Order.blumenzwiebel.nl - SEO Checker

Overview of the SEO Check
Meta information
Page quality
Page structure
Link structure
External factors
SEO Score
Response time
0.53 s
File size
158.10 kB
Media files
Number of links
228 internal / 4 external

Task list of SEO Improvements

Meta specifications

(Critically important)
Blumenzwiebeln | Hohe Qualität von Blumenzwiebel
The length of the page title is perfect. (466 pixels out of 580 max pixel length)
There are no duplicate words in the title
Meta description
(Critically important)
Bei Blumenzwiebel finden Sie ein großes Sortiment an Blumenzwiebeln. Unsere Blumenzwiebeln sind für ihre Qualität und schöne Blüte bekannt.
The length of the meta description is perfect. (896 pixels out of 1000 max pixel length)
(Critically important)
There are no problems in accessing the website.
Canonical URL
No canonical link is specified.
(Somewhat important)
Language detected in text: de
Language defined in HTML: de
Server location: United States of America
The following language is defined by HTML: de
Alternate/Hreflang Links
(Somewhat important)
There are no alternate links specified on this page.
Other meta tags
(Somewhat important)
There is no rel next meta tag on this page.
There is no rel prev meta tag on this page.
(Somewhat important)
This page is hosted on a subdomain. Use a top level domain for better SEO results.
The domain does not contain non-latin characters.
Page URL
(Somewhat important)
No parameters were found in the URL.
No session ID was found in the URL.
The URL does not have too many subdirectories.
Charset encoding
(Somewhat important)
The charset encoding (UTF-8) is set correctly.
(Nice to have)
The doctype HTML 5 is set correctly.
The doctype is placed at first in the HTML code.
(Nice to have)
The favicon is linked correctly.

Meta tags

descriptionBei Blumenzwiebel finden Sie ein großes Sortiment an Blumenzwiebeln. Unsere Blumenzwiebeln sind für ihre Qualität und schöne Blüte bekannt.
keywordsShop, prestashop
viewportwidth=device-width, initial-scale=1

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Page quality

(Critically important)
Some words from the page title are not used within the pages content
This page contains 922 words. That's ok.
14.2% of the text are stop words.
The page contains a listing, which indicates a good text layout.
7 paragraphs were found on this page.
No placeholders texts or images were found.
There are no duplicates on the site.
The average number of words per sentence of 12 words is good.
(Critically important)
This page does not use a frameset.
Mobile optimization
(Somewhat important)
No Apple touch icon is specified.
A viewport "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" is provided.
Bold and strong tags
(Somewhat important)
The usage of strong and bold tags is perfect. We recommend the use of up to 18 tags for this page.
Image SEO
(Somewhat important)
1 images have no alt attribute. The content of alt attributes is used by search engines.
Social Networks
(Nice to have)
There are only a few social sharing widgets on the page. Make your website popular in social networks with social sharing widgets.
Additional markup
(Nice to have)
No additional page markup was found.
(Somewhat important)
This website uses HTTPS to protect privacy and integrity of the exchanged data.
All included files are also transferred via HTTPS.

Page structure

H1 heading
(Critically important)
The H1 heading is empty
The structure of headings is missing one or more levels. Do not skip heading levels.
Some headings do not have any content.

