This site can not be crawled by the Seobility bot. The robots.txt file restricts access for our bot. No URLs can be crawled that deny access to the user agent Seobility or *.
Problem URL:
# Bloquea todos los user-agents por defecto User-agent: * Disallow: / # Permitir Googlebot, Bingbot, Yahoo (Slurp), DuckDuckGo, Baidu, Yandex, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, AdsBot-Google, Googlebot-Mobile, Googlebot-Image, Googlebot-News, Googlebot-Video, Storebot-Google, Google Page Speed Insights, Google-InspectionTool, Mediapartners-Google, AdsBot-Google-Mobile, AhrefsBot, SemrushBot, MJ12bot, Screaming Frog SEO Spider, Applebot, Qwantify, SeznamBot User-agent: Googlebot User-agent: Bingbot User-agent: Slurp User-agent: DuckDuckBot User-agent: Baiduspider User-agent: YandexBot User-agent: FacebookExternalHit User-agent: Twitterbot User-agent: LinkedInBot User-agent: Pinterest User-agent: TikTokBot User-agent: AdsBot-Google User-agent: Googlebot-Mobile User-agent: Googlebot-Image User-agent: Googlebot-News User-agent: Googlebot-Video User-agent: Storebot-Google User-agent: Google Page Speed Insights User-agent: Google-InspectionTool User-agent: Mediapartners-Google User-agent: AdsBot-Google-Mobile User-agent: AhrefsBot User-agent: SemrushBot User-agent: MJ12bot User-agent: Screaming Frog SEO Spider User-agent: Applebot User-agent: Qwantify User-agent: SeznamBot User-agent: ia_archiver User-agent: Amazonbot User-agent: Amazon Ad System User-agent: Storebot-Google User-agent: Google Page Speed Insights User-agent: Google-InspectionTool User-agent: Mediapartners-Google User-agent: AdsBot-Google User-agent: AdsBot-Google-Mobile User-agent: AdsBot-Google-Adsense User-agent: Google Favicon User-agent: AhrefsSiteAudit Disallow: /landings/ Disallow: /switchlanguage/to/ Disallow: /colaboradores/ Disallow: /webservice/ Disallow: /shop/ Disallow: /content/ Disallow: /download/ Disallow: /uikit/ Disallow: *?id_colab_ext Disallow: *?replytocom= Allow: /blog/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Disallow: /blog/wp-admin/ Disallow: /blog/trackback/ Disallow: /blog/archives/ Disallow: /blog/.php$ Disallow: /blog/.inc$ Disallow: /blog/tag/ # No rastrear copias de seguridad Disallow: /*.git$ Disallow: /*.sql$ Disallow: /*.tgz$ Disallow: /*.gz$ Disallow: /*.tar$ Disallow: /*.svn$ Disallow: /*.bz2$ Disallow: /*.log$ Sitemap: Sitemap: