Heimkino-aktuell-shop.de - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.68 s
File size
282.50 kB
Media files
Number of links
327 internal / 7 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Heimkino Aktuell ist der 4K Heimkino Spezialist für 4K Laserbeamer von Epson Sony und JVC NZ500 4K Laserprojektor Epson EH-QB1000 JVC NZ700 JVC NZ800 und NZ900 Laserbeamer. 4K Leinwand und Audio, 4K Laser Projektor JVC DLA-NP5 JVC NZ500 JVC NZ700 JVC NZ800 SONY VPL XW5000 Epson EH-LS11000W Epson EH-LS12000B 4K Motorleinwand, 4K Heimkinoprojektor und Zubehör, Sony 4K Laser Beamer VPL-XW7000 ES nativer 4K Beamer Heimkinobau Ultra HD 4K Projektor Sony VPL-XW7000 ES und VPL-XW5000 sowie nativ 4K JVC DLA-NP5 und JVC DLA-NZ500 4K Beamer JVC DLA-NZ900 4K Laser Projektor JVC DLA-NZ 500 Yamaha RX-A4A RX-A6A RX-A8A YAMAHA AVENTAGE RECEIVER
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 6597 pixels long. Optimize title
There are word repetitions in the page title.
Meta description
(Critically important)
Heimkino Aktuell 4K Fachhändler für 4K Beamer 4K Leinwand und 4K Heimkino Zubehör JVC DLA-NZ500 VPL-Xw5000 ES und 4K Laser Projektor VPL-XW7000ES Epson EH-LS11000W Epson EH-LS12000B Heimkino mit 0% Finanzierung 4K Projektor Vergleich Heimkino-Shop News zu Sony VPL-XW5000ES Sony VPL-XW7000 ES JVC DLA-NZ500 JVC DLA-NZ700, JVC NZ500 JVC-NZ800 JVC-NZ900 JVC-NZ800 JVC-NZ900 Epson EH-TW9400 Epson LS12000 Epson QB1000 Motorleinwand 4K Sony VPL-XW7000 Laser Sony VPL-XW5000 ES Laser 4K Kontrastleinwand Draper 4K Laser Beamer Sony WS Spalluto AV Stumpfl Leinwand 4K Heimkino Projektor Finanzkauf 0% Finanzierung TV Yamaha Aventage Heimkino Installation Onlineshop Elac Lautsprecher Canton Lautsprecher und neue KEF R Serie 2024 Primare SPA 25 SP25
The meta description is too long: 5244 pixels from max. 1000 pixels. Optimize description
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

authorMichael Ornot
descriptionHeimkino Aktuell 4K Fachhändler für 4K Beamer 4K Leinwand und 4K Heimkino Zubehör JVC DLA-NZ500 VPL-Xw5000 ES und 4K Laser Projektor VPL-XW7000ES Epson EH-LS11000W Epson EH-LS12000B Heimkino mit 0% Finanzierung 4K Projektor Vergleich Heimkino-Shop News zu Sony VPL-XW5000ES Sony VPL-XW7000 ES JVC DLA-NZ500 JVC DLA-NZ700, JVC NZ500 JVC-NZ800 JVC-NZ900 JVC-NZ800 JVC-NZ900 Epson EH-TW9400 Epson LS12000 Epson QB1000 Motorleinwand 4K Sony VPL-XW7000 Laser Sony VPL-XW5000 ES Laser 4K Kontrastleinwand Draper 4K Laser Beamer Sony WS Spalluto AV Stumpfl Leinwand 4K Heimkino Projektor Finanzkauf 0% Finanzierung TV Yamaha Aventage Heimkino Installation Onlineshop Elac Lautsprecher Canton Lautsprecher und neue KEF R Serie 2024 Primare SPA 25 SP25
