Hess-sound.de - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.38 s
File size
758.30 kB
Media files
Number of links
138 internal / 8 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Hess Sound – Klangschalen, Gongs und mehr
The length of the page title is perfect. (415 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Erkunde unseren Online-Shop mit hochwertigen Peter Hess® Klangschalen, Gongs und weiteren Klanginstrumenten!
The length of the meta description is perfect. (726 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is more than one canonical link on this page.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
The specified alternate links have no errors.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

testhttps://www.hess-sound.de https://www.hess-sound.de/
descriptionErkunde unseren Online-Shop mit hochwertigen Peter Hess® Klangschalen, Gongs und weiteren Klanginstrumenten!
twitter:titleHess Sound – Klangschalen, Gongs und mehr
twitter:descriptionErkunde unseren Online-Shop mit hochwertigen Peter Hess® Klangschalen, Gongs und weiteren Klanginstrumenten!
og:site_nameHess Sound
og:titleHess Sound – Klangschalen, Gongs und mehr
og:descriptionErkunde unseren Online-Shop mit hochwertigen Peter Hess® Klangschalen, Gongs und weiteren Klanginstrumenten!

Test up to 1.000 webpages of hess-sound.de with our free plan!

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Words from the H1 heading are not used in the page content.
This page contains 1291 words. That's ok.
26.4% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
16 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 10.16 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
The file size of the HTML document is very large (758.3 kB).
A viewport "width=device-width,initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 26 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
17 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...les/logo-grey.svg?v=1710500533&width=500Hess Sound
...0cnbp6uq3zeio.jpg?v=1716906077&width=360No alt attribute provided
...er-Hess-Sound.jpg?v=1716906687&width=360No alt attribute provided
...es/Peter-Hess.jpg?v=1716906687&width=360No alt attribute provided
...iles/Showroom.jpg?v=1716906688&width=360No alt attribute provided
...und-Universum.jpg?v=1716906687&width=360No alt attribute provided
...Bremen_1588_f.jpg?v=1732188833&width=360No alt attribute provided
...iesszeiten24.jpg?v=1739180055&width=1500Hess Sound
...01be0dc1b6b8.jpg?v=1737639262&width=1500Hess Sound
...r_Katalog_25.jpg?v=1737733207&width=1500Hess Sound
..._f-2048x1365.jpg?v=1710493929&width=1500Hess Sound
...gel-2-dark-1.svg?v=1712913498&width=1500Schlägel & Reiber
...ong-big-dark.svg?v=1712913498&width=1500Feng- und TamTam-Gongs
.../150-110417_1.jpg?v=1739564530&width=533Peter Hess® Therapie Klangschale – Universalschale
.../110-110262_1.jpg?v=1736199839&width=533Klangschalenbeutel für alle Klangschalen
.../675-110262_2.jpg?v=1736199840&width=533Klangschalenbeutel für alle Klangschalen
...354-Putzstein.jpg?v=1739650086&width=533Putzstein, 350g mit Schwamm
...s/36-110064_1.jpg?v=1739564828&width=533Filzuntersetzer - Durchmesser 14 cm
...s/37-110065_1.jpg?v=1739651286&width=533Filzuntersetzer - Durchmesser 14 cm
.../217-110532_1.jpg?v=1739564437&width=533Peter Hess® Therapie Klangschale – Meditation Set
..._Set-vegan-24.jpg?v=1738857432&width=533Peter Hess® Therapie Klangschale – Meditation Set
.../153-110426_1.jpg?v=1739564564&width=533Peter Hess® Therapie Klangschale – Kleine Herzschale
..._klHerzschale.jpg?v=1738850700&width=533Peter Hess® Therapie Klangschale – Kleine Herzschale
...epte20683_f_p.jpg?v=1710495380&width=360No alt attribute provided
...style-300x117.png?v=1712915608&width=533No alt attribute provided
...woman-300x150.png?v=1712915608&width=533No alt attribute provided
.../gala-300x158.png?v=1712915608&width=533No alt attribute provided
...ma-vie-300x86.png?v=1712915608&width=533No alt attribute provided
...es/happinez-1.png?v=1712915608&width=533No alt attribute provided
...grazia-300x95.png?v=1712915608&width=533No alt attribute provided
...de-newsletter.jpg?v=1712915861&width=533No alt attribute provided
...Label_Website.jpg?v=1721944952&width=360Peter Hess® Therapie Klangschalen
...s/79-110152_1.jpg?v=1738857239&width=533Chakrenuntersetzer - Set
.../267-130804_1.gif?v=1739218979&width=533E-Gong Gongreiber
.../266-130803_1.gif?v=1736198823&width=533E-Gong Gongreiber
.../135-110336_1.jpg?v=1725533570&width=533Klangschale "peace"
.../136-110337_1.jpg?v=1725535571&width=533Klangschale "peace"
.../138-110359_1.jpg?v=1736199602&width=533Kleines Meditations-Set in der Box
...op/files/star.svg?v=1710496282&width=360No alt attribute provided
...op/files/leaf.svg?v=1710496266&width=360No alt attribute provided
...nzepte18817_f.jpg?v=1710495340&width=360No alt attribute provided
...-0c1655462e83.jpg?v=1738842474&width=533Diese Peter Hess® Klangschalen empfehlen wir für die Meditation
...ransformation.jpg?v=1732632348&width=533Weihnachtszeit – Zeit für Selbstfürsorge & Transformation
...-c2bb8b1dc3a9.jpg?v=1738842035&width=533Der Verein "CHANCEN – Bildung in Nepal" feiert 10-jähriges Bestehen
...-82e03202930b.png?v=1738841793&width=533Klang und Achtsamkeit vereint: Hess Sound jetzt auch in den USA!
...ntssamstage24.jpg?v=1730124644&width=533Adventssamstage bei Hess Sound
...sage-schulter.jpg?v=1725636787&width=533Checkliste: Schritt für Schritt zur Selbstständigkeit als Klangmassage Praktiker:in
...e-entspannung.jpg?v=1725637649&width=533Wie Klangschalen und Klang bei Ängsten helfen können
...70oe52vhda5g0.jpg?v=1717400816&width=533Fantasiereise für Kinder: Frühling im Zauber-Garten

