- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.50 s
File size
418.10 kB
Media files
Number of links
386 internal / 8 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Especialistas en Bricolaje y Decoración - Grupo Lober
The length of the page title is perfect. (484 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Tienda de decoración y bricolaje, amplio catálogo online de pinturas, pavimentos, revestimientos, etc. Más de 20 tiendas de interiorismo y decoración.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (926 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: es
Language defined in HTML: es-es
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: es-es
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionTienda de decoración y bricolaje, amplio catálogo online de pinturas, pavimentos, revestimientos, etc. Más de 20 tiendas de interiorismo y decoración.
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
og:titleEspecialistas en Bricolaje y Decoración - Grupo Lober
og:descriptionTienda de decoración y bricolaje, amplio catálogo online de pinturas, pavimentos, revestimientos, etc. Más de 20 tiendas de interiorismo y decoración.
og:site_nameGrupo Lober - Especialistas en Bricolaje y Decoración

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
These Typos were found:
  • dia => día
  • jardin => jardín
The average number of words per sentence of 25.56 words is high.
This page contains 2778 words. That's ok.
5.3% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
5 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
This page loads 58 JavaScript files. This may affect the load time negatively.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 56 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
11 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/themes/grupolober/assets/img/logo.svg?fGrupo Lober - Especialistas en Bricolaje y Decoración
/themes/grupolober/assets/img/logo.svg?fGrupo Lober - Especialistas en Bricolaje y Decoración
...r/modules/iqitmegamenu/views/img/203.svgRopa de hogarRopa de hogar
...f87dd82bb29b9c5e0f17a1ba8d4edf3d78ee.gifNo alt attribute provided
...a596f8e29a7eb0cf500a071303a8699d8f9a.gifNo alt attribute provided
...2-home_default/panel-linerio-natural.jpgPANEL LINERIO NATURAL
...me_default/cinta-pintor-krepp-miarco.jpgCINTA PINTOR KREPP MIARCO
...279-home_default/panel-linerio-mocca.jpgPANEL LINERIO MOCCA
...home_default/cubeta-plastico-rejilla.jpgCUBETA PLASTICO + REJILLA
...8084-home_default/paletina-pro-doble.jpgPALETINA PRO DOBLE
...efault/masilla-aguaplast-cima-al-uso.jpgMASILLA AGUAPLAST CIMA AL USO
...pel-kraft-cinta-adhesivo-para-cubrir.jpgPAPEL KRAFT + CINTA...
...8020-home_default/cubretodo-plastico.jpgCUBRETODO PLáSTICO ECOBLOCK PLANA DE...
...ault/pintura-plastica-titanit-blanco.jpgPINTURA PLáSTICA TITANIT... RODILLO ESPUMA...
...elo-vinilico-pavilober-almeria-black.jpgSUELO VINILICO PAVILOBER...
...090-home_default/paletina-pro-triple.jpgPALETINA PRO TRIPLE
..._default/plastico-protector-standard.jpgPLASTICO PROTECTOR STANDARD
.../rodillo-ritmo-para-paredes-y-techos.jpgRODILLO RITMO PARA PAREDES...
...suelo-vinilico-pavilober-almeria-red.jpgSUELO VINILICO PAVILOBER...
...plastica-titan-una-capa-piedra-suave.jpgPINTURA PLáSTICA TITAN UNA...
...e_default/espatula-extra-fuerte-inox.jpgESPáTULA EXTRA FUERTE INOX.
...home_default/papel-con-cinta-rolopel.jpgPAPEL CON CINTA ROLOPEL
...llo-premium-microfibra-paredes-lisas.jpgRODILLO PREMIUM MICROFIBRA... PLASTICA INT/EXT...
...-home_default/soporte-techo-fd-negro.jpgSOPORTE TECHO FD NEGRO DOBLE CARA DECOGREEN...
...-home_default/zocalo-standard-lacado.jpgZOCALO STANDARD LACADO
..._default/pintura-acrilica-f-4-blanco.jpgPINTURA ACRILICA F-4 BLANCO
...odillo-texas-para-todos-los-soportes.jpgRODILLO TEXAS PARA TODOS...
...te-ecologico-al-agua-titanlux-blanco.jpgESMALTE ECOLóGICO AL AGUA...
...illo-velour-todas-superficies-d-15mm.jpgRECAMBIO RODILLO VELOUR...
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/1359741-home_default/aguarras-puro.jpgAGUARRAS PURO
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...42e9a792cb4c6d44b61_imagenconmedidas.jpgBanner 01
...f95aa497af1058f37_imagenconmedidasok.jpgbanner 02
...mpresspatterns-roble-royal-cepillado.jpgQUICK·STEP IMPRESS.PATTERNS...
