Hario-europe.com - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.67 s
File size
697.50 kB
Media files
Number of links
242 internal / 15 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
HARIO Official Web Shop in Europe · HARIO Europe
There are word repetitions in the page title.
The length of the page title is perfect. (473 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
Meta description
(Critically important)
HARIO Europe is the official European branch of HARIO, a Japanese tableware brand established in 1921. Besides the world-renowned V60 Dripper, our collection includes many coffee- and tea related items, as well as other kitchenware. We also have spare parts for your favourite items. Quality made in Japan.
The meta description is too long: 1920 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=5
descriptionHARIO Europe is the official European branch of HARIO, a Japanese tableware brand established in 1921. Besides the world-renowned V60 Dripper, our collection includes many coffee- and tea related items, as well as other kitchenware. We also have spare parts for your favourite items. Quality made in Japan.
twitter:titleHARIO Official Web Shop in Europe
twitter:descriptionHARIO Europe is the official European branch of HARIO, a Japanese tableware brand established in 1921. Besides the world-renowned V60 Dripper, our collection includes many coffee- and tea related items, as well as other kitchenware. We also have spare parts for your favourite items. Quality made in Japan.
og:site_nameHARIO Europe
og:titleHARIO Official Web Shop in Europe
og:descriptionHARIO Europe is the official European branch of HARIO, a Japanese tableware brand established in 1921. Besides the world-renowned V60 Dripper, our collection includes many coffee- and tea related items, as well as other kitchenware. We also have spare parts for your favourite items. Quality made in Japan.

Test up to 1.000 webpages of hario-europe.com with our free plan!

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
There are 6 text duplicates on this page:
  • Duplicate 1: The V60 is about giving you the freedom to express whatever you can im...
  • Duplicate 2: The craftspeople at HARIO started making glass accessories to preserve...
  • Duplicate 3: HARIO has been dedicated to the design, production, and sale of heatpr...
This page contains 1593 words. That's ok.
22.2% of the text are stop words.
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
6 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
The average number of words per sentence of 13.89 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
The file size of the HTML document is very large (697.5 kB).
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=5" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Empty bold or strong tags were found on this page.
The following tag is repeated too often: pages
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
36 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
This page is optimized perfectly for social networks.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
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...VDSU-02_web02.gif?v=1734339641&width=200V60 Dripper Suiren
...-02-BEP_web01.gif?v=1723103402&width=200V60 Ceramic Immersion Colour Dripper Switch, 02 Size
...ED-02-T_web01.png?v=1712755824&width=200Pegasus Coffee Dripper
...les/MIX_web03.png?v=1719217710&width=200V60 Dripper Candy Edition, 02 Size
...s/VDC-01R_web.png?v=1683548122&width=200V60 Ceramic Drippers, 01 Size
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...-2000-W_web04.png?v=1737464175&width=900Coffee Scale Polaris
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...USD-200_web03.png?v=1729668449&width=900MUGEN x SWITCH Dripper
...02-B-EU_Web02.png?v=1729607763&width=900V60 Coffee Dripper and Server Set, 02 Size
...02-B-EU_Web01.png?v=1728985147&width=900V60 Coffee Dripper and Server Set, 02 Size
