- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.62 s
File size
30.80 kB
Media files
Number of links
92 internal / 3 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Wien Geschichte Wiki
The page title is too short. (199 pixels of 580 max pixel length) Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Wien Geschichte Wiki ist eine historische Wissensplattform der Stadt Wien.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (466 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
This page is hosted on a subdomain. Use a top level domain for better SEO results.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

generatorMediaWiki 1.39.7
descriptionWien Geschichte Wiki ist eine historische Wissensplattform der Stadt Wien.
keywordsWien, Geschichte, historisch, Personen, Topografische Objekte, Bauwerke, Organisationen, Ereignisse, Erinnerungszeichen, Karten, Begriffe, Sonstiges, Grenzsteine, Adressen, Liegenschaften, Semantic MediaWiki
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no

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Page quality

(Critically important)
There are only 227 words on this page. Use at least 250 words to provide useful information.
Only 2 paragraph/s was/were found on this page.
The average number of words per sentence of 4.82 words is low.
14.5% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
Multiple viewport tags are given. There should only be one.
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=1000" is provided.
This page only loads 1 JavaScript files. That's good!
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The amount of tags is very high (12). We recommend using a maximum of 6 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/skins/wienwgw4/img/wgw_logo.pngWien Geschichte Wiki
...TLA_Fotoarchiv_Gerlach_FC1_03191m_v2.jpgWSTLA Fotoarchiv Gerlach FC1 03191m v2.jpg
...TLA_Fotoarchiv_Gerlach_FC1_00556m_v2.jpgWSTLA Fotoarchiv Gerlach FC1 00556m v2.jpg
...Zwangsarbeiterlager_Handelskai_286_2.jpgZwangsarbeiterlager Handelskai 286 2.jpg
/images/e/e3/Wettbewerbsprojekt_Nr._4.jpgWettbewerbsprojekt Nr. 4.jpg
.../18/WStLA_KS_Sammelbestand_P1_00500G.jpgWStLA KS Sammelbestand P1 00500G.jpg
...ossenschaftswappen_Uhrmacher_Stroehl.jpgGenossenschaftswappen Uhrmacher Stroehl.jpg
/images/d/d7/Titus_Flavius_Draccus.jpgTitus Flavius Draccus.jpg
/KnowledgeWiki.pnga project
...emanticMediaWiki/res/smw/logo_footer.pngPowered by Semantic MediaWiki