...sspatterns-roble-royal-marron-oscuro.jpgQUICK·STEP IMPRESS.PATTERNS...
...impresspatterns-roble-medium-chevron.jpgQUICK·STEP IMPRESS.PATTERNS...
...mpresspatterns-roble-natural-chevron.jpgQUICK·STEP IMPRESS.PATTERNS...
...impresspatterns-roble-marron-chevron.jpgQUICK·STEP IMPRESS.PATTERNS...
...-impresspatterns-roble-pardo-chevron.jpgQUICK·STEP IMPRESS.PATTERNS...
...ickstep-signature-roble-suave-patina.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE ROBLE...
...ckstep-signature-roble-marron-patina.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE ROBLE...
...uickstep-signature-roble-gris-patina.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE ROBLE...
...kstep-signature-roble-blanco-pintado.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE ROBLE...
...ickstep-signature-roble-rosa-pintado.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE ROBLE...
...ckstep-signature-roble-negro-pintado.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE ROBLE...
...step-signature-roble-encerado-marron.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE ROBLE...
...ep-signature-roble-natural-barnizado.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE ROBLE...
...step-signature-roble-beige-barnizado.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE ROBLE...
...kstep-signature-roble-premium-blanco.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE ROBLE...
...e_default/quickstep-signature-merbau.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE MERBAU
...fault/quickstep-signature-nogal-chic.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE NOGAL...
...ature-roble-cepillado-calido-natural.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE ROBLE...
...ep-signature-roble-natural-cepillado.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE ROBLE...
...step-signature-roble-beige-cepillado.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE ROBLE...
...kstep-signature-roble-gris-cepillado.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE ROBLE...
...tep-signature-roble-marron-cepillado.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE ROBLE...
...ep-signature-roble-natural-agrietado.jpgQUICK·STEP SIGNATURE ROBLE...
...y-alloc-original-elegant-natural-oak.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL...
...rry-alloc-original-elegant-soft-grey.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL...
.../berry-alloc-original-copenhagen-oak.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL...
...ault/berry-alloc-original-white-pine.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL WHITE...
...fault/berry-alloc-original-light-oak.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL LIGHT OAK
...ry-alloc-original-light-oak-shipdeck.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL LIGHT...
...ault/berry-alloc-original-spring-oak.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL SPRING...
...erry-alloc-original-canyon-light-oak.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL CANYON...
...berry-alloc-original-white-oiled-oak.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL WHITE...
...t/berry-alloc-original-manhattan-oak.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL...
...ult/berry-alloc-original-chicago-elm.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL...
...erry-alloc-original-kalmar-oak-3-str.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL KALMAR...
...-alloc-original-bergen-oak-shipd-eck.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL BERGEN...
...ult/berry-alloc-original-bogstad-ash.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL...
...t/berry-alloc-original-jan-mayen-ash.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL JAN...
...efault/berry-alloc-original-art-deco.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL ART DECO
...ry-alloc-original-fly-me-to-the-moon.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL FLY ME...
...efault/berry-alloc-original-bond-oak.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL BOND OAK
...efault/berry-alloc-original-oslo-oak.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL OSLO OAK
...ry-alloc-original-rocca-di-papa-pine.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL ROCCA...
...fault/berry-alloc-original-white-oak.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL WHITE OAK
...ault/berry-alloc-original-skagen-oak.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL SKAGEN...
...berry-alloc-original-lista-oak-2-str.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL LISTA...
...t/berry-alloc-original-castillo-pine.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL...
...erry-alloc-original-smoked-oak-2-str.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL SMOKED...
...ry-alloc-original-oleander-oak-2-str.jpgBERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL...
/img/ESFinanciado.pngNo alt attribute provided alt attribute provided

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Grupo Lober - Especialistas en Bricolaje y Decoración
The H1 heading is perfect.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 242 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Grupo Lober - Especialistas en Bricolaje y Decoración
H2 Los más vendidos
H3 Panel linerio natural
H3 Cinta pintor krepp miarco
H3 Panel linerio mocca
H3 Cubeta plastico + rejilla
H3 Paletina pro doble
H3 Masilla aguaplast cima al uso
H3 Papel kraft + cinta adhesivo para cubrir
H3 Cubretodo plástico
H3 Cubeta ecoblock plana de plástico
H3 Pintura plástica titanit blanco
H3 Recambio rodillo espuma fina para esmaltes
H3 Suelo vinilico pavilober almeria black
H3 Paletina pro triple
H3 Plastico protector standard
H3 Rodillo ritmo para paredes y techos
H3 Suelo vinilico pavilober almeria red
H3 Pintura plástica titan una capa piedra suave
H3 Espátula extra fuerte inox.