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...-02-TRT_web02.png?v=1723041767&width=900V60 Ceramic Immersion Colour Dripper Switch, 02 Size
...hikichi_web01.gif?v=1723108042&width=900Tachikichi x HARIO - Ceramic V60 Dripper, 02 Size
...-VDC-02_Web03.png?v=1722862416&width=900Tachikichi x HARIO - Ceramic V60 Dripper, 02 Size
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...ghtCarafe_web.gif?v=1737463971&width=900HARIO Colors Night Carafe
...C-600-G_web02.png?v=1737463971&width=900HARIO Colors Night Carafe
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...TRG-260_web02.png?v=1733842334&width=900Twin Rock Glass, 260mL
...G-300-C_web01.png?v=1733845349&width=900Heatproof Flavour Glass Tulip
...G-300-C_web07.png?v=1733845369&width=900Heatproof Flavour Glass Tulip
...B-FDC-B_web01.png?v=1733926802&width=900Portable Zebrang V60 Flat Dripper Case
...B-FDC-B_web02.png?v=1733926941&width=900Portable Zebrang V60 Flat Dripper Case
...GXD-600_web01.png?v=1733841775&width=900[Life with Glass Series] Glass Bowl, 600mL
...GXD-600_web04.png?v=1733841775&width=900[Life with Glass Series] Glass Bowl, 600mL
...-200-TB_web01.png?v=1733835009&width=900[Life with Glass Series] Glass Flower Vase
.../GK-200_web03.png?v=1733835009&width=900[Life with Glass Series] Glass Flower Vase
...-GG-300_web01.png?v=1733753248&width=900[Simply HARIO Series] Glass Goblet
...BC-90-T_web03.png?v=1733990270&width=900[Simply HARIO Series] Glass Goblet
...PTN-5BZ_web01.png?v=1733751955&width=900Water Dripper Pota N
...PTN-5BZ_web03.png?v=1733751956&width=900Water Dripper Pota N
...VCFC-02_web01.gif?v=1737464363&width=900Portable V60 Filter Paper Wallet
...es/VCFC_Web01.png?v=1737464363&width=900Portable V60 Filter Paper Wallet
...CTP-500_Web01.png?v=1729157494&width=900Conical Tea Pitcher
...CTP-500_Web02.png?v=1729157494&width=900Conical Tea Pitcher
.../TCSN-1_Web01.png?v=1729154410&width=900Heatproof Glass Tea Cup & Saucer
.../TCSN-1_Web02.png?v=1729154524&width=900Heatproof Glass Tea Cup & Saucer
...HAN-4SV_web01.png?v=1729152042&width=900Pull-up Tea Maker Chaor, 300/600mL
...HAN-4SV_web06.png?v=1729152041&width=900Pull-up Tea Maker Chaor, 300/600mL
...DM-1824_Web01.png?v=1729089312&width=900Heatproof Glass Round Mug, 2pcs Set
...DM-1824_Web02.png?v=1729089312&width=900Heatproof Glass Round Mug, 2pcs Set
...CN-2-B_web01b.png?v=1729086894&width=900Microwave Glass Rice Cooker Black
...RCN-2-B_web02.png?v=1729086895&width=900Microwave Glass Rice Cooker Black
...BBM-500_Web01.png?v=1729086330&width=900Beaker Beer Mug, 500mL
...BBM-500_Web03.png?v=1729086330&width=900Beaker Beer Mug, 500mL
.../BG-200_Web01.png?v=1729084172&width=900Beaker Glass, 200mL
.../BG-200_Web02.png?v=1729084173&width=900Beaker Glass, 200mL
...USD-200_web02.png?v=1729668222&width=900MUGEN x SWITCH Dripper
...USD-200_web03.png?v=1729668449&width=900MUGEN x SWITCH Dripper
...02-B-EU_Web02.png?v=1729607763&width=900V60 Coffee Dripper and Server Set, 02 Size
...02-B-EU_Web01.png?v=1728985147&width=900V60 Coffee Dripper and Server Set, 02 Size
...VIG-02T_web01.png?v=1722938247&width=900V60 Iced Coffee Maker, Glass
...VIG-02T_web03.png?v=1722938247&width=900V60 Iced Coffee Maker, Glass
...-02-BEP_web01.gif?v=1723103402&width=900V60 Ceramic Immersion Colour Dripper Switch, 02 Size
...-02-TRT_web02.png?v=1723041767&width=900V60 Ceramic Immersion Colour Dripper Switch, 02 Size
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..._Tetsu_Kasuya.png?v=1675692978&width=900Tetsu Kasuya - V60 Ambassador Q&A and V60 Recipe!
...abe_header_02.png?v=1651650431&width=900Nikujaga Recipe
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Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Coffee Scale Polaris
Too many H1 headings
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 65 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Coffee Scale Polaris
H1 V60 Dripper Suiren
H1 Pac-Man x HARIO
H1 Ceramic Immersion Color Dripper Switch
H1 HARIO x Tachikichi Collaboration Drippers
H1 Pegasus has landed!
