- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
1.67 s
File size
286.40 kB
Media files
Number of links
150 internal / 0 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Grupoclimatización - Tienda online de calderas y aires acondicionados
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 631 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Tienda especializada en venta e instalacion de calderas de gas y aire acondicionado al mejor precio del mercado. Trabajamos con las mejores marcas como Ferroli, Vaillant, Saunier Duval, Baxi, Mitsubishi, Fujitsu, Daikin, Olimpia Splendid y mucho más.
The meta description is too long: 1564 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: es
Language defined in HTML: es
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: es
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain name is very long.
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionTienda especializada en venta e instalacion de calderas de gas y aire acondicionado al mejor precio del mercado. Trabajamos con las mejores marcas como Ferroli, Vaillant, Saunier Duval, Baxi, Mitsubishi, Fujitsu, Daikin, Olimpia Splendid y mucho más.
keywordstienda online de calderas, tienda online de aire acondicionado, calderas de gas, calentadores, aire acondicioando, grupoclimatizacion
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
This page contains 1361 words. That's ok.
16.6% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
13 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 21.71 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Empty bold or strong tags were found on this page.
The following tag is repeated too often: asesoramiento personalizado:
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
40 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/img/cms/estrellas.pngNo alt attribute provided
/img/grupocliamtizacion-logo-1620375910.jpgGrupo Climatización
/img/cms/aire-acondicionado-split1x1.pngNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/aire-acondicionado-split-2x1.pngNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/aire-acondicionado-conductos.pngNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/aire-acondicionado-casette.pngNo alt attribute provided alt attribute provided
.../cms/Calderas-al-mejor-precio-online.pngNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/calderas-de-gasoil-comprar.pngNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/Sliders/grupo-fleck-2024.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/Sliders/unico-ofertas.pngNo alt attribute provided alt attribute provided
...cms/Sliders/DOMUSA-GRUPO-SLIDER-2024.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/icon_cms1%20(1).pngNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/icon_cms3.pngNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/garantia.pngNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/financiacion.pngNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/prueba.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/multisplit.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/conductos.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/cassette.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/sin-unidad-interior.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/caldera.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/gasoil.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/termos.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/calentadores.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/bombas.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...limamix-s09h3-aire-acondicionado-1x1.jpgSUNECO CLIMAMIX S09H3 AIRE ACONDICIONADO 1X1
