Juwelo.de - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.48 s
File size
348.40 kB
Media files
Number of links
188 internal / 7 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Juwelo | Edelsteinschmuck zum Bestpreis online kaufen
The length of the page title is perfect. (503 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Jetzt die besten Angebote entdecken und Traum-Schmuckstück im Juwelo-Onlineshop sichern! ►Echtheitszertifikat ►Kostenlose Retoure
The length of the meta description is perfect. (855 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
The alternate link to the page itself is missing.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, user-scalable=0, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1
descriptionJetzt die besten Angebote entdecken und Traum-Schmuckstück im Juwelo-Onlineshop sichern! ►Echtheitszertifikat ►Kostenlose Retoure
keywordsWillkommen bei Juwelo
og:titleJuwelo | Edelsteinschmuck zum Bestpreis online kaufen
og:descriptionJetzt die besten Angebote entdecken und Traum-Schmuckstück im Juwelo-Onlineshop sichern! ►Echtheitszertifikat ►Kostenlose Retoure

Test up to 1.000 webpages of juwelo.de with our free plan!

Try For Free
No trial. It's just free!

Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
This page contains 1935 words. That's ok.
30% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
13 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 17.53 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, user-scalable=0, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1" is provided.
This page only loads 2 JavaScript files. That's good!
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Empty bold or strong tags were found on this page.
The following tag is repeated too often: -20%
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
.../us/5508us/resized-fb-240x240.5508us.jpgKenianischer Tsavorit-Silberohrringe (Pallanova)
.../et/2928et/resized-fb-240x240.2928et.jpgNepalesischer Kyanit-Goldring (CIRARI)
.../lt/4447lt/resized-fb-240x240.4447lt.jpgSchwarzer Spinell-Silberhalskette
.../gn/1690gn/resized-fb-240x240.1690gn.jpgSI1 Argyle-Rose de France-Brillant-Goldring
...b087c0bd35c17f3c.advantage-icon-gems.pngEchte Edelsteine
...025-01-07_202501_m-teaser-diamant-de.jpgZum Schmuck
...1_m_202502_geburtsstein-1060x1254-de.jpgJetzt entdecken
.../vy/2640vy/resized-fb-240x240.2640vy.jpgI2 (I) Diamant-Silberring
.../et/2928et/resized-fb-240x240.2928et.jpgNepalesischer Kyanit-Goldring (CIRARI)
.../fe/6280fe/resized-fb-240x240.6280fe.jpgBlaues Tigerauge-Silberhalskette
.../ef/7226ef/resized-fb-240x240.7226ef.jpgGelber I3 Brillant-Silberohrringe
.../oo/5109oo/resized-fb-240x240.5109oo.jpgAmethyst-Teelichtkranz (Lapis Vitalis)
.../sj/6703sj/resized-fb-240x240.6703sj.jpgSilberbrosche (Joias do Paraíso)
.../vb/6145vb/resized-fb-240x240.6145vb.jpgSilber-Schlangenkette - 50 cm - 7,211 g - vergoldet
...mages/brands/monosono-collection-180.pngMonosono Collection
...501_newsletter-anmeldung-1536x577-de.jpgNewsletter abonnieren & bis zu 15€ sichern!
...5-01-08_2025_newsletter_1100x1030-de.jpgNewsletter abonnieren & bis zu 15€ sichern!
...ult/juwelo2/images/trustmark_100x100.pngTrusted Shops Seal
...ult/juwelo2/images/trustmark_100x100.pngTrusted Shops Seal
...ult/juwelo2/images/trustmark_100x100.pngTrusted Shops Seal
...iwyg/liveshow-badge/jeannette-sachse.jpgJeannette Sachse
Video URLWidthHeight

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Too many H1 headings
The H1 heading consists of only one word. There should be more information given.
The H1 heading is too short (6 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
Some headings occur twice on the page.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
There are 36 headings on the page. The amount of headings should be in a more proper relation to the amount of text.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Juwelo
H1 Goldschmuck
H1 Silberschmuck
H2 Unsere Empfehlungen
H2 Ihre Vorteile bei Juwelo
H2 Jetzt LIVE bei Juwelo
H2 Show verpasst?
H2 Goldschmuck bei Juwelo
H2 Suchen Sie ein bestimmtes Schmuckstück?
H2 Silber oder Gold?
H2 Zu welchem Preis?
H2 Glänzende Angebote
H2 Unsere Empfehlungen Duplicate text
H2 Silberschmuck bei Juwelo
H2 Die Juwelo-Markenwelt
H2 Neueste Angebote & Trends direkt in Ihr Postfach!
