Ledsave.co.uk - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.22 s
File size
97.70 kB
Media files
Number of links
216 internal / 0 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
LED Lighting - Commercial, Bulkhead, Warehouse, Panels, & More
The page title should be shorter than 580 pixels. It is 597 pixels long. Optimize title
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
We sell high quality LED lighting for homes, commercial properties, and even warehouses. Quality guaranteed with market-leading warranties up to 5 years.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (958 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

titleLED Lighting - Commercial, Bulkhead, Warehouse, Panels, & More
descriptionWe sell high quality LED lighting for homes, commercial properties, and even warehouses. Quality guaranteed with market-leading warranties up to 5 years.
keywordshull, led, samsung led, samsung, 3 watt, 30 watt, cheap, led, candle bulbs, eco-friendly, eco friendly, green, leds, es14, high quality led, high quality leds, replacement, es14 replacement, high powered es14, high power es14, green lighting, led lighting, led spotlights, led lights, high powered led lights, high power led lights, ecobrite, eco brite, ultra bright led, ultrabright led, ultra bright leds, ultrabright leds, bright led, bright leds, bright es14, cheap es14, green lighting, eco lighting, halogen equivalent, 30w equivalent, 35w equivalent, equivalent, halogen replacement, 30w replacement, 20w equivalent, 20w replacement, 35w replacement, warm white, cool white, natural white, daylight, warm white led, cool white led, natural white led, daylight led, led lights, led lighting, lights, light bulbs, lightbulbs, led bulbs, es14 bulbs, led light bulbs, led lightbulbs, dimmable leds, dimmable, dimable, dimable leds, dimmable led, dimable led, low cost, low cost led, low cost leds, golfball, candle
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Words from the H1 heading are not used in the page content.
No paragraphs were detected.
This page contains 868 words. That's ok.
5.1% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
Some tags are too long. With 78 characters this one is longer than 70 characters:
"15w cct adjustable microwave sensor & 3 hour emergency led polo bulkhead light"
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
Alt text (alternative text) is correctly used on all found images.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...b2c30c01adb4ac7/5/0/5050-300leds-2_2.jpgLED Strip Lights & AccessoriesLED Strip Lights & Accessories
...c30c01adb4ac7/s/u/super_lumen_tube_4.jpgCommercial LED LightingCommercial LED Lighting
...b2c30c01adb4ac7/l/e/led_bulkhead_3_1.jpgLED Bulkhead LightsLED Bulkhead Lights
...0/100w_high_output_led_low_bay_front.pngLED Warehouse LightingLED Warehouse Lighting
...957bfb2c30c01adb4ac7/h/a/hanging_kit.jpgLED Panel LightsLED Panel Lights
...957bfb2c30c01adb4ac7/h/a/hanging_kit.jpgLED Panel AccessoriesLED Panel Accessories
...f647f1b/1/5/15w_polo_-_white_bezel_4.jpg15W LED POLO Bulkhead (Microwave Sensor & 3 Hour Emergency) - White Bezel
...enditions/amasty/amlabel/Emergency_5.png15W CCT Adjustable Microwave Sensor & 3 Hour Emergency LED POLO Bulkhead Light 15W CCT Adjustable Microwave Sensor & 3 Hour Emergency LED POLO Bulkhead Light
...enditions/amasty/amlabel/MW_Sensor_2.png15W CCT Adjustable Microwave Sensor & 3 Hour Emergency LED POLO Bulkhead Light 15W CCT Adjustable Microwave Sensor & 3 Hour Emergency LED POLO Bulkhead Light
...ons/amasty/amlabel/Corridor_function.png15W CCT Adjustable Microwave Sensor & 3 Hour Emergency LED POLO Bulkhead Light 15W CCT Adjustable Microwave Sensor & 3 Hour Emergency LED POLO Bulkhead Light
...9a3356a478f647f1b/e/b/eb07-1-1_2_1_1.jpg150W IP65 LED Low Bay Light -150lm/W
...r/e/resized_led_gear_tray_eb-r-15-em.jpg15W Gear Tray with 3Hr Emergency
...enditions/amasty/amlabel/Emergency_5.png15W Round CCT Adjustable LED Gear Tray 3hr Emergency (28W 2D Replacement)15W Round CCT Adjustable LED Gear Tray 3hr Emergency (28W 2D Replacement)
...6a478f647f1b/s/l/slimline_batten_a_2.jpg6ft 32W Single Slimline Integrated LED Batten Light
...3356a478f647f1b/s/u/super_lumen_tube.jpgT8 LED Tube