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Wien Geschichte Wiki
The H1 heading is perfect.
The heading structure is perfect.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Wien Geschichte Wiki
H2 Personen
H2 Topografische Objekte
H2 Bauwerke
H2 Organisationen
H2 Ereignisse
H2 Erinnern
H2 Karten
H2 Begriffe
H2 Zeiträume
H2 Themen
H2 Recherchetools
Anchor text is an URL
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 3 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/Wien_Geschichte_WikiAnchor Zum Inhalt
A-TITLE Accesskey 8
/Wien_Geschichte_WikiAnchor Zur Navigation
A-TITLE Accesskey 3 Subdomain Stadt Wien
A-TITLE Sich anzumelden wird gerne gesehen, ist jedoch nicht zwingend erforderlich. [o]
/Wien_Geschichte_WikiIMG-ALT Wien Geschichte Wiki
A-TITLE Wien Geschichte Wiki
/Spezial:Zufällige_SeiteZufällige Seite
/Über_das_Wien_Geschichte_WikiÜber das Wiki
/Vienna_History_WikiEnglish Information
/Topografische_ObjekteTopografische Objekte
/Erste_SchritteErste Schritte
/Beiträge_verbessernBeiträge verbessern
/Beitrag_erstellenBeitrag erstellen
/Wien_Geschichte_WikiText duplicate Hauptseite
A-TITLE Seiteninhalt anzeigen [c]
A-TITLE Diskussion zum Seiteninhalt [t]
/index.php?title=Wien_Geschich...Quelltext anzeigen
A-TITLE Diese Seite ist geschützt. Ihr Quelltext kann dennoch angesehen und kopiert werden. [e]
A-TITLE Frühere Versionen dieser Seite [h]
/Wien_Geschichte_WikiAnchor Navigation
/Wien_Geschichte_WikiAnchor Suche
/Erste_SchritteSie gerne beitragen können
A-TITLE Erste Schritte
/Kategorie:CzeikeHistorische Lexikon Wien von Felix Czeike
A-TITLE Kategorie:Czeike
/Statistik50.525 Beiträge, 279.819 Adressen und 17.287 Bilder
A-TITLE Statistik
/PersonenText duplicate Personen
A-TITLE Personen
/Ernst_GörgIMG-ALT Ernstgoerg.jpg
A-TITLE Ernst Görg
/Ernst_GörgErnst Görg
A-TITLE Ernst Görg
/Topografische_ObjekteText duplicate Topografische Objekte
A-TITLE Topografische Objekte
/MiesbachgasseIMG-ALT WSTLA Fotoarchiv Gerlach FC1 03191m v2.jpg
A-TITLE Miesbachgasse
A-TITLE Miesbachgasse
/BauwerkeText duplicate Bauwerke
A-TITLE Bauwerke
/Josef-Scheu-HofIMG-ALT WSTLA Fotoarchiv Gerlach FC1 00556m v2.jpg
A-TITLE Josef-Scheu-Hof
A-TITLE Josef-Scheu-Hof
/OrganisationenText duplicate Organisationen
A-TITLE Organisationen
/Zwangsarbeiterlager_Handelska...IMG-ALT Zwangsarbeiterlager Handelskai 286 2.jpg
A-TITLE Zwangsarbeiterlager Handelskai 135
/Zwangsarbeiterlager_Handelska...Zwangsarbeiterlager Handelskai 135
A-TITLE Zwangsarbeiterlager Handelskai 135
/EreignisseText duplicate Ereignisse
A-TITLE Ereignisse
/Ringstraßenwettbewerb_Projekt...IMG-ALT Wettbewerbsprojekt Nr. 4.jpg
A-TITLE Ringstraßenwettbewerb Projekt Nr.3
/Ringstraßenwettbewerb_Projekt...Ringstraßenwettbewerb Projekt Nr.3
A-TITLE Ringstraßenwettbewerb Projekt Nr.3
/ErinnernText duplicate Erinnern
A-TITLE Erinnern
/Hans-Moser-Gedenktafel_(13,_H...IMG-ALT Moser-Gedenktafel-Hügelgasse.JPG
A-TITLE Hans-Moser-Gedenktafel (13, Hügelgasse 2)
/Hans-Moser-Gedenktafel_(13,_H...Hans-Moser-Gedenktafel (13, Hügelgasse 2)
A-TITLE Hans-Moser-Gedenktafel (13, Hügelgasse 2)
/KartenText duplicate Karten
A-TITLE Karten
/Stadtplan,_Ludwig_Zettl_(1866)IMG-ALT WStLA KS Sammelbestand P1 00500G.jpg
A-TITLE Stadtplan, Ludwig Zettl (1866)
/Stadtplan,_Ludwig_Zettl_(1866)Stadtplan, Ludwig Zettl (1866)
A-TITLE Stadtplan, Ludwig Zettl (1866)
/BegriffeIMG-ALT Begriff.png
A-TITLE Begriffe
/BegriffeText duplicate Begriffe
A-TITLE Begriffe
/UhrmacherIMG-ALT Genossenschaftswappen Uhrmacher Stroehl.jpg
A-TITLE Uhrmacher
A-TITLE Uhrmacher
/ZeiträumeText duplicate Zeiträume
A-TITLE Zeiträume
/Antike_(Portal)IMG-ALT Titus Flavius Draccus.jpg
A-TITLE Antike (Portal)
/Antike_(Portal)Antike (Portal)
A-TITLE Antike (Portal)
/ThemenIMG-ALT Themenschwerpunkte.png
A-TITLE Themen
/ThemenText duplicate Themen
A-TITLE Themen
/Revolution_1848Revolution 1848
A-TITLE Revolution 1848
/Erzdiözese_WienErzdiözese Wien
A-TITLE Erzdiözese Wien
A-TITLE Theater
A-TITLE Wasserversorgung
A-TITLE Stadtplanung
A-TITLE Hofburg
A-TITLE Unterkammeramt
/RecherchetoolsText duplicate Recherchetools
A-TITLE Recherchetools
/Spezial:Abfrage_ausführen/Str...Lexikon der Straßennamen
A-TITLE Fragen Sie Straßennamen ab.
A-TITLE Verstorbenensuche
A-TITLE Häusernummerierung
A-TITLE Kaufkraftrechner
/Spezial:Abfrage_ausführen/Abf...New window Nofollow Subdomain Geschäftseinteilung Bezirksgerichte
A-TITLE Bauunterlagen
A-TITLE Kategorie:Abfragen
/index.php?title=Wien_Geschich...Subdomain URL anchor text
/Spezial:Linkliste/Wien_Geschi...Links auf diese Seite
A-TITLE Liste aller Seiten, die hierher verlinken [j]
/Spezial:Änderungen_an_verlink...Nofollow Änderungen an verlinkten Seiten
A-TITLE Letzte Änderungen an Seiten, die von hier verlinkt sind [k]
A-TITLE Liste aller Spezialseiten [q]
/index.php?title=Wien_Geschich...Permanenter Link
A-TITLE Dauerhafter Link zu dieser Seitenversion
A-TITLE Weitere Informationen über diese Seite
/Spezial:Durchsuchen/:Wien-5FG...Attribute anzeigen
/index.php?title=Spezial:Zitie...Seite zitieren
A-TITLE Hinweise, wie diese Seite zitiert werden kann
/Über_das_ProjektÜber Wien Geschichte Wiki
/ImpressumImpressum window External Subdomain IMG-ALT a project
https://www.semantic-mediawiki...New window External Subdomain IMG-ALT Powered by Semantic MediaWiki