Heading structure

Heading levelContent
H1 Empty heading
H1 Empty heading
H1 Bellevalia pycnantha
H1 Tulipa 'Strong Gold'
H1 Narcissus 'Eaton Song'
H1 Hyacinthus 'Purple Sensation'
H1 Iris hollandica 'Autumn Princess'®
H1 Narcissus 'Sailors's Choice'®
H1 Tulipa 'Little Beauty'
H1 Ornithogalum balansae
H1 Ranunculus asiaticus 'Aviv' roze
H1 Narcissus 'Winter Starlet'
H1 Tulipa 'Elegant Crown'
H1 Tulipa 'Librije'
H1 Fritillaria elwesii
H1 Ranunculus asiaticus 'Aviv' oranje
H3 Benachrichtigung
H3 Katalog
H3 Service
H3 Information
H3 Versand
H3 Großverbrauch
H3 Kontakt
Some internal links have dynamic parameters. All internal URLs, which are not marked as nofollow, should not contain dynamic parameters.
Some anchor texts are used more than once.
The number of internal links is ok.
None of the anchor texts is too long.
There are 4 external links on this page.
LinkAttributesAnchor text
/mein-KontoNofollow Subdomain  Anmelden
A-TITLE Anmelden zu Ihrem Kundenbereich
https://order.blumenzwiebel.nl/Subdomain IMG-ALT Blumenzwiebel
/68-saisonende-saleSubdomain Saisonende Sale
/62-fruehjahrblueherSubdomain   Frühjahrblüher
/82-alliumSubdomain   Allium
/83-allium-grossblumigSubdomain Allium, großblumig
/84-allium-kleinblumigSubdomain Allium, kleinblumig
/85-blumenzwiebel-und-knolleng...Subdomain   Blumenzwiebel- und Knollengewächse, sonstig
/86-anemoneSubdomain   Anemone
/87-anemone-coronariaSubdomain Anemone coronaria
/88-anemone-niedrige-sortenSubdomain Anemone, niedrige Sorten
/89-arumSubdomain Arum
/90-bellevaliaSubdomain Bellevalia
/91-camassiaSubdomain Camassia
/92-chionodoxaSubdomain Chionodoxa
/93-corydalisSubdomain Corydalis
/94-cyclamenSubdomain Cyclamen
/95-dichelostemmaSubdomain Dichelostemma
/96-eranthisSubdomain Eranthis
/75-eremurusSubdomain Eremurus
/97-erythroniumSubdomain Erythronium
/98-fritillariaSubdomain   Fritillaria
/99-fritillaria-crownSubdomain Fritillaria Crown
/100-fritillaria-sonstigSubdomain Fritillaria, sonstig
/101-galanthusSubdomain Galanthus
/102-geraniumSubdomain Geranium
/163-gladiolus-hSubdomain Gladiolus H
/103-hermodactylusSubdomain Hermodactylus
/105-hyacinthoidesSubdomain Hyacinthoides
/106-ipheionSubdomain Ipheion
/111-ixiolirionSubdomain Ixiolirion
/112-leucojumSubdomain Leucojum
/113-liliumSubdomain Lilium
/114-muscariSubdomain Muscari
/115-nectaroscordumSubdomain Nectaroscordum
/116-ornithogalumSubdomain Ornithogalum
/117-oxalisSubdomain Oxalis
/118-puschkiniaSubdomain Puschkinia
/119-ranunculusSubdomain Ranunculus
/120-scillaSubdomain Scilla
/122-triteleiaSubdomain Triteleia
/164-zantedeschia-hSubdomain Zantedeschia H
/123-krokusSubdomain   Krokus
/124-crocus-kleinblumigSubdomain Crocus, kleinblumig
/125-crocus-grossblumigSubdomain Crocus, großblumig
/126-hyazinthenSubdomain   Hyazinthen
/127-hyazinthen-gefuelltSubdomain Hyazinthen, gefüllt
/128-hyazinthen-einfachSubdomain Hyazinthen, einfach
/107-irisSubdomain   Iris
/108-iris-hollandicaSubdomain Iris hollandica
/109-iris-zwerg-irisSubdomain Iris, Zwerg-Iris
/130-narzissenSubdomain   Narzissen
/131-narzissen-trompetenSubdomain Narzissen, Trompeten
/132-narzissen-grosskronigSubdomain Narzissen, großkronig
/133-narzissen-kleinkronigSubdomain Narzissen, kleinkronig
/134-narzissen-gefuelltbluehendSubdomain Narzissen, gefülltblühend
/135-narzissen-triandrusSubdomain Narzissen, triandrus