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
LED Panels
The H1 heading is too short (10 characters). It should be at least 20 Characters long.
The heading structure is perfect.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 LED Panels
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
2 links don't have an anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
All internal links are not using dynamic parameters.
There are no external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
https://ledsave.co.uk/Anchor Skip to Content
/customer/account/login/refere...Sign In
/customer/account/create/Create an Account
https://ledsave.co.uk/IMG-ALT LEDSave
/catalogsearch/advanced/Advanced Search
https://ledsave.co.uk/Text duplicate IMG-ALT LEDSave
/checkout/cartNo Text
https://ledsave.co.uk/Text duplicate IMG-ALT LEDSave
/checkout/cartNo Text
/strip-lights/LED Strip Lights & Accessories
/strip-lights/12v-strip-light/12V LED Strip Lights
/strip-lights/24v-strip-light/24V LED Strip Lights
/strip-lights/colour-changing/Colour Changing LED
/strip-lights/strip-controllers/LED Strip Controllers & Remotes
/strip-lights/connectors/LED Strip Connectors
/strip-lights/drivers/LED Strip Drivers
https://ledsave.co.uk/commercial/Commercial LED Lighting
/commercial/2d-bulkheads/LED 2D Replacements
/commercial/non-corrosive/LED Non Corrosive Light Fittings
/commercial/tube-lights/LED Tube Lights
/commercial/emergency-lights/LED Emergency Lights
/commercial/retail-shop-lights/LED Retail Shop Lighting
/commercial/batten-lights/LED Batten Lights
/commercial/down-lights/LED Downlights
/commercial/wall-lights/Wall Light Fittings
/commercial/floodlights/LED Floodlights
https://ledsave.co.uk/bulkheads/LED Bulkhead Lights
/bulkheads/8w-polo-bulkheads/LED 8W Round Polo Bulkheads
/bulkheads/15w-polo-bulkheads/LED 15W Round Polo Bulkheads
/bulkheads/18w-polo-bulkheads/LED 18W Round Slimline Bulkheads
/bulkheads/gear-trays/LED 2D Gear Trays
/bulkheads/die-cast-bulkheads/Round Die-Cast LED Bulkhead Lights
/bulkheads/emergency/LED Emergency Exit Lights
https://ledsave.co.uk/warehouse/LED Warehouse Lighting
/warehouse/low-bay-lighting/Low Bay LED Lighting
/warehouse/high-bay-lighting/High Bay LED Lighting
/warehouse/non-corrosive/IP66 Non Corrosive fittings
https://ledsave.co.uk/panels/LED Panel Lights
/panels/600-600/600 x 600 LED Panel Light
/panels/1200-300/1200 x 300 LED Panel Light
/panels/500-500/500 x 500 LED Panel Light
/panels/1200-600/1200 x 600 LED Panel Light
/panel-accessories/LED Panel Accessories
/panel-accessories/dimmers/LED Dimmer Switches
/panel-accessories/drivers/LED Panel Drivers
/panel-accessories/surface-fra...LED Panel Surface Mounting Frames
/panel-accessories/suspension-...LED Panel Suspension Kits
/panel-accessories/recessed-fr...LED Panel Recessed Mounting Frames
/panel-accessories/emergency-p...3 Hour Emergency Pack
/customer/account/createCreate A Trade Account
/customer/account/Account/Sign In
https://ledsave.co.uk/contact/Help & FAQs
/checkout/cart/My Cart
/strip-lights/Text duplicate LED Strip Lights & Accessories
/strip-lights/12v-strip-light/Text duplicate 12V LED Strip Lights
/strip-lights/24v-strip-light/Text duplicate 24V LED Strip Lights
/strip-lights/colour-changing/Text duplicate Colour Changing LED
/strip-lights/strip-controllers/Text duplicate LED Strip Controllers & Remotes
/strip-lights/connectors/Text duplicate LED Strip Connectors
/strip-lights/drivers/Text duplicate LED Strip Drivers
https://ledsave.co.uk/commercial/Text duplicate Commercial LED Lighting
/commercial/2d-bulkheads/Text duplicate LED 2D Replacements