H2 Datenschutzhinweis
H3 Echte Edelsteine
H3 Expertise
H3 Erfahrung
H3 Kundenservice
H3 Echte Juwelen
H3 Beste Preise
H3 Kundenservice Duplicate text
H3 Sicher einkaufen
H5 Über Juwelo
H5 So geht’s
H5 Schmuck
H5 Edelsteine
H5 Ringe
H5 Edelsteinlexikon
H5 Zahlungsinformation
H5 Versandinformation
H5 Sicher einkaufen Duplicate text
H5 Folgen Sie uns auf
H5 Juwelo App
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
4 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 7 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://www.juwelo.de/kontakt/[email protected]
A-TITLE Kontakt
https://www.juwelo.de/Subdomain IMG-ALT Juwelo
A-TITLE Juwelo
A-TITLE Schmuck
/schnaeppchen/Sale %
A-TITLE Sale %
https://www.juwelo.de/live/Juwelo Live
A-TITLE Edelsteine
A-TITLE Geschenke
A-TITLE Kollektionen
A-TITLE Neuheiten
A-TITLE Einzelstücke
A-TITLE Edelsteinlexikon
/ringgroessenRinggröße ermitteln
A-TITLE Diamant
A-TITLE Smaragd
A-TITLE Saphir
/edelsteinschmuck/Alle Edelsteine
A-TITLE Alle Edelsteine
/collectors-edition/Ungefasste Edelsteine
A-TITLE Ungefasste Edelsteine
https://www.juwelo.de/Anchor Katzenauge
A-TITLE Katzenauge
https://www.juwelo.de/Anchor Sterneffekt
A-TITLE Sterneffekt
A-TITLE Alexandrit
A-TITLE Amethyst
A-TITLE Aquamarin
A-TITLE Bernstein
A-TITLE Feueropal
A-TITLE Granat
A-TITLE Lapislazuli
A-TITLE Larimar
A-TITLE Mondstein
A-TITLE Peridot
A-TITLE Tansanit
A-TITLE Türkis
A-TITLE Turmalin
A-TITLE Zirkon
/edelsteinschmuck/Text duplicate Alle Edelsteine
A-TITLE Alle Edelsteine
/edelsteinschmuck/Text duplicate Alle Edelsteine
A-TITLE Alle Edelsteine
https://www.juwelo.de/edelsteine/Text duplicate Alle Edelsteine
/juwelo-kollektionen/Alle Kollektionen
https://www.juwelo.de/Anchor Custodana
A-TITLE Custodana
https://www.juwelo.de/Anchor Gavin Linsell
A-TITLE Gavin Linsell
https://www.juwelo.de/Anchor Gems en Vogue
A-TITLE Gems en Vogue
https://www.juwelo.de/Anchor Pallanova
A-TITLE Pallanova
https://www.juwelo.de/Anchor Remy Rotenier
A-TITLE Remy Rotenier
https://www.juwelo.de/Anchor Rifkind 1894 Collection neu
A-TITLE Rifkind 1894 Collection
/schnaeppchen/Sale %
/edelsteinlexikon/edelsteine-e...Entstehung & Vorkommen
A-TITLE Entstehung & Vorkommen
A-TITLE Geburtssteine
https://www.juwelo.de/juwelo-app/ Juwelo App
A-TITLE Juwelo App
IMG-ALT Ohrringe
IMG-ALT Anhänger
IMG-ALT Ketten
IMG-ALT Armschmuck
/vitale-mineraleNo Text
https://www.juwelo.de/schmuck/No Text
https://www.juwelo.de/live/No Text
/kenianischer-tsavorit-silbero...Subdomain Nur 149,- € Kenianischer Tsavorit-Silberohrringe (Pallanova) Silber
IMG-ALT Kenianischer Tsavorit-Silberohrringe (Pallanova)
A-TITLE Kenianischer Tsavorit-Silberohrringe (Pallanova)
/edelstein-silberhalskette-424...Subdomain Nur 99,- € Edelstein-Silberhalskette Silber
IMG-ALT Edelstein-Silberhalskette
A-TITLE Edelstein-Silberhalskette
/nepalesischer-kyanit-goldring...Subdomain 17 Nur 1.599,- € Nepalesischer Kyanit-Goldring (CIRARI) Gold
IMG-ALT Nepalesischer Kyanit-Goldring (CIRARI)
A-TITLE Nepalesischer Kyanit-Goldring (CIRARI)
/regenbogen-mondstein-silberri...Subdomain -20% 16-18 -20% früher 99,- € nur noch 79,- € Regenbogen-Mondstein-Silberring Silber
IMG-ALT Regenbogen-Mondstein-Silberring
A-TITLE Regenbogen-Mondstein-Silberring
