- SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.09 s
File size
606.00 kB
Media files
Number of links
382 internal / 34 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
National Association of REALTORS®
The length of the page title is perfect. (335 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
As America’s largest trade association, the National Association of REALTORS® is involved in all aspects of residential and commercial real estate.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (910 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
The specified canonical link points to a different page.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: en
Language defined in HTML: en
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: en
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
The domain is no subdomain.
The domain length is good.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionAs America’s largest trade association, the National Association of REALTORS® is involved in all aspects of residential and commercial real estate.
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no
departmentCommunications & Publishing
forREALTOR® & Real Estate Professional
og:titleNational Association of REALTORS®
og:descriptionAs America’s largest trade association, the National Association of REALTORS® is involved in all aspects of residential and commercial real estate.
og:image:altNational Association of REALTORS®

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Page quality

(Critically important)
There are 52 text duplicates on this page:
  • Duplicate 1: Your resource for all things Real Estate. Including Legal, Agent & Bro...
  • Duplicate 2: Whether you’re a new agent or an experienced broker you have access to...
  • Duplicate 3: Including home buying and selling, commercial, international, NAR memb...
  • Duplicate 4: NAR and its affiliated Institutes, Societies, and Councils offer a wid...
  • Duplicate 5: Stay current on industry issues with daily news from NAR. Network with...
  • Duplicate 6: As America’s largest trade association, the National Association of RE...
  • Duplicate 7: Now more than ever, it is critical for REALTORS® across America to com...
  • Duplicate 8: Acknowledging experience and expertise in various real estate specialt...
  • Duplicate 9: Detailed property reports, social media content, and other business-bu...
  • Duplicate 10: Membership pays for itself thanks to exclusive savings on personal ins...
  • Duplicate 11: NAR builds industry innovation by investing in and connecting REALTORS...
  • Duplicate 12: In-depth analysis and insights on the commercial real estate market, w...
  • Duplicate 13: NAR advocates for policies that foster vibrant real estate markets, su...
  • Duplicate 14: The REALTOR® Party works to advance public policies that promote stron...
  • Duplicate 15: The Code ensures that consumers are served by requiring REALTORS® to c...
  • Duplicate 16: Members can earn and retain specialized credentials that offer extensi...
This page contains 3807 words. That's ok.
28.9% of the text are stop words.
Keywords used in the page title are also used in the page content. That's good!
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
73 paragraphs were found on this page.
The text content is perfect.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
The average number of words per sentence of 18.46 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
The file size of the HTML document is very large (606 kB).
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no" is provided.
At least one Apple touch icon is specified.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The following tag is repeated too often: follow us
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
52 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Media list

URLAlt attributeTitle
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4right tools right nowright tools right now
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4education-mega-menu_0 (1)
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4news and events
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4more-mega-menu of moving clouds of houses and trees
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Membership - real estate professional in front of a house alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Research - angular houses on an hill alt attribute provided
...ealtor/sites/default/files/housing_0.svgNo alt attribute provided
...ealtor/sites/default/files/buildings.svgNo alt attribute provided alt attribute provided
...ealtor/sites/default/files/housing_0.svgNo alt attribute provided
...ealtor/sites/default/files/buildings.svgNo alt attribute provided alt attribute provided
...ealtor/sites/default/files/housing_0.svgNo alt attribute provided
...ealtor/sites/default/files/buildings.svgNo alt attribute provided alt attribute provided
...ealtor/sites/default/files/housing_0.svgNo alt attribute provided