/136-narzissen-cyclamineusSubdomain Narzissen, cyclamineus
/137-narzissen-jonquillenSubdomain Narzissen, jonquillen
/138-narzissen-tazettenSubdomain Narzissen, Tazetten
/139-narzissen-poeticusSubdomain Narzissen, poeticus
/173-narzissen-bulbocodiumSubdomain Narzissen, Bulbocodium
/141-narzissen-geschlitztkronigSubdomain Narzissen, Geschlitztkronig
/142-narzissen-sonstigSubdomain Narzissen, sonstig
/140-narzissen-wildartenSubdomain Narzissen, wildarten
/143-tulpenSubdomain   Tulpen
/190-coronet-tulpenSubdomain Coronet-Tulpen
/144-darwin-tulpenSubdomain Darwin-Tulpen
/191-duc-van-tol-tulpenSubdomain Duc van Tol-Tulpen
/145-gefuellte-tulpenSubdomain Gefüllte Tulpen
/146-einfache-spaete-tulpenSubdomain Einfache späte Tulpen
/147-einfache-fruehe-tulpenSubdomain Einfache Frühe Tulpen
/148-fosteriana-tulpenSubdomain Fosteriana-Tulpen
/149-gefranste-tulpenSubdomain Gefranste Tulpen
/150-greigii-tulpenSubdomain Greigii-Tulpen
/151-kaufmanniana-tulpenSubdomain Kaufmanniana-Tulpen
/152-lilienbluetige-tulpenSubdomain Lilienblütige Tulpen
/153-papageientulpenSubdomain Papageientulpen
/154-triumph-tulpenSubdomain Triumph-Tulpen
/155-viridiflora-tulpenSubdomain Viridiflora-Tulpen
/156-mehrblumige-tulpenSubdomain Mehrblumige Tulpen
/157-wildtulpenSubdomain Wildtulpen
/196-neu-herbst-2024Subdomain Neu, Herbst 2024
/63-herbstblueherSubdomain   Herbstblüher
/158-colchicumSubdomain Colchicum
/159-crocus-herbstbluehendSubdomain Crocus, herbstblühend
/160-cyclamen-herbstbluehendSubdomain Cyclamen, herbstblühend
/161-sonstige-herbstblueherSubdomain Sonstige Herbstblüher
/64-zimmerkulturSubdomain   Zimmerkultur
/65-hippeastrumSubdomain   Hippeastrum
/78-hippeastrum-galaxy-groupSubdomain Hippeastrum, Galaxy group
/76-hippeastrum-diamond-groupSubdomain Hippeastrum, Diamond group
/192-hippeastrum-diamond-group...Subdomain Hippeastrum, Diamond group, Multiflora
/77-hippeastrum-double-galaxy-...Subdomain Hippeastrum, Double Galaxy group
/193-hippeastrum-spider-groupSubdomain Hippeastrum, Spider group
/79-hippeastrum-butterfly-groupSubdomain Hippeastrum, Butterfly group
/194-hippeastrum-trumpet-groupSubdomain Hippeastrum, Trumpet group
/66-hyazinthen-fuer-ins-fensterSubdomain Hyazinthen für ins Fenster
/67-paperwhite-narcissenSubdomain Paperwhite-Narcissen
/162-blumenzwiebeln-fuer-zimme...Subdomain Blumenzwiebeln für Zimmerkultur, sonstig
/71-gartenarbeit-zubehoerSubdomain   Gartenarbeit, Zubehör
/80-fuer-die-blumenzwiebelnSubdomain Für die Blumenzwiebeln
/187-fuer-die-aussaatSubdomain Für die Aussaat
/188-fuer-den-gartenSubdomain Für den Garten
/165-sneeboer-qualitaet-garten...Subdomain Sneeboer, Qualität Gartengeräte
/195-kixx-handschuheSubdomain Kixx Handschuhe
/197-buecherSubdomain Bücher
/69-mischungen-sonderangeboteSubdomain Mischungen & Sonderangebote
/3-sommerblueherSubdomain   Sommerblüher
/198-neu-in-2024Subdomain Neu in 2024
/19-anemoneSubdomain Anemone
/20-arisaemaSubdomain Arisaema
/22-begoniaSubdomain Begonia
/171-cannaSubdomain Canna
/23-crocosmiaSubdomain Crocosmia
/24-dahliaSubdomain   Dahlia
/26-dahlia-anemonenbluetigSubdomain Dahlia, Anemonenblütig
/27-dahlia-ballSubdomain Dahlia, Ball
/28-dahlia-kaktus-en-semikaktusSubdomain Dahlia, Kaktus en Semikaktus
/29-dahlia-dark-angelSubdomain Dahlia, Dark Angel
/30-dalhia-dekorativSubdomain Dalhia, Dekorativ