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.62 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
This page only loads 2 CSS files. That's ok.
This page only loads 1 JavaScript files. That's good!
The file size of the HTML document is fine (31 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateTue, 23 Jul 2024 22:44:16 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8
expiresThu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
cache-controlprivate, must-revalidate, max-age=0
last-modifiedTue, 23 Jul 2024 22:44:16 GMT
x-xss-protection1; mode=block
content-security-policyframe-ancestors 'self';

External factors

(Nice to have)
This website is not classified "for adult only".
This page is referenced by wikipedia.
This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 70 referring domains.
This page has 1,622 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 65 different ip addresses.
Facebook popularity
(Somewhat important)
The page has 0 shares and comments on Facebook.


# Observed spamming large amounts of
# and ignoring 429 ratelimit responses, claims to respect robots:
User-agent: MJ12bot
Disallow: /

# advertising-related bots:
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google*
Disallow: /

# Wikipedia work bots:
User-agent: IsraBot

User-agent: Orthogaffe

# Crawlers that are kind enough to obey, but which we'd rather not have
# unless they're feeding search engines.
User-agent: UbiCrawler
Disallow: /

User-agent: DOC
Disallow: /

User-agent: Zao
Disallow: /

# Some bots are known to be trouble, particularly those designed to copy
# entire sites. Please obey robots.txt.
Disallow: /

