2 Die Ursprünge des Afternoon Teas: Eine Reise durch die Geschichte des Teetrinkens
H2 Tee und Yoga: Eine harmonische Verbindung für Körper und Geist
H2 Unser Highlight für den Winter
H2 Über Friends of Tea
H2 Über Friends of Tea - Deinen Online Shop für hochwertige Tees
H2 Über unsere Tees
H2 Allgemeine Links
H2 Friends of Tea
H2 Newsletter abonnieren und 10% Gutschein sichern
H3 Dein Online Shop für Tee
H3 Hochwertigen Tee entdecken
H3 Taiwan, Indonesien & Vietnam
H3 Darjeeling, Assam & Nepal
H3 Japan
H3 China
H3 Südafrika
H3 Österreich, Ungarn & Griechenland
H3 Friends of Tea ❤️ KINTO
H3 Wir wollen euch was bieten!
H3 Direkt & Fair
H3 Co2 Neutrales Shopping
H3 Aktuelles aus unserem Blog
H3 Intensiver Teegenuss
H3 Lerne uns kennen
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
3 links don't have an anchor text.
There are 3 links with a trivial anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 9 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Direkt zum Inhalt
/products/tee-entdecker-paketGemischtes Entdecker Paket
/products/oolong-entdecker-paketOolong Tee Entdecker Paket
/products/krauter-entdecker-paketKräutertee Entdecker Paket
/products/milk-oolongMilk Oolong
/products/dong-ding-oolong-taiwanDong Ding Oolong
/products/four-seasons-oolong-...Four Seasons Oolong
/products/jin-xuan-oolongJin Xuan Oolong
/products/shan-lin-xi-oolongShan Lin Xi Oolong
/products/taiwan-red-oolongTaiwan Red Oolong 🆕
/products/taiwan-gaba-oolongRed Jade GABA Oolong 🆕
/products/harendong-medium-ool...Harendong Medium Oolong
/products/harendong-light-oolo...Harendong Light Oolong
/products/tam-duong-oolongTam Duong Oolong
/products/hon-gyokuro-kusanagiHon Gyokuro Kusanagi
/products/gruener-tee-japan-ku...Organic Kukicha
/products/kabuse-sencha-superiorKabuse Sencha Superior
/products/organic-banchaOrganic Bancha
/products/hojichaOrganic Hojicha
/products/japan-genmaichaOrganic Genmaicha
/products/sencha-matchaOrganic Sencha Matcha
/products/organic-asamushi-senchaAsamushi Premium Sencha
/products/kagoshima-matchaOrganic Kagoshima Matcha
/products/matcha-superiorMatcha Organic Superior
/products/himalayan-imperial-b...Himalayan Imperial Black
/products/hand-rolled-himalaya...Hand Rolled Himalayan Tips
/products/darjeeling-first-flu...Darjeeling First Flush
/products/assam-golden-tips-gl...Glenburn Assam Golden Tips
/products/taiwan-schwarzteeTaiwan Assamica Schwarztee
/products/jasmintee-jasmin-dra...Organic Jasmintee Dragon Pearls
/products/jasmin-tee-high-grad...Organic Jasmin High Grade Jinjing
/products/rooibos-natur-rotbus...Rooibos Tee Natur
/products/gruener-rooibos-natu...Grüner Rooibos Tee
/products/honeybush-natur-hone...Honeybush Natur
/products/friends-of-tea-gesch...Gutschein window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text
/products/tee-entdecker-paketText duplicate Gemischtes Entdecker Paket
/products/oolong-entdecker-paketText duplicate Oolong Tee Entdecker Paket
/products/krauter-entdecker-paketText duplicate Kräutertee Entdecker Paket
/collections/oolong-tee-kaufenOolong TeeOolong Tee
/products/milk-oolongText duplicate Milk Oolong
/products/dong-ding-oolong-taiwanText duplicate Dong Ding Oolong
/products/four-seasons-oolong-...Text duplicate Four Seasons Oolong
/products/jin-xuan-oolongText duplicate Jin Xuan Oolong
/products/shan-lin-xi-oolongText duplicate Shan Lin Xi Oolong
/products/taiwan-red-oolongText duplicate Taiwan Red Oolong 🆕
/products/taiwan-gaba-oolongText duplicate Red Jade GABA Oolong 🆕
/products/harendong-medium-ool...Text duplicate Harendong Medium Oolong
/products/harendong-light-oolo...Text duplicate Harendong Light Oolong
/products/tam-duong-oolongText duplicate Tam Duong Oolong
/products/oolong-entdecker-paketOolong Tee Probier Paket Entdecke jetzt eine Auwahl unserer Tees. Sichere dir das Probierpaket mit 6 verschiedenen Oolong Tees zum Vorteilspreis!