...erroli-giada-s-12-aire-acondicionado.jpgFerroli Giada S 12 Aire Acondicionado
...35-mud0-aire-acondicionado-split-1x1.jpgAriston ALYS R32 35 MUD0 Aire acondicionado Split 1x1
...hisense-brissa-12-aire-acondicionado.jpgHisense Brissa CA35YR03 Aire Acondicionado
...4-e-inverter-12-c-aire-acondicionado.jpgOlimpia Splendid Nexya S4 E Inverter 12 C Aire Acondicionado
...nori-mono-2-lsg35-aire-acondicionado.jpgBaxi Anori Mono 2 JSG35 Aire Acondicionado
...5-r-plus-wifi-aire-acondicionado-1x1.jpgHaier Geos 35 R WiFi Aire acondicionado 1x1
...2-wi-fi-aire-acondicionado-split-1x1.jpgLG Confort Replace 12 Wi-Fi Aire acondicionado split 1x1
...d8s-aire-acondicionado-split-1x1-r32.jpgCarrier QHG012D8S Aire Acondicionado Split 1x1 R32
...-030-nw-aire-acondicionado-split-1x1.jpgSaunier Duval VivAir One SDHL 1-030 NW Aire Acondicionado Split 1x1
...z35-zke-aire-acondicionado-split-1x1.jpgPanasonic KIT-BZ35-ZKE Aire Acondicionado Split 1x1
...ishi-msz-ay35vgkp-aire-acondicionado.jpgMitsubishi MSZ-AY35VGKP Aire Acondicionado de gas Beretta Ciao X 25C
...a-de-gas-hermann-micracom-condens-24.jpgCaldera de gas Hermann MicraCom Condens 24
...-de-gas-hermann-micraplus-condens-25.jpgCaldera de gas Hermann MicraPlus Condens 25
...-de-gas-ferroli-bluehelix-alpha-28-c.jpgCaldera de gas Ferroli Bluehelix Alpha 28 C
...-de-gas-ariston-clas-one-wifi-30-ff-.jpgCaldera de gas Ariston Clas One WIFI 30 FF
...-gas-saunier-duval-thelia-condens-25.jpgCaldera De Gas Saunier Duval Thelia Condens 25
...era-vaillant-ecotec-pure-vmw-236-7-2.jpgCaldera Vaillant Ecotec Pure VMW 236/7-2
...xi-serie-i-eco-11-l-calentador-a-gas.jpgBaxi Serie I Eco 11 L Calentador de gas - ATMOSFÉRICO
...xt-evo-x-11-sft-eu-calentador-de-gas.jpgCalentador Ariston Next Evo X 11 SFT EU
...ext-evo-x-16-sft-eu-calentador-a-gas.jpgCalentador Ariston Next Evo X 16 SFT EU
...drabagno-lx-flex-11-calentador-a-gas.jpgCalentador a gas Beretta Idrabagno LX Flex 11
...tta-idrabagno-lx-13-calentador-a-gas.jpgBeretta Idrabagno LX Flex 13 Calentador a gas
...aldera-de-gasoil-domusa-clima-plus-h.jpgCaldera de gasoil Domusa Clima Plus H 25
...gasoil-ferroli-silent-eco-30-si-unit.jpgCaldera de gasoil Ferroli Silent Eco 30 SI Unit
...a-de-gasoil-domusa-sirena-cal-hfd-30.jpgCaldera de gasoil Domusa Sirena Cal HFD 30
...-gasoil-domusa-sirena-mix-duo-hfd-30.jpgCaldera de gasoil Domusa Sirena Mix Duo HFD 30
...asoil-ferroli-atlas-d-eco-30-si-unit.jpgCaldera de gasoil Ferroli Atlas D eco 30 SI Unit
...bomba-de-calor-para-acs-haier-hp80m5.jpgBomba de calor para ACS Haier HP80M5
...omba-de-calor-para-acs-haier-hp110m5.jpgBomba de calor para ACS Haier HP110M5
...riston-para-acs-nuos-plus-s2-80-wifi.jpgBomba de calor Ariston para ACS Nuos Plus S2 80 WIFI
...iston-para-acs-nuos-plus-s2-110-wifi.jpgBomba de calor Ariston para ACS Nuos Plus S2 110 WIFI
...iston-para-acs-nuos-plus-s2-150-wifi.jpgBomba de calor Ariston para ACS Nuos Plus S2 110 WIFI
...conos Varios/icon_customer_ifeedback.pngNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/Blog/icon_security.pngNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/1%20(2).jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/2%20(1).jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/3%20(1).jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/4%20(1).jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/5.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/6.jpgNo alt attribute provided