H3 Papel con cinta rolopel
H3 Rodillo premium microfibra paredes lisas
H3 Pintura plastica int/ext mate blanca dokapi blanco
H3 Soporte techo fd negro
H3 Cinta doble cara decogreen blanco
H3 Zocalo standard lacado
H3 Pintura acrilica f-4 blanco
H3 Rodillo texas para todos los soportes
H3 Esmalte ecológico al agua titanlux blanco
H3 Recambio rodillo velour todas superficies d-15mm
H3 Pintura máquina
H3 Aguarras puro
H3 Quick·step impress.patterns roble royal cepillado
H3 Quick·step impress.patterns roble royal marrón oscuro
H3 Quick·step impress.patterns roble medium chevron
H3 Quick·step impress.patterns roble natural chevron
H3 Quick·step impress.patterns roble marrón chevron
H3 Quick·step impress.patterns roble pardo chevron
H3 Quick·step signature roble suave patina
H3 Quick·step signature roble marrón patina
H3 Quick·step signature roble gris patina
H3 Quick·step signature roble blanco pintado
H3 Quick·step signature roble rosa pintado
H3 Quick·step signature roble negro pintado
H3 Quick·step signature roble encerado marrón
H3 Quick·step signature roble natural barnizado
H3 Quick·step signature roble beige barnizado
H3 Quick·step signature roble premium blanco
H3 Quick·step signature merbau
H3 Quick·step signature nogal chic
H3 Quick·step signature roble cepillado cálido natural
H3 Quick·step signature roble natural cepillado
H3 Quick·step signature roble beige cepillado
H3 Quick·step signature roble gris cepillado
H3 Quick·step signature roble marrón cepillado
H3 Quick·step signature roble natural agrietado
H3 Berry alloc original elegant natural oak
H3 Berry alloc original elegant soft grey
H3 Berry alloc original copenhagen oak
H3 Berry alloc original white pine
H3 Berry alloc original light oak
H3 Berry alloc original light oak shipdeck
H3 Berry alloc original spring oak
H3 Berry alloc original canyon light oak
H3 Berry alloc original white oiled oak
H3 Berry alloc original manhattan oak
H3 Berry alloc original chicago elm
H3 Berry alloc original kalmar oak 3 str
H3 Berry alloc original bergen oak shipd eck
H3 Berry alloc original bogstad ash
H3 Berry alloc original jan mayen ash
H3 Berry alloc original art deco
H3 Berry alloc original fly me to the moon
H3 Berry alloc original bond oak
H3 Berry alloc original oslo oak
H3 Berry alloc original rocca di papa pine
H3 Berry alloc original white oak
H3 Berry alloc original skagen oak
H3 Berry alloc original lista oak 2 str
H3 Berry alloc original castillo pine
H3 Berry alloc original smoked oak 2 str
H3 Berry alloc original oleander oak 2 str
H4 Añadido a favoritos
H4 Eliminado de favoritos
H4 Añadido a favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Eliminado de favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Añadido a favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Eliminado de favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Añadido a favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Eliminado de favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Añadido a favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Eliminado de favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Añadido a favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Eliminado de favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Añadido a favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Eliminado de favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Añadido a favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Eliminado de favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Añadido a favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Eliminado de favoritos Duplicate text
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H4 Eliminado de favoritos Duplicate text
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H4 Añadido a favoritos Duplicate text
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H4 Añadido a favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Eliminado de favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Añadido a favoritos Duplicate text
H4 Eliminado de favoritos Duplicate text
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
13 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 8 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text IMG-ALT Grupo Lober - Especialistas en Bricolaje y Decoración
/tiendasSubdomain Tiendas
/mi-cuentaSubdomain favorite 0
/mi-cuentaNofollow Subdomain A-TITLE Acceda a su cuenta de cliente
/iniciar-sesion?create_account...Subdomain ¿Todavía no tienes cuenta? Registrarme
A-TITLE Crear cuenta nueva
/recuperar-contraseñaNofollow Subdomain ¿Has olvidado tu contraseña?
A-TITLE Recuperar contraseña Productos
/content/1-info-serviciosSubdomain Servicios
/productos-rebajadosSubdomain Ofertas
/content/4-quienes-somosSubdomain ¿Quiénes somos?
