Kaffekapslen.at - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.96 s
File size
1,154.40 kB
Media files
Number of links
163 internal / 19 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Kaffekapslen.at | Kaufen Sie Kaffee und Kaffeekapseln – einfach und billig
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 665 pixels long. Optimize title
The domain is used in the page's title.
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Ihr Kaffee-Paradies seit 2011. Stöbern Sie in unserer großen, preiswerten Auswahl und entdecken Sie all Ihre Lieblingssorten bequem von zu Hause aus.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (943 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
Language for link pointing to page itself inaccurate
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

titleKaffekapslen.at | Kaufen Sie Kaffee und Kaffeekapseln – einfach und billig
descriptionIhr Kaffee-Paradies seit 2011. Stöbern Sie in unserer großen, preiswerten Auswahl und entdecken Sie all Ihre Lieblingssorten bequem von zu Hause aus.
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
Words from the H1 heading are not used in the page content.
Only 2 paragraph/s was/were found on this page.
The average number of words per sentence of 9 words is low.
This page contains 984 words. That's ok.
13.3% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
The file size of the HTML document is very large (1154.4 kB).
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 20 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
19 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
.../hyva/de_AT/images/kaffekapslen_logo.svgKaffekapslen logoKaffekapslen logo
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...iwyg/cld_600992dcd32da_v2-dolcegusto.svgNo alt attribute provided
...siwyg/cld_6009929e83bf5_v2-nespresso.svgNo alt attribute provided
.../wysiwyg/cld_60099386d20ff_v2-senseo.svgNo alt attribute provided
...yg/cld_6009939dd76a4_v2-coffee-beans.svgNo alt attribute provided
...g/cld_6009a98f4b8c5_v2-nespresso-pro.svgNo alt attribute provided
...ld_6009a9587fc62_v2-lavazza-amodomio.svgNo alt attribute provided
...993e2a1b5e_v2-coffee-and-specialties.svgNo alt attribute provided
...siwyg/cld_6009a8f06cf8b_v2-tea-cocoa.svgNo alt attribute provided
...spresso-kk-premium-creme-brulee-2001.jpgKaffekapslen Creme Brulee coffee for NespressoKaffekapslen Creme Brulee coffee for Nespresso
...len-premium-10-espresso-vanilla-1001.jpgKaffekapslen Espresso Vanilla Premium package and capsule for Nespresso Kaffekapslen Espresso Vanilla Premium package and capsule for Nespresso
.../nespresso-gimoka-10-cioccolata-0001.jpgGimoka Hot Chocolate for Nespresso®Gimoka Hot Chocolate for Nespresso®
...b1/n/e/nespresso-pt-kk-p10-100-lungo.jpgStarterpack mit 100 Plastikkapseln Kaffekapslen Lungo für NespressoStarterpack mit 100 Plastikkapseln Kaffekapslen Lungo für Nespresso
...en-premium-10-espresso-hazelnut-1001.jpgKaffekapslen Espresso Hazelnut for Nespresso®Kaffekapslen Espresso Hazelnut for Nespresso®
.../nespresso-kk-10-espresso-decaf-0021.jpgKaffekapslen Espresso Decaf Premium Packung und Kapsel für Nespresso Kaffekapslen Espresso Decaf Premium Packung und Kapsel für Nespresso
...len-premium-10-espresso-caramel-1001.jpgKaffekapslen Espresso Caramel Premium package and capsule for Nespresso Kaffekapslen Espresso Caramel Premium package and capsule for Nespresso