keywordsHeimkino Aktuell,Sony VPL-XW5000,Sony VPL-XW7000 ES,JVC DLA-NP5,JVC DLA-NZ7,JVC DLA-NZ8,JVC NZ7,JVC NZ8,JVC DLA NZ9,JVC NZ800,JVC NZ900 4K Heimkino,Epson EH-LS11000W,Epson EH-LS12000B,Heimkino im Wohnzimmer,Heimkinobau,4K-Projektor,Heimkino 4K,4K Leinwand, Beamer-Deckenhalter,4K Laser-Beamer, XW5000 ES,Heimkino Installation,LED Beamer,Laser Projektor, 4K Laser Projektor, Beamer Leinwand,4K Rolloleinwand, Beamer 0% Finanzierung, 8K Beamer,4K Motorleinwand,4K Leinwandtuch,HDMI-Kabel 2.1,HDMI-2.1,HDMI 2.0-Switch,4K HDMI-Verteiler,JVC DLA-NP5,JVC DLA-NZ7,Epson EH-TW9400W,AV-Receiver,AV-Verstärker,Epson EH-TW9400W,Epson EH-TW9400,ELAC Lautsprecher,LED Beamer ,Yamaha Aventage,RX-A8A,RX-A6A,Yamaha RX-A4A,Yamaha RX-A2A, KEF R Meta, Elac 2070
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1
og:descriptionHeimkino Aktuell 4K Fachhändler für 4K Beamer 4K Leinwand und 4K Heimkino Zubehör JVC DLA-NZ500 VPL-Xw5000 ES und 4K Laser Projektor VPL-XW7000ES Epson EH-LS11000W Epson EH-LS12000B Heimkino mit 0% Finanzierung 4K Projektor Vergleich Heimkino-Shop News zu Sony VPL-XW5000ES Sony VPL-XW7000 ES JVC DLA-NZ500 JVC DLA-NZ700, JVC NZ500 JVC-NZ800 JVC-NZ900 JVC-NZ800 JVC-NZ900 Epson EH-TW9400 Epson LS12000 Epson QB1000 Motorleinwand 4K Sony VPL-XW7000 Laser Sony VPL-XW5000 ES Laser 4K Kontrastleinwand Draper 4K Laser Beamer Sony WS Spalluto AV Stumpfl Leinwand 4K Heimkino Projektor Finanzkauf 0% Finanzierung TV Yamaha Aventage Heimkino Installation Onlineshop Elac Lautsprecher Canton Lautsprecher und neue KEF R Serie 2024 Primare SPA 25 SP25
og:titleHeimkino Aktuell ist der 4K Heimkino Spezialist für 4K Laserbeamer von Epson Sony und JVC NZ500 4K Laserprojektor Epson EH-QB1000 JVC NZ700 JVC NZ800 und NZ900 Laserbeamer. 4K Leinwand und Audio, 4K Laser Projektor JVC DLA-NP5 JVC NZ500 JVC NZ700 JVC NZ800 SONY VPL XW5000 Epson EH-LS11000W Epson EH-LS12000B 4K Motorleinwand, 4K Heimkinoprojektor und Zubehör, Sony 4K Laser Beamer VPL-XW7000 ES nativer 4K Beamer Heimkinobau Ultra HD 4K Projektor Sony VPL-XW7000 ES und VPL-XW5000 sowie nativ 4K JVC DLA-NP5 und JVC DLA-NZ500 4K Beamer JVC DLA-NZ900 4K Laser Projektor JVC DLA-NZ 500 Yamaha RX-A4A RX-A6A RX-A8A YAMAHA AVENTAGE RECEIVER

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
These Typos were found:
  • weiss => weiß
This page contains 1756 words. That's ok.
19.3% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
6 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 13.71 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Some tags are too long. With 568 characters this one is longer than 70 characters:
"heimkino beratung hotline essen : 0201 / 3201245 heimkino beratung hotline düsseldorf : 0211 / 6999033..."