/commercial/non-corrosive/Text duplicate LED Non Corrosive Light Fittings
/commercial/tube-lights/Text duplicate LED Tube Lights
/commercial/emergency-lights/Text duplicate LED Emergency Lights
/commercial/retail-shop-lights/Text duplicate LED Retail Shop Lighting
/commercial/batten-lights/Text duplicate LED Batten Lights
/commercial/down-lights/Text duplicate LED Downlights
/commercial/wall-lights/Text duplicate Wall Light Fittings
/commercial/floodlights/Text duplicate LED Floodlights
https://ledsave.co.uk/bulkheads/Text duplicate LED Bulkhead Lights
/bulkheads/8w-polo-bulkheads/Text duplicate LED 8W Round Polo Bulkheads
/bulkheads/15w-polo-bulkheads/Text duplicate LED 15W Round Polo Bulkheads
/bulkheads/18w-polo-bulkheads/Text duplicate LED 18W Round Slimline Bulkheads
/bulkheads/gear-trays/Text duplicate LED 2D Gear Trays
/bulkheads/die-cast-bulkheads/Text duplicate Round Die-Cast LED Bulkhead Lights
/bulkheads/emergency/Text duplicate LED Emergency Exit Lights
https://ledsave.co.uk/warehouse/Text duplicate LED Warehouse Lighting
/warehouse/low-bay-lighting/Text duplicate Low Bay LED Lighting
/warehouse/high-bay-lighting/Text duplicate High Bay LED Lighting
/warehouse/non-corrosive/Text duplicate IP66 Non Corrosive fittings
https://ledsave.co.uk/panels/Text duplicate LED Panel Lights
/panels/600-600/Text duplicate 600 x 600 LED Panel Light
/panels/1200-300/Text duplicate 1200 x 300 LED Panel Light
/panels/500-500/Text duplicate 500 x 500 LED Panel Light
/panels/1200-600/Text duplicate 1200 x 600 LED Panel Light
/panel-accessories/Text duplicate LED Panel Accessories
/panel-accessories/dimmers/Text duplicate LED Dimmer Switches
/panel-accessories/drivers/Text duplicate LED Panel Drivers
/panel-accessories/surface-fra...Text duplicate LED Panel Surface Mounting Frames
/panel-accessories/suspension-...Text duplicate LED Panel Suspension Kits
/panel-accessories/recessed-fr...Text duplicate LED Panel Recessed Mounting Frames
/panel-accessories/emergency-p...Text duplicate 3 Hour Emergency Pack
https://ledsave.co.uk/connectors/Text duplicate Connectors
/strip-lights/Text duplicate LED Strip Lights & Accessories
https://ledsave.co.uk/commercial/Text duplicate Commercial LED Lighting
https://ledsave.co.uk/bulkheads/Text duplicate LED Bulkhead Lights
https://ledsave.co.uk/warehouse/Text duplicate LED Warehouse Lighting
https://ledsave.co.uk/panels/Text duplicate LED Panel Lights
/panel-accessories/Text duplicate LED Panel Accessories
https://ledsave.co.uk/connectors/Text duplicate Connectors
/strip-lights/12v-strip-light/Text duplicate 12V LED Strip Lights
/strip-lights/24v-strip-light/Text duplicate 24V LED Strip Lights
/strip-lights/colour-changing/Text duplicate Colour Changing LED
/strip-lights/strip-controllers/Text duplicate LED Strip Controllers & Remotes
/strip-lights/connectors/Text duplicate LED Strip Connectors
/strip-lights/drivers/Text duplicate LED Strip Drivers
/commercial/2d-bulkheads/Text duplicate LED 2D Replacements
/commercial/non-corrosive/Text duplicate LED Non Corrosive Light Fittings
/commercial/tube-lights/Text duplicate LED Tube Lights
/commercial/emergency-lights/Text duplicate LED Emergency Lights
/commercial/retail-shop-lights/Text duplicate LED Retail Shop Lighting
/commercial/batten-lights/Text duplicate LED Batten Lights
/commercial/down-lights/Text duplicate LED Downlights
/commercial/wall-lights/Text duplicate Wall Light Fittings
/commercial/floodlights/Text duplicate LED Floodlights
/bulkheads/8w-polo-bulkheads/Text duplicate LED 8W Round Polo Bulkheads
/bulkheads/15w-polo-bulkheads/Text duplicate LED 15W Round Polo Bulkheads
/bulkheads/18w-polo-bulkheads/Text duplicate LED 18W Round Slimline Bulkheads