/zirkon-silberohrringe-1681hs/Subdomain Nur 49,- € Zirkon-Silberohrringe Silber
IMG-ALT Zirkon-Silberohrringe
A-TITLE Zirkon-Silberohrringe
/sambia-smaragd-goldanhaenger-...Subdomain -20% -20% früher 499,- € nur noch 399,- € Sambia-Smaragd-Goldanhänger Gold
IMG-ALT Sambia-Smaragd-Goldanhänger
A-TITLE Sambia-Smaragd-Goldanhänger
/mystik-quarz-silberring-3345af/Subdomain 16-21 Nur 49,- € Mystik-Quarz-Silberring Silber
IMG-ALT Mystik-Quarz-Silberring
A-TITLE Mystik-Quarz-Silberring
/schwarzer-spinell-silberhalsk...Subdomain neu Nur 69,- € Schwarzer Spinell-Silberhalskette Silber
IMG-ALT Schwarzer Spinell-Silberhalskette
A-TITLE Schwarzer Spinell-Silberhalskette
/si1-argyle-rose-de-france-bri...Subdomain -13% 17-21 -13% früher 799,- € nur noch 699,- € SI1 Argyle-Rose de France-Brillant-Goldring Gold
IMG-ALT SI1 Argyle-Rose de France-Brillant-Goldring
A-TITLE SI1 Argyle-Rose de France-Brillant-Goldring (Annette)
/tansanit-goldohrringe-9677fu/Subdomain neu Nur 199,- € Tansanit-Goldohrringe Gold
IMG-ALT Tansanit-Goldohrringe
A-TITLE Tansanit-Goldohrringe
https://www.juwelo.de/live/Jetzt LIVE bei Juwelo
https://www.juwelo.de/live/Best of Juwelo Entdecken und live mitbieten mit Jeannette Sachse Zu den Live-Angeboten
https://www.juwelo.de/live/No Text
https://www.juwelo.de/live/Zu den Live-Angeboten
/past-auctionsLetzte Auktionen anzeigen
/smaragdschmuck/IMG-ALT Entdecken
A-TITLE Entdecken
/diamantschmuck/IMG-ALT Zum Schmuck
A-TITLE Zum Schmuck
/saphirschmuck/Text duplicate IMG-ALT Entdecken
A-TITLE Entdecken
/amethystschmuck/IMG-ALT Jetzt entdecken
A-TITLE Jetzt entdecken
/i2-i-diamant-silberring-2640vy/Subdomain -30% 16-21 -30% früher 99,- € nur noch 69,- € I2 (I) Diamant-Silberring Silber
IMG-ALT I2 (I) Diamant-Silberring
A-TITLE I2 (I) Diamant-Silberring
/nepalesischer-kyanit-goldring...Subdomain Text duplicate 17 Nur 1.599,- € Nepalesischer Kyanit-Goldring (CIRARI) Gold
IMG-ALT Nepalesischer Kyanit-Goldring (CIRARI)
A-TITLE Nepalesischer Kyanit-Goldring (CIRARI)
/suesswasserzuchtperlen-silber...Subdomain neu Nur 79,- € Süßwasserzuchtperlen-Silberhalskette Silber
IMG-ALT Süßwasserzuchtperlen-Silberhalskette
A-TITLE Süßwasserzuchtperlen-Silberhalskette
/tansanit-goldohrringe-9677fu/Subdomain Text duplicate neu Nur 199,- € Tansanit-Goldohrringe Gold
IMG-ALT Tansanit-Goldohrringe
A-TITLE Tansanit-Goldohrringe
/azurit-malachit-silberhalsket...Subdomain neu Nur 69,- € Azurit-Malachit-Silberhalskette Silber
IMG-ALT Azurit-Malachit-Silberhalskette
A-TITLE Azurit-Malachit-Silberhalskette
/blaues-tigerauge-silberhalske...Subdomain Nur 69,- € Blaues Tigerauge-Silberhalskette Silber
IMG-ALT Blaues Tigerauge-Silberhalskette
A-TITLE Blaues Tigerauge-Silberhalskette
/himbeer-chalzedon-silberohrri...Subdomain Nur 49,- € Himbeer-Chalzedon-Silberohrringe Silber
IMG-ALT Himbeer-Chalzedon-Silberohrringe
A-TITLE Himbeer-Chalzedon-Silberohrringe
/regenbogen-mondstein-silberri...Subdomain Text duplicate -20% 16-18 -20% früher 99,- € nur noch 79,- € Regenbogen-Mondstein-Silberring Silber
IMG-ALT Regenbogen-Mondstein-Silberring
A-TITLE Regenbogen-Mondstein-Silberring
/silberohrringe-1298wk/Subdomain Nur 69,- € Silberohrringe Silber
IMG-ALT Silberohrringe
A-TITLE Silberohrringe