...f7a435f2c19f4bb1/n/e/nes-kk-lungo-50.jpgKaffekapslen Lungo XXL Premium for NespressoKaffekapslen Lungo XXL Premium for Nespresso
...e/nespresso-kk-100-lungo-strong-0021.jpgPackung mit 100 Aluminiumkapseln Kaffekapslen Lungo Strong für NespressoPackung mit 100 Aluminiumkapseln Kaffekapslen Lungo Strong für Nespresso
.../e/nespresso-kk-premium-coconut-2001.jpgKaffekapslen Coconut coffee for NespressoKaffekapslen Coconut coffee for Nespresso
...cegusto-nescafe-30-cafe-au-lait-2001.jpgNescafé Café au Lait Big Pack package and capsule for Dolce GustoNescafé Café au Lait Big Pack package and capsule for Dolce Gusto
...o-nescafe-30-dallmayr-cremadoro-2001.jpgDallmayr Crema d'Oro Big Pack package and capsule for Dolce GustoDallmayr Crema d'Oro Big Pack package and capsule for Dolce Gusto
...sto-nescafe-30-dallmayr-prodomo-2001.jpgDallmayr Prodomo Big Pack package and capsule for Dolce GustoDallmayr Prodomo Big Pack package and capsule for Dolce Gusto
...olcegusto-nescafe-30-cappuccino-2001.jpgNescafé Cappuccino Big Pack package and capsule for Dolce GustoNescafé Cappuccino Big Pack package and capsule for Dolce Gusto
...pt-kaffekapslen-80-cafe-au-lait-0001.jpgCafé Au Lait - AlltagskaffeeCafé Au Lait - Alltagskaffee
...o-kaffekapslen-16-cappuccino-1001_1_.jpgKaffekapslen Cappuccino package and capsule for Dolce GustoKaffekapslen Cappuccino package and capsule for Dolce Gusto
...o-starbucks-12-toffee-nut-latte-0041.jpgStarbucks Toffee Nut LatteStarbucks Toffee Nut Latte
...d/o/dolcegusto-nescafe-30-lungo-2001.jpgPackage with Nescafé Lungo Big Pack for Dolce Gusto Package with Nescafé Lungo Big Pack for Dolce Gusto
...to-kaffekapslen-16-cafe-au-lait-0011.jpgKaffekapslen Café Au Lait package and capsule for Dolce GustoKaffekapslen Café Au Lait package and capsule for Dolce Gusto
...sto-nescafe-30-espresso-intenso-2001.jpgNescafé Espresso Intenso Big Pack package and capsule for Dolce GustoNescafé Espresso Intenso Big Pack package and capsule for Dolce Gusto
...o-jacobs-caffe-crema-classico-xl-001.jpgJacobs Caffè Crema Classico XL package and capsule for TassimoJacobs Caffè Crema Classico XL package and capsule for Tassimo
...a435f2c19f4bb1/t/a/tassimo-milka-001.jpgMilka package and capsule for TassimoMilka package and capsule for Tassimo
...-jacobs-latte-macchiato-classico-001.jpgJacobs Latte Macchiato Classico package and capsules for TassimoJacobs Latte Macchiato Classico package and capsules for Tassimo
.../tassimo-jacobs-cafe-au-lait-24-0001.jpgJacobs Café au Lait Big Pack Packung und Kapsel für Tassimo Jacobs Café au Lait Big Pack Packung und Kapsel für Tassimo
.../t/a/tassimo-morning-cafe-xl-21-0001.jpg Morning Café XL package and capsule for Tassimo Morning Café XL package and capsule for Tassimo
.../tassimo-baileys-latte-macchiato-001.jpgBaileys Latte Macchiato package and capsule for TassimoBaileys Latte Macchiato package and capsule for Tassimo
...-morning-cafe-xl-mild-smooth-21-0001.jpgMorning Café Mild & Smooth XL package and capsule for TassimoMorning Café Mild & Smooth XL package and capsule for Tassimo
.../t/a/tassimo-jacobs-medaille-dor-001.jpgJacobs Médaille d'Or package and capsule for TassimoJacobs Médaille d'Or package and capsule for Tassimo
...ssimo-jacobs-cappuccino-classico-001.jpgJacobs Cappuccino Classico package and capsules for TassimoJacobs Cappuccino Classico package and capsules for Tassimo