...ealtor/sites/default/files/buildings.svgNo alt attribute provided
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Advocacy - REALTORS® meeting in a Congressional office alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Education - professionals attending a seminar alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided alt attribute provided's Who We R logo
...fault/files/ThatsWhoWeR_REALTOR_BLUE.svgThat's Who We R logo
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Debbie Arakaki, GNA 2023
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Betsy Brint, GNA 2023
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Karen DeMarco, GNA 2023
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Rick Furnish, GNA 2023
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Kasia Maslanka, GNA 2023
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Jed Nilson, GNA 2023
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Irene Sawyer, GNA 2023
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Sandra Shank, GNA 2023
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Stephen Sharpe, GNA 2023
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Anita & Jay Sherley, GNA 2023
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc42022 GNA Finalist MaliVai Washington
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc42022 GNA Finalist Jennifer Barnes
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Steven SharpeSteven Sharpe
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Anita & Jay SherleyAnita & Jay Sherley
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4MaliVai WashingtonMaliVai Washington
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Jennifer BarnesJennifer Barnes
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Debbie ArakakiDebbie Arakaki
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Betsy BrintBetsy Brint
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Karen DeMarcoKaren DeMarco
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Rick FurnishRick Furnish
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Kasia MaslankaKasia Maslanka
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Jed NilsonJed Nilson
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Irene SawyerIrene Sawyer
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Sandra ShankSandrs Shank
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Steven SharpeSteven Sharpe
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Anita & Jay SherleyAnita & Jay Sherley
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4MaliVai WashingtonMaliVai Washington
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Jennifer BarnesJennifer Barnes
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Debbie ArakakiDebbie Arakaki
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Betsy BrintBetsy Brint
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Karen DeMarcoKaren DeMarco
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Rick FurnishRick Furnish
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Kasia MaslankaKasia Maslanka
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Jed NilsonJed Nilson
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Irene SawyerIrene Sawyer
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Sandra ShankSandrs Shank
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Steven SharpeSteven Sharpe
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Anita & Jay SherleyAnita & Jay Sherley
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4MaliVai WashingtonMaliVai Washington
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Jennifer BarnesJennifer Barnes
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Debbie ArakakiDebbie Arakaki
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Betsy BrintBetsy Brint
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Karen DeMarcoKaren DeMarco
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Rick FurnishRick Furnish
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Kasia MaslankaKasia Maslanka
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Jed NilsonJed Nilson
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Irene SawyerIrene Sawyer
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Sandra ShankSandrs Shank
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Steven SharpeSteven Sharpe
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Anita & Jay SherleyAnita & Jay Sherley
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4MaliVai WashingtonMaliVai Washington
...=75&dpl=dpl_7w4rBgguj9z7cW3HdrsAmzi3LGc4Jennifer BarnesJennifer Barnes Association of REALTORS®
...s/gbb-lt-platinum-478x310-2024-06-18.pngReview Association of REALTORS®
...les/dotrealtor-wordmark-rgb-blue-22h.pngNAR's exclusive top-level domain.NAR's exclusive top-level domain.
Video URLWidthHeight

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
There is no H1 heading specified.
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H3 Building Unity in the Fight Against Hunger