User-agent: Zealbot
Disallow: /

User-agent: MSIECrawler
Disallow: /

User-agent: SiteSnagger
Disallow: /

User-agent: WebStripper
Disallow: /

User-agent: WebCopier
Disallow: /

User-agent: Fetch
Disallow: /

User-agent: Offline Explorer
Disallow: /

User-agent: Teleport
Disallow: /

User-agent: TeleportPro
Disallow: /

User-agent: WebZIP
Disallow: /

User-agent: linko
Disallow: /

User-agent: HTTrack
Disallow: /

User-agent: Microsoft.URL.Control
Disallow: /

User-agent: Xenu
Disallow: /

User-agent: larbin
Disallow: /

User-agent: libwww
Disallow: /

User-agent: ZyBORG
Disallow: /

User-agent: Download Ninja
Disallow: /

# Misbehaving: requests much too fast:
User-agent: fast
Disallow: /

# Sorry, wget in its recursive mode is a frequent problem.
# Please read the man page and use it properly; there is a
# --wait option you can use to set the delay between hits,
# for instance.
User-agent: wget
Disallow: /

# The 'grub' distributed client has been *very* poorly behaved.
User-agent: grub-client
Disallow: /

# Doesn't follow robots.txt anyway, but...
User-agent: k2spider
Disallow: /

# Hits many times per second, not acceptable
User-agent: NPBot
Disallow: /

# A capture bot, downloads gazillions of pages with no public benefit
User-agent: WebReaper
Disallow: /

# Wayback Machine: defaults and whether to index user-pages
# FIXME: Complete the removal of this block, per T7582.
# User-agent: archive.org_bot
# Allow: /

# Friendly, low-speed bots are welcome viewing article pages, but not
# dynamically-generated pages please.
# Inktomi's "Slurp" can read a minimum delay between hits; if your
# bot supports such a thing using the 'Crawl-delay' or another
# instruction, please let us know.
# There is a special exception for API mobileview to allow dynamic
# mobile web & app views to load section content.
# These views aren't HTTP-cached but use parser cache aggressively
# and don't expose special: pages etc.
# Another exception is for REST API documentation, located at
# /api/rest_v1/?doc.
User-agent: *
# ar:
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Allow: /api.php?action=mobileview&
Allow: /load.php?
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Disallow: /Spesial:
Disallow: /Special%3A
Disallow: /Spezial%3A
Disallow: /Spesial%3A

# /skins/ are needed for rendering previews, therefor we will be mercyful - Disallow: /skins/

# Old long Url Format - English
Disallow: /index.php?diff=
Disallow: /index.php?oldid=
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Disallow: /index.php?title=/logout/
Disallow: /index.php?title=*?printable=yes$
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# Old long Url Format - German
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Disallow: /index.php?title=/WienGeschichteWiki_Diskussion:
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Disallow: /index.php?title=/Widget_Diskussion:

# New shiny Short Urls - English
Disallow: /diff
Disallow: /oldid
Disallow: /login/
Disallow: /logout/
Disallow: *?printable=yes$
Disallow: /Media:
Disallow: /Special:
Disallow: /Talk:
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Disallow: /File talk:
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Disallow: /MediaWiki talk:
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Disallow: /WienGeschichteWiki:
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Disallow: /Concept_talk:
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Disallow: /smw/schema_talk:
Disallow: /Form:
Disallow: /Form_talk:
Disallow: /Filter:
Disallow: /Filter_talk:
Disallow: /Widget:
Disallow: /Widget_talk:

# New shiny Short Urls - German
Disallow: /Media:
Disallow: /Spezial:
Disallow: /Diskussion:
Disallow: /Benutzer:
Disallow: /Benutzer_Diskussion:
Disallow: /Projekt:
Disallow: /Projekt_Diskussion:
Disallow: /Datei:
Disallow: /Datei_Diskussion:
Disallow: /MediaWiki:
Disallow: /MediaWiki_Diskussion:
Disallow: /Vorlage:
Disallow: /Vorlage_Diskussion:
Disallow: /Hilfe:
Disallow: /Hilfe_Diskussion:
Disallow: /Kategorie:
Disallow: /Kategorie_Diskussion:
Disallow: /WienGeschichteWiki:
Disallow: /WienGeschichteWiki_Diskussion:
Disallow: /Attribut:
Disallow: /Attribut_Diskussion:
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Disallow: /Datentyp_Diskussion:
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Disallow: /Formular_Diskussion:
Disallow: /Konzept:
Disallow: /Konzept_Diskussion:
Disallow: /Filter:
Disallow: /Filter_Diskussion:
Disallow: /Widget:
Disallow: /Widget_Diskussion:

