- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.35 s
File size
803.80 kB
Media files
Number of links
551 internal / 43 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Buy Garden Plants from Online Garden Centre Gardening Express The UK's No.1:
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 967 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
The meta description is missing.
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain name is very long.
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

titleBuy Garden Plants from Online Garden Centre Gardening Express The UK's No.1:
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1;

Test up to 1.000 webpages of with our free plan!

Try For Free
No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
The average number of words per sentence of 26.96 words is high.
This page contains 2496 words. That's ok.
19.1% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
8 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
The file size of the HTML document is very large (803.8 kB).
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1;" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 50 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
18 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/media/logo/stores/1/ge_logo_1.pngNo alt attribute provided
/media/logo/stores/1/ge_logo_1.pngNo alt attribute provided
...ecial_Deal_Block_-_Final_design_5__1.pngNo alt attribute provided
...ecial_Deal_Block_-_Final_design_6__2.pngNo alt attribute provided
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/media/wysiwyg/4_1.pngNo alt attribute provided
...ecial_Deal_Block_-_Final_design_4__2.pngNo alt attribute provided
...ecial_Deal_Block_-_Final_design_3__4.pngNo alt attribute provided
...cial_Deal_Block_-_Final_design_24__1.pngNo alt attribute provided
...cial_Deal_Block_-_Final_design_25__1.pngNo alt attribute provided
/media/wysiwyg/1_6.pngNo alt attribute provided
/media/wysiwyg/2_5.pngNo alt attribute provided
...images/cms/blocks/promises/promise_1.gifNo alt attribute provided
...images/cms/blocks/promises/promise_2.gifNo alt attribute provided
...images/cms/blocks/promises/promise_3.gifNo alt attribute provided
...all_flowered_micro_white_3_750x750_1.jpgSnowy White Cyclamen Plant In Bud & BloomSnowy White Cyclamen Plant In Bud & Bloom
...uja-occidentalis-brabant-2-750x750_3.jpgThuja occidentalis Brabant - 120-140cm Specimen or Hedging ConiferThuja occidentalis Brabant - 120-140cm Specimen or Hedging Conifer
...b5386b7/e/r/erica-rosalena-heather-2.jpgErica darleyensis 'Rosalena' - Pink Winter Flowering HeatherErica darleyensis 'Rosalena' - Pink Winter Flowering Heather
...7/c/r/crocus-grand-maitre-1000x600v2.jpgCrocus Ruby Giant - Pack of 8Crocus Ruby Giant - Pack of 8
...5386b7/a/c/acer-sango-kaku-montage-1.jpgAcer palmatum Sango Kaku - Coral Bark Maple - circa 80-120cmAcer palmatum Sango Kaku - Coral Bark Maple - circa 80-120cm
...7f70cefb5386b7/a/m/amaryllis-nymph-3.jpgAmaryllis - NYMPH - Double Flowered Hippeastrum BulbAmaryllis - NYMPH - Double Flowered Hippeastrum Bulb
...efb5386b7/h/e/helleborus-hello-red-1.jpgHelleborus x hybridus 'Hello Red' - Oriental Hellebore in Bud & BloomHelleborus x hybridus 'Hello Red' - Oriental Hellebore in Bud & Bloom
...7/7/5/750x750-hellborus-orientalis-1.jpgCarnival Hellebore Collection - Pack of FIVE Helleborus PlantsCarnival Hellebore Collection - Pack of FIVE Helleborus Plants
...fb5386b7/c/o/cornus-flav-750x750_1_1.jpgCornus stolonifera Flaviramea - Golden Dog Wood - Large circa 150cms PlantCornus stolonifera Flaviramea - Golden Dog Wood - Large circa 150cms Plant
...386b7/v/i/viburnum-tinus-eve-price-1.jpgViburnum tinus Eve PriceViburnum tinus Eve Price
...d2b7f70cefb5386b7/b/e/betula-jac-1_4.jpgBetula utilis var. jacquemontii 'Doorenbos' - White Bark West Himalayan Birch Tree - circa 140-160cmsBetula utilis var. jacquemontii 'Doorenbos' - White Bark West Himalayan Birch Tree - circa 140-160cms
...7f70cefb5386b7/c/o/cornus-cardinal-1.jpgCornus sericea Cardinal - DogwoodCornus sericea Cardinal - Dogwood
...6b7/c/o/cornus-annys-winter-orange-1.jpgCornus sanguinea 'Anny's Winter Orange' - DogwoodCornus sanguinea 'Anny's Winter Orange' - Dogwood