H3 Tempering a Community's Trauma
H3 Feeding Hearts and Bellies in New Jersey
H3 Empowering Hope by Transforming Kids’ Lives
H3 The Power of Good(s)
H3 Family Homes Are the Family Business
H3 Fighting Breast Cancer Together
H3 Changing Lives With Hope
H3 Seeing Beyond Their Horizons
H3 Bridge to a Purpose-filled Life
H3 Turning Teens Into Champions
H3 From Hunger to Happiness
Some internal link anchor texts are too long.
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
There are 5 links with a trivial anchor text.
The number of internal links is ok.
There are too many external links (34) on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text Close menu REALTOR® Store
/contact-usContact Subdomain Pay Dues Real Estate Topics Open submenu Membership Open submenu Research & Statistics Open submenu Advocacy Open submenu Education Open submenu News & Events Open submenu About NAR Open submenu More Open submenu Close submenu Real Estate Topics All Facts for REALTORS®
/social-mediaSocial Media
/sales-tips-techniquesSales Tips & Techniques
/mls-online-listingsMLS & Online Listings More
/being-a-real-estate-professionalBeing a Real Estate Professional
/starting-your-careerStarting Your Career
/being-a-brokerBeing a Broker
/being-an-agentBeing an Agent
/being-a-real-estate-professionalText duplicate View More
/residential-real-estateResidential Real Estate
/smart-growthSmart Growth
/vacation-resort-and-second-homesVacation, Resort, & 2nd Homes Programs
/residential-real-estateText duplicate View More
/home-inspectionsHome Inspections
/arbitration-dispute-resolutionArbitration & Dispute Resolution
/fair-housingFair Housing duplicate View More anchor text
More Text duplicate Close submenu Membership
/right-tools-right-nowRight Tools, Right Now
/membershipAll Membership Benefits
/realtor-benefits-programNAR REALTOR Benefits®
/dues-informationSubdomain Dues Information & Payment
/membership/how-to-become-a-re...Become a Member
/logos-and-trademark-rulesLogos and Trademark Rules
/my-accountYour Membership Account Text duplicate Close submenu Research & Statistics
/research-and-statisticsHighlights & News
/research-and-statistics/housi...Housing Statistics
/research-and-statistics/resea...Research Reports
/research-and-statistics/resea...Presentation Slides
/research-and-statistics/housi...State & Metro Area Data
/research-and-statistics/resea...Commercial Research
/newsroom/nar-statistical-news...Statistical News Release Schedule Text duplicate Close submenu Advocacy Issues & News
/advocacy/federal-advocacyFederal Advocacy® Political Action Committee (RPAC)
/advocacy/state-local-advocacyState & Local Advocacy Subdomain REALTOR® Party
/advocacy/get-involved-realtor...Get Involved Text duplicate Close submenu Education Education & Professional Development
/education/coursesAll NAR & Affiliate Courses
/about-nar/governing-documents...Code of Ethics Training
/education/continuing-educatio...Continuing Education (CE)
/education/designations-and-ce...Designations & Certifications
/library-archivesLibrary & Archives
/realtors-commitment-to-excell...Commitment to Excellence (C2EX)
/nar-academyNAR Academy at Columbia College Text duplicate Close submenu News & Events Newsroom® Magazine Media
/links/nar-nxt-the-realtorr-ex...NAR NXT, The REALTOR® Experience
/links/realtorsr-legislative-m...REALTORS® Legislative Meetings
/events/ae-instituteAE Institute
/links/c5-ccim-global-summitC5 Summit
/events/leadership-weekLeadership Week
/events/nar-meetings-by-yearAll Events Text duplicate Close submenu About NAR, Vision, and Diversity & Inclusion
/about-nar/governing-documents...Code of Ethics
/about-nar/nar-leadershipLeadership & Staff
/national-leadership/committee...Committee & Liaisons
/about-nar/affiliated-organiza...Affiliated Organizations
/about-nar/strategic-framework...Strategic Plan
/about-nar/governing-documentsGoverning Documents
/about-nar/awards-and-grantsAwards & Grants
/consumer-outreachNAR's Consumer Outreach Text duplicate Close submenu Text duplicate Trivial anchor text
/browse-by-sectionText duplicate View All
/directoriesTop Directories
https://directories.apps.realt...External Subdomain Find a Member
/directoriesBrowse All Directories
https://directories.apps.realt...External Subdomain Find an Office
https://directories.apps.realt...External Subdomain Find an Association
/directories/nar-group-and-tea...NAR Group and Team Directory Subdomain Committees and Directors
/browse-by-sectionBy Role Executive
/ae/volunteer-leadership-toolkitState & Local Volunteer Leader
/browse-by-sectionBy Specialty
/education/designations-and-ce...Senior Market Short Sales & Foreclosures Subdomain Land
/infographicsInfographics Series First-Time Buyer
/magazine/level-upLevel Up
/videos/window-to-the-lawWindow to the Law
/videos/next-up-commercial-seriesNext Up: Commercial
/aei-year-round-virtual-sessionsNew AE Webinar & Video Series
/magazine/driveDrive With NAR
/real-estate-todayReal Estate Today
/advocacy/advocacy-scoop-podcastThe Advocacy Scoop
/center-for-realtor-developmen...Center for REALTOR® Development