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
2 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...te/bramble/shop_header/de/hotlinePic.jpgHotline Heimkino
...te/bramble/shop_header/de/servicePic.gifService Heimkino
.../bramble/shop_header/de/trustedShops.pngTrusted Shops
...e/bramble/suchleiste/de/trustedSmall.pngTrusted Shops
...ate/bramble/suchleiste/de/ekomiSmall.pngEkomi Badge
...op/default/pix/slider/Start/slider_1.jpgSlider Picture
...op/default/pix/slider/Start/slider_5.jpgSlider Picture
...op/default/pix/slider/Start/slider_8.jpgSlider Picture
...mplate/bramble/shopstart/de/banner_2.gifSound Systeme
...te/bramble/shopstart/de/banner_video.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...ate/bramble/shopstart/de/banner_blog.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...p/default/pix/a/v/1693986752-27462.2.jpgElac Sub 2070.2 schwarz DEMO
...default/pix/a/v/1725643666-11432-0.2.jpgSony BRAVIA Projector 8 (VPL-XW6100) | 4K Laser HDR Heimkinoprojektor - Farbkalibriert
...shop/default/pix/a/v/1725461778-2593.pngJVC DLA-NZ700 4K Laserprojektor schwarz
.../default/pix/a/v/JVC_DLA-NZ500_weiss.pngJVC DLA-NZ500 4K Laserprojektor weiss
.../default/pix/a/v/JVC_DLA-NZ500_Front.pngJVC DLA-NZ500 4K Laserprojektor schwarz
...ix/a/v/JVC_DLA-NZ500_weiss-schwarz.2.pngJVC DLA-NZ 500 4K HDR Heimkino Laserprojektor mit 3 fach Kalibrierung
...shop/default/pix/a/v/Epson_QB1000B.2.pngEpson-EH-QB1000 Heimkino Aktuell Edition
...shop/default/pix/a/v/Epson_QB1000W.4.pngEpson-EH-QB1000W Heimkino Aktuell Edition - weiss
.../default/pix/a/v/1725777384-8336-0.2.pngEpson-EH-QB1000B Heimkino Aktuell Edition - schwarz
...p/default/pix/a/v/1723745354-10075.2.jpgEpson-EH-LS12000B Farbkalibriert
...p/default/pix/a/v/1722957831-23580.2.jpgEpson-EH-LS12000B Heimkino Aktuell Edition (Gebrauchtgerät)
...hop/default/pix/a/v/1708869309-10555.jpgJVC DLA-NZ9 Gebrauchtgerät mit 870 Stunden
.../pix/a/v/Pimare_SPA25_schwarz_test.2.jpgPrimare SPA25 Prisma - schwarz
...op/default/pix/a/v/Pimare_SP25_titan.jpgPrimare SP25 Prisma 11.2 Kanal Vorverstärker - titan
.../default/pix/a/v/Pimare_SP25_schwarz.jpgPrimare SP25 Prisma 11.2 Kanal Vorverstärker - schwarz
...fault/pix/a/v/Pimare_A35.8_schwarz.2.jpgPrimare 8 Kanal Endstufe A35.8 (brückbar) schwarz
...efault/pix/a/v/Pimare_A35.8_endstufe.jpgPrimare 8 Kanal Endstufe A35.8 (brückbar) titan
...hop/default/pix/a/v/1633333616-15760.jpgEpson-EH-LS12000B Heimkino Aktuell Edition - Farbkalibriert
...default/pix/a/v/1725470796-12328-0.6.pngJVC DLA-NZ800 4K 8K e-Shift HDR 3D Laserbeamer
...default/pix/a/v/Pimare_SPA25_titan.2.jpgPRIMARE SPA25 titan Gebrauchtgerät
...default/pix/a/v/1686209092-32707-0.2.jpgPRIMARE SPA25 schwarz Rückläufer