...d2b7f70cefb5386b7/c/o/cornus-red-1_1.jpgCornus alba Sibirica - Red Barked Dog Wood - Large 100-120cm plantsCornus alba Sibirica - Red Barked Dog Wood - Large 100-120cm plants
...c28d2d2b7f70cefb5386b7/v/i/visi63663.jpgHelleborus orientalis Double White Spotted - HelleboreHelleborus orientalis Double White Spotted - Hellebore
...4/94FB37EAAEB30898AB4E49D7CCB636EC_1.jpgSkimmia Fragrant CloudSkimmia Fragrant Cloud
...cefb5386b7/p/o/potted-viola-yellow-2.jpgViola in Bud & Bloom - Yellow - in Bud and BloomViola in Bud & Bloom - Yellow - in Bud and Bloom
...fb5386b7/s/k/skimmia-perosa-plant-uk.jpgSkimmia japonica Perosa - Variegated Rubella SkimmiaSkimmia japonica Perosa - Variegated Rubella Skimmia
/media/mageplaza/blog/post/g/e/geblog1.jpgLighting up the nation: UK city councils' Christmas lights budgets 2024
/media/mageplaza/blog/post/c/s/cs_1_.jpgMeet our customer service team
/media/mageplaza/blog/post/b/i/bird.jpgA beginners diary of attracting wild birds to the garden
...aza/blog/post/c/h/christmas_trees_1_.jpgWill there be a Christmas Tree Shortage this year?
...mageplaza/blog/post/g/r/great_plants.jpgGreat Looking Plants in October
...images/cms/blocks/promises/promise_1.gifNo alt attribute provided
...images/cms/blocks/promises/promise_2.gifNo alt attribute provided
...images/cms/blocks/promises/promise_3.gifNo alt attribute provided

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
The H1 heading is empty
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Empty heading
H2 Lighting up the nation: UK city councils' Christmas lights budgets 2024
H2 Meet our customer service team
H2 A beginners diary of attracting wild birds to the garden
H2 Will there be a Christmas Tree Shortage this year?
H2 Great Looking Plants in October
H3 Gardening Express
H4 Welcome to
There are too many internal links (551) on this page.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
14 links don't have an anchor text.
There are 5 links with a trivial anchor text.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are too many external links (43) on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Subdomain A-TITLE Follow us on Facebook A-TITLE Follow us on Twitter Subdomain A-TITLE Follow us on Instagram Subdomain A-TITLE Follow us on YouTube
/customer/account/Subdomain My Account
/customer/account/create/Subdomain Register
/customer/account/index/Subdomain Login
/Subdomain No Text
/customer/account/login/Subdomain IMG-ALT user
/checkout/cart/Subdomain View Cart
/checkout/cart/Subdomain Text duplicate View Cart
/Subdomain No Text
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/garden-plantsSubdomain Garden Plants
/garden-plantsSubdomain All Garden Plants
/garden-plants/special-dealsSubdomain Text duplicate Special Deals
/garden-plants/bedding-plantsSubdomain Bedding Plants
/garden-plants/bedding-plants/...Subdomain Bedding Plants (all)
/garden-plants/bedding-plants/...Subdomain Chrysanthemum
/garden-plants/bedding-plants/...Subdomain Cyclamen Plants
/garden-plants/bedding-plants/...Subdomain Heathers
/garden-plants/bedding-plants/...Subdomain Pansy Flowers
/garden-plants/bedding-plants/...Subdomain Primroses and Polyanthus
/garden-plants/bedding-plants/...Subdomain Viola Flowers and Plants
/garden-plants/bedding-plants/...Subdomain Wallflower Plants
/garden-plants/bedding-plants/...Subdomain Autumn & Winter Bedding
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/garden-plants/perennials-plan...Subdomain Perennial plants (all)
/garden-plants/perennials-plan...Subdomain Agapanthus Plants
/garden-plants/perennials-plan...Subdomain Aquilegia Plants
/garden-plants/perennials-plan...Subdomain Chrysanthemum Plants
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/garden-plants/perennials-plan...Subdomain Geranium Plants
/garden-plants/perennials-plan...Subdomain Iris Plants
/garden-plants/perennials-plan...Subdomain Lupin Plants
/garden-plants/perennials-plan...Subdomain Peony Plants
/garden-plants/perennials-plan...Subdomain Salvia Plants
/garden-plants/perennials-plan...Subdomain Perennials A-Z
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/garden-plants/shrubs-treesSubdomain Shrubs & Trees (all)