/31-dahlia-dekorative-seerosen...Subdomain Dahlia, Dekorative, Seerosen-Typ
/32-dahlia-einfachSubdomain Dahlia, Einfach
/33-dahlia-hirschgeweihSubdomain Dahlia, Hirschgeweih
/34-dahlia-gallerySubdomain Dahlia, Gallery
/35-dahlia-halskrausSubdomain Dahlia, Halskraus
/36-dahlia-happy-singleSubdomain Dahlia, Happy Single
/37-dahlia-karmaSubdomain Dahlia, Karma
/41-dahlia-paeonienSubdomain Dahlia, Päonien
/42-dahlia-pomponSubdomain Dahlia, Pompon
/39-dahlia-stern-orchideenSubdomain Dahlia, Stern, Orchideen
/40-dahlia-weitere-spezialitaetenSubdomain Dahlia, weitere Spezialitäten
/43-gladiolusSubdomain Gladiolus
/72-irisSubdomain Iris
/45-liliumSubdomain   Lilium
/46-lilien-asiatischSubdomain Lilien, Asiatisch
/172-lilien-gefuellte-bluetenSubdomain Lilien, gefüllte Blüten
/169-lilien-martagon-gruppeSubdomain Lilien, Martagon-Gruppe
/47-lilien-orientalSubdomain Lilien, Oriental
/48-lilien-otSubdomain Lilien, OT
/49-lilien-tigerSubdomain Lilien, Tiger
/50-lilien-trompetenSubdomain Lilien, Trompeten
/51-lilien-wildformenSubdomain Lilien, wildformen
/54-orchideenSubdomain Orchideen
/52-nerineSubdomain Nerine
/53-oxalisSubdomain Text duplicate Oxalis
/56-trilliumSubdomain Trillium
/175-salomonssiegelSubdomain Salomonssiegel
/55-ranunculusSubdomain Text duplicate Ranunculus
/174-staudenSubdomain Stauden
/170-ziergraeserSubdomain Ziergräser
/57-zantedeschia-callaSubdomain Zantedeschia (Calla)
/58-sonstige-sommerblueher-a-lSubdomain Sonstige Sommerblüher A-L
/59-sonstige-sommerblueher-m-zSubdomain Sonstige Sommerblüher M-Z
/176-saatgutSubdomain   Saatgut
/177-saatgut-blumenSubdomain   Saatgut: Blumen
/183-blumensamen-einjaehrigSubdomain Blumensamen, einjährig
/184-blumensamen-zwei-bis-mehr...Subdomain Blumensamen, zwei- bis mehrjärig
/178-saatgut-gemueseSubdomain Saatgut: Gemüse
/179-saatgut-kuechenkraeuterSubdomain Saatgut: Küchenkräuter
/180-saatgut-kletterpflanzenSubdomain Saatgut: Kletterpflanzen
/181-saatgut-zierfruechteSubdomain Saatgut: Zierfrüchte
/182-saatgut-blumenmischungenSubdomain Saatgut: Blumenmischungen
https://order.blumenzwiebel.nl/Subdomain Startseite
/68-saisonende-saleSubdomain Text duplicate Saisonende Sale
/62-fruehjahrblueherSubdomain Frühjahrblüher
/196-neu-herbst-2024Subdomain Text duplicate Neu, Herbst 2024
/63-herbstblueherSubdomain Herbstblüher
/64-zimmerkulturSubdomain Zimmerkultur
/71-gartenarbeit-zubehoerSubdomain Gartenarbeit, Zubehör
/69-mischungen-sonderangeboteSubdomain Text duplicate Mischungen & Sonderangebote
/3-sommerblueherSubdomain Sommerblüher
/176-saatgutSubdomain Saatgut
http://www.eurobulb.nl/External Subdomain EuroBulb.nl
http://www.blumenzwiebel.nl/External Subdomain BlumenZwiebel.nl
http://www.verberghe.nl/External Subdomain Verberghe.nl
/bellevalia/1023-bellevalia-py...Subdomain IMG-ALT Bellevalia pycnantha
/bellevalia/1023-bellevalia-py...Subdomain Text duplicate Bellevalia pycnantha
/triumph-tulpen/6480-tulipa-st...Subdomain IMG-ALT Tulipa 'Strong Gold'
/triumph-tulpen/6480-tulipa-st...Subdomain Text duplicate Tulipa 'Strong Gold'
/narzissen-sonstig/16456-narci...Subdomain IMG-ALT Narcissus 'Eaton Song'
/narzissen-sonstig/16456-narci...Subdomain Text duplicate Narcissus 'Eaton Song'
/hyazinthen-einfach/16170-hyac...Subdomain IMG-ALT Hyacinthus 'Purple Sensation'
/hyazinthen-einfach/16170-hyac...Subdomain Text duplicate Hyacinthus 'Purple Sensation'
