Kleintierfutter.kaufen - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.35 s
File size
163.70 kB
Media files
Number of links
100 internal / 2 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
The page title is too short. (183 pixels of 580 max pixel length) Optimize title
The domain is used in the page's title.
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
The meta description is missing.
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
There is a valid canonical link specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Language defined in meta tags: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain name is very long.
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
No favicon is linked in the HTML code.

Meta tags

viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no
Content-Typetext/html; charset=UTF-8

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Page quality

(Critically important)
This page contains 889 words. That's ok.
30.6% of the text are stop words.
Words from the H1 heading are used in the page content.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
9 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 20.76 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The following tag is repeated too often: zu den produkten
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
10 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
/public/theme/images/svgs/search.svgNo alt attribute provided
/public/theme/images/svgs/search.svgNo alt attribute provided
/pic-kleintierfutter/icon-qualitativ.svgQualitativ hochwertiges Futter
/pic-kleintierfutter/icon-frage.svgkostenlose Futterberatung
/pic-kleintierfutter/icon-bequem.svgBequeme Lieferung
...chtsmanagement 12 kg Beutel_Packshot.jpgPrescription Diet c/d Multicare+Metabolic Dog
...acturers/Logos Hersteller/hills-logo.pngHill'sHill's
/images/icons/status/green.pngca. 4-7 Tageca. 4-7 Tage
/images/icons/status/green.pngca. 4-7 Tageca. 4-7 Tage
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Multicare+Metabolic DogPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Multicare+Metabolic Dog
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Multicare+Metabolic DogPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Multicare+Metabolic Dog
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Multicare+Metabolic DogPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Multicare+Metabolic Dog
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Multicare+Metabolic DogPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Multicare+Metabolic Dog
...ung der Nieren 12 kg Beutel_Packshot.jpgPrescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Dog
...acturers/Logos Hersteller/hills-logo.pngHill'sHill's
/images/icons/status/green.pngca. 4-7 Tageca. 4-7 Tage
/images/icons/status/green.pngca. 4-7 Tageca. 4-7 Tage
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care DogPreview: Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Dog
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care DogPreview: Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Dog
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care DogPreview: Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Dog
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care DogPreview: Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Dog
...ng der Nieren 1,5 kg Beutel_Packshot.jpgPrescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Cat Thunfisch
...acturers/Logos Hersteller/hills-logo.pngHill'sHill's
/images/icons/status/green.pngca. 4-7 Tageca. 4-7 Tage
/images/icons/status/green.pngca. 4-7 Tageca. 4-7 Tage
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Cat ThunfischPreview: Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Cat Thunfisch
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Cat ThunfischPreview: Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Cat Thunfisch
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Cat ThunfischPreview: Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Cat Thunfisch
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Cat ThunfischPreview: Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Cat Thunfisch
...chts + Harnwege 8 kg Beutel_Packshot.jpgPrescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress Cat Meeresfisch
...acturers/Logos Hersteller/hills-logo.pngHill'sHill's
/images/icons/status/green.pngca. 4-7 Tageca. 4-7 Tage
/images/icons/status/green.pngca. 4-7 Tageca. 4-7 Tage
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress Cat MeeresfischPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress Cat Meeresfisch
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress Cat MeeresfischPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress Cat Meeresfisch
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress Cat MeeresfischPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress Cat Meeresfisch
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress Cat MeeresfischPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress Cat Meeresfisch
...ichtsmanagement 8 kg Beutel_Packshot.jpgPrescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress+Metabolic Cat
...acturers/Logos Hersteller/hills-logo.pngHill'sHill's
/images/icons/status/green.pngca. 4-7 Tageca. 4-7 Tage
/images/icons/status/green.pngca. 4-7 Tageca. 4-7 Tage
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress+Metabolic CatPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress+Metabolic Cat
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress+Metabolic CatPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress+Metabolic Cat
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress+Metabolic CatPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress+Metabolic Cat
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress+Metabolic CatPreview: Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress+Metabolic Cat
...futtermittel/Heel/heel-suc-therapie1.jpgAmpullenset für SUC-Therapie: Solidago, Ubichinon und Coenzyme®
...facturers/Logos Hersteller/heel-logo.pngHeelHeel
/images/icons/status/green.pngca. 4-7 Tageca. 4-7 Tage
/images/icons/status/green.pngca. 4-7 Tageca. 4-7 Tage
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Ampullenset für SUC-Therapie: Solidago, Ubichinon und Coenzyme®Preview: Ampullenset für SUC-Therapie: Solidago, Ubichinon und Coenzyme®
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Ampullenset für SUC-Therapie: Solidago, Ubichinon und Coenzyme®Preview: Ampullenset für SUC-Therapie: Solidago, Ubichinon und Coenzyme®
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Ampullenset für SUC-Therapie: Solidago, Ubichinon und Coenzyme®Preview: Ampullenset für SUC-Therapie: Solidago, Ubichinon und Coenzyme®
/public/theme/images/loading.gifPreview: Ampullenset für SUC-Therapie: Solidago, Ubichinon und Coenzyme®Preview: Ampullenset für SUC-Therapie: Solidago, Ubichinon und Coenzyme®
/images/pixel_trans.gifTransparent pixel
/images/logos/paypal.pngNo alt attribute provided
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/images/logos/visa.pngNo alt attribute provided
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/images/logos/rechnung.pngNo alt attribute provided
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/images/logos/dpd.pngNo alt attribute provided
/images/logos/dhl.pngNo alt attribute provided