H1 Colourful Candy V60 Dippers
H1 The V60 Dripper
H1 The V60 Dripper Duplicate text
H1 Lampwork Factory
H1 Lampwork Factory Duplicate text
H2 Our Collections
H3 Free shipping
H3 Spotlight Items
H3 Coffee Scale Polaris Duplicate text
H3 V60 Coffee Dripper and Server Set, 02 Size
H3 V60 Dripper Suiren Duplicate text
H3 V60 Suiren Dripper Coloured Ribs, 6 pcs.
H3 V60 Suiren Dripper Ring Set
H3 V60 Ceramic Immersion Colour Dripper Switch, 02 Size
H3 Tachikichi x HARIO - Ceramic V60 Dripper, 02 Size
H3 Tea
H3 Specialty Coffee
H3 Kitchen
H3 About the V60 Dripper
H3 About HARIO
H3 What's New?
H3 HARIO Colors Night Carafe
H3 Twin Rock Glass, 260mL
H3 Heatproof Flavour Glass Tulip
H3 Portable Zebrang V60 Flat Dripper Case
H3 [Life with Glass Series] Glass Bowl, 600mL
H3 [Life with Glass Series] Glass Flower Vase
H3 [Simply HARIO Series] Glass Goblet
H3 Water Dripper Pota N
H3 Portable V60 Filter Paper Wallet
H3 Conical Tea Pitcher
H3 Heatproof Glass Tea Cup & Saucer
H3 Pull-up Tea Maker Chaor, 300/600mL
H3 Heatproof Glass Round Mug, 2pcs Set
H3 Microwave Glass Rice Cooker Black
H3 Beaker Beer Mug, 500mL
H3 Beaker Glass, 200mL
H3 MUGEN x SWITCH Dripper Duplicate text
H3 V60 Coffee Dripper and Server Set, 02 Size Duplicate text
H3 V60 Iced Coffee Maker, Glass
H3 V60 Ceramic Immersion Colour Dripper Switch, 02 Size Duplicate text
H3 Outdoor
H3 Cold Brew
H3 HARIO Merch
H3 All Collections
H3 Getting Started
H3 Coffee Drippers
H3 Filter Paper
H3 Coffee Grinders
H3 Kettles
H3 Servers
H3 Articles you might like
H3 Ryan Wibawa - Interview and Switch Recipe
H3 Tetsu Kasuya - V60 Ambassador Q&A and V60 Recipe!
H3 Nikujaga Recipe
H3 Don’t miss a sip
H3 Who are we?
H3 Who are we? Duplicate text
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
There are 4 links with a trivial anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 15 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://www.hario-europe.com/Anchor Skip to content
/pages/shipping-returnSubdomain Free shipping options available for every EU country!
A-TITLE Shipping & Returns
/collections/artist-editionV60 Artists Editions are now available!