/img/cms/7.jpgNo alt attribute provided
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/img/cms/9%20(1).jpgNo alt attribute provided
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.../cms/2024/logo-prtr-tres-lneas_black.pngNo alt attribute provided

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
There are 45 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H2 Preferencias de cookies Consentimiento
H3 Envío Gratis
H3 100% Pago Seguro
H3 Garantía De Productos
H3 Financiación
H3 Ferroli Giada S 12 Aire Acondicionado
H3 Ariston ALYS R32 35 MUD0 Aire acondicionado Split 1x1
H3 Hisense Brissa CA35YR03 Aire Acondicionado
H3 Olimpia Splendid Nexya S4 E Inverter 12 C Aire Acondicionado
H3 Baxi Anori Mono 2 JSG35 Aire Acondicionado
H3 Haier Geos 35 R Plus WiFi Aire acondicionado 1x1
H3 LG Confort Replace 12 Wi-Fi Aire acondicionado split 1x1
H3 Carrier QHG012D8S Aire Acondicionado Split 1x1 R32
H3 Saunier Duval VivAir One SDHL 1-030 NW Aire Acondicionado Split 1x1
H3 Panasonic KIT-BZ35-ZKE Aire Acondicionado Split 1x1
H3 Mitsubishi MSZ-AY35VGKP Aire Acondicionado
H3 Caldera de gas Beretta Ciao X 25C
H3 Caldera de gas Hermann MicraCom Condens 24
H3 Caldera de gas Hermann MicraPlus Condens 25
H3 Caldera de gas Ferroli Bluehelix Alpha 28 C
H3 Caldera de gas Ariston Clas One WIFI 30 FF
H3 Caldera De Gas Saunier Duval Thelia Condens 25
H3 Caldera Vaillant Ecotec Pure VMW 236/7-2
H3 Baxi Serie I Eco 11 L Calentador a gas
H3 Ariston Next Evo X 11 SFT EU Calentador a gas
H3 Ariston Next Evo X 16 SFT EU Calentador a gas
H3 Beretta Idrabagno LX Flex 11 Calentador a gas
H3 Beretta Idrabagno LX 13 Calentador a gas
H3 Caldera de gasoil Domusa Clima Plus H 25
H3 Caldera de gasoil Ferroli Silent Eco 30 SI Unit
H3 Caldera de gasoil Domusa Sirena Cal HFD 30
H3 Caldera de gasoil Domusa Sirena Mix Duo HFD 30
H3 Caldera de gasoil Ferroli Atlas D eco 30 SI Unit
H3 Bomba de calor para ACS Haier HP80M5
H3 Bomba de calor para ACS Haier HP110M5
H3 Bomba de calor Ariston para ACS Nuos Plus S2 80 WIFI
H3 Bomba de calor Ariston para ACS Nuos Plus S2 110 WIFI
H3 Bomba de calor Ariston para ACS Nuos Plus S2 150 WIFI
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
30 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are no external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/mi-cuentaNofollow Subdomain Mi cuenta
/carrito?action=showSubdomain Tramitar Pedido
/mi-cuentaNofollow Subdomain Iniciar sesión
A-TITLE Acceda a su cuenta de cliente
/module/ifeedback/ratingSubdomain Clientes Satisfechos 5/5
/Subdomain IMG-ALT Grupo Climatización
/carrito?action=showNofollow Subdomain 0 0,00 €
/carrito?action=showNofollow Subdomain No Text
/carrito?action=showSubdomain Text duplicate Tramitar Pedido
/Subdomain Inicio
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/4-aire-acondicionado-split-1x1Subdomain No Text
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/12-aire-acondicionado-multisp...Subdomain No Text
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/19-aire-acondicionado-conductosSubdomain No Text
/28-aire-acondicionado-cassett...Subdomain Cassette
/26-aire-acondicionado-cassetteSubdomain No Text
/33-aire-acondicionado-sin-uni...Subdomain SIN UNIDAD EXTERIOR
/33-aire-acondicionado-sin-uni...Subdomain No Text
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/35-calderas-de-gasSubdomain Calderas de gas
/35-calderas-de-gasSubdomain No Text
/110-calderas-de-gasoilSubdomain Calderas de gasoil
/110-calderas-de-gasoilSubdomain No Text