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
Spezialfutter für Hunde und Katzen
The H1 heading is perfect.
The heading structure is perfect.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Spezialfutter für Hunde und Katzen
H2 ACHTUNG! Wir schließen diesen Webshop zu 31.12.2024. Produkte von Hill's können sie zukünftig zu attraktiven Konditionen beziehen über den Hersteller selbst. Registrieren Sie sich hier: www.hills4m...
H2 Futtertipps für kleine Moppel
H2 Futtertipps für empfindliche Mägen
H2 Ihr Tierarzt
H3 TOP Seller
H4 Tipps vom Tierarzt
Baselink: https://www.kleintierfutter.kaufen/
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 2 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://www.hills4me.de/users/...New window External Subdomain www.hills4me.de
/Subdomain IMG-ALT kleintierfutter.kaufen-Logo
A-TITLE kleintierfutter.kaufen
A-TITLE Anmeldung
/shop.php?do=CreateRegistreeSubdomain Konto erstellen
A-TITLE Konto erstellen
/password_double_opt.phpSubdomain Passwort vergessen?
A-TITLE Passwort vergessen?
/wish_list.phpSubdomain Merkzettel
A-TITLE Merkzettel anzeigen
/0,00 EUR
A-TITLE Warenkorb
/hundefutter/Subdomain Hundefutter
A-TITLE Hundefutter
/hundefutter/Subdomain Hundefutter anzeigen
A-TITLE Hundefutter
/hundefutter/gesundfutter-hunde/Subdomain Gesundfutter
A-TITLE Gesundfutter
/hundefutter/gesundfutter-hunde/Subdomain Gesundfutter anzeigen
A-TITLE Gesundfutter
/hundefutter/gesundfutter-hund...Subdomain Welpen / Aufzucht
A-TITLE Welpen / Aufzucht
/hundefutter/gesundfutter-hund...Subdomain Adult
/hundefutter/gesundfutter-hund...Subdomain Senioren
A-TITLE Senioren
/hundefutter/gesundfutter-hund...Subdomain Medizinische Diäten
A-TITLE Medizinische Diäten
/hundefutter/gesundfutter-hund...Subdomain Medizinische Diäten anzeigen
A-TITLE Medizinische Diäten
/hundefutter/gesundfutter-hund...Subdomain Magen / Darm
A-TITLE Magen / Darm
/hundefutter/gesundfutter-hund...Subdomain Allergie / Haut
A-TITLE Allergie / Haut
/hundefutter/gesundfutter-hund...Subdomain Gelenke
A-TITLE Gelenke
/hundefutter/gesundfutter-hund...Subdomain Übergewicht
A-TITLE Übergewicht
/hundefutter/gesundfutter-hund...Subdomain Harntrakt / Niere
A-TITLE Harntrakt / Niere
/hundefutter/gesundfutter-hund...Subdomain Leber / Herz
A-TITLE Leber / Herz
/hundefutter/gesundfutter-hund...Subdomain Zähne
/hundefutter/gesundfutter-hund...Subdomain Diabetes
A-TITLE Diabetes
/hundefutter/Subdomain Text duplicate Hundefutter anzeigen
A-TITLE Hundefutter
/katzenfutter/Subdomain Katzenfutter
A-TITLE Katzenfutter
/katzenfutter/Subdomain Katzenfutter anzeigen
A-TITLE Katzenfutter
/katzenfutter/gesundfutter-kat...Subdomain Text duplicate Gesundfutter
A-TITLE Gesundfutter
/katzenfutter/gesundfutter-kat...Subdomain Text duplicate Gesundfutter anzeigen
A-TITLE Gesundfutter
/katzenfutter/gesundfutter-kat...Subdomain Kitten / Aufzucht
A-TITLE Kitten / Aufzucht
/katzenfutter/gesundfutter-kat...Subdomain Text duplicate Adult
/katzenfutter/gesundfutter-kat...Subdomain Text duplicate Senioren
A-TITLE Senioren
/katzenfutter/gesundfutter-kat...Subdomain Text duplicate Medizinische Diäten
A-TITLE Medizinische Diäten
/katzenfutter/gesundfutter-kat...Subdomain Text duplicate Medizinische Diäten anzeigen
A-TITLE Medizinische Diäten
/katzenfutter/gesundfutter-kat...Subdomain Text duplicate Harntrakt / Niere