...o-jacobs-latte-macchiato-caramel-001.jpgJacobs Latte Macchiato Caramel package and capsules for TassimoJacobs Latte Macchiato Caramel package and capsules for Tassimo
...f4bb1/s/e/senseo-classic-utz-48-0001.jpgSenseo Classic XXL Mega Pack package and pods for SenseoSenseo Classic XXL Mega Pack package and pods for Senseo
...9f4bb1/s/e/senseo-16-cappuccino-1001.jpgSenseo Cappuccino big packSenseo Cappuccino big pack
...9f4bb1/s/e/senseo-strong-utz-48-0001.jpgSenseo Strong XXL Mega Pack package and pods for SenseoSenseo Strong XXL Mega Pack package and pods for Senseo
...enseo-kaffekapslen-36-chocolate-01_1.jpgKaffekapslen Chocolate Flavour senseo pads Kaffekapslen Chocolate Flavour senseo pads
.../senseo-kaffekapslen-36-caramel-0001.jpgKaffekapslen Caramel 36 Packung und Pods für Senseo Kaffekapslen Caramel 36 Packung und Pods für Senseo
...s/e/senseo-pt-kk-5p-classic-180-0001.jpg5 Packungen mit Kaffekapslen Classic Medium für Senseo5 Packungen mit Kaffekapslen Classic Medium für Senseo
...1/s/e/senseo-caferene-20-strong-0001.jpgCafé René Strong Packung und Pods für SenseoCafé René Strong Packung und Pods für Senseo
...s/e/senseo-8-baileys-cappuccino-0051.jpgBaileys Cappuccino package and pods for SenseoBaileys Cappuccino package and pods for Senseo
...35f2c19f4bb1/s/e/senseo-milka-8-0011.jpgMilka package and pods for SenseoMilka package and pods for Senseo
...2c19f4bb1/s/e/senseo-32-vanille-0051.jpgSenseo Vanilla package and pods for SenseoSenseo Vanilla package and pods for Senseo
...selezione-crema-ricco-e-cremoso-0001.jpgSegafredo Selezione Crema Coffee beansSegafredo Selezione Crema Coffee beans
...lavazza-1000g-caffe-crema-dolce-1001.jpgCaffé Crema Dolce Coffee Beans from Lavazza Caffé Crema Dolce Coffee Beans from Lavazza
...cb-garibaldi-1000g-espresso-bar-0001.jpgEspresso Bar Kaffeebohnen von Garibaldi Espresso Bar Kaffeebohnen von Garibaldi
...azza-1000g-caffe-crema-classico-1001.jpgCaffé Crema Classico Coffee Beans from LavazzaCaffé Crema Classico Coffee Beans from Lavazza
...f4bb1/c/b/cb-illy-250g-classico-0001.jpgKlassische Röstkaffeebohnen von illyKlassische Röstkaffeebohnen von illy
...b/cb-segafredo-1000g-intermezzo-0001.jpgSegafredo Intermezzo Coffee BeansSegafredo Intermezzo Coffee Beans
...wb-pt-starbucks-450-3-pikeplace-0001.jpgStarbucks Pike Place Roast 1350gStarbucks Pike Place Roast 1350g
...9f4bb1/c/b/cb-illy-250g-brasile-1001.jpgilly Brasililly Brasil
...1/c/b/cb-kaffekapslen-1000g-crema-02.jpgCrema Alltagskaffee von kaffekapslenCrema Alltagskaffee von kaffekapslen
...bb1/c/b/cb-illy-250g-costa-rica-1001.jpgCosta Rica - illyCosta Rica - illy
...pro-kaffekapslen-50-lungo-forte-0031.jpgNespresso Pro Kaffekapslen Lungo ForteNespresso Pro Kaffekapslen Lungo Forte
...so-pro-kaffekapslen-50-espresso-0031.jpgNespresso Pro Kaffekapslen EspressoNespresso Pro Kaffekapslen Espresso
...o-pro-kaffekapslen-50-ristretto-0031.jpgNespresso Pro Kaffekapslen RistrettoNespresso Pro Kaffekapslen Ristretto
...resso-pro-kaffekapslen-50-lungo-0031.jpgNespresso Pro Kaffekapslen LungoNespresso Pro Kaffekapslen Lungo
...4bb1/1/0/109214-xo-noir-ristretto-01.jpgRistretto - XO Noir for Nespresso® proRistretto - XO Noir for Nespresso® pro
...b1/1/0/109213-xo-noir-espresso-forte.jpgEspresso Forte - XO Noir for Nespresso® proEspresso Forte - XO Noir for Nespresso® pro