/collections/hochwertiger-grun...Grüner TeeGrüner Tee
/products/hon-gyokuro-kusanagiText duplicate Hon Gyokuro Kusanagi
/products/gruener-tee-japan-ku...Text duplicate Organic Kukicha
/products/kabuse-sencha-superiorText duplicate Kabuse Sencha Superior
/products/organic-banchaText duplicate Organic Bancha
/products/hojichaText duplicate Organic Hojicha
/products/japan-genmaichaText duplicate Organic Genmaicha
/products/sencha-matchaText duplicate Organic Sencha Matcha
/products/organic-asamushi-senchaText duplicate Asamushi Premium Sencha
/collections/hochwertiger-matc...Japanischer Matcha Tee
/products/kagoshima-matchaText duplicate Organic Kagoshima Matcha
/products/matcha-superiorText duplicate Matcha Organic Superior
/products/matcha-superiorZeremonie Matcha Höchste Qualität für deine Tee Zeremonie. Tauche ein in die Welt des Matchas mit unserem Organic Superior aus Japan.
/collections/hochwertiger-schw...Schwarzer TeeSchwarzer Tee
/products/himalayan-imperial-b...Text duplicate Himalayan Imperial Black
/products/hand-rolled-himalaya...Text duplicate Hand Rolled Himalayan Tips
/products/darjeeling-first-flu...Text duplicate Darjeeling First Flush
/products/assam-golden-tips-gl...Text duplicate Glenburn Assam Golden Tips
/products/taiwan-schwarzteeText duplicate Taiwan Assamica Schwarztee
/products/darjeeling-first-flu...Frische Post aus Darjeeling Probiere jetzt unseren frischen Darjeeling First Flush FTGFOP1 aus dem Gelnburn Tea Estate.
/products/jasmintee-jasmin-dra...Text duplicate Organic Jasmintee Dragon Pearls
/products/jasmin-tee-high-grad...Text duplicate Organic Jasmin High Grade Jinjing
/collections/hochwertiger-rooi...Rooibos Tee
/products/rooibos-natur-rotbus...Text duplicate Rooibos Tee Natur
/products/gruener-rooibos-natu...Text duplicate Grüner Rooibos Tee
/products/honeybush-natur-hone...Text duplicate Honeybush Natur
/products/friends-of-tea-gesch...GutscheinGutschein Friends of Tea Text Text Text
/collectionsJetzt Tees entdecken
/products/milk-oolongIMG-ALT Milk Oolong aus Taiwan
/products/milk-oolongText duplicate Milk Oolong aus Taiwan
/products/harendong-medium-ool...IMG-ALT Oolong Tee - Harendong Organic Medium Oolong - Friends of Tea
/products/harendong-medium-ool...Text duplicate Harendong Medium Oolong
/products/kagoshima-matchaIMG-ALT - Organic Uji Matcha - Friends of Tea
/products/kagoshima-matchaKagoshima Matcha
/products/four-seasons-oolong-...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Four Seasons Oolong
/products/four-seasons-oolong-...Text duplicate Four Seasons Oolong
/products/himalayan-imperial-b...IMG-ALT Schwarzer Tee - Himalayan Imperial Black - Friends of Tea
/products/himalayan-imperial-b...Text duplicate Himalayan Imperial Black
/products/hon-gyokuro-kusanagiIMG-ALT Grüner Tee - Organic Hon Gyokuro Kusanagi - Friends of Tea
/products/hon-gyokuro-kusanagiText duplicate Hon Gyokuro Kusanagi
/products/kabuse-sencha-superiorIMG-ALT Grüner Tee - Organic Kabuse Sencha Superior - Friends of Tea
/products/kabuse-sencha-superiorText duplicate Kabuse Sencha Superior
/products/hand-rolled-himalaya...IMG-ALT Schwarzer Tee - Hand Rolled Himalayan Tips - Friends of Tea