/iris-hollandica/1175-iris-hol...Subdomain IMG-ALT Iris hollandica 'Autumn...
/iris-hollandica/1175-iris-hol...Subdomain Iris hollandica 'Autumn Princess'®
/narzissen-jonquillen/16334-na...Subdomain IMG-ALT Narcissus 'Sailors's Choice'®
/narzissen-jonquillen/16334-na...Subdomain Text duplicate Narcissus 'Sailors's Choice'®
/wildtulpen/6024-tulipa-little...Subdomain IMG-ALT Tulipa 'Little Beauty'
/wildtulpen/6024-tulipa-little...Subdomain Text duplicate Tulipa 'Little Beauty'
/ornithogalum/16619-ornithogal...Subdomain IMG-ALT Ornithogalum balansae
/ornithogalum/16619-ornithogal...Subdomain Text duplicate Ornithogalum balansae
/ranunculus/10529-ranunculus-a...Subdomain IMG-ALT Ranunculus asiaticus 'Aviv'...
/ranunculus/10529-ranunculus-a...Subdomain Ranunculus asiaticus 'Aviv' roze
/narzissen-geschlitztkronig/17...Subdomain IMG-ALT Narcissus 'Winter Starlet'
/narzissen-geschlitztkronig/17...Subdomain Text duplicate Narcissus 'Winter Starlet'
/coronet-tulpen/17342-tulipa-e...Subdomain IMG-ALT Tulipa 'Elegant Crown'
/coronet-tulpen/17342-tulipa-e...Subdomain Text duplicate Tulipa 'Elegant Crown'
/triumph-tulpen/17583-tulipa-l...Subdomain IMG-ALT Tulipa 'Librije'
/triumph-tulpen/17583-tulipa-l...Subdomain Text duplicate Tulipa 'Librije'
/fritillaria-sonstig/1086-frit...Subdomain IMG-ALT Fritillaria elwesii
/fritillaria-sonstig/1086-frit...Subdomain Text duplicate Fritillaria elwesii
/ranunculus/10527-ranunculus-a...Subdomain Text duplicate IMG-ALT Ranunculus asiaticus 'Aviv'...
/ranunculus/10527-ranunculus-a...Subdomain Ranunculus asiaticus 'Aviv' oranje
/62-fruehjahrblueherSubdomain Alle Artikel
/62-voorjaarsbloeiersSubdomain Frühjahrsblüher
/63-najaarsbloeiersSubdomain Text duplicate Herbstblüher
/64-kamercultuurSubdomain Text duplicate Zimmerkultur
/3-zomerbloeierSubdomain Text duplicate Sommerblüher
/71-overige-artikelenSubdomain Sonstige Artikel
/69-angebotSubdomain Text duplicate Mischungen & Sonderangebote
/content/3-allgemeine-geschaef...Subdomain Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen
/content/4-ImpressumSubdomain Impressum
A-TITLE Learn more about us
/content/5-sichere-zahlungSubdomain Sichere Zahlung
A-TITLE Unsere Sicherheits-Zahlungsmethoden
/content/15-datenschutzSubdomain Datenschutz
A-TITLE Datenschutz
/kontaktieren-sie-unsSubdomain Kontaktieren Sie uns
A-TITLE Nutzen Sie unser Kontaktformular
/mein-KontoSubdomain Mein Konto
/content/7-pflanzanweisungenSubdomain Pflanzanweisungen
/content/10-keukenhofSubdomain Keukenhof
/content/11-zwiebelgroesseSubdomain Zwiebelgröße
/content/12-bestell-infosSubdomain Bestell-Infos
A-TITLE Bestell-Infos
/content/17-mwstrichtlinienSubdomain EU-MwSt._Richtlinien
/content/18-hippeastrum-gruppe...Subdomain Hippeastrum, Gruppenklassifizierung
/content/19-hippeastrum-mehrja...Subdomain Hippeastrum, mehrjährig blühend
/content/6-KlimazoneSubdomain Klimazone
/content/1-LieferungSubdomain Lieferung
A-TITLE Unsere Lieferbedingungen
/content/13-versandkostenSubdomain Versandkosten
A-TITLE Versandkosten
/content/20-track-traceSubdomain Track & Trace
/content/16-lieferzeitSubdomain Lieferzeit
/content/22-versandzeitraeume-...Subdomain Versandzeiträume und Pflanzanweisungen
/index.php?controller=delivery...Subdomain Kontrollieren versandzeit
https://order.wholesalebulbs.n...New window External Subdomain Wholesalebulbs.nl