/zirkon-silberohrringe-1681hs/Subdomain Text duplicate Nur 49,- € Zirkon-Silberohrringe Silber
IMG-ALT Zirkon-Silberohrringe
A-TITLE Zirkon-Silberohrringe
/gelber-i3-brillant-silberohrr...Subdomain neu Nur 69,- € Gelber I3 Brillant-Silberohrringe Silber
IMG-ALT Gelber I3 Brillant-Silberohrringe
A-TITLE Gelber I3 Brillant-Silberohrringe
/amethyst-teelichtkranz-lapis-...Subdomain -20% -20% früher 99,- € nur noch 79,- € Amethyst-Teelichtkranz (Lapis Vitalis)
IMG-ALT Amethyst-Teelichtkranz (Lapis Vitalis)
A-TITLE Amethyst-Teelichtkranz (Lapis Vitalis)
/silberbrosche-joias-do-parais...Subdomain Nur 79,- € Silberbrosche (Joias do Paraíso) Silber
IMG-ALT Silberbrosche (Joias do Paraíso)
A-TITLE Silberbrosche (Joias do Paraíso)
/edelstein-silberhalskette-473...Subdomain Text duplicate Nur 99,- € Edelstein-Silberhalskette Silber
IMG-ALT Edelstein-Silberhalskette
A-TITLE Edelstein-Silberhalskette
/silber-schlangenkette-50-cm-7...Subdomain Nur 49,- € Silber-Schlangenkette - 50 cm - 7,211 g - vergoldet Silber
IMG-ALT Silber-Schlangenkette - 50 cm - 7,211 g - vergoldet
A-TITLE Silber-Schlangenkette - 50 cm - 7,211 g - vergoldet (MONOSONO COLLECTION)
/dallas-prince/A-TITLE Dallas Prince Designs
https://www.juwelo.de/amayani/A-TITLE Amayani
/vitale-mineraleA-TITLE Vitale Minerale
https://www.juwelo.de/chefsache/A-TITLE Chefsache
https://www.juwelo.de/annette/A-TITLE Annette with Love
https://www.juwelo.de/suhana/A-TITLE Suhana
https://www.juwelo.de/de-melo/A-TITLE De Melo
https://www.juwelo.de/pallanova/Text duplicate A-TITLE Pallanova
https://www.juwelo.de/cirari/A-TITLE Cirari
/ornaments-by-demelo/A-TITLE Ornaments by de Melo
https://www.juwelo.de/adela-goldA-TITLE Adela Gold
/gems-en-vogue/Text duplicate A-TITLE Gems en Vogue
/km-by-juwelo/A-TITLE KM by Juwelo
/monosono-collection/A-TITLE Monosono
https://www.juwelo.de/custodana/Text duplicate A-TITLE Custodana
/silberschmuck/Subdomain Silber
A-TITLE Silber
/goldschmuck/Subdomain Gold
/edelsteinschmuck/Subdomain Edelsteinschmuck
A-TITLE Edelsteinschmuck
/diamantschmuck/Subdomain Text duplicate Diamant
A-TITLE Diamant
/saphirschmuck/Subdomain Text duplicate Saphir
A-TITLE Saphir
/rubinschmuck/Subdomain Text duplicate Rubin
/demantoidschmuck/Subdomain Demantoid
A-TITLE Demantoid
/zultanitschmuck/Subdomain Zultanit
A-TITLE Zultanit
A-TITLE Tansanite
/aquamarinschmuck/Subdomain Text duplicate Aquamarin
A-TITLE Aquamarin
/smaragdschmuck/Subdomain Text duplicate Smaragd
A-TITLE Smaragd
A-TITLE Topase
https://www.juwelo.de/armbaender/Subdomain Armbänder
A-TITLE Armbänder
https://www.juwelo.de/ringe/Subdomain Text duplicate Ringe
https://www.juwelo.de/ohrringe/Subdomain Text duplicate Ohrringe
A-TITLE Ohrringe
A-TITLE Halsketten
/kettenanhaenger/Subdomain Kettenanhänger
A-TITLE Kettenanhänger
/herrenringe/Subdomain Herrenringe
A-TITLE Herrenringe
https://www.welt-der-edelstein...External Subdomain Welt der Edelsteine
A-TITLE Welt der Edelsteine
/edelsteinlexikon/Subdomain Edelsteinlexikon
A-TITLE Edelsteinlexikon
/ringgroessen/Text duplicate Ringgröße ermitteln
https://www.juwelo.de/juwelo/Über Juwelo
https://www.welt-der-edelstein...New window External Subdomain Journal
https://www.juwelo.de/achat-ring/Subdomain Achat Ring