/131-termos-electricos-al-mejo...Subdomain Termos
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/149-bombas-de-calor-acsSubdomain Bombas Calor ACS
/47-ofertasSubdomain Ofertas
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/content/5-pago-seguroSubdomain Formas de pago
/xipblog.htmlSubdomain Blog
/contactenosSubdomain Contacto
/Subdomain Text duplicate Inicio
/busqueda?controller=search&po...Subdomain No Text
/161-ofertas-aire-acondicionad...No Text
/35-calderas-de-gasNo Text
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/4-aire-acondicionado-split-1x1Subdomain No Text
/4-aire-acondicionado-split-1x1Subdomain Text duplicate Split 1x1
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/26-aire-acondicionado-cassetteSubdomain Text duplicate Cassette
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/33-aire-acondicionado-sin-uni...Subdomain Sin Unidad Exterior
/35-calderas-de-gasNo Text
/35-calderas-de-gasCalderas de Gas
/110-calderas-de-gasoilNo Text
/12-aire-acondicionado-multisp...Subdomain Calderas de Gasoil
/131-termos-electricos-al-mejo...No Text
/131-termos-electricos-al-mejo...Text duplicate Termos
/44-calentadores-de-aguaNo Text
/44-calentadores-de-aguaText duplicate Calentadores
/149-bombas-de-calor-acsNo Text
/149-bombas-de-calor-acs-exteriorBombas de calor
/ofertas-aire-acondicionado-1x...Subdomain Vista rápida SUNECO CLIMAMIX S09H3 AIRE ACONDICIONADO 1X1 269,90 €
/split-1x1-ferroli/465-ferroli...Subdomain Vista rápida Ferroli Giada S 12 Aire Acondicionado 315,00 €
IMG-ALT Ferroli Giada S 12 Aire Acondicionado
/split-1x1-ariston/610-ariston...Subdomain Vista rápida Ariston ALYS R32 35 MUD0 Aire acondicionado Split 1x1 324,50 €
IMG-ALT Ariston ALYS R32 35 MUD0 Aire acondicionado Split 1x1
/aire-acondicionado-split-1x1-...Subdomain Anchor Vista rápida Hisense Brissa CA35YR03 Aire Acondicionado 348,50 €
IMG-ALT Hisense Brissa CA35YR03 Aire Acondicionado
/aire-acondicionado-split-1x1-...Subdomain Vista rápida Olimpia Splendid Nexya S4 E Inverter 12 C Aire Acondicionado 350,00 €
IMG-ALT Olimpia Splendid Nexya S4 E Inverter 12 C Aire Acondicionado
/split-1x1-baxi/472-baxi-anori...Subdomain Vista rápida Baxi Anori Mono 2 JSG35 Aire Acondicionado 375,00 €
IMG-ALT Baxi Anori Mono 2 JSG35 Aire Acondicionado
/split-1x1-haier/899-haier-geo...Subdomain Vista rápida Haier Geos 35 R Plus WiFi Aire acondicionado 1x1 414,90 €
IMG-ALT Haier Geos 35 R WiFi Aire acondicionado 1x1
/split-1x1-lg/602-lg-confort-r...Subdomain Vista rápida LG Confort Replace 12 Wi-Fi Aire acondicionado split 1x1 495,90 €
IMG-ALT LG Confort Replace 12 Wi-Fi Aire acondicionado split 1x1
/aire-acondicionado/713-673-ca...Subdomain Anchor Vista rápida Carrier QHG012D8S Aire Acondicionado Split 1x1 R32 495,90 €
IMG-ALT Carrier QHG012D8S Aire Acondicionado Split 1x1 R32
/saunier-duval-split-1x1/606-3...Subdomain Anchor Vista rápida Saunier Duval VivAir One SDHL 1-030 NW Aire Acondicionado Split 1x1 497,90 €
IMG-ALT Saunier Duval VivAir One SDHL 1-030 NW Aire Acondicionado Split 1x1
/aire-acondicionado-split-1x1-...Subdomain Vista rápida Panasonic KIT-BZ35-ZKE Aire Acondicionado Split 1x1 509,90 €
IMG-ALT Panasonic KIT-BZ35-ZKE Aire Acondicionado Split 1x1
/aire-acondicionado-split-1x1-...Subdomain Vista rápida Mitsubishi MSZ-AY35VGKP Aire Acondicionado 810,00 €
IMG-ALT Mitsubishi MSZ-AY35VGKP Aire Acondicionado
/calderas-de-gas-beretta/492-c...Subdomain Vista rápida Caldera de gas Beretta Ciao X 25C 819,90 €
IMG-ALT Caldera de gas Beretta Ciao X 25C