A-TITLE Harntrakt / Niere
/katzenfutter/gesundfutter-kat...Subdomain Text duplicate Magen / Darm
A-TITLE Magen / Darm
/katzenfutter/gesundfutter-kat...Subdomain Text duplicate Übergewicht
A-TITLE Übergewicht
/katzenfutter/gesundfutter-kat...Subdomain Text duplicate Allergie / Haut
A-TITLE Allergie / Haut
/katzenfutter/gesundfutter-kat...Subdomain Text duplicate Leber / Herz
A-TITLE Leber / Herz
/katzenfutter/gesundfutter-kat...Subdomain Text duplicate Gelenke
A-TITLE Gelenke
/katzenfutter/gesundfutter-kat...Subdomain Text duplicate Zähne
/katzenfutter/gesundfutter-kat...Subdomain Text duplicate Diabetes
A-TITLE Diabetes
/katzenfutter/Subdomain Text duplicate Katzenfutter anzeigen
A-TITLE Katzenfutter
/ergaenzungsfuttermittel/Subdomain Ergänzungsfuttermittel
A-TITLE Ergänzungsfuttermittel
/ergaenzungsfuttermittel/Subdomain Ergänzungsfuttermittel anzeigen
A-TITLE Ergänzungsfuttermittel
/ergaenzungsfuttermittel/lunge...Subdomain Regeneration / Immunsystem
A-TITLE Regeneration / Immunsystem
/ergaenzungsfuttermittel/magen...Subdomain Text duplicate Magen / Darm
A-TITLE Magen / Darm
/ergaenzungsfuttermittel/gelenke/Subdomain Text duplicate Gelenke
A-TITLE Gelenke
/ergaenzungsfuttermittel/haut-...Subdomain Haut / Fell
A-TITLE Haut / Fell
/ergaenzungsfuttermittel/niere/Subdomain Leber / Niere / Lunge
A-TITLE Leber / Niere / Lunge
/ergaenzungsfuttermittel/leber/Subdomain Text duplicate Zähne
/ergaenzungsfuttermittel/leber...Subdomain Leckerlis
A-TITLE Leckerlis
/ergaenzungsfuttermittel/Subdomain Text duplicate Ergänzungsfuttermittel anzeigen
A-TITLE Ergänzungsfuttermittel
/hersteller/Subdomain Hersteller
A-TITLE Hersteller
/hersteller/Subdomain Hersteller anzeigen
A-TITLE Hersteller
/hersteller/royal-canin/Subdomain Royal Canin
A-TITLE Royal Canin
/hersteller/hill-s/Subdomain Hill's
A-TITLE Hill's
/hersteller/hill-s/Subdomain Hill's anzeigen
A-TITLE Hill's
/hersteller/hill-s/hill-s-pres...Subdomain Hill’s Prescription Diet Gastrointestinal Biome
A-TITLE Hill’s Prescription Diet Gastrointestinal Biome
/hersteller/hill-s/hill-s-pers...Subdomain Hill’s Perscription Diet Derm Complete
A-TITLE Hill’s Perscription Diet Derm Complete
/hersteller/specific/Subdomain Specific
A-TITLE Specific
/hersteller/boehringer-ingelheim/Subdomain Boehringer Ingelheim
A-TITLE Boehringer Ingelheim
/hersteller/alfavet/Subdomain Alfavet
A-TITLE Alfavet
/hersteller/heel/Subdomain Heel
/hersteller/Subdomain Text duplicate Hersteller anzeigen
A-TITLE Hersteller
/Subdomain Startseite
/hundefutter/Hunde Das beste Spezialfutter für ihren besten Freund zu den Produkten
/katzenfutter/Katzen Spezialfutter für ihren vierbeinigen Arbeitgeber zu den Produkten
/HillsPrescriptionDietcdMultic...Subdomain IMG-ALT Prescription Diet c/d Multicare+Metabolic Dog
/index.php?manufacturers_id=6Text duplicate IMG-ALT Hill's
/HillsPrescriptionDietcdMultic...Subdomain Prescription Diet c/d Multicare+Metabolic...
A-TITLE Spezialfutter für Hunde zur Verringerung von Calciumoxalat- und ...
/HillsPrescriptionDietkdKidney...Subdomain IMG-ALT Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Dog
/index.php?manufacturers_id=6Text duplicate IMG-ALT Hill's
/HillsPrescriptionDietkdKidney...Subdomain Text duplicate Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Dog