/bulkheads/gear-trays/Text duplicate LED 2D Gear Trays
/bulkheads/die-cast-bulkheads/Text duplicate Round Die-Cast LED Bulkhead Lights
/bulkheads/emergency/Text duplicate LED Emergency Exit Lights
/warehouse/low-bay-lighting/Text duplicate Low Bay LED Lighting
/warehouse/high-bay-lighting/Text duplicate High Bay LED Lighting
/warehouse/non-corrosive/Text duplicate IP66 Non Corrosive fittings
/panels/600-600/Text duplicate 600 x 600 LED Panel Light
/panels/1200-300/Text duplicate 1200 x 300 LED Panel Light
/panels/500-500/Text duplicate 500 x 500 LED Panel Light
/panels/1200-600/Text duplicate 1200 x 600 LED Panel Light
/panel-accessories/dimmers/Text duplicate LED Dimmer Switches
/panel-accessories/drivers/Text duplicate LED Panel Drivers
/panel-accessories/surface-fra...Text duplicate LED Panel Surface Mounting Frames
/panel-accessories/suspension-...Text duplicate LED Panel Suspension Kits
/panel-accessories/recessed-fr...Text duplicate LED Panel Recessed Mounting Frames
/panel-accessories/emergency-p...Text duplicate 3 Hour Emergency Pack
https://ledsave.co.uk/Anchor Menu
/strip-lights/Text duplicate LED Strip Lights & Accessories
/strip-lights/12v-strip-light/Text duplicate 12V LED Strip Lights
/strip-lights/24v-strip-light/Text duplicate 24V LED Strip Lights
/strip-lights/colour-changing/Text duplicate Colour Changing LED
/strip-lights/strip-controllers/Text duplicate LED Strip Controllers & Remotes
/strip-lights/connectors/Text duplicate LED Strip Connectors
/strip-lights/drivers/Text duplicate LED Strip Drivers
https://ledsave.co.uk/commercial/Text duplicate Commercial LED Lighting
/commercial/2d-bulkheads/Text duplicate LED 2D Replacements
/commercial/non-corrosive/Text duplicate LED Non Corrosive Light Fittings
/commercial/tube-lights/Text duplicate LED Tube Lights
/commercial/emergency-lights/Text duplicate LED Emergency Lights
/commercial/retail-shop-lights/Text duplicate LED Retail Shop Lighting
/commercial/batten-lights/Text duplicate LED Batten Lights
/commercial/down-lights/Text duplicate LED Downlights
/commercial/wall-lights/Text duplicate Wall Light Fittings
/commercial/floodlights/Text duplicate LED Floodlights
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/bulkheads/8w-polo-bulkheads/Text duplicate LED 8W Round Polo Bulkheads
/bulkheads/15w-polo-bulkheads/Text duplicate LED 15W Round Polo Bulkheads
/bulkheads/18w-polo-bulkheads/Text duplicate LED 18W Round Slimline Bulkheads
/bulkheads/gear-trays/Text duplicate LED 2D Gear Trays
/bulkheads/die-cast-bulkheads/Text duplicate Round Die-Cast LED Bulkhead Lights
/bulkheads/emergency/Text duplicate LED Emergency Exit Lights
https://ledsave.co.uk/warehouse/Text duplicate LED Warehouse Lighting
/warehouse/low-bay-lighting/Text duplicate Low Bay LED Lighting
/warehouse/high-bay-lighting/Text duplicate High Bay LED Lighting
/warehouse/non-corrosive/Text duplicate IP66 Non Corrosive fittings
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/panels/600-600/Text duplicate 600 x 600 LED Panel Light
/panels/1200-300/Text duplicate 1200 x 300 LED Panel Light
/panels/500-500/Text duplicate 500 x 500 LED Panel Light
/panels/1200-600/Text duplicate 1200 x 600 LED Panel Light
/panel-accessories/Text duplicate LED Panel Accessories
/panel-accessories/dimmers/Text duplicate LED Dimmer Switches
/panel-accessories/drivers/Text duplicate LED Panel Drivers
/panel-accessories/surface-fra...Text duplicate LED Panel Surface Mounting Frames
/panel-accessories/suspension-...Text duplicate LED Panel Suspension Kits
/panel-accessories/recessed-fr...Text duplicate LED Panel Recessed Mounting Frames