.../e/nespresso-pro-50-espresso-vanilla.jpgNespresso Vanilla Espresso Packung und Kapsel für Nespresso ProNespresso Vanilla Espresso Packung und Kapsel für Nespresso Pro
...19f4bb1/n/e/nespresso-pro-50-intenso.jpgNespresso Intenso Packung und Kapsel für Nespresso ProNespresso Intenso Packung und Kapsel für Nespresso Pro
...2c19f4bb1/n/e/nespresso-pro-50-forte.jpgNespresso Forte Packung und Kapsel für Nespresso ProNespresso Forte Packung und Kapsel für Nespresso Pro
...sso-pro-kaffekapslen-50-vanilla-1001.jpgVanilla Coffee - KaffekapslenVanilla Coffee - Kaffekapslen
...ia/media/wysiwyg/1_million_kunder_45.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...ia/media/wysiwyg/1_million_kunder_46.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...ia/media/wysiwyg/Europas_stoerste_49.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...ia/media/wysiwyg/Europas_stoerste_48.jpgNo alt attribute provided
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...n.media/media/wysiwyg/Dolce_Gusto_45.jpgNo alt attribute provided
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...n.media/media/wysiwyg/Prisgaranti_66.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...len.media/media/wysiwyg/Nespresso_37.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...len.media/media/wysiwyg/Nespresso_38.jpgNo alt attribute provided
...o-jacobs-caffe-crema-classico-xl-001.jpgJacobs Caffè Crema Classico XL package and capsule for TassimoJacobs Caffè Crema Classico XL package and capsule for Tassimo
...simo-jacobs-caffe-crema-intenso-0001.jpgJacobs Caffé Crema Intenso package and capsule for TassimoJacobs Caffé Crema Intenso package and capsule for Tassimo
...f4bb1/t/a/tassimo-jacobs-monarch-001.jpgJacobs Monarch Packung und Kapsel für TassimoJacobs Monarch Packung und Kapsel für Tassimo
...4bb1/n/e/nespresso-kk-p10-lungo-0001.jpgKaffekapslen Lungo Packung und Kapsel für Nespresso®Kaffekapslen Lungo Packung und Kapsel für Nespresso®
...e/nespresso-kk-p10-ristretto-0001_1_.jpgKaffekapslen Ristretto package and capsule for Nespresso®Kaffekapslen Ristretto package and capsule for Nespresso®
/media/wysiwyg/home/banner_1.jpgDrik din kaffe med en god smag i munden
...ike-kenneally-tNALoIZhqVM-unsplash_2.jpgHeadline goes here

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Drik din kaffe med en god smag i munden
Too many H1 headings
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Drik din kaffe med en god smag i munden
H1 Headline goes here
H3 Beliebte Produkte
H4 Für Nespresso®
H4 Für Dolce Gusto
H4 Für Tassimo
H4 Für Senseo
H4 Kaffeebohnen
H4 Für Nespresso® Pro
H4 Empty heading
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
1 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are 19 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://www.kaffekapslen.at/Anchor Zum Inhalt springen
/preisgarantieSubdomain Preisgarantie
/customer/account/index/Subdomain No Text
/checkout/cart/index/Subdomain Cart
https://www.kaffekapslen.at/Subdomain IMG-ALT Kaffekapslen logo
A-TITLE Kaffekapslen logo
/nespresso-kapseln.htmlSubdomain Für Nespresso®
A-TITLE Für Nespresso®
/dolce-gusto-kapseln.htmlSubdomain Für Dolce Gusto
A-TITLE Für Dolce Gusto
/tassimo-kapseln.htmlSubdomain Für Tassimo
A-TITLE Für Tassimo
/senseo-pads.htmlSubdomain Für Senseo
A-TITLE Für Senseo
/customer/account/forgotpassword/Subdomain Passwort vergessen?