/iniciar-sesion?profesionalesSubdomain Profesionales Inspiración y consejos Text duplicate IMG-ALT Grupo Lober - Especialistas en Bricolaje y Decoración
/s/188/pinturasSubdomain Pinturas
IMG-ALT Pinturas
/s/172/pinturas-paredes-y-techosSubdomain Pinturas paredes y techos
/s/96/pinturas-blancasSubdomain Pinturas blancas
/s/97/pinturas-de-colorSubdomain Pinturas de Color
/s/98/pinturas-ecologicasSubdomain Pinturas ecológicas
/s/159/tintes-y-colorantesSubdomain Colorantes
/s/173/pinturas-decorativasSubdomain Pintura decorativa
/s/49/efecto-decorativosSubdomain Efectos decorativos
/s/99/chalkpaintSubdomain Chalkpaint
/s/174/pinturas-exteriorSubdomain Pintura exterior
/s/100/pinturas-exterior-blancasSubdomain Pinturas exterior blancas
/s/101/pinturas-exterior-de-colorSubdomain Pinturas exterior de color
/s/102/hidrofugantes-para-fach...Subdomain Hidrofugantes para fachadas
/s/176/pinturas-especialesSubdomain Pinturas especiales
/s/103/pinturas-antihumedadSubdomain Pinturas antihumedad
/s/190/pinturas-antigoterasSubdomain Pinturas antigoteras
/s/104/pinturas-antimanchasSubdomain Pinturas antimanchas
/s/254/pintura-piscinasSubdomain Pinturas piscinas
/s/105/pinturas-para-suelosSubdomain Pinturas para suelos
/s/106/tratamientos-para-suelosSubdomain Tratamientos para suelos
/s/217/pintura-para-azulejosSubdomain Pinturas para azulejos
/s/175/pinturas-para-madera-y-...Subdomain Pinturas para madera y metal
/s/108/esmaltes-sinteticosSubdomain Esmaltes sintéticos
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/cintapapel-y-tapar-proteccion...Subdomain Anchor Cubretodo plástico
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/parquet-laminado/19079-32819-...Subdomain Anchor Berry alloc original spring oak
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/parquet-laminado/19084-32824-...Subdomain Anchor Berry alloc original kalmar oak 3 str
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/parquet-laminado/19085-32825-...Subdomain Anchor Berry alloc original bergen oak shipd eck
/parquet-laminado/19086-32826-...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate IMG-ALT BERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL...
/parquet-laminado/19086-32826-...Subdomain Anchor Berry alloc original bogstad ash
/parquet-laminado/19087-32827-...Subdomain Anchor IMG-ALT BERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL JAN...
/parquet-laminado/19087-32827-...Subdomain Anchor Berry alloc original jan mayen ash
/parquet-laminado/19088-32828-...Subdomain Anchor IMG-ALT BERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL ART DECO
/parquet-laminado/19088-32828-...Subdomain Anchor Berry alloc original art deco
/parquet-laminado/19089-32829-...Subdomain Anchor IMG-ALT BERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL FLY ME...
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/parquet-laminado/19090-32830-...Subdomain Anchor IMG-ALT BERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL BOND OAK
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/parquet-laminado/19091-32831-...Subdomain Anchor IMG-ALT BERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL OSLO OAK
/parquet-laminado/19091-32831-...Subdomain Anchor Berry alloc original oslo oak
/parquet-laminado/19092-32832-...Subdomain Anchor IMG-ALT BERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL ROCCA...
/parquet-laminado/19092-32832-...Subdomain Anchor Berry alloc original rocca di papa pine
/parquet-laminado/19093-32833-...Subdomain Anchor IMG-ALT BERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL WHITE OAK
/parquet-laminado/19093-32833-...Subdomain Anchor Berry alloc original white oak
/parquet-laminado/19094-32834-...Subdomain Anchor IMG-ALT BERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL SKAGEN...
/parquet-laminado/19094-32834-...Subdomain Anchor Berry alloc original skagen oak
/parquet-laminado/19095-32835-...Subdomain Anchor IMG-ALT BERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL LISTA...
/parquet-laminado/19095-32835-...Subdomain Anchor Berry alloc original lista oak 2 str
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/parquet-laminado/19096-32836-...Subdomain Anchor Berry alloc original castillo pine
/parquet-laminado/19097-32837-...Subdomain Anchor IMG-ALT BERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL SMOKED...
/parquet-laminado/19097-32837-...Subdomain Anchor Berry alloc original smoked oak 2 str
/parquet-laminado/19098-32838-...Subdomain Anchor Text duplicate IMG-ALT BERRY ALLOC ORIGINAL...
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Especialistas en Bricolaje y Decoración - Grupo Lober
Tienda de decoración y bricolaje, amplio catálogo online de pinturas, pavimentos, revestimientos, etc. Más de 20 tiendas de interiorismo y decoración.

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