/fair-housingText duplicate Fair Housing with Diversity
/good-neighborGood Neighbor
/browse-by-sectionText duplicate Trivial anchor text
More Association of REALTORS® Text duplicate REALTOR® Store
/contact-usText duplicate Contact Subdomain Text duplicate Pay Dues duplicate Real Estate Topics duplicate View All duplicate The Facts for REALTORS® duplicate Marketing
/social-mediaText duplicate Social Media
/sales-tips-techniquesText duplicate Sales Tips & Techniques
/mls-online-listingsText duplicate MLS & Online Listings duplicate View More
/being-a-real-estate-professionalText duplicate Being a Real Estate Professional
/starting-your-careerText duplicate Starting Your Career
/being-a-brokerText duplicate Being a Broker
/being-an-agentText duplicate Being an Agent
/being-a-real-estate-professionalText duplicate View More
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/condominiumsText duplicate Condominiums
/smart-growthText duplicate Smart Growth
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/residential-real-estateText duplicate View More
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/arbitration-dispute-resolutionText duplicate Arbitration & Dispute Resolution
/fair-housingText duplicate Fair Housing duplicate Copyright duplicate View More duplicate Trivial anchor text
/membershipText duplicate Membership
/right-tools-right-nowIMG-ALT right tools right now
/membershipText duplicate All Membership Benefits
/realtor-benefits-programText duplicate NAR REALTOR Benefits®
/directoriesText duplicate Directories
/dues-informationSubdomain Text duplicate Dues Information & Payment
/membership/how-to-become-a-re...Text duplicate Become a Member
/logos-and-trademark-rulesText duplicate Logos and Trademark Rules
/my-accountText duplicate Your Membership Account
/research-and-statisticsText duplicate Research & Statistics
/research-and-statisticsText duplicate Highlights & News
/research-and-statistics/housi...Text duplicate Housing Statistics
/research-and-statistics/resea...Text duplicate Research Reports
/research-and-statistics/resea...Text duplicate Presentation Slides
/research-and-statistics/housi...Text duplicate State & Metro Area Data
/research-and-statistics/resea...Text duplicate Commercial Research
/newsroom/nar-statistical-news...Text duplicate Statistical News Release Schedule duplicate Advocacy duplicate Advocacy Issues & News
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/education/coursesText duplicate All NAR & Affiliate Courses
/about-nar/governing-documents...Text duplicate Code of Ethics Training
/education/continuing-educatio...Text duplicate Continuing Education (CE)
/education/designations-and-ce...Text duplicate Designations & Certifications
/library-archivesText duplicate Library & Archives
/realtors-commitment-to-excell...Text duplicate Commitment to Excellence (C2EX)
/nar-academyText duplicate NAR Academy at Columbia College
/news-eventsText duplicate News & Events duplicate NAR Newsroom duplicate REALTOR® Magazine Media duplicate Blogs duplicate Newsletters
/links/nar-nxt-the-realtorr-ex...Text duplicate NAR NXT, The REALTOR® Experience
/links/realtorsr-legislative-m...Text duplicate REALTORS® Legislative Meetings
/events/ae-instituteText duplicate AE Institute
/links/c5-ccim-global-summitText duplicate C5 Summit
/events/leadership-weekText duplicate Leadership Week
/events/nar-meetings-by-yearText duplicate All Events duplicate About NAR duplicate Mission, Vision, and Diversity & Inclusion
/about-nar/governing-documents...Text duplicate Code of Ethics
/about-nar/nar-leadershipText duplicate Leadership & Staff
/national-leadership/committee...Text duplicate Committee & Liaisons
/about-nar/historyText duplicate History
/about-nar/affiliated-organiza...Text duplicate Affiliated Organizations
/about-nar/strategic-framework...Text duplicate Strategic Plan
/about-nar/policiesText duplicate Policies
/about-nar/governing-documentsText duplicate Governing Documents
/about-nar/awards-and-grantsText duplicate Awards & Grants
/consumer-outreachText duplicate NAR's Consumer Outreach
/browse-by-sectionText duplicate Trivial anchor text
/browse-by-sectionText duplicate View All
/directoriesText duplicate Top Directories
https://directories.apps.realt...External Subdomain Text duplicate Find a Member
/directoriesText duplicate Browse All Directories
https://directories.apps.realt...External Subdomain Text duplicate Find an Office
https://directories.apps.realt...External Subdomain Text duplicate Find an Association
/directories/nar-group-and-tea...Text duplicate NAR Group and Team Directory Subdomain Text duplicate Committees and Directors
/browse-by-sectionText duplicate By Role duplicate Broker duplicate Association Executive
/student-membershipText duplicate Student
/appraisal-valuationText duplicate Appraiser
/ae/volunteer-leadership-toolkitText duplicate State & Local Volunteer Leader
/browse-by-sectionText duplicate By Specialty
/commercialText duplicate Commercial duplicate Global