A-TITLE Artist Edition
/accountNofollow Log in
https://www.hario-europe.com/Nofollow A-TITLE HARIO Europe
https://www.hario-europe.com/cartNofollow A-TITLE Cart
https://www.hario-europe.com/Nofollow Text duplicate A-TITLE HARIO Europe
/collections/v60-dripperV60 Dripper
/collections/suiren-dripper-1Suiren Dripper
/collections/coffee-drippersCoffee Drippers
/collections/filter-paperFilter Paper
/collections/cold-brew-coffeeCold Brew Coffee
/collections/coffee-pressCoffee Press
/collections/water-drippersWater Drippers
/collections/tea-drippersTea Drippers
/collections/tea-pressTea Press
/collections/cold-brew-teaCold Brew Tea
/collections/scalesText duplicate Scales
/collections/cooking-and-bakingCooking and Baking
/collections/on-the-dinner-tableOn the Dinner Table
/collections/mugs-cupsMugs, Cups & Tumblers
/collections/spare-partsSpare Parts
/collections/spare-partsAll Spare Parts
/collections/spare-parts-coffe...Mini Slim Plus
/collections/spare-parts-coffe...Mini Slim PRO
/collections/spare-parts-ceram...Skerton Plus
/collections/spare-parts-ceram...Skerton PRO
/collections/spare-parts-siphonText duplicate Siphons
/collections/cold-brew-partsCold Brew
/collections/spare-parts-water...Water Dripper
/collections/hario-lampwork-fa...Lampwork Factory
/collections/gold-leaf-seriesGold Leaf Series
/collections/pearl-seriesPearl Series
/products/v60-dripper-and-serv...V60 Dripper & Server Earrings
/collections/hario-merchHARIO Merch
/collections/limited-editionLimited Edition
/collections/pegasus-collectionPegasus Collection
/collections/hario-colorsHARIO Colors
/collections/outdoorOutdoor Collection
/collections/olive-woodOlive Wood Collection
/collections/starter-collectionPour-Over Starter Collection
/collections/simply-harioSimply HARIO
/collections/world-barista-col...World Barista Collaboration
/collections/bloom-seriesBloom Series
/collections/barista-collectionBarista Collection
/collections/tetsu-kasuya-mode...Tetsu Kasuya Collection
/collections/hario-lampwork-fa...Text duplicate Lampwork Factory
/pages/aboutAbout HARIO
/pages/aboutText duplicate About HARIO
/pages/the-v60-dripperAbout the V60 Dripper
https://global.hario.com/grinder/External Subdomain What Coffee Grinder is Right for Me?
/pages/contact-usContact Us
/blogs/hario-communityHARIO Blog
/searchNofollow { document.querySelector('#search-desktop').focus(); });">
A-TITLE Search
/accountNofollow Text duplicate A-TITLE Log in
https://www.hario-europe.com/cartNofollow Text duplicate A-TITLE Cart
/pages/shipping-delivery-policyNew window Subdomain this page
A-TITLE https://www.hario-europe.com/pages/shipping-delivery-policy
/collections/allShop all
https://www.hario-europe.com/cartContinue shopping
https://www.hario-europe.com/cartNofollow A-TITLE Open cart
/collections/v60-dripperText duplicate V60 Dripper
/collections/siphonsText duplicate Siphons
https://global.hario.com/grinder/External Subdomain Find the grinder that's perfect for you
/collections/serversText duplicate Servers
/collections/filter-paperText duplicate Filter Paper
/collections/cold-brew-coffeeText duplicate Cold Brew Coffee
/collections/coffee-pressText duplicate Coffee Press
/collections/coffee-cuppingCoffee Cupping
/collections/mugs-cupsText duplicate Mugs, Cups & Tumblers
/collections/tea-pressText duplicate Tea Press
/collections/cold-brew-teaText duplicate Cold Brew Tea
/collections/cooking-and-bakingText duplicate Cooking and Baking
/collections/on-the-dinner-tableText duplicate On the Dinner Table
/collections/mugs-cupsText duplicate Mugs, Cups & Tumblers
/collections/storageText duplicate Storage
/collections/spare-parts-coffe...Text duplicate Mini Slim Plus
/collections/spare-parts-coffe...Text duplicate Mini Slim PRO
/collections/spare-parts-ceram...Text duplicate Skerton Plus
/collections/spare-parts-ceram...Text duplicate Skerton PRO
/collections/spare-parts-siphonSiphon Parts
/collections/cold-brew-partsCold Brew Parts
/collections/earringsText duplicate Earrings
/collections/gold-leaf-seriesText duplicate Gold Leaf Series
/collections/pearl-seriesText duplicate Pearl Series
/collections/barista-favoritesBarista Favorites
/collections/hario-merchSubdomain Text duplicate HARIO Merch
/collections/starter-collectionText duplicate Pour-Over Starter Collection
/collections/simply-harioSimply Hario
/collections/world-barista-col...Text duplicate World Barista Collaboration
/collections/bloom-seriesText duplicate Bloom Series
/collections/outdoorText duplicate Outdoor Collection
/collections/barista-collectionText duplicate Barista Collection
/collections/olive-woodText duplicate Olive Wood Collection
/collections/tetsu-kasuya-mode...Text duplicate Tetsu Kasuya Collection
/blogs/hario-communityText duplicate HARIO Blog
/pages/aboutText duplicate About HARIO
/pages/faqText duplicate FAQ
/pages/contact-usText duplicate Contact Us
/accountNofollow Text duplicate Log in
/products/coffee-scale-polarisStart Brewing
/collections/suiren-dripper-1Shop Now
/products/pac-man-cold-brew-co...Shop now!