A-TITLE Spezialfutter für ausgewachsene Hunde zur Unterstützung bei ...
/HillsPrescriptionDietkdKidney...Subdomain IMG-ALT Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Cat Thunfisch
/index.php?manufacturers_id=6Text duplicate IMG-ALT Hill's
/HillsPrescriptionDietkdKidney...Subdomain Prescription Diet k/d Kidney Care Cat Thunfisch...
A-TITLE Spezialfutter für ausgewachsene Katzen mit einer (chronischen) ...
/HillsPrescriptionDietcdUrinar...Subdomain IMG-ALT Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress Cat Meeresfisch
/index.php?manufacturers_id=6Text duplicate IMG-ALT Hill's
/HillsPrescriptionDietcdUrinar...Subdomain Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress...
A-TITLE Spezialfutter für ausgewachsene Katzen bei Problemen mit den Harnwegen, auch...
/HillsPrescriptionDietcdurinar...Subdomain IMG-ALT Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress+Metabolic Cat
/index.php?manufacturers_id=6Text duplicate IMG-ALT Hill's
/HillsPrescriptionDietcdurinar...Subdomain Prescription Diet c/d Urinary Multicare Stress+Metabolic...
A-TITLE Spezialfutter für ausgewachsene Katzen zur Behandlung von Blasensteinen bei ...
/HeelSUCTherapieSolidagoUbichi...Subdomain IMG-ALT Ampullenset für SUC-Therapie: Solidago, Ubichinon und Coenzyme®
/index.php?manufacturers_id=5Text duplicate IMG-ALT Heel
/HeelSUCTherapieSolidagoUbichi...Subdomain Ampullenset für SUC-Therapie: Solidago, Ubichinon...
A-TITLE Homöpatisches Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Katzen mit Niereninsuffizienz
/hundefutter/gesundfutter-hund...Produkte für moppelige Hunde
/katzenfutter/gesundfutter-kat...Produkte für moppelige Katzen
/katzenfutter/gesundfutter-kat...Produkte für empfindliche Katzen
/hundefutter/gesundfutter-hund...Produkte für empfindliche Hunde
/hundefutter/Subdomain Text duplicate Hundefutter
A-TITLE Hundefutter
/katzenfutter/Subdomain Text duplicate Katzenfutter
A-TITLE Katzenfutter
/ergaenzungsfuttermittel/Subdomain Text duplicate Ergänzungsfuttermittel
A-TITLE Ergänzungsfuttermittel
/hersteller/Subdomain Text duplicate Hersteller
A-TITLE Hersteller
/newsletter.phpHier anmelden!
https://www.gambio.de/New window External Subdomain Webshop erstellen

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://www.kleintierfutter.kaufen/"
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.35 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (164 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateSat, 21 Dec 2024 19:01:09 GMT
content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8
expiresThu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
set-cookie120 Characters

External factors

This page has only a few links from other websites.
This page only has backlinks from 6 referring domains.
This page only has 6 backlinks.
This page only has few backlinks from 5 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


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Sitemap: https://www.kleintierfutter.kaufen/sitemap.xml
Sitemap: https://www.kleintierfutter.kaufen/images_sitemap.xml

Search preview


Most important keywords

Following keywords were found. You can check the keyword optimization of this page for each keyword.

Hunde und Katzen54%Check
ausgewachsene Katzen44%Check

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