/education/designations-and-ce...Text duplicate Senior Market Text duplicate Short Sales & Foreclosures Subdomain Text duplicate Land
/education/designations-and-ce...Text duplicate Green
/browse-by-sectionText duplicate Multimedia
/infographicsText duplicate Infographics duplicate Videos duplicate Quizzes duplicate Video Series Text duplicate First-Time Buyer
/magazine/level-upText duplicate Level Up
/videos/window-to-the-lawText duplicate Window to the Law
/videos/next-up-commercial-seriesText duplicate Next Up: Commercial
/aei-year-round-virtual-sessionsText duplicate New AE Webinar & Video Series
/browse-by-sectionText duplicate Podcasts
/magazine/driveText duplicate Drive With NAR
/real-estate-todayText duplicate Real Estate Today
/advocacy/advocacy-scoop-podcastText duplicate The Advocacy Scoop
/center-for-realtor-developmen...Text duplicate Center for REALTOR® Development
/browse-by-sectionText duplicate Programs
/fair-housingText duplicate Fair Housing duplicate Safety duplicate Leading with Diversity
/good-neighborText duplicate Good Neighbor
/browse-by-sectionText duplicate Trivial anchor text
/code-of-ethicsREALTOR® Code of Ethics
/thats-who-we-rLearn more about the "That's Who We R" campaign
/newsroom/national-association...NAR Names Matthew Cenedella as Chief Financial Officer
/newsroom/pending-home-sales-w...Pending Home Sales Waned 4.6% in January
/newsroom/second-century-ventu...2025 REACH Commercial Program Applications Open
/newsroom/existing-home-sales-...Existing-Home Sales Decreased 4.9% in January
/newsroom/nar-and-phoenix-real...NAR and Phoenix REALTORS® Reach Compliance Agreement
/newsroom/nar-congratulates-sc...NAR Congratulates Next HUD Secretary Scott Turner
/latest-news-from-narView All News
/code-of-ethicsText duplicate Code of Ethics Subdomain Find a REALTOR®. Our History.
/leadrshp.nsf/?OpenDatabaseSubdomain Find one near you.
/education/designations-and-ce...Learn more.
/code-of-ethicsText duplicate REALTOR® Code of Ethics
/membershipExplore Benefits
/membershipGet Empowered Use NAR resources and campaigns to help you demonstrate the value of working with a REALTOR®.
/membershipGet Noticed Detailed property reports, social media content, and other business-building resources exclusively for REALTORS®.
/realtor-benefits-programGet Savings Membership pays for itself thanks to exclusive savings on personal insurance, technology tools, marketing solutions, and more.
/membershipGet Connected NAR builds industry innovation by investing in and connecting REALTORS® with companies transforming real estate.
/membershipText duplicate Get Empowered Use NAR resources and campaigns to help you demonstrate the value of working with a REALTOR®.
/membershipText duplicate Get Noticed Detailed property reports, social media content, and other business-building resources exclusively for REALTORS®.
/realtor-benefits-programText duplicate Get Savings Membership pays for itself thanks to exclusive savings on personal insurance, technology tools, marketing solutions, and more.
/membershipText duplicate Get Connected NAR builds industry innovation by investing in and connecting REALTORS® with companies transforming real estate.
/membershipText duplicate Get Empowered Use NAR resources and campaigns to help you demonstrate the value of working with a REALTOR®.
/membershipText duplicate Get Noticed Detailed property reports, social media content, and other business-building resources exclusively for REALTORS®.
/realtor-benefits-programText duplicate Get Savings Membership pays for itself thanks to exclusive savings on personal insurance, technology tools, marketing solutions, and more.
/membershipText duplicate Get Connected NAR builds industry innovation by investing in and connecting REALTORS® with companies transforming real estate.
/membershipText duplicate Get Empowered Use NAR resources and campaigns to help you demonstrate the value of working with a REALTOR®.
/membershipText duplicate Get Noticed Detailed property reports, social media content, and other business-building resources exclusively for REALTORS®.
/realtor-benefits-programText duplicate Get Savings Membership pays for itself thanks to exclusive savings on personal insurance, technology tools, marketing solutions, and more.
/membershipText duplicate Get Connected NAR builds industry innovation by investing in and connecting REALTORS® with companies transforming real estate.
/research-and-statisticsKnow the Numbers
/research-and-statistics/resea...Research Reports Use market and survey data to forecast trends and plan your business strategy.
/research-and-statistics/housi...Housing Statistics NAR tracks activity, sales, and prices at the national, regional, and metro-market level.
/research-and-statistics/resea...Commercial Research In-depth analysis and insights on the commercial real estate market, with a focus on multifamily, office, industrial, and retail properti...
/research-and-statistics/resea...Text duplicate Research Reports Use market and survey data to forecast trends and plan your business strategy.