/products/hand-rolled-himalaya...Text duplicate Hand Rolled Himalayan Tips
/products/harendong-light-oolo...IMG-ALT Oolong Tee - Harendong Organic Light Oolong - Friends of Tea
/products/harendong-light-oolo...Text duplicate Harendong Light Oolong
/products/matcha-superiorIMG-ALT Grüner Tee - Organic Ceremonial Uji Matcha - Friends of Tea
/products/matcha-superiorMatcha Superior
/products/gruener-tee-japan-ku...IMG-ALT Grüner Tee - Organic Japan Kukicha - Friends of Tea
/products/gruener-tee-japan-ku...Japan Kukicha
/products/jasmintee-jasmin-dra...IMG-ALT Jasmin Tee - Organic Jasmintee Dragon Pearls - Friends of Tea
/products/jasmintee-jasmin-dra...Jasmintee Dragon Pearls
/products/jasmin-tee-high-grad...IMG-ALT Jasmin Tee - Organic Jasmin High Grade Jinjing - Friends of Tea
/products/jasmin-tee-high-grad...Jasmin High Grade Jinjing
/products/dong-ding-oolong-taiwanText duplicate IMG-ALT Dong Ding Oolong
/products/dong-ding-oolong-taiwanText duplicate Dong Ding Oolong
/products/shan-lin-xi-oolongIMG-ALT High quality shan lin xi oolong
/products/shan-lin-xi-oolongText duplicate Shan Lin Xi Oolong
/products/jin-xuan-oolongText duplicate IMG-ALT Jin Xuan Oolong
/products/jin-xuan-oolongText duplicate Jin Xuan Oolong
/collections/alle-teesAlle Tees anzeigen
/collections/oolong-teeTaiwan, Indonesien & Vietnam Oolong Tee Oolong Tees entdecken
/collections/schwarzer-teeDarjeeling, Assam & Nepal Schwarzer Tee Schwarze Tees entdecken
/collections/gruner-teeJapan Grüner Tee Grüne Tees entdecken
/collections/jasminteeChina Jasmintee Jasmintees entdecken
/collections/hochwertiger-rooi...Südafrika Rooibos & Honeybush Tee Roiboos Tees entdecken
/collections/krauterteesÖsterreich, Ungarn & Griechenland Kräutertees Kräutertees entdecken
/products/kinto-kyusu-teekanneIMG-ALT KINTO Kyusu Teekanne (300ml)
/products/kinto-kyusu-teekanneText duplicate KINTO Kyusu Teekanne (300ml)
/products/teetasse-mit-untertasseIMG-ALT KINTO Teetasse mit Untertasse
/products/teetasse-mit-untertasseText duplicate KINTO Teetasse mit Untertasse
/products/himalayan-imperial-b...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Schwarzer Tee - Himalayan Imperial Black - Friends of Tea
/products/himalayan-imperial-b...Text duplicate Himalayan Imperial Black
/products/kinto-kyusu-teekanneProdukt ansehen
/products/kinto-kyusu-teekanneText duplicate IMG-ALT KINTO Kyusu Teekanne (300ml)
/products/kinto-kyusu-teekanneText duplicate KINTO Kyusu Teekanne (300ml)
/products/teetasse-mit-untertasseText duplicate IMG-ALT KINTO Teetasse mit Untertasse
/products/teetasse-mit-untertasseText duplicate KINTO Teetasse mit Untertasse
/products/himalayan-imperial-b...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Schwarzer Tee - Himalayan Imperial Black - Friends of Tea
/products/himalayan-imperial-b...Text duplicate Himalayan Imperial Black
/products/matcha-superiorText duplicate IMG-ALT Grüner Tee - Organic Ceremonial Uji Matcha - Friends of Tea
/products/matcha-superiorText duplicate Matcha Superior
/products/matcha-superiorText duplicate Produkt ansehen
/products/matcha-superiorText duplicate IMG-ALT Grüner Tee - Organic Ceremonial Uji Matcha - Friends of Tea