# Apache Style - English Urls
Disallow: /index.php/diff
Disallow: /index.php/oldid
Disallow: /index.php/login/
Disallow: /index.php/logout/
Disallow: /index.php*?printable=yes$
Disallow: /index.php/Media:
Disallow: /index.php/Special:
Disallow: /index.php/Talk:
Disallow: /index.php/User:
Disallow: /index.php/User talk:
Disallow: /index.php/Project:
Disallow: /index.php/Project talk:
Disallow: /index.php/File:
Disallow: /index.php/File talk:
Disallow: /index.php/MediaWiki:
Disallow: /index.php/MediaWiki talk:
Disallow: /index.php/Template:
Disallow: /index.php/Template talk:
Disallow: /index.php/Help:
Disallow: /index.php/Help talk:
Disallow: /index.php/Category:
Disallow: /index.php/Category talk:
Disallow: /index.php/WienGeschichteWiki:
Disallow: /index.php/WienGeschichteWiki_talk:
Disallow: /index.php/Relation:
Disallow: /index.php/Relation_talk:
Disallow: /index.php/Property:
Disallow: /index.php/Property_talk:
Disallow: /index.php/Type:
Disallow: /index.php/Type_talk:
Disallow: /index.php/Concept:
Disallow: /index.php/Concept_talk:
Disallow: /index.php/smw/schema:
Disallow: /index.php/smw/schema_talk:
Disallow: /index.php/Form:
Disallow: /index.php/Form_talk:
Disallow: /index.php/Filter:
Disallow: /index.php/Filter_talk:
Disallow: /index.php/Widget:
Disallow: /index.php/Widget_talk:

# Apache Style - German Urls
Disallow: /index.php/Media:
Disallow: /index.php/Spezial:
Disallow: /index.php/Diskussion:
Disallow: /index.php/Benutzer:
Disallow: /index.php/Benutzer_Diskussion:
Disallow: /index.php/Projekt:
Disallow: /index.php/Projekt_Diskussion:
Disallow: /index.php/Datei:
Disallow: /index.php/Datei_Diskussion:
Disallow: /index.php/MediaWiki:
Disallow: /index.php/MediaWiki_Diskussion:
Disallow: /index.php/Vorlage:
Disallow: /index.php/Vorlage_Diskussion:
Disallow: /index.php/Hilfe:
Disallow: /index.php/Hilfe_Diskussion:
Disallow: /index.php/Kategorie:
Disallow: /index.php/Kategorie_Diskussion:
Disallow: /index.php/WienGeschichteWiki:
Disallow: /index.php/WienGeschichteWiki_Diskussion:
Disallow: /index.php/Attribut:
Disallow: /index.php/Attribut_Diskussion:
Disallow: /index.php/Datentyp:
Disallow: /index.php/Datentyp_Diskussion:
Disallow: /index.php/Formular:
Disallow: /index.php/Formular_Diskussion:
Disallow: /index.php/Konzept:
Disallow: /index.php/Konzept_Diskussion:
Disallow: /index.php/Filter:
Disallow: /index.php/Filter_Diskussion:
Disallow: /index.php/Widget:
Disallow: /index.php/Widget_Diskussion:

# Mediawiki Fixes: T16075
Disallow: /MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist
Disallow: /MediaWiki%3ASpam-blacklist
Disallow: /MediaWiki_talk:Spam-blacklist
Disallow: /MediaWiki_talk%3ASpam-blacklist


Search preview › Wien_Geschichte_Wiki
Wien Geschichte Wiki
Wien Geschichte Wiki ist eine historische Wissensplattform der Stadt Wien.

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historische Wissensplattform46%Check

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