/research-and-statistics/housi...Text duplicate Housing Statistics NAR tracks activity, sales, and prices at the national, regional, and metro-market level.
/research-and-statistics/resea...Text duplicate Commercial Research In-depth analysis and insights on the commercial real estate market, with a focus on multifamily, office, industrial, and retail properti...
/research-and-statistics/resea...Text duplicate Research Reports Use market and survey data to forecast trends and plan your business strategy.
/research-and-statistics/housi...Text duplicate Housing Statistics NAR tracks activity, sales, and prices at the national, regional, and metro-market level.
/research-and-statistics/resea...Text duplicate Commercial Research In-depth analysis and insights on the commercial real estate market, with a focus on multifamily, office, industrial, and retail properti...
/research-and-statistics/resea...Text duplicate Research Reports Use market and survey data to forecast trends and plan your business strategy.
/research-and-statistics/housi...Text duplicate Housing Statistics NAR tracks activity, sales, and prices at the national, regional, and metro-market level.
/research-and-statistics/resea...Text duplicate Commercial Research In-depth analysis and insights on the commercial real estate market, with a focus on multifamily, office, industrial, and retail properti... the Issues
/advocacy/federal-advocacyFederal NAR advocates for policies that foster vibrant real estate markets, support the industry, and protect consumers.
/advocacy/state-local-advocacyState & Local The REALTOR® Party works to advance public policies that promote strong communities, property interests, and a vibrant business environment.
/advocacy/get-involvedGet Involved Now more than ever, it is critical for REALTORS® across America to come together and speak with one voice.
/advocacy/federal-advocacyText duplicate Federal NAR advocates for policies that foster vibrant real estate markets, support the industry, and protect consumers.
/advocacy/state-local-advocacyText duplicate State & Local The REALTOR® Party works to advance public policies that promote strong communities, property interests, and a vibrant business environment.
/advocacy/get-involvedText duplicate Get Involved Now more than ever, it is critical for REALTORS® across America to come together and speak with one voice.
/advocacy/federal-advocacyText duplicate Federal NAR advocates for policies that foster vibrant real estate markets, support the industry, and protect consumers.
/advocacy/state-local-advocacyText duplicate State & Local The REALTOR® Party works to advance public policies that promote strong communities, property interests, and a vibrant business environment.
/advocacy/get-involvedText duplicate Get Involved Now more than ever, it is critical for REALTORS® across America to come together and speak with one voice.
/advocacy/federal-advocacyText duplicate Federal NAR advocates for policies that foster vibrant real estate markets, support the industry, and protect consumers.
/advocacy/state-local-advocacyText duplicate State & Local The REALTOR® Party works to advance public policies that promote strong communities, property interests, and a vibrant business environment.
/advocacy/get-involvedText duplicate Get Involved Now more than ever, it is critical for REALTORS® across America to come together and speak with one voice. Your Expertise
/code-of-ethicsCode of Ethics The Code ensures that consumers are served by requiring REALTORS® to cooperate in furthering clients' best interests.
/designations-and-certificationsDesignations & Certifications Members can earn and retain specialized credentials that offer extensive benefits, including continuous learning. to Excellence C2EX empowers REALTORS® to evaluate, enhance, and showcase their highest levels of professionalism.
/code-of-ethicsText duplicate Code of Ethics The Code ensures that consumers are served by requiring REALTORS® to cooperate in furthering clients' best interests.
/designations-and-certificationsText duplicate Designations & Certifications Members can earn and retain specialized credentials that offer extensive benefits, including continuous learning. duplicate Commitment to Excellence C2EX empowers REALTORS® to evaluate, enhance, and showcase their highest levels of professionalism.
/code-of-ethicsText duplicate Code of Ethics The Code ensures that consumers are served by requiring REALTORS® to cooperate in furthering clients' best interests.
/designations-and-certificationsText duplicate Designations & Certifications Members can earn and retain specialized credentials that offer extensive benefits, including continuous learning. duplicate Commitment to Excellence C2EX empowers REALTORS® to evaluate, enhance, and showcase their highest levels of professionalism.
/code-of-ethicsText duplicate Code of Ethics The Code ensures that consumers are served by requiring REALTORS® to cooperate in furthering clients' best interests.