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Hess Sound Klangwelt
The H1 heading is perfect.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
There are 39 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Hess Sound Klangwelt
H2 Geschäft bleibt geschlossen
H2 Klangschale “Love”
H2 Hess Sound Katalog 2025
H2 Peter Hess® Klangschalen
H2 Klangschalen
H2 Schlägel & Reiber
H2 Feng- und TamTam-Gongs
H2 Klanginstrumente
H2 Peter Hess® Klangschalen Duplicate text
H2 Bekannt aus
H2 Das sagen unsere Kund:innen
H2 Peter Hess® Therapie Klangschalen
H2 Beliebte Produkte
H2 Unser Know-How
H2 Unser Blog
H3 Peter Hess® Therapie Klangschale – Universalschale
H3 Klangschalenbeutel für alle Klangschalen
H3 Putzstein, 350g mit Schwamm
H3 Klangschalenkissen
H3 Filzuntersetzer - Durchmesser 14 cm
H3 Peter Hess® Therapie Klangschale – Meditation Set
H3 Peter Hess® Therapie Klangschale – Kleine Herzschale
H3 Saugheber
H3 Qualität
H3 Chakrenuntersetzer - Set
H3 E-Gong Gongreiber
H3 Klangschale "peace"
H3 Kleines Meditations-Set in der Box
H3 Tauche ein in die Welt der Klänge
H3 Diese Peter Hess® Klangschalen empfehlen wir für die Meditation
H3 Weihnachtszeit – Zeit für Selbstfürsorge & Transformation
H3 10 Jahre CHANCEN – Bildung in Nepal e.V.
H3 Klang und Achtsamkeit – Hess Sound in den USA
H3 Adventssamstage bei Hess Sound
H3 Selbstständig als Klangmassage-Praktiker:in
H3 Wie Klang bei Ängsten helfen kann
H3 Fantasiereise für Kinder im Frühling
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 8 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://www.hess-sound.de/Anchor Zum Inhalt springen
https://www.hess-sound.de/IMG-ALT Hess Sound
A-TITLE Hess Sound
/collections/produktreihenKlangschalen Produktreihen
/collections/klangschalenKlangschalen nach Anwendung
/collections/therapie-koerperk...Therapie- & Körperklangschalen
/collections/musik-effektMusik & Effekt
/collections/kinder-klangKinder & Klang
/collections/klangschalen-mit-...Klangschalen mit Design
/collections/meditation-fantas...Meditation & Fantasiereisen
/collections/selfcare-wellness...Selfcare, Wellness & Beauty
/collections/klangschalen-setsKlangschalen Sets
/collections/allWeitere Produkte
/collections/schlaegel-reiberSchlägel & Reiber
/collections/klangmoebel-medit...Klangmöbel, Meditation & Yoga
/collections/duft-genussDuft & Genuss
/collections/therapie-klangsch...Peter Hess® Therapie Klangschalen
A-TITLE Peter Hess® Therapie Klangschalen
/pages/ueber-hess-soundÜber Hess Sound
/pages/peter-hess-klangschalenPeter Hess® Klangschalen
/pages/showroomUnser Showroom
/pages/hess-universumDas Hess Universum
/pages/ueber-hess-soundText duplicate Über Hess Sound
A-TITLE Über Hess Sound
/pages/peter-hess-klangschalenText duplicate Peter Hess® Klangschalen
A-TITLE Peter Hess® Klangschalen
/pages/showroomText duplicate Unser Showroom
A-TITLE Unser Showroom
/pages/hess-universumText duplicate Das Hess Universum
A-TITLE Das Hess Universum
/pages/kontaktText duplicate Kontakt
A-TITLE Kontakt
/customer_authentication/redir...Subdomain Login Kundenkonto
https://www.hess-sound.de/cart0 Artikel
/products/klangschale-love?var...Subdomain Klangschale "Love" ansehen
/products/hess-sound-katalog-2025Subdomain Zum Katalog
/collections/klangschalenIMG-ALT Klangschalen
A-TITLE Klangschalen
/collections/schlaegel-reiberText duplicate IMG-ALT Schlägel & Reiber
A-TITLE Schlägel & Reiber
/collections/gongsIMG-ALT Feng- und TamTam-Gongs
A-TITLE Feng- und TamTam-Gongs
/collections/klanginstrumenteText duplicate IMG-ALT Klanginstrumente
A-TITLE Klanginstrumente
/collections/klangschalenAlle Klangschalen
/products/peter-hess-therapie-...Peter Hess® Therapie Klangschale – Universalschale
/products/peter-hess-therapie-...Optionen wählen
/products/klangschalenbeutel-f...Klangschalenbeutel für alle Klangschalen
/products/klangschalenbeutel-f...Text duplicate Optionen wählen
/products/putzstein-350g-mit-s...Putzstein, 350g mit Schwamm
/products/klangschalenkissenText duplicate Optionen wählen
/products/klangschalenkissenText duplicate creme
/products/klangschalenkissenText duplicate grau
/products/klangschalenkissenText duplicate rot
/products/filzuntersetzer-durc...Filzuntersetzer - Durchmesser 14 cm
/products/filzuntersetzer-durc...Text duplicate Optionen wählen
/products/filzuntersetzer-durc...Text duplicate grau
/products/peter-hess-therapie-...Peter Hess® Therapie Klangschale – Meditation Set
/products/peter-hess-therapie-...Text duplicate Optionen wählen