/customer/account/create/Subdomain Ein Konto erstellen
/tassimo-kapseln.htmlSubdomain Kapseln fürTassimo®
/dolce-gusto-kapseln.htmlSubdomain Kapseln fürNescafé Dolce Gusto®
/nespresso-kapseln.htmlSubdomain Kapseln fürNespresso®
/senseo-pads.htmlSubdomain Pads fürSenseo®
/ganze-kaffeebohnen.htmlSubdomain Kaffeebohnen
/nes-professional.htmlSubdomain Kapseln fürNespresso® Pro
/lavazza-a-modo-mio-kapseln.htmlSubdomain Kapseln fürLavazza A Modo Mio®
/zum-kaffee-dazu.htmlSubdomain Zum Kaffee dazu
/tee-und-kakao.htmlSubdomain Tee und Kakao
/nespresso-kapseln.htmlSubdomain Mehr anzeigen
/espresso-creme-brulee-premium...Subdomain IMG-ALT Kaffekapslen Creme Brulee coffee for Nespresso
/espresso-creme-brulee-premium...Subdomain Espresso Crème Brûlée - Premium 10 Kapseln für Nespresso®
/espresso-vanilla-premium-kaff...Subdomain IMG-ALT Kaffekapslen Espresso Vanilla Premium package and capsule for Nespresso
/espresso-vanilla-premium-kaff...Subdomain Espresso Vanille - Premium 10 Kapseln für Nespresso®
/heisse-schokolade-gimoka-nesp...Subdomain IMG-ALT Gimoka Hot Chocolate for Nespresso®
/heisse-schokolade-gimoka-nesp...Subdomain Heiße Schokolade - Gimoka 10 Kapseln für Nespresso®
/lungo-100-alltagskaffee-kaffe...Subdomain IMG-ALT Starterpack mit 100 Plastikkapseln Kaffekapslen Lungo für Nespresso
/lungo-100-alltagskaffee-kaffe...Subdomain Lungo - Alltagskaffee 100 Kapseln für Nespresso®
/espresso-hasselnuss-premium-k...Subdomain IMG-ALT Kaffekapslen Espresso Hazelnut for Nespresso®
/espresso-hasselnuss-premium-k...Subdomain Espresso Hasselnuss - Premium 10 Kapseln für Nespresso®
/espresso-decaf-premium-kaffek...Subdomain IMG-ALT Kaffekapslen Espresso Decaf Premium Packung und Kapsel für Nespresso
/espresso-decaf-premium-kaffek...Subdomain Espresso Decaf - Premium 10 Kapseln für Nespresso®
/espresso-caramel-premium-kaff...Subdomain IMG-ALT Kaffekapslen Espresso Caramel Premium package and capsule for Nespresso
/espresso-caramel-premium-kaff...Subdomain Espresso Karamell - Premium 10 Kapseln für Nespresso®
/lungo-xxl-premium-nespresso.htmlSubdomain IMG-ALT Kaffekapslen Lungo XXL Premium for Nespresso
/lungo-xxl-premium-nespresso.htmlSubdomain Lungo XXL - Premium 50 Kapseln für Nespresso®
/lungo-strong-premium-100-kaps...Subdomain IMG-ALT Packung mit 100 Aluminiumkapseln Kaffekapslen Lungo Strong für Nespresso
/lungo-strong-premium-100-kaps...Subdomain Lungo Strong - Premium 100 Kapseln für Nespresso®
/espresso-coconut-premium-nesp...Subdomain IMG-ALT Kaffekapslen Coconut coffee for Nespresso
/espresso-coconut-premium-nesp...Subdomain Espresso Kokosnuss - Premium 10 Kapseln für Nespresso®
/adventskalenderSubdomain IMG-ALT adventskalender
/dolce-gusto-kapseln.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate Mehr anzeigen
/big-pack-30-cafe-au-lait-nesc...Subdomain IMG-ALT Nescafé Café au Lait Big Pack package and capsule for Dolce Gusto
/big-pack-30-cafe-au-lait-nesc...Subdomain Nescafé Café Au Lait 30 Kapseln für Nescafé Dolce Gusto
/big-pack-dallmayr-crema-doro-...Subdomain IMG-ALT Dallmayr Crema d'Oro Big Pack package and capsule for Dolce Gusto
/big-pack-dallmayr-crema-doro-...Subdomain Nescafé Dallmayr Crema d'Oro 30 Kapseln für Nescafé Dolce Gusto
/big-pack-dallmayr-prodomo-nes...Subdomain IMG-ALT Dallmayr Prodomo Big Pack package and capsule for Dolce Gusto