/panel-accessories/emergency-p...Text duplicate 3 Hour Emergency Pack
https://ledsave.co.uk/connectors/Text duplicate Connectors
https://ledsave.co.uk/Anchor Text duplicate Account
https://ledsave.co.uk/panels/Shop Now
/strip-lights/Text duplicate IMG-ALT LED Strip Lights & Accessories
/strip-lights/Text duplicate LED Strip Lights & Accessories
https://ledsave.co.uk/commercial/Text duplicate IMG-ALT Commercial LED Lighting
https://ledsave.co.uk/commercial/Text duplicate Commercial LED Lighting
https://ledsave.co.uk/bulkheads/Text duplicate IMG-ALT LED Bulkhead Lights
https://ledsave.co.uk/bulkheads/Text duplicate LED Bulkhead Lights
https://ledsave.co.uk/warehouse/Text duplicate IMG-ALT LED Warehouse Lighting
https://ledsave.co.uk/warehouse/Text duplicate LED Warehouse Lighting
https://ledsave.co.uk/panels/Text duplicate IMG-ALT LED Panel Lights
https://ledsave.co.uk/panels/Text duplicate LED Panel Lights
/panel-accessories/Text duplicate IMG-ALT LED Panel Accessories
/panel-accessories/Text duplicate LED Panel Accessories
https://ledsave.co.uk/connectors/Text duplicate IMG-ALT Connectors
https://ledsave.co.uk/connectors/Text duplicate Connectors
/15w-cct-led-polo-bulkhead-mic...IMG-ALT 15W LED POLO Bulkhead (Microwave Sensor & 3 Hour Emergency) - White Bezel
/15w-cct-led-polo-bulkhead-mic...15W CCT Adjustable Microwave Sensor & 3 Hour Emergency LED POLO Bulkhead Light
/200w-ip65-led-low-bay-light/IMG-ALT 150W IP65 LED Low Bay Light -150lm/W
/200w-ip65-led-low-bay-light/200W IP65 LED Low Bay Light 150lm/W
/15w-gear-tray-with-3hr-emerge...IMG-ALT 15W Gear Tray with 3Hr Emergency
/15w-gear-tray-with-3hr-emerge...15W Round CCT Adjustable LED Gear Tray 3hr Emergency (28W 2D Replacement)
/slimline-integrated-led-batte...IMG-ALT 6ft 32W Single Slimline Integrated LED Batten Light
/slimline-integrated-led-batte...Text duplicate 6ft 32W Single Slimline Integrated LED Batten Light
/2400mm-8ft-t8-led-tube/IMG-ALT T8 LED Tube
/2400mm-8ft-t8-led-tube/8ft T8 LED Tube Light 35W 120lm/W
https://ledsave.co.uk/about-usAbout Us
https://ledsave.co.uk/contactContact us
https://ledsave.co.uk/blog/New window Blog
https://ledsave.co.uk/privacy/Privacy Policy
/terms-and-conditions/Terms & Conditions
https://ledsave.co.uk/warranty/5 Year Warranty

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://ledsave.co.uk/"
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time is excellent with 0.22 seconds.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (98 kB).

HTTP Response Header

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External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 131 referring domains.
This page has 330 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 110 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


User-agent: *

# Directories
Disallow: /app/
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Disallow: /dev/
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Disallow: /pkginfo/
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# Paths (clean URLs)
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# Do not index pages that are sorted or filtered.
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Sitemap: http://ledsave.co.uk/blog/sitemap_index.xml

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LED Lighting - Commercial, Bulkhead, Warehouse, Panels, & More
We sell high quality LED lighting for homes, commercial properties, and even warehouses. Quality guaranteed with market-leading warranties up to 5 years.

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Commercial LED Lighting72%Check
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