/calderas-de-gas-hermann/267-c...Subdomain Vista rápida Caldera de gas Hermann MicraCom Condens 24 831,05 €
IMG-ALT Caldera de gas Hermann MicraCom Condens 24
/calderas-de-gas-hermann/246-c...Subdomain Vista rápida Caldera de gas Hermann MicraPlus Condens 25 914,50 €
IMG-ALT Caldera de gas Hermann MicraPlus Condens 25
/calderas-de-gas-ferroli/494-2...Subdomain Anchor Vista rápida Caldera de gas Ferroli Bluehelix Alpha 28 C 974,50 €
IMG-ALT Caldera de gas Ferroli Bluehelix Alpha 28 C
/calderas-de-gas-ariston/107-5...Subdomain Anchor Vista rápida Caldera de gas Ariston Clas One WIFI 30 FF 1.032,95 €
IMG-ALT Caldera de gas Ariston Clas One WIFI 30 FF
/calderas-de-gas-saunier-duval...Subdomain Vista rápida Caldera De Gas Saunier Duval Thelia Condens 25 1.249,90 €
IMG-ALT Caldera De Gas Saunier Duval Thelia Condens 25
/calderas-de-gas-vaillant/242-...Subdomain Vista rápida Caldera Vaillant Ecotec Pure VMW 236/7-2 1.269,90 €
IMG-ALT Caldera Vaillant Ecotec Pure VMW 236/7-2
/calentadores-gas-baxi/632-405...Subdomain Anchor Vista rápida Baxi Serie I Eco 11 L Calentador a gas 279,90 €
IMG-ALT Baxi Serie I Eco 11 L Calentador de gas - ATMOSFÉRICO
/calentadores-gas-ariston/496-...Subdomain Anchor Vista rápida Ariston Next Evo X 11 SFT EU Calentador a gas 299,90 €
IMG-ALT Calentador Ariston Next Evo X 11 SFT EU
/calentadores-gas-ariston/497-...Subdomain Anchor Vista rápida Ariston Next Evo X 16 SFT EU Calentador a gas 400,95 €
IMG-ALT Calentador Ariston Next Evo X 16 SFT EU
/calentadores-gas-beretta/498-...Subdomain Anchor Vista rápida Beretta Idrabagno LX Flex 11 Calentador a gas 445,95 €
IMG-ALT Calentador a gas Beretta Idrabagno LX Flex 11
/calentadores-gas-beretta/500-...Subdomain Anchor Vista rápida Beretta Idrabagno LX 13 Calentador a gas 445,95 €
IMG-ALT Beretta Idrabagno LX Flex 13 Calentador a gas
/calderas-de-gasoil-domusa/175...Subdomain Vista rápida Caldera de gasoil Domusa Clima Plus H 25 1.430,00 €
IMG-ALT Caldera de gasoil Domusa Clima Plus H 25
/calderas-de-gasoil-ferroli/27...Subdomain Vista rápida Caldera de gasoil Ferroli Silent Eco 30 SI Unit 1.463,90 €
IMG-ALT Caldera de gasoil Ferroli Silent Eco 30 SI Unit
/calderas-de-gasoil-domusa/748...Subdomain Vista rápida Caldera de gasoil Domusa Sirena Cal HFD 30 1.544,90 €
IMG-ALT Caldera de gasoil Domusa Sirena Cal HFD 30
/calderas-de-gasoil-domusa/178...Subdomain Vista rápida Caldera de gasoil Domusa Sirena Mix Duo HFD 30 1.870,00 €
IMG-ALT Caldera de gasoil Domusa Sirena Mix Duo HFD 30
/calderas-de-gasoil-ferroli/19...Subdomain Vista rápida Caldera de gasoil Ferroli Atlas D eco 30 SI Unit 2.966,05 €
IMG-ALT Caldera de gasoil Ferroli Atlas D eco 30 SI Unit
/ofertas-bombas-acs-haier/890-...Subdomain Vista rápida Bomba de calor para ACS Haier HP80M5 895,90 €
IMG-ALT Bomba de calor para ACS Haier HP80M5
/ofertas-bombas-acs-haier/891-...Subdomain Vista rápida Bomba de calor para ACS Haier HP110M5 965,90 €
IMG-ALT Bomba de calor para ACS Haier HP110M5
/bombas-acs-ariston/880-bomba-...Subdomain Vista rápida Bomba de calor Ariston para ACS Nuos Plus S2 80 WIFI 1.044,90 €
IMG-ALT Bomba de calor Ariston para ACS Nuos Plus S2 80 WIFI
/bombas-acs-ariston/881-bomba-...Subdomain Vista rápida Bomba de calor Ariston para ACS Nuos Plus S2 110 WIFI 1.114,90 €
IMG-ALT Bomba de calor Ariston para ACS Nuos Plus S2 110 WIFI
/bombas-acs-ariston/882-bomba-...Subdomain Vista rápida Bomba de calor Ariston para ACS Nuos Plus S2 150 WIFI 1.194,90 €
IMG-ALT Bomba de calor Ariston para ACS Nuos Plus S2 110 WIFI
/fabricante/3-fujitsuSubdomain IMG-ALT Logo
/fabricante/5-mitsubishiSubdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Logo