/collections/limited-editionMore Limited Edition items!
/products/v60-ceramic-immersio...Text duplicate Shop Now
/products/tachikichi-x-hario-c...Text duplicate Shop Now
/collections/limited-editionMore Exclusive Items
/collections/pegasus-collectionText duplicate Start Brewing
/products/v60-dripper-candyText duplicate Shop Now
/products/coffee-scale-polarisIMG-ALT Coffee Scale Polaris
/products/coffee-scale-polarisCoffee Scale Polaris 2 options €114,50 in stock
/products/mugen-x-switch-dripperIMG-ALT MUGEN x SWITCH Dripper
/products/mugen-x-switch-dripperMUGEN x SWITCH Dripper 1 options €39,90 in stock
/products/hario-v60-coffee-dri...IMG-ALT V60 Coffee Dripper and Server Set, 02 Size
/products/hario-v60-coffee-dri...V60 Coffee Dripper and Server Set, 02 Size 1 options €27,50 in stock
/products/v60-dripper-suirenIMG-ALT V60 Dripper Suiren
/products/v60-dripper-suirenV60 Dripper Suiren 3 options €49,90 - €64,50 in stock
/products/v60-suiren-dripper-c...IMG-ALT V60 Suiren Dripper Coloured Ribs, 6 pcs.
/products/v60-suiren-dripper-c...V60 Suiren Dripper Coloured Ribs, 6 pcs. 7 options €23,90 in stock
/products/v60-suiren-dripper-r...IMG-ALT V60 Suiren Dripper Ring Set
/products/v60-suiren-dripper-r...V60 Suiren Dripper Ring Set 2 options €19,90 in stock
/products/v60-ceramic-immersio...IMG-ALT V60 Ceramic Immersion Colour Dripper Switch, 02 Size
/products/v60-ceramic-immersio...V60 Ceramic Immersion Colour Dripper Switch, 02 Size 4 options €69,95 in stock
/products/tachikichi-x-hario-c...IMG-ALT Tachikichi x HARIO - Ceramic V60 Dripper, 02 Size
/products/tachikichi-x-hario-c...Tachikichi x HARIO - Ceramic V60 Dripper, 02 Size 2 options €59,95 in stock
/collections/coffeeText duplicate Shop
/collections/kitchenwareText duplicate Shop
/pages/the-v60-dripperTrivial anchor text
Read More
/pages/aboutText duplicate Trivial anchor text
Read More
/collections/allText duplicate Shop Now
/products/hario-colors-night-c...IMG-ALT HARIO Colors Night Carafe
/products/hario-colors-night-c...HARIO Colors Night Carafe 2 options €79,50 in stock
/products/twin-rock-glass-260mlIMG-ALT Twin Rock Glass, 260mL
/products/twin-rock-glass-260mlTwin Rock Glass, 260mL 1 options €49,50 in stock
/products/heatproof-flavour-gl...IMG-ALT Heatproof Flavour Glass Tulip
/products/heatproof-flavour-gl...Heatproof Flavour Glass Tulip 1 options €32,50 in stock
/products/portable-zebrang-v60...IMG-ALT Portable Zebrang V60 Flat Dripper Case
/products/portable-zebrang-v60...Portable Zebrang V60 Flat Dripper Case 1 options €48,00 in stock
/products/glass-bowlIMG-ALT [Life with Glass Series] Glass Bowl, 600mL
/products/glass-bowl[Life with Glass Series] Glass Bowl, 600mL 1 options €56,90 in stock
/products/glass-flower-vaseIMG-ALT [Life with Glass Series] Glass Flower Vase
/products/glass-flower-vase[Life with Glass Series] Glass Flower Vase 1 options €47,50 in stock
/products/simply-hario-series-...IMG-ALT [Simply HARIO Series] Glass Goblet
/products/simply-hario-series-...[Simply HARIO Series] Glass Goblet 1 options €32,50 in stock
/products/water-dripper-pota-nIMG-ALT Water Dripper Pota N