/products/peter-hess-therapie-...Peter Hess® Therapie Klangschale – Kleine Herzschale
/products/peter-hess-therapie-...Text duplicate Optionen wählen
/products/saugheberText duplicate Optionen wählen
/pages/ueber-hess-soundÜber uns
/blogs/ratgeber/herstellung-pe...Mehr zur Herstellung erfahren
/products/chakrenuntersetzer-setChakrenuntersetzer - Set
/products/chakrenuntersetzer-setText duplicate Optionen wählen
/products/chakrenuntersetzer-setText duplicate bordeaux
/products/e-gong-gongreiberE-Gong Gongreiber
/products/e-gong-gongreiberText duplicate Optionen wählen
/products/e-gong-gongreiberText duplicate rot
/products/klangschale-peace-ei...Klangschale "peace"
/products/klangschale-peace-ei...Text duplicate Optionen wählen
/products/peter-hess-therapie-...Kleines Meditations-Set in der Box
/products/peter-hess-therapie-...Text duplicate Optionen wählen
/products/peter-hess-therapie-...Text duplicate rot
/blogs/ratgeberZum Ratgeber
/blogs/news/peter-hess-klangsc...Diese Peter Hess® Klangschalen empfehlen wir für die Meditation
/blogs/news/peter-hess-klangsc...Text duplicate Diese Peter Hess® Klangschalen empfehlen wir für die Meditation
A-TITLE Diese Peter Hess® Klangschalen empfehlen wir für die Meditation
/blogs/news/peter-hess-klangsc...Mehr erfahren
/blogs/news/klangtransformatio...Weihnachtszeit – Zeit für Selbstfürsorge & Transformation
/blogs/news/klangtransformatio...Text duplicate Weihnachtszeit – Zeit für Selbstfürsorge & Transformation
A-TITLE Weihnachtszeit – Zeit für Selbstfürsorge & Transformation
/blogs/news/klangtransformatio...Text duplicate Mehr erfahren
/blogs/news/hess-sound-unterst...10 Jahre CHANCEN – Bildung in Nepal e.V.
/blogs/news/hess-sound-unterst...Text duplicate 10 Jahre CHANCEN – Bildung in Nepal e.V.
A-TITLE 10 Jahre CHANCEN – Bildung in Nepal e.V.
/blogs/news/hess-sound-unterst...Text duplicate Mehr erfahren
/blogs/news/hess-sound-usa-onl...Klang und Achtsamkeit – Hess Sound in den USA
/blogs/news/hess-sound-usa-onl...Text duplicate Klang und Achtsamkeit – Hess Sound in den USA
A-TITLE Klang und Achtsamkeit – Hess Sound in den USA
/blogs/news/hess-sound-usa-onl...Text duplicate Mehr erfahren
/blogs/news/adventssamstage-be...Adventssamstage bei Hess Sound
/blogs/news/adventssamstage-be...Text duplicate Adventssamstage bei Hess Sound
A-TITLE Adventssamstage bei Hess Sound
/blogs/news/adventssamstage-be...Text duplicate Mehr erfahren
/blogs/news/checkliste-selbsts...Selbstständig als Klangmassage-Praktiker:in
/blogs/news/checkliste-selbsts...Text duplicate Selbstständig als Klangmassage-Praktiker:in
A-TITLE Selbstständig als Klangmassage-Praktiker:in
/blogs/news/checkliste-selbsts...Text duplicate Mehr erfahren
/blogs/news/klang-bei-angstWie Klang bei Ängsten helfen kann
/blogs/news/klang-bei-angstText duplicate Wie Klang bei Ängsten helfen kann
A-TITLE Wie Klang bei Ängsten helfen kann
/blogs/news/klang-bei-angstText duplicate Mehr erfahren
/blogs/news/fantasiereise-kind...Fantasiereise für Kinder im Frühling
/blogs/news/fantasiereise-kind...Text duplicate Fantasiereise für Kinder im Frühling
A-TITLE Fantasiereise für Kinder im Frühling
/blogs/news/fantasiereise-kind...Text duplicate Mehr erfahren
/blogs/newsAlle Artikel
https://www.facebook.com/hess....New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.instagram.com/hess...New window External Subdomain No Text
https://www.youtube.com/@HessS...New window External Subdomain No Text
/policies/terms-of-serviceNew window AGB
/policies/privacy-policyNew window Datenschutzbestimmungen
/pages/kontaktText duplicate Kontakt
/policies/terms-of-serviceText duplicate AGB
http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odrExternal Subdomain EU Online-Streitbeilegung
/pages/cookie-einstellungen-an...Cookie-Einstellungen ändern
https://cdn.shopify.com/s/file...External Subdomain Rücksendeformular
/policies/shipping-policyVersand & Lieferung
/pages/showroomInfos zum Showroom
A-TITLE Unser Showroom
https://www.facebook.com/hess....External Subdomain Facebook
A-TITLE Facebook
https://www.instagram.com/hess...External Subdomain Instagram
A-TITLE Instagram
https://www.youtube.com/@HessS...External Subdomain Youtube
A-TITLE Youtube
https://www.hess-sound.de/Subdomain Start
https://www.hess-sound.de/searchText duplicate Suche
https://www.hess-sound.de/cartWarenkorb 0 Artikel
/policies/terms-of-serviceNew window Text duplicate AGB
/policies/privacy-policyNew window Text duplicate Datenschutzbestimmungen