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/garden-plants/shrubs-trees/az...Subdomain Azalea
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/garden-plants/shrubs-trees/sh...Subdomain Shrubs (A - Z)
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/garden-plants/climbers-and-vi...Subdomain Ivy
/garden-plants/climbers-and-vi...Subdomain Jasmine Plants
/garden-plants/climbers-and-vi...Subdomain Passion Flowers - Passiflora
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/garden-plants/climbers-and-vi...Subdomain Wisteria Plants
/garden-plants/climbers-and-vi...Subdomain Large Specimen Climbers
/garden-plants/climbers-and-vi...Subdomain Other Climbing Plants
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/garden-plants/ornamental-gras...Subdomain Pampas Grass
/garden-plants/ornamental-gras...Subdomain Stipa Plants
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/garden-plants/topiary-buxus-b...Subdomain Olives, Yew & Other Types
/garden-plants/topiary-buxus-b...Subdomain Bay Trees - Laurus Nobilis
/garden-plants/topiary-buxus-b...Subdomain Buxus Sempervirens
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/garden-plants/rosesSubdomain Roses (all)
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/garden-plants/roses/climbing-...Subdomain Climbing Roses
/garden-plants/roses/flower-ca...Subdomain Ground Cover Roses
/garden-plants/roses/standard-...Subdomain Standard Rose Trees
/garden-plants/roses/hybrid-te...Subdomain Hybrid Tea Roses
/garden-plants/roses/patio-min...Subdomain Patio & Miniature Roses
/garden-plants/roses/bare-root...Subdomain Bare Root Roses
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/garden-plants/hedges-hedging-...Subdomain Beech Hedging
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/garden-plants/hedges-hedging-...Subdomain Privet Hedging
/garden-plants/hedges-hedging-...Subdomain Pyracantha Hedging Plants
/garden-plants/hedges-hedging-...Subdomain Security & Anti-intruder
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/garden-plants/bamboos-and-bam...Subdomain Bamboo Plants
/veg-kitchen-gardeningSubdomain Grow your own
/veg-kitchen-gardeningSubdomain All Grow Your Own
/veg-kitchen-gardening/tomato-...Subdomain Tomato Plants
/veg-kitchen-gardening/fruit-t...Subdomain Fruit Trees
/veg-kitchen-gardening/fruit-t...Subdomain Bare Root Fruit Trees
/veg-kitchen-gardening/strawbe...Subdomain Strawberry Plants
/veg-kitchen-gardening/chilli-...Subdomain Chilli & Pepper Plants
/veg-kitchen-gardening/seed-po...Subdomain Seed Potatoes
/veg-kitchen-gardening/cucumbe...Subdomain Cucumber Plants
/veg-kitchen-gardening/grape-v...Subdomain Grape Vines
/veg-kitchen-gardening/vegetab...Subdomain Vegetable Plants
/veg-kitchen-gardening/fruit-p...Subdomain Fruit Plants
/veg-kitchen-gardening/asparag...Subdomain Asparagus Plants
/veg-kitchen-gardening/raspber...Subdomain Raspberry Canes
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/veg-kitchen-gardening/herbsSubdomain Herbs
/garden-plants/patio-plantsSubdomain Patio Plants
/garden-plants/ferns-hardy-gar...Subdomain Ferns
/garden-plants/tropical-exotic...Subdomain Tropical & Exotic Plants
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/garden-plants/pond-plantsSubdomain Pond Plants & Aquatics
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/garden-plants/bulbsSubdomain All Flower Bulbs
/garden-plants/bulbs/tulip-bulbsSubdomain Tulip Bulbs
/garden-plants/bulbs/alliumSubdomain Allium Bulbs
/garden-plants/bulbs/narcissi-...Subdomain Daffodil & Narcissi Bulbs
/garden-plants/bulbs/crocus-bulbsSubdomain Crocus Bulbs
/garden-plants/bulbs/woodland-...Subdomain Woodland and Naturalising
/garden-plants/bulbs/hyacinth-...Subdomain Hyacinth Bulbs
/garden-plants/bulbs/amaryllis...Subdomain Amaryllis Bulbs
/garden-plants/bulbs/designer-...Subdomain Designer Collections
/garden-plants/bulbs/bulb-plan...Subdomain Bulb Planting Tools
/house-office-plantsSubdomain Houseplants
/house-office-plants/all-house...Subdomain All Houseplants
/house-office-plants/houseplan...Subdomain Houseplant Special Deals
/house-office-plantsSubdomain Plant Types
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/house-office-plants/cactusSubdomain Cactus
/house-office-plants/calatheaSubdomain Calathea