/fabricante/6-panasonicSubdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Logo
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/fabricante/8-ferroliSubdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Logo
/fabricante/13-junkersSubdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Logo
/Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Logo
/module/ifeedback/ratingSubdomain Leer más....
/fabricante/3-fujitsuNo Text
/fabricante/5-mitsubishiNo Text
/fabricante/6-panasonicNo Text
/fabricante/4-daikinNo Text
/fabricante/1-olimpia-splendidNo Text
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/fabricante/11-vaillantNo Text
/fabricante/8-ferroliNo Text
/fabricante/13-junkersNo Text
/content/1-condiciones-de-envioCondiciones de Envío
/content/2-aviso-legalAviso legal
/content/3-terminos-y-condicio...Términos y condiciones
/content/5-pago-seguroPago seguro
/mapa del sitioMapa del sitio
/contactenosContacte con nosotros
/content/1-condiciones-de-envioText duplicate Condiciones de Envío
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/mas-vendidosLos más vendidos
/contactenosText duplicate Contacte con nosotros
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/datos-personalesInformación personal
/facturas-abonoFacturas por abono
/mi-cuentaText duplicate Mi cuenta
/descuentoCupones de descuento
/module/ps_emailalerts/accountMis alertas
/mas-vendidosText duplicate Los más vendidos
/107-ofertas-calentadores-Ofertas Calentadores
/108-ofertas-calderas-gasoilOfertas Calderas de gasoil
/108-ofertas-calderas-gasoilText duplicate Ofertas Calderas de gasoil
/106-ofertas-calderas-gasOfertas Calderas de gas
/161-ofertas-aire-acondicionad...Ofertas A/C Sin unidad exterior
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/content/6-financiacion-online...Text duplicate Financiación
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Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to ""
HTTP header
The X-powered header is sent within the response header. (unnecessary)
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is very slow (1.67 seconds). The response time should be less than 0.4 seconds. Slow websites are bad for search engine bots and also result in bad user experience.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (286 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateSun, 29 Sep 2024 02:43:05 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8
expiresThu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
cache-controlno-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
set-cookie44 Characters

External factors

This page has only a few links from other websites.
This page only has backlinks from 1 referring domains.
This page only has 1 backlinks.
This page only has few backlinks from 1 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


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# Sitemap

Search preview
Grupoclimatización - Tienda online de calderas y aires acondicionados
Tienda especializada en venta e instalacion de calderas de gas y aire acondicionado al mejor precio del mercado. Trabajamos con las mejores marcas como Ferroli, Vaillant, Saunier Duval, Baxi, Mitsubishi, Fujitsu, Daikin, Olimpia Splendid y mucho más.

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

de calderas71%Check
Aire Acondicionado67%Check
Acondicionado Calderas66%Check
Caldera de gasoil62%Check
Calderas de gasoil61%Check
Caldera de gasoil Ferroli61%Check

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