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://www.hess-sound.de/"
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The file size of the HTML document is very large (758 kB).
The page response time is excellent with 0.38 seconds.

HTTP Response Header

dateSun, 16 Feb 2025 01:24:59 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8
link<https://cdn.shopify.com>; rel="preconnect", <https://cdn.shopify.com>; rel="preconnect"; crossorigin, <https://www.hess-sound.de>; rel="canonical"
set-cookie118 Characters
varyAccept, accept-encoding
content-security-policyblock-all-mixed-content; frame-ancestors 'none'; upgrade-insecure-requests;
server-timingprocessing;dur=11, db;dur=2, db_async;dur=1.268, asn;desc="24940", edge;desc="CDG", country;desc="DE", theme;desc="127813746775", pageType;desc="index", servedBy;desc="nxh5", requestID;desc="3058ea13-412d-46f3-8b55-5a4532c2aecb-1739669098"
weglotid.9129bdbbce4a9ee3, p.cf
x-cachehit, server
x-xss-protection1; mode=block

External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 93 referring domains.
This page has 28,010 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 68 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.

Search preview

Hess Sound – Klangschalen, Gongs und mehr
Erkunde unseren Online-Shop mit hochwertigen Peter Hess® Klangschalen, Gongs und weiteren Klanginstrumenten!

Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Hess Sound87%Check
Hess Klangschalen80%Check
Hess Sound Klangschalen80%Check
Peter Hess75%Check
Peter Hess Klangschalen72%Check

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