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/house-office-plants/ficus-fig...Subdomain Ficus
/house-office-plants/indoor-pa...Subdomain Indoor Palm Plants
/house-office-plants/monstera-...Subdomain Monstera
/house-office-plants/orchidsSubdomain Orchids
/house-office-plants/peace-lil...Subdomain Peace Lily
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/house-office-plants/sansevier...Subdomain Sansevieria - Snake Plant
/house-office-plants/strelitziaSubdomain Strelitzia
/house-office-plants/cacti-suc...Subdomain Succulents
/house-office-plants/indoor-fo...Subdomain Indoor Foliage Plants
/house-office-plants/flowering...Subdomain Flowering Indoor Plants
/house-office-plants/carnivoresSubdomain Carnivorous Houseplants
/house-office-plants/large-hou...Subdomain Large Houseplants
/house-office-plants/the-unkil...Subdomain The Unkillables
/house-office-plants/pet-frien...Subdomain Pet-Friendly Houseplants
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/gardening-supplies/garden-sup...Subdomain Garden Supplies Deals
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/gardening-supplies/garden-too...Subdomain Complete Garden Tools Range
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/gardening-supplies/garden-too...Subdomain Digging Tools
/gardening-supplies/garden-too...Subdomain Garden Hand Tools
/gardening-supplies/garden-too...Subdomain Garden Tool Sets
/gardening-supplies/garden-too...Subdomain Garden Watering Cans
/gardening-supplies/garden-too...Subdomain Rakes and Weeding Tools
/gardening-supplies/garden-too...Subdomain Sacks & Trugs
/wildlifeSubdomain Wild Bird Care
/wildlife/wild-bird-foodSubdomain Wild Bird Food
/wildlife/wild-bird-feedersSubdomain Wild Bird Feeders
/wildlife/bird-boxes-houses-an...Subdomain Bird Boxes & Houses
/wildlife/bird-tables-and-feed...Subdomain Bird Tables & Stations
/wildlife/bird-bathsSubdomain Bird Baths
/wildlife/hedgehog-houses-foodSubdomain Hedgehog Houses & Food
/wildlife/bee-hotelsSubdomain Insect Habitats
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/gardening-supplies/pest-contr...Subdomain Rodent Control
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/gardening-supplies/pest-contr...Subdomain All pest control products
/gardening-supplies/compost-de...Subdomain Compost & Decorative Bark
/gardening-supplies/garden-fur...Subdomain Garden Furniture
/gardening-supplies/outdoor-po...Subdomain Outdoor Pots & Planters
/gardening-supplies/gardening-...Subdomain Gardening Gloves
/gardening-supplies/garden-sun...Subdomain Garden Essentials
/gardening-supplies/cover-potsSubdomain Cover Pots
/gardening-supplies/weed-contr...Subdomain Weed Control Products
/gardening-supplies/hanging-ba...Subdomain Hanging Baskets
/gardening-supplies/lawn-care-...Subdomain Lawn Care Products
/gardening-supplies/garden-irr...Subdomain Garden Irrigation Products
/gardening-supplies/garden-lig...Subdomain Garden Lighting
/gardening-supplies/plant-food...Subdomain Plant Food & Fertiliser
https://help.gardeningexpress....New window External Subdomain Contact
https://help.gardeningexpress....New window External Subdomain Knowledge Hub
https://help.gardeningexpress....New window External Subdomain Winter Gardening
https://help.gardeningexpress....New window External Subdomain Beginners Gardening Course
https://help.gardeningexpress....New window External Subdomain Garden Style Guides
https://help.gardeningexpress....New window External Subdomain General Gardening Advice
https://help.gardeningexpress....New window External Subdomain Grow Your Own Fruit & Veg
https://help.gardeningexpress....New window External Subdomain Plant Care Guides
https://help.gardeningexpress....New window External Subdomain Plant Recommendations
https://help.gardeningexpress....New window External Subdomain Plants for Garden Conditions
https://help.gardeningexpress....New window External Subdomain Customer Support Centre
/gardening-express-newsletterSubdomain Newsletter Sign Up
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/garden-plants/bedding-plants/...Subdomain Text duplicate Cyclamen Plants
/garden-plants/bedding-plants/...Subdomain Text duplicate Heathers
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/garden-plants/bedding-plants/...Subdomain Text duplicate Viola Flowers and Plants