/big-pack-dallmayr-prodomo-nes...Subdomain Nescafé Dallmayr Prodomo 30 Kapseln für Nescafé Dolce Gusto
/big-pack-cappuccino-nescafe-d...Subdomain IMG-ALT Nescafé Cappuccino Big Pack package and capsule for Dolce Gusto
/big-pack-cappuccino-nescafe-d...Subdomain Nescafé Cappuccino 30 Kapseln für Nescafé Dolce Gusto
/cafe-au-lait-alltagskaffee-80...Subdomain IMG-ALT Café Au Lait - Alltagskaffee
/cafe-au-lait-alltagskaffee-80...Subdomain Café Au Lait - Alltagskaffee 80 Kapseln für Dolce Gusto
/cappuccino-alltagskaffee-kaff...Subdomain IMG-ALT Kaffekapslen Cappuccino package and capsule for Dolce Gusto
/cappuccino-alltagskaffee-kaff...Subdomain Cappuccino - Alltagskaffee 16 Kapseln für Dolce Gusto
/toffee-nut-latte-starbucks-do...Subdomain IMG-ALT Starbucks Toffee Nut Latte
/toffee-nut-latte-starbucks-do...Subdomain Starbucks Toffee Nut Latte 12 Kapseln für Dolce Gusto
/big-pack-lungo-kapseln-nescaf...Subdomain IMG-ALT Package with Nescafé Lungo Big Pack for Dolce Gusto
/big-pack-lungo-kapseln-nescaf...Subdomain Nescafé Lungo 30 Kapseln für Nescafé Dolce Gusto
/cafe-au-lait-alltagskaffee-ka...Subdomain IMG-ALT Kaffekapslen Café Au Lait package and capsule for Dolce Gusto
/cafe-au-lait-alltagskaffee-ka...Subdomain Café Au Lait - Alltagskaffee 16 Kapseln für Dolce Gusto
/big-pack-30-espresso-intenso-...Subdomain IMG-ALT Nescafé Espresso Intenso Big Pack package and capsule for Dolce Gusto
/big-pack-30-espresso-intenso-...Subdomain Nescafé Espresso Intenso 30 Kapseln für Nescafé Dolce Gusto
/tassimo-kapseln.htmlSubdomain Text duplicate Mehr anzeigen
/caffe-crema-classico-xl-jacob...Subdomain IMG-ALT Jacobs Caffè Crema Classico XL package and capsule for Tassimo
/caffe-crema-classico-xl-jacob...Subdomain Jacobs XL Caffé Crema Classico 16 Kapseln für Tassimo
/milka-kakao-tassimo.htmlSubdomain IMG-ALT Milka package and capsule for Tassimo
/milka-kakao-tassimo.htmlSubdomain Milka Kakaogetränk 8 Kapseln für Tassimo
/latte-macchiato-classico-jaco...Subdomain IMG-ALT Jacobs Latte Macchiato Classico package and capsules for Tassimo
/latte-macchiato-classico-jaco...Subdomain Jacobs Latte Macchiato Classico 16 Kapseln für Tassimo
/cafe-au-lait-24-kapseln-jacob...Subdomain IMG-ALT Jacobs Café au Lait Big Pack Packung und Kapsel für Tassimo
/cafe-au-lait-24-kapseln-jacob...Subdomain Jacobs Café Au Lait 24 kapseln für Tassimo
/morning-cafe-xl-tassimo-tassi...Subdomain IMG-ALT Morning Café XL package and capsule for Tassimo
/morning-cafe-xl-tassimo-tassi...Subdomain Morning Café XL 21 Kapseln für Tassimo
/latte-macchiato-baileys-tassi...Subdomain IMG-ALT Baileys Latte Macchiato package and capsule for Tassimo
/latte-macchiato-baileys-tassi...Subdomain Baileys Latte Macchiato 16 Kapseln für Tassimo
/morning-cafe-xl-mild-smooth-t...Subdomain IMG-ALT Morning Café Mild & Smooth XL package and capsule for Tassimo
/morning-cafe-xl-mild-smooth-t...Subdomain Morning Café XL Mild & Smooth 21 Kapseln für Tassimo
/medaille-d-or-jacobs-tassimo....Subdomain IMG-ALT Jacobs Médaille d'Or package and capsule for Tassimo
/medaille-d-or-jacobs-tassimo....Subdomain Jacobs Médaille d'Or 16 Kapseln für Tassimo
/cappuccino-classico-jacobs-ta...Subdomain IMG-ALT Jacobs Cappuccino Classico package and capsules for Tassimo
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