Server configuration

HTTP redirects
(Critically important)
This page redirects to "https://order.blumenzwiebel.nl/"
HTTP header
No X-Powered HTTP header is sent.
This page uses GZip for compressed data transmission.
(Somewhat important)
The page response time of 0.53 seconds is longer than the recommended limit of 0.4 seconds. A high response time unnecessarily slows down search engine crawling and results in bad user experience as well.
The file size of the HTML document is fine (158 kB).

HTTP Response Header

dateWed, 04 Dec 2024 08:39:06 GMT
expiresThu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
cache-controlno-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
set-cookie469 Characters
content-typetext/html; charset=utf-8

External factors

This website has excellent links from other websites.
This page has backlinks from 53 referring domains.
This page has 119 backlinks.
This page has backlinks from 49 different ip addresses.

Links from Wikipedia

No links from Wikipedia were found.


# robots.txt automatically generated by PrestaShop e-commerce open-source solution
# http://www.prestashop.com - http://www.prestashop.com/forums
# This file is to prevent the crawling and indexing of certain parts
# of your site by web crawlers and spiders run by sites like Yahoo!
# and Google. By telling these "robots" where not to go on your site,
# you save bandwidth and server resources.
# For more information about the robots.txt standard, see:
# http://www.robotstxt.org/robotstxt.html
User-agent: *
# Allow Directives
Allow: */modules/*.css
Allow: */modules/*.js
Allow: */modules/*.png
Allow: */modules/*.jpg
Allow: /js/jquery/*
# Private pages
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Disallow: /*controller=pdf-order-slip
Disallow: /*controller=product-sort
Disallow: /*controller=search
Disallow: /*controller=statistics
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Disallow: /*controller=guest-tracking
# Directories for order.blumenzwiebel.nl
Disallow: /app/
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Disallow: /download/
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Disallow: /log/
Disallow: /mails/
Disallow: /modules/
Disallow: /override/
Disallow: /pdf/
Disallow: /src/
Disallow: /tools/
Disallow: /translations/
Disallow: /upload/
Disallow: /var/
Disallow: /vendor/
Disallow: /webservice/
Disallow: /de/app/
Disallow: /de/cache/
Disallow: /de/classes/
Disallow: /de/config/
Disallow: /de/controllers/
Disallow: /de/download/
Disallow: /de/js/
Disallow: /de/localization/
Disallow: /de/log/
Disallow: /de/mails/
Disallow: /de/modules/
Disallow: /de/override/
Disallow: /de/pdf/
Disallow: /de/src/
Disallow: /de/tools/
Disallow: /de/translations/
Disallow: /de/upload/
Disallow: /de/var/
Disallow: /de/vendor/
Disallow: /de/webservice/
# Files
Disallow: /*de/adresse
Disallow: /*de/adressen
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Disallow: /*de/warenkorb
Disallow: /*de/Rabatt
Disallow: /*de/auftragsverfolgung-gast
Disallow: /*de/bestellungsverlauf
Disallow: /*de/kennung
Disallow: /*de/mein-Konto
Disallow: /*de/bestellung
Disallow: /*de/bestellbestatigung
Disallow: /*de/bestellungsverfolgung
Disallow: /*de/bestellschein
Disallow: /*de/kennwort-wiederherstellung
Disallow: /*de/suche
# Sitemap
Sitemap: https://order.blumenzwiebel.nl/1_index_sitemap.xml

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Blumenzwiebeln | Hohe Qualität von Blumenzwiebel
Bei Blumenzwiebel finden Sie ein großes Sortiment an Blumenzwiebeln. Unsere Blumenzwiebeln sind für ihre Qualität und schöne Blüte bekannt.

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