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/garden-plants/bedding-plants/...Subdomain Text duplicate Autumn & Winter Bedding
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/garden-plants/shrubs-trees/li...Subdomain Text duplicate Lilac Trees & Shrubs
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/garden-plants/shrubs-trees/az...Subdomain Text duplicate Azalea
/garden-plants/shrubs-trees/fu...Subdomain Text duplicate Fuchsia
/garden-plants/shrubs-trees/ma...Subdomain Text duplicate Magnolia Trees & Shrubs
/garden-plants/shrubs-trees/sh...Subdomain Text duplicate Shrubs (A - Z)
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/garden-plants/climbers-and-vinesSubdomain Text duplicate Climbing Plants (all)
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/garden-plants/climbers-and-vi...Subdomain Text duplicate Climbing Hydrangea
/garden-plants/climbers-and-vi...Subdomain Text duplicate Evergreen Climbing Plants
/garden-plants/climbers-and-vi...Subdomain Text duplicate Honeysuckle Plants (Lonicera)
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/garden-plants/climbers-and-vi...Subdomain Text duplicate Jasmine Plants
/garden-plants/climbers-and-vi...Subdomain Text duplicate Passion Flowers - Passiflora
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IMG-ALT test
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IMG-ALT test
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IMG-ALT test window External Subdomain Trustpilot
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/snowy-white-cyclamen-plant-in...Subdomain SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 3.99, today just 1.99 - Save £2!
IMG-ALT Snowy White Cyclamen Plant In Bud & Bloom
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/thuja-occidentalis-brabant-10...Subdomain SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 29.99, today just 9.99 - Save £20!
IMG-ALT Thuja occidentalis Brabant - 120-140cm Specimen or Hedging Conifer
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/erica-darleyensis-rosalena-pi...Subdomain SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 5.99, today just 2.99 - Save £3!
IMG-ALT Erica darleyensis 'Rosalena' - Pink Winter Flowering Heather
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/crocus-ruby-giantSubdomain SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 2.99, today just £1, yes, Just £1!
IMG-ALT Crocus Ruby Giant - Pack of 8
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/acer-palmatum-sango-kaku-cora...Subdomain SPECIAL DEAL - Usually 29.97, today just 24.97 - Save £5!
IMG-ALT Acer palmatum Sango Kaku - Coral Bark Maple - circa 80-120cm
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IMG-ALT Amaryllis - NYMPH - Double Flowered Hippeastrum Bulb
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IMG-ALT Helleborus x hybridus 'Hello Red' - Oriental Hellebore in Bud & Bloom
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IMG-ALT Carnival Hellebore Collection - Pack of FIVE Helleborus Plants
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IMG-ALT Cornus stolonifera Flaviramea - Golden Dog Wood - Large circa 150cms Plant
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IMG-ALT Viburnum tinus Eve Price
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A-TITLE Read More
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A-TITLE Read More
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A-TITLE Read More
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A-TITLE Read More
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A-TITLE Read More
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External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
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# Website Sitemap

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User-agent: *

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User-agent: AhrefsBot
Disallow: /

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Garden Plants64%Check
Gardening Express63%Check
Garden Centre59%Check
Buy Garden Plants55%Check
Garden Design54%Check
Garden Tools53%Check

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