/products/water-dripper-pota-nWater Dripper Pota N 1 options €374,50 in stock
/products/portable-v60-filter-...IMG-ALT Portable V60 Filter Paper Wallet
/products/portable-v60-filter-...Portable V60 Filter Paper Wallet 3 options €33,50 in stock
/products/conical-tea-pitcherIMG-ALT Conical Tea Pitcher
/products/conical-tea-pitcherConical Tea Pitcher 1 options €44,50 in stock
/products/heatproof-glass-tea-...IMG-ALT Heatproof Glass Tea Cup & Saucer
/products/heatproof-glass-tea-...Heatproof Glass Tea Cup & Saucer 1 options €32,50 in stock
/products/pull-up-tea-maker-ch...IMG-ALT Pull-up Tea Maker Chaor, 300/600mL
/products/pull-up-tea-maker-ch...Pull-up Tea Maker Chaor, 300/600mL 2 options €99,90 - €109,90 in stock
/products/heatproof-glass-roun...IMG-ALT Heatproof Glass Round Mug, 2pcs Set
/products/heatproof-glass-roun...Heatproof Glass Round Mug, 2pcs Set 1 options €37,50 in stock
/products/microwave-glass-rice...IMG-ALT Microwave Glass Rice Cooker Black
/products/microwave-glass-rice...Microwave Glass Rice Cooker Black 1 options €37,50
/products/beaker-beer-mug-500mlIMG-ALT Beaker Beer Mug, 500mL
/products/beaker-beer-mug-500mlBeaker Beer Mug, 500mL 1 options €24,50 in stock
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/products/beaker-glassBeaker Glass, 200mL 1 options €14,50 in stock
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/products/mugen-x-switch-dripperText duplicate MUGEN x SWITCH Dripper 1 options €39,90 in stock
/products/hario-v60-coffee-dri...Text duplicate IMG-ALT V60 Coffee Dripper and Server Set, 02 Size
/products/hario-v60-coffee-dri...Text duplicate V60 Coffee Dripper and Server Set, 02 Size 1 options €27,50 in stock
/products/v60-iced-coffee-make...IMG-ALT V60 Iced Coffee Maker, Glass
/products/v60-iced-coffee-make...V60 Iced Coffee Maker, Glass 1 options €49,50 in stock
/products/v60-ceramic-immersio...Text duplicate IMG-ALT V60 Ceramic Immersion Colour Dripper Switch, 02 Size
/products/v60-ceramic-immersio...Text duplicate V60 Ceramic Immersion Colour Dripper Switch, 02 Size 4 options €69,95 in stock
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/blogs/hario-community/intervi...Ryan Wibawa - Interview and Switch Recipe Q&A with Indonesian Brewers Cup Champion and World Brewers Cup finalist Ryan W...
IMG-ALT Ryan Wibawa - Interview and Switch Recipe
/blogs/hario-community/v60-amb...Tetsu Kasuya - V60 Ambassador Q&A and V60 Recipe! ...
IMG-ALT Tetsu Kasuya - V60 Ambassador Q&A and V60 Recipe!
/blogs/hario-community/nikujag...Nikujaga Recipe Nikujaga is a Japanese dish from the late 19th century. The name means 'meat and p...
IMG-ALT Nikujaga Recipe
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HARIO Official Web Shop in Europe · HARIO Europe
HARIO Europe is the official European branch of HARIO, a Japanese tableware brand established in 1921. Besides the world-renowned V60 Dripper, our collection includes many coffee- and tea related items, as well as other kitchenware. We also have spare parts for your favourite items. Quality made in Japan.

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