/amethyst-ring/Subdomain Amethyst Ring
/aquamarin-ring/Subdomain Aquamarin Ring
/citrin-ring/Subdomain Citrin Ring
/diamant-ring/Diamant Ring
/granat-ring/Subdomain Granat Ring
https://www.juwelo.de/jade-ring/Subdomain Jade Ring
/kunzit-ring/Subdomain Kunzit Ring
/lapislazuli-ring/Subdomain Lapislazuli Ring
/markasit-ring/Subdomain Markasit Ring
https://www.juwelo.de/onyx-ring/Subdomain Onyx Ring
https://www.juwelo.de/opal-ring/Subdomain Opal Ring
/peridot-ring/Subdomain Peridot Ring
/perlen-ring/Subdomain Perlen Ring
https://www.juwelo.de/quarz-ring/Subdomain Quarz Ring
https://www.juwelo.de/rubin-ring/Subdomain Rubin Ring
/saphir-ring/Subdomain Saphir Ring
/smaragd-ring/Subdomain Smaragd Ring
/tansanit-ring/Subdomain Tansanit Ring
https://www.juwelo.de/topas-ring/Subdomain Topas Ring
/tuerkis-ring/Subdomain Türkis Ring
/turmalin-ring/Subdomain Turmalin Ring
/zirkon-ring/Subdomain Zirkon Ring
/edelsteinlexikon/alexandrit/Subdomain Text duplicate Alexandrit
/edelsteinlexikon/amethyst/Subdomain Text duplicate Amethyst
/edelsteinlexikon/aquamarin/Subdomain Text duplicate Aquamarin
/edelsteinlexikon/bernstein/Subdomain Text duplicate Bernstein
/edelsteinlexikon/citrin/Subdomain Citrin
/edelsteinlexikon/granat/Subdomain Text duplicate Granat
/edelsteinlexikon/mondstein/Subdomain Text duplicate Mondstein
/edelsteinlexikon/opal/Subdomain Text duplicate Opal
/edelsteinlexikon/rosenquarz/Subdomain Rosenquarz
/edelsteinlexikon/rubin/Subdomain Text duplicate Rubin
/edelsteinlexikon/saphir/Subdomain Text duplicate Saphir
/edelsteinlexikon/smaragd/Subdomain Text duplicate Smaragd
/edelsteinlexikon/topas/Subdomain Text duplicate Topas
/edelsteinlexikon/turmalin/Subdomain Text duplicate Turmalin
/edelsteinlexikon/zirkon/Subdomain Text duplicate Zirkon
https://www.juwelo.fr/External Subdomain A-TITLE Juwelo Bijouterie en ligne | Frankreich
https://www.juwelo.nl/External Subdomain A-TITLE Juwelo edelsteen sieraden | Niederlande
https://www.juwelo.es/External Subdomain A-TITLE Juwelo Joyas con piedras preciosas | Spanien
https://www.juwelo.com/External Subdomain A-TITLE Juwelo gemstone jewelry
https://www.juwelo.it/External Subdomain A-TITLE Juwelo Gioielli con pietre preziose | Italien
https://www.juwelo.de/live/Jetzt LIVE
IMG-ALT Jeannette Sachse

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://www.juwelo.de/"
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.48 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
This page only loads 2 CSS files. That's ok.
This page only loads 2 JavaScript files. That's good!
The file size of the HTML document is fine (348 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateFri, 07 Feb 2025 07:46:39 GMT
set-cookie82 Characters
expiresThu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
cache-controlno-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
content-security-policyframe-ancestors 'self';
content-typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 180 referring domains.
This page has 42,574 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 151 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


User-agent: *
Disallow: /extra-chance/
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