...pix/a/v/Benq_W5800_4K_Laserprojektor.jpgBenQ W5800 4K UHD 3D Laser Heimkino Projektor
...op/default/pix/a/v/1715451786-8097.2.jpgElac Sub 2070.2 weiss Aussteller
...shop/default/pix/a/v/JVC_DLA-NZ900.6.jpgJVC DLA-NZ900 4K 8K e-Shift HDR 3D Laserbeamer
...hop/default/pix/a/v/1708354136-10499.jpgSony VPL-XW7000ES mit Farbkalibrierung
...hop/default/pix/a/v/1706539621-13159.jpgPioneer VSA-LX 805 (schwarz) Rückläufer
...hop/default/pix/a/v/Elac_DS1200-GB.2.jpgElac DS 1200 Subwoofer (schwarz)
...oshop/default/pix/a/v/1702752933-308.jpgPioneer VSX-LX 805 (schwarz)
...ult/pix/a/v/Pioneer-VSA-LX-805_Elite.jpgPioneer VSA-LX 805 (schwarz)
...hop/default/pix/a/v/1698689802-22934.jpgSony VPL-XW5000ES + 4 x HDMI Kabel + 3 Jahre Garantie
...hop/default/pix/a/v/1673599983-22526.jpgLG CineBeam HU915QE - Laser TV - 4K HDR
...ult/pix/a/v/Yamaha_R-N1000A_silber.2.jpgYamaha R-N1000A Netzwerk Hi-Fi Receiver silber
...ault/pix/a/v/Yamaha_R-N1000A_schwarz.jpgYamaha R-N1000A Netzwerk Hi-Fi Receiver schwarz
...default/pix/a/v/KEF_LS50_Wireless_II.jpgKEF LS50 Wireless II (1 Paar)
...default/pix/a/v/1675887921-29123-0.4.jpgSony VPL-XW5000ES 4K Laserbeamer + 15m HDMI Kabel 3 Jahre Garantie
...hop/default/pix/a/v/1694152400-24353.jpgKEF R5 Meta Standlautsprecher schwarz (1 Stück)
...rille_on_perspective_Front_in-pair.3.jpgKEF R5 Meta Standlautsprecher schwarz (1 Paar)
...p/default/pix/a/v/1693986752-27462.2.jpgElac Sub 2070.2 schwarz DEMO
...op/default/pix/a/v/Furman_Elite-10Ei.jpgFurman Elite-10 EI Überspannungsschutz , Verteiler und Netzfilter
...shop/default/pix/a/v/Elac_RS700-SB.2.jpgElac RS 700 Subwoofer (schwarz)
.../v/Pioneer-VSA-LX-505_Elite_silber.2.jpgPioneer VSX-LX505 9.2 Kanal AV-Receiver Silber
...t/pix/a/v/Pioneer-VSA-LX-505_Elite.2.jpgPioneer VSX-LX505 9.2 Kanal AV-Receiver Schwarz
...ix/a/v/Elac_SUB_2070.2-modell_2023.2.jpgElac Sub 2070.2 weiss
...op/default/pix/a/v/1680963897-1131.2.pngAMBIANCE Kontrast Rahmenleinwand für Ultrakurzdistanz-Projektion
...lt/pix/a/v/Ambiance+Kontrastleinwand.pngAMBIANCE Kontrast Rahmenleinwand für Standardprojektion
...p/default/pix/a/v/1524783374-11673.3.jpgElac Sub 2070.2 schwarz
.../v/vplxw5000_others_220201_013-Mid.4.jpgSony VPL-XW5000ES 4K Laserprojektor 3 Jahre Garantie (weiss)
...hop/default/pix/a/v/1615573805-18842.jpgHeimkino-Aktuell Grey 1.4K / 8K Leinwandtuch Grau
...hop/default/pix/a/v/1679433576-26333.jpgElac DS 1000 Subwoofer (schwarz)
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...p/default/pix/a/v/1722957831-23580.2.jpgEpson-EH-LS12000B Heimkino Aktuell Edition (Gebrauchtgerät)
...ate/bramble/shop_footer/de/santander.pngSantander Consumer Bank

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Too many H1 headings
The H1 heading consists of only one word. There should be more information given.