/products/matcha-superiorText duplicate Matcha Superior
/pages/about-usMehr erfahren
A-TITLE Über uns
/blogs/teewissen/teehandel-101...Mehr zum Teehandel in unserem Blog
A-TITLE Teehandel 101 - Teil 1: Teehandel & der spannende Opiumkrieg
/pages/soziale-verantwortungMehr zur Sozialen Verantwortung
A-TITLE Soziale Verantwortung
/blogs/teewissen/was-ist-die-i...IMG-ALT Was ist die ideale Wasser Temperatur für die Zubereitung von Tee?
/blogs/teewissen/was-ist-die-i...Text duplicate Was ist die ideale Wasser Temperatur für die Zubereitung von Tee?
/blogs/teewissen/was-ist-die-i...Trivial anchor text
Mehr lesen
/blogs/teewissen/afternoon-teaIMG-ALT Die Ursprünge des Afternoon Teas: Eine Reise durch die Geschichte des Teetrinkens
/blogs/teewissen/afternoon-teaText duplicate Die Ursprünge des Afternoon Teas: Eine Reise durch die Geschichte des Teetrinkens
/blogs/teewissen/afternoon-teaText duplicate Trivial anchor text
Mehr lesen
/blogs/teewissen/tee-und-yoga-...IMG-ALT Tee und Yoga: Eine harmonische Verbindung für Körper und Geist
/blogs/teewissen/tee-und-yoga-...Text duplicate Tee und Yoga: Eine harmonische Verbindung für Körper und Geist
/blogs/teewissen/tee-und-yoga-...Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
Mehr lesen
/products/himalayan-imperial-b...Text duplicate IMG-ALT Schwarzer Tee - Himalayan Imperial Black - Friends of Tea
/products/himalayan-imperial-b...Text duplicate Himalayan Imperial Black
/products/himalayan-imperial-b...Produktdetails ansehen window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text window External Subdomain No Text
/collections/oolong-tee-kaufenOolong Tee
/collections/hochwertiger-grun...Grüner Tee
/collections/hochwertiger-schw...Schwarzer Tee
/collections/hochwertiger-matc...Matcha Tee
/collections/hochwertige-jasmi...Text duplicate Jasmintee
/collections/hochwertiger-rooi...Text duplicate Rooibos Tee
/pages/about-usÜber uns
/pages/soziale-verantwortungSoziale Verantwortung
/pages/faq-allgemeinHäufig gestellte Fragen
/pages/faq-teeFragen zu unseren Tees
/pages/geschaftskundenFür Geschäftskunden© Friends of Tea

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.13 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (308 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateMon, 18 Nov 2024 15:43:05 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8
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External factors

This page has only a few links from other websites.
This page only has backlinks from 22 referring domains.
This page only has 51 backlinks.
This page only has few backlinks from 19 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


# we use Shopify as our ecommerce platform

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Friends of Tea - Nachhaltiger, organisch angebauter Tee - Online Shop
Ihr nachhaltiger Tee-Onlineshop für hochwertigen und fair gehandelten Tee. Du erhältst schwarzen Tee, Oolong-Tee, grünen Tee und auch den besten Matcha-Tee. Wir importieren direkt aus den Teegärten und kümmern uns um einen nachhaltigen, klimaneutralen Handel.

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