/designations-and-certificationsText duplicate Designations & Certifications Members can earn and retain specialized credentials that offer extensive benefits, including continuous learning. duplicate Commitment to Excellence C2EX empowers REALTORS® to evaluate, enhance, and showcase their highest levels of professionalism.
/thats-who-we-rThat's Who We R
/good-neighbor-awards/building...Subdomain Read her story
/good-neighbor-awards/temperin...Subdomain Text duplicate Read her story
/good-neighbor-awards/feeding-...Subdomain Text duplicate Read her story
/good-neighbor-awards/empoweri...Subdomain Read his story
/good-neighbor-awards/the-powe...Subdomain Text duplicate Read her story
/good-neighbor-awards/family-h...Subdomain Text duplicate Read his story
/good-neighbor-awards/fighting...Subdomain Text duplicate Read her story
/good-neighbor-awards/changing...Subdomain Text duplicate Read her story
/good-neighbor-awards/seeing-b...Subdomain Text duplicate Read his story
/good-neighbor-awards/bridge-t...Subdomain Read their story
/good-neighbor-awards/turning-...Subdomain Text duplicate Read his story
/good-neighbor-awards/from-hun...Subdomain Text duplicate Read her story
/good-neighbor-awards/seeing-b...Subdomain IMG-ALT Steven Sharpe
/good-neighbor-awards/bridge-t...Subdomain IMG-ALT Anita & Jay Sherley
/good-neighbor-awards/turning-...Subdomain IMG-ALT MaliVai Washington
/good-neighbor-awards/from-hun...Subdomain IMG-ALT Jennifer Barnes
/good-neighbor-awards/building...Subdomain IMG-ALT Debbie Arakaki
/good-neighbor-awards/temperin...Subdomain IMG-ALT Betsy Brint
/good-neighbor-awards/feeding-...Subdomain IMG-ALT Karen DeMarco
/good-neighbor-awards/empoweri...Subdomain IMG-ALT Rick Furnish
/good-neighbor-awards/the-powe...Subdomain IMG-ALT Kasia Maslanka
/good-neighbor-awards/family-h...Subdomain IMG-ALT Jed Nilson
/good-neighbor-awards/fighting...Subdomain IMG-ALT Irene Sawyer
/good-neighbor-awards/changing...Subdomain IMG-ALT Sandra Shank
/good-neighbor-awards/seeing-b...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Steven Sharpe
/good-neighbor-awards/bridge-t...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Anita & Jay Sherley
/good-neighbor-awards/turning-...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT MaliVai Washington
/good-neighbor-awards/from-hun...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Jennifer Barnes
/good-neighbor-awards/building...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Debbie Arakaki
/good-neighbor-awards/temperin...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Betsy Brint
/good-neighbor-awards/feeding-...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Karen DeMarco
/good-neighbor-awards/empoweri...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Rick Furnish
/good-neighbor-awards/the-powe...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Kasia Maslanka
/good-neighbor-awards/family-h...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Jed Nilson
/good-neighbor-awards/fighting...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Irene Sawyer
/good-neighbor-awards/changing...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Sandra Shank
/good-neighbor-awards/seeing-b...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Steven Sharpe
/good-neighbor-awards/bridge-t...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Anita & Jay Sherley
/good-neighbor-awards/turning-...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT MaliVai Washington
/good-neighbor-awards/from-hun...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Jennifer Barnes
/node/161072register to access all NAR newsletters.
/privacy-policyPrivacy Policy Text duplicate IMG-ALT National Association of REALTORS®
/contact-usSubdomain Contact Us Chat window External IMG-ALT Review
A-TITLE Rating and Review Subdomain Facebook Instagram Subdomain LinkedIn Twitter Subdomain Youtube duplicate Newsletters
/additional-resources-for-memb...Additional Resources for Members & the Public
/data-privacy-security/privacy...Text duplicate Privacy Policy
/technology-and-safety-alerts/...Accessibility Statement
/terms-of-useTerms of Use
/contact-usSubdomain Text duplicate Contact Us duplicate Live Chat Subdomain Text duplicate Facebook Text duplicate Instagram Subdomain Text duplicate LinkedIn Text duplicate Twitter Subdomain Text duplicate Youtube Text duplicate IMG-ALT National Association of REALTORS® Subdomain IMG-ALT NAR's exclusive top-level domain. Subdomain NAR's exclusive top-level domain.(link is external)

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National Association of REALTORS®
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