The H1 heading is too short (6 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
There are 59 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Aktion
H1 Unsere Top Angebote
H2 Schnellnavigation
H2 Advertising
H2 Kategorien
H2 aktuelle Blogbeiträge
H2 eKomi
H2 Wunschzettel
H2 Highlight der Woche
H2 Bestseller
H3 Sony BRAVIA Projector 8 (VPL-XW6100) | 4K Laser HDR Heimkinoprojektor - Farbkalibriert
H3 JVC DLA-NZ700 4K Laserprojektor schwarz
H3 JVC DLA-NZ500 4K Laserprojektor weiss
H3 JVC DLA-NZ500 4K Laserprojektor schwarz
H3 JVC DLA-NZ 500 4K HDR Heimkino Laserprojektor mit 3 fach Kalibrierung
H3 Epson-EH-QB1000 Heimkino Aktuell Edition
H3 Epson-EH-QB1000W Heimkino Aktuell Edition - weiss
H3 Epson-EH-QB1000B Heimkino Aktuell Edition - schwarz
H3 Epson-EH-LS12000B Farbkalibriert
H3 Epson-EH-LS12000B Heimkino Aktuell Edition (Gebrauchtgerät)
H3 JVC DLA-NZ9 Gebrauchtgerät mit 870 Stunden
H3 Primare SPA25 Prisma - schwarz
H3 Primare SP25 Prisma 11.2 Kanal Vorverstärker - titan
H3 Primare SP25 Prisma 11.2 Kanal Vorverstärker - schwarz
H3 Primare 8 Kanal Endstufe A35.8 (brückbar) schwarz
H3 Primare 8 Kanal Endstufe A35.8 (brückbar) titan
H3 Epson-EH-LS12000B Heimkino Aktuell Edition - Farbkalibriert
H3 JVC DLA-NZ800 4K 8K e-Shift HDR 3D Laserbeamer
H3 PRIMARE SPA25 titan Gebrauchtgerät
H3 PRIMARE SPA25 schwarz Rückläufer
H3 BenQ W5800 4K UHD 3D Laser Heimkino Projektor
H3 Elac Sub 2070.2 weiss Aussteller
H3 JVC DLA-NZ900 4K 8K e-Shift HDR 3D Laserbeamer
H3 Sony VPL-XW7000ES mit Farbkalibrierung
H3 Pioneer VSA-LX 805 (schwarz) Rückläufer
H3 Elac DS 1200 Subwoofer (schwarz)
H3 Pioneer VSX-LX 805 (schwarz)
H3 Pioneer VSA-LX 805 (schwarz)
H3 Sony VPL-XW5000ES + 4 x HDMI Kabel + 3 Jahre Garantie
H3 LG CineBeam HU915QE - Laser TV - 4K HDR
H3 Yamaha R-N1000A Netzwerk Hi-Fi Receiver silber
H3 Yamaha R-N1000A Netzwerk Hi-Fi Receiver schwarz
H3 KEF LS50 Wireless II (1 Paar)
H3 Sony VPL-XW5000ES 4K Laserbeamer + 15m HDMI Kabel 3 Jahre Garantie
H3 KEF R5 Meta Standlautsprecher schwarz (1 Stück)
H3 KEF R5 Meta Standlautsprecher schwarz (1 Paar)
H3 Elac Sub 2070.2 schwarz DEMO
H3 Furman Elite-10 EI Überspannungsschutz , Verteiler und Netzfilter
H3 Elac RS 700 Subwoofer (schwarz)
H3 Pioneer VSX-LX505 9.2 Kanal AV-Receiver Silber
H3 Pioneer VSX-LX505 9.2 Kanal AV-Receiver Schwarz
H3 Elac Sub 2070.2 weiss
H3 AMBIANCE Kontrast Rahmenleinwand für Ultrakurzdistanz-Projektion
H3 AMBIANCE Kontrast Rahmenleinwand für Standardprojektion
H3 Elac Sub 2070.2 schwarz
H3 Sony VPL-XW5000ES 4K Laserprojektor 3 Jahre Garantie (weiss)
H3 Heimkino-Aktuell Grey 1.4K/8K Leinwandtuch Grau 360cm x 202cm
H3 Elac DS 1000 Subwoofer (schwarz)
H3 WS-Spalluto GrandCinema Motor-Tension 16:9 Grey High Contrast BE 0.8
Baselink: https://www.heimkino-aktuell-shop.de/cosmoshop/default/pix/
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
2 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 7 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
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/Subdomain IMG-ALT Logo
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A-TITLE Zur Startseite
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A-TITLE ändern / zur Kasse
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A-TITLE zum Artikel
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A-TITLE auf die Merkliste
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A-TITLE zum Artikel
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A-TITLE JVC DLA-NZ700 4K Laserprojektor schwarz
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A-TITLE JVC DLA-NZ700 4K Laserprojektor schwarz
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A-TITLE auf die Merkliste
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A-TITLE JVC DLA-NZ500 4K Laserprojektor weiss
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A-TITLE JVC DLA-NZ500 4K Laserprojektor weiss
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A-TITLE Leinwandtuch
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A-TITLE ARCAM AV-Receiver/Verstärker
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A-TITLE Yamaha Stereo Receiver
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A-TITLE KEF Heimkino THX Extreme
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A